Trasport Management System Final Year Project

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Project Proposal


Team Members
Muhammad Feroze Khan
{Roll no 19}
Ehtisham Zulfiqar
{Roll no 34}

Session 2019-2023

University of Kotli AJ&K

Faculty of Computing & Engineering
Department Software Engineering


• Project Objectives
This project is an online portal which allows user to buy their product online.
It consists of a user login along with admin login. Admin may upload their
products information such that the descriptions, uses, as well price and all
the little information about the product and the user can buy their required
product online as well.

• Background & Scope

It’s an application used for the ease of those users who stay home because
of COVID19. This portal allows people to buy their products online without
going outside by this people can stay home and stay safe. People can buy
goods and other products from this portal it can help people as it is the basic
need of life to buy goods and use them for leaving

• Project Description
In this project we want to introduce a system with the help of which shopkeeper
can add the description of the all products and second for users that can buy
their product online without going outside to the markets in this pandemic. Admin
may upload their products information such that the descriptions, uses, as well
price and all the little information about the products and the user can buy their
required product(s) online.

• Methodology
Those requirements that show how a project functions works.
Server Management
It is basically Digital Bazzar responsibility to provide user what he actually
wants and what a shopkeeper provides him. So by knowing users need
shopkeeper can upload products description of their available products and
its price etc.
Online order placement
A user can order his require product(s) through his Smartphone by our
online Digital Bazzar app.
• Feasibility study
Those requirements that specify that can be used to imagine the operation of a
system rather than specific behaviour.
• Efficient
The application should be efficient as much as perform in the best possible

• Reliable
The software should be defect free and performs correctly in every

• Usable
The software application should be easy. The user can easily use it.

• Fast way of communication

User can easily contact with Digital Bazzar or other shopkeeper related to
his product which his buyying for any problem.

• Fast way of order

User can easily order his products from his Smartphone that bring
fastness to his work.

• Information in your hand

Shopkeeper can upload their product description and not need to send
their employ in front of every person.

 Tools and Technologies

Software Requirements:
• Windows Operating System

• Android Studio

• Android OS

Hardware Components:
• Processor – i3

• Hard Disk – 250 GB

• Memory – 4GB RAM

• Smart phone
Language used:

 Java

 Team Expertise
i. Muhammad Feroze Khan (Front end developer)
ii. F (Back end developer)

 Mile Stones

This project is an online portal which allows user to buy their product
online. It consists of a user login along with shopkeeper login.
Shopkeeper may upload their products information such that the
descriptions, uses, as well price and all the little information about the
product and the user can buy their required product online. In this project
we want to introduce a system with the help of which shopkeeper can
add the description of the all products. Shopkeeper may upload their
products information such that the descriptions, uses, as well price and
all the little information about the products and the user can buy their
required product(s) online.

 References

Object oriented modelling and design with UML second edition by

Michael Blaha and James Rumbaugh.

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