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GDB 01

Research Methods (STA630)  


Marks  05                                                                                                                                                               

Research studies involving deception have been issue of controversy mostly. Deception

occurs when the subjects or respondents are told only a part of the truth. However,
the dispute regarding the ethical base of deception exists till date. It is the ultimate
responsibility of the researcher to protect subjects’ needs and risks.

As per the American Anthropological Association, the researcher should "do everything in

[the researchers'] power to protect their [respondents'] physical, social, and psychological
welfare and to honor and respect their dignity and privacy" (Spradley 1980, p. 21).

Keeping the important concern of deception into consideration, two schools of thought

emerged; one favoring the use of deception and others have a firm view that deception should
never be used in research.  

 As a research student, which school of thought you support; deception OR no

deception. Generate only TWO arguments to support your stance.   (5 Marks)

As a research student I support ‘No Deception’.
Deception occurs when a researcher intentionally provides false information to subjects or
intentionally misleads them about a critical aspect of the research. This could include giving
subjects feedback that involves creating false beliefs about themselves, their relationships, or
manipulating their self-concept. Incomplete Disclosure is a type of deception in which some
information about the true purpose of the study or the nature of the research procedures is
The concept of respect for persons is central to the ethical standards governing the
participation of human subjects in research. This principle requires that subjects participate in
the study voluntarily and with adequate information. When deceptive methodologies are
used, participants are given incomplete or misleading information about what to expect
during study activities, jeopardising their ability to provide fully informed consent. Normally,
research proposals that violate the principle of respect for persons by jeopardising the consent
process would not be approved. However, in exceptional circumstances where the study
design necessitates the omission of details that may alter the subject's responses under
investigation, vital information about the study or study activities can be withheld from
subjects until after their participation.
Deception and incomplete disclosure can be useful research methods, and studies involving
deception have resulted in significant scientific contributions. The use of deceptive
methodologies, on the other hand, places a special burden on researchers to provide scientific
justification for the deception. Researchers must also provide appropriate additional
safeguards, in addition to those already in place, to protect participants' rights and welfare.
Researchers are encouraged to read literature both within and outside of their field in order to
fully comprehend the history and critical issues surrounding deceptive methods.

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