Microstrip Antennas - Feeding Methods

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3/8/2018 Microstrip Antennas: Feeding Methods

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T U E S D AY, J U N E 1 0 , 2 0 0 8 BLOG ARCHIVE

Feeding Methods ▼ 2008 (16)

► October (4)
A feedline is used to excite to radiate by direct or indirect contact. There are
► July (2)
many different methods of feeding and four most popular methods are
▼ June (10)
microstrip line feed, coaxial probe, aperture coupling and proximity coupling.
Bandwidth enhancement of
Microstrip Antennas
Electromagnetic Simulation of
Microstrip Line Feeding
Microstrip line feed is one of the easier methods to fabricate as it is a just Matlab Patch Calculator GUI
conduc ng strip connec ng to the patch and therefore can be consider as
Cavity Model
extension of patch. It is simple to model and easy to match by controlling the
inset posi on. However the disadvantage of this method is that as substrate Transmission Line Model
thickness increases, surface wave and spurious feed radia on increases which Design by Modelling
limit the bandwidth.
Feeding Methods
Microstrip Antenna
Basic Concepts and
An Introduction to Microstrip


Coaxial Feeding

Coaxial feeding is feeding method in which that the inner conductor of the
coaxial is a ached to the radia on patch of the antenna while the outer
conductor is connected to the ground plane.


Easy of fabrica on
Easy to match
Low spurious radia on


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3/8/2018 Microstrip Antennas: Feeding Methods

Narrow bandwidth
Difficult to model specially for thick substrate
Possess inherent asymmetries which generate higher order modes
which produce cross-polariza on radia on.

Aperture Coupling

Aperture coupling consist of two different substrate separated by a ground

plane. On the bo om side of lower substrate there is a microstrip feed line
whose energy is coupled to the patch through a slot on the ground plane
separa ng two substrates. This arrangement allows independent
op miza on of the feed mechanism and the radia ng element. Normally top
substrate uses a thick low dielectric constant substrate while for the bo om
substrate; it is the high dielectric substrate. The ground plane, which is in the
middle, isolates the feed from radia on element and minimizes interference
of spurious radia on for pa ern forma on and polariza on purity.


Allows independent op miza on of feed mechanism element.

Proximity Coupling

Proximity coupling has the largest bandwidth, has low spurious radia on.
However fabrica on is difficult. Length of feeding stub and width-to-length
ra o of patch is used to control the match.

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3/8/2018 Microstrip Antennas: Feeding Methods



Prince Mittal said...

Can you please tell me what should be optimum position for
placing the feed?
Is there any convention for the position of feed to obtain
maximum return loss??
N O V EMB E R 1 , 2 0 1 5 A T 2 : 0 5 A M

alps d said...
Generally the feed line is placed in centre. But if it is paced on
the upper or lower corner then the frequency of operation will
change and also return loss and VSWR wiil be affected...
M A Y 3, 201 7 A T 1 : 2 5 A M

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