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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 207 (2021) 109081, Contents lists lable at ScicnceDivet Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering journal homepage: ww. elsevier comvocateipotol ELSEVIER e Hydrogen wettability of quartz substrates exposed to organic acids; Implications for hydrogen geo-storage in sandstone reservoirs Muhammad Ali", Nilesh Kumar Jha‘, Ahmed Al-Yaseri", Yihuai Zhang’, Stefan Iglauer, ‘Mohammad Sarmadivaleh® * wan Ausra Schl of Mins, Minerals, Eryn Chemal Egon Carn Ue, 25 Dk ery Aves Kenge 6151, WA, Ar Pps! Sc en tgnsg Dt, Keg Abalah Urey Scie and Tetley (HAUS, Tae 2599, Sud Arata Schoo of Fela Term, Pad Deena evel Uniny, Kowlaie Caro Raan Cand, 98007, Cart Ida ‘paren of ar Sine on rig, pel Cl Land, Lando, SW? 2, Un gon “Param Engrg Dace See! of Exgnenn fh Cowan Unie, 270 Jods Snap, 627, WA, Ausra Hyogea geostorage Hodge sorageepeciy ‘ydeogen 15 presendy evaluated asa clean fel wo mlgateantbropogele GO, emlslons and reduce the fteenhouse gas effet. However, one ofthe jor chellenges for implementing a ful hydrogen economy i Ihydogen storage (as hydrogen is highly volatle and compessibe). The solution so thls problem is storing hydrogen inc geologial formations (as they are abundant and have large storing quate). One ofthe key feet in his proces isthe wetailiy ofthe formation, which determine ld éynamis, contlament ecu, withdreal rates, and storage capacities. To do thi, we have determined the wettabity of sandstone rock ‘representative substrate through an extensive set of experiments inthe presence of hydrogen. Wheres, almost al ofthese formations contains organi acids (hexane Cy, laurie Cz andlignoceri Cy ads, respective), even inminute concentrations, ranging ro Cyto ax. Thecfoe, oly comprehend the He wea ina realist Scenario, we have aged quartz substrates in organic acids and conducted contact angle measuremsnss under sorted storage conditions tomperatre of 328K, pressure of 0.1, 15, and 25 MPa. Our results show tha pre ‘qari ws inherently stonglywacer-wet heres 40.8" and i 35.°) and turned to intermediate water (Gs 91.3" and is 82.7") in presence of Ha (at 328K and 25 MPa) when the rock substrate was aged with ‘organic acds having longer alkyl chain (10-* Moat M0) flignocric ac). This study, thus, provides cuca Sftormation forthe impementtion of he future hyérogen economy 1. Introduction ‘hydrogen generation, accounting for approximately 75% of the global hydrogen production of around 70 million tones (cl! eo) Wiesel, Hiscrically, since the advent of underground gas storage technolo ‘ales when the rst natural gas storage project in Ontario, Canada was Accomplished in 2 partally depleted gas field for determining the Teasibility of hydrogen storage (Lord, 200%), such technologies ace continuously evolving (Ae et al., 2019; Lio et al, 2020; Zvar e al. 2020). The lates inline is the underground storage of hydrogen due its potential to replace fossil fuels fora clean fuel-driven economy and subsequent drastic reduction of anthropogenic emissions of CO (Fo, 19795 Lis et al, 20205 Zivar ec al, 2020). tis predicted that hydrogen ‘ould Fulfil 1856 ofthe total energy demand by 2050 (Acar and Discs 20195 Li ea, 2020), Natueal gas is curcenty the primary source of| 2009 I, 2018). 696 of the worldwide natural gas produetin is being used for this purpose, followed by coal, and a small factlon from the use (of ofl and electrielty (all ane Wetssel, 2005 IPA, 2019). Whereas, less than 0.1% of hydrogen production comes from water electrolysis owing to the declining trend of costs for renewable electricity (partic. lary fom solar PV and wind) (Ball and Wietsche, 2009; IEA, 2019), The fuel cos (largest cost component) fr producing hydrogen accounts for 4594-75% (=A, 2019), However, alow cost of hydrogen production iret relates to low gas prices (15. 2019), but dueto the high demand for natural gas from developed countries, its prices are continuously rising, which makes the cost of hydrogen production higher (I, 2019). malades Miamadali7@posgradcurtnedau M,AB aps og/10.1016/}. per 2021109081 Received 15 March 2021; Received in reve form 25 May 2021; Acepted 8 June 202 (20810576 2021 Horie Vl ight reserved ‘Besides the cost problem, hydrogen embritlement, compression re ‘uitements, a severe lack of data from realistic geological conditions restrict the Implementation of large-scale industrial hydrogen geo: storage projets, and thus also limiting the goal of a full hydeogen ‘economy (Foi, 19795 UNA, 20195 Zivie et al, 2020) There As the increasing body of work in the literature for CO> geo-sorage, which suggest that the mechanisms of structural, and residual trapping are of ‘most relevant for gas storage in a geo storage projects (N-Anssar tl 201%; Ali, 2018, 2021; Ai etal, 2019, 20194, 2020s; Iglauce etal, 20149. Tre buoyancy and capillary forces compete to dominate one mechanism over the other (Ai ct al, 2016b; isauer eta, 2015a). “There is substantial evidence thatthe reservoir rock's wettability is 3 ‘crucial parameter that determines storage capeciie, containment se ‘curity, enhanced oil recovery potential, and Muid dynamics for gos geosequestration (Al-Ansiar! et sl, 2017, 20215 Ali et al, 20175 ‘Anderson, 1986; Broseta etal, 2012; Donaldson etal, 1969; Haghigh ta), 2020), Moreover, the injection rate ofa gas to the reservoirs tthe {nal stage and their withdrawal from the same st the later stage are ‘essentially linked to reservoir rock's wettability as well as to rock ‘microstructure (note this isthe case for hydrogen geo-storage (slau ‘cs, 2021), However, these formations contain organic based acids and hydrocarbons traces due tothe biodegradation of fossils, where anger ‘obie environment flourish (Ali ct al, 2021% Davis, 1982s Gomari ane Hamouda, 20085 Jones et 8, 2008). Therefore, the aging cock matrix with organie based acids for wettability alteration is reasonably accurate ue to thee existence In deep sine agulfrs (Ako et), 20154 la Slegazd and Karaka, 19945 Staller etal, 2013), Ithas been shown, in several COp wetting studies that the organic content, even in minute concentration, inthe aquifer ean significantly facilitate the wetability ‘modification of the rock surface to more CO, wet (Al-Anssar etal, 2016, 2018; Ali et al, 2019, 20212) Previously (slave ets, 2021), have shown the effoc of pressure ‘ang temperature on hydrogen wettability of pure and stearic acid aged ‘quartz surfaces as a representative of sandstone formation, where, hy 199.99 w 9 from BOC, gas code: 240) was used at high pressures for simulating the environment for Hy storage. We used n-Decane (purity > 99.9 mol %, from ChemSupply) as a base solvent for formulating, various organic solutions (hexanoic, lauric, and lignoceric acids, “Table 1). Weused nitrogen (purity > 99.99 wt%, BOC, gas code: 234).0 blow the substrates before/after aging for deying and to remove any loose impurities from the surface. Methanol, toluene, and acetone (all purity > 99.9 mol %, from Rowe Scientific) were used for cleaning of the ‘quartz surface 2.2. Methods 22.1. Cleansing of quarts substrates Tes imperative o follow a cleaning process ofthe rock substrate for the removal of any impurities, which can cause rors in the exper mental results, Ths, the substrates were treated with delonized water, followed by sitrogen, and drying fr 2h at 353 K. Substrates were then treated with air plasma (Diemer Yocto instrument) for 20 min for removal of residual organi impurities (ifany) slaucret al, 2014s Love eral, 2005), 2.2.2. Aging ofthe quar subsrates ‘We aged samples in organic acids (a) hexanoic acid, ( Taurie ald, and (6 lgnoceric acid to mimic several realistic scenarios ina geologist storage formation where organic molecules get exposed 10 the rock surface forage. This was earsied out to simulate exposure of formation ater over geological time (Ali et, 2019, 2020a; Jardine al, 19895, ‘aden aoa ida, 1998), For benchmarking, pure quartz surfaces were ‘sed, which is the major constituent of sandstone formation. The prev lence of anoxic or reducing environment inthe subsurface owes tothe fact that organic molecules always exist; organic traces are found even in aquifers (Akob etal, 2015; Lundegard and Kharska, 1994; Stalker etal, 2013), ‘We placed the rock substrate in NaCl brine (2 wt‘) at ambient conditions for 30 min to ionize them. Besides, drops of dilute hydro lorie seid (purity > 999, 37.5 we 96) were added to keep pHat 4. This ‘process inereases the adsorption of organic acids on the rock surface (ALAnssari et al, 2016, 2018a; Ali et a, 2019; Kleber etal, 2015; “Tabsizy et al, 2011). After that, we leaned the surfeces by pressurized ultre-pure nitroges to remove any attached brine wo the surfaces. Thereafter, we placed the HCV/brine ionized rock substrates in different s-Decane/organic acid solutions of pre-determined organic acid con centrations (Le., 10-4, 10°, 10-%, 10-7, and 10°? M respectively) with the ratio of 1:5 (1 g of quartz to § g of n-Decane/organic sed solution). To do that, intially 10° M concentration of each organic acid was Ts ame Forma Nola mas mal Gaon oa mie Pamala Genial at esaoieac cane 16158 . « ry ° ChiyCH.).CH “OH tare ed cranason amass 2 sa see ° CHyCHLACH ~OH igre comsson sae ~ ” sua ° cron cHy Son prepared based on their molecular weight and mixed with n-decane solution at 323 K via hot plate and magnetic stirrer. Thereafter, lower ‘organi concentrations were prepared via dilution method (or example, 1 g of 10 *M solution was mixed with 9 g of n-decane solution to ormulate 10-° M concentration and so on). The substrates were left for aging for 7 days in. these organie solutions to simulate formation water ‘exposure in geochemical conditions (\I-Anssar etal, 2016, 20185 Al etal, 2019b5 Kleber eta, 2015; Tabrizy et al., 2071) Subsequently, we simulated the initial rock surface conditions in real ‘geological setings at high pressure and high temperature (\l-Ansssr! tal, 2016; Aleta, 20198; Gomari and Hamouda, 2006; Kleber ta, 2015), Because the quartz surface is inherently water wet, this init zation (Le, strongly hydrophobic surface) occurred due tothe organic acid estrifieation on the silanol group ofthe silicate surface, Scene | Gillet al, 20190, 20200, 23. Quarts substrates characterization 2.3.1. Elemental composition and organic surface coverage ‘We carried out elemental composition analysis (in we $) of the surface of the quartz substrates, before/after aging with organic based acids via energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) (FESEM, Oxford In struments) (aiesar el. 20208, 202095 Memon et a, 2020). Further, micrographs ofthe surface of the laurie acid aged substrates, t several magnifieation, show the organics aging effects, iy. I. Itean be cleaely seen that the organic acids provided uniform coverage on the quartz surface, When compared with pristine quart surface, there was sub stantial increment in average concentration of carbon on the surface (12.2 WW C for Lignoceri acd, + 1.7 wt Cfor Laurie Acid, and +1.6 ‘WO C for Hexanoie Acid) (ll isl, 2019). This inerement in carbon ‘concentration can be atributed to chemical adsorption of organic acids fon the quartz surfaces (Zulig and Morse, 1988) Surface elemental composition of each quartz substrate before and after ageing with ‘organic aids is depicted in Table and average elemental composition ‘ofall quart substrates for each organic acid before and after ageing is given in Fsble 5? (Supplementary Information), These data points ace taken at 5 places ofeach pristine and organi-aged quartr surfaces, and ‘thereaer, their average Values were calculated, “4” shows the standard deviation (please refer supplementary information). 2.3.2. Surface rougness measurements tis well known that surface roughness influences wettability (o0eveses et sl, 2006ay55 Wenvel, 1936), Surface roughness was determined for pure and aged substrates by atomie force microscopy {APM instrument, model DSE 95-200, Semilab), The rooe-mean-squat ofthe surface roughness ofthe pure quartz was 1-2 nm, and 160-330 rm when aged with organie acs, I has been reported in the literature that surfaces with average root mean square roughness for more thar. 1 Jum has a considerable eect on wettability measurements, Therefor, the ageing of organic acids does not have any impact on contact angle ‘ bo 6 R= (CH:)22CHb, Lignocene Acid ? i : “no 1 Tao m j “NN Scheme 1. chemisorption of organic aclde onthe Quast surface (represents (quart bull) (0 et, 20195, 20205), Joao of eck eee an geri 207 (202) 109081 ‘measurements (4-Yaser et el, 2016a,b5 Maru, 2006), 24, Contact angle measurements Brine was pre-equilibrated with hydrogen and the rock substrate under high pressure—high temperature condition ina mixing (circu tion of 1200 rpm) reactor (Parr Instruments) for any massransfr ef: fects during brine-quarez surface iterations (0! oghraby eal. 2012), ‘Advancing (84) and receding (0) brine contact angles were messured ‘using theeilted plate goniometre method (A-Yaser! ané sha, 20215 she (0, 2038), at east reservoir conditions (01-25 MPa, 323 K, 10 wt { NaCl [1.71 M ionie strength] brine, and 99.999 mol¥6ulra-pure Hi). ‘To do that, quare substrates were loaded inthe igh pressure cell owed by injection of hydrogen gas at various physio-thermal conditions (0.1-25 Mpa, 323 X) Thereafter, a droplet (average drop size was 5.5 uL +£0.80 yi) of equilibrated 10 wes NaC solution was dispensed from the precise needle onto the quartz substrates. hereafter, advancing (8) and receding (0, brine contact angles were messured before the movement of the droplet, Further detailed procedure is explained in our previous study for COs contact angle measurement, however, inthis study CO- is replaced by hydrogen ges (et 3, 2020). The standard deviation of ‘the cantat angle values was 3" at O.1 and 15 MPa, and 5° at 25 MPa ‘based on replicate measurements. tis to be noted that 6, corresponds to a situation where Hp is injected, and formation water is displaced. In ‘contrast, corespands toa situation where water imbibes again (when hydrogen will be withdraven for usage). The detailed procedure of contact angle measurements is given in our previous studies (Al-Vascr1, etal, 2015, 2016, 2017, 20176; Ai etal, 20196; Arf et a, 2021). 3. Results and discussion Itis pivotal co ascertain the H wettability effect for sandstone rock, ‘whieh could be analogous to the mechanism of gas storage such as CO; storage that tales into account for gas spreading (-Khcliceai etal, 20172, 20176, 2020, 2021), flow properties (Ai ct al, 2015; Iglauer, 2017; iglauer et al, 2015a), containment security (Ali etal, 20200, 202135 Jha et al, 2019b, 2020), and volume (rif etal, 20175 iglauer fal, 20158, 2015), Thus, itis worth noting that structural trapping (gas leaks at Or > 90°) relates to brine receding contact angle whieh ‘represents the scenario when agas (hydrogen in our case is injected into the formation displacing the wetting phase ormation brine) (roses (ol, 2012). Whereas, eapllary taping mechanism, when wettability is ineffective to primary drainage (2, < 50°), relates to advancing con tact angle which is representative of the scenario where waterisinjected to the formation for the withdrawal of hydrogen (A-Nleshali and Kee vor, 2016; Chiquet et al, 2007; Igauer etal, 2021; Rahman et al, 2016). Therefore, i is required to compare the Hy wetting states with (COs wetting states as the mechaniems are relatively more understood for (60; storage. Tis clear that the brine contact angle inereased withthe inerease in organic acid concentrations in the acidic aqueous solutions used for aging (All eta, 2019, 2019, 20209; Gomae! and Hamouca, 2006), ‘This phenomenon can be attuted to increased hydrophobieity ofthe ‘quartz surface with the enbanced chemisorption (with an increase in acids concentration) ofthe acids on the substrate's surfaces (\I-Anssar al, 2016; Ali et al, 20196), Further, brine contact angle increased ‘with inereased pressure, hence increased H, wettability, Tis increase in ‘contact angles linked othe increae in density of fi with an increase in pressure as observed for other gases (Al-Yaser! ct al, 20%6a,5). We postulate from this observation that the increased density of Hy can ‘cause increased solvation forees/edhesion at the Hy/rock interface, and ‘thus enhances Hp wettability. 3.2. Organic acid concentration effect on Hy wetabily is very necessary to quantify Hy wettability in the presence of, nora ig. 1. sterogeaps of) Pure quartz () laure eld aged quart surface at ‘organic acids in the reservoir rock, a necessary criterion forthe inves tigation ofthe stractual and residual repping potential. tis clear from that the brine contact angle increased with increasing organic acid concentration, which implies Hy wetability, analogous to Oz wettability, increased significantly. ‘When the quartz substrate was aged in 10°? M hexanole aid 0, was 429° and 0, was 38.6" (at 328 K and 25 MPa), i, the quar surface represents waterwet conditions (hydrophilic), Pig, 2. Whereas, on 20"? ‘Mexanoic acid exposure 0, and 0, were 68.2" and 61.5° respectively, ‘thus indicating a weakly/intermediate water-wetting stat. Therefore, it could be inferred that the reduction of water wettability implies a ‘reduction in residual trapping capacities of Hy (0, > 50") % 20194 20156). of wettability alteration tend for quartz sub acid with the wettability alteration tend observed for substrates aged with hexanoie acd ("ig 3). For instance, the contact angle at the three-phase contact line of quart/Ha/brine for 10°? M. Ture acid was greater than those for 10-? M laurie acid aged substrate. "This phenomenon represents the presence of more carbon atoms (longer Joa of ele eee an geri 207 (202) 109081 magnietion of 10 pn (6 aur cid aged quar ssface at a magaiieation of 200 nm. alkyl chain) that turned the quartz surfaces to less water Interestingly, although the rend for wetabiity alteration for quartz substeaes aged with lignocere acid ie also comparable to thoes for hexanoie and laure acids aged subseate, the magnitude of wetaiity alteration is much enhanced because ofthe presence af longer alkyl hain; che chal lent effec is discussed In dealin section 3.9 ¢ ), For instance, for 10-7 Mf lignocere~ age substrate and, were 91.3" and 827 respectively at 323 25 MPa, Whereas, ft 10-?Mlignoceri ac aged substrate, ©, and, decrease 1055.6" and 55,6, respectively (Fs. Importantly, Hy wettability for organic ged substrate ishigher than pre quarts (where is 40.8 and is 35.1), 325 MPa and 323K, feven when aged in minute concentration (10"* M). We observe that ven thelight presence of organi acids ha an impact on H wetabiity at storage condition. This observation is analogous to those observed for COzwestabilty % : ) og (Hoxanole Acid Concentration) ig. 2 Experimental data on quara/ty/brine contact angles (advancing and eeding for presse ve hexane ack (Ca) concentration () ned ines. ‘Quare/C0,/orine contact angle advancing ad receding) at 25 MPa are 323K ‘i exanoie seid (Ca) concentration (Mn green lines taken fom 2510). Por interpretation ofthe referees to olin thi ge legend he reader is fered tothe We version ofthis tile) fog (Laure Acid Concentration) Fig. 5. Taperimenal data on quara/ty/Brinecontset angles (advancing and ceding) for pressure vs lure aid (Gn) eanentaion (6) is eed lines. (Quares/00/rine contact angle (advancing ad vceding) at 25 MPa tnd 323K ‘laurie aid (Cy) concentration (M) in grou lies, taken fom (So D151). or nterpetation ofthe references to colour in this gre legend, he wader i fered fo the Web version ofthis afte) 3.2. Pressure effect on Ha wetabilcy thas been reported in the literature that theres strong influence of, pressure on the rack surface wettability for 003 (')-Yase" et al 201% ‘Alle aly, 20190), Ths observation, regardless ofthe type of organic acids used forthe aging of rock substrate, seems valid for Ha wettability too, This phenomenon may be due to enkanced intermolecular in teractions between the silanol group of the rock substrates and Hg at higher pressure, similar to those illustrated for CO;-quartz interfaces (bramov et al 2019). For example (Figs. 2~2), all measured brine contact angles in the presence of Hy at higher pressures (25 MPa) are higher than those measured for lower pressures (15 MPa), which, however, lower than those measured in the presence of COs, It can be ‘hypothesized from the observations that intermolecular interactions at Joao of eck eee an geri 207 (202) 109081 og (Lignoceric Acid Concentration) ig. 4 Experimental data on quart/y/Brinecontet anges (advancing end seceding) for pressure vs lignocri ald (Ca) concentration (Min red les. (Qustx/00,/brine contact angle (advancing and receding) at 25 MPa and 323 & 1 ligocerc acd (Ca) concentration (in green lines, ake fom (lea DDI), oe oterpretation ofthe references col in thi Rigi legend he reader i fered tothe Wed version ofthis article) cozquart interface are higher than that of Hr-quartz interface, rendering the quart srface more COzwet than Hoewet atthe same ondions. This phenomena can be strbuted tothe fact that COz density fsmuch higher (4-10, 20:60) than hat density a the norage conditions (For example: densities of CO, and Hy at 15 ‘MPe and'323K ae ~700 and 10 kg/m respectively) 3.3. Alkyl chain length effect on Ha wenabily Hi wettability i directly or indirectly influenced by wettability in hydrogen storage formations. Results from this investigation depicted ‘that carboxylic acids have a considerable effect onthe H, wettability of quartz substrates; the wettability altered fiom strongly water-wet (0 intermediate waterwet. Even upon aging in minute concentrations (uch as 10°? M) of lignoceric acid at 15 MPa (note this value is much Dhigher for higher pressure of 25 MPa), Pig. 5 and 6, 8, was greater than Jog (Organle Acid Concentration) ig 5. raperimenal data on quar/y/Brine contet angles (advancing end seeding) forall chai eng s orgie sel concentration (Mf) 325K ae Jog (Organ Ack Concentration) ig. 6. Experimental data on quart/y/rne contact anges (advancing and receding) fr aly chain length organic aid concentration (Mat 323 Kand 25 MPa ‘50, hence reiced residual trapping capacities (laurel, 20250). 18 is worth noting that deep saline aquifers can contain higher organic acid ‘concentrations than ths, and their associated effects will be auch higher for trapping capacities (ob ct al, 2915; Lundegard and Khar. aka, 1994; talker eta, 2013), Its shovn from our results that at constant organie acd concen- ‘ration, there isa gradual increment in values for both 0, and ¢, withthe Increase in the length of alkyl chain (C, to Cz for both the pressures (15 MPa and 25 MPa), Ithas been reported that an increase in the ay, eal increases the magnitude of the standard energy of adsorption, this implying stronger interactions with the substrate (Ali eto), 2019; ‘Awan etal, 2022), 4. Conclusions A severe lack of data from realistic geologic conditions restricts the ‘mplementacon of large-scale hydrogen genstorage projec such a8 Iyrogen storage n a deep saline agulfer (ill as Wiehe, 200% Zire, 2020), Wettablity of ee formation rcs surface fone of the uct arameter, fundamentally inked to factors such as het rogeeity, the salty of brine, temperature, and pressure (30 ta, 20215 All eta, 20185 Ant etal, 2016as Chen eta, 2015; Dal) ea 2026 Iga, 2017; Jha al, 2018). Thus, eominue tion of eu previous studies on underground storage conditions (0s leah eal, 2021, Al-Anssar et al, 20782, 2020; ALYeser eta, 2021; [Ni e¢ a, 2019a, 2019%, 202055 Arain ef al, 2020; Nezarohar ea, 2021), we investigated the situations where Hy geostorage can be facilitated ata lage sale in deep sandstone formations. To gauge the fect of organte aids (exanoi acl Cy, laure aid Cz and igocere acid Cay) on the Ha wettability of sandstone rock representative sub. stat, we eared out brine eontaet angle measurements under storage conditions (temperature of 323 &, pressure of 0:1, 15, and 25 MPa respective) in our maiden attempt Therefore, we demonstrate that prntine quarts substrate, which is inherent strongly waterawet where 1s 40.8 and is 35.1), tamed to intermediate water-wet (0,897 3° and, i982.7.), inthe presence off at 25 MPa and 323 K when the rock Subsrate was aged with organi acids having longer allyl chain (Le, 10"? M lignocerie ace). Wheres, other aids (hexanoic and Inurie ds) shows intermediate to weak fect atthe same conditions. How cover, the wetting effect remains Tower than tht of COz-weraity ‘owing othe fact that density issigificanty higher chan the density of hyogen under the storage conditions. This study hes major imp cations over the hydrogen storage potential technical feastbiity, and Joa of ele eee an geri 207 (202) 109081 ‘containment security for its large-scale geo-strage in deep sandstone Tormations. Declaration of competing interest ‘The authors declare that they have no known competing financial {interests or personal relationships that cold have appeared 0 influence ‘the work eeported in this pape. Acknowledgments ‘The first author acknowledges the scholarship (Research Training rogram Stipend ~ 2018) provided from Australian Government for his higher studies, as well a Gurcin University and Edith Cowan University for supervision and resources. Appendix A. Supplementary data ‘Supplementary data to this article an be found online at s/o 0rg/10.1016 .petrl.2021.109081, credit author statement ‘Muhammad Ali: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal enalsis, Investigation, Writing original draft, Writing ~ review & editing, Nilesh Kumar Jha: Conceprulization, Validation, Formal analysis, Weting~ original daft, Writing ~ review & editing, Aled A ‘Yaserl: Visualization, Data curation, Yihval Zhang: Waiting - review & editing, Stefan Iglauer: Validation, Writing ~ review & editing, ‘Mohammad Sarmadivaleh: Conceptualization, Methodology, Resources, Wiriting—review & editing, Project administration References bse etal, 202, Ota son a ead fom uty ino hn psn Po ogee samen ipa ey wT Splice rem srnin cohen eestor ip Ge 2d feces Sic etna Cust ea ti e528 soz ech hy Gone 90 IS hog opr of ft lips nan 8 Re. ‘Society of Petroleum Engineers. - roa pe 8 peter ety ead new one ny of Ct cnn se A, aaah Mg, 20% ge Fareed ‘Avec EA. Vine, SB. 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Pod Proce fehl 21410672 ‘i Meas 2lde Or ed saenraton tab fr af exon her impeatonfor CO wep rae 3 Col ean Se 59, 68.94 » Pcie nines ie se SEAR ie lO & Coe Meals 20008, COD of mtn exec o aces of te Sepsis for Coa goserge. natal ara of Grae as Col eros AD A eh Say ha cgi ding 02 Seat, Rtn, Be of ant on CO2 metab reveal of sndane ‘ncn: pins Goo postr aad nee 59, 90-3 Ala ea, 2018 carbo doen netay of prs odsone ve te petal von ea iti 3 5 Ande, W198, Wetabity tere survey 2 wetailty neurone Aran, 2, ec a, 2040, Revesbie and ireverile adsorption of bare and yb ica opis ono exbonatsurce tae aon. 8 ‘Aunt atl, er, 201 5044/02 ad alee etc eons ‘ba tnt of ruc, ert, aya mia te net ‘Cozmecy and COs romorage ito oral of rethase Gat ona 33, 269-2 ‘An ren A abe, Maney, S, 2076. Staal waplgcanay of- nv cope os' ncn ot res empecre ed sy neo Jour rene Gs Cant 3611-130 ‘i tebe, hy arn, Ay Ha. 207- fee of Set eran cnn on O02 eosora peal Geoph Re at 44 (7), SSMS. ang gcc Sy Sale Weta Ds ey, Chega te va HOR e202, Aton noparil om gts ed ace or “tec morn pou: sponte patna ay a Wiech, M, 20. Theft of yrgen-appris and chaleng “Ltigsopen nergy 34) 2 ese gel Dy Sade MM, 1998. Cre ln sllow snd a ‘ave aga tiapesiay andra eae. Appl Gace. 8 rn Ds Tome Nah 202. Aroclor net inte pre of ese ‘03 as ceva (0, 20-298 cenit gL en 20. np ed Se ad ‘Eston ute beat Joma of Gankore Gu te 4, 655568 cagec rem D Thabo, 807 Wetaby storeys nr by ‘Soc dunce esac, i Joana of ele cee an gierig 207202) 10908 Dg NU AM, Rn MX, 56 on Sn ng ingest ‘Te aca poi hi PS lic ren Pe ute. Geen Cormac ea GD) DIAN Deco, Tso, A, Late 8, 1962, Wetahly deer fest on recovery eicey. 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