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Search tag: nft game

ID name: ahsan_ul

Page: 17

Line: 12

I'm looking for a metaverse designer. I want to design my own metaverse land. The quality must be very
high. I have a limited budget and time. Do let me know if you can do this.


Me: Thanks for your response. I'm able to design a high-quality metaverse land as you require. As I have
done so many similar projects before.

Client: What are the steps to create a metaverse? I want to know that. I have little knowledge about that
and want the right person to work on it.

Me: Yeah sure, the First step is to choose the proper use case of a metaverse then create the user
interface for your platform, code operational smart contracts, and create the IPFS storage system.

Client: Perfect, can you show me some of your recent work similar to mine?
Me: Let's have a look at our gaming portfolio to understand our quality work:

Client: Good work, I'm very impressed by your work. Okay, do you want any type of details from my side?

Me: Thanks, and yes I need some more details. I want to know what type of theme you want in your
metaverse land.

Client: Just simple with a dark theme, but with high quality. When you are available to start the work?

ME: I'm available from now and can able to start the work ASAP.

Client: How much time will it be required to design?

Me: It will take 2-3 days to complete the designing part

Client: Sound good, Okay Send me an offer

Me: Thanks sending you the offer.

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