Graupel and Hail Terminal Velocities: Does A Supercritical'' Reynolds Number Apply?

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Graupel and Hail Terminal Velocities: Does a ‘‘Supercritical’’ Reynolds

Number Apply?

NCAR,* Boulder, Colorado

Robert L. Wright & Associates, Inc., Houston, Texas

(Manuscript received 1 March 2014, in final form 13 April 2014)


This study characterizes the terminal velocities of heavily rimed ice crystals and aggregates, graupel, and
hail using a combination of recent drag coefficient and particle bulk density observations. Based on a non-
dimensional Reynolds number (Re)–Best number (X) approach that applies to atmospheric temperatures
and pressures where these particles develop and fall, the authors develop a relationship that spans a wide
range of particle sizes. The Re–X relationship can be used to derive the terminal velocities of rimed particles
for many applications. Earlier observations suggest that a ‘‘supercritical’’ Reynolds number is reached where
the drag coefficient for large spherical ice—hail—drops precipitously and the terminal velocities increase
rapidly. The authors draw on observations and model simulations for slightly roughened large ice particles
that suggest that the critical Reynolds number is dampened and that the rapid increase in the terminal velocity
of smooth spherical ice particles rarely occurs for natural hailstones.

1. Introduction in 2012. Crop–hail losses for 1949–98, as measured by

insurance data, averaged $575 million (2000 dollars) per
Hail produces considerable monetary damage in the
year (Changnon and Hewings 2001). The intensity of
United States and throughout many parts of the world,
hail at a point or over an area is a function of the fre-
including Italy, South Africa, and Russia. Damage is
quency of hail, the size of the hailstones as a result of
mostly to crops and buildings [see Changnon (2009) and
their fall speeds, their total cross-sectional area, and, of
articles cited therein]. One primary source of hail in-
course, a function of the hail particle size distribution
formation in the United States is the historical records of
(their number concentration as a function of size) and
the crop–hail insurance industry, kept since 1948. The
the horizontal wind speed. A search of the literature
national annual values of insured crop–hail losses have
reveals that there is a wide spread in estimates of graupel
shown ever-increasing amounts (2014 dollars), from $20
and hail terminal velocities as a function of their size
million in 1948 to $174 million in 1974, jumping to $358
(maximum dimension). The goal of our study is to im-
million in 1980, approaching $550 million in the early
prove these estimates, thereby leading to improved
1990s, and with continuing increases since. In 2010, there
representations for use in climate models and hail
were 468 000 claims for all types of hail damage filed in
damage predictions.
the United States. That number increased to 862 000
Accurate estimates of the terminal velocities Vt of
graupel and hail are also important for improving the
representation of precipitation development in weather
* The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored forecast models. For example, using hail with a bulk
by the National Science Foundation. density of 0.9 g cm23 rather than graupel with a bulk
density of 0.4 g cm23 as the rimed ice species, with ap-
Corresponding author address: Andrew Heymsfield, NCAR,
propriate adjustments to the Vt, a hail-producing squall-
3450 Mitchell Lane, Boulder, CO 80301. line simulation resulted in a much narrower convective
E-mail: line and slightly smaller stratiform region (Bryan and

DOI: 10.1175/JAS-D-14-0034.1

Ó 2014 American Meteorological Society

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TABLE 1: Cited rimed crystals/aggregates, graupel, and hail studies.

Researcher Study (cm; approximate) Comments
Achenbach (1972) Drag coefficient of smooth sphere 6.0 Laboratory
A74 Drag coefficient of rough sphere 6.0 Laboratory
Auer et al. (1970) Graupel/hail density, terminal velocity as 0.1–2.4 Field measurements
function of size
BR37 Drag coefficient of smooth ice spheres 4–14 Towed by airplane; data
taken from Millikan and
Klein (1933)
Cheng (2009) Drag coefficient of smooth spheres over a ,0.01–4
wide range of Re based on observations
Cheng and Wang (2013) Drag coefficients of hail — Model study
Heymsfield and Best number–Reynolds number for — Laboratory, empirical,
Westbrook (2010) particles of different shapes theoretical
Kajikawa (1975) Graupel, masses, terminal velocities 0.05–0.89 Field measurements
Knight and Heymsfield Graupel (hail) density, terminal velocity 0.85–1.6 Natural ice particles
(1983) (measured in laboratory)
List et al. (1970) Drag coefficient–Reynolds number for 12 Laboratory
smooth through roughened spheroids
Locatelli and Hobbs (1974) Graupel (hail) mass, terminal velocity 0.05–2.0 Field measurements
Millikan and Klein (1933) Drag coefficient of hail 11.5 Towed behind airplane
Roos (1972) Dropped replicas of largest hailstone 17.8 900-m drops, also wind
collected to date tunnel
Roos and Carte (1973) Drag coefficient of hail replicas 1.3–11.8 Wind tunnels, mine shaft
Takahashi and Fukuta (1988) Terminal velocities of rimed crystals 0.006–0.49 Vertical wind tunnel
Wang and Kubicek (2013) Drag coefficients of graupel — Theoretical
Willis et al. (1964) Drag coefficients of melting roughened 5.1, 7.0 Dropped from balloon and
ice spheres tracked by radar

Morrison 2012). Comparing graupel and hail simula- Because Vt } Cd, accurate estimates of Vt must be
tions with similar adjustments, Milbrandt and Morrison based on reliable Cd. For certain sizes of graupel and
(2013) and van Weverberg et al. (2012) found that, especially hail, however, there is a sudden drop and
because of the higher Vt of this hail than graupel, the flattening of Cd followed by an increase at larger sizes.
rate of precipitation fallout was larger than for graupel, This anomaly in Cd may be best illustrated by the ear-
and melting extended to the surface rather than not liest measurements of particles simulating hailstones. To
far from the melting layer. However, most schemes ‘‘at least furnish a rough idea of the order of magnitude
do not explicitly consider density but use a single Vt –D of the terminal velocity actually occurring in nature,’’
relationship. Bilham and Relf (1937, hereafter BR37, p. 150) reported
Terminal velocity depends on the drag coefficient Cd on the form of the relationship between terminal ve-
and the particle mass m, which in turn depends on the locity and diameter ‘‘deduced from values of the Cd
bulk density of the particles rb (the mass of the particle obtained from observations on 4–14-cm spheres towed
divided by the volume of a sphere of the same maximum by airplanes’’ (see Table 1). They reported a rapid
dimension D). For a particle at its equilibrium velocity dropoff in Cd for Reynolds numbers 300 000 , Re ,
at a given temperature T and pressure P, 400 000 and a leveling off of Cd for Re . 4000 (Fig. 1a).
The Reynolds number is given by
Vt 5 (2mg/rf Cd A)0:5 5 [2(p/6)D3 rb g/rf Cd A]0:5 , (1)
Re 5 Vt D/n , (2)
where rf is the density of air, g is the gravitational ac-
celeration constant, and A is the cross-sectional area where n is the kinematic viscosity of air. Note that the
normal to the airflow. Note that rb actually considers actual data in the BR37 study were not reported, only
two aspects: a reduction in density from that of a sphere the form of the relationship. The actual data used to
due to a nonspherical shape (e.g., spherical versus con- derive the curve they show in their article were derived
ical graupel), and a reduction in density due to air from a pioneering study by Millikan and Klein (1933),
pockets and voids inside of the particle. Defined as in although this data source was not acknowledged in their
(1), rb considers both effects. article and took hunting to find.

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FIG. 1. (a) Drag coefficient as a function of Reynolds number as derived by towing spheres
behind an airplane (BR37) and (b) calculated terminal velocities from those data, assuming
that the particles are solid ice spheres. Data points are derived from their Fig. 2.

With points taken from their Fig. 2 (and as shown in relationship. BR37 specifically note that ‘‘Over a certain
their Table 1) converted to appropriate units, Vt can be range of diameters, depending on the densities of air and
readily derived assuming the hail particles are solid ice and the kinematic viscosity of air, three values of the
ice spheres and falling at standard sea level conditions terminal velocity would therefore appear possible.’’ The
(Fig. 1b). Note that the BR37 definition of the Cd is one- dip in the Cd–Re relationship above Re ; 2 3 105 has
half of the conventional definition, but we have adjusted been referred to as a ‘‘supercritical Reynolds number’’
their values upward by a factor of 2. Rather than regime (Willis et al. 1964).
showing a monotonic increase in Vt with size from 0 to Following in the footsteps of Laurie (1960), the
above 15 cm and a constant Cd of 0.4, which is approxi- building industry has widely used the BR37 Cd–Re and/
mately what is usually assumed (dashed line, Fig. 1b), or the Vt–D relationships to assess and infer hail impact
the resulting Vt show a rather large increase for sizes damage. Therefore, we need to ask: does this anomaly
beginning at 4 cm and below 10 cm, associated with the apply to real hailstones? Are there other unexpected
decrease in Cd. The resulting Vt is due to the trend of Cd changes in graupel and hail fall speeds that should be
with Re and the interplay of Cd and D and suggests that addressed? Can the values of Cd–Re based on smooth
there may be an unexpected change in the Vt–D hail be applied to natural hailstones?

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FIG. 2. Symbols showing the diameters of particles referred to as graupel in the studies noted
in the legend as a function of the measured mass. Associated bulk densities are plotted as lines
of constant slope. The black filled circles are the mean masses as a function of diameter, and the
standard deviations, from the four datasets plotted.

To answer these questions, this article uses a general- 2. Observations of graupel and hail
ized, nondimensional Reynolds number–Best number
(X) approach often used to derive Vt that depend on This section presents many of the earlier Cd–Re ob-
characteristic properties of the particles and the local servations and estimations from numerical simulations
temperature and pressure (see, e.g., Heymsfield and of the drag coefficients of rimed crystals and aggregates,
Westbrook 2010). In what follows, we relate Cd to Re and graupel, and hail. The primary datasets from which we
Re to X, so that for a given ice particle and environ- draw are summarized in Table 1.
mental conditions, X can be computed directly, Re can According to (1), terminal velocity is proportional to
be estimated from X, and thus the fall speed can be particle mass. Particle mass is proportional to the par-
derived directly. ticle bulk density, which is a highly variable and un-
In section 2, we present many of the observations of certain parameter. The graupel mass has a major effect
rimed crystals or aggregates, graupel, and hail drag co- on its fall speed, and there have been relatively few
efficients and associated masses collected to date. Sec- measurements of graupel rb. As shown in Fig. 2, graupel
tion 3 attempts to explain the observations and draw on masses and the associated rb average about 0.1 g m–3.
theoretical models, resulting in the development of the The rb values from the Knight and Heymsfield (1983)
nondimensional relationships for deriving the terminal study (Fig. 2) are above the large end of the graupel size
velocities. The results are summarized and conclusions designation and are within the small end of the hail size
drawn in section 4. range—small hail—although the rb values are relatively
A word on the nomenclature used in this article: low. They derived the actual densities through volu-
Drawing on the American Meteorological Society Glos- metric measurements, thereby considering the ice-free
sary of Meteorology (available online at http://glossary. volume inside the particle. Densities so derived were an, hail is precipitation in the average of 0.44 g cm23 for the actual particles and an
form of balls or irregular lumps of ice greater than 5 mm; average of 0.31 g cm23 for the corresponding values of rb,
small hail is hail less than 6.4 mm. Graupel are heavily or about 50% larger. Their rb values are higher than for
rimed snow particles, often indistinguishable from very most of the graupel studies to date and may suggest that
small soft hail, except for the size convention that these the rb values for hail are higher than those for graupel.
particles are less than 5 mm. Heavily rimed particles and When graupel are riming in relatively high–liquid
aggregates are noted where applicable. water content regions and at subfreezing temperatures

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FIG. 3. Drag coefficients as a function of the Reynolds number from observations of graupel
and small hail (symbols) and empirically and theoretically derived values.

but close to the 08C level, rb values are probably higher r 5 0:18D0:33 , (3)
than those in Fig. 2. Heymsfield and Pflaum (1985)
measured the densities of graupel beginning on frozen where D is in centimeters and r is in grams per cubic
drops with diameters of 0.3 and 0.6 mm and growing in centimeters. Note that diverse datasets are included in
a vertical wind tunnel with air temperatures from 238 to Fig. 2 and that the graupel density for one type of scenario
2158C and liquid water contents from 0.5 to 2.6 g cm23. (e.g., graupel developed from frozen drops in deep con-
The relationship that they developed was directly pro- vection) may not conform to the results shown in Fig. 2.
portional to the graupel density and the ‘‘impact veloc- The few measurements of rb of hail suggest that they
ity’’ of the cloud droplets on the graupel (which is are often close to those of solid ice density. Prodi (1970)
approximately equal to the graupel terminal velocity) used an x-ray absorption technique to measure the in-
and inversely proportional to the surface temperature of ternal density (e.g., cavities and hollows) of natural and
the graupel. The density of the deposited rime at the artificial hailstones, obtaining values between 0.82 and
warmest temperatures was about 0.6 and 0.25 g cm23 for 0.87 g cm23. List et al. (1970) measured rb of naturally
most temperatures and liquid water contents. Cober and occurring 2.54–4.82-cm-diameter hailstones to be ap-
List (1993) have also quantified the density of rime from proximately 0.9 g cm23. By comparison, Knight and
laboratory measurements. Based on these experiments Heymsfield (1983) found rb from 0.31 to 0.61 g cm23
and the observations of Knight and Heymsfield (1983), it with an average of 0.44 g cm23 for hail from 0.63 to
is reasonable to assume that, in convection with rela- 1.54 cm (see Fig. 2). These particles developed in
tively high liquid water content and warmer cloud-base a springtime Colorado convective storm with surface
conditions than found in most of the collections used in temperatures of 128C, implying that little melting had
Fig. 2 and most of the experiments reported in the occurred and providing an indication of how much in-
Heymsfield and Pflaum (1985) study, graupel densities terior volume is free of ice.
are closer to 0.3 g cm23. No major sudden decreases have been found in the
A curve fit to the graupel mass versus diameter data in drag coefficients and the resulting terminal velocities of
Fig. 2, plotted as a line and listed in the figure, indicates rimed crystals, rimed aggregates, and graupel particles.
that on average, the graupel density increases with size Variable parameters for Vt include the graupel di-
(exponent in the mass power law greater than 3). As- ameter, shape (conical or spherical), fall orientation,
suming for simplicity that the graupel are approximately and thus the cross-sectional area, mass, and associated
spherical rather than conical, one can derive an associated bulk density. Figure 3 shows observations of Cd for
power-law density–diameter relationship for graupel: particles identified as heavily rimed crystals, rimed

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aggregates, graupel, and small hail are shown as a func- Roughening damps out the supercritical Reynolds
tion of their derived Reynolds numbers (Locatelli and number observed for the smooth ice spheres. To show
Hobbs 1974; Kajikawa 1975; Knight and Heymsfield this effect more clearly, Figs. 5a and 5b plot Cd versus
1983; Takahashi and Fukuta 1988; see Table 1 for Re for smooth spheres and lightly through very rough
identification of the various studies). With increasing Re spheres, respectively. The Re where Cd dips de-
or size, the Cd decrease by almost an order of magnitude, creases with increasing roughening and is clearly
signifying that all else being equal, Vt would increase by damped out.
about a factor of 3 rather than remaining constant. A question remains as to what happens to the Cd of
Drawing on fluid dynamic tank studies and observa- hail as it falls through the melting layer and partially
tions, Heymsfield and Westbrook (2010) developed an melts. In an ingenious experiment, Willis et al. (1964)
empirical relationship between Cd and Re for graupel as lofted ice spheres to subfreezing temperatures on bal-
a function of its area ratio Ar, defined as the ratio of the loons, and when the balloons popped, the spheres de-
graupel cross-sectional area normal to the airflow rela- scended through the melting level. A 5.1-cm slightly
tive to that of a circle with the same maximum diameter. roughened ice sphere with a roughness parameter (ratio
This formulation predicts that Cd decrease from about of the diameter of the roughened surface to the diameter
4 to 0.7 with increasing Re over the typical range of of the sphere) less than 0.02 initially had a drag co-
typical graupel Re (Fig. 3). Their formulation yields efficient of 0.26 and Re of 1.3 3 105. After melting, Cd
Cd that are comparable to those derived from a more increased to 0.56 and Re dropped by about 30%. For
recent theoretical study (Wang and Kubicek 2013), a 7-cm lightly roughened sphere with an initial Cd of 0.24
where in Fig. 3a we plot both formulations assuming and Re of about 1.6 3 105 and just below the critical
Ar 5 1. Both the Heymsfield and Westbrook (2010) and Reynolds number, the drag coefficient remained con-
Wang and Kubicek (2013) formulations give a relation- stant during melting, presumably because the ice sphere
ship between Cd and Re that agrees well with those diameter changed little during the melting process. Be-
derived from direct measurements (Fig. 3, from studies cause of the effect of roughening on the fall speeds of the
reported in Table 1). The main differences between the simulated hailstones, they concluded that the rapid in-
observations, those from tank experiments, and the crease in the terminal velocity observed for smooth ice
theoretical Cd (Re) are differences in Cd at the lower Re, spheres may only be ‘‘attained rather infrequently in
possibly because of the graupel shape (spherical versus nature’’ (Willis et al. 1964, p. 107).
conical). In summary, graupel rb values increase with size or
Observations of the Cd for hailstone-size particles Re, and Cd decreases with increasing Re or size in
indicate that the particle’s external structure has a major a systematic fashion that is reasonably well predicted
effect on the resulting relationship between Cd and Re. from fluid tank (empirical) data and theoretical con-
Observations of the Cd for spherical, smooth ice are siderations. Hail of sizes 2 cm and above have densities
plotted in Fig. 4a. The rapid dropoff in Cd with Re noted close to those of solid ice. Experimental data indicate
in the observations of BR37 (Fig. 4a, curve 1) has since that there is a critical Reynolds number for smooth ice
been corroborated by Achenbach (1972; curve 2 and spheres, but this rapid decrease in the Cd becomes more
others). However, as the roughness of the ice sphere damped and the dip occurs at increasingly lower Re as
(hailstone) increases, the dip in Cd with Re becomes the ice sphere becomes more roughened. Given this
increasingly flattened [cf. filled and open circles, labeled observation and the observations of Browning and
11 and 12, from Achenbach (1974, hereafter A74) and Beimers (1967), whose data suggest that most hailstones
curves 7 and 8 from List et al. (1973); Fig. 4b]. As illus- are likely to be oblate and spiky, it can be concluded that
trated schematically in Figs. 4b and 5b, the amount of only in occasional instances would a critical Reynolds
roughening is quantified by d/D, where d is the diameter number be reached by a naturally occurring hailstone.
or height of the nodules on the surface of the hailstone
(visualized as the reverse of the diameter of the dimples
on a golf ball). In the A74 experiments, the rough sur- 3. Synthesis of results leading to the calculation of
face was obtained by pasting glass spheres of diameter graupel and hail fall speeds
d onto the surface or by abrading the surface with coarse For calculation of terminal velocities, it is convenient
emery paper. Indeed, for the more typical ‘‘spiky’’ giant to use the nondimensional Davies or Best number,
hailstones and from theoretical considerations (curves 7
and 13 of Fig. 4b), the supercritical Reynolds number X 5 Cd Re2 , (4)
and the very low values of drag coefficients observed for
smooth ice spheres are not observed. where

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FIG. 4. Drag coefficient data from observations and theoretical considerations as a function
of the Reynolds number for (a) smooth ice spheres and (b) ice spheres with differing degrees of
surface roughness, defined as the ratio of d/D, where d is magnified in the figure. The sizes of the
symbols are for plotting purposes only, not for visualizing the relative ratios of d/D.

X 5 2mD2 g/(rf y 2 A) . (5) for rimed through small hail particles. There is a mono-
tonic increase in Re with X and no surprising deviations
In other words, X may be calculated from the known across the range of Re. The theoretical (Wang and
properties of the particle and the air temperature and Kubicek 2013) and the Heymsfield and Westbrook (2010)
pressure. The objective of this section is to relate X to relationships agree quite closely except at the lower
Re, so that for a given ice particle and environmental Re values, and both provide a reasonably good match with
condition, X can be computed directly, Re can be esti- the observations. The Heymsfield and Westbrook (2010)
mated from X, and thus the fall speed can be derived data provide a reasonably good match to the data across
using (2). the full range of approximately 1 , Re , 105.
Drawing on the rimed crystal, graupel, and small-hail The Reynolds number–Best number relationships for
datasets, and empirical and theoretical relationships smooth and roughened spheres from the observations
identified in Table 1 and used in Fig. 3, Fig. 6 shows the and for oblate spheroids based on theoretical consider-
relationship between the Best and Reynolds numbers ations are compared in Fig. 7. The dotted straight lines in

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FIG. 5. The relationship between drag coefficient and Reynolds numbers for spheres with
increasing roughness as defined by d/D. The data are from BR37, A74, and Young and
Browning (1967, hereafter YB67). The numbers shown in the lower left are the approximate
diameter of the spheres (cm).

the two panels show the corresponding Cd. For smooth noted, occurs at much lower values of X (Fig. 7b). A
spheres, the discontinuity in the Re–X relationship as X similar effect is noted from dimples on a golf ball (Choi
increases above 1011 clearly reflects the abrupt decrease et al. 2006), where the dimples cause local flow separa-
in Cd that would be associated with a rapid increase in Vt tion and trigger the shear-layer instability along the
(Fig. 7a). This effect is appreciably muted or nonexistent separating shear layer, resulting in the generation of
for lightly to heavily roughened ice spheres and, where large turbulence intensity. In any event, the theoretical

FIG. 6. Reynolds number–Best number relationship for rimed particles, graupel, and small
hail based on observations of natural particles and from wind tunnel, theoretical, and fluid tank

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FIG. 7. Reynolds number vs Best number for (a) smooth spheres and (b) light- to heavily
roughened ice spheres. Dotted lines indicate constant drag coefficients of 0.4, 0.5, and 1.0. A
curve based on theoretical considerations for oblate spheroids is shown.

Re–X curve in Fig. 7 falls considerably below the data The Re–X relationship developed here conforms well
for roughened spheres. to the one developed by Knight and Heymsfield (1983)
To prevent discontinuities in the fall speeds of graupel for small hail and hail of sizes 0.63–1.54 cm (Fig. 8).
and hail for modeling studies and other applications, it is Because their relationship was developed for the actual
desirable to develop a continuous relationship across all particles both as they fell and then after soaking them in
values of the Best number. A power-law Re–X curve, oil that fills the particle, it is probably applicable for both
fitted over different ranges of X with coefficient of fits of small hail as it falls through the melting level and fol-
0.95 and 0.99, respectively, are lowing partial melting to fill void cavities. For rimed
crystals and graupel, with sizes below those they con-
Re 5 0:106X 0:693 , X , 6:77 3 104 (6a) sidered, their relationship would overestimate Re, and
for large hail at sizes above those they considered, it
and would underestimate Re.
We now apply the new Re–X relationship to derive
Re 5 0:55X 0:545 , X . 6:77 3 104 . (6b) graupel and hail Vt. For simplicity, we assume a pressure

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FIG. 8. Reynolds number vs Best number for graupel and hail combined. Large symbols show
median values for the graupel dataset and for the hail for roughened ice spheres with a best fit to
these median values plotted and listed in the figure.

level of 1000 hPa and temperature of 258C. To illustrate (2013) for about the same bulk densities (Fig. 9). Their
the dependence of Vt on D, two densities are assumed: relationships are developed from a prognostic graupel
0.2 and 0.9 g cm23
. The results indicate that the logarithm density scheme that uses the Reynolds number–Best
of Vt is nearly a linear function of the logarithm of D, number approach of Mitchell and Heymsfield (2005)
indicating that they can be represented by the following assuming that particles are spherical. Also shown is a fit
power laws: to the terminal velocities derived from the Mitchell and
Heymsfield (2005) representation for graupel, assuming
Vt 5 523D0:65 for a density of 0:2 g m23, (7a) solid ice spheres with an area ratio of 1.0. These conform
nicely to our new relationship out to 0.1 cm and then
and diverge from it. Our new Re–X relationship, fitted
across the full range of Re–X for rimed particles through
Vt 5 1207D0:64 for a density of 0:9 g m23, (7b)
hail, extends across a wide range of diameters and can
be readily used with variable densities (e.g., see light
where D is in centimeters and Vt is in centimeters per
blue solid curve; Fig. 9). Also shown in Fig. 9 are Vt–D
second. From (6), these relationships change with P by
relationships used in weather forecast modeling by
the ratio of (1000/P)0.55.
Thompson et al. (2008) and Lim and Hong (2010). Al-
It is also straightforward to estimate the effect of the
though not intended to be used at such large diameters,
particle density on Vt. The density–diameter relation-
those relationships do produce Vt that are only somewhat
ship developed for graupel and small hail in Fig. 2 [see
higher than those developed here. The range of diameters
(3)] is also applied in Fig. 9. The Vt–D relationship
considered, although too large, is plotted because other
modeling studies may apply them in this way.
As suggested by the experiments of Willis et al. (1964),
Vt 5 488D0:84 ; (8) melting will lead to a decrease in the graupel/hail di-
ameter, more so for graupel than hail, with the net result
thus, with a steeper slope comes an expected result. being that X, Re, and hence Vt, will decrease. From those
Note that this equation would only apply to particles experiments with 5.1- and 7-cm hail, there is no evidence
that originate as rimed crystals. that there is an abrupt change in the form of the Re–X
Our Vt–D relationship, for the same particle proper- relationship. Soaking of graupel or hail with densities
ties, is quite similar to those of Milbrandt and Morrison below those of solid ice (Knight and Heymsfield 1983)

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FIG. 9. Terminal velocities derived from the Re–X relationship, two assumed constant ice
densities and one variable [from (3)], with an area ratio of 1.0, for a pressure level of 1000 hPa
and temperature of 258C. Also shown are representations for graupel and hail developed by
other researchers.

may change the mass but not the diameter, and this in- low-density hail soaked with liquid water during a melting
creased mass could increase the terminal velocity. period. Also, because hail is often oblate and not spheri-
cal, most hail will have smaller masses for a given size,
4. Summary and conclusions leading to lower terminal velocities. Detailed calculations
of rb using models with explicit consideration of the
The goal of this study is to develop accurate expressions density of accreted water (e.g., Mansell et al. 2010;
for the terminal velocities of rimed crystals, graupel, and Milbrandt and Morrison 2013) are needed to further
hail over size ranges from several tenths of a millimeter to quantify particle densities under different scenarios.
above 10 cm in diameter that can be used in cloud mod- Using rimed crystal and graupel mass and terminal
els or engineering-related applications and are general velocity data, it is found that for increasing Re, Cd of
enough to be used for most atmospheric pressures and heavily rimed crystals through graupel particles de-
temperatures. Using observations of the masses and crease by about an order of magnitude, from about 10 to
terminal velocities of these particles reported in the liter- 1. Drag coefficients developed recently based on theo-
ature, we developed a nondimensional Reynolds number– retical treatments and laboratory tank data for graupel
Best number relationship that spans a broad range of Re are somewhat lower than the observations. The Cd
and corresponding rimed crystal–graupel–hail sizes. values of hailstones of about 0.4–0.45 are somewhat
Necessary inputs into the development of this re- lower than the often-assumed value of about 0.5. The
lationship are the particle masses or bulk densities and so-called hail ‘‘critical Reynolds number’’ observed ex-
drag coefficients. For heavily rimed crystals or aggregates perimentally and theoretically for smooth ice spheres
and graupel, rb values are found to average about above 10 cm in diameter is damped and occurs at in-
0.1 g cm23. In convection with relatively high liquid water creasingly smaller diameters as the particle surface
contents and warmer cloud-base conditions than most of becomes rougher. It can be concluded that only in oc-
the data used in our study, graupel densities are likely to casional instances would a critical Reynolds number be
be closer to 0.3 g cm23. The interior volume of graupel reached by naturally occurring hailstones.
undergoing melting will fill with water, leading to densities
of solid ice or above. Also, nonspherical graupel will be- Acknowledgments. The authors thank Hugh Morrison
come more spherical, with higher masses for a given size. and Jason Milbrandt for their helpful comments. We
The few observations of the rb of hail are closer to those of especially thank Meg Miller for her editorial assistance.
solid ice, about 0.5–0.9 g cm23, and possibly higher for This research was partially supported by NCAR.

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