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Discuss how Teenagers are Replacing Drugs with Smartphones


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Teenagers are Replacing Drugs with Smartphones. Discuss

According to experts, teenagers are now using electronic devices to engage in risky

behaviors, including alcohol abuse and drug use (Aitken et al., 2022). The prevalence of social

media is also a culprit of this trend, as these sites allow teens to easily connect with people they

don't know. Drugs refer to any substance that when taken into the body it alters the normal body

functioning. They are very addictive to human beings and its very hard for one to stop once they

begin to use them. On the other hand, smartphones are mobile phones with a touchscreen

interface and internet access performing functions like a computer. Due to technological

advancements, many teenagers possess smartphones to facilitate their day to day activities like

networking with their friends globally and doing research on their studies. This has become a

very addictive habit among teenagers since they spend most of their time on smartphones and

neglect other activities. Just like drug addiction, smartphone addiction has led to anxiety,

depression, impaired cognitive function, impulsivity and low self-esteem. Although smartphones

invention has had positive impacts to the society, there are hazardous effects which have been

brought among the youths.

Smartphone addiction causes anxiety among teenagers. Due to their small size and

internet availability, smartphones have become more addictive than laptops since they are easily

portable. Hence, many teenagers carry their smartphones to connect with other people around.

The frequent use of mobile phones in public makes teenagers to avoid facial communications

with live people in their environments. This causes further social isolation among teenagers and

causes a significant increase in smartphone overuse. This habit evokes depressive moods and

alleviates negative emotions.1 Also, there is decreased face to face communication and this

Andrade, Livia I., Marlon Santiago Viñán-Ludeña, and Julio Alvarado. 2022. "Psychometric Validation Of The
Internet Gaming Disorder-20 Test Among Ecuadorian Teenagers And Young People". International Journal Of
Environmental Research And Public Health 19 (9): 5109. doi:10.3390/ijerph19095109.

creates a feeling of worry and nervousness whenever teenagers are faced with situations of

giving a speech. In sum, teenagers build anxiety among themselves as they attempt to use

smartphones to evade their current situations.

Smartphones leads to depression among teenagers. Many teenagers frequently using their

smartphones experience bed time procrastination problem. This is because smartphones create

blue light which suppresses melatonin hormone which controls natural sleep cycle leading to

sleep problems. Sleep deprivation has a negative impact on a person’ s performance because

brain parts involved with thinking and planning are not active. This affects their personal

performance and leads to low self control. The more time teenagers spend on smartphones the

more likely they are to feel depressed since excessive mobile use leads to high levels of

depressive moods.

Cognitive function refers to multiple mental abilities like learning, thinking and

reasoning. Impaired cognitive function results due to teenagers excessive use of smartphones.

Aitken, B., Downey, L., & Hayley, A. (2022). The prevalence of alcohol use and risky driving

practises among individuals who consume sedatives nonmedically: findings from the

NESARC-III. The American Journal Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse, 1-10.

Stanković, M., Nešić, M., Čičević, S., & Shi, Z. (2021). Association of smartphone use with

depression, anxiety, stress, sleep quality, and internet addiction. Empirical evidence from

a smartphone application. Personality and individual differences, 168, 110342.

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