Lesson Plan Final

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Lesson Title: ______________________ Author: _______________

Lesson Title: What’s the biggest apple in the world?

Grade Level: 3rd
Subject: Science
Time Frame: 1–40-minute class period

Learning Goals
Learning Goals How will they be met?

Content Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions In this mini-lesson, students
Specific (PS2) Ask questions that can be investigated learn about a variety of
Goals & based on patterns such as cause and effect apples. In the activity, Apple
Associated relationships. Electric and magnetic forces Trapper, students engage in
Standards between a pair of objects do not require that the engineering design
the objects be in contact. The sizes of the process and build an invention
forces in each situation depend on the that can pick up apples in the
properties of the objects and their distances classroom. Students explore
apart and, for forces between two magnets, the properties of paper and
on their orientation relative to each other. think like inventors - building,
3.PS2.4 Define a simple design problem that testing, learning from failure,
can be solved by applying scientific ideas and trying again and again!
about magnets. Define a simple problem that Since this activity is designed
can be solved through the development of a to encourage students to
new or improved object or tool. collaborate and help each
Scientific discoveries about the natural world other by sharing ideas,
can often lead to new and improved students will work in pairs. I
technologies, which are developed through suggest each student build
the engineering design process. their own Apple Trapper. Each
Cause and effect relationships are routinely Apple Trapper requires at
identified, tested, and used to explain least ten pieces of paper to
change. Other crosscutting concepts may be experiment with and to
more appropriate depending on the problem construct their invention. If
chosen. paper resources are limited,
students can work in teams
and create a single Apple
Trapper together.

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: ______________________ Author: _______________

Technology- ISTE Standards Students will group in threes

based Goals 1.d Empowered Learner: Students explore and get creative with digital
& ISTE age-appropriate technologies and begin to transfer tools to start the process of
Standards their learning to different tools or learning making a prototype apple
environments. trapper. I want to expand
4.d Innovative Designer: Students outside of a crumbled piece of
demonstrate perseverance when working with paper and have the students
open-ended problems. construct an apple trapper
5.a Computational Thinker:  Students that can pick up apples. While
explore or solve problems by selecting technology doing so, they will create a
for data analysis, modeling, and algorithmic
Vlog during the process of
thinking, with guidance from an educator.
creating one and research
online ways to make one that
can be used from household
materials such as a empty
two liter bottle, or paper towel
tube. This will be a trial-and-
error assignment that will
take longer than a week,
especially if the students
participate on one aspect of
the design, such as a grapple
or handle, etc.

Other Goals Students use a variety of technologies within

Innovative a design
Designer process to identify and solve problems by
new, useful, or imaginative solutions.
a. Know and use a deliberate design process
generating ideas, testing theories, creating
innovative artifacts or solving authentic
b. Select and use digital tools to plan and
manage a
design process that considers design
and calculated risks.
c. Develop, test and refine prototypes as part
of a
cyclical design process.
d. Exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity,
perseverance and
the capacity to work with open-ended

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: ______________________ Author: _______________

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: ______________________ Author: _______________

Share how the activities in the lesson will help to meet the learning goals. How will
technology play a role in meeting the learning goals? The students will have the opportunity
to watch a short video of all the different types of apples around the world. And it will give
more of a broader perspective that there are more than green and red apples that you
commonly find in the grocery stores. They will work in pairs and attempt to invent an apple
trapper so they can collaborate with the tools they are given to create an object that
traps/grabs apples.

The students really enjoyed the concept of designing an apple trapper. Not only were there
some creative ideas in making one, but they were also engaged in this project, and you were
able to see their gears turning in their minds. The lesson I presented with the actual teacher
in the classroom was very impressed with the layout and technology tools I used. The
classroom has a smart board, so I was able to cast the lesson and questions to the screen to
interact with the class. Going forward, this lesson I would implement the use of a vlog, the
students have Chromebooks with cameras and microphones, so it would be easy for them to
document their progress as they go.

This lesson was very informative, I did like the user-friendly website mystery science,
however, the activity and the topic didn’t connect in the OK Academic standard I was
needing, so I made some changes and utilized a different content standard that would follow
the OK Academic Standard for 3rd grade Science. I truly enjoyed presenting this lesson to the
class, and the excitement of something different could be seen from across the room.
Understanding the Triple E Frameworks and Content Standards have helped me grow as a
future educator so that I can prepare better students for the future.
I hope that one day when I can teach my own class, that the lessons I teach them will
stay with them for years to come. Learning is so much fun, and it begins in the classroom. I
want to be able to have a transparent relationship with the parents so that they can keep
track of their child’s progress, so the learning doesn’t stop at school.

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: ______________________ Author: _______________

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: ______________________ Author: _______________


Share which technology tools you plan to integrate into the lesson. Describe how each tool
will help to meet your learning goals. In addition, share the instructional practices you plan
to develop in conjunction with the tool to optimize learning.
Name of Tool Tool 1: Tool 2: Tool 3:

goal(s) met by
using the tool.

How will the

tool be used?
Teams, pairs,
individual, or

Tool Integration for ENGAGEMENT in the Learning*

Include score in More time on More time on More time on

right column learning; less learning; less learning; less
(0=No; distraction distraction distraction
2=Yes) and Motivates students to Motivates students to Motivates students to
score total for begin learning begin learning begin learning
Supports shift in Supports shift in Supports shift in
behavior to active behavior to active behavior to active
social learning social learning social learning


Moves to

Tool Integration for ENHANCEMENT of the Learning Goals*

Include score in More sophisticated More sophisticated More sophisticated

right column understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
(0=No; learning goals learning goals learning goals
2=Yes) and Scaffolds, Scaffolds, Scaffolds,
score total for differentiates, or differentiates, or differentiates, or
ENHANCEMENT personalizes learning personalizes learning personalizes learning

Supports student Supports student Supports student

demonstration of demonstration of demonstration of
understanding in new understanding in new understanding in new
ways, not possible ways, not possible ways, not possible
before before before

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: ______________________ Author: _______________


moves to

Tool Integration to EXTEND the Learning Goals*

Include score in Supports learning Supports learning Supports learning

right column outside of the typical outside of the typical outside of the typical
(0=No; school day school day school day
2=Yes) and Bridges school Bridges school Bridges school
score total for learning & everyday learning & everyday learning & everyday
EXTENSION life (authentic life (authentic life (authentic
experiences) experiences) experiences)

Builds authentic Builds authentic Builds authentic

life/soft skills life/soft skills life/soft skills


moves to

LESSON SET UP. How will I prepare for each piece of technology being integrated
in this lesson?

Setting up



models or

ASSESSMENT: How will you assess the activities happening through the tool?


Formative &


Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: ______________________ Author: _______________


PROCEDURES: What is the minute-to-minute activity that will be happening in the lesson?
Describe what the teacher is going to do and say, as well as what the students are going to
Time stamp and What are the students going to do? What is the teacher going to say and do?

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: ______________________ Author: _______________

*Resources from Kolb(2017) to support the Triple E Framework

Triple E Measurement Tool (Chapter 7)
Instructional Strategies (Chapter 9)

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template


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