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N1 Against The Cult of The
Reptile God
Conversion Guide

Introduction: In 1982, TSR published the module named “Against the Cult of the Reptile God”
with the module code “N1”. It was written by Douglas Niles and published as a 28-page
booklet. The module provides a town as a home base for adventure as had been previously
seen in a number of other modules but for the first time introduces a threat within the town
itself. In addition it provides a challenging underground adventure and a number of plot
suggestions for further adventures in the area should the player characters prove successful.
This conversion guide allows DMs to run the original module with 5 th Edition rules and
provides a reference sheet for encounters.

For 4-7 characters of 1st– 3rd level.


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2016 by James Friend and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

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N1: Against The Cult of The Reptile God
Introduction Converting to the Realms
The village of Orlane should be relatively easy to incorporate
To use this conversion guide you will need a copy of “N1 into any campaign or setting. It should be set close to a road
Against the Cult of the Reptile God”, originally available in between some larger towns, although to fit well into the
hard-copy and now for sale in Digital format at story-line it should probably not be directly on such a route. The cults’ activities are promoted by a place a little off the
beaten track, and which could or would be bypassed by most
This document gives GMs advice to convert the module to travelers. The journey from Orlane to the lair of the reptile
the latest edition. Most creatures refer to stat blocks in the god is about 4 days, and should preferably pass through
D&D 5e Monster Manual. Some notable NPC’s and monsters some heavily wooded area and end in a swamp to fit the
are given full stats blocks in the Special Creatures section at random encounters and creatures in the module.
the end of this conversion guide, or slightly more detailed Suggestions for placement are:
summaries in their listing, to cover basic combat, already
adjusted for weapons and armor which have been kept as in A little off the road south of Baldur’s Gate, perhaps in a
the original module in most cases. For special attacks and swampy area on the edge of the Werewoods.
abilities refer to the MM reference.
Somewhere in the Dales, perhaps between Scardale and
Page listings may refer to abbreviations: MM (Monster Shadowdale, or Scardale and Harrowdale. This provides a
Manual), and DMG (Dungeon Master Guide). All other page plethora of further adventuring options for a low level party,
numbers refer to the locations in the original 'Against the including encountering vengeful remnants of the cult in the
Cult of the Reptile God' module. Key text is in bold for easy future.
scanning. Magic items are noted in italics.

The planned and random encounter lists include the names

of monsters and NPC’s as they appear in the alphabetical
monster lists, making them easier to find, especially since
GM Notes
many NPC’s in this module are not named, but referred to Special rules and tactics to brush up on prior to the game:
simply as “cult members”. • Perception and Ability Checks for traps etc.
• Tactics for spellcasters
Find more information about this and other early edition • Poison effects
conversions at • Grapple effects

Reference Sheet
Magic items are quite numerous in this module, and will
probably need to be reduced to fit into most campaigns,
especially considering the level of PC’s this module was
For convenience, there is a Reference Sheet at the end of this written for. Bear in mind that there are monsters in the
document which summarizes the key information you'll module, notably the wight (resistant to damage from non-
need during the game onto one concise sheet. You can print magical weapons), and the gray ooze (damage to non-
this onto a single, double-sided page (perhaps on colored magical weapons that strike it) that will be more difficult to
cardstock) as a handy tool that you can use alongside a hard deal with if magical weapons and armor are completely
copy of the module. After reading this document, all you'll removed from the module. Remember to reduce AC and to
need to run the game is the original module, the Monster hit numbers should you replace magical with non-magical
Manual, the Reference Sheet, and optionally any notes or weapons and armor.
visuals you've prepared.

Adventure Summary Visuals

Suggested visuals to create:
Orlane, a small and once vibrant community, has been
infiltrated by a cult of the reptile god, led by a spirit naga 1) A map or maps of Orlane to help orient the players.
called Explictica Defilus . The town has, in the year before
the PC’s arrival, undergone a steady decline, with some 2) Tactical maps of areas likely to have large or complex
people disappearing, and others packing up and leaving. encounters or battles. One of the many tile-based products
Those remaining have become a suspicious and on the market would work for this, enabling much better
unwelcoming lot. visualization of the encounter. Areas which are good
candidates for this are:
• Golden Grain Inn, especially areas where attempts may

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be made at abducting the characters. 14. Carpenters Shop: Cultists -Carpenter and wife
• Temple of Merikka (several large encounters, including 15. Blacksmiths Shop: Cultists -Blacksmith and family
goblins and skeletons) 16. Battered and Weatherbeaten Structure: Troglodytes (3)
• Lair of the Reptile God (large encounters like the Human 18. Farmhouse and Barn: Cultists- Farmhouse and Barn
Cult Members Rooms, Lieutenants Quarters etc, lair of (woman and sons)
the Spirit Naga etc.). 19. Farmhouse with Outbuildings: Hog Farmer and Family
20. Small, Neatly Kept Cottage: Vilma Merridie
22. Shabby Farmhouse and Barn: Cultists- Shabby farm

Random Encounters 23. Prosperous Farmhouse and Barn: Alan Clayborn,

Marieke Clayborn
26. Millhouse: Kenton Miller (and family)
Dim Forrest Wandering Monsters 27. Grove of Stately Elms: Ramne, see special creatures

Roll 1d8
1. Goblins (2d4) 5. Zombies (1d6) Orlane – Temple of Merikka
2. Wild Boar (1) 6. Wolves (1d4)
1. Courtyard: Temple Servants, Wolves
3. Troglodytes (1d4) 7. Black Bear (1)
4. Ogre (1) 2. Central Sanctuary: Misha Devi
8. Skeletons (2d4)
7. Meditation Cells: Monk
Rushmoors Wandering Monsters 9. Misha Devi’s Quarters: Misha Devi
11. Guardroom of the Undead: Skeletons
Roll 1d4 14. Torture Chamber: Goblins
1. Swarm of bats 3. Troglodytes (1d4) 16. Antechamber: Abramo
2. Stirges (1d6) 4. Wolf Spider, Giant (1) 18. Secret Altar Room: Cirilli Finla
10. Maze: Ogre
Dungeon Level 1 Wandering Monsters 22. Troglodyte Tunnels: Shrieker, Troglodytes
Roll 1d6 every third turn.
1. Rats, Giant(2d4) 4. Constrictor Snake (1) Orlane – Inn of the Slumbering
2. Lizard, Giant (1) 5. Troglodytes (1d4)
3. Poisonous Snake (see 6. Weasel, Giant (1) Serpent
mudviper) (1)
1. Common Room: Belba Cralloon, Ollwin Cralloon (owners)
Dungeon Level 2 Wandering Monsters
Roll 1d6 every third turn. Orlane – Golden Grain Inn
1. Stirges (1d4) 4. Zombies (1d6)
2. Troglodytes (1d4+2) 5. Ghouls (1d4) 1. Common Room: Bertram Beswill, Cult members (3-12),
3. Rats, Giant (3d4) 6. Carrion Crawler (1) Derek Desleigh (80%)
2. Kitchen: Snigrot Dogroot
6. Large Guest Room: Derek Desleigh
11. Cult Members Room: Cultists: Cult Members Room
Planned Encounters 13: Small Guest Room: Iggy Olivero
20. Central Chamber: Constrictor Snake (1)
22. Large Dirt Chamber: Mudviper (1)
Orlane – Village 23. Ghoulish Vault: Ghouls (1 or 2)
1. Pleasant Farmhouse and Barn: Hewitt Twaine (Farmer
and his two sons)
Lair of the Reptile God – Level 1
2. Constable’s Quarters: Grover Ruskadal (Constable of See also – Dungeon Level 1 Wandering Monsters under random
Orlane), Donavan Allard, Hulbar Onfre encounters
4. Dairy farm: Nowell Graven (and family)
5. Weaver House and Shop: Galen Weaver (and Wife) 2. Entry Room: Human Guards (4)
7. Jeweler and Moneychanger: Haskell Ull (and wife), Errol 3. Chamber of the Frogs: Frog, Killer (1 or 2)
Rocktyn (Jewelers Guard), Wylle Dunn (Jewelers Guard) 7. Home of the Green Slime: Green Slime (1)
8. Livery Stable: Kilian Gade (and family) 8. Human Cult Members’ Rooms: Human Guards (12)
9. Small Cottage: Dorian, Llywillan 14. Lieutenants’ quarters: Jarvis Inigar, Blayze Gobbar, Benn
10. Mayors Residence: Zakarias Ormond (and family), Traver Griff
Stoutheart 15. Crocodile Pool: Crocodiles (2 or 3)
11. Tailor Shop: Myron Tweed (Tailor) 16. Arched Chamber: Harpy (luring song)
12. Village Store: Cultists - Village Store (family of 5) 17. Den of the Harpy: Harpy (1)
13. Rundown Farmhouse: Cultists -Rundown Farmhouse 18: Lair of the Giant Weasel: Weasel, Giant (1)
(Father and son) 20: Troglodyte Guardroom: Troglodyte (6)

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characters who make a Wisdom saving throw
(Perception) to notice their comrades are being
Lair of the Reptile God – Level 2 overcome and escape the room before succumbing
themselves (provided an escape route is available). The
See also – Dungeon Level 2 Wandering Monsters under
release mechanism is entirely within the chest, so there
random encounters
is no way to detect it while the chest is closed. Roll 3d6
for each character overcome by the gas to determine
22. Huge Spider’s Lair: Wolf Spider, Giant (1)
how long they will sleep (consider reducing this). Give
24. Chamber of the Dead: Ghoul (1)
elves either a bonus to their saving throw, or a bonus
25. Cells of the Doomed: Prisoners (treat as commoners)
(reduction) to the number of hour s they are affected).
27. Altar of Evil: Garath Primo
28. Giant Centipede Colony: Centipede, Giant
• Poison Needle Trap (pg. 5,7,12,25) This trap protects a
chest or other compartment.
29. Pump Room: Zombies (5)
A DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check allows
33. Troglodyte Lair: Troglodytes (7)
character to notice the trap based on alterations to the
24: Troglodyte Hatchery: Eggs
locking mechanism. A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
35. Mudviper Hatchery: Eggs
check to determine how to disarm by removing the
36. Bonesnapper Lair: Bonesnapper
needle from the locking mechanism, followed by a DC 15
37. Throne Room: Explictica Defilus, see special creatures
Dexterity check using thieves tools to disable it. When
triggered, a creature within range takes 1d10 damage
Further Adventures and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
or be poisoned for 1 hour.
See page 28 for great adventure seeds to extend the • Slow Gas Trap (p.12) A DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation)
adventure. check allows character to notice the trap based on
alterations to the locking mechanism. A DC 15
Intelligence (Investigation) check to determine how to

Magic Items disarm by removing the needle from the locking

mechanism, followed by a DC 15 Dexterity check using
thieves tools to disable it. When triggered, the gas affects
1. Bag of Holding (pg. 28)
everyone in the room who fails a DC 15 Constitution
2. Brooch of shielding (pg. 18)
saving throw. Those affected suffer a -2 penalty to AC
3. Broadsword + 2 (pg. 6) treat as longsword + 2
and dexterity saving throws, have their speed reduced by
4. Chainmail +1 (pg. 10)
half, cannot use reactions, can use either an action or
5. Chainmail +2 (pg. 6) treat as Studded Leather + 2
bonus action in their turn, but not both, and can make
6. Chainmail +2 (pg. 17) treat as chain shirt +2
only a single melee or ranged attack per turn. See also
7. Dagger +1 (pg. 11)
third level spell, “Slow”.
8. Elven Boots (use Boots of Elvenkind) (pg. 28)
• Collapsing Ceiling (pg 23). Not really a trap, but a ceiling
9. Leather Armor +1 (pg. 12)
which will collapse if the door to this area is forced. DC
10. Necklace of Adaptation (pg. 24)
15 passive Wisdom (Perception) check to spot the
11. Poison Potion (use Potion of Poison) (pg. 12)
problem with the ceiling, or DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
12. Potion of Gaseous form (pg. 12, 28)
check if actively searching. DC 10 Intelligence
13. Potion of Healing (pg.12)
(Investigation) check to determine how to avoid any
14. Shield +1 (pg. 4, 6)
falling rubble. Alternatively, simply allow the character/s
15. Sword + 2 (pg. 10) treat as longsword + 2
forcing the door to avoid injury if the weakened ceiling
16. Shortsword + 1, +2 vs scaly creatures (pg. 23)
was spotted or make a DC 12 Dexterity (Athletics) check
17. Longsword +1 (pg. 6)
• Mud Trap (pg 26, area 30) Opening the chest by any
18. Longsword +1 (pg. 6) treat as shortsword + 1
means triggers this trap. The fact that the ceiling
19. Plate mail +1 (pg. 4, 10) treat as scale mail + 1
supports are somehow linked to the platform the chest
20. Ring of Protection +1 (pg. 16, 28)
rests on can be discerned by A DC 15 passive Wisdom
21. Ring of Free Action (pg. 28)
(Perception) or DC 12 active Wisdom (Perception) check,
22. Spear + 1 (pg. 4)
or a DC 12 active Intelligence (Investigation) check. Once
23. Scroll with two spells: Globe of Invulnerability and a
noticed, a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check will
Dispel magic (7th level) (pg. 21)
reveal that opening the chest will trigger a collapse.
Should the trap be triggered, each character in the area
must make a DC 15 Dexterity check to avoid the falling
Traps beams (DC 10 if the trap was detected and the party
chose to open the chest anyway and those remaining in
• Sleep Gas Trap (p. 6): Triggered by opening a chest the room are expecting the collapse).
without either using the key or picking the lock. Gas is
odorless, tasteless and invisible, and affects everyone in
a small room or cottage. No saving throw (DMS’s may
consider being a bit more lenient here by allowing

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CR 0, 10XP) AC 10, hp 3,4
Monsters 29. Garath Primo: See special creatures
30. Ghouls: Ghoul (MM 148, CR 1, 200 XP) with AC 12; hp 15;
1. Abramo: See special creatures #AT 3; D 2d6, 2d4,2d4. Perhaps reducing number.
2. Alan Clayborn: Treat as Scout (MM 349, CR1, 200 XP) AC 31. Goblins: Goblin (MM 166, CR 0.25, 50 XP) AC 15; hp 3-5; D
12 or 19 (Chain mail +1 and shield), hp 29; D1d8 + 2 1d6
(longsword + 2) 32. Green Slime: Treat as Gray Ooze (MM 243, CR 0.5, 100
3. Belba Cralloon (Inkeepers Wife): Treat as commoner XP) AC 8; hp 16; D1d6 +1, see MM for corrosion effects
(MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10; hp 4 33. Grover Ruskadal (Constable of Orlane): Treat as guard
4. Benn Griff: Treat as Cultist (MM 345, CR1/8, 25 XP) with (MM 347, CR1/2, 100 XP) with AC 16 (Chain shirt and
AC 13 (leather armor and shield); hp 8; D 1d6+1 shield); hp 12; #AT 1 at + 3; D 1d8+1 (Longsword)
(shortsword + 1, +2 vs Scaly creatures) 34. Harpy: Harpy (MM 181, CR 1, 200 XP). AC 11; hp 30; D
5. Bertram Beswill: Treat as commoner (MM 345, CR 0, 2d4+1, 1d4+1, see MM for SA luring song.
10XP) AC 10; hp 8 35. Haskell Ull (and wife): Treat as commoners (MM 345, CR
6. Black Bear: Treat as Brown Bear (MM 319, CR 1, 200 XP) 0, 10XP)
AC 11; hp 25 36. Hewitt Twaine (Farmer and his two sons): Treat as
7. Blayze Gobbar: Treat as Cultist (MM 345, CR1/8, 25 XP) commoners (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP)
with AC 13 (leather armor and shield); hp 9; D 1d6 37. Hog Farmer and Family: Treat as commoners (MM 345,
(shortsword) CR 0, 10XP); AC 10, hp 6,2,3;
8. Bonesnapper: Treat as young T. rex (MM 80) but reduce 38. Hulbar Onfre: Treat as guard (MM 347, CR1/2, 100XP)
all stats for small size. AC 13, hp 30, D 1d8/1d4 With AC 18 (Scale mail and shield + 1); hp 12; #AT 1 at + 1;
9. Carrion Crawler: Carrion Crawler (MM 37, CR 2, 450 XP) D 1d8+1 (longsword)
AC 13; hp 40; D2d4+2, 1d4+2 and poison. 39. Human Guards: Treat as commoners (MM 345, CR 0,
10. Centipede, Giant: Giant Centipede (MM 323, CR ¼, 50XP) 10XP) AC 12; hp 4; D1d6)
AC 13; hp 4. Consider reducing number. 40. Iggy Olivero: Treat as commoner (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP)
11. Cirilli Finla: Treat as commoner (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) 41. Jarvis Inigar: Treat as Bandit (MM 343, CR 1/8, 25 XP)
12. Coffer Corpse: Treat as Ghoul. See Ghouls with AC 15 (scale mail, shield + 1); hp 18; D 1d8
13. Constrictor Snake: Constrictor Snake (MM 320, CR 1/4, (longsword)
50 XP) AC 12; hp 13; D1d6 +2 (bite) 1d8+2 (constrict) 42. Kenton Miller (and family): Treat as commoners(MM
14. Crocodiles: Crocodile (MM 320, CR ½, 100 XP) AC12; hp 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10; hp 5,4,4,3,3
15; D 1d10+2 plus grapple 43. Kilian Gade (and family): Treat as commoners (MM 345,
15. Cultists -Blacksmith and family: Treat smith and sons CR 0, 10XP) AC 10, hp 4
as Cultists (MM 345, CR1/8, 25 XP) AC 11 (leather aprons); 44. Lizard, Giant: Giant Lizard (MM 326, CR 0.25, 50 XP) AC
hp 8,7,7; D 1d6+1 (blacksmiths tools) 12; hp 15; D 1d8
16. Cultists -Carpenter and wife: Treat as commoners (MM 45. Llywillan: See special creatures
345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10; hp 3,3 46. Marieke Clayborn: Treat as guard (MM 347, CR1/2 100
17. Cultists: Cult Members Room: Treat as commoners XP) AC 11 or 18 (Scale Mail + 1 and shield); hp 15; D 1d8
(MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) with AC 12 (studded leather; hp 5 (longsword)
each; D 1d6 (shortsword) 47. Misha Devi: See special creatures
18. Cultists- Farmhouse and Barn (woman and sons): Treat 48. Monk: Treat as Cultist (MM 345, CR1/8, 25 XP) but
as commoners (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10, hp 2,5,4,3; D fighting unarmed. AC 11; hp 12; D 1d6
1d4 49. Mudviper: Treat as Giant Poisonous Snake (MM 327, CR
19. Cultists -Rundown Farmhouse (Father and son): Treat 1/4, 50 XP) AC 14, hp 19; D 1d4 + poison
as commoners (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10; hp 6,5 50. Myron Tweed (Tailor): Treat as commoner (MM 345, CR
20. Cultists- Shabby Farm (5 Adults): Treat as commoners 0, 10XP) AC 10, hp 4
(MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10, hp 6,5,4,3,3 51. Nowell Graven (and Family): Treat as commoners (MM
21. Cultists -Village Store (family of 5): Treat as commoners 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10; hp 4
(MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10; hp 5,3,7,6,5; D 1d6 52. Ogre: Ogre (MM 237, CR 1/4, 50 XP) but reduced for
(shortword) small size and starved state. AC 13; hp 13; D 1d6+2
22. Derek Desleigh: Treat as Bandit (MM 343, CR1/8, 25XP) 53. Ollwin Cralloon (Inkeeper): Treat as commoner (MM
AC 12; hp 16; D 1d6 +1 (Scimitar) 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10.; hp 5
23. Donavan Allard: Treat as guard (MM347, CR1/2, 100 XP) 54. Ramne (Hermit): See special creatures
With AC 18 (Scale mail +1 and shield); hp 20; #AT 1 at + 1; 55. Rats, Giant: Giant Rat (MM 327, CR 0.125, 25 XP) AC 12;
D 1d6+1 (spear +1) hp 7; D 1d4+2;
24. Dorian: See special creatures 56. Shrieker: Shrieker (MM 138, CR 0, 10 XP) AC 5; hp 13
25. Errol Rocktyn (Jewelers Guard): Treat as Bandit (MM 57. Skeletons: Skeleton (MM 272, CR 0.25, 50 XP) AC 13; hp
343, CR1/8, 25XP) AC 12; hp 16; D 1d6 +1 (Scimitar) 10; D 1d6 (shortsword) Adjust HP down if necessary.
26. Explictica Defilus (Spirit Naga): See special creatures 58. Snigrot Dogroot: Treat as Cultist (MM 345, CR1/8, 25 XP)
27. Frog, Killer: Treat as Giant Frog (MM 325, CR ¼, 50 XP) AC 10; hp 11; D 1d4+1 (dagger +1) and note his skill with
AC 11; hp 15; D1d6 +1. See MM for grapple amd swallow. poisons, drugged drinks etc.
28. Galen Weaver (and Wife): Treat as commoner (MM 345, 59. Spider, Huge: see Wolf Spider, Giant

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60. Spider, Large Treat as Stirge. See Stirges Attack Bonus +4
61. Stirges: Stirge (MM 284, CR 1/8, 25 XP) AC 14; hp 3; D
1d4+3, 1d4+3 blood loss while attached
62. Swarm of Bats (MM 337, CR 1 /4, 50 XP) AC 12; hp 20; D Spells and Casting
63. Temple Servants: Treat as commoners (MM 345, CR 0, Spell Save DC 14
10XP) AC 10, hp 5,4,5,3,4
Spell Attack Modifier +6
64. Traver Stoutheart (Mayors bodyguard): Treat as Veteran
(MM 350, CR3 700 XP) AC 17 (scale mail and shield); hp Prepared Spells 10
40; #AT 1 at + 3; D 1d8+5 (Longsword +2)
65. Troglodyte (MM 290, CR1/4, 50XP) AC 11, hp 12; #AT 3; D First Level (4 spell slots) Curse (reversed Bless), Command,
1d4 +2. SA Stench. Note that in the original module Cure Wounds, Detect Evil and Good
these creatures have only one attack. Second Level (3 spell slots)Silence, Spiritual Weapon, Hold
66. Vilma Merridie: Treat as commoner (MM 345, CR 0, Person
10XP) AC 10; hp 2
67. Weasel, Giant: Giant Weasel (MM 329, CR 1/8, 25 XP) AC Third Level(3 spell slots) Animate Dead, Bestow Curse,
13; hp 9; D1d4+3 Dispel Magic
68. Whiskers: Weasel (MM 340, CR 0, 10XP) AC 11; hp 3; Fourth Level (1 spell slot) Banishment
69. Wight: Wight (MM 300, CR 3, 700XP) with AC 14, hp 35, D
1d6 + 2 (Life Drain)
70. Wild Boar: Treat as Boar (MM319, CR ¼, 50 XP) AC 11; Actions
71. Wolf Spider, Giant (MM 330, CR 1 /4; 50 XP) AC 13; hp 11; Mace: Melee Weapon Attack D 1d6+1 (+4 to hit)
1d6 +1, and 2d6 poison (DC 11 Con save)
72. Wolves: Wolf (MM 341, CR ¼, 50 XP) AC 13; hp 11; D 2d4+2
73. Wylle Dunn (Jewelers Guard): Treat as Bandit (MM 343, Dorian
CR1/8, 25XP) AC 10; hp 16; D 1d6 +1 (Scimitar)
Elven Fighter / Warlock 3/3 (CR2, 450 XP)
74. Zakarias Ormond (and family): Treat as Veteran (MM
350, CR3 700 XP). AC 10 or 19 (Chain mail and shield +1); Armor Class 18 (Studded Leather +2 +Dex)
hp 25; #AT 1 at + 3; D 1d8+4 (Longsword +1). Treat family Prof. Bonus +3
as commoners. Sons with armor class and to hit as per
armor and weapons. Hit Points 20
75. Zombies: Zombie (MM 316, CR 0.25, 50 XP) AC 8; hp 15; Speed 30 ft.
D1d6 +1

Special Creatures 17(+3) 18(+4) 14(+2) 17(+3)

Saving Throws Strength+6, Constitution +5

10 13(+1)

Note to DM’s – For spell casting NPC’s and monsters, I have

suggested a number of known spells equal to the slots Senses passive Perception 10
available, and taking the original module known spells into
account. You may of course add more known spells to their Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics+6
repertoires as required. The number of spells they can have
Attack Bonus +6 (melee) +7(ranged)
prepared for their class and level are noted.

Abramo Spells and Casting

Human 7th Level Cleric (CR2, 450 XP)
Armor Class 17 (Chain shirt +2) Spell Save DC 12

Prof. Bonus +3 Spell Attack Modifier +4

Hit Points 28 Spell Slots: Two second level slots
Speed 30 ft. Cantrips: Blade Ward, True Strike
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA First Level (3 Spells) Protection from Evil, Witch Bolt, Armor
13(+1) 15(+2) 12(+1) 10 17(+3) 9(-1) of Agathys

Saving Throws Charisma +2, Wisdom +6 Second Level (1Spell) Hold Person

Senses passive Perception 13

Skills Arcana + 3, Religion+3

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Hit Points 21
Actions Speed 30 ft.
Longsword: Melee Weapon Attack 1d8+3 (+6 to hit) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Longbow: Ranged Weapon Attack 1d8+4 (+7 to hit) 13(+1) 10 12(+1) 12(+1) 16(+3) 8(-1)

Explictica Defilus Saving Throws Charisma +2, Wisdom +6

Spirit Naga ( MM 234, CR 1, XP 200)
Senses passive Perception 13
3rd Level Wizard
Armor Class 15 (13+ 2 Dex) Skills Arcana + 4, Religion+4
Prof. Bonus + 2 Attack Bonus +4
Hit Points 65
Speed 40 ft. Spells and Casting
15(+2) 15(+2) 14(+2) 16(+3) 15(+2) 15(+2)
Spell Attack Modifier +6
Saving Throws Int +5. Wis +4, Con+4, Cha +4, Int +5
Damage Immunities: Poison Prepared Spells 8

Condition Immunities: Charmed, Poisoned First Level (4 spell slots) Detect Magic, Cure Wounds, Detect
Evil and Good, Shield of Faith
Senses Darkvision 60ft, passive Perception 12
Second Level (3 spell slots) Hold Person, Prayer of Healing,
Attack Bonus +3 Protection from Poison
Third Level(2 spell slots) Animate Dead, Bestow Curse
Spells and Casting
Requires only Verbal components Actions
Spell Save DC 13 Light Hammer: Melee Weapon Attack D 1d4+1 (+4 to hit)

Spell Attack Modifier +5

First Level (4 spell slots) Sleep, Shield, Charm Person, Detect Llywillan
Magic Elven 4th Level Fighter (CR2, 450 XP)
Second Level (2 spell slots) Invisibility, Darkness Armor Class 15 (Studded Leather +Dex)
Prof. Bonus +2
Actions Hit Points 20
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack D 1d6+2 (+3 to hit) and 1d4 poison Speed 30 ft.
if target fails a DC 13 Constitution saving throw.
14(+2) 17(+3) 11 10 12(+1) 14(+2)
Adjusting Explictica
Saving Throws Strength+4, Constitution +2
The following stat adjustments can be made depending on
the level of your party. Senses passive Perception 11
CR 2 (XP 450): HP to between 86 and 1oo Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +4
CR 3 (XP 700): HP to between 101 and 115, Attack Bonus to +4
Attack Bonus +4 (melee) +5(ranged)

Garath Primo Actions

Human 5 Level Cleric (CR1, 200 XP) Longsword + 1: Melee Weapon Attack 1d8+3 (+5 to hit)
Armor Class 15 (Chain shirt and shield)
Longbow: Ranged Weapon Attack 1d8+3 (+5 to hit)
Prof. Bonus +3

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Spells and Casting

Misha Devi Spell Save DC 14

Human 3 Level Cleric (CR1, 200 XP) Spell Attack Modifier +6
Armor Class 16 (Chain shirt and shield, Ring of Protection
+1) Prepared Spells 10
Prof. Bonus +2 First Level (4 spell slots) Light, Magic Missile, Sleep, Detect
Hit Points 15
Second Level (3 spell slots) Invisibility, Continual Flame,
Speed 30 ft. Hold Person
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Third Level(3 spell slots) Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt, Slow
12(+1) 9(-1) 10 12(+1) 16(+3) 15(+2)
Fourth Level (1 spell slot) Stoneskin
Ramne has a scroll with Dispel Magic and Globe of
Invulnerability. Should he not accompany the party, some
Saving Throws Charisma +5, Wisdom +6
provision should be made for them to have this with them,
Senses passive Perception 13 either as a gift from Ramne, or found somewhere else before
they meet the Naga.
Skills Arcana + 3, Religion+3

Attack Bonus +3

Spells and Casting

Spell Save DC 13

Spell Attack Modifier +5

Prepared Spells 6
First Level (4 spell slots) Detect Magic, Cure Wounds, Detect
Evil and Good, Shield of Faith
Second Level (2 spell slots) Hold Person, Silence

Mace: Melee Weapon Attack D 1d6+1 (+3 to hit)

Human 7th Level Wizard
Armor Class 11 (ring of protection + 2)
Prof. Bonus + 3
Hit Points 20
Speed 6 ft.(age)


7(-2) 9(-1) 7(-2) 17(+3) 16(+3) 13(+1)

Saving Throws Intelligence +8. Wisdom +8

Senses Passive Perception 13

Skills Arcana +6, History +6

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22. Shabby Farmhouse and Barn: Cultists-
N1 Against the Cult Shabby farm
23. Prosperous Farmhouse and Barn: Alan
Magic Items
of the Reptile God Clayborn, Marieke Clayborn
26. Millhouse: Kenton Miller (and family)
Bag of Holding (pg. 28)
Brooch of shielding (pg. 18)

Reference Sheet
27. Grove of Stately Elms: Ramne 3. Broadsword + 2 (pg. 6) treat as longsword +2
4. Chainmail +1 (pg. 10)
Orlane – Temple of Merikka 5. Chainmail +2 (pg. 6) treat as studded leather
Random Encounters 1. Courtyard: Temple Servants, Wolves
6. Chainmail +2 (pg. 17) treat as chain shirt +2
Dim Forrest Wandering Monsters 2. Central Sanctuary: Misha Devi 7. Dagger +1 (pg. 11)
7. Meditation Cells: Monk 8. Elven Boots (use Boots of Elvenkind) (pg. 28)
Roll 1d8 9. Misha Devi’s Quarters: Misha Devi 9. Leather Armor +1 (pg. 12)
1. Goblins (2d4) 5. Zombies (1d6) 11. Guardroom of the Undead: Skeletons 10. Necklace of Adaptation (pg. 24)
2. Wild Boar (1) 6. Wolves (1d4) 14. Torture Chamber: Goblins 11. Poison Potion (use Potion of Poison) (pg. 12)
3. Troglodytes 7. Black Bear (1)
(1d4) 16. Antechamber: Abramo 12. Potion of Gaseous form (pg. 12, 28)
8. Skeletons (2d4)
4. Ogre (1) 18. Secret Altar Room: Cirilli Finla 13. Potion of Healing (pg.12)
10. Maze: Ogre 14. Shield +1 (pg. 4, 6)
Rushmoors Wandering Monsters 22. Troglodyte Tunnels: Shrieker, Troglodytes 15. Sword + 2 (pg. 10) treat as longsword + 2
Roll 1d4 16. Shortsword + 1, +2 vs scaly creatures (pg. 23)
1. Swarm of bats 3. Troglodytes (1d4) Orlane – Inn of the Slumbering 17. Longsword +1 (pg. 6)
2. Stirges (1d6) 4. Wolf Spider, Giant (1) 18. Longsword +1 (pg. 6) treat as shortsword +1
Serpent 19. Plate mail +1 (pg. 4, 10) treat as scale mail +1
Dungeon Level 1 Wandering 1. Common Room: Belba Cralloon, Ollwin 20. Ring of Protection +1 (pg. 16, 28)
Monsters Cralloon (owners) 21. Ring of Free Action (pg. 28)
22. Spear +1 (pg. 4)
Roll 1d6 every third turn. Scroll with two spells: Globe of
1. Rats, Giant(2d4) 4. Constrictor Snake (1) Orlane – Golden Grain Inn Invulnerability and a Dispel magic (7th level)
2. Lizard, Giant (1) 5. Troglodytes (1d4)
1. Common Room: Bertram Beswill, Cult (pg. 21)
3. Poisonous 6. Weasel, Giant (1) members (3-12), Derek Desleigh (80%)
Snake (see 2. Kitchen: Snigrot Dogroot
mudviper) (1) 6. Large Guest Room: Derek Desleigh
Dungeon Level 2 Wandering 11. Cult Members Room: Cultists: Cult Traps
Members Room Sleep Gas Trap (p. 6): Triggered by opening
Monsters 13: Small Guest Room: Iggy Olivero a chest without either using the key or picking
20. Central Chamber: Constrictor Snake (1) the lock. Gas is odorless, tasteless and invisible,
Roll 1d6 every third turn. 22. Large Dirt Chamber: Mudviper (1) and affects everyone in a small room or
1. Stirges (1d4) 4. Zombies (1d6) 23. Ghoulish Vault: Ghouls cottage. No saving throw (DMS’s may consider
2. Troglodytes 5. Ghouls (1d4) Lair of the Reptile God – Level 1 being a bit more lenient here by allowing
(1d4+2) 6. Carrion Crawler (1) characters who make a Wisdom saving throw
3. Rats, Giant (3d4) See also – Dungeon Level 1 Wandering Monsters (Perception) to notice their comrades are being
under random encounters overcome and escape the room before
succumbing themselves (provided an escape
Planned Encounters 2. Entry Room: Human Guards (4) route is available). The release mechanism is
3. Chamber of the Frogs: Frog, Killer (1 or 2) entirely within the chest, so there is no way to
Orlane – Village 7. Home of the Green Slime: Green Slime (1) detect it while the chest is closed. Roll 3d6 for
8. Human Cult Members’ Rooms: Human each character overcome by the gas to
1. Pleasant Farmhouse and Barn: Hewitt Guards (12) determine how long they will sleep (consider
Twaine (Farmer and his two sons) 14. Lieutenants’ quarters: Jarvis Inigar, Blayze reducing this). Give elves either a bonus to
2. Constable’s Quarters: Grover Ruskadal Gobbar, Benn Griff: their saving throw, or a bonus (reduction) to
(Constable of Orlane), Donavan Allard, Hulbar 15. Crocodile Pool: Crocodiles (2 or 3) the number of hour s they are affected).
Onfre 16. Arched Chamber: Harpy (luring song) Poison Needle Trap (pg. 5,7,12,25) This trap
4. Dairy farm: Nowell Graven (and family) 17. Den of the Harpy: Harpy protects a chest or other compartment.
5. Weaver House and Shop: Galen Weaver (and 18: Lair of the Giant Weasel: Weasel, Giant (1) A DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check
Wife) 20: Troglodyte Guardroom: Troglodyte (6) allows character to notice the trap based on
7. Jeweler and Moneychanger: Haskell Ull (and alterations to the locking mechanism. A DC 15
wife), Errol Rocktyn (Jewelers Guard), Wylle Intelligence (Investigation) check to determine
Dunn (Jewelers Guard) how to disarm by removing the needle from
8. Livery Stable: Kilian Gade (and family)
Lair of the Reptile God – Level 2 the locking mechanism, followed by a DC 15
9. Small Cottage: Dorian, Llywillan See also – Dungeon Level 2 Wandering Monsters Dexterity check using thieves tools to disable
10. Mayors Residence: Zakarias Ormond (and under random encounters it. When triggered, a creature within range
family), Traver Stoutheart takes 1d10 damage and must succeed on a DC
11. Tailor Shop: Myron Tweed (Tailor) 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned
12. Village Store: Cultists - Village Store 22. Huge Spider’s Lair: Wolf Spider, Giant for 1 hour.
(family of 5) 24. Chamber of the Dead: Ghoul Slow Gas Trap (p.12) A DC 20 Intelligence
13. Rundown Farmhouse: Cultists -Rundown 25. Cells of the Doomed: Prisoners (treat as (Investigation) check allows character to notice
Farmhouse (Father and son) commoners) the trap based on alterations to the locking
14. Carpenters Shop: Cultists -Carpenter and 27. Altar of Evil: Garath Primo mechanism. A DC 15 Intelligence
wife 28. Giant Centipede Colony: Centipede, Giant (Investigation) check to determine how to
15. Blacksmiths Shop: Cultists -Blacksmith and 29. Pump Room: Zombies (5) disarm by removing the needle from the
family 33. Troglodyte Lair: Troglodytes (7) locking mechanism, followed by a DC 15
16. Battered and Weatherbeaten Structure: 24: Troglodyte Hatchery: Eggs Dexterity check using thieves tools to disable
Troglodytes (3) 35. Mudviper Hatchery: Eggs it. When triggered, the gas affects everyone in
18. Farmhouse and Barn: Cultists- Farmhouse 36. Bonesnapper Lair: Bonesnapper the room who fails a DC 15 Constitution saving
and Barn (woman and sons) 37. Throne Room: Explictica Defilus, see throw. Those affected suffer a -2 penalty to AC
19. Farmhouse with Outbuildings: Hog special creatures and dexterity saving throws, have their speed
Farmer and Family reduced by half, cannot use reactions, can use
20. Small, Neatly Kept Cottage: Vilma Merridie either an action or bonus action in their turn,

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but not both, and can make only a single melee and son): Treat as commoners (MM 345, CR commoners (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10;
or ranged attack per turn. See also third level 0, 10XP) AC 10; hp 6,5 hp 4
spell, “Slow”. 20. Cultists- Shabby Farm (5 Adults): Treat as 52. Ogre: Ogre (MM 237, CR 1/4, 50 XP) but
Collapsing Ceiling (pg 23, area 11). Not commoners (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10, reduced for small size and starved state.
really a trap, but a ceiling which will collapse if hp 6,5,4,3,3 AC 13; hp 13; D 1d6+2
the door to this area is forced. DC 15 passive 21. Cultists -Village Store (family of 5): Treat 53. Ollwin Cralloon (Inkeeper): Treat as
Wisdom (Perception) check to spot the problem as commoners (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10; commoner (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10; hp
with the ceiling, or DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) hp 5,3,7,6,5; D 1d6 (shortword) 5
check if actively searching. DC 10 Intelligence 22. Derek Desleigh: Treat as Bandit (MM 343, 54. Ramne (Hermit): See special creatures
(Investigation) check to determine how to CR1/8, 25 XP) AC 12; hp 16; D 1d6 +1 55. Rats, Giant: Giant Rat (MM 327, CR 0.125,
avoid any falling rubble. Alternatively, simply (Scimitar) 25 XP) AC 12; hp 7; D 1d4+2;
allow the character/s forcing the door to avoid 23. Donavan Allard: Treat as guard (MM347, 56. Shrieker: Shrieker (MM 138, CR 0, 10 XP)
injury if the weakened ceiling was spotted or CR1/2 100 XP) With AC 18 (Scale mail + 1 AC 5; hp 13
make a DC 12 Dexterity (Athletics) check and shield); hp 12; #AT 1 at + 1; D 1d6+1 57. Skeletons: Skeleton (MM 272, CR 0.25, 50
Mud Trap (pg 26, area 30) Opening the (spear + 1) XP) AC 13; hp 10; D 1d6 (shortsword) Adjust
chest by any means triggers this trap. The fact 24. Dorian: See special creatures HP down if necessary.
that the ceiling supports are somehow linked 25. Errol Rocktyn (Jewelers Guard): Treat as 58. Snigrot Dogroot : Treat as Cultist (MM 345,
to the platform the chest rests on can be Bandit (MM 343, CR1/8, 25XP) AC 12; hp 16; CR1/8, 25 XP) AC 10; hp 11; D 1d4+1 (dagger
discerned by a DC 15 passive Wisdom D 1d6 +1 (Scimitar) +1) and note his skill with poisons, drugged
(Perception) or DC 12 active Wisdom 26. Explictica Defilus (Spirit Naga): See drinks etc.
(Perception) check, or a DC 12 active special creatures 59. Spider, Huge: see Wolf Spider, Giant
Intelligence (Investigation) check. Once 27. Frog, Killer: Treat as Giant Frog (MM 325, 60. Spider, Large Treat as Stirge. See Stirges
noticed, a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) CR ¼, 50 XP) AC 11; hp 15; D1d6 +1. See MM 61. Stirges: Stirge (MM 284, CR 1/8, 25 XP) AC
check will reveal that opening the chest will for grapple amd swallow. 14; hp 3; D 1d4+3, 1d4+3 blood loss while
trigger a collapse. Should the trap be triggered, 28. Galen Weaver (and Wife): Treat as attached
each character in the area must make a DC 15 commoner (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10, hp 62. Swarm of Bats (MM 337, CR 1 /4, 50 XP) AC
Dexterity check to avoid the falling beams (DC 3,4 12; hp 20; D 2d4
10 if the trap was detected and the party chose 29. Garath Primo: See special creatures 63. Temple Servants: Treat as commoners
to open the chest anyway and those remaining 30. Ghouls: Ghoul (MM 148, CR 1, 200 XP) (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10, hp 5,4,5,3,4
in the room are expecting the collapse. with AC 12; hp 15; 64. Traver Stoutheart (Mayors bodyguard):
#AT 3; D 2d6, 2d4,2d4. Perhaps reduce Treat as Veteran (MM 350, CR3 700 XP) AC
Monsters 31.
Goblins: Goblin (MM 166, CR 0.25, 50 XP)
17 (scale mail and shield); hp 40; #AT 1 at +
3; D 1d8+5 (Longsword +2)
AC 15; hp 3-5; D 1d6 65. Troglodyte (MM 290, CR1/4, 50XP) AC 11,
1. Abramo: See special creatures 32. Green Slime: Treat as Gray Ooze (MM 243, hp 12; #AT 3; D 1d4 +2. SA Stench. In the
2. Alan Clayborn: Treat as Scout (MM 349, CR 0.5, 100 XP) AC 8; hp 16; D1d6 +1, see original module these creatures have only
CR1, 200 XP)AC 12 or 19 (Chain mail +1 and MM for corrosion effects one attack.
shield), hp 29; D1d8 + 2 (longsword + 2) 33. Grover Ruskadal (Constable of Orlane): 66. Vilma Merridie: Treat as commoner (MM
3. Belba Cralloon (Inkeepers Wife): Treat as Treat as guard (MM 347, CR1/2, 100 XP) 345, CR 0, 10XP)
commoner (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10; hp with AC 16 (Chain shirt and shield); hp 12; 67. Weasel, Giant: Giant Weasel (MM 329, CR
4 #AT 1 at + 3; D 1d8+1 (Longsword) 1/8, 25 XP) AC 13; hp 9; D1d4+3
4. Benn Griff: Treat as Cultist (MM 345, 34. Harpy: Harpy (MM 181, CR 1, 200 XP). AC 68. Whiskers: Weasel (MM 340, CR 0, 10XP)
CR1/8, 25 XP) with AC 13 (leather armor 11; hp 30; D 2d4+1, 1d4+1, see MM for SA AC 11; hp 3;
and shield); hp 8; D 1d6+1 (shortsword + 1, luring song. 69. Wight: Wight (MM 300, CR 3, 700XP) with
+2 vs Scaly creatures) 35. Haskell Ull (and wife): Treat as AC 14, hp 35, D 1d6 + 2 (Life Drain)
5. Bertram Beswill: Treat as commoner (MM commoners (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) 70. Wild Boar: Treat as Boar (MM319, CR ¼, 50
345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10; hp 8 36. Hewitt Twaine (Farmer and his two sons): XP) AC 11; hp 11
6. Black Bear: Treat as Brown Bear (MM 319, Treat as commoners (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) 71. Wolf Spider, Giant (MM 330, CR 1 /4; 50 XP)
CR 1, 200 XP) AC 11; hp 25 37. Hog Farmer and Family : Treat as AC 13; hp 11; 1d6 +1, and 2d6 poison (DC 11
7. Blayze Gobbar: Treat as Cultist (MM 345, commoners (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP); AC 10, Con save)
CR1/8, 25 XP) with AC 13 (leather armor hp 6,2,3; 72. Wolves: Wolf (MM 341, CR ¼, 50 XP) AC 13;
and shield); hp 9; D 1d6 (shortsword) 38. Hulbar Onfre: Treat as guard (MM 347, hp 11; D 2d4+2
8. Bonesnapper: Treat as young T. rex (MM CR1/2, 100 XP) With AC 18 (Scale mail and 73. Wylle Dunn (Jewelers Guard): Treat as
80) but reduce all stats for small size. AC shield + 1); hp 12; #AT 1 at + 1; D 1d8+1 Bandit (MM 343, CR1/8, 25XP) AC 10; hp 16;
13, hp 30, D 1d8/1d4 (longsword) D 1d6 +1 (Scimitar)
9. Carrion Crawler: Carrion Crawler (MM 37, 39. Human Guards: Treat as commoners (MM 74. Zakarias Ormond (and family): Treat as
CR 2, 450 XP) AC 13; hp 40; D2d4+2, 1d4+2 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 12; hp 4; D1d6) Veteran (MM 350, CR3 700 XP). AC 10 or 19
and poison. 40. Iggy Olivero: Treat as commoner (MM 345, (Chain mail and shield +1); hp 25; #AT 1 at +
10. Centipede, Giant: Giant Centipede (MM CR 0, 10XP) 3; D 1d8+4 (Longsword +1). Treat family as
323, CR ¼, 50XP) AC 13; hp 4. Consider 41. Jarvis Inigar: Treat as Bandit (MM 343, CR commoners. Sons with armor class and to
reducing number. 1/8, 25 XP) with AC 15 (scale mail, shield + hit as per armor and weapons.
11. Cirilli Finla: Treat as commoner (MM 345, 1); hp 18; D 1d8 (longsword) 75. Zombies: Zombie (MM 316, CR 0.25, 50 XP)
CR 0, 10XP) 42. Kenton Miller (and family): Treat as AC 8; hp 15; D1d6 +1
12. Coffer Corpse: Treat as Ghoul. See Ghouls commoners(MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10; hp
13. Constrictor Snake: Constrictor Snake 5,4,4,3,3
(MM 320, CR 1/4, 50 XP) AC 12; hp 13; D1d6 43. Kilian Gade (and family): Treat as
+2 (bite) 1d8+2 (constrict) commoners (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10,
14. Crocodiles: Crocodile (MM 320, CR ½, 100 hp 4
XP) AC12; hp 15; D 1d10+2 plus grapple 44. Lizard, Giant: Giant Lizard (MM 326, CR
15. Cultists -Blacksmith and family : Treat 0.25, 50 XP) AC 12; hp 15; D 1d8
smith and sons as Cultists (MM 345, CR1/8, 45. Llywillan: See special creatures
25 XP) AC 11 (leather aprons); hp 8,7,7; D 46. Marieke Clayborn: Treat as guard (MM
1d6+1 (blacksmiths tools) 347, CR1/2, 100 XP) AC 11 or 18 (Scale Mail +
16. Cultists -Carpenter and wife: Treat as 1 and shield); hp 15; D 1d8 (longsword)
commoners (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10; 47. Misha Devi: See specal creatures
hp 3,3 48. Monk: Treat as Cultist (MM 345, CR1/8, 25
17. Cultists: Cult Members Room: Treat as XP) but fighting unarmed. AC 11; hp 12; D
commoners (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) with AC 1d6
12 (studded leather; hp 5 each; D 1d6 49. Mudviper: Treat as Giant Poisonous Snake
(shortsword) (MM 327, CR 1/4, 50 XP) AC 14, hp 19; D 1d4
18. Cultists- Farmhouse and Barn (woman + poison
and sons): Treat as commoners (MM 345, 50. Myron Tweed (Tailor): Treat as commoner
CR 0, 10XP) AC 10, hp 2,5,4,3; D 1d4 (MM 345, CR 0, 10XP) AC 10, hp 4
19. Cultists -Rundown Farmhouse (Father 51. Nowell Graven (and Family): Treat as

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Longbow: Ranged Weapon Attack 1d8+4 (+7 to Bestow Curse
Special Creatures hit)

Note to DM’s – For spell casting NPC’s and Llywillan

monsters, I have suggested a number of Explictica Defilus Elven 4th Level Fighter (CR2, 450 XP)
known spells equal to the slots available, and
taking the original module known spells into Spirit Naga (MM234, CR1, XP 200) Armor Class 15 (Studded Leather +Dex)
account. You may of course add more known 3rd Level Wizard Prof. Bonus +2
spells to their repertoires as required Hit Points 20
Armor Class 15 Speed 30 ft.
Abramo Hit Points 65
14(+2) 17(+3) 11 10 12(+1) 14(+2)
Human 7th Level Cleric (CR2, 450 XP) Speed 40 ft.
Saving Throws Strength+4, Constitution +2
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses passive Perception 11
Armor Class 17 (Chain shirt +2) 15(+2) 15(+2) 14(+2) 16(+3) 15(+2) 15(+2) Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +4
Prof. Bonus + 3
Attack Bonus +4 (melee) +5(ranged)
Hit Points 28
Speed 30 ft.
Saving Throws Int +5. Wisdom +4, Con +4, Cha
13(+1) 15(+2) 12(+1) 10 17(+3) 9(-1) Damage Immunities: Poison Longsword + 1: Melee Weapon Attack 1d8+3 (+5
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Poisoned to hit)
Saving Throws Charisma +2, Wisdom +6 Senses Darkvision 60ft, passive Perception 12 Longbow: Ranged Weapon Attack 1d8+3 (+5 to
Attack Bonus: +3 hit)
Senses Passive Perception 13
Skills Arcana + 3, Religion+3
Attack Bonus +4 Spells and Casting
Misha Devi
Spell Save DC 13 Human 3rd Level Cleric (CR1, 200 XP)
Spells and Casting Spell Attack Modifier +5
Spell Save DC 14 First Level (4 slots) – Sleep, Shield, Charm Armor Class 16 (Chain shirt and shield, Ring of
Spell Attack Modifier +6 Person, Detect Magic Protection +1)
Prepared Spells 10 Second Level (2 slots) – Invisibility, Darkness Prof. Bonus +2
First Level (4 spell slots) Curse (reversed Bless), Hit Points 15
Command, Cure Wounds, Detect Evil and Good Actions Speed 30 ft.
Second Level (3 spell slots)Silence, Spiritual
Weapon, Hold Person STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Third Level(3 spell slots) Animate Dead, Bite: Melee Weapon Attack D 1d6+2 (+3 to hit) 12(+1) 9(-1) 10 12(+1) 16(+3) 15(+2)
Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic and 1d4 poison damage if target fails DC 13
Fourth Level (1 spell slot) Banishment Constitution saving throw
Saving Throws Charisma +5, Wisdom +6
Senses passive Perception 13
Actions Adjusting Explictica Skills Arcana + 3, Religion+3
Attack Bonus +3
Mace: Melee Weapon Attack D 1d6+1 (+4 to hit) The following stat adjustments can be made
depending on the level of your party.
CR 2 (XP 450): HP to between 86 and 1oo Spells and Casting
Dorian CR 3 (XP 700): HP to between 101 and 115, Spell Save DC 13
Attack Bonus to +4 Spell Attack Modifier +5
Elven Fighter / Warlock 3/3 (CR2, 450 XP)
Prepared Spells 6
Armor Class 18 (Studded Leather +2 +Dex)
First Level (4 spell slots) Detect Magic, Cure
Prof. Bonus +3 Garath Primo Wounds, Detect Evil and Good, Shield of Faith
Hit Points 20 Second Level (2 spell slots) Hold Person,
Speed 30 ft. Human 5h Level Cleric (CR1, 200 XP)
Armor Class 15 (Chain shirt and shield)
17(+3) 18(+4) 14(+2) 17(+3) 10 13(+1) Prof. Bonus +3 Actions
Hit Points 21 Mace: Melee Weapon Attack D 1d6+1 (+3 to hit)
Saving Throws Strength+6, Constitution +5 Speed 30 ft.
Senses passive Perception 10 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics+6 Ramne
Attack Bonus +6 (melee) +7(ranged) 13(+1) 10 12(+1) 12(+1) 16(+3) 8(-1) 7th Level Wizard
Armor Class 11 (ring of protection + 2)
Saving Throws Charisma +2, Wisdom +6 Prof. Bonus + 3
Spells and Casting Senses passive Perception 13 Hit Points 20
Spell Save DC 12 Skills Arcana + 4, Religion+4 Speed 6 ft.(age)
Spell Attack Modifier +4 Attack Bonus +4
Spell Slots: Two second level slots
Cantrips: Blade Ward, True Strike 7(-2) 9(-1) 7(-2) 17(+3) 16(+3) 13(+1)
Spells and Casting
First Level (3 Spells) Protection from Evil, Spell Save DC 14
Witch Bolt, Armor of Agathys Skills Arcana + 6, History+6
Spell Attack Modifier +6 Senses passive Perception 13
Second Level (1Spell) Hold Person
Prepared Spells 8 Saving Throws Intelligence +8. Wisdom +8
First Level (4 spell slots) Detect Magic, Cure
Actions Wounds, Detect Evil and Good, Shield of Faith
Second Level (3 spell slots) Hold Person, Prayer Spells and Casting
Longsword: Melee Weapon Attack 1d8+3 (+6 to of Healing, Protection from Poison
hit) Third Level(2 spell slots) Animate Dead,

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Spell Save DC 14
Spell Attack Modifier +6
Prepared Spells 10
First Level – Light, Magic Missile, Sleep, Detect
Second Level – Invisibility, Continual Flame,
Hold Person
Third Level – Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt,
Fourth Level – Stoneskin

Ramne has a scroll with Dispel Magic and

Globe of Invulnerability. Should he not
accompany the party, some provision should
be made for them to obtain the scroll, either
from Ramne as a gift, or found somewhere else
before they meet the Naga.

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