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s t r u c t u r e

= a

wharf sea

jeered taunted a
heard clearly
apparently = obviously =

pilgrimage journey to a place that you muffled

admire solitary kind of tree
mates companions, friends
elm passed, gone by
blend mixture
elapsed feelings
of pain
Senius unusually great intelligence =

pangs = moving
scream shriek
stirring dejected, sad
ecstatic extremely happy despondent
pub =a place where alcoholic visualise

drinks are served =
supported by
inguisition = investigation propped against on the
light brown spots
startled surprised freckled skin
frowned made an angry expression shine with a soft light
gawky awkward = a small animal like a
row = a serious disagreement in a slow and
chuffed = delighted lumbering awkward way
sacred = that is treated with respect = triumphant
glare bright light or agreement
approbation =approval
hushed = silenced


two girls would find 6ok
Where was it most likely thatthetwo
school ?
work after Chyw-
s S Wow0 Had Okto
families. Sophie was
Ans. The two girls, Sophie and Jansie, belonged to lower middle clss
highly romantic whereas Jansie was a realist. Jansie thoughtthat it was most likely that
after school.
they would find work in a biscuit factory
z What were the options that Sophie was dreaming of ? Why does Jansie discourage
her from having dreams ?

Ans. Sophie who belonged to lower-middle class-family was a day-dreamer.

She was highly

romantic and dreamt of big thingsin life.she wanted to open a boutique or become an
agtress. She also dreamt of becoming a tashion designer. Jansie was a realist and so she
discouraged Sophie from having dreams which were impossible to realise
when Geoff told his tather that she had met Danny Casev ?
Why did Sophie wriggle
When Geoff told his father that sophie naa met Danny Casey, a star footballer, he
f r n e d his head and looked at her win aisaain. n e knew that she was telling aa lie.
eing lie.
disdainful look and wriggled, sitting at the table
could not bear his
Does Geoff
believe what Sophie says about her meeting withinDanny Casev
O Casev
Sophie told Geoff that she had met Danny he did not
Ans. No, when He told her that it was not true. When she insisted that she had met him, he-eey
believe it.
arkedthat he didn't believe he oMco Vey Queyien whoe" 9io o

H FOLo doo he tooiAd

Evergreen Practice Papers-XII
o.5. Does her father believe her story ?
Ans. No, when Geoff told his father that Sophie had met Danny Casey, her tather looked at
her and told her that he
her with disdain. When Sophie remarked that he had met
a n n y ) was going to buy a shop, her father, muttered that that was anotner of her wild

o w does Sophie include her brother Geoff in her fantasy of her future ? orousoush

Ans. Sbphie fantasizes about Danny Casey as a omantic lover, She imagines that she had mef t
DannyCasey in the arcade. She also tells him that she is goingo neet um next week7ht
Shetells this secret to her brother Geoff and includes him her fantasy.
in -on heu Li
ohOthe Cin
Q.7. Which country did Danny Casey play for ?
ANADanny Casey played for Ireland.
Oy undoc0s.
with Danny ?
about her (CBSE 2011)
(8 Why didn't Sophie want Jansie to know
with Danny because she could not
Ams. Bophie did not want Jansie to know about her storyknow something about it, the whole
Keepa secret. Sophie thought that if Jansie came to UHEB UDSEL She
neighbourhood would to know it. oMie 6 GtobbeuMO
Came fo
Did Sophie really meet Danny Casey ? She
Ans. No, she didn't really meet Danny Casey. imagined that she had met Danny in the
arcade.She imagined that she had asked for an autograph
for her little brother Derek,
So then they just
had talked a bit.
Dut neither of them had any paper pen.

Which was the only occasion when she got to see Danny Casey in personTT
Q when she saw him playing a football match in the
Ans. Sophie saw Danny Casey inperson to see the match on Saturday.
playground She and her father and little Derek went with pride
When Danny drove in the scond goal, Sophie glowed
(P lgoage **arn
their way home from school ?
Sophie and Jansie ? What
were they talking on
Q.1. Who were
intimate friends. On their way home from
Ans. Sophie and Jansie were teenagers and were

work after school. Sophie talked of
they were talking about finding
She also talked of becoming an actress or a fashion designer.
opening a boutique in the city.
both earmarked for the biscuit factory.
But Jansie remarked that they were
dreams ? Why did Jansie discourage her ?
Q.2. What were Sophie's
want to do after finishing school? Why did Jansie discourage her ?
What did Sophie (CBSE A.I 2009 Compt.)

belonged to a lower middle class family, dreamt of doing something

big in life
Ans. Sophie, in the city. She also dreamt
She was highly ambitious and wanted to open a boutique life. She
a fashion designer. Jansie was practical
in her approach to
Decomingan actress or her from having
knew that Sophie had no money to realise her dreams. So she discouraged
impossible dreams.
Q.3. Jansie does not entertain any 'wild dreams' like her friend. Why tna
Ans. Jansie is practical in her approach to life. She is rational and
realistic. She knows
have no money
Sophie and she are only earmarked 'for the biscuit factory'. They
means to realise their dreams.
KII 2231
Section-C Flamingo - Literature Reader) S
he unlike Sophie
Who was Geoff ? In what sense was
mechanic. He was practical in
apprentice little
Sophie's elder brother, was
G e o f , who was his sister. He spoke very
He did entertain wild dreams like He
he belonged to a poor family.
nis approach to life. not
absorbed his own world. He knew that
in tootballer. star
and was entertaining dreams
for Danny Casey, a

cautioned Sophie against

9.5. Why was Sophie jealous of Geoff's silence ?
her. In
absorbed in his
world. His silence troubled
eotf spoke very little and was
been to those places which
she was jealous of his silence. She thought that he had
had never been seen by her. She wanted to enter into his world.

o w did Sophie's father react when she said that Danny was going buy shop
to a

Ans. When
Sophie said that Danny was going to buy a shop, herin father simply
muttered something inaudible and dragged himself round his chair and said that that
was another of her wild dreams.
W h a t did Sophie tell Geoff about her meeting with Danny Casey ? Did the meeting
really take place ? What was Geoff's reaction ?
ns. Sophie dreamt of having met Danny Casey. She told Geoff how she met Danny Casey in

tne arcade. Danny Casey came and stood beside her and then they had a brief talk.
vo, the meeting did not take place. It was Sophie's figment of imagination. Geoff did not
believe her story.
Q.8. Who was
Danny Casey ? How did
Ans. Sophie describe him ?
Danny Casey who belonged to Ireland was a famous footballer. He played matches for
the United.
Sophie romanticised Danny Casey as her hero. Sophie described him as not
very tall. He had green but gentle
Q.9. Why did Sophie share her feelings eyes.
with her brother Geoff, and not with her father ?
Sophie shared her feelings with her brother Geoff as
she felt he would listen to her
patiently and might believe her story of meeting Danny
feelings with her father as she was in awe of him. She knewCasey. She did not share
that her father
believe her story. would never

Q1o How did Sophie's father react when Geoff told him about
with Danny Caseyy? Sophie's supposed meeting
Ans. When Geoff told his father
about Sophie's
meeting with the star footballer Danny
he simply looked Casey,
Tom Finny and Danny
Sophie at
with disdain. He
ignored this news and
Casey. When Sophie said that Casey was wenttoon to talk about
snapped "This another of your wild stories". going buy a shop, he
Q.11. Why did Sophie say, "Promise, Geoff Dad'd murder
me" ?
Ans. Sophie was afraid of her father. She
did not
Danny Casey to her father because she knew want father
Geoff to tell about
her meeting with
that her
assured her that their father was not going to harm her in would not tolerate it. Geoff
How did any way.
Q.12. Sophie describe her meeting with Danny ? Casey
What did Sophie tell Geoff about her meeting Danny Casey in the arcade
Sophie, who romanticised Danny
Casey as her hero, dreamt of meeting(CBSE 2009)

She told Geoff that she had him in

met Dannyasey in the arcade. Casey came the
And stood beside her. He was certainly
che had heard on television. She askedCasey
she recognised him from his accentthere
for an autograph but neither
ifof them
paper or pen. Before going, Casey promised to give her his autograph , d anv
a any
next week.

(224 Evergreen Practice Papers-XII

Q.13. Ho
low was the visit of
Sophie's family to watch United "their weekly pilgrimage"t s whole
father, her brother Geoff, and she herself -took a
u t e a . me
football. Danny Casey was their favourite footballer
lot of interest
were on a
they would visit the playfng for the
stadium to watch the United every Saturday
pilgrimage to a
holy place.
as it tney
amn that Geoff, this was a Geoff thing not a Jansie thing". Why did Sophie say so
Ans.oPhie cursed Geoff for TBSE 2010 Delhi)
Jansie. She did not disclosing the secret of her meeting Danny Casey to her
like Jansie to know friend
might spread the about it because she could not
news in the
whole keep a secret. n e
Q.15. Jesus, I
wish I'd have
been there". In what context
Jansie ? were these words
spoken by
Ans. ansie uttered these words
when her friend Sophie told her about her
famous footballer Danny Casev. At meeting with the
relented. first, she did not believe Sophie's story but then she
Q.16. What made
Sophie sad and
disappointed ?
Ans. ophie would continue to sit down for hourson a wooden bench under an
would elm tree. She
imagine Danny's arrival. When Casey would not appear,
pangs of doubt stirred
inside her. The
thought that he would not come made her sad
Q.17. When did Sophie actually see Danny disappointed.
Ans. Sophie had
gone to see a football match with her family. Danny was
United. There she saw playing for the
Danny Casey only once. She exulted when Danny scored the
second goal for his team.
O.18 What thoughts came to Sophie's mind as she sat by the canal ? (CBSE-AI 2011)
Ans. As Sophie sat down by the canal
away from the noise of the city, she began to entertain
pleasant thoughts meeting Danny. In her dream, she would imagine Danny Casey
coming and feel consequent excitement of meeting him. She also feared to think that
Danny Casey might not come at all. This would make her feel sad.


Q.1. Sophie and Jansie classmates and friends. What
were were the differences between
them that show up in the story ?
(CBSE-AI 2009)
Ans. Sophi and Jansie wereclassmates and friends but both had different attitude towards
life. Sophie was ambitious and a dreamer. She dreamt of
having a boutique. She was
determined to have the most amazing shop that the city had ever seen. She had the
to do something ditferent. Jansie urge
discouraged her from entertaining such dreams. She told
her to be sensible and realistic. She wished that
Sophie did not say such things because
they were both earmarked for the biscuit factory. When Jansie told her that
pay well for shop work and her father would not allow it, she told
they didn't
she would become either Jansie that in that case
an actress or a fashion designer. She thought that the job of a
fashion designer was
sophisticated. She romanticised the idea of having a boutique.
Jansie, on the other hand, was pragmatic and realistic. She knew that she was earmarked
for the biscuit factory, so she did not think of doing anything else. She neither dreamt or
anything nor
romanticised anything.
ction-C (Flamingo-Literature Reader)
tather ?
of Sophie's
Q.2 character and
scared of him. She did not
would you describe the Sh
because Sophie was
Ans. he was
about Danny Casey. When
peared to be a strict
Sophie's father appea romantic notions
e r father to know about her
told looked at her with disdain.
that she had met Danny, he as hard as he could

manners. scooped shepherd pie into his mouth

ehad uncouth He
from his chair into the sofa
and sat down with a
o n e of little Derek's shoes
in Sophie's dreams and romantic stories. When
Sophie said that Danny
Ot believe remark and muttered that that was
gOng to buy a shop, he disbelieved in her
another of her wild stories.
match, he was
a S fond of drinks. When Danny Casey drove in the second goal in a
very happy. He went to the pub to celebrate the victory.
w n y did Sophie like her brother Geoff more than any other person ? From her
perspective, what did he symbolise ?
Sophie liked her brother more than any other person because he was almost groWn up
w and she was interested in knowing certain areas of his life. She wished she could
admitted more deeply into her brother's affection and that some day he might take
with him. She loved him and trusted him. She shared her
notions about Danny with him because she was sure that he dream
and romantic

keep thema seeret. would believe her and

Sheliked him because he listened to her romantic
thathe had met Danny Casey, he did not believe stories patiently.toWhen Sophie told him
snub her. Again she told him that she could riot ithis but listened her story. He did not
had any paper or get autograph because neither of them
pen. But he promised to give her an
to her. So she liked autograph
Geoff did not believe her but listened in the
next meeting.
From her perspective, Geoff himiSone ohAorst wnbPeST
symbolised innocence and CUON kabberee
ready confide in him her most intimate
trustworthiness. That is she why,
o.4. What socio-economic background did Sophie
family's financial status ? belong to ? What are the indicators of her
Ans/ Sophie belonged to poor
but she had no money. socio-economic packground. She dreamt of
l hrather DerekJansie revealea tnat tney were both having a boutique,
that the family had no money. that she thought that earmarked for biscuit factory.
money grew on trees. It is clear
At Derek's remark, their mother sighed.
sink and wonder at the
sophie watched her ha
incongruity of the
lelicate tooped over the
strings. She saw that a dirty washing had pile up in bow which
in her throat. This condition of the room and the the corner. fastened her apron
to poor strata of society. house also Sophie !felt a tightening
shows that
Her brother Geoff had been out of school for the last they belonged
an apprentice mechanic.
He had
travelling histhree
city onhis motorcycle. His father had gone to thetopub
years. He
a each day had been working as
to the far of the
AlIl this indicates that the family did not enjoy good financi. cle. side oL

Evergreen Practice Papers-XII
Q.1. 'Sophie is a dreamer and an escapist'. Discuss this Statement with reference to the
extract given below
She was conscious ofa vast world out there waiting fo ner she
ana knew instinctivelythat she
would feel as at home there as in the city which had aloays veen ner home. It
expectanthy awaited her

Ans. Sophie, who is romantic by nature, is a habitual dreamer and an escapist. Though she
belongs to a lower middle class, she dreams of doing big things in life. She dreams of things
which she can never hope to get in life. They are beyond nis reach and means. She dreams of
opening a boutique in the city. Then she dreams of becoming an actress or a fashion designer.
Her friend Jansie who has practical approach to life aiscourages her from having such dreams
as both of them are 'earmarked for biscuit fattory'. But she pays no heed to her suggestion.

Sophie, who is crazy about football, develops romantic fascination for Danny tasey, a
star footballer from Ireland. She imagines having met Danny Casey. She tells the concocted
story of her meeting Casey to her brother Geoff. he waits for hours under an elm tree,
When does not conie, she becomes sad and despondent. But
imagining Casey's coming. Casey
all these dreams and disappointments are the creations of her own mind.

fantasies making use of the extract given below.

Q.2. Contrast Sophie's real world with her
hard burden to carry, this sadness. Sitting here
Now I have become sad, she thought. And it is a
see the future and how will have to live with this burden.
waiting and knowing he will not come I can
to live in her I world of fantasies. She wanted to
Ans. Sophie was highly ambitious, and liked
aboutique. She wanted to become an actress ora designer. She dreamt of having
She imagineda meeting with him. She told about it to
met Danny Casey, a star football player.
her brother Geoff.
est real world different. She lived in a very small, untidy house with her
was quite
were very poor. Sophie
could hardly realize her dreams as she had
parents and a brother. They harsh and rough. He did
no means to do so. Her
brother was underemployed. Her father was
comforts to his children. He was pragmatic in his approach
not have much money to provide
fantasies. The between the two worlds
often made.
life so nobody appreciated Sophie's
Sophie sad and helpless.



A Short Questions:
Q.1. What were the options that Sophie was dreaming of ?
Q.2. What did Sophie romanticise about ?
goal in a football match
9.3. How did Sophie react when Danny Casey drive in the second
0.4. Did Sophie really meet Danny Casey ?
12271 sna

Section-C (Flamingo-Literature Reader)


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