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Puerto la Cruz, October 23th of 2022

Student: Ivanna Moreno
Teacher: Orlando Rodríguez

 Create a comparison board that identifies the main of these Literary movements: Neoclassicism,
transcendentalism, naturalism and realism, considering the following variables:

 Definition
 Features
 Thought that influenced them
 Conception of man
 3 representative authors with 2 of their Works

Thoughts that Conception of Representativ

Definition Features influenced Man e Works and
them Authors
Was a a) A rescue of the Neoclassicism writers portrayed 1-Daniel Defoe:
Western values and arose partly as man as inherently
cultural aesthetics of the a reaction flawed, a) Robison
movement Greco-Latin works against the emphasizing Crusoe (1711)
in the sensuous and restrain, self- b) A Journal
decorative b) Focus more on frivolously control and of the Plague
and visual the social than the decorative common sense Year (1722)
arts, individual Rococo style
literature, that dominated 2-Jonathan
Neoclassicism theatre, c) Freedom, European art Swift:
music, and religious from 1720s on. a) Gulliver’s
architecture tolerance, But an even Travels (1726)
that drew opposition to the more profound b) Tale Of A
inspiration monarchy and stimulus was Tub (1704)
from the art fraternity the new and
and culture more scientific 3-Samuel
of classical d) Reason, limits, interest in Johnson:
antiquity moderation and Classical a) The Patriot
structure antiquity that (1775)
arose in the b) The False
18th century Alarm (1770)
Was a 19th- Transcendentalis It was inspired Transcendentalist 1- Ralph
century m was focused on by English and s consider Waldo:
movement seeking individual German humans as
of writers truth and growing Romanticism, simultaneously a) Society and
and to become more the Biblical the originator of Solitude (1870)
philosopher and more self- criticism of meaning, and b) The
s originated reliant. However, Johann subject to a larger Conduct of Life
in New the movement can Gottfried ultimate truth that (1860)
England be described Herder and exists beyond the
using three Friederich human realm 2- Amos
essential Schleiermacher Bronson Alcott:
Transcendentalis characteristics: , and the
m transcendental a) Tablets
a) Individualism philosophy of (1868);
Immanuel Kant b) The
b) Idealism and German Doctrine and
Idealism. It was Discipline of
c) Divinity of also strongly Human Culture
Nature influenced by (1836)
Hindu texts on
philosophy of 3- Henry David
the mind and Thoreau:
a) Excursions
b) Life Without
Principle (1863)

Is a literary a) The absence Naturalistic For naturalistic 1-Jack London:

movement of free will writers were writers, human
from the late heavily beings are a) The Call of
19th and b) Objectivism influenced by “human beasts”, the Wild (1903)
early 20th the evolution beings governed b) White Fang
centuries c) Pessimism theory of by their instincts (1906)
that Charles Darwin and passions
analyzed d) Detailed 2-Edith
Naturalism presentation of
human Wharton:
nature modern society
through a a) The Age of
scientific, e) Influence of Innocence
objective, heredity and (1920)
and social b) Summer
detached of environment on (1917)
human the human being
nature using 3-Émile Zola:
principles a) L’Argent
b) La Bête
humaine (1890)
Is a literary 1-Realistic Realism Realism writers 1-Gustave
movement character and emerged as a depicted men in Flaubert:
that settings reaction against all their real
attempts to romanticism, an complexity of a) Salammbô
represent 2-Depiction of interest in temperament and (1862)
subject- everyday people scientific motive b) L’Éducation
matter and everyday method, the sentimentale
truthfully, occurrences systematizing (1869)
avoiding of the study of
speculative documentary 2-Charles
fiction and 5-Characters with history, and the Dickens:
supernatural complex influence of
elements. It behaviors and rational a) David
started in motives philosophy Copperfield
19th-century (1849)
France after 6-Importance in b) Great
the French depicting social Expectations
Revolution class (1860)

3-Mark Twain:

a) Adventures
of Huckleberry
Finn (1884)
b) The
Stranger (1916)

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