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NAME: Muhammad Nuraqmal Bin Mohd Tarmizi

NO ID: 2022816074


1. To begin with, I would like to start with the first bad effect of using drugs in our daily
life which is decreasing our body health from the inside. As you know, we can detect
the drugs user just by watch them because of their obvious bad performance.
a. According to website from National Anti-Drug Agency(NADA), In 2016, almost 12
million people reported driving under the influence of illicit drugs, including
marijuana. After alcohol, marijuana is the drug most often linked to impaired
b. This is because drugs abuse affects brain by Interfering with neurotransmitters
and damaging connections within the brain.
c. Thus, research studies have shown negative effects of marijuana on drivers,
including an increase in lane weaving, poor reaction time, and distracted
attention to the road.

2. The other bad effect of using drugs in our daily life is it will lead to commit a crime. It
not surprising as all of us commonly knows most of the crimes had commited by a
drug abuser.
a. According to National Institute on Drug Abuse(NIDA), among the 71% of
suspected criminals testing positive for controlled by drugs at the time of their
b. drug offenders more likely to commit their crimes for drug money than violent
and public-order offenders.
c. However, this result shows drugs also effect to innocent society public.


a. In conclusion, we can see that most of the research shows drugs abuse will effect
to abuser own body and people around us. In order to make a better world we all
need to take action. I end my speech with a quotes, “the price of greatness is

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