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It would have been necessary to transport only Great Knight Chief Annette and Lister

to Ghibli Fortress.

“Rennesto can’t be overlooked so thoughtlessly, why don’t we let the Sword Saints

When Anzeros questioned, Lord Buster and 100-man commander Grants smiled

“Ghibli cant be overlooked”

“More than that… we have to come to terms with the Celesta main force…”


According to the information sent by Becker-san, reinforcements should arrive soon

from Celesta. In that case, if the Sword Saints who are ostensibly 「Just happened to
stop Rennesto in the monster invasion」 are going wild, there is a possibility that
the compromise may get worse. It is a pretext to say, 「I support the Renfangas army
because there is nothing to do」. Originally, it is not very preferable to make the
business trip.

“I, In fact, at this time of year, it’s rare to see a base that falls. I’ll have it at all and it’s
enough for Lister and Annette to return”

The queen comes along with the other Gold Arms to Lord Buster who laughs with

“Alex, it’s time for the night’s briefing”

“Oh, this is this. Even if the Queen doesn’t come herself, a messenger will do the
“Unfortunately, there is a requirement for Alex”

The Queen laughs with a giggle. It’s dignified but cute.

“Members of Dianne Special Duty Corps. Thank you for the earlier matter. I showed
you the embarrassment of our domestic conflict. And thank you so much for your
cooperation in the settlement”

“…Y, Yes”

Anzeros and I salute with a fist on our chests. However, no one came to Rennesto this
time. The Queen can only thank us for the time being. I wonder if I should have come
to Rennesto with Sharon or Tetes. They could have talked well.

“Even so, Hero Neai are you in good health?”

“Ah… I was injured by fighting a big-shot, more or less, for now”

“Neia got hurt?”

The Queen raises her eyebrows and the other Gold Arms are also surprised.

“That Neia Grans got hurt…? It’s going to be difficult for dozens of average monsters
to be comparable”

“Isn’t it said that if Alex didn’t get serious, he wouldn’t quarrel with that girl?”

“Umm… I want to know what kind of enemy came out”

Lord Buster scrutinizes his eyes while stroking his chin.

“What do you mean? At least she fought against an opponent who could injure her…
it’s not just a trivial matter”

“I encountered a devil. In the demon territory”


Sir Buster was stunned. Others are equally surprised. 100-man commander Grants
had a suspicious look, though people didn’t really realize it… Well, Trot people have
no connection, with Devils.

“No way,… so you won!?”

“Haa, somehow… that fellow was like a fated opponent and I was a little burned out
since I beat that guy”

Neia said lightly to reassure them, but the Queen and the Gold Arms were sweating

“Muu… no way, such a battle…”

“Isn’t it important, Neia?”

“Originally, it was an enemy that the whole country had to fight against”

“Tsk, bad luck. I, I wanted to unleash that axe-shaped dragon slayer in the Treasure

“You’re unscrupulous, Annette”

…I guess she was that kind of person. No, it was strong enough to nod. Without the
Flash Sword, Neia would have lost.

“Anyway,… if Neia is safe, then there’s nothing better than that. She’s the cornerstone
of the demon territory exploration plan and at the same time my dear friend”


…I forgot a little. No, Neia was in such an important position. Before I knew it, I
didn’t really care.


I join Maia and Aurora (who were going to buy souvenirs in the city) and take off
with the Great Knight Chiefs Annette and Lister. Rennesto Castle in the middle of the
night was repaired by rushing construction and the lights are like Quika’s royal
palace. No, it’s a little ironic because it cant be helped that its a nightless city.

With a crisp and dry laugh, Great Knight Chief Annette rides on Maia’s back.


Great Knight Chief Lister clings to Maia’s spine with a difficult face.

“…Are you afraid of heights?”

“Y, You’re fine. If you fall from the height where the dragon flies, you’ll die”

…Ah, I think that’s what ordinary people think. I forgot how convenient it is.

“You’re not going to die, what a scary cat”

Great Knight Chief Annette laughs loudly.

When I look at the terrible action of 「Annette Hammer」, I think this person is
unlikely to die.

And Great Knight Chief Lister got angry, showing his teeth.

“I´m not a cat!! I’m not you who didn’t mind falling from the west side of Lian Peak!!”

“Lister probably won’t die either, because he’s a cat. It’s okay if a cat falls from a high

“I’m not a cat! I’ll kill you!”

“It’s not something you say while trembling with your hips. Yaaiyaai”


A teasing female Ogre and a lion beast who is truly angry. Both are good middle-

“…What are these people…”

As expected, Aurora, a hero enthusiast, sighs.

“”Hey, can I fly, Andy-sama?”

“It’s okay. Go”

When I ordered Chibi Maia, the roar of Great Knight Chief Lister immediately turned
into a scream. You know what, this person is kind of funny.


It was almost dawn by the time I returned to Catalina, carrying them safely.

“It took longer than I expected…”

“Let’s sleep for half a day today, Andy.”

“…I was sleeping from day to night yesterday. I’m tired again, and i wonder if I can go
to bed again”

“Originally, you’re the one who was blown away in the demon territory or had a
great battle with a devil. I think you can rest more”

I’m happy about Anzeros´s care, but if I don’t give instructions, Maia wouldn’t work

“We’re going to land, so jump off properly, Anzeros and Aurora. I’ll get off on the roof
with Andy-sama”

“This is called landing…?”

There is no doubt that the forcible 「Invasion」 of riding directly above Catalina
from the air is more correct. However, this is certainly the fastest because the main
gate of the city isn’t open.

When I returned to the special duty corps room, the girls… Hilda, Apple, Irina etc.,
half of them are still in their dreams. The males were getting ready for the morning
with three people other than Keiron and 100-man special duty commander Becker.
Keiron is still sleeping.

“…Except for 100-man commander Becker, the one who is the most senior is sleeping
as hard as possible”

“Naa? It’s still dawn, so let me sleep until noon”

“Even if you are half asleep, it’s too impudent! What’s up until noon!”

I kick Keiron off the bed. Keiron quickly rotates on the floor and rewraps the
disturbed cloth around his body. And fall asleep.


“…10-man captain Smithson, I think you can leave him alone. We just have to exercise
in the morning”

Lantz shrugs his shoulders… It is a unit without dignity and respect to the superior
or rather cold to the boss. I can’t cry. Well, I can’t help it with me and Keiron. I can’t
help it. Uh.

“What will 100-man special duty commander Becker do after this?”

When Boyd listens while stretching, 100-man commander Becker prepares his hair
with a comb.

“Understanding the terrain here. I left yesterday, so I need to catch up. I’ll be troubled
if I don’t check properly”

“…As expected of the intelligence brigade”

“That’s what it’s all about. Even ordinary soldiers need it. Can you sit down without
looking for escape routes, hiding places or peeping places in the place where you’re
stationed? You don’t know when a emergency will happen, do you?”

The comb is thrust at Boyd and something said like a warning. But.

“…Ah, it’s a peeping place”

“Peeping place?”

“The peeping place is… yes”

“It’s better not to say something like that in a peeping place, right?”

Lantz, Goto and I were all convinced in different ways.

“You guys have little respect for me!?”

Then please don’t say it. I mean, you’re too familiar with the fact that you’re a non-
respecting boss.

Dianne and Laila were graciously enjoying breakfast, while letting Tetes search for a
requirement in communication magic.

“Ho, carnivore beasts are not good”

“But herbivorous animals cant survive right now around here. They might go to
higher mountains”

“Why don’t we go get one today, Dianne? Neither the snake nor the eastern mountain
would be hard to reach with my wings”

“Hunting… it’s not bad after a long time”


“Dianne, don’t we have to do construction experiments anymore?”

I thought Dianne and Laila were going to be dedicated to building huts in the demon
territory. That’s why I thought I couldn’t let Maia be idle.

“Construction was almost completed by yesterday. It’s originally an experiment to

check the extent of the monster’s behavior and secure a safe zone. It takes a little
while for the results to come out”

“We can’t help until the end of the invasion”

…It seems that it was a complete misunderstanding that I was worried about.

“So far, no urgent rescue request has been issued. It seems that Ghibli is also excited
by the return of the two Great Knights and in the southern region, there are already
some places that have declared an emergency and allowed communication. The
world is not everything, it’s like that”

Tetes’s report reinforces my feeling of fruitless effort.

“…Emm, I talked to Anzeros and others, can we have half a day off?”

“Hmm? Ah, you just came back, don’t hesitate to rest”

The application for rest given without notice is easily accepted.


For some reason I was in the girls room. When I tried to sleep in the boy’s room, I
was pulled in by Hilda-san.

“Andy-kun, you’re uncomfortable with people up there, aren’t you?”

“No, only Keiron is sleeping…”

“Let’s take a rest here☆”

I´m pulled and made to sleep on the bed in the girls’ room. And on the bed,

“T, Thank you, Andy-san”

is Apple.

“Hmm. Morning nap and a morning drink is said to be the best luxury. As expected,
there is no morning broth, but if you have a morning nap and a morning drink, you
can enjoy it♪”

And Irina.

“After that, it’s perfect if you give a little bit of estrus to the female slaves, M, a, s, t, e,

“…I always wanted to say, but I don’t remember having Hilda-san become a female

“Hmm? You say that, right? It cant be helped, Andy-kun. I want to see a little bit of a
female slave♪”

Hilda-san is happy to take off her white coat. The non-combatant trio was eagerly
waiting to behave like a spoiled child.
“…You know, but I’m pretty tired of flying around on a mission…”

For the time being, I try to insist on the situation. On the other side of the room are
Anzeros and Aurora, who are tired and sleeping.

“Yes Yes”


“…E, Emm,… Andy-san isn’t moving?”

And to Apple’s interpretation, I accidentally nod.

“If that’s the case… I’m good at it♪”

“Huhuhu. You´re tired of eating beginners and you missed Hilda-sensei’s


“Ge, General, it’s easy to get you in… right?”

The original mouth lover Apple, Hilda-san, a wholesale market for sexuality and
Irina, the number one inviting vaginal cum shot. Each pulls off while undressing…
And my unpretentious penis grows up with expectations. I mean, there’s no other
The girl’s bedroom where the refreshing light of the morning shines through the
wooden window that opens inward. I’m honestly a mismatch in that. As always.

“Huhuhu. So let’s enjoy it for the first time in a while☆”

“Andy-san is fine as it is… ah, but if it feels good, I’ll be happy if you pat me…”

“Muu. H, How about studying with us”

The temperature was a little chilly, but the three elves who took off their clothes had
their skin burning.

“I wonder if it’s okay to do something like this”

“Hmm, isn’t it right? Don’t get caught in an emergency☆”

“That, Neia-san and Tetes-san…”

“If I’m told it’s a nuisance, I can put an illusion around us”

“…It’s been a time since I was told that”

Well, it’s certainly an open secret. I’m having a lot of sex with almost all the girls.

“Well then, itadakimasu”

Hilda sucks on my dick. It’s bad to compare, but it’s a different technique from
Aurora and anzeros. However, my hips trembled even though the glans was slightly
included and the tip was twisted, stimulated by lips and tongue.

“Do, Don’t just take advantage of it”

Apple protests with her ears hanging down. While licking her tongue, Hilda made a ○
sign with her fingers.

“I know. But is sperm hell really okay?”

“…What do you think?”

“If you’re not going to get tired, it’s hard, isn’t it?”

Three people staring at me. Certainly, if you don’t want to get tired, sperm hell is a bit
unsuitable. It feels like there’s too much water going out. Actually, I was asleep, so I
wasn’t so tired and the reason why I didn’t want to move was a lot of what I did
before. Besides, with this Hilda’s black and plump nude for the first time in a while,


With Apple´s big white boobs,


Somewhere in Irina, a young naked body with a sense of immorality,


There is a desire to sprinkle them with my sperm.

“…It’s been a while, I… well, that’s fine”

Reluctantly agreeing, Hilda joyfully casts a spell.

“Is it good?”

“…Irina, wouldn’t it be nice to have enough?”

“N, No, I… it’s best to have it in the womb anyway


Hilda-san is keeping an eye on her.

“By the way, Irina-chan, Sharon-chan and Almeida-chan should also use
contraceptive magic…”

“I, I!?”

“I don’t hear such excuses like, 『I don’t mean to do that, Smithson-dono is just going
to attack all of a sudden』. You´re wearing a collar and if you suddenly become
happy and get stuck, you’re in a position to be in trouble, aren’t you?”


After being persuaded by Hilda, contraceptive magic is applied to Irina’s belly. It’s a
bit disappointing… n, no, surely it would be very troublesome to have Irina confined
in this Catalina. However, there is a little point that she may be conceived. I regret it…
It’s a man’s ego.

“I have to call the two newcomers later”

“Umm… I, It’s unfair to be the only one who won’t have a child”

“No, Irina-sama, everyone is using contraception…”

Apple bitterly laughed at Irina’s behavior that seems to have been impregnated and
made a Tsukkomi. Irina is getting straight.

“Then, fellatio heaven of sperm hell is restarting♪”

“Th, This time, I will do it”

“Aaah. Then I will lick below the rod”

“…Sm, Smithson-dono, let me do something too”

“…Irina then straddles my face”


“Don’t be embarrassed. It would be unfair for me to attack your crotch”

While two black and white hungry elves are absorbed in fighting for my penis and
sucking on it, I kiss Irina´s legs who is approaching suddenly.


“You´re really like a child, including the place where no hair is growing…”

“I’m not a child… I think Jeanne has a physique below me, but you´re an pervert”

“It’s okay. I’m not saying anything wrong and I want to fuck you”

“…I, If so… is that okay?”

Irina worries while holding my head. The thin thighs, which are only about the size
of my upper arms, the neat labia that I can’t believe that my penis will fit in at any
time, and the cute, fleshed small buttocks, are impressing by the silhouette created in
the morning light. A elf girl with such a lower body wears a collar of proof that I can
fuck her whenever I want.

“Andy-kun’s penis has a faint taste… I wonder if it’s Ange-chan or Aurora-chan’s


“Maybe it’s Maia-chan… n, chuu… nuu”

In my crotch, the joint attack of Apple and Hilda continues. There was no pace, no
adjustment, and no merit. Lip service, which is not my active ability but passively
receiving pleasure, was betraying my eye measurement, which I had stepped on to
have a little more room. Dangerous. Apple’s surprisingly passionate sucking and
Hilda’s precise tongue movement… somehow, it is out of hand. Jumping up, calming
down a little, and then jumping up again on the base of its height… they seem to
ignore the usual pace of pleasure and I am made to continue to bounce endlessly.
The continuity of pleasure speeds up my ejaculation impulse to the unexpected.
And… Feeling like a terrifying escape, I ejaculate in Apple’s mouth.

“Nbuu… nuuuu!?”

The sperm that gushes out like urination is not something that can be swallowed by
the mouth, either in terms of concentration or amount.

“Ku, kehuu, cough… auu”

Backflow from Apple’s mouth. It is warm in the thighs and I cummed in large
quantities and my penis continues its ejaculation still energetically jumping up.

“Hyann!? M, My hips…!?”

It seems to have caught even Irina who straddled me. That means I would have shot
my own face if Irina didn’t guard. A little thank you to Irina… Yeah, there aren’t many
men who are happy to have their own semen on their face.


“Apple-chan doesn’t use contraception, so she wants it in her stomach. But if

possible, I think Apple-chan should also use contraception”

“I, I’m Andy-san’s number one female slave… Andy-san embraces me everywhere,
and I always get pregnant. I don’t care if I have a baby”

“…I’m just saying it”

“It’s not a good thing to say it”

That spirit is good, but I don’t think there is a slight calculation that says, 「I want to
be near Andy-san, but I don’t want to make a round trip with the dragon」. No, but
that’s another resolution.

Changing each place, the locked in a grapple ecchi continues.

“After all, if Apple and I would like to serve, this is it♪”

“I, Is it really comfortable…”

Hilda-san and Apple put their boobs together and sandwiched my cock with their
four breasts. Instead of lubricating oil, the semen attached to their faces and chests
(painted a lot of scattered on my body) is used as a lubricant and smeared on my

“Ah, Apple… in the past, you used to do this for hours every day”

“…E, Emm… I can’t remember…”

“According to what I heard, Smithson-dono had Apple do the trick about a while

“Dark Elves and Ogres sometimes have precocious babies, but seldom have any
female slaves”

“Yo, You’re not a female slave!? At that time…”

I’m looking for an excuse… But I feel like she was a 「Female slave」 more than my
current female slaves. It was every day for hours from noon to sunset. Both Apple
and I were crazy about it.

“But well… you might be able to understand my feelings at that time now…”

Apple smiles with a sloppy movement.

“Even now, Andy-san, who’s crazy about it, is so cute… he might have been more
absorbed in his childhood. He’d come to see me every day”

Hilda-san and the expression that licks the glans that appears from her own boobs,
there is something that makes me think that Apple’s nature is also lewd.

“…Muu. If we had met at that time… I may not have been treated as a child”

Irina said she was uncomfortable when she swapped positions and changed her
posture to knee pillow, but she stretched out herself as expected and tried to get
close to my my penis sandwiched between Apple and Hilda. She can’t reach it, so she
put her head down and covers my body. Was it a posture called sixty-nine?


“Hunia!?… W, What are you doing, I’m so…”

“It’s not going to happen if you try to play against 『I’m a child』”

It’s understandable that Irina tried to indulge in the delusion of playing with her
tongue in her head, 「The helpless me with a child penis」. However, it is impossible
to immerse yourself in such a delusion.

“Pero, neruru… I wasn’t just sucking or sandwiching it in Apple, I was touching it and
sucking it back. By the time it’s evening, we find out that we didn’t take a bath. So it’s
not necessarily as choppy as you think”

“I’m going to do it, Andy-kun…”

“…I was doing that”

Two people with big boobs look at me with a strange glance of half respect… No,
these people aren’t normal because they have half the respect. And Irina, small

“I, I know… sorry, hiiii…”

She is at the mercy of my tongue. Or rather, I’m licking the lower body of Irina
obstinately and violently. It is an opportunity to fight back to the lower half of the
body which invites the inferiority feelings artistically. I’ll taste it to my heart’s
content… And so on, while I’m bullying Irina with a stupid confrontation, my penis is
also strongly stimulated by Apple and Hilda.

“…pero, peroo… kku, uuu…!!”

I have reached the limit of my patience. Needless to say, the two who are getting
their breasts involved Irina who was in agony with her face close to it,

“It’s coming out… aaaa!!”




“Nbuu… it got into my nose… nguee”

After all, Apple is surprised, Hilda-san is ecstatic and Irina who eats a little. A fishy
fountain rages in the space surrounded by three faces.

And finally.

“Well, Apple and I had put it out twice, so Irina-chan is last♪”

“That’s right”

“Th, That’s enough for me… I mean, where are you both playing?”

Hilda and Apple conspire and obsessed with Irina, who had semen in her nose and
exposed her anus.

“That isn’t a hole that makes a baby…!!”

“But it feels good to put it in properly?”

“It seems like that… I, I’m still in the middle of a bath and training”

“I, It’s still early for me!”

Two naked beautiful women who suppress the naked little girl who dislikes it
together. Hilda casts a spell on the butt hole.

“It’s okay. I tried not to cut it right now, so at least today you will not get
hemorrhoids no matter how many times Andy-kun´s penis enters☆”

“Th, That’s a problem…”

“Yes, Apple-chan is over there”


With two people.

“Hi, Aguuu…!?”

Irina’s asshole is dedicated to me… I’m knocking out for the time being. Even so.

“Ah, Irina, a little weak…”

Irina tightens the hole in the front, but wears a ring on the back. It hurts.

“Th, This hole… it’s bad to use it…”

“Therefore. Once you get used to it, there’s nothing wrong with it”
“I, I’ll do it after I’ve been able to do it without magic…”

“Wh, Why I… I, like this… uguu”

It’s dangerous, a little teary eyes. I feel sorry for her.

“I… I, I… the one in front… it, it’s better to make a child…!!”

“Not good!”

Hilda-san judges someone negatively… Why?

“You´re Andy-kun’s female slave, right? It’s the master’s discretion when and how to
make a child, so you don’t say anything selfish. Instead, it’s more important to have
your master love you with your favorite holes whenever he likes”


…That, I’m not letting you do the butt hole ecchi at my discretion. No, it’s not that I
don’t like it.

“I’m sure Andy will love you more if you can do it right, will you?”

“Eguu… I, I understand… I’m going to do it”

“You´re not patient. Have fun. Pull out your strength. It doesn’t hurt, it’s that kind of

“Th, This…?”

Hilda-san tricks me… no, I’m persuaded and Irina gradually relaxes. Then I shake my
hips little by little and try to move inside the butt hole. Irina’s white, small, clean
lower body. I’m savage in the most embarrassing hole. The feeling makes my son go

“Ha, u… th, this is…?”

Irina seems to have gradually understood how to pull out power and how to put it in.
Although she was still half-crying, the movement gradually became lighter and the
white naked body began to rock gradually little by little. The big breasted group
whose face and chest were cloudy and sticky continued to encourage that. Without
the stink of the semen, it looks like a smiling landscape of a parent and child. And I
just taste Irina’s bottom hole. Irina’s vagina was an unusually cozy hole, but her ass
was as good as she was. While Irina moved through trial and error many times, it
seemed that Hilda-san’s magical effects gradually helped her learn how to greet
pleasure and her voice began to mix with gloss.

“Haa, haa… n, aaa… wh, what, now that you say it… surely, its not, bad…”

With the semen on her face shedding with tears and sweat, she turns around and
even starts to show me the leeway to smile.

“I thought you would say that”

“As expected, Irina-sama”

Hilda aside, I don’t think Apple’s praise is subtly. But in the end, we started shaking
our hips with each other on the pitch. After shaking my hips violently, I grabbed
Irina´s thin hips.


“Ha, gu, aaa… uaaa!?”

I pour a lot of sperm into Irina’s ass. Everything is screwed into the asshole without a
dead end like the vagina, filling the intestine.

“Ha,… haha, so much… putting out so much, idiot… ♪”

Irina collapses with a bloated belly and a weak smile.

“H, Hey, Irina!?”

“It’s okay. I’m strengthening myself with magic, so it won’t damage my body. I’m

“Is, Is that so?”

I was surprised.

Even after cleaning up, the sexual odor scattered in large quantities in the bed
doesn’t come off.

“Is this all right… isn’t there something like deodorizing magic”

“I have it, but I don’t use it. It’s nice to sleep with Andy’s semen smell”

“…No, I don’t think so”

It seems to be Hilda-san’s bed. Well, if she gets tired of it, she’ll deodorize it properly.
It is a person who cares about cleanliness in her own way. Anyway.

“…Nou, Hilda-dono. Butt… can you teach me the magic to strengthen”

“It’s no good. Irina-sama. You have to train properly. It’s miserable when you’re in
good shape and the effect time expires”


Irina was awake… No, it’s a lot of fun for me as an individual, but I don’t think it’s a
good idea to actively learn such dark elf lower body magic.
After all, I spent half a day in Hilda’s bed. No, it’s subtle to say that I was resting.

Then, around noon, Dianne and Laila had caught a whole buffalo from somewhere
and carried it on their shoulders.

“Buffalo… I wonder if it was around here?”

“It’s amazing that there are two women carrying cows!”

“Ordinary animal meat that is neither dried nor monster meat comes to this town at
this time of year”

“Ca, Can I have a share of you?” If it’s money, I’ll give it to the guys in the corps”

It’s a secret that Laila is a dragon, so there’s an air of subtle wondering how to
transport it, but appetite seems to have been better than that… Well that’s right.
Everyone likes normal animal meat rather than monster meat.

“This year, the monster situation is not urgent and they have plenty of food to spare”

“Usually Catalina is also tough. Even if it’s a beast type that can drop objects and fight
against them, they have to challenge rock type monsters by themselves and since it is
hard to compete with the Ghibli fortress in terms of robustness and material storage,
Catalina’s assignment is treated as a lost lottery”

The mayor and the elf communication magician, nod to each other. After all, there
are hits and misses.

“Why don’t we mobilize the dragons to go hunting? It won’t be rare anymore in time”

When Dianne offers that, the mayors look at each other.

“…I can’t thank you enough”

“What’s more, half of it is also training for our corps. It’s a good excuse for demand
and possibly blast hunting”

Dianne smiles. Then, she ordered to our Special Duty Corps which gathered around
the buffalos.

“Be sure to check the armament of the combatants! As you hear, it’s hunting in the
afternoon! The attendants will be decide later!”

All salute. Well, if its hunting, we often do it in Basson instead of shooting, so

everyone is good at it. No problem.


Upon dispatch, we decided to split into two groups, Laila group and the Maia group.
Each unit has one crossbow soldier, one swordsman, and one scout. Dragons don’t
hunt directly. That’s the kind of training. So. For Laila´s group, I as crossbow soldier,
Dianne as swordsman and Luna as scout. The crossbow soldier Lantz, the
swordsman Naris and the scout 100-man commander Becker belong to Maia´s

“…I mean, even though it’s a corps training, why is Naris here?”

When I plunge in, Naris laughs grinningly, revealing her cloak. A bow and quiver in
the hand while carrying an awful short sword on the waist.

“Huhuhuhu, I actually like hunting quite a bit. It’s more dangerous than the Hora
Labyrinth and can be done without money”

“You follow as a swordsman, right?”

“Fuhahaha, the elf warrior class is meaningful with a bow and sword!”

“Is that so”

“No, I don’t know. Therefore I´m sorry for what I say”

I don’t know what it is, but the tension seems to be rising. She might be the type that
becomes energetic when it is other than the original work. She’s like me.

“Well, it’s true that there’s a tendency to bow and its meaningful in every clan”

Irina nods and Almeida looks away… She looks useless except for spearmanship.

“Can Sharon use a bow?”

When I asked her, I got a friendly smile as response.

“I wasn’t originally a warrior class, so…”

“…You’re a princess”

“It wasn’t as clear as it was in the human race, but it was a civilian-legged lineage.
Berga was from the warrior class and must be good at bowing as well”

When I listen to it, Berga sounds like an invincible multiplayer.

“What about Irina?”

“I´m a white girl with magic and I´m also the daughter of a clan chief. It doesn’t
matter if I can use the bow or not”

“…You can’t do it”

“I, It’s just a matter of course! In the first place, Naris can’t pull a strong bow!”

“I can’t do it”

Well, I thought it would be like that.

Maia only flies this time, so there is nothing to pay attention to. After all, when the
city disappears, we part and join before returning to the city.

“Becker. You know, coach them well”

“Understood. You don’t have to worry about the hundred-year-old gauntlet and
Basson sniper coach”
“Don’t say that. Sometimes it’s unexpected”


…So that’s it. 100-man commander Becker and Dianne are the coaches, Lantz and I,
Naris and Luna are trained.

“Luna, I have to show you something good”

“If it’s not a monster, I’m good at hunting…”

“No, I’m the hunter. You’re the one who searches and corners”


Well, in terms of role, Dianne can hunt directly… In that sense, there is an advantage
over there. Both of them play a role in stopping the prey.

“Okay, then encourage. The limit is evening. Hunt as much as you can”

“『Roger that』

Lantz and 100-man commander Becker salutes with their fists on their chest and
Naris crosses her arms to salute. Everyone is in high spirits. It seems that Luna isn’t
too enthusiastic with just words, but in fact, it is understood by the movement of the
tail and the restlessness that instinct is itching quite a bit.

“Laila, we’re taking that mountain over there”

“Ho, alright, hold on to me!”

After confirming that Maia´s group took off, Laila also flaps her wings and took off.
Flying to the hunting stage.


The characteristic is that monsters don’t appear in high places very much. The
general theory is that, like wind, the flow of energy is high at high altitudes and
stagnant at low altitudes. So wild creatures that aren’t monsters usually escape from
monsters on mountains and plateaus. There are various theories here that you know
it is safe by rule of thumb, or that the power to feel the mind is stronger than that of
mankind, but anyway.

『Andy, wild boar! Intimidate and kick out now!』

I set up the crossbow while receiving Luna’s voice with a keen hearing. Hearing
strengthening is Dianne’s magic. It’s been a long time since I’ve had full support for
sensory enhancement magic and it’s been a little difficult to adjust my
consciousness. It’s confusing to hear too much if you don’t get used to it. As long as
you get used to it, you can get unnecessary information out of consciousness. The
footsteps of the wild boar. The sound of leaf rubbing. Breathing sound. The sound of
insects that are not particularly relevant. The sound of the wind. The sound of water
in a stream flowing somewhere. Adjust consciousness. Use your concentration to
narrow down the sound that you want to pay attention to. Consciousness is limited
to one point of view. There is not much information that human consciousness can
process at once. However, if you narrow it down too much, the reaction will be
delayed when it falls off. Find the right point. Balance your input and output.


It jumps a little to the left of the point where the boar was aiming. I can’t react. My
consciousness is still out of focus.


“Wait three seconds…”

Knowing that Luna couldn’t hear, I muttered for the purpose of telling myself and
predicted the boar’s movement. Search for the intersection of the speed of the arrow
and the speed of the boar and adjust my senses exactly in 3 seconds.

“Take it!”

I feel a response at the moment when the arrow shot out of the string. Without
aiming at it, the arrow pierces the boar’s head. Alright I remembered the knack for
adjusting the senses.

“Great hit”

And while I was killing the boar, Dianne was catching a deer with her bare hands.

“Since when…”

I didn’t notice that she was there, even with my senses strengthened.

“Oh, I was just there, and I was doing something that I was alert to.”

Laila says so, sitting on a rock next to me and drinking delicious alcohol.

“Breaking a deer’s neck with bare hands… why don’t you at least do it with a sword?”

“Because it gets dirty. And the sword will be troublesome with blood and fat on it”

The sword hangs on Dianne’s waist. Naris is the same, but for the time being I want
her to take care of the subject.

Dianne who was surprisingly lazy, is a pretty good hunter… or rather, Luna who
played the role of a hunting dog and my sniper’s arm, which wasn’t as sluggish as I
expected also were successful. A considerable amount of prey such as wild boars,
deers, buffalos, rabbits and pheasants pile up with the time.

“It’s no use hunting and collecting more than this. Even Catalina´s population can’t
eat that much at the time of eating. That’s what you’re going to do with salting or

“Maia´s group are also hunting, so it will be doubled”

“Including that”

Diane ties each animal together with a rope to make it easy to carry. It’s Laila´s job to
carry them with her.

“Do you want to use 『Silk chain』?”

“…If there is such a convenient thing, please tell me sooner”

Diane takes a subtle look while receiving a thin string-like treasure from Laila. Laila
smiled. A bad offer is intentional.
After I finished collecting the arrows (as much as I could), I sat on the rock and
inspected the crossbow and Luna came over after helping Dianne.

“…It was interesting today”

“That’s good. It’s good to have fun training”

Originally, it seems that cat beast’s hunting is to jump onto the prey in the style of
Dianne and to hit the critical points with a knife etc. (It seems to hunt by claws and
kicks when it becomes strong), but Luna was a push-in role single-mindedly today. It
was I thought she might have been dissatisfied, but it seemed to be quite enjoyable
and above all.

“Crossbow is strong”

“Well, it’s a bow that can’t be pulled by human power. If it’s an ogre, they can do it”

The advantage of an crossbow is that it has high tension and high power, but it
doesnt need to be maintained by physical strength and you can calmly sniper. Well, I
can’t shoot an ordinary arrow.

“It would be a bit of a long-term battle with wild boar and cows, but it was a one

“Even if it’s a monster, it’s a one shot if you hit it well”

The Sword Saint Brigade, who was showered with this out of nowhere, wasn’t afraid.

“…My body is still burning”

“Slowly rest. You did your best today”

Finally, I check the frame for looseness and remove the strings. When I looked at
Luna, I was surprised that her face was unexpectedly close.

“…As much as when it was a full moon”

“H, Hey, Luna”

Luna’s face approaches and our lips overlap.



Just a kiss like a child. And Luna, who opened her eyes again, looked as clear as if she
had woken up now. And was obviously excited.

“Andy. I long for”

“You’re straight”

“Well, you did a lot in the morning, didn’t you? You can tell by the smell. Actually, it
was guessed for a while now”

“…Hey hey”

Certainly, the sperm hell will have a strong odor due to the quantity. After that, I took
a rest in bed and sometimes I put it in Irina or Apple, so I think it’s extra stained. It
might have been stimulating.


Dianne suddenly appeared.

“We will join the others at nightfall”

“Th, That’s right, Luna. We´ll keep Maia and Lantz waiting”

“…But I want to do it”

Luna lowers her ears and says selfishly. Cute but don’t spoil me.

“…But we still have an hour before nightfall”

Dianne smiles.

“Don’t say that when people are trying so hard to resist temptation. You also want to
do it”

“Allow. 10-man captain Smithson commit associate soldier Basil… what?”

Dianne smiles and removes her waist cloth. Her panty is exposed… Its wet.

“Actually, I was a little aware of your sex odor too… Even hunting is bloody…”

“…You’re a ridiculous nasty captain”

When I said that half-heartedly, Dianne grinned while lowering her panty.

“I’m your woman right now. There are only your women… Punishment for a
ridiculous nympho for another hour”

“…I got the permission, so I also do it…”

Luna also takes off her pants and panty. Both of them are naked in the lower half of
their body. If you look at Laila, she’s still drinking at a rocky place a little further
away. I asked her if she would come, she said she is going to drink, so she raised her
cup lightly as a gesture.

“…Then both of you”

I also put down my pants. Everyone is naked only from the waist down. A little

“Suck me”

I’ve been strangely talking to everyone lately, so I wanted to do the same with
Dianne, Luna and Laila.


Dianne kneels.

“My tongue is rough, isn’t it?”

Luna looks a little worried.

“You don’t have to lick it, you just have to suck it”

“Then I will shake my hips and enjoy myself”

“…You put it in here later, right?”

“I know. I’ll put it in both of you, as I will commit you”

Of course, it can’t be done by the two people whose bodies are burning and I don’t
feel like doing it. Mountains in late autumn. Three perverts with a bare lower body.
It’s a weird situation, but… I was really excited.
In the chilly late-autumn dusk mountains, Luna, Dianne and I are all naked on the
lower body. Very perverted. Aside from her usual shamelessness, Dianne is
wondering if Luna was a little embarrassed after she took it off… Well, it may be
because I take it off, but I don’t actively entangle it.


I turn my head to Dianne. Dianne nods and kneels. And only the upper part was
protected against the cold and the face was brought close without hesitation to my

“Dizzy… you seem to have been excited about hunting, too”

“No, I not very… it was exposed by Luna”

I don’t have a strong urge to attack like Dianne and Luna. Certainly, the tension of
hunting, the exchange of life, the color and smell of blood and the feel of blood
reverse stroke the inner part of the heart, but such emotions cannot be positively
controlled. I don’t feel good, so I can’t raise my tension. I also wonder if that is the
difference from infantry. But, as it is, Luna’s power to 「Inspire」 when she was in
estrus is amazing. The instinct that fuels the desire to be tired is burning up from
every part, such as eyes, sighs, and actions. Many of the female slaves have passive,
「Anytime please」 characters, so Luna’s hot sexual desire is fresh and intense.

“Huhu. Either way. Enjoy plenty of my mouth… nn”

When Dianne admires my dick with a compassionate look, she put it into her mouth
without hesitation. From the outside air trying to announce winter, into Dianne’s
mouth. The warm, soft lips and tongue work on my penis. A brown butt can be seen
beyond the hair. Who can imagine that Dianne clings to a man’s dick in the open air
with such an embarrassing appearance? At the same time as I swayed by that feeling
of control, Diane-san, who loves my son with her passionate but unfamiliar tongue,
loves it. Still, I can’t stand the interest in how much she can accept myself.


I grab Dianne’s head with both hands. While gripping her ears with my little finger
and ring finger, I seizure her head and shake in front of my waist.


It is sure to be painful. The mouth is not a vagina. No matter how consciously you can
move your tongue, it is bound to be painful if you have a glans in your throat. But
when Dianne sees my gaze, she closes her eyes lightly and shows her willingness to
leave it to me. Selfishly, to me who showed the gesture of masturbation using
Dianne’s mouth without permission, to make me use her mouth completely and to
show the intention of abusing her.


Wrapping one arm around my waist, Dianne puts the other hand on my crotch. Then
she looks at me with one eye and closes her eyes again. It just seemed like she
wanted it… If that is the case. I feel free to start thrusting into Dianne’s throat.

“Ngu, n, nuu…!!”

While Diane seems to suffer from time to time, the provocative light and euphoric
euphoria can be seen and hidden in her eyes, glancing up at me. I immerse myself in
my pleasure as if I were to be put in the light or test my courage. Dianne’s mouth is
like a joy juice, with the lingering afterglow, or the thick, hot and viscous saliva
accumulated. Her thin lips and strong tongue seemed to follow the penis in and out,
never to refuse. Occasionally my waist moves and colors the edge of my view. I’m
doing violent masturbation using Dianne’s mouth. Dianne is also masturbating with
that as a story. It’s not oral service. Essentially perverted sexual acts of swearing,
being fucked and feeling. But even that seems like Dianne. Clumsy, but the ability is
wide, so I’m losing and still satisfied. It seems that Dianne loves me like that, this is
also sex using her mouth.

“U, Uu, aa…!!”

I shake Dianne’s head, shake my waist and ejaculate. Releasing the sperm directly
into that throat…

“Nn, nguuu!?”

At the same time as I remember one fact, Dianne opened her eyes. By the way, I was
still under the sperm hell magic. No matter how wide Dianne’s ability is, it is
extremely difficult to swallow the sticky semen that is sprayed at the same speed as
urine. As expected, it edged immediately and spilled out of her mouth.

“…Gehuu, Gehuu… Andy, sperm hell…”

“I forgot to say. Hilda-san called me in the morning…”

“…As expected my older sister. It’s okay, isn’t it…”

Dianne has a complex face. Luna had a convincing look on her face.

“That’s why it smelled male-like and strong

“…Well, that’s right”

Dianne licks a large amount of sperm spilled on her chest and licks it with her
fingers. Luna brings her face closer to Dianne´s chest from the side and licks it.

“Ah, hey… that’s mine”


“Y, You should put it out by yourself in order”

“…But, the unbearable smell…”

“Uh, st, stop it, it feels strange with your tongue”

Luna keeps licking the juice spilled on Dianne´s chest and thighs without listening to

“Ho. Then I’m the substitute♪”

Laila suddenly appeared there and without reading the air, she stripped off her
clothes and kneels down.

“Hey, owner. You should also enjoy my tongue technique. You have better confidence
in me than Dianne, right?”

“…Well, I´m not sure”

Unlike Dianne, Laila has experience and above all she is quite skillful. After.

“Then, I´m prepared… nn♪”

Laila’s tongue, which is tighter and more entwined than Dianne, is strangely long,
probably due to the racial characteristics of the dragon human body. And the
movement is variable and my penis is tossed around in an instant.

“U, oo!?”

“Hoho. It’s good, isn’t it? It’s hard to wrap something around your excellent thing
with the tongues of other races, isn’t it?”

“…Th, That’s right but… it’s amazing again”

“Your excellent thing, surely the taste of sympathy remains as the cat says… ho, did
you also taste the asshole of a white little girl. I don’t care if it’s Maia or not, but to
the white little girl its ridiculous”

“…Don’t make sure of that one by one…!!”

My son is licked, entangled and tossed around by Laila. The slight dullness is quickly
blown away and the desire for the next sex is filled into my penis.

“L, Luna, raise your ass”


I pull my dick out from Laila’s mouth and calls Luna who is absorbed in licking
Dianne’s body. Luna seems to be getting drunk with semen and is not able to grasp
the meaning of what I’m saying. Dianne, who seemed to be in trouble because of
being licked, pulled Luna just as she wanted herself, holding herself in a position to
hold and hug her, then thrust her hips up.

“Okay. 10-man captain Smithson, execute the command. Rape associate soldier Basil”


“Roger that!”

In response to Dianne’s antics, I returned a salute, putting Laila aside who licks her
tongue with a regret of the finish blow and squeezed my wet son into Luna’s estrus


Her tails shakes. It is shaken like hitting my belly and it tickles a little though it
doesn’t hurt.

“Hey, Luna… your long awaited dick…!”

“Nyaa… nya, nyaaa…!?”

Although it was wet, it was impossible to move due to sudden insertion of

selfishness or because of innocuous force. But I don’t hesitate to grab that butt and
shake my hips. It was a forcible move like pushing twice and pulling twice, but Luna
who seemed to gradually understand the situation began to shake her hips and
eventually became able to move forward and backward by herself.

“This, estrus cat… hey, the milk for you is here…!!”

“Nyaaa, Nyaaaa… ♪”

My son which had been raised beforehand by Laila reaches the limit soon and a large
amount of semen is poured in Luna’s vagina. It spreads in the vagina immediately
flows backwards. The lower body of Luna himself is completely soiled with a sticky

Dusk is imminent. Luna is satisfied with her face and lower body covered with
sperm. But.

“Ho, it’s not over yet”

“…If you provoke me like that, I need to have it inside me to be satisfied”

Laila and Dianne were still motivated… I wonder if we´ll be in time for the meeting.
Dianne and Laila hold their hands on the standing tree, line up their buttocks and
wait for my insertion. On one hand, Dianne is exposed only in the lower half of the
body, while on the other hand Laila is naked except the collar from top to bottom. I
didn’t mean to do it, but I think it’s more annoying than the naked guys.


And Luna is lying satisfactorily with her face and crotch covered with semen on the
dead leaves at their feet. It is strangely obscene that she is unconsciously stroking
the upper part of the uterus with her fingers. Dianne, who is raising the body
temperature in front of me and Laila, who shakes her hips,also want semen poured
into their uterus. With that enthusiasm, I approached the two butts.

“Ah… from me…?”

Grabbing Diane’s brown butt, she smiles happily. Usually, Laila and Dianne have
similar feelings, but when you put them side by side, Dianne is more compact with
one or two turns. Both are so feminine that their breasts and buttocks are fleshy,
although they have a tough impression that they never seem fat. Laila, whose skin
color is white like snow, and Dianne, who is brown like the skin of a tree, are in good
contrast. While rubbing the two round asses as I like, I push my son who awakened
from his tiredness into Dianne.

“Haaa… co, come… ♪”

“Ho, you look happy”

“Y, Yes… a, after all, rather than the excitement of hunting, rather than fighting… I like
the excitement of being made a woman by Andy… ♪”
“Hoho, you’re really honest”

When Laila made fun of her, Dianne clings to the trunk of the tree and looks up at
Laila’s profile, protesting with a slight swelling.

“I’m… al, always, honest with Andy…?”

Well surely. Diane doesn’t become honest, but there are too many times when she
can’t just depend on the situation. Others conspires and forcibly bring the situation
to erotic and flirting, but Dianne will leave it to me whenever I ask, and there is no
serious compromise in the work itself. It could be said that this is the reason for the
loss, but Dianne hasn’t hidden her strong love for me from the time when she and
Selenium were appealing to me alone. I think the clumsiness of life is rather cute,
rather than that kind of love.

“Dianne… please become a woman… enjoy my dick and taste it fully…”

“Ah, I… I feel like making up my mind, Andy´s penis… in my womb…!”

The moment I whispered into her long ears, Dianne made a cute voice as she
trembles her spine. When I put my hands on her chest to hold her, her clothes get
wet and her chest skin becomes slimy. My released semen let her face and chest be
sticky. Dianne, who greedily pushes up her hips in that state, slowly starts to attack
my dickwhich invaded deeply. It begins to move in a fine and persistent manner so
that the glans can be absorbed in the uterine opening.

“Ha, a, aaa… i, inside, only… ♪”

“I want to be wrapped tightly in Dianne’s vagina… okay?”

“…I can’t do that… it reminds me of Andy’s thickness more… ♪”

The dignified, powerful, and more dependable 「Commander」 figure gradually

transforms into a 「Woman」 in my arms. The real feeling of hugging changes from
a strong warrior and officer, the War God Dianne, to that of a beautiful and gentle
female dark elf who told me that she stay with me forever. Yes, even if she looks like a
very magnificent person, if you hug her, she will be surprisingly small, and her
emotions as a woman will be no different from a ordinary town girl. Dianne is such a
person.And she has been waiting for the moment when she can be a woman. When
she thinks that she who cannot be asked because there is no chance usually was able
to become bold at last by the excitement of the hunt, that small step is a delight. I
want her to feel free to seek me and to feel herself as a woman more. Such a silly
wish isn’t just put out, but it’s passed on to her womb as a persistent pleasure.

“Hua, a, a, a, aaa… amazing, andei… Andy!”

Dianne calls my name happily to the world. The semen that had accumulated in the
valley of the chest was scattered with the vibration and some was caught on Luna’s


Luna shook her ears with the first drop and opened her eyes, but she didn’t avoid or
prevent it from sprinkling, just smiling happily. I fell in love a little, and while I felt
the fulfillment of the desire for control for a moment, I continue to push forward my
waist while still buried violently in Dianne’s pussy. Dianne’s voice gradually rises.
Luna gets up quickly and stretches her tongue to lick the semen residues of Dianne’s

“Hia, Luna, stop…!!”

“10-man captain Smithson. Nuuureeee, make use of 100-man commander Dianne”

“…Associate Soldier it’s an order to report to a superior”

“Then, it is”


Is it meant to be Luna’s revenge? No, there is no reason to hold a grudge, and

revenge is different. What do I say? And so on, while thinking in a distraction as a
dull head that was eroded by pleasure, I continue to poke Dianne’s uterus. Dianne
endures the pleasure by making her nails put up on the tree trunk and finally lets
herself look out. A few moments behind the tightening, I added the last kick-up by
shaking my waist greatly to the accumulated pleasure.

“KKu, a, haaaaaa♪”

A explosive ejaculation is released in the vagina. High concentration of semen

passing through the opening and urethra, immediately fill the uterus, overflow into
the vagina and injected through the gap of the vagina, such as carbonic acid that has
been shaken too much. The semen drips down on the ground.


Luna enters under the crotch and tries to receive the drops. Perhaps because of the
aftertaste of estrus, the action is more instinctive than ever.

“…I will remember that, associate soldier Basil”

Dianne murmured with a grin. I wondered what it meant for a moment, but… well, I
think it’s the cause of the intrusion.

“…You can lick it as long as it’s hanging on your legs, Dianne”

“No, it’s about time to dress up and join Becker and the others”

I insert my son into Laila who looks sideways at the two half-naked women covered
in semen and arguing which isn’t understood well.

“Nu… huhu, it’s been a long time… ♪”

“I, It’s been quite a while. You have been busy lately”

Perhaps because it has become a little tired through the semen large-scale behavior
of a total of three degrees, I of the place where the tension is subtle enter into Laila´s
vagina. Well, it seems that Laila also knows that area, so she didn’t ask and shook her
hips so that she looked like she was doing gymnastics. As I said, I haven’t had sex
with Laila lately, so I’m a little sorry for such a dismal sex.

“…Hoho. Owner, who doesn’t look sour. Don’t let me be packed to the hilt as they
are… if you´re satisfied, that’s fine”

“Let me insert it, and don’t say such a unpleasant thing…”

“Ho. But it seems like you’re pushing your time… you’re also breathing harder.
Anyway, if we’re free for a while, why don’t we just do it when you feel like it again?”

When that kind of thing is said, it’s my boy who is upset. Holding Laila’s body again
and stretch it a little, then I hold one leg and let it rise.


Laila is in a dog’s piss-like position and has her hands on the tree.

“So, let’s let a man put it in and stop doing such generous things. I want to fuck you
firmly at my will”

“…Kukuku, I heard that it’s good”

…I feel like I was asked something wrong. However, I reconsider that it would be fine
if I was invited by Laila. Laila’s body and mind have something that just fascinates
me. I can believe that she will be with me until the time I die, that strong love and
motherhood. No matter how much my love is poured, it is certainly not an overkill.

“Let’s go, Laila…!!!”

I started to shake my waist vigorously. Laila’s limbs appear in the cold landscape of a
dim mountain. Her boobs sway with a bump. I rub them roughly with one hand and
greed is beaten while holding the leg.

“Ku… uu, indeed, a man’s dignity, then… ♪”

“That’s right… I wanted to commit you… I wanted you, so I made you mine…!! I’m not
trying to make you happy while having a contract…!”

It’ll sound the same when you’re listening from the side, but 「Which is the purpose?
」 is important. For me, Laila is mainly a good woman and not a dragon. The
contract as a dragon is the main, not the fact that she is a female. If it’s the latter, I’m
still convinced that I will fell in love with Laila, but I wanted to have sex with Laila
and made her my own. She wore a collar, but in the middle of sex I said 「I’m tired so
lets do it again next time」, that it would be pitiful for the other party. So I commit
Laila with all my might. Originally, Laila and I have a good compatibility with sex. If
I’m out of breath, even if I’m calm in the same way, as soon as I do my best, Laila
starts to rise.

“KKu, huuu… huhu, of course, owner’s love is passionate… ♪”

“Obviously… I’m your rider…!!”

“Hoho, you’re definitely a good rider… in many ways♪”

Laila distorts her face with pleasure and says so with happiness. Above all,
honorable words. I squeeze my power to overrun Laila’s vagina and desperately
shake my waist, which is likely to break due to fatigue before pleasure. Eventually,
Laila’s voice became only a gasping voice and my consciousness was dominated by

“C, Cum, Cumming Laila…!!”

“Nu, a, aa, a, that’s good… to me… ♪”

Ejaculation. A large amount of semen that doesn’t fade due to the magic effect
pollutes the inside of Laila’s womb.

“────Tsuuuu… ♪”

Laila warps her white throat and cums with a voice in audible range. As usual, semen
overflowed from the crotch and when I suddenly noticed, Luna had a slightly greedy
look toward us.


In the mountains, a little away from Catalina, we met with the others who had
already returned. It is Maia’s job to bring everyone to Catalina.

“Hoo. If you think Captain and Basil have done it, there are quite a few arrows in the
preys. Has Smithson an unexpected remarkable ability?”

“Well, it’s normal in the corps”

Lantz gives a follower to 100-man commander Becker who is a little impressed. Is it

a follower? It’s a fact.

“Huhuhu. It’s been a long time since my blood boiled. Not yet, my bow can be better”

Naris also looks happy. It seems that this fellow also was excited of hunting.

On the other hand, Maia said so politely. It seems that she found out that I ejaculated
a lot into everyone by smelling it.

“Hohoho. Forgive me, it’s been a long time.”

“M, Me too”

Laila puffed up her chest with pride and Dianne becomes a little red.

“What is it?”

Naris tilts her head. Dianne and others are a little speechless.

“I don’t know…”

Luna says something subtle.

“A, Ah. Did you also want to hunt Maia-chan?”


Naris convinced herself… It’s a bit subtle whether I should fall in love with a peaceful
guy or be happy that I’m saved.
The animals that we had collected in large numbers were brought together by Maia
to Catalina.

In Catalina, there is one meat processing shop (military department) who usually
processes demon meat and boiled dried meat in detail to each other. Perhaps he
didn’t expect normal meat to be brought in, so he was working on it while panicking.

“H, Hey, somebody ask the mayor to lend me an ogre or dwarf soldier from the
guardroom! This will cause a blood mess and ruin the meat before the process is
over! I always say that freshness is life!”

Curious soldiers rush to the station. It’s a story directly related to their meal. The
reaction is extremely fast.

“Shall I help?”

“I’ll also help, butcher”

Boyd and Goto advance. The butcher smiled happily.

“Okay, then, pull out a blood hole and hang the animals upside down from the
ceiling! It would be time-consuming for a human to do this”



Nowadays, the two, who have become more comfortable with the Valerie language,
nod lightly and start processing. Even if it says meat, it’s still a heavy item and the
strength of an ogre seems to be essential for quick work… Anzeros and Sharon, who
can instantly produce the power of an ogre, Dianne and Neia, who do not accept
common sense evaluation from the outside in the first place and the dragon team,
but it seems to question for a moment in the meaning of sticking to an ogre.
“Ho, I’ll help you, too. Maia, do you know the procedure for dismantling animals?”

“More or less”

Laila and Maia shake the butcher knife lightly to dismantle the meat. And.

“Hey butcher, I borrowed a dwarf”

“Oh, it’s a good time! I’ll ask you to dismantle the meat after the blood is drained
from the meat!”

“Roger that”

“You know, it’s been ten years since we dismantled a deer”

Several dwarves called upstairs divide the work and start helping the butcher… At
that scene, Apple, who was welcoming me, smiled with regret.

“…I was wondering if I could help too”

“…Well, I think it’s okay to become more detailed”

In the back of the butcher´s home, the barrels for salted and dried meat are carried
out and the meat is hung by pulleys one after another. It seems that fine food will
come out for the time being.


Next day.

“We don’t have any requests for help today. It seems Alize is already preparing to
raise most of their defense strength and Ghibli seems to be in good shape thanks to
the two Great Knight Chiefs”

“…So you don’t need a dragon for a quick rescue mission today”

Affirmed by the laughter that Tetes was in trouble. I was ready to sort out and
prepared winter clothes.

“At the moment, the battle with the last monsters that was supposed to be the last
thing, or the last guys who were anxious after starting cannibalism is at this time.
This year, because of the Blue Dragon’s activity in the early stages, the monster’s
launch is slow, As a result, we were able to save our overall strength. If you’re not
good at it, you may not have a decent herd left anymore.

Naris who happily explains eats a great amount of meat soup during breakfast.

“Then, what am I going to do today?”

Maia looks up at me. I don’t have a plan for that case either. Dianne helped me out
with a help boat when I was in trouble.

“If you don’t have anything to do, just take a rest. It doesn’t make sense to work hard
and be tired at unexpected times”

“…Is that okay?”

“You know what, Maia is working well. And you have to take a little more rest.
Originally, the task of the Great Invasion is not a mission of the Special Duty Force.
Even if you have some leeway, you won’t complain”

That’s not good, is it? Thanks to Maia, I was a little too proud of it, but it’s not a time
to overdo it.

“Then… do you want to rest?”


Stroking Maia’s head. She looked happy.

With Dianne´s permission, today is a day off. In fact, I can no longer feel that
monsters are approaching Catalina. The monsters that pull up from the south may
come out soon, but they won’t come from the north anymore.

“The world is peaceful, nothing happens. It’s good. You can take a nap with peace of

Keiron is standing in the room and ready to take a nap.

“Didn’t you just take a nap even if it wasn’t peaceful”

“Naa, when you’re in danger, I’ve been super active!”

Keiron pouts.

“Well, 10-man captain Keiron is reliable only when it’s dangerous”

“You mean, you don’t want to turn him into an enemy. Although he isn’t like 10-man
captain Smithson”

Masturbation Brothers examine the erotic picture scrolls bought at Rennesto and say
something subtle. Or rather, don’t spread it in a dignified manner just because it is a
men’s room.

“I’m not like Smithson?”

“Because if you turn 10-man captain Smithson into an enemy, 10-man captain
Anzeros will also turn into an enemy. It’s impossible to match 10-man captain

“You’ve been following 10-man captain Smithson for a while. No, maybe 10-man
captain Smithson was following you”

“It’s just Anzeros who doesn’t want to turn to an enemy…”

“Because 10-man captain Anzeros confiscates and burns erotic picture scrolls!?”

“So far 7 volumes were destroyed from me”

“5 volumes by me”

Is that all of you?

“…Well, it’s certain that turning Smithson into an enemy wouldn’t be good. Whether
it’s Isaac or Anzeros, they’ve been on good terms with Smithson since a while. Wasn’t
there someone who bullied Smithson when he was a regular soldier and was about
to be crushed by Anzeros and Isaac?”

“Ah, there was”

Keiron and Goto talk calmly… I can’t remember his name, but he’s a jerk. Surely he
was leaving so that he could escape, as I thought it was something that made Isaac

“It’s good to make an ally, isn’t it? 10-man captain Smithson. He sometimes makes
enemies, but triple the ally is reliable”

“Now it’s going to be a lot of trouble with Elves, Dragons, 100-man commander and
Black Arms”

…Well, not all of them are on my side, some of them are friendly, but I understand
that I don’t want them to be an enemy now. Laila alone is enough disaster.

“In other words, you can often put your hands on such a woman and stay calm.
Aren’t you afraid of being stabbed?”

“…Well, actually, there’s no such thing as a girl who aggressively sprinkled herself…”

Apple and barely Breakcore…?

“That’s why so many beautiful women gather together”

“No 10-man captain Keiron should move a little more aggressively, because only
delicious foods can shine”

“From just a moment ago, 『Simple』 Goto! Don’t say I’m usually useless, lately I’m
doing my best!?”

“…No, it’s a nice day to take a nap during the whole day off”

“Sleep when you can sleep!”

“…The missis in Basson’s tavern often said that a troublesome man was not popular”

“But sleeping is the best!”

This guy is useless.


When I went to the doctor’s office, Neia was shirtless.

“W, Why do you come all this time, Smithson-san!?”

“Don’t move because it’s pulling out the thread☆”

“No, the door was half opened. so it was fine, right?”


“Hmm, its fine because it’s Andy-kun”

“It’s not good!”

Isn’t it good? She let me rub… Nonetheless, at that time it was a life-threatening
condition if the body temperature fell too low.

“So, can Neia move now when it comes to pulling out the thread?”

“Hmm, the wound has closed. It didn’t look clean, so I’ll heal it again when we´re in

“I think it’s beautiful, but…”

The upper half of the body where Neia hid only her nipples. The wound that had
opened on the upper part of the chest was still red, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought.
It would be a good thing to get well in just a few days from that injury. But Hilda
poked Neia in the forehead with a smile.


“What do girls do when they compromise their skin? It’s hard to heal, so it’s decided
to heal. Some of them are Polka-like people who heal too much and don’t heal

“Is, Is that so?”


Hilda has a slightly distant look in her eyes. This is Hilda, a doctor for almost 500
years. I guess she has seen quite a lot of different cases.
“I really wish I had healed… well, it might be good because the person in question is

Hilda shows a shadowy smile.

“So if it heals, it heals! Now that you´re a patient, I won’t cut corners”

“Y, Yes…”

Slowly Neia stared at me.

“So why are you standing there forever, Smithson-san!”

“Eh, eh, are you going to kick me out”

“It’s not a show!”

I was kicked out. Yeah. When she heals with Polka, I have to keep the promise of that
time… It seems like the person in question forgot it, but we promised to take a bath
together. Yup.

Red Arm Trio + Sharon were enjoying tea and sweets at 10 o’clock.



“I wonder if I can be so happy…?”

Red Arm trio look extremely happy.

“I can’t believe you can make sweets with so much sugar in a place like this…”

Sharon didn’t seem to be hungry for sweets as much as the trio, but she’s honestly

“It’s a variety of Laila-dono. It was made by the Cherry Blossom clan, but it was Laila-
dono’s skill to be able to keep it hidden”

For some reason, Irina is proud of herself and Apple is laughing bitterly.


The two noticed me. Apple puts new baked goods on a plate in a hurry.

“How is it”

“Are you okay?”

“There’s a lot going on”

Feel free to ask. When I sit down on a chair, Irina sits on my lap as a matter of course.
Sharon, Almeida and a bitter smiling Apple stop eating.

“Irina-sama, there is a chair next to me”

“I want to eat here♪”

“That’s not good”

“Huhuh, are you jealous?”

“Stop it, Idiot Clan Chief”

Chop. Both are like a cat and a mouse.

“A, Awe-inspiring…!”

“Andy Smithson!”

“Andy-san, it’s no use. A clan chief is like a king, don’t get angry…”


“Uh… what are you doing fools?”

Irina just looked dissatisfied. Three people feel relieved.

“Properly sit in your chair”

“I don’t like it. Let me eat apology hitting there”

“I don’t understand what you mean!”

“That’s all you have to do, I’m great!?”

“If you’re so great, don’t behave like a child!”


“Umauma… ♪”

After all I am feeding.



Almeida and Sharon are still dissatisfied. Do they want me to eat it?

“Ahaha… innaaa”

“Apple, are you okay?”

“No, that… I’m sorry, I’m jealous”


I also fed Apple. Sharon and Almeida looked even more dissatisfied.

“That, can we eat in that room over there?”

“Even though it’s so sweet, I’m going to be full”

Even Tetes and Naris have scornful eyes. What do you want me to do?
Lunch was a grilled meat party hosted by the mayor in the hall on the first floor of
Catalina. The mayor bought the meat yesterday and decided to act on all the town’s
garrison. It’s a little quick, but it seems to be the launch of a major invasion.

“Actually, it’s better to put it a little more, but meat is good. It’s better to leave it for
about a week”

The butcher said that, but the hungry Catalina warriors didn’t hear much. Anyway, it
was fresh meat which was not salty, and everyone stood all together.

“Even if the whole town is treated… the mayor is a rich person”

He laughed bitterly when he asked the elf communication magician to apply the iron
plate heating magic (because it heats up for a few dozen minutes so it can be grilled
without firing).

“Well, it seems that 100-man commander Dianne has given him a very reasonable

“Is that so?”

Because we are taken care of, she won’t set a bullish price. As a true Celesta person,
Dianne is not so business-friendly.

“Ho, we also offer the meat that we have. Don’t hesitate to eat, owner”


Lila calmly comes to the table of us men and sits down. Even if I say us, its only Lantz,
Keiron and me. Goto and Boyd have different sizes when eaten, so it’s a separate
table along with the garrison’s ogre. 100-man commander Becker is out of sight.

“Which one should I roast? There is no need to turn it over”

When Laila holds her hand over the iron plate, the upper surface burns white. Is it an
application of Dragon Breath?


We applause modestly.

“Hey, if you’re just impressed, your belly won’t swell”

Laila carelessly picks up meat and throws it into my plate.

“Are you not eating?”

“You can eat, I’m not so hungry”

…I wonder by the criteria of the human body or the dragon body. I’m a little worried.

“Uuuhaa, meat is so delicious, 10-man Smithson. It’s special when it comes to self-

Lantz takes the roasted meat and looks really satisfied.

“Yeah, it’s okay to think that it’s the prey you did by hunting, and you feel like you’ve
won something”

And Naris shows a similar face.

“Naris, your table is over there”

“Eh, when there is Knight Chief Sharon, it’s noisy. It’s noisy. I’m not going to die even
if I’m a little bit alive”

At the table of the Gauntlet group, Sharon seems to be the chief of the grilled meat.
Well, will it be classwise?

“Meat can be raw. It’s okay to have the hardness you like”


Just beyond Naris, Maia and Luna were sitting at our table. Shaking hands in
consensus with unclear claims. I mean, it’s a table for four people, but there are six.
The rotation speed of the grilled iron plate can’t keep up.

“Andy, it’s narrow, why don’t you come over here?”

At the table of Anzeros, there are three people with Dianne and Aurora… Irina, who
was supposed to be with them, is on a fluffy, savory-eating journey.

“Well then…”

When I try to move, Laila follows along and Luna and Maia also come with me and
the meat plate.

“If we all move, it’s the same thing as narrow!”

“Hoho, why don’t we just roast everything for the owner instead of the iron plate?”

“It’s bad that the table is small”

“It would be annoying if I was with you…”

“Ah already!”

Eventually, the dragon group and Luna decided to occupy the table.

“Heating magic. If you don’t generate heat, you’ll think of something like this”

“I don’t need it, but if it’s another race, it might be a good idea to warm up”

“Andy, say aah”

“Eat it yourself. Luna the same goes for you”

I mean, neither Laila nor Maia are so keen on eating, so I wouldn’t have had a hard
time even if Luna focused on serving me. When it comes to grilled meat, it’s probably
a mild battle for meat… No, I’m a little happy, though.


Everyone was full in the afternoon, so it was nap time. The surrounding area is plain,
and sudden attacks are difficult, so it’s safe to stay in a town like Catalina, which has
a strong defense. Of course the watchmen are standing guard, but they don’t have to
be very nervous… Although.

“Haa! Seii!”

“Slow! The sharpness is already gone!”


The sight of Aurora and Anzeros fighting with practice swords on the roof is the
same. Both of them have a diligent personality that they never forget to train
because they are on vacation.

“I’m doing it”

With a bitter smile, Neia nodded, who seemed to be watching from the corner.

“Aurora-san, you’re still dexterous. You´re trying not to make people feel that one
arm is late”

“One arm?”

“Yes. It’s the slash wave… it seems like a few days ago, but I still can’t drive as I

…Oh, hasn’t it been so much since the Battle against the Devil? I feel the greatness of
being healed in one day at Polka’s miraculous spring and I also feel that only time
has passed since then… I wonder if I want to make the devil the past soon.

“Still surprising is Anzeros-san. Aurora-san is raising her arm a lot, but she is still
behind you…”

“Amazing, that”

“Yes… or rather, Aurora-san must be frustrating. Normally you’d be depressed, if

you´re so strong and still can’t overtake your rival”

Surely. Or rather, it’s Aurora that has dirt on Black Arm Sharon, albeit a slam. And it’s
amazing to be saying things from above.

“Haa… haa…”

“Is it over? It’s my turn to practice next”



Anzeros fires a powerful blow into the breath-rising Aurora and retreats as if it were
a shot. After all it is the difference between stamina and power… I mean, even Aurora
shouldn’t be so weak anymore.

“You mean she’s evolving too…”

“If you get a trump card like Aurora-san’s Slash Wave, you can’t touch it”

“Even you?”

“What do you think?”

Neia smiles… No, this is a confident face. But if it’s Anzeros, maybe… she has already
beat a Master Knight.


Descending from the rooftop into the city and taking a long walk, I wonder what to
do next. I can take a nap like Keiron or I can go to Apple, who may be making snacks
at 3:00, to help. It’s not bad to practice blacksmithing and engraving crest because I
have free time. It is because the special made fat arrows that I gave Keiron are used
and it is good to make a spare. As I walked around thinking like that, I saw Laila and
Maia go out of the girls’ room.

“Oh, where are you going, Laila, Maia?”

Although there was quite a distant between us, Laila and Maia turned around when
they heard my muttering voice.
“Ho, owner”



“Yes. It’s free time, so if you ask the capriciously to prepare, the little girls in the
basket are overjoyed.”

That would be nice.

“Does owner want to come with us? No need for humans, but it would be useful to
take a bath with us”

I’m not sure what’s going on.

“I will come”

A warm bath is always nice.

When reaching the underground bath, Laila undresses without hesitation and when
she enters the bathtub, she stands still for a while. Meanwhile, Maia slowly takes off
my clothes.

“I take it off myself”

“Let me do it”

Maia isn’t an obnoxious hand at all, but rather like a young wife helping change
clothes, as she takes the clothes and folds them. A little smiling. Meanwhile, Laila
seems to have managed to change the water into hot water.

“Ho, it’s fine owner. Feel free to enjoy the bath”

“Y, Yes”

Only my underwear is blocked by Maia’s hand and I take it off myself. Maia takes off
her clothes in parallel with it. There is no hesitation here too, but unlike Laila, she is
wearing underwear properly (I’m telling Laila, but she doesn’t listen to me very
much), so it takes a little time.

But it’s kind of nice to see a girl take off her pants.



I was watching. Laila giggles.

“If you want to see my butt, you can see as much as you want”

“No, it’s different. No, I like your butt very much, but especially when you take off
your panty, the butt is exceptional again”

“Ho. It’s a fine habit”

“…Do you want me to wear it again and take it off?”

“Y, You don’t have to do that”

Normally, it would fly from a cold point of view, but these faithful and tolerant
dragons were not moved at all, but they had a strong spirit of service. This is fine, but
it might be a little out of time.

I sit between Laila and Maia and fully enjoy the bath.

“A bath from midday is a luxury outside of Polka

“Ho. I don’t really understand people’s values”

“I don’t know why I shouldn’t drink alcohol from noon…”

Dragons who are too free. I try rubbing Maia’s small breasts with one hand and
rubbing Laila’s breasts with the other hand. Both of them seemed a little tickled, but
that was all.

“But the snow is just around the corner. What is Dianne going to do after this?”

“Come on… I don’t know Dianne’s plan”

“Nn… but if you explore during the winter, it may be difficult for Laila-sama. The sky
is rough here”

Maia says so with a slight humiliation. I tilt my head.

“Oh really?”

“Ho, ice dragons are more resistant to stormy weather than fire dragons. They’re
particularly strong at low temperatures, so there is a difference in sensory sensation
when the sky is rough. However of they overdo it, they won’t be able to fly”

“I can do my best, but…”

“Even if you try hard only with dragons, people can not keep up. If that happens, it
will be meaningless because of the number of ordinary people. Maybe we will be
resting in Polka or the desert during the winter. I don’t know”

It’s possible. It depends on the interpretation of the format of the corps. Laila leaned
towards my ear and whispered as I was vaguely thinking while enjoying her breasts.

“If you have some free time, let’s visit the desert or Helicon? Isn’t it good once in a

I wonder if she misses it. Well, I might want to relax in Celesta that I’m used to once
in a while.

“Let’s go to Misty Palace, Andy-sama. My mom will also be happy”

“…I, It looks like I’m going to be squeezed over there”

“Andy-sama is okay. You can enjoy a lot of sisters and relatives”

“…It’s a ridiculous line in terms of human values”

“Im a dragon”

Maia’s cute breasts are matchless. Maia leaned on me, closed her eyes, and felt sweet.
And then.

“Laila-san, are you sure you want to do this?”

“Hyaho, bath bath♪”

“Naris-chan, dont make noise. It sounds underground”


The Gauntlet girls have entered the dressing room. Laila hugs me and holds me as I
try to get out in a hurry.

“Don’t move”



Chanting, and the sense of surroundings changes a little.

“It’s an illusion. If you keep quiet, you can enjoy it”


Certainly I’m happy.

“I’m first”

“Then, I´m also rude…”

“Then I won’t be a hindrance”

“Thank you very much”


The previous three came in without hesitation, but only Almeida was gazing at the
undressing basket. Then, she looks towards us with subtle eyes… Well, I shouldn’t be
seen by Almeida, who is bad at magic, but it’s the illusion of a dragon. Wait. Yeah, my
clothes are in the undressing basket.

“…Really, to what extent…”

“What’s wrong with you, Al-chan?”

“Its nothing”

Almeida, with her face red, eventually quickly took off her clothes and came in.

“This is the only time I’ll overlook it”

“Eh, what?”

Next to Laila, in a word, Almeida who says softly toward the space that I seem to be,
Naris who put both elbows on the edge of the bathtub smelling of an old man makes
a strange look.


Almeida sat in front of me with a red face and sigh. Playing around with the collar a
little. Is it always meant to be a service with this guy at close range? I’m not sure.


Laila laughed happily. Almeida was in a bad mood and snorted again.
In the evening, 100-man commander Becker returned from outside the town.

“Uii, kimikimi… I can’t stand snowy regions”

“Where have you been?”

“Hmm? Ah, I went to the labyrinth ruins where you met the devil several days ago”

“…It’s pretty far away on foot”

I think it was tens of kilometers.

“Well, I left in the morning, it’s not such a tough march. There was also a map written
by Captain Dianne”

“…As usual, you´re abnormal”

He has a simple instantaneous power and is extremely endurance. This is a kind of

peculiar constitution.

“Well, it’s just an after-the-fact investigation. It wasn’t a big deal, as I wasn’t sent to
kill monsters, but… did you guys all take a leisurely nap?”

“I’m in trouble if you tell us”

“I know… well, I think it’s going to be fun from now on. I´ll also relax a bit”


“Maybe, I went to check it out, but there are no traces of devil or monsters. It seems
that there will be no big battle for a while. And it’s about time for Rennesto to receive
reinforcements from Celesta”
“Reinforcement… ah, Ace Knight”

Elite Ace Knights for exploration instead of being unable to rent the Flying Rook
Dragon Service. It’s the greatest concession from Celesta. That being said, if they try
to use it for Renfangas, Maia is a support that is incomparable to flying rook dragons,
so she is not going to complain. However, the Celesta government says that 「Dragon
is a reinforcement from the elf territory, and we who assist it are 『Lending』 to the
elf territory」, so it seems that they are taking doubles on all three sides in good

“Meaning that we’ll be half or less burdened?”

“I dont know. After all, it is a exploration for a world that has been untouched for 300
years. I think that there are many hands and it will help, but I do not think that
human resources are floating. Well, either way, I’d like to believe that we’re not going
to be forced to work until we’ve adjusted our duties”

“Indeed… is temporary peace only a matter of confirmation?”

Well, it’s still better than nothing.

“Nevertheless, it’s such a tough city, is there heating? There’s been a lot of snow in
the north. I wonder if it’s going to snow here in a few days”

The 100-century director will open both hands vertically about 20 cm. Even on the
calendar, it’s certainly about time it snowed in Trot´s Capital. It won’t be strange here

“There is a stock of used clothes that I have received from the elves in the warehouse
below, so why don’t you look for it?”

If you wear elf clothes, you’ll get a good price if you bring it to Rennesto. You’ve got it

“…I have a clan chief”

…I threw it into the warehouse randomly, but it would be a bit nice if I could take it
with me for gold. Well, I think there’s no one in Renfangas who just take it as they
think it is the dragon´s property, which is a hassle to move around.

Dinner was calm, probably because of the great amount of meat we got. It seems that
there were a lot of people who took advantage of this chance, and about one-third
didnt come out of the bedroom even at dinner time, saying, 「I didnt digest yet」, as
they werent too hungry, so they decided to take part in the drinking bout at dinner…
I was doing it. Sponsored by the White Clan Chief.

“That’s good to taste and drink. The north is a specialty of the Blue Clan”

“Incredible, it’s really easy to drink”

“This is that. It’s delicious, but if you order it at a bar, it’s a liquor that you’ll be
required to pop out later”

It seems that the garrison soldiers, who were picked up by Irina for the roasted meat
in the daytime, were the guest of honor… What are you doing, Irina?

“Hmm. I think I will collapse in the middle unless it is a dwarf or a dragon in the first

“Is it so strong? I know it’s mellow and progressive”


“N? Hey, Baltic? It’s too early to sleep”

“…Then it’s hard for humans”

Immediately, there are a lot of people who pass out.

“Ho. 『Stormy Whale』 is delicious, but it’s just like fruit juice once you get used to
it. I miss heavy Ogre Killer and Great Ice Field”

“You don’t drink too much and say no luxury”

I tap on Laila’s head from behind. Laila made a face that seemed to be grunting.

For some reason, I said something great.



I wake up with a dull feeling. If you enjoy drinking, you will collapse before you know
it. I didn’t know much about each other and it felt like I was in a bar for a long time.

“You woke up?”


My head isn’t working well, and I’m not sure who the voice I hear belongs to.

“Who? Guess it”


The voice sounds a little naughty. If I could focus on matching eyes, I would
understand immediately… I’ll try my best to do so.


“…3, 30 points”

Only the boobs were visible. I couldn’t understand the situation well and when I
thought about it a little, the back of my head was soft and warm. It was like a knee
pillow. In other words, with a knee pillow, I cant see the face as the boobs are
obstructive… I feel like there are quite a few.

“Who’s boobs…”

I feel free to rub the boobs with my hands.


Soft. Does that person wear underwear? If not wearing. My crotch.

“…Tension, nipples, shape, orientation… umm”

I muttered the most likely thing, but I’m showing myself that I’m worried, but I’m
just having fun without anything like that. I dont have the skill to recognize a person
by the feeling of the breasts. But if it’s this size… Laila, Apple, Dianne, Hilda, Sharon.
No, Selenium is also big.

“Is there a line called Breakcore…”

“Wh, Why that holy beast?”


I don’t know why. It certainly doesn’t make sense. Or rather, there are not so many
women who use such language. Considering the size of the boobs, Apple and Sharon
would be the only ones. So, I don’t mind being able to sleep on the knees…

“OK. Apple”

“…0 points”


That means.


“Yes. 100 points.”

…I wonder if the score is meaningful even though there is no limit to the number of
false answers. I rub her breasts while thinking.

“I see. Are these Sharon’s breasts?”

“Yes, it’s Sharon’s boobs… I mean, you always rub them, dont you?

“I’m not rubbing them as always…”

However, it is certainly boobs that I want to rub.






…Sharon’s boobs are rubbed monotonously while being dim. There is no way to
know what kind of reaction Sharon is doing because I cant see her face. But
somehow I rub it in a blissful mood.


I don’t think its disliked that much because of the breath that leaks from time to
time. I’m not sure. But I can’t stop… And, when I rubbed the breasts for about five
minutes, I suddenly worried about the situation other than Sharon.

“Where are we… what happened to the others?”

When I mumbled and turned my face to a direction other than the boobs (Sharon’s
tummy on the right side and Sharon’s boobs on the left, so the left side), the drinking
bout continued. Laila and Maia open a non-elf liquor barrel (That is, one who
originally stood in the town’s storehouse), drank and smiled. I think they share a
delicate sense of being happy and feeling happy that they are drinking. Most of the
attendees except the dwarves and dragons fainted and Dianne and Hilda were barely
enduring. Oh, Neia is lying down on the desk. Tetes pulled Naris’s hand… or rather
dragged and walked towards the girls’s room. As expected, as a intelligence officer,
the front and rear arent blind… 100-man commander Becker is a large character in a
chaise lounge. That’s no good.

“Heaps of corpses all around…”

“Thats right… But it’s okay. I and you are not visible to the others”


“Yes. Therefore…”

“I can rub your breasts as much as I want”


“Is it not good?”

“…Rather, it’s better for the two of us to get out quietly and make love in earnest”


In earnest…? Suddenly I’m feeling excited. But.

“…It’s a hassle to get out”

I stood up, staggered and immediately struck Sharon on the spot, pushing her down.
Sharon was surprised with a bright red face on the chaise longue. I don’t know if that
redness was from my rubbing or because of alcohol.

“Th, That is, as it is, this here…!?”


“Th, There are other people who are really good at magic. Wont they break it?”


I think of a good plan. Pretend. Give up in one second.

“Go for it”

“G, Go for it… nguu!?”

I suck Sharon’s pretty lips. I didn’t try to silence her. She was so cute that I wanted to
kiss, so I kiss. I’m not thinking anything.

“N, nnn…!!”

The tongue is also thrust inside and I lick the back of the teeth and the tongue
instinctively. And when I was satisfied, I exhaled a alcohol-like breath to Sharon and
released her lips. Lips were connected by viscous saliva. And Sharon was restless.

“Lets go once more”

Once again. This time, Sharon’s tongue was also entwined. Licking each other’s
tongues as if we´re tickling each other. And after a while, I let go of her face again.
The tongues are further connected to each other’s spit.



I don’t know what she is talking about, so I scratch my head.

“Go for it… I’ll do my best and I will endure even if we get caught… ♪”


I think I didn’t mean that I could do my best.


I feel tired and nod. Then, I and Sharon started to remove the button from Sharon’s
clothes. Under this hustle and bustle, there was no doubt about taking it off.
I don’t like parties at full height. Or rather, I think that it is no longer a dimension
that only dwarves and dragons who cannot get drunk survive, but anyway, in the
corner of one room of Catalina wrapped in a rich drunkenness and the wave-like
hustle and bustle, I was taking off Sharon’s clothes with a fever-like touch. As I
expected to remove the clothes, the breasts that were plump and sloppy aren’t
wrapped in underwear. A delicate and fleshy female elf as a whole. Sharon, who was
hidden in the illusion with her unbelievable splendid big breasts, exposed in the
middle of the snoring and cheers of the vulgar warriors, had opened the mouth to
excitement while being ashamed.

“…Smithson-san. That…”


As for myself, I was in a state where I couldn’t control myself at all because of the
surprisingly high alcoholic power of the famous elf liquor 『Stormy Whale』. I know
it’s not so good, but I got on Sharon’s modest temptation, and then I got on my tune,
lick and duck the boobs and shook them lightly with my hands. I´m completely
struck by the presence of her breasts and playing with them by instinct. Stroking my
hair with a gentle hand, Sharon opened her mouth again.

“Ma, Master… can I call you that?”

“…Ah? What…?”

The saliva that I applied to the nipples with my tongue made them sticky, but I
couldn’t understand Sharon’s intentions and was vague. Uh. I’m sure Sharon wasn’t…
a slave or had a masochistic hobby. She wore a collar just because she wanted to
keep a relationship with me. Aside from that. Yup. Certainly it should be.

“Is that your hobby…?”

While gently playing with her soft boobs, I think carefully while looking at Sharon’s
expression with half-open eyes. After all, I am in a state of drunkenness and the idea
doesn’t work even if I think. Just vaguely, was it like that…? Sharon smiled at me, and
slowly closed her eyes and continued speaking.

“I am the last member of the Glory Clan and called a princess… But even though I
was worried about the unknown of my clan, I never felt uncomfortable being a


I vaguely nodded about the story that suddenly started.

“When I thought about it, I thought I was losing. Berga, who had been a caretaker
since I was a child, was an elf, but he was able to get the feat of dwarfs. My brother
was born in a good political class without holding a sword, but he climbed to a user
who could surpass Berga. There’s nothing you can’t do. Thinking that it is only when
I die that I am born, that I am a race, a blood line, a woman. I was proud”

“…Ah, well… I wonder if that’s the case…”

I’m not sure, but I nod. When I suddenly hear about the birth and pride of another
person, I can only understand it.

“But I think. Now that I think about it, it was right and in vanity”


“Being a woman is not a handicap. Living like a woman is not at odds with being a
knight. First of all, it is an empty theory though it says without understanding
pleasure which is a woman. I finally understood that you loved me. I felt happy that I
was born a woman”

“Y, Yes”

In short, it is interpreted that the experienced sex was satisfactory. That’s good, isn’t

“And what has it to do with calling me master…?”

Thinking desperately, while stroking the boobs, I carefully ask this question. Sharon
continued to speak slowly, somewhat neatly, somewhat bewitchingly removing her

“If I feel so happy to be embraced by you. Why do all the other women who adore
you recognize themselves as female slaves… self-confidence as your captive?”

“No, it’s terrible… I don’t think I’m usually told by girls…”

If I think about it carefully, Apple and Selenium, which are said to be good-looking,
and Laila and Maia, who are tribally or kept, and Jeanne, who is like a child for Laila,
are inevitable. Also, because Anzeros is a pervert, I cannot help it. The rest of the
girls don’t have that kind of inevitability… well, it’s just that if they continue to have a
relationship with me, it’s just like that. Hmm. What should I say? I thought for three

“Well it’s fine”

I was abandoned because I couldn’t come up with a common sense answer with a
nicely drunk head. In addition.

“No matter what you say, I’d love if you could be mine”

After all, that’s all. I was spoiled by Selenium and Dianne, decided to keep Laila at
hand and not pass Anzeros to another man. At that point, I realize I’m a greedy
egoist. And I also want to keep Sharon mine. I’ll probably admit someday even if I’m
not vague. Sharon, Irina, Almeida, maybe Breakcore, Christie, maybe Hilda. They´re
mine. I want to make them my own. That kind of self-consciousness is being
considered in the bottom of my heart. And.

“Yes… master… ♪”

Everything is half-baked, and that’s why all of them, who have different roots,
continue to worship me according to their own rules, that I can’t warn them
anywhere. That’s fine. I’m sure I’ll keep spoiling for that momentum.

“Sharon. You are… my female slave”

“I haven’t put up with it so much before, but from now on I’m really going to do
naughty things to you anytime, anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you’re a princess or a

“Yes. Of course… ♪”

“I’m persistent and do dirty things. Maybe I’ll keep hiding you in a dark room for
days, or I might pop up and let you suck my dick even during your mission. My son
also might invade your secret hole to kill time by taking a nap. That’s good”

“…Yes, fantastic… ♪”

“One day I’ll let you quit the army and tell you to spend all day just taking care of my
cock without dressing around Polka or somewhere else. You don’t get angry, right?”

“…I’m looking forward to it♪”

I don’t know what I’m thinking about, but Sharon affirms everything with an excited
face, without thinking of the delusions that alcohol amplifies. Maybe we both know
it’s just a delusion. I know it’s just a desire. Still, someday.

“One day, you will give birth to my child, okay? It’s the duty of a female slave, isn’t it?”

“…In that case, I will do my best♪”

Someday, hoping that it would occur. I take off Sharon’s underwear and leave her
naked. Then I let this pretty elf princess swear that she is my female slave… her
crotch is opened and I thrust my dick into her wet vagina.

“Na… aa♪”

A white and neat body that accepts my son. At the nearby table, dwarves and Maia
are swiftly on the rise. In the midst of a loud cheer, 100-man commander Becker
makes a voice as if a frog was crushed by one of the dwarves. Meanwhile, Sharon
shakes her big tits and catches my waist. Probably the greatest Renfangas soldier
here, she is naked and panting happily as my female slave. It’s a very unrealistic
situation. I change the position. From normal position to doggy position.

“Haaa… li, like a dog… ♪”

“Which is miserable, female slave or dog?”

“…I’m a slave of love, is it miserable♪”

Kissing my cheeks, Sharon laughs gigantically as the heat flew. And I thrust to make
her cry. Fucking her like a dog. In the hustle and bustle of the orange light of the
lantern, a pure white body emerges out of place. It’s a pity that they can’t see such
finest nakedness, neither the soldiers sleeping next to us, nor the dwarves looking
over there just a meter away and cheering for Maia. No, I’m not really sorry. Just a
sense of superiority. Then the desire for ejaculation begins to rise. If I was sane, I
would have been patient and tried to make Sharon squid, but now I am the egoistic

“Sharon. I’ll give you plenty”

“Haa, haaa… eh, master…!?”

“I’m releasing now… n, nn!”

Shake the hips on my own, I get excited and spit a large amount of semen int
Sharon’s womb. Burururu, the semen is released with a ferocious momentum. The
sperm hell from a few days ago hasn’t declined yet. Sharon’s womb is filled with
semen in no time and Sharon is surprised. Semen that did not fit in the vagina flowed

“Ha, aa… th, this…!?”

“…I’m sorry, it was a large amount because of magic”

It seems to be difficult to clean up, but I am not satisfied yet. Today, there was a scene
in which the woman was appreciatively appreciating from the center of the bath.

Sharon, now you’re on top”

“Eh, eeh… are we continuing…?”

“Keep going. Female slave”

Whispering into Sharon´s ears, I lay on my back in the chaise lounge. Sharon thought
for a while, gave up and got on me as it was though Sharon showed the gesture of
what to do to the sperm which flowed out in large quantities as the inner thigh
became sticky.

“Stand up. I want to see your breasts”

“…Huhuu, Smith… master likes it, my breasts”

“I love them from the bottom of my heart”

Sharon starts the up and down movement on me while laughing at me who answers
immediately. The chaise longue is low and thin, and when Sharon moves, it’s just like
horse riding down on the ground. She put her hands on my chest and shake her hips
as she was told. The metal fittings of the collar and the hair of gold thread shimmer
in the light of the lantern.

“…Beautiful, Sharon”


Sharon is desperately trying to concentrate on her movements while being shy of the
words that come out of my mouth. Compared to drinking around. The excitement is
at its best.

“It’s really hard if they find out”

“…Let’s see… I really think I’ll have no choice but to hide as your female slave… ♪”

“You look happy”

“It feels good… master’s penis… ♪”

Sharon gradually transforms into a crunchy waist movement. Is she tired of the
monotonous movements herself, is she feeling too much and is unable to put her
strength in her knees or both? I push Sharon’s elbow and fold it, then let Sharon fall
down and hug her.

“Your womb feels good too”

“Wo… mb… ♪”

“Now it’s my sperm bag”


The uterus is made conscious by vulgar words on purpose, and the waist is launched


Sharon bent her throat. I launch my hips. Two wavy bodies. And.


“Ha, Hahii… iii♪”

Byururururu, I ejaculate again. Again, cloudy liquid gushes from between the labia
and the cock. I hugged Sharon, who was trembling with pleasure and Sharon exhaled
a hot sigh into my ears.

“…Master… ♪”


I feel conscious. It’s not oxygen deficiency or anemia that comes. Just drowsiness.

“…Listen, you´re… my…”

As it is, I fall asleep. I felt like it would be difficult if I kept doing this, but I couldn’t
help because I was sleepy.


When I woke up, I kept hugging Sharon. And it was morning.


“Ho, you woke up, owner”

“You´re too defenseless and I fell in love with it”

Laila and Irina, who were having breakfast at the table, turned their eyes to me.

“Th, That…?”

“I know you, but the little girl wasn’t sleeping either”

“If we didn’t stand guard and kept the illusion, you would be exposed like that”

Sharon in my arms was having a restful sleep. Of course, I can’t wear clothes when
we´re hugging, so I’m naked and have a morning erection.

“…W, We didn’t catch a cold well”

“That’s my windbreak magic”

“You’re really defenseless”

…They could both be amazed. Reflection.

“Uuu… my head hurts… uwaa!? What are you doing in the morning, 10-man captain
Smithson… mugugu”

“Ho, don’t make a noise”

“And it’s not from the morning, it’s from last night. This sex maniac”

“Muguu, Muguu…”

Naris, whose mouth is like a iron claw, said so.

“…Irina, by the way, can you pretend not to see it once more?”

“…Are you going to do it with a sleeping woman, you demon”

“Not good?”

“…Next time me also”


I love kids who are good at understanding.

Catalina begins to flicker and starts to show signs of winter. It is said that most
soldiers will pull up here before the snow piles up and it becomes root snow though
it seems that it melts when it falls and it seems that there will be no sudden snowfall.
Of course, it is still a frontline fort. Dozens of soldiers remain. They will continue to
maintain this anthill during the winter, with merchants who come in and replace the
soldiers who return to the capital, Rennesto, and the farmers who rent a nearby farm
from spring to summer… The great invasion was also tough, but I think it’s been six
to seven years since I was stationed at the snowless Basson.

“But in winter, beast type monsters don’t come that much. If it’s just rock types
monsters, we can manage it now”

A young elf communication magician who was around the heating table (a table that
boiled water with heating magic used for grilled meat. It is only used at the box
because it needs to be activated by magic) said that and interrupts the explanation.

“Because it’s like a line of thousands of people?”

“…It’s a bit crap, but it’s a normal range of about 10 to 20 people. And the scouts are
always moving, so they can call reinforcements at any time”

“It’s hard to move in winter…”

This town, which takes 4-5 days on foot from Rennesto, will be more difficult in
winter. I thought, but that is it.

“A subjugation team is organized and patrols on a regular basis and personnel are
shared between the forts”


As expected, it is a tradition of 300 years. There seems to be no omission.

However, there seems to be a problem which has emerged recently, too.


When I tried to return to my room after drinking tea and warming up, Naris looked
at her sword and looked bitter in the corner of the landing (it’s hard to carry things
up in the spiral corridor).

“What are you doing”

“Uwa, sex maniac!”


“…I’m sorry. No that,… emm, 10-man captain Smithson was also a blacksmith, right?
What do you think about this?”

The sword that Naris presents is the one she has carried since the last time in
Rennesto. It looks like a sword that looks good from a distance, but…

“…Its blunt”

“You can see that 10-man captain Smithson?”


You can see it by focusing on the surface of the sword. The way of forging is simple. I
mean, I didn’t hit it very much. A well-tempered metal is beautiful and strong. This is
especially important for blades that are thin and need strength. However, it’s a sad
reality that this kind of omission work goes through in the case of large orders for
the military. The ordering treasurer isn’t someone who use a weapon, so he doesn’t
look very well at the time of delivery and the blacksmith is overworked. Master
Sreed was tough on that kind of work. Did he preach the phrase 「I think it’s God’s
judgment when something isn’t seen?」 in the scriptures like a habit of saying?

“In the arsenal of Rennesto’s castle, I had a good look, but…”

“When I was watching you everyday, I felt that something was wrong”

“You’re right…”
A swordsman basically takes care of his sword every day. Rather, even if there is no
subject to care for, a swordsman who gets a new sword looks at the sword every day.
It seems to be such a feeling. Well, it’s often the case that problems become apparent
after a while.

“I thought this was it”

“Its either unlucky or poor eyesight… well, don’t be discouraged”

“Isn’t it possible to reforge it?”

“I’m sure it’s not impossible”

“Can I ask you for this favor”

“No, it’s better to ask for a professional. I’ve been interrupted before I started to
practice blade smithing…”

“No, definitely 10-man captain Smithson can do it. I know you have that skill”


I wonder if she was talking about when I made the bikini armor. No, there’s no way
I’m not happy when I’m told that my skill as a craftsman is good, so I grin a little. I’m
not afraid of anything.

“Friend price!”

“…Is that so?”

Yup. She is poor, isn’t she?


By the way, it doesn’t mean that you just have to hit it. Hitting is basically purging
and reducing impurities. It is difficult to increase the amount of steel added.
Generally, there are no such equipment or materials. In extreme cases, it is most
reasonable to reforge in the direction of making the blade smaller. No, I started
hearing from my master and fellow students, but I didn’t do it myself before.
However, Naris’s sword is a one-handed sword. It’s easy to revise a two-handed
sword into a one-handed sword or a one-handed sword into a dagger (Even with my
blacksmith skill). And no matter how much Naris can handle most weapons, it’s a bit
sad to be able to fight with a dagger as a knight. Then, the story becomes difficult.

“I don’t know what to do…”

I groan while looking at Naris’s sword for the time being. For now, the weapon
workshop next to the soldier’s station is small enough to repair things on a small
scale. It is safe to say that its is poorer than Jackie-san´s workshop in Polka. Making a
good sword here… if I lower the melting temperature of the sword with a crest, the
difficulty level will be lowered to some extent, but it is still difficult. Then, after
thinking about various things, Neia suddenly appeared.

“Smithson-san, why are you here?”

“Why are you here Neia”

“I’m looking for a change of armor… I don’t have any armor that suits my physique,
so I’m fishing for a bit of partial equipment”

Neia receives the shoulder rest from the dwarf in the workshop, removes the cloak
and wears it.

“It’s a little big.”

“What! It’s for women”

“I’m sorry for being small…”

Neia returns the shoulder rest to the dwarf with a troubled face… Well, even 16-year-
old Tetes is somewhat bigger than Neia. Anzeros is about the same, but until I made
it recently, she was wearing a too big armor -> crest engraved clothes. I want to say
I’ll make it for her, but I can’t say it here yet. At best, I can’t do such a big job until I
return to Rennesto or go to Polka. So.

“I’m trying to do something about Naris’s sword”

“What do you mean?”

“…This is blunt, right? Look closely”


Neia tilts her head. Surprisingly, isn’t there a deep knowledge of swords?


And, Flash Sword shone thinly as if to say something under Neia´s cloak.


I just point my finger at it. If it is Neia, it might be possible to communicate somehow

because she is a legitimate heir… When I thought so, Neia muttered a small spell and
developed an illusion.

“What is? Flash Sword”

“…Is it okay to speak now?”

“I talked to you because it’s okay”

It’s a voice illusion. I can’t hear people around me. Maybe they also can’t hear our
voices and Flash Sword.

“…I can see that the quality is terribly bad. It’s embarrassing to be called a sword like

“To, To that extent? I don’t really understand the difference”

“You should have a little more insight into swords. To understand my value and


“Andy Smithson. You say you can do something about it, but what are you going to

“…If I revise it as it is, it seems like it can only be shaped like a dagger”

“I suppose. That’s what happens when you tighten it”

“But no matter how good Naris is, it’s a pity that she cant do her best with a dagger.
As a knight”

“Yes, a knight can’t look good without a good weapon”

“I don’t understand”

“You don’t understand. Grab my handle”

Handshake. I couldn’t do so, so I grab the sword handle and shake it lightly. Well
that’s it.

“So what should I do? It’s difficult to do large-scale processing here”

“…Then it’s a spear. With a dagger and a long handle, it’s a spear”


Certainly that is also an option.

“I’m sure Naris could use a spear… she used one when she trained with Aurora

“Then it won’t be a problem”

“…But I want to make the handle nice”

A wooden handle is also an advantage. It’s light, easy to transport, and hard to get
tired. Above all, it is easy to change quickly. However, it is not suitable for defense at
all. The reliability of attacks other than thrusting is also significantly reduced.

“It’s almost like an iron rod. I’d like to ask someone to give one to me”


Aside from using a dagger, it’s probably possible to work on iron rods or something
like that. It’s a trick, but it’s better than this blunt sword… I think.

“Thank you Flash Sword”


I thank Flash sword for it’s advice and go to the mayor.

Explaining the circumstances, the mayor opened the farm equipment store.

“It’s okay to fish in the arsenal, but our troops shouldn’t run out of it… there are
some farm tools that can be used for that purpose. Also please dont sell them”

“Yes and thank you”

It’s a little bit salty, but it can’t be helped. Besides, farm tools and long metal handles
are all I need. That’s why the search begins. It was just a warehouse, it was pitch-
black with no windows and it was a steady search with a lantern in one hand.

I rushed for about an hour, found some candidates and left the farmhouse. For some
reason, the vanguard groups such as Anzeros, Almeida, Aurora and Tetes were
gathering there.

“I heard about this from Hero Neia and Naris. It looks like you’ll make a spear. I’ll give
you some advice”

Almeida is proud…, Anzeros interrupts her.

“Andy still can’t make the kind of fancy weapon you have. Don’t say too much

Aurora in the form of supporting it.

“I’m sure you’ll be working on crest engraving, so let me know if you have any

…I feel like she is not helping much. But Tetes counters it… I think she’ll do it.

“AI-chan who is spinning around is cute…”

I was relieved. This fellow is useless.

“Well, if you’re free, carry them one by one”

I give them the farming tools I was holding. To be honest, it was heavy and there
were some with blades, so it was dangerous.

“Is this there?”

Anzeros is bewildered.

“I may not use it, but I looked it up in the workshop and it seems to be the best one
to use”

As expected, all four are knights fighting as vanguards. They have more strength than
me, so they can easily hold the farm tools… I feel a little sad, but we went straight to
the workshop.

Because the farm equipment warehouse was dark, I don’t really know whether the
farm tools are good or bad. Well, it doesn’t have to be a good farm tool, though.
Anyway, I didn’t have the motivation to investigate in detail on site, so I’ll take a
closer look at it in the bright workshop. Then.

“…I really like this sickle”

I noticed that one of the farm tools was very good. It was a common sickle for
reaping grain, but it is well forged and the surface is very beautiful. It seemed much
higher than Naris´s blunt sword.

“Ah, yes that’s a good judgement. Its from a Trot fellow”

The old dwarf man in the workshop happily taught me.


“Yes, here and there, it’s carved in northwest language”

“…Lingate… eh, is this made by Lingate Kobo?”

Lingate workshop. It is one of the large workshops of Schrantz, the ancient capital of
the southern part of Trot. It’s reasonable and good.

“Is it fine to use it?

“Why not? The warehouse in the town isn’t a personal property anyway. If the mayor
said yes, then its fine”


Well, I don’t think I will be blamed because it was approved, when I try to win big.

“But it was good when Trot’s ironware came in easily. You could buy not only armor
but also such a cheap thing. Valerie’s armor could not be hit hard”

“…I see”

No, most of Trot’s business has been via Celesta since the Celesta War. Trade with
other countries directly from Trot is severely restricted and now, only a few Trot
products are sold on the regular route to Renfangas.

“That’s right, you´re a Celesta soldier. I, I didn’t mean to speak ill of Celesta”

“No, I’m a Trot man anyway”

“…Ah… it’s complicated”


After the Celesta War, Trot soldiers are nominally Celesta soldiers. I laughed at the
dwarf, who kindly thought about the circumstances, with a slightly troubled face.

“But when it comes to Lingate’s work… it’s no use leaving only the handle”

Anzeros says what makes sense. Yup. It’s much more wasteful than processing
Naris’s sword.

“I wonder if Naris can use a sickle…”

“Long hooks are not so minor as cavalry weapons. Paladins also use them”

As Almeida says, Tetes shrugs her shoulders.

“If you have something to ride on, right. If you have a rush force, a sickle-shaped
weapon is perfect for a crossing attack.”

“…Even if the person who wields such a weapon can endure it, the animals which
carry it is more unfaithful to vehicles”

So. The sickle, or a slightly more open curved weapon, is actually quite common in
the world. But it cannot be an infantry weapon. 「Hooking inside」 is usually too
defenseless for infantry fighting. If you step inside the reach, you can do nothing. It
was a weapon unique to cavalry that had the ability to avoid frontal fighting attacks
to some extent and had a relative speed that left the opponent behind. So it’s
perfectly unsuitable for Naris, a Renfangas soldier, who doesn’t even have any
excellent mount.

“Now, then, there’s only a spear… emm”

“Drop this blade and just the handle… it’s a waste”

Anzeros also worries with me. Almeida, a spear idiot, has grown up as a young lady
and hasn’t had any trouble with weapons, so it’s better to have Anzeros closer to me
than Aurora and Tetes, who have a little history as warriors. It helps, though.

“…To process this blade into a sword”

“That’s just too much work in the workshop here. It’s difficult to balance a big

“Isn’t it possible for Naris to use it even if it’s a little messed up? She also can use
axes and hammers”

“It’s still better to sell this off and go to the royal workshop to ask for a proper one
than to do it myself”

“Don’t sell it, it’s the mayor’s favor, isn’t it?”

“Yeah… that’s right”

I can’t sell it because it’s a treasure. If I sell it to Renfangas, which lacks high-quality
ironware and bring the gold to Trot, I can buy a reasonable sword wit it, but it is
useless. It sounds like a scam. Almeida took the chalk naturally in the place where it
worried by feeling, and drew a figure on the stone plate for the price display.
“That’s what you’re talking about isn’t it…”

A little picture which is at a level that can be understood somehow though it is poor.

“Transform it like this…”

Fold the blade of the scythe inward like the arm of an mantis and stick it to the

“If you put a blade on the outside, will it be able to be used as a war axe?”

Anzeros sighs. Pick words while scratching her forehead.

“…Dancing Spear. It’s a natural trick in Afilm, but it’s something you cant easily do

“Wait, wait a minute, Anzeros”

Right now. It struck me in my head.

“Aurora, come over here”

“Y, Yes!?”

“I’m going to draw a picture of a crest, so please read it. Maybe the effect is wrong”

However, I am sure to write the engraved crest on the wall with chalk taken from
Almeida. I’m sure there’s no doubt that I’m addicted to it.

“Here, let’s fasten the screws… in this state, with this kind of engraved crest, it slides
to this state”

“Eh… that’s true, no, but in theory it’s certainly wrong…”

“Don’t you agree? That looks cool, doesn’t it?”

I am very satisfied because Aurora looks surprised.

“What did you draw, 10-man captain Smithson and 10-man captain Aurora?”
Tetes hurriedly asked Aurora. She can ask me. I would rather explain it. Aurora
exhales and calms down, then gives an overview.

“Originally, Trot and Celesta weapons are rugged. Both countries share a common
sense of values that are simple and functional because of their practical needs”

“Y, Yes”

“Therefore, as a result of disregarding Afilm’s gimmick weapons as an act of reducing

strength and practicality… I feel that in movable armament, it has already been left
behind for several steps or dozens of steps”

Well, that’s also the difference in tactics.

“Theoretical point is that without a complicated transformation technology, a sickle

can be transformed into an axe with a simple mechanism with one screw and the
attack power can be concentrated without reducing the strength. Right?”

“Yeah. 90 points”

Aurora’s explanation is simple, but there are other detailed mechanisms. The
engraved crest that simplifies the structure of the special fat arrow increases the
swing speed and the direction of impact strength is optimized in the sickle and axe
states. If it is done well, it will be a masterpiece weapon.

“Okay, let’s get started! I’m calling Laila a little and it’s the best to help because I
don’t get burned”

“W, Wait, Andy, I’ll help you too”

“Anzeros is useless because it is something you´re not used to”

“T, Then I will”

“I’m also a hard worker…”

“It’s okay for you guys because you don’t much about forging”

I reject the other three other than Tetes, Tetes immediately called out for Laila and
with Laila appearing soon, I started to work on the sickle and work on engraving
crests with Laila.

The three who saw it halfway down gave up and fell asleep. I was working hard with

“Ho. It’s not so often that you can engrave such a fine magic pattern”

“I’m good at details. My father seemed to be good at doing rough things and putting
them together in a feeling”

But I may be a type of person who feels because I make things from a flash. My dad
may be doing something delicate and rough. The details of an blacksmith’s work
can’t be seen easily unless they’re peers.

“But… I’m not ready to eat. I can spend days with you, but your body won’t be able to
keep up”

“Apart from that, it’s been many hours since we started…”

“It’s morning!”


When I looked up suddenly, the direction of the sunlight that came in through the
window was certainly strange. Well. I’m sure I started from a little early in the

“…T, That?”

Suddenly I hit something. No, wait, at least engrave crests a little more.

“…W, Wait a minute… that?”

My eyes are closing repeatedly. My shoulders suddenly felt heavy.

“…You might have really fallen down if I didn’t tell you”

Laila sighs.

“I thought that would be the case”

Dianne, who had come before I knew it, smiled bitterly while putting a blanket over
Anzeros and others.

“Andy. Rest a little. It’s nice to be able to make a masterpiece, but a guy who falls
down one by one to make things can’t do it as a craftsman, can he?

“Y, Yes… that’s right”

I tried to be strong, but when I stood up, my body swayed. Apple gently supported

“No, don’t worry about everyone. Andy-san is my husband…”

“No, no, maybe that’s right”

It’s also awkward to keep leaning on Apple. I tried to stand on my own, but it was

“…I like Smithson-san, who is passionate about making things…”

Sharon supports me from the other side.

“Don’t overdo it. When it’s time to go to bed, you have to go to bed… Or you´re going
to get sick”

Luna gives me a chop on my head… Well, surely I would say the same thing as Luna if
anybody else was in this state?

“…Uh, I’m sorry… then…”

I’m finally convinced that I’m weak. My mouth didn’t move when I tried to say


I wake up in the afternoon. Immediately after work, I ran to the workshop and Laila
sat on the workbench and waited leisurely while drinking alcohol.

“Ho, is it good already?”

“I’m sleepy”

As soon as I tried to resume work, I was hit on the head from behind.

“Not only sleep deprivation, Andy-kun”

“Umm. It’s prepared by Apple. Please eat it”

Hilda and Irina. Maia pulls out a sandwich from Irina’s basket and tries to make me
eat it.

“A, Amm”


“It’s delicious…”

I tried to say that I could eat it myself, but Maia smiled happily and the smile was so
cute that I decided to leave it alone.

My hunger when I start eating. I leave it to Maia and eat more and more.

“Oh, you don’t have to put in too many. If you’re too full, you’ll lose your

“Hmm. I don’t think it’s good to concentrate too much”

Irina whimsically eats the rest of the sandwich and says this plausible thing.

“It’s over half way done. If I engrave a crest, I’ll have to make fine adjustments and
then use an outer blade…”

“Yes, Yes. Let’s leave it to Hilda-sensei before it’s dangerous. It’s my job as doctor to
stop you. With magic that makes you sleepy or feeling good”

“…Please refrain from careless magic that makes me feel good”

I don’t hate blacksmithing or sex, but I don’t want to be confused too much. I don’t
think ejaculation should be done during blacksmithing.
“Oh? Well, whichever is okay”

“Ho, let’s get started. Good, what’s next?”

“Next is…”

I again resume my work with Laila.


And it was finally completed in the middle of the night.

“I did it…”

Weapon for Naris, named Crash Haken (TL note: Haken is the german word for
piton/hook). Basically, it is a long-handled heavy weapon with a shape similar to a
Crescent Axe, but it can also be used as a sickle by expanding the blade when
necessary. In either state, the engraved crest is engraved so that the strength is
exerted in the direction in which the weight is most expected, and it should be about
twice as strong as a weapon made equally by ordinary forging.

“Ho, I think it has become a rather stylish weapon”



“Although my blacksmith skills are irrelevant…”

No, I think that I was a blacksmith properly in the part of attaching a blade or
dividing and attaching a movable screw, but it does not require such a strong
blacksmithing skill. It’s not much different from striking horseshoes. Following
Breath Shooter and Breath Caliber, I made another one. Perhaps, I may not have
enough imagination as a blacksmith. By the way, the sword I received from Naris is
lying in the corner of the workshop. It’s not even used as a material… I can’t argue if
I’m asked what this is.


However, Naris looked at Crash Haken and looked very satisfied.

“Wow, what is this and what’s wrong with it? Incredible transformation! It’s strange,
I don’t understand!”

No, please understand the meaning. Maybe it’s a horse-riding battle.

“Or rather, how did you shape that sword like this?”

“…It’s very difficult to say”

Since it cannot be regenerated as a sword, let’s make it a spear → Find a handle for
the spear → That one was of higher quality than the sword → Explain the wonderful
flow of forgetting the sword.

“Wow, idiot”

“Damn it! I thought you would say that!”

I’ll say the same thing when I see something like that other than me!

“…What, Naris-chan, who was secretly meeting someone in the middle of the night…
was with 10-man captain Smithson-san”

When I looked around, it was Tetes. It was on the rooftop that I called Naris and
handed Crash Haken. I wanted to surprise her when nobody was there, but it
certainly doesn’t look like that. You didn’t try to say something disturbing, Tetes-san?

“Th, That Tetes-chan, this is!”

Naris don’t know what to say. She doesn’t seem to realize that everyone knows that
she’s letting me make a weapon. Tetes smiled meanly after making a slightly boring

“But now, Naris-chan belongs to 10-man captain Smithson both in name and reality”


Naris is surprised with her mouth open. I’m surprised too. Before I knew.

“What is that?”
“Well, isn’t it? Both the bikini armor and the new weapons are made by 10-man
captain Smithson”

…Ah, it means she is solidifying her 「Whole body」 and 「My product」. I was
really surprised.

“Ah, and Naris-chan”


“It doesn’t matter much. In Celesta, if you imitate something like passing a knife free
of charge, it’ll be considered a proposal, right? If you receive it, it will be approved”


Naris also opened her mouth even bigger and was stunned.

“Then, good night♪”

Naris stays for a while while seeing Tetes leaving with a smile. Then I saw this.

“T, That… in other words, what is it?”

“Calm down Naris”

“Am I stepping on a mine? That, maybe I’ll do it for the side room too, do you think
it’s crazy?”

“No, not really…”

That rule is only for the desert people from the south… I tried to teach her, but Naris
took the distance with me strangely quickly by the movement which was jerky.

“Sorry, I’ll pay you if I succeed in the future, so I’ll pay I properly, so please be careful

She ran indoors with a dash… I’m not requesting a separate amount of money, so is it
okay if she pays the friend’s price appropriately? However, I hate myself because I
just imagined Naris´s feelings.
“Declaration of the End of the Great Invasion! The declaration of the end of the great
invasion has come out!”

One morning. One of the garrison soldiers ran through the spiral corridor from top
to bottom whilst slamming in the pot, and we, with our sleepy eyes, vaguely heard it.

“Declaration of end…”

“Who was the one who make it public?”

“Isn’t it Sir Buster or the Queen?”

When I saw him off while yawning at the entrance of the room sparsely, a screaming
cheer was heard at the bottom and all the men were amazed.

“Wh, What, what?”

“I wonder if he was very happy”

“I think it’s a good guy who’s excited”

When I was listening to the situation, Tetes and Naris, who looked happy, ran passed

“What are you doing, let’s all change clothes quickly and get off”

“Eh, wh, what is the meaning?”

“What are you saying? If you declare the end, there will be a medal awarding
ceremony everywhere after a simple ceremony. Does it mean that the people of
Celesta will be given a medal too? Tetes-chan”

“Well, I wonder. Maybe we can ask the mayor to find out”

I was wondering if they could give a medal to another country that wasn’t sent for
the purpose of defending their bases.

Move forward.

“Well, our reliable companion from Celesta, Dianne Special Duty Corps 100-man
commander Dianne. Please take it”

“…Thank you”


“Similarly, 10-man captain Anzeros, 10-man captain Aurora, 10-man captain Keiron,
10-man captain Smithson. Please take it”

“Thank you”

“It’s been a medal since the Ace Knight emblem”

“Wow, that’s cool, Renfangas’s medal”

“I’m going to treasure it”

The medal that I received is a medal which is a mass-produced iron product, the
design of an wolf which is the national emblem of Renfangas, the name of the fort
Catalina and the year 377 which is this year according to Renfangas´s calendar. In
Renfangas, this defense medal will be distributed to all fortresses that have survived
the great invasion.

“It’s a good thing to protect the fort and welcome the winter. It’s treated like a
normal front medal, so if you collect 15 you can become a Red Arm”

Naris immediately attaches it to the chest of her armor with a clip. Beyond that,
there is also Almeida´s figure, who is holding the medal in a rare and proud manner.

“Well, there is no such person because it is only a terrible look even if the person
who does not take the front line order becomes a Red Arm. Even if you get a title and

“Ah, I wonder if there are any people who have only collected defense medals for 15
years. It seems like they’ll be promoted in another way”

“That’s right”

Tetes giggled and put the medal on her chest with a pin.

“This is the first time for me to receive a medal”

“Me too”

Boyd and Luna look very happy. We don’t have the chance to receive a medal.
Crossbow soldiers still don’t go out of the scope of the experimental operations
force, so there aren’t many opportunities for recognition.

“100-man commander Becker… I’m sorry, I’ll prepare it in the afternoon, so here’s
merely for form’s sake”

“Ah, it’s fine. Actually, I’m not defending…”

It seems that the timing of entering the city was just recently, so it was not possible
to prepare for 100-man commander Becker. He was a 100-man commander who
tried to decline, but he was a little surprised because the defenders around him
booed him.

“Tetes, is it not possible to decline?”

“It’s no good, or because it’s solidarity like this. Having a defense medal at the same
base in the same year will be the most important friendship in Renfangas no matter
how many years have passed and declined it means…”

“Its boorish, isn’t it?”

“That’s right”

But it might be nice. A few years later, when I left the army and traveled to
Renfangas, I could meet someone in this bar, or find this medal on the wall of a store
and talk about this year’s city. I’m sure it will be a good conversation. I’ll take good
care of it until then.

The declaration of termination means that most of the garrison has already moved

“It’s a shame that the dear meat and beast meat will rot. I’m going to buy them in

“It’s not going to rot, is it? The butcher soaks it in salt before that”

“If it salted, it’s just a matter of time! It’s raw meat”

“Even if it’s a week from here to Rennesto, I’ll get there. Even if it’s a snack along the
way, it’s too exaggerated”

It seems that the soldiers are regretful of the meat left by the butcher while
preparing for withdrawal. Whichever way you go to the south, the more delicious
livestock meat is in normal circulation, so I don’t think they should worry about it
that much, but the food situation here is tough.

“What do we do, Dianne?”

“It’s hard to overdo it during the winter. I think the squad itself should be withdrawn
into Polka or Basson”

“…Its reasonable, but I wonder if it’s ok as an organization…”

For the time being, a special task force that has organized even corps-level politics
has actually taken a rest during the winter. I’m a little worried about the wind.

“What, I wondered why I was working so far”


“During the winter, we can come and go here to investigate with Maia and Laila, even
if there isn’t the whole corps. Now no matter if Maia comes to Catalina or goes to
Rennesto. And yet, we can even bring in Isaac, Mikagami sisters and other Celesta
soldiers if we want, and that’s a hassle, but you can say that we have a lot of freedom
of action”

“…Isn’t the activity during this great invasion a task of hitting a wedge?”

“Yes, you can say that”

When it comes to it. During winter, we will be based in Polka and Basson and we will
go back and forth between Catalina and Rennesto as necessary. We are active around
bad weather-resistant Maia and we also have a premise that we will bring in
personnel from the corps headquarters of Quica, if necessary and put them in. It is
possible to bring in human resources from Trot and elf territory with a little effort. It
is possible to squeeze the ground to that extent.

“It seemed like a roundabout trip, but considering the future, this month has been


“That’s why”

Dianne hits my shoulder.

“We will also withdraw tomorrow”


“Yes. Withdraw to Rennesto, talk to Alex Buster once and then head back to Polka to
relieve the fatigue. Be able to leave at any time”

“Y, Yes”

I’m used to the sudden movement, but as usual, it’s sudden.


“Recently, I feel like an aristocrat with many villas”

Keiron murmured while checking the equipment while packing.

“Great positive thinking, right?”

That said, he doesn’t seem so disgusted and Lantz laughs.

“Because, in Polka´s inn, we always are in the same room, and in Rennesto, we have
our own beds. Wouldn’t it be great if you thought you were going from a villa to a
“It might be true if you say so…”

Lantz also nods with his arms crossed.

“It’s certainly good to have your own private items wherever you go”

Goto seemed to decide to hide the erotic picture scroll under his bed. I mean.

“…What are you doing?”

“Eh… because it’s not always possible to come prepared. I’d better stock up for an

“You’re too reliable to insist that erotic picture scrolls are the best preparation”

“Let me take care of that”

That’s no good.

“I… I’d rather settle in a place where Silvia-san is than a villa”

Boyd must have imagined living with Silvia while carefully cleaning his room. He has
a face which seems to be happy. The masturbation brothers click their tongues at the
same time.

“Ah, good guys have fiances”

“Read the air, Boyd. I’m flying around at work. I wonder what kind of feeling I’m most
happy about. I think it’s because you´re a brute. This is why you´re a non-virgin”

“Eh, ah, emm… sorry…?”

I felt sorry for Boyd. However, I also seem to receive it completely when I interrupt
here, so I keep silent.

And night.

“It’s modest, isn’t it?”

On the rooftop of the night when Irina winds up the wind-repelling barrier, she
serves liquor only for us. It’s too secret to say a launch. I mean, I just can’t get enough
alcohol to act in the town. Attendees were Irina, Laila, Maia, Neia, Dianne, Anzeros,
Aurora and 100-man commander Becker. The gauntlet group attends the garrison
drinking party. Apple is absent because flying with a hangover will definitely be a
problem. Unfortunately it’s a secret to the others.

“You don’t think there was such a fierce fight, it’s a quiet night”

As Irina turns her cup toward the moon, she takes a sip of the delicious 「Stormy

“It’s not the end. There are times when hordes of monsters approach and next year
there are hundreds of thousands”

Dianne conducts.

“What is that?”

It’s a little strange that the two of them are facing the same direction (turning their
backs to the table) and drinking, so I talk to Laila who seems to know something.
Laila smiled, turned around behind me, poured alcohol and also turned her head to
the moon.

“It’s called a moon cup. It reflects the light of the moon. Drink up the cup. It’s a way
of drinking that was popular with beastmen in the past. Alcohol that contains
moonlight carries a good dream”

I drink alcohol and I also drink the rest of the cup.

“Doesn’t that mean that beastmen are not good unlike other races?”

“I don’t know if it works for beastmen. I’m not in the mood”

Laila giggled. However, she was familiar with the dragons of the world… well, she
said she used to play with Luna’s grandmother.

“Then I’ll try it too”

“It’s certainly elegant”

Anzeros and Aurora also imitate it.

“Let me pour in some alcohol”


It happens that 100-man commander Becker, pours alcohol to Maia. The reason why
the progress is subtly slow is that I learned that 「Stormy Whale」 is easy to get
drunk because of the heavy alcohol percentage. And Neia was not drinking, looking
at the far north land with a cup.

“Neia. Isn’t the liquor good?”

“No. Well, it’s not strong, but its not to the extent I like it”

Taking a sip.

“It’s delicious… Kalwin also makes good alcohol”

“Is it made?”

“Although it was only during good harvest, I managed to drink alcohol at the royal
palace, so when I was lucky, I was often treated by a hero”


“Well, that’s right”

Another drink.

“…Kalwin has 30,000 people. As a country, there aren’t many, but… it’s not easy to
lead or walk with dragons”


“I want them to have a good drink. I want to free them from the life of counting the
turn of their children even if it is a bad work. I believe it can be done, but it is

“As Neia wants to return as soon as possible, isn’t it good drinking here?”
“I can’t say so. I beat Orn. I was able to do half the meaning of my life”

The meaning of being alive. Words that came out lightly with a bitter smile.

“It is the other half to get back and connect this side and the people. At Kalwin I
should have been dead. I don’t think I´m too impatient”

And the other half. Light, just light… I was interested in it without any sense.



“Don’t you think about marrying someone peacefully or becoming a mother?”

“Are you talking to me?”

“No, I’m just interested in the consciousness of the hero”


Drink and drink. Not a drink but a breath.

“I’m sure I’ll die before that”


“Don’t look like that. I was chosen from people who couldn’t even have a meaningful
life. So I would have to live that way when I returned to Kalwin”

Dianne turned her back and spoke there.

“So, what if Kalwin could connect with us without having to rely on a hero?”

“…I’m sure I’ll die before that happens”

“Why is it so”

“…It’s just an intuition”

Neia was shaking the empty cup comfortably. It doesn’t matter how tragic it is.

“I see… Andy”


“What do you think?”

“It’s not accepted”

I’m patting Neia’s head lightly.

“I’m sure we’ll help you before that”

“I hope so…”

Neia smiles and closes her eyes. I don’t know if she is asleep, thinking, or putting up
with some emotion.
A sunny morning. In the plains around Catalina, the snow that had fallen the day
before remains on the spot. Soldiers, wearing the same medal, waving their hands,
step on the snow that would have disappeared by noon.

“At such times, you have to attach the medal. Even if you remove it later”

Naris told me that we were on the see-off and wore the medal.

“It’s strange. I’ve received a lot of similar things, but this medal seems special”

Neia holds the medal around the cloak and pulls her hat off in a shy look.

“Did you also get it?”

“Yes. When Becker-san gave it to me, 100-man commander Dianne had a groundless

Not just Neia. Although not worn, Laila and Maia were also playing with the medal in
their hands.

“Hoho, thanks to me”

“It’s a bit interesting”

“Oh, Maia. Don’t bend, don’t bend”

“Eh? Why?”

“It’s like this! If you bend or stretch it, it’s just a piece of iron!”

“Is that so…”

It is awkward to call this a repair and to re-strike it no matter how strange it

becomes. That’s not the case. I think.

“I’m jealous of you…”

Irina looks a little dissatisfied. That said, she is not a combatant category in the first
place and is treated as a guest. I want her to understand the suffering of the mayor
who cannot give a cheap medal to the Queen of another country.


After the withdrawal of the garrison, we also took the carriage out of the main gate
and prepared for departure.

“Thanks for taking care of us, mayor. Even though I think we will come frequently
during the winter”

“We’ll be reliable as long as we can, 100-man commander Dianne”

Dianne and the mayor shake hands. Others, such as the old butcher, the blacksmith
dwarf, and the young elf communication magician, who I didn’t remember their
names after all, but who have become friends, have come to see us off.

“I’ll leave the room”

“It’s helpful. Although it’s not a substitute, I want the mayor to handle the equipment
and food left behind as appropriate”

“Thank you”

It sounds generous, but the point is that the person in charge should manage it
properly. It may be that the mayor also feels heavy pressure that 「There was a
heavy responsibility」 because it was a dragon-related baggage.

After getting on the carriage.

“What are you going to do? I’m going to give a brief report to Sir Buster in Rennesto,
and then we withdraw to the other side of the Snake Mountain. We’ll leave full-scale
activity until the spring. You don’t have to go out with me in nominal terms until you
resume our activities, so you can wait at Rennesto or you can wait for a change to the
normal organization”
Dianne’s voice is heard by the four Gauntlet Knights. But Tetes shrugged her
shoulders that it was a foolish question.

“I’ll follow you. It’s a promise to be taught magic in elf territory. Even if you ask me to
go home now, Rennesto is uncomfortable”


When I laughed bitterly, Tetes smirked a little. I won’t ask for more. She must have
been dragging on the dismissal of Blue Arm and the immediate expulsion of
Renfangas. It hasn’t been a month since then. Certainly, working with the dragon
until the hot air cools down will be a good point for a restart.

“I don’t want to eat Renfangas´s spicy meals until winter. That’s why I will follow

Almeida is also in this group.

“Of course, I will follow you, too. Like Tetes, I also have the purpose of learning

Sharon looked at me and smiled. Next, there was a lukewarm look from the other
side. Yes that’s right. I’m to blame. And Naris.

“Well, it’s about playing openly and I’m going to have a thaw in Rennesto…

Naris had her ears twisted by Sharon.

“Read the air Naris”

“Knight Chief!? That’s because it’s good for 100-man commander Dianne now”

“If only you pick it up again, it would be troublesome”


Naris with teary eyes.

“No, I think it’s okay to leave Naris behind, isn’t it? In fact, it’s just leisure time”
That’s what Dianne says.

“…Almeida and Tetes are coming, therefore I don’t want to leave only that fellow

Sharon had a serious look. Naris doesn’t seem to be in trouble. No, I think that she is
a fellow who is easy to handle apart from a lot of complaints for sure.

“Tr, Trouble!?”

“…Uh, it’s hard to have a criminal record…”

Almeida and Tetes are… yeah, they really have the ability and aspiration, so if you
mess up, you’ll have too much trouble. It is true that Naris who listens properly
might have a different sense of security.

“I’m sorry Naris. I’ll treat you next time”

“Eh, really? Yay”

“I’ll do it too, but don’t get too excited”

“Almeida too? Yata! Trot meals are delicious!”

“…Oh, it’s quick to switch. Is it intentional to get involved?”

“Let’s not stick water in the excitement considering the heart of a colleague who
looks for good”

Certainly the presence of Naris as a dose of refreshing agent may be important.

“Auuuu, we’re going to fly again… I’m scared…”

“It’s time to get used to it, Apple-chan. Well, even though I prepared a lot of medicine,
I didn’t use it much”

“Isn’t it better than anything?”

“Aurora is your arm already healed?”

“There’s no problem with the amount I use. I still have some pain in my muscles”

“Well well, Aurora-chan. If we go to Polka, I’ll give you a massage at the hot spring.
Anze-chan too”

“I, I’m good”

“And after that, Neia-chan. I’ll never let Neia-chan escape. I’ll be involved in the pride
of Magical Doctor if I don’t erase the damage properly.”

“Do, Don’t be too hard on me”

“Andy, can I sit next to you?”

“Hey cat girl. This is my seat”

“…Irina, do you not want to sit on my lap?”

“Is it okay?”

“Ho, you can sit on my lap”

“No, I prefer Smithson-san´s lap as a chair because of its hardness”

The inside of the car is noisy as usual. After the outside work is completed and it is
confirmed that Goto and Boyd have boarded, Maia roars. Catalina seen through the
window is waving off by people, both from the window, from the rooftop and from
the plains in front of the town. I don’t know if they can see it, but I waved back…
meanwhile, the carriage moves and is held by Maia and floats.


We visit Rennesto quite often so I don’t feel like it’s been a while. However, it was my
first time to see the royal castle being restored in the daytime, so I looked down from
the sky and was surprised at the scale of the construction.

“With such a large scaffolding… it was pretty broken, over there.”

“It was completely destroyed during the audience. It’s for a uncertain time, as it
seems to be hard to arrange repair materials”
Naris nodded.

“It was a fierce battle, wasn’t it?”

When I talked to Dianne, she smiled bitterly.

“It’s not like it broke down in battle during the audience. I heard Lord Buster broke it
with a trap”

“What, I wonder if there was something amazing like a immense monster versus
Dianne among the audience”


Dianne grinned.

“Everyone was safe, right?”

Sharon nods to Neia who seems to be worried even now.

“As expected, there were casualties in the battle in the city, but… at least there should
have been no casualties among the people involved in the castle”

“…But I can’t believe it. They put a monster in the town just to get rid of Buster-

“It’s silly. But peace is a boring ambition. Especially humans are short-lived, so there
is a strong desire to achieve something”

“…However, it is not possible to abhor peace, isn’t it?… It’s difficult”

Neia pulls her hat down. It is likely not to be able to do it as the one to protect peace
though it is another country.

When we turned lightly over the sky to the Celesta mansion, there were more than a
dozen unfamiliar men in the garden.


“H, Hey, what’s wrong with you, wasn’t it the story of Celesta’s base?”
“Oh, calm down, if you encounter a dragon, hide yourself first, then make contact
slowly, never get it angry!”

They are in panic.

“What is that?”

Laila looks down from the window and frowns. Then, the door of the carriage was
opened and 100-man commander Becker jumped off.

“Hey, why do you panic so much! Lygley, Mets!”

“…U, Uwa, the dragon gave birth to 100-man commander Becker!?”

“Why I’m born from a dragon, fool, calm down! This dragon is on our side!”

Apparently, acquaintances of 100-man commander Becker… at least two.

“Hey, can we descend?”

Maia is listening to me on my shoulder. She was hovering quickly.


“…That’s good. If you don’t descend once, the roar will open”

Maia slowly descends into the garden as directed by Dianne.

Apparently 100-man commander Becker spoke to the guys in the yard while we got
down and put the luggage on the lawn.

“Commander Dianne. Introducing. 10-man captain Fernando Ligley and 10-man

captain Mark Mets of the Intelligence Brigade. Both of them are Ace Knights”

A flashy man with upright hair and a muscular, dark-black man. Both of then are
humans. I don’t think either of them is a spy… well, Becker is also a handsome guy,
but you don’t really notice if he’s off the mark and maybe there is such a technique.

“Are they the Ace Knights sent by the headquarters?”

“That’s right”

“That, we’ve been team members for 10 years now. I wonder if it’s time for us to take
a break”

“Is it acceptable to see a person who runs away just by seeing a dragon?”

No, 100-man commander Becker was also quite surprised, when he first saw Laila.

“What about these guys over there?”

“…Ah, yes, they are comrades. It’s said that they were chosen mainly by those who
were good at survival from the third west and the Baikan Corps in the east”

“Who has the most seniority?”

“There’s General Clay Kingfisher… He´s shopping”

“Kingfisher… Father”

Dianne made a bitter look.

“Do you know the general?”

“‘『Don’t call me general, call me 1000-man commander. Because the economy

would be better if the number is concrete』, That’s him, isn’t it?”

“…That’s right”

For some reason, even Lygley, who has reverse hair, has a nervous face.

“Andy-sama, something weird is approaching”


When Maia returns from the dragon to her human form, she pulls on my sleeve.
When I looked at the way she pointed, I could see a huge bird-like thing. What is
that? Service Rock Dragon… although smaller than that. It’s approaching us.

“Should it be shot off with ice?”

“Wait a minute”

Dianne said,

“It’s fine”

And for some reason the go sign. Maia instantly makes icicles and throws them into
the air. And.

“Who foolish!”

It seemed to shake a little, but Maia couldn’t shoot it down and it wasn’t
overwhelmingly busy moving its wings and approaches… It’s a Birdman. A minority
race to the west of Celesta. The number of flying birdmen is very similar to ox-ogres.

“Didn’t mother tell you not to throw things when people were flying!!”

The birdman who landed in the garden while getting angry is pale that the feathers
of the whole body are awake. And, with shopping bags in both hands, he seems to be
worn out.

“It’s been a while, Kingfisher. I thought you retired”

“Can I be the only one who retires even though Becker and Vincent haven’t retired!!
Or rather, who are you!?”

Even though he is angry, I feel like he is stupid because he skipped various things.
Dianne turned around. Then the birdman opens his beak and drops the shopping

“…C, Ca, Captain!?”

“I told you Kingfisher”

“No, no, I don’t hear it!? Captain Dianne is beautiful today”

Even though it was said he is a general, he became a small fish at a stretch.

“I don’t understand what you mean”

The birdman opens his beak and threatens 100-man commander Becker.

“Wakare! You’re the reason why I´m here, Becker!! I’m so great that you can use
honorifics, idiot!”

“I’m sorry, a certain 100-man commander once said that he was treated as a general
depending on how they count”

“Don’t quibble!!”

Because it’s a birdman, I don’t know how old he is, but I feel like he is the same age
as Becker. Dianne strike those two with her palm.

“Can’t you guys be a little like Ace Knights in front of Gauntlet Knights?”

“Gauntlet Knights!?”

The birdman turns his head (the girls were scared because the neck turned straight
behind him) and there were four figures with gauntlets.

“Not good. Hey, reverse hair, and black macho, take this”

“We introduced yourself four times, General”

The bird man made a pose with his wings spread out in an appropriate way,
splendidly passing through Ligley´s tsukkomi, who carries the shopping bags.

“I’m 1000-man commander and Master Knight Clay Kingfisher. I’m super handsome
as you see”

“That introduction is already too late”

Dianne immediately made a plunge thrust.

“Master Knight…”


Tetes, Naris and Sharon seem to be super suspicious, yet they line up with
embarrassed faces, without being able to reveal it. And Almeida stepped down one
step, murmuring while holding the iron cane without warning.

“…Its unexpected, but I didn’t think we will meet once again”


“One of the strongest of the 3rd Infantry Corps of Celesta Western Army. I had some
difficulties with him in the past”


Come to think of it, Afilm Empire and Celesta’s Western Army often collide. The
birdman said a word in response to Almeida’s sharp eyes.

“Do you have a pulse?”




“…It’s completely forgotten…”

Almeida is also depressed.


“Well, that’s the point. In the old days, that guy was also part of the intelligence
brigade. There was also Captain. It was a story when I was a young boy”

100-man commander Becker, explained. Apparently, Dianne used to command a part

of the Intelligence Brigade. There are various forms of 「Reconnaissance」 in spite
of intelligence and it seems that Dianne’s unit was a forceful reconnaissance, that is,
it was a rough unit that dragged out the force by hitting the suspicious unit of the
enemy and investigated its outline. By the way, now let’s leave it to each infantry.
There is no such thing as a unit that can stand up to such a full-time job and the
lessons of war change as soon as Dianne’s nurtured unit. That’s what happened. The
members of those days are now playing active roles as the most elite in various
“I finally understand why 100-man commander Becker always call Dianne-san

“…Yeah, it’s like imprinting. In terms of class, there’s no reason to be offended by

calling her out, but I still can’t do that. Captain is Captain”

100-man commander Becker has given up. By the way, we, Basson’s crossbow corps,
have the custom of increasing the sense of solidarity by banning honorific words
once and throwing them away regardless of age when we are in the same class. I
used to use honorifics for Keiron and Isaac. I wonder if Lantz and Goto will
eventually call me out.

“So you’re going to surrender this Celesta mansion to them?”

When Anzeros raised her hand and asked, Dianne shook her head.

“In any case, it’s a mansion that has the power of a dragon prepared with an
umbrella. Some of them are afraid of the dragon and I don’t want to spoil the mood
of the royal castle. Probably, they will prepare a separate dormitory”

“That’s good…”

“I don’t want it to be made into a man’s garden now”

Naris smiles and says.

“…Naris, aren’t you supposed to have a house in Rennesto in the first place?”

Sharon interrupts. That’s right. I mean, at first, the Gauntlet people were going
around and guarding here. But Naris laughs dry.

“When I went to see it, I was delinquent in rent and was taken out”


“Even though you´re a Gauntlet Knight, it’s not just Naris-chan who rented a
boarding house for rent, wasn’t it?”

“Well, I’ve been in arrears for about three months, so I’m too stingy to pick up my
luggage and move in with a new person!!”

“It is normal”

“It’s normal, isn’t it?”

Naris was depressed by the series of things that I, Sharon and Almeida said.

“Good, I have a place here”

“Isn’t that why I had to keep up with the special task force?”

Almeida’s calm point.

“I’m sorry, I’m telling you, I’ll give you back if you really succeed in the world, so
please take me with you”

“You don’t have to be that servile


“This is all about the strength of the army. The defense of Catalina and regular
patrols of the demon territory will also be dense”

Dianne smiles grinningly.

“I might be able to return Neia earlier than I expected”

“…That’s right”

Neia pulled her hat down. What is that? Isn’t that the place where you smile?
“Now, it’s a bit late for lunch, but let’s go out to eat after a long time. We’re heading to
Polka in the evening, so we’ll have souvenirs and greetings done by then”

The moment Dianne gives a command, everyone who has settled down stands up.
It’s a great mansion, but we can’t even take a good rest. Well, if we go to Polka, we
can relax as much as we want.

“Smithson, can you buy me a skewer or something like that. I’m taking a nap”

…No, Keiron was willing to rest as hard as he could for the last few hours.

“Why me! Ask Lantz, Goto or Boyd!”

“Well, because if a ogre asks for a single piece, he’ll have a whole pig’s leg or
whatever. And Lantz and Goto were burning in erotic picture scrolls”


“And you go outside because your girlfriends are hungry”

“Why are my subordinates so free…”

No, Boyd is a good boy.

When we all tried to get out of the gate to eat at a food stall or bar, we met Lord
Buster and some other soldiers who seemed to come from the castle.

“Are you going out?”

“We were thinking about having lunch. How about you, Alex Buster?”
“Let me introduce a good store. There is always a shop with a festival price after the

Lord Buster turns his cloak and stands half a step before Dianne. Waving to the
soldiers and instruct them to go home.

“Escort? You’ve come to be cautious”

“The Queen was worried that I was always too flabbergasted by relying on the magic
of avoiding tailings. Since the last disturbance, it has been used as a focus. Well, it’s
like an alibi guarantor and no one expect me to have escorts”

Well, I don’t think anyone is trying to assassinate Lord Buster. Or rather, a person
who can do that wouldn’t have a problem with the shield of five to six people.

It was said that the bar served by Lord Buster was neither Celesta-style nor
Renfangas local cuisine, but a restaurant in the style of Valerie.

“Valery over there is not as much as a trot, but the land is fertile and rich in crops.”

A lot of small dishes are lined up. Anyway, it seems that the more dishes you have,
the more hospitality you have.

“Ah, it’s good for everyone to pick up this dish, but the dishes that you want to eat are
all small plates.”

Naris says as he squeezes his hands on small plates one after another. I mean,
because it’s Lord Buster’s goggles, it’s too aggressive.

“If you don’t have enough, you can order the next set again. But… Naris, isn’t bikini
armor really cold at this time of year?”

Sir Buster is worried. Well, honestly, bikini armor is a bit slutty at this time of year.
No, if you look closely at the city, it’s surprising.

“It’s cold, but it’s a woman’s spirit to do her best”

It is Naris’s all-out intention not to say that she cant prepare proper armor because
she is poor.

“Well, you don’t need armor in Polka or our forest. You can just wear heavy clothes

Irina follows her while reaching out for small dishes. Sir Buster raised his eyebrows.

“Are you going to be drawn by Trot?”

“Ah, let me do that. Even if there are a lot of people during the winter, you can’t make
use of it. Instead, I want Catalina to be protected by General Kingfisher and Celesta´s
Ace Knights…”

“Hou, I was wondering if General Kingfisher would move differently from 100-man
commander Dianne due to class and command system”

“Because we´re old acquaintance. He decided to collaborate on my mission”

“I understand. In any case, there is plenty of room for Catalina, so let’s arrange it”

I don’t think it’s about talking while eating in a bar, but it might not be so formal for

“But Valerie doesn’t have any ogres, right?. This meals are smaller than a spoon for

“Goto, let’s ask for a ogre set. I’m scared of Irina-san”

“You stupid fellow, aiming for the dish I want, you will pay…”

“!!, M, My hands don’t move…!”

“Hey, Irina-chan, don’t use magic while eating☆”

The others didn’t seem to have any interest in Dianne’s conversation. I should also
eat quietly.

In the evening, we quickly leave the Celesta Mansion.

“We will go to Basson after Polka, right? If possible, I would report to Silvia about my

“What Boyd. You just left the other day”

“Even if I say I don’t come, it’s just before the great invasion. It’s when Luna-chan

“Is it right to be told that?”

I feel like Basson is returning a lot, but isn’t it?

“Rest assured, winter is long and Laila is free. We’ll go when we´re done with the
chores… I mean, Boyd may take a break during the winter”

“Well, it’s a bad impression on the contrary”


“…To Silvia-san and her parents. They say we can get married if I become a 10-man
captain… It feels a little out of my power”

Everyone in the carriage laughed.

“Well, apart from the whole winter, you can stay with your fiance for a while”

Dianne says it with a smile, on top of that Anzeros,

“Instead, until then, it’s twice as much practice”


“What’s up? You should at least be at a level that can be used as an infantry. If you
don’t do that, it’ll be a dream again”

“Ho, infantry is tough…”

Everyone laughs again. Well, there is a part of Anzeros who is trying to raise Boyd to
the point he can take part at the Ace Knight exam. Good luck, young man. In the back,
we support the success of such a warrior rather than the serious soldiers who are
seriously recollecting the harvest of erotic picture scrolls.


Around midnight, Maia quietly landed in a snowfield near Polka. I mean, everything
is already covered in snow. It has been so since we came here before, but now the
snow that has accumulated is quite deep.


“H, Hey, Goto or Body, pull tightly”

“…Isn’t a fox walking lightly on the snow?”

“I’m a fox beast, not a fox!”

Keiron was rescued with a vigorous disembarkation of the lower body, buried in the
lower half of the body. At this depth, aside from the roads where snow is normally
avoided, we can’t proceed without rowing in a place like this.

“Should I carry you closer?”

Chibi Maia listens anxiously. However, it is not possible to guarantee for a moment
on the day when it approaches too much, and all the old women of Polka see the
appearance of a dragon floating in the dark night carelessly. There will be heart

“No, I managed to make a way…”

As I was about to say something, Anzeros jumped into the snow. Because she is much
smaller than Keiron, she doesn’t sink as expected. But.


The snow bursts, and a mortar-shaped hole opens in front of Anzeros.

“Yes, i think I can make a way. Andy, it’s a little bit down”
“Even if you ask me to go down”

I can’t move forward because of snow. I can’t go back. But Goto pulls me out of the
snow with one hand.


After seeing this, Anzeros’s chop made a shock wave and made a path for one
person, about 10 meters long.

“It’s kind of interesting… let’s make another one”

“I also want to try it”

Aurora also joins the ensemble, which strikes the shock wave happily somehow. The
road that the beast caught in the snow field is made to snoring for a moment by two

“That technique looks like fun, isn’t it? I wish I could use it too”

“Can’t you use it Naris?”

“The motto is that it is wide and shallow”

She is not proud of it in this situation.

“I know Neia can do it, but what about Sharon and Almeida?”

“I can shoot things that seem to depend on my physical condition, but it’s not
stable… if its my brother or Berga”

“I don’t use such a messy technique. If you run with guts, you won’t be buried in the

Sharon’s reason was too massive for Almeida.

Sharon, at any rate, Almeida’s logic was too much.

“Do you not ask me?”

Tetes is smiling.

“…If Naris and Almeida arent good with it, I don’t think Tetes is good with it either”

“Muu, it’s rude”

Tetes jumps down and swings down the two-hand sword with a sheath.



She blow off a few meters of snow with Anzeros and Aurora.

“What are you doing, Tetes!?”

“I, It’s cold…”

“…If I try, I’ll be able to do it unexpectedly”

It seems that it was imitation from watching… I think Anzeros and Aurora are also
genius-type, but Tetes won’t be defeated by them.

“…It would have been nice if I had melted it”

When Laila murmured, everyone on the spot was surprised. Do we have such a


When we arrived at the inn, the half-sleeping owner was in a hurry to prepare for
unexpected visitors… Every time we come, almost everyone can stay, but I wonder if
we can do it when we aren’t there.

“Will you say hello to Tommy Smith, Baron and Jeanne tomorrow?”

“…I’m at a loss”

Irina’s question is quite subtle. If possible, I would like to meet Jeanne, Peter, and
Selenium, who are very heavy, but it’s not a common time to visit them. The
baroness’ virtue is that if you go there, you will be up and entertaining even if you go
to bed.

“Do you want to rest tonight?”

“That would be nice”

Dianne agrees, too.

“Hmm. Then, will you go to bed as it is for the time being tonight? I’m bored because
I didn’t do anything today”

“You’ve been moving all day”

Is it tough or is it difficult to move? However, Laila approaches with a bottle of liquor.

“Ho, I’ll drink and take a bath before going to sleep”

“You’re pretty full-time, aren’t you?”

“Don’t envy. Don’t envy. If owner throws away the fleeting life, he may live the same
life as me”

That may be fine for Laila, but I also have children who are important in the world,
and social life is also important.

“But can the bath be used at such a time… I see”

“Indeed. It’s not a bad ending to the day”

Irina grinned and Dianne nodded.

“That, Smithson-dono lets go”

“No, wait, why me? Let’s check in properly”

For the time being, everyone is in the process of carrying in things such as luggage. I
think it’s bad to get out, so I try to help them with that task.

“Hoho, don’t worry. It’s not a village to say that hard”

“I will also go. It’s going to be hard to take care of two people who don’t know what
to do at night by Laila”

Dianne doesn’t have to make an outer surface at all and is returning to the 「Home
side」 and is slightly excited about this, as she often associated with the no good clan
chief and self-indulging dragon.

So. There is no light in the women’s open-air bath at midnight, and of course there is
no one.

“Ah, Irina-sama. And Black Dragon…”

“It’s Laila. I’ll disturb you”

Several elves were bathing in a fantastic atmosphere, with magic lights floating on
the blaze of a bonfire.

“At this time, why are the northern elves here…?”

When Dianne (of course utterly stark naked) questioned, they smiled softly.

“We decided to live here”

“There is also Cherry Blossoms Christie… and there are still a lot of presbyterians
complaining about interacting with the outside world”

“I understand. I understand. Then you’re from the Gold and Silver Clan”

When Irina nodded, they agreed. I wonder if Gust’s influence has been dispelled. So
the young elves seeking inspiration are going to the Red Clan territory or relying on
Christie to come out here. In addition.

“…So you wouldn’t be surprised if I was there”

Silver clan. As for hot springs, there is a naked association rule like Talc.

Gold clan. Although it is far from the peep, the younger ones of the clan are bathing
in a rather open environment… When I thought about it, they blushed.

“No… after all, the famous animal trainer, so…”

“If Irina-sama came to do something like that, it would be a waste to stop it, no, it’s

It seemed that some misunderstanding and disorder of the morale based on it were
spreading in the northern forest.

“I, I didn’t call him because I wanted to be trained like that!”

“Ho. Let’s get trained”

“W, Wait, what are you talking about? Just because you didn’t involve Lord Smyson
with that intention, it’s not like you shouldn’t do it.”

“…Hey hey”

In the pale magic light, the limbs of a young Irina, the brown limbs of Dianne and the
white limbs of Laila, which can be said to be perfect as a woman are visible. And
about three or four young elven girls (though it really can be said that they are girls
based on human standards) who are glancing at us with little disgust.

“…So if that’s the case, I’ll really start doing that”

I also mutter something bold.

“I won’t stop it, but… I’m worried about the future of the northern elf territory to see
if it’s okay to be like that”

Dianne crossed her arms and sighed.

The moon in the sky was the moon that was concealed yesterday. The air that flowed
over the snow was cold to be naked, but as long as I put on the steam of the hot
spring, which was stable at a slightly hot temperature, I couldn’t catch a cold.
Meanwhile, in a large bathtub illuminated by some fleeting magic light, Dianne and
Laila show off their feminine, fluffy bodies and Irina who exposes her immature but
pretty nude body naturally. And there are other young female elves who are as pretty
as Irina. Among them.

“Ho, it’s really okay to do it, isn’t it?”

I am a very small person. Even though the other person is not a local person of Polka,
it’s not easy to have sex in front of the public without any illusion. However, Dianne
who answered that was light.

“Well, if Irina is fine with it, why not?”

“Is it okay, Irina?”

“O, Okay okay… if I leave it to Laila-dono, it won’t end until morning”

“Ho. I’m not so endlessly demanding. Needless to say, owner’s request will continue
for many weeks”

“Rather, Irina wouldn’t get over it once it started”

“Wh, What´s with the both of you. I´m not a female pervert who tries to stand out!”

Irina gets angry and strike the water. Hugging Irina from behind, or rather catching
her, I whisper into her long ear from behind.

“That’s why Irina’s erotic pussy feels good”

“Huwaa… do, don’t blow against my ear”

I wrap my arms around Irina’s trembling small body and crawl my hands between
her barely developed breasts and her thin thighs.

“Don’t deny your erotic pussy?”

“No, it’s noisy. If you hang on to me, all the female holes will be erotic”

“They aren’t as erotic as Irina, right?”

Irina is excited every time I speak because I whisper at a distance with my lips on
her ear. And, the young elf girls who heard the content of the conversation (well, it is
natural because the hearing of an elf is good), start to whisper to each other.

“It’ll be well-known that Irina has a super lewd pussy”

“Nu, it, it’s just that she´ll know her frivolity. There is no bad meaning”

“She has already swallowed up to the first joint. It’s such a great talent to swallow it
with such a small secret place”

“……It’s quite good because people see it”

I’m sorry, I think I’m feeling a little better. Lip service is around here, and the
mischief to the crotch is strengthened while stretching the tongue out in earnest to
Irina´s long ear.

“Hu, nyaaa…!!”

“Ah, Irina-sama, that face…”

“…Wa, Wait are they really doing it…?”

“It’s not in yet, maybe…”

Noisy young female elves. Forgetting to hide their limbs, they gradually narrow the
distance and watch Irina’s foolery.

“Irina, let’s put it in…”

“Is, Isn’t it too early… hauu!!”

Holding Irina on the surface of the water who tried to protest a little, I left Irina’s
upper body to Laila, grabbed her butt and rushed between the labia.

“N, uuu…!!!”

“Hoho, is it comfortable, owner”

“Yes, it feels so good”

“S, Selfish man… ♪”

Laila’s wet, curvy nude, Irina’s straight nude. In the light of illusion, two obscene
bodies combine and my penis breaks into them.

“N, Now, naturally without support from the trainer…”

“They always do it this way, I’m sure…”

“Yes… how many people are there overnight?”

It is said that elves don’t deal with any number of people in one night as I listen to
the whispering conversation of the young elf girls. I think high-status elves have side
rooms and so on. But well, that’s fine. The center of Irina’s small waist and inside the
vagina are still narrow. Still, the tightening is not painful, it feels like entwining,
melting around my penis. And, even if Irina doesn’t move, Irina can wander around
or even move her vagina involuntarily. Thus.

“Haa… haa, cant I move…?”

Once Irina starts from herself, she tries to shake her hips without completely
concealing her erotic nature.

“…Move? It’s a demonstration of you being half-elfed right in front of elves”

“Hua… aa♪”

I whispered that, grabbed Irina’s butt, staked out and started shaking her hips.
“L… look, Irina’s face right now?”

“Yeah… it is horrifyingly sexy…”

“Hoho, good young girl. They say you’re sexy”

“Hua… a, aa… haaaaa… ♪”

The spectators are saying this and that to Irina, but while she is shaking, she screams
as she is stuck in the womb and can’t hear it at all. Splashes different from hot water
scattered from between the small buttock and I pursued the great pleasure caused
by the small meat hole. Vaginal folds and labia that try to keep my son tight as if
pulling it. If I poke it, it will try to drag me in. Irina buries her face in Laila’s chest and
makes her cheeks rub against Laila´s breasts while screaming in a weak tone. And I

“Hua, a, aaaaaaaaaa… ♪”

“KKu, uu…!”

At that moment I push the penis deep in the back and released my sperm. Irina cums
together with me. It’s a body that suits really well to me, even if you’re not aiming for
control. And, after being stiff, semen drips from the crotch that relaxes like a thin
wave. The young elf girls were looking at it with excited eyes.

“In, Incredible… really, inside… put it out…”

“Inside the White Clan Chief… Irina-sama looks satisfied…”

“Hoho, it has been released into a small child”

Irina kept her breath for a while with a vague act, but while she was soaked in the
afterglow of my ejaculation and her vagina was loose, she started making excuses.

“…I, I cant become pregnant. Because this man seeds a wild plot so much, Dianne´s
sister used a spell to not make me become pregnant”


“Hey, wait a minute, is the trainer like that every night, that to any kind of woman…?”
One of the young elves raises a disappointed voice, while the others get excited.
There are various reactions… I mean, I’ve forgotten about the birth control magic on
Irina until now.

“Then… if it isn’t worth it, there is no big difference if you continue to pour it again…

As Irina raises her face from Laila’s chest, she shakes her ass to seduce me. The girls
cheered with restraint.

“This nasty little girl”

“Am I not perverted by a pervert♪”

I poured another shot in.


Irina is completely satisfied and sinks into the bathtub, but I’m still cool. The next
performance was a line-up of Dianne and Laila’s ass.

“It’s not my hobby to have sex while showing it to someone I don’t know”

“Ho, aren’t you excited while saying such a thing, Dianne?”

“It’s just embarrassing… hiuu!!”

To Dianne who is saying that, I insert my penis which gained momentum vigorously.

“KKu, huu… Andy… no atrophy at all… ♪”

“If I think Dianne and others are waiting for me, I’ll get better and better”

“I’m always waiting for you… n, a, huu… ♪”

I cover Dianne, who holds her hand on the edge of the bathtub and shakes her hips. A
sensual nude unlike Irina. It feels soft no matter where you touch her. I shake my
hips while looking around her body persistently as if I had become addicted.
“Hoho, my body is not going to lose♪”

Laila leads my hand to her boobs. I moved my hands without being busy and finally
while rubbing her ass with my fingers both in the asshole and vagina, I pulled
Dianne’s nipples and shake my hips.

“Ha, a, ahaa… aa, auuu… good, Andy… having sex with Andy… ♪”

“Dianne’s pussy is also splendid…”

“Huhuu… different…”


“『Dianne’s erotic pussy』… isn’t that right, Andy?”

“…Dianne’s erotic pussy feels really good… can I ejaculate?”


Dianne smiles, sticks her hips out and pushes my hips away, then turns back and
pulls my son out.


“Even though I’m lining up with Laila, it would be a waste to put it out before using
Laila’s erotic pussy… ♪”

“Ho, isn’t the service good, Dianne?”

“…It’s about to come out now, so I’ll put it out in Laila´s vagina right away”

“I’m very welcome”

“Huhu, impatient, once you put it out inside Laila’s erotic pussy, next time you’re
about to pull it out of Laila and put it out in my erotic pussy♪”

“Ho, you seem to like the phrase for a long time”

Dianne was a little bit distracted when Laila pointed out… I don’t see much of it, but
she looks like she looks appropriate for her appearance.

“Only when Irina is around, Andy does that to give him a round of nasty guts. It’s a

“…What is the favor?”

That said, it may be a little bit offensive to Dianne. With a bitter smile, I pull out my
hand from Laila’s butt and push my son into her vagina. It is wrapped in pleasure
that has a different taste and I ejaculate immediately after 3 round trips.

“Nn… you’re coming in… ♪”

Laila looks happy. At the very least, I continue ejaculation while accepting the deep
kiss of Dianne who has embarked from the side.

“…Wow, like that… with two women, having sex constantly…”

“That’s a animal trainer…”

“It, It looks good just a little”

The young elves were impressed by the weird sex.

“…Smithson-dono is greedy. At all, even though two women have already become
pregnant with his child, he still can’t stop training women… ♪”

Finally Irina, who has finally revived, says something selfish again.

“But I’m not training separately. I’ll say it this time, but I’m not training anyone.
Somehow it’s different. I want you to understand”

I’ll just argue against it. But.

“So what is the conclusion that made the holy beast pleased, saying, 「I will continue
to have sex with you until I give birth to a child」?”

“Ho. Even Sharon, that swordswoman was glad to declare that she would stay by
your side and have sex with you until she gives birth to a child”
“…Well, half of the women who are wearing a collar now are the ones who can
remove your head lightly if you make a fuss about it. If you don’t hold them on the
premise that you’ll be able to do something, they’ll want to commit suicide…”

None of them were on my side. The girls made a noise.

“…It’s fine to be a animal trainer…”

While fucking Laila, I pretended to be a little depressed. Actually it’s so pleasant.


I commit Laila and ejaculate inside Dianne. Of course, Laila gave me a long tongue
kiss during ejaculation. And when the three of them were satisfied, my cock hasn’t
wilted at all.

“The power of the miraculous spring…”

“Ho. I’m still good?”

“Me too. I’ll be using Andy’s erotic cock until I’m satisfied”

“Andy´s penis is good, but I’m a little out of breath, so let me take a rest”

I sit down in the hot water. As long as I have a vigorous body and a girl’s naked body,
I can count on my penis to continue erections as much as I want. Since I was sitting
in a shallow place, I had to lie down until my upper body did not get soaked in water,
so I slept with a little thought. Only the glans came out of the hot water. The gaze of
the girls who make a noise is a little comfortable, so I get on a little tune, shake my
hips a little, and try playing with the sticky stick.

“What are you doing at last?”

A cold gaze was thrown at Irina next to me. However, one of the elf girls suddenly
approaches. When I thought it might be a story for Irina, she approached me with a
cheerful face.

“Umm… I hope it’s fine”

“Me too, that… could you let me experience it once…?”


It was a pretty girl. Elves are usually beautiful from a human point of view. My son
makes waves on the surface of the water. Irina panicked.

“No, stop, stop it”

“Why? I heard that the animal trainer also used his talent at Misty Palace. I don’t
think there’s no reason I could hold him alone, but…”

“T, There’s nothing to worry about when you’re the head of a clan. If it becomes a
problem in your clan, I can’t take responsibility”

“This is why people came out into the world. I don’t care about the current forest


“My clan has few men, so now my fiancee’s relationship is ambiguous and I have no
partner… at this rate, I may end up without hugging a man”

Following the girl’s response, the other girls went on.

“I won’t go so far as to ask the animal trainer to give me a child, as I know that he is
busy. It’s good for one night”

“Even though you showed us how pleasant it was… I’m inexperienced”


Irina frowns. Laila patted her head softly.

“Hoho, you don’t have to interference, small child”


“Owner has a lot of energy, but you’re loved. You’re not limited to a greedy owner. If
you don’t forgive him even if he’s a little violent, you’re going to have a hard time
from now on, won’t you?”


“Hahaha. Well, you can do as you like Andy

Irina tried to make a small reason, but the two older women were tolerant. With that
momentum, the girls come close to me with excited looks.

“…Well then, let’s get things done”

I tried to say it innocently, but the elven girls who I didn’t know their names just
nodded with their flushed faces.

“Yes, it’s the way things are♪”

“What will be done… ♪”

The magic light weakens the light over time and the moonlight in the middle of the
sky illuminates the women’s bath. I got up. I feel that my misunderstanding may
accelerate, but there was no reason for me to sleep if such cute girls said they want
to have sex with me.
The young elf girls are looking up at me, standing in the bath with eyes that are filled
with expectations.There are no four tall girls in all and each child is at most as tall as

“Well, just to make sure… you guys want to have sex with me”

Everyone raised their hands.

“If you taste Smithson-dono somehow in the flow, you will regret it”

Irina says it’s ugly, but it seems to stimulate their inquisitiveness to the way, but not
to scare them.

“I, It’s okay. If you’re a animal trainer!”

“That, it’s weird if possible… no, sex as a strong hobby is after I have done it normally

“Ah, me too… I want you to hold me normally…”

“…Whichever you like”

I’m not sure if the last girl really want to have sex with me.

“Let’s start from you”

Somehow I’m feeling fluffy, so I decided to start with the child who didn’t know if she
was so enthusiastic or not.

“What’s your name?”

“Gold Clan, Laurier”

She has a body that doesn’t much change from Irina and her blonde hair up to the
shoulder, which doesn’t change length throughout regardless of the back of her
bangs. She is a mysterious child with sleepy-looking eyes.

Laurier´s body is loose. I don’t have much skill, but I don’t think it’s good to screw it
into a small child.

“Huwa… su, such a place, touch… why…?”

“It’s painful at first if you don’t prepare to do naughty things properly”

“You didn’t do it to Irina- sama…”

“Because Irina is a pervert.”


Soap was thrown. It hurts a little when it hits my back.

“Hoho. Well, I’m not ashamed to have a body that would expect it immediately if I
was held by my owner”

“I have a position as a clan chief”

“…Then you’ve already lost it when Andy has sex here. Give up”

“Nu, Nuuu”

With the sidelines talking, I let go of Laurier, who had completely erected both the
nipples and clitoris.

“I’ll put this in”


Laurier, like the three before, naturally turned her back to me and raised her butt.
Because everyone was committed from behind. Does she certainly think that pose is
normal? But I turn Laurier around.


A kiss. Laurier opens her sleepy eyes a little and accepts it. Then I slowly push her
into the shallows water, rubbed my dick on her thighs while continuing to kiss and
gradually approached her labia. And then.



I pushed it in. While twisting down the small body, the joy juices of three people is
smeared on it.

“Nn… n”

Laurier closes her eyes. Being sleepy and talkative doesn’t mean that she isn’t
reluctant, but if she understands that it’s normal, her facial expression expresses her
tension, curiosity, adventurousness and interest in sex. Pushing into the small vagina
of a small body, I pull my waist while poking her and her side-stretched ears twitch

“Does it hurt?”

“O, Ouch… but…”

“I’m sorry. It’ll get better soon”


When I lick her ears, her ears immediately react again. Ticklish. Waiting for her to
get used to the pain while having such a tongue-to-lip match. Then I begin to shake
my waist.

“N, nu, n, ha, au, uuu…!!”

“Ah… Laurier, nn… it feels good inside of you…!”

“…U, Uh… alright… kku, uu…!”

While hugging Laurier’s body, I gradually shake my hips. I will carve my name on the
lower half of her body. When it rises to a certain degree, the control becomes
ineffective. Pleasure surpasses the concern and I shake so that I slam against
Laurier’s suppressed waist. Laurier seemed to suffer from beginning to end, but she
felt I was trying to ejaculate, so she smiled a little.

“Well, which is better, release it inside or outside…”

I thought it would be nice either way, so when I focused on Laurier, she suddenly
sucked on me.

“Nuu… in… inside, I’m prepared… ♪”

Then she put one foot on my waist and asked for a vaginal cum shot.


The lip is transferred to Laurier´s ear.



Ejaculating while whispering irresponsible things.

“H… Hu, haa… ♪”

Laurier gives a hot sigh to the first ejaculation. And.

“That, next…”

I use one hand to block the next elf girl from approaching us.

“Prepare again”



Surprising Laurier, I resume my hip-banging movement.

The second time, semen became a lubricant and it seemed more comfortable than I
expected and Laurier was happy below me.

“St, Strange sex… I didn’t do that. To that girl”

“Well, I was a little determined to do that”

It’s strange… I don’t have a hobby to force girls to overdo it during their first time.
However, while I was shaking my hips to Laurier in a row, the elf girls were
completely interested in it.

“I, I… its good even if it is strange sex. N, Next is me”

“Me too… I’m ready, so… ♪”

Perhaps they thought it would be irresistible to put it on the back any more, so two
girls came up from the hot water and rubbed my body together.

“What is your name?”

For the time being, it’s inconvenient if I can’t call their names, so I ask again.

“Gold Clan, Savory”

“Silver Clan, Fennel”

The girl named Savory is a girl with a blonde side tail. Fennel is a child who has
brown hair close to black and a single knot behind the neck. Both are excited, but the
first impression is that they both have calm feelings like Cherry Blossoms Christie.

“Okay, then the two of you… put your hands against the wall and line up”

“Doing it like the black dragon… ♪”

“Ah, emm… in the same way, I’m going to kiss you from the side…”


I stick to the transparent spine of Savor and pierce between the buttocks which are
good with flesh compared with the chest.
“KKu… ha, a…!!”

“Savory, I’m jealous… please snatch me away quickly, animal trainer… ♪”

“When you say that sort of thing”

I pushed her mouth away with my finger and moved to Fennel’s butt. Her butt is
tightly gripped and my son is still wet with the blood of Laurier´s virginity and I
penetrate Fennel´s virgin pussy.

“Haaaaa… ♪”

“…Fennel, san…”

Savory looks a little sad. When she makes such a face, I want to go back.

“Savory, turn your hips towards me”

“Y, Yes…”

“Well, are you going to go now, animal trainer-san?”

“You said it’s okay to have strange sex, didn’t you?”

The opposite of the previous Laurier. Before the roots of my tongue is dry… I think
so, but I want to do so for these two people. A man’s selfish desire Banzai.

“Ha, a, aaa… animal trainer, this… this is… nice… ♪”

“Even though you´re a virgin, you already feel it, but Savory is a naughty girl”

“M, Me too… me too, tonight… I will become a woman… here please… ♪”

“Got it”

Savory and Fennel sway their bloody butts and invite me to see what makes them
uplift. I was in good shape and alternatingly committed the two. Sometimes without

“H, Ha, hey, animal trainer-sama… something came out…!?”

“…I put it out”

“Y, Yes…!

“I’m still going”

“Yes… ♪”

“Please give it to me, here and there… ♪”

Ejaculate, commit and occasionally ejaculate. Sex continued and I changed between
the two girls. Having sex with a girl made me feel a little sick and addictive…
Although it is an false reputation.

The sky was already white when the last remaining girl who tied her silver hair like a
ring on the left and right.

“Oregano… I’m still going to put it out, do you want to get conceived…?”

“Yes, your little child… please give it to me…!!”

She, who calls herself Oregano of the Gold clan, responds to a serious order from a
virgin who shakes her hips over me, squeezing herself. Besides, it is the third time
already. I thought it was absolutely unreasonable, but thanks to the miraculous
spring, it seems that they would not have suffered so much, so I was able to do it.


“Ho, you’re going to sink, small child”

“…Mass psychology. I don’t know, but I don’t think Andy’s child is what a stranger

Dianne’s words are, in a sense, totally correct. Savory, Fennel and Laurier, who soak
in hot water, are against it.

“As a animal trainer’s discipline… also, if you can do this, I wonder if you can train for
“That’s what I think. Somehow”

“…When you’re stared at like that and you’re told to be conceived… well, I think it’s
okay to have a one-year inconvenience”

It seems to be strangely liked.

“If its bad, you’ll be excluded”

When Dianne shrugs her shoulders, they shout.

“It’s not bad outside. I thought so when I started living in this town”

“I used to think that if I was thrown out, I would have to die… but everyone is kind”

“N… I don’t have a partner anyway”

“Any nice-looking female elf can have any number of opponents… yes, or is there a
minority of men still trying to get out of Trot?”

Dianne-san is convinced. Even so, I pour semen into Oregano for the third time. She
is exhausted but smiles satisfactorily and avalanches on me.



“Andy-san, were you here?”

Jeanne and Selenium appeared in the first bath in the morning. The lower abdomen
of Selenium is beginning to stand out.

“What are you doing to the children of the city? It’s too early before you come to see

“Ah… sorry, somehow…”

I apologized, but when I raised my face, the four girls focused their eyes on
Selenium’s tummy. Selenium was staring.
“E, Eh, what is it?”




It was clear that they were interested in the results of pregnancy, but each of them
looked away.

“…How about doing it once again?”

I nod to Oregano’s offer. Regarding Jeanne and Selenium’s scornful eyes.


“Andy-san, you’re a little moderate, aren’t you?”

It was scary. I remember the terrible appearance of General Lucas who was killed by

“E, Emm, Oregano, next time”

Oregano had a slightly embarrassed face.

“…Yes, again, next time♪”

I stood up with caution. The sweat of the whole body and the semen which
transmitted the inner thigh were very erotic, so it was regrettable for a moment.



“Ou, Ouch, don’t pinch”

Morning. Everyone who stayed at the inn obediently surrounded us, (including
Selenium & Jeanne) who parted from Laurier´s group and returned completely softly.

“Dianne, what happened? You said we wouldn’t stay overnight without permission”

“Irina and Laila were there, so I thought there would be nothing wrong with it in
Polka, but at least… I’m to blame”

Especially the ones that came close to me were Anzeros and Aurora. Well, they’re in
charge of the corps discipline and they didn’t mind if something happened.

“Well, it’s the land where 10-man captain Smtihson ´s brides are. I thought he’d be
crawling on his brides at night”

“There was also a possibility that Naris-chan could flow”

“S, Stop, Gehogo!?”

“Ah, Naris, wipe it off. You’re a restless guy”

“Gehu, Gohu… ah, those words that hurt when Almeida-san says it!?”

“What do you mean”

The Red Arms are peaceful. In such a situation, Sharon and Hilda-san’s black-and-
white big-tit combination put their hands on their cheeks and sighed.

“I went to my room thinking that Andy-kun will come to eat me tonight”

“I didn’t think I could…”

Apple hugged Selenium lightly and was pleased to see her again, but thrusts Sharon
with a bitter smile, a troubled face or a subtle face.

“…That, Sharon-san is also very open…”

“Yes, of course, when you get the collar♪”

Sharon is completely familiar with Hilda-san and Irina shows a scornful gaze.

“…I think that an elf who has such a position and honor as such may be a frivolous elf
in such a condition. You don’t weigh yourself in public”

“But Irina-sama, too…”

“I´m properly weighted!”

I don’t think it’s as hidden as it sounds. And, Maia and Luna have a stuffy breakfast
without regard to us at all. It’s a little bad how they use a fork or how they behave,
but, well, I appreciate that they don’t get involved in such a scene. I mean, Luna aside,
I wonder if Maia has heard at least the conversation when it came out.

“So what do we do? Is it okay to take a day off today?”

It seems that Keiron and the other boys weren’t particularly worried, so they talked
to me from the table.

“Ah, there’s no fight or a journey for a while. Take a great rest”

“Yeah, let’s go to the hot springs and buy steamed buns at Keel´s shop”

“Of course drinking alcohol at night!”

“Calm down Lantz. We’re at the hot springs until 8 o’clock”

“Of course, brothers”

“Well, at least it’s good for both of you to have no girlfriends…”

“What are you saying, Boyd? We were just talking about soaking in the hot springs?”
“Yes, that’s right”


Lantz and Goto, who were already seen with white eyes and didn’t care at all, were

“Ah? What about 100-man commander Becker?”

I look for him who is supposed to visit this town for the first time, but he isn’t here.

“He told me, he is going to walk around the town”

Luna tells me, while chewing.

“He has a habit of always investigating the terrain in which he is staying. Well, it’s not
such a big town, so I think he’ll be back soon

I am satisfied with Dianne’s supplement. Well, sure it’s natural as an intelligence


“There’s nothing better than a lot of escape and hiding places”

Selenium nods… I think she has the genius of a really good intelligence agent.

I go back to my room and put on my properly washed clothes… Well, I was alert
because there would be nobody in the middle of the night, but I went straight to the
hot springs with my dirty clothes from my Catalina life. I can’t go to the Baron’s
mansion as it is. Then, when I was feeling refreshed, Selenium, Jeanne, Dianne and all
the others headed to the baron.

“The city is standing. This is… mostly from Trot´s side?”

It is not uncommon for a town to stand on a town square until early winter. It
becomes less frequent as the winter gets deeper and it will be completely cut off
before spring, but it is a good business because the hot spring guests are quite rich.
However, it took a lot of scale. I’ve seen a lot of elves bring in lots of money for
foreign currency lately, but maybe the first time a human merchant has come this
“It seems to be in place of elf demand. It seems that Orange Clan Gorkus-sama is
doing his best to exchange human resources with Folklore, so the recognition of
elves is rising”

Selenium explains to me. Gorkus, I haven’t seen him recently, but did he do his best

“There may be pressure on elves in the city, but it’s tough.”

Due to the history of conflict over the years, Trot people have a strong fear and
dislike against the elves. There are not many people in the countryside like Polka, so
it is not difficult to change the policy, but in places with many people, there are
people who are stubborn and sparse. I think the direction of the wind will not

“It seems that Celesta is exerting external pressure. Because the elves are guests of
Celesta, I don’t know if it’s bad…”

“…I see”

Celesta’s dominance is gradual, but he is completely reluctant to deal with a

completely disadvantageous opponent. There used to be a Trot aristocrat who led
his hand against Celesta’s Great Chamber of Commerce and expected to step down,
but there is also a story that the Overnight was thrown in immediately and the whole
town was destroyed in retaliation. Thanks to the innocent case, the safety will
increase considerably if Celesta applies external pressure.

“But I’m worried that they won’t buy a horn or a cheap one-horned horse”

“Ahaha… Christie seems to be careful about that, too”

Knowing the market price is important. I think the smart Christie will control it well.

As expected, we were welcomed by the Baron at his mansion.

“Andy good to see you. Did you get hurt?”

“Well, Laila and the others protect me”

He slaps my shoulder and welcomes me with a big smile. Well, it wasn’t too long
since I brought out a lot from Polka last time and since then there has been a big
battle… yeah, there was a fight with Orn, but it was safe. Generally good.

“Irina, it’s about time you settle down and work? You’re not very helpful over there,
are you?”

“Well, she’s useful!… Maybe”

Irina is rebuked by Christie.

“Irina said she must be the ambassador of Polka, but it’s not good to rely on Christie
for everything”

“Uh… I, I know. I’ll do it properly during the winter”

“Good Good”

When I stroked Irina, she was stroked quietly even though she was turning over for a
moment. Cute.

“Hey, Christie, some elves have started living in Polka in earnest?”

“Eh, well, I think they´re more adventurous… either way, if you live in clans, there
isn’t much difference in going through and interacting with each other every day, so I
told them to live in the forest. But”

“Muu. And all of them are young girls”

“Did you meet them, Irina?”

“Umm. I’m so sad because they´re lost in the incense of Smithson-dono”

I show a super insincere smile. Christie also smiles in a very troubled manner.

“Well, as a test case… I’m relieved that even people who don’t know much of Polka
will not come. I thought it would be for training people who can pass outside the
forest if it will continue to work”

“Umm, if that’s the case, please come”

The baron guarantees. The elf territory is rich in supplies and responds quickly to
monsters. It seems that the baron will not be harmed if they get along. I thought so.

“I really hope that there will be more beautiful places in the city!”

…How about being honest when there is a wife and children.

“Dear, please don’t look too sloppy in the presence of many women”

As expected, the Baroness appeared from nowhere and reached for the baron’s
cheek and twisted it. A dozen mustache hairs are pulled out.


“Ah, Baron-sama…?”

“It’s okay. My husband has to reflect a little”

There was no style of noble person who represented Polka to the baron who
crouched down and fainted.


Peter still sleeps comfortably in Baron’s mansion.

“If you don’t have your own house somewhere before you think about it, your son is
going to grow up thinking for himself that he is the baron’s child”

“I will do my best to have a home”

“…First of all, I wonder if I owe it to the baron”

While struggling with the baron, I patted Peter with Jeanne.

“The Baron said, 『If it’s Andy, I can give him a house as a gift』. He’s a benefactor”


I wonder about the words Selenium said. I know my father took care of the baron in
various ways, but I don’t know much about the baron… or rather, I feel that there are
many things that have been protected.

“Thanks to what Andy did, we were able to reconcile with the Elves and we’re all
happy that life has become easier”

“That is… I wonder?”

Without Laila, Lord Bonaparte and Aurora, I think I couldn’t survive last year’s
incident. I mean, I don’t care if I’m not there… I’m getting sad.

“When I think about it, I really missed this town and didn’t do anything…”

“Eh, why are you suddenly depressed!?

“Andy-san is really helpful. Alright”

Selenium patted my head. I feel kindness in my body.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been spoiled by Selenium”


“Uwa, Selenium is sly!”

“Selenium, can I suck your breasts?”

“Huhu, Andy is really, Peter’s daddy”

Selenium exposes her chest with a familiar hand. Big breasts jumped out from the
left and right and were in front of me. Even if it is not Peter, they are splendid and
beautiful boobs which cannot help but to feel inferior as a man.

“…Thank you for the meal”

I put Selenium´s nipples in my mouth. I can suck and chew her nipples sweetly. After
a long time, I love her body since I lost my virginity.

“NN… huhu, more than Peter, how… you suck♪”

“Can I lose to my just-born son because of eroticism?”

“Ehehe. You’re praising me, aren’t you?”

“I know”

“…I don’t think so either”

Even if I suck it, the taste of her skin is felt. Isn’t there milk yet? I also suck the other
breast. I sucks her boobs with a nice amount and elasticity in front of my son’s
cradle. Look at it, my son. The boobs of your favorite Selenium mama belong to me…
Or, with a sense of unprecedented superiority, I stroke Selenium’s ass.

“Ah… Andy-san, no…”


“It seems that ecchi is still useless. It might flow out”


I´m booing while rubbing Selenium´s butt.

“I was thinking that Selenium would be mine in front of Peter and I would complete
the declaration with a vaginal cum shot”

I mean, in words, I’m the worst daddy. Selenium giggled.

“I can do it with a fellatio… but is that alright with you?”

“I feel like I’ve lost something to the circumstances…”

“You can’t win!”

Selenium reaches for the belt while mocking me who is licking her breasts. It seems
to me that there is no option to put up with it for the time being. However, Jeanne’s
hand was entwined around my belt earlier than that.

“Selenium is just sly♪”

“Hehehe. Husband, my husband is just licking Selenium’s boobs”

Jeanne took off my belt, pulled my pants down to expose my penis, got up and took
off her clothes. The Baron’s daughter may have used these clothes before, silk long-
sleeved shirt, woolen cardigan, slightly long shorts and small white panty. Jeanne
gets rid of them and gets naked.

“Then, I declare my womb belongs to my husband… ♪”

“Ehehe. So then my boobs are master’s declaration at the same time… ♪”

Jeanne puts her upper body on Peter’s cradle and sticks her butt out. Selenium strips
off her upper body and presses her boobs against my face. I nodded and squeezed
my son against Jeanne´s butt and squeezed into her vagina.

“Nu, a, haaa… ♪”

“The two of us were flattered by the master… This, my boobs too…”

I still suck Selenium’s boobs while poking in and out of Jeanne´s narrow vagina. Not
only the nipples are sucked, but I also add kiss marks on her boobs.

“N, kyuu… ha, huuu…”

“This, pussy too… it’s just for me, it’s just for me to enjoy… no, I´m pretty happy”

Despite trying to say something with a lot of momentum, I can’t control my sense of
happiness by looking sideways at Jeanne’s erotic face and being intoxicated by my
penis. Jeanne’s skin. Her small back is happy. She gave birth to my child from this
little womb and she is still naked and waving to be seeded by me. Selenium’s breasts
are also nice. A half elf with such beautiful big breasts holds my child deep inside her
body, raises and cherishes it and tries to satisfy my lewdness. I feel the maximum
dedication and charm of a woman from them. I cannot help feeling happiness in
enjoying that passion.

“Andy… Andy, it feels good… more deeper, it’s good and it’s good even in the womb…

“Haa, a… Andy-san is so busy with kissing… Andy-san loves my boobs… its been so
many days, its wonderful… ♪”

I hold Jeanne’s small waist and shake. The cradle shakes. As expected, it is tingling.
Peter will wake up. Can I ejaculate before he is crying? It might be scary for a child
that a naked mother is crying on himself with an extremely naughty face. While
feeling guilty and feeling a little excited about the situation, I attached a tooth shape
to Selenium’s breasts.

“Nhya, aaaaa♪”

My son is squeezed by Jeanne’s tightly closed vagina and spits semen into her uterus.

“…W, Womb, I wanted you to ravish it more…”

Jeanne seemed to be tired, but she seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied that I didn’t
let my son into her uterus.

“I, If I did it more intense… the cradle will be broken”

“M, Muu… hyauu!?”

Jeanne suddenly makes a strange voice when I think she had a difficult face.

“What is?”

“Something… uh, what the hell is Peter doing?”

He seems to have approached Jeanne’s modest boobs from the cradle and took it into
his mouth. He doesn’t cry while being done only by the close range, and he sucks for
the time being. He’s a strong son. I push Jeanne’s ass and pull out my dick. The proof
that it has become comfortable is overflowing.

“E, Ehehe… milk is dripping from my pussy and boobs… ♪”

“That’s what a man should say. Don’t say it yourself”

It is me who pats Jeanne’s head while saying that.

“It’s fine. I want to say… 『Milk comes out from top to bottom♪』”

“It’s romantic, isn’t it♪”


For the time being, Peter seems to be happy with the two mothers who share a
strange romance. Once again, he was hugged by the naked Jeanne and he literally
sucked milk from his mother who has semen overflowing from her crotch.


Anzeros and Laila, who came to love Peter after a while, seem to have noticed the
smell in one shot.

“It’s bad for children’s education. At least outside, Andy”

“Ho. Rather, it’s the dignity of parents. Why don’t you show Peter how great his
father is?”


My greatness is only that kind of pervertness…? I can’t do it even if I want to argue.

“…Why are you so depressed, owner?”


“Can you comfort him, Laila-oneesama”

“Ho? Well, that’s fine”

I had Laila stroke me. I feel kindness in my body.

“Laila, can I suck your breasts?”

“Ho, you can suck them as you like”

“Ho-w-ev-er! Do that kind of thing outside!”

“Do we play outdoors next time?”

“Anzeros is a pervert”

Night. After the modest banquet with the Baron (al to say, it was big enough that we
didn’t have an open party), we were immersed in the hot spring.

“No, Trot’s food is delicious. I’m kind of like eating various foods, but Trot food is the
most satisfying”

Keiron is in a good mood and says so while soaking his shoulders in hot water. The
baron nods.

“Compared to summer and autumn, there is no denying the inconvenience of the

ingredients. I’m happy that our culture can be appreciated by people from other

“No, no, it’s like everywhere you have trouble with ingredients in winter. Celesta
doesn’t have snow, but the distribution of vegetables decreases”

…And so on, with Goto and Lantz silently going up the hot spring, two people are
talking peacefully. The Baron interrupted his conversation with Keiron and made a
sharp look.

“Are you going, youngsters?”

“Yeah, our way of life is aggressive and meaningful”

“Don’t stop, general”

The Baron stands up silently, grabs the towel and ties it around his waist.

“Is it something to stop? I am an aristocrat. The one who protects and guides the
people… I’ll follow you, Lantz-kun, Goto-kun”

“After all, you are the best!”

…It’s a scene that would be in love if it were on the battlefield, but it’s for peeping.

“Hu. They are sweet. Too sweet”

When the three of them disappeared into the underpass of the undressing hut, 100-
man commander Becker slowly stood up.

“The information war doesn’t require shy bowing. Quickly, without allowing the
opponent to sense, to secure a critical point… it’s ridiculous to go all the way in the
cold for that”

While redressing, 100-man commander Becker becomes serious.

“Do you want to go too, 100-man commander Becker?”

“Yes. I´m sorry for you, but… this task force has too many attractions. Almost all of
them are a Shangri-La-like paradise, I can’t stop my desire to scout”

“…No, well, have fun”

Either way, I can’t stop 100-man commander Becker and I don’t know how I feel. On
the back mountain, Becker disappears like a monkey.

“Everyone is fine…”

Boyd murmured.


The old shoemaker Harry, who had been silent and soaked into the water for some
reason, made a strong point without a meaning.

After a while, the entrance door opens. When I turned around to see Johnny, Keel,
and their children, alongside Jackie, there are also beautiful women like Dianne,
Laila, Apple and Sharon undressing.
“Ah, ladies, this is the men’s bath?”

Dianne listened with a cool look as Jackie said with open eyes.

“I know. Don’t worry”

“Hoho. Well, think of us as an eye candy”

The bare naked girls and Sharon, a little embarrassed, come in hiding the local area
with their hands.

“…Apple aside, what are you doing here Sharon?”

“Well, I didn’t really care about it, but it’s a bath with you. About once…”

Somehow, the gang moral has become dangerous recently.

“I’m happy, but there are Grandpa Harry and Keiron. Also Boyd”

After all, it was only Sharon and Apple who looked a little overwhelming and Dianne
and Laila were calm.

“Has that idiot Becker already jumped out?”

“It’s the correct answer to leave Maia and the knights behind”

“Uh… a little pity”

“Even Sieg Becker will find it difficult to achieve his goals against a dragon”

As expected, there was a lot of noise in the women’s bath. At the time of the turmoil,
the baron and the boys were set to escape and 100-man commander Becker could do
his best.

At the men’s bath with a roughly equal male and female ratio. However, Apple and
Sharon clung to me. Dianne and Laila thought that it wasn’t too solid, or seemed to
be relaxing at a moderate distance. It cannot be said that Boyd and Keiron are
accustomed to such a scene… I can’t say that they are accustomed to such a scene,
but they are still immersed in the hot water and are silent, while Jackie-san’s eyes
are wandering around with awkwardness.
“Bocchan, arent Celesta’s women a little too open?”

“Celesta people aren’t open, they just don’t care…”

“Yes. Well, in Renfangas, mixed baths, etc… well, I’ve heard that there are cultures
like that in St. Gard”

“I, It’s also a small part of the northern forest”

No, Apple would only confuse Jackie-san if she showed such knowledge.

“Hoho, well, from my point of view, peeping is like a culture of its own in this place”

Jackie-san shakes his head as he points to Laila.

“I, It’s ridiculous. I don’t think culture is… Baron is a bit ridiculous, yes”

“You might be just too serious? There were many women who didn’t mind the
mischief of men even in the women’s bath”

“Well, I don’t want them to see my wife or Sara… that’s what I want…”

“I don’t know. Well, it’s okay to leave it in the countryside too much late at night. I
also understand that the person who is a little bloody”

“Umm… I don’t really understand”

Jackie-san is serious. I wonder how he found his wife in this Polka. His wife was a
person I didn’t even know, so she shouldn’t be a local born here…

“Haa… but, the bath here is relieving…”

Apple is trying to hold on to me, but she looks up at the sky and exhales a sexy

“It must be good hot water… but the men’s bath is still uncomfortable”

“No, you don’t have to force yourself, Sharon. You can still go back to the women’s
“That’s right”

No, you don’t have to look like an abandoned cat.

“…Andy-bocchan, did you get your hands on the young lady before you know it? I’ve
heard from Jeanne that Celesta allows to have a lot of brides, but this person isn’t
from Celesta”

“…Yes, well, a lot of things…”

It’s been a while since I’ve been here before, but I can’t get through to Jackie. Dianne
laughs leisurely as she listens to the exchange.

“But I think it’s better to think a little and make a move. I think that with Andy, it will
be possible to handle up to 10 people or so, but if there are too many modifications, I
don’t know what will come from where?”

“Don’t say anything scary”

It’s a fact though. I think humans will definitely come to us. Apple laughed loudly,
hugging my arm, who was sweating cold while warming in the hot spring.

“If you think about it, most of the girls Andy is talking to are 「Out of the ordinary」,
aren’t they? Me and Selenium are the same and Laila is also a person left behind by
friends. Also, Anzeros. Aurora and Irina are disliked by the common sense of elves.

“Ho. Dianne and Hilda are similar in that they are far from their relatives because of
their abilities”

“And to Almeida-san… Sharon-san too”

“I, I´m… that’s not why…”

Sharon was a little embarrassed, but rubbed at me and thought.

“…Surely I could say I’m a stray person. I was always protected by my brother…”

“That’s the kind of girl Andy-san likes. I think it’s a sense of security that people like
Dianne and Laila, who are too strong and scared to open their distance from others,
or who don’t understand their nature like me or Selenium, will surely accept it and
that they won’t betray Andy-san as long as he likes us”

“…Maybe it’s true. Andy never wanted my power. Even though he wanted my love
and body”

Dianne says so with a gentle expression. Laila also raised half of her body from the
bath and whispered as she looked up at the moon.

“Hoho. That’s right. He knew that I was a dragon, but he only wanted to just hold me
as a woman. It was beyond my expectations to say that I wanted to protect them
because I was lonely, worried and pitiful, but it was comfortable”

“…Andy-bocchan is a real man”

“No, I’m just horny”

It hasn’t changed since I was a child, saying that I want someone without thinking
about it. It’s all just a lewd mind. However, everyone is so attractive that I don’t get
tired of them and I want to answer them as a man as much as possible. Even though
it is impossible to balance them, I want to take responsibility for my own desires and
answer them. It’s simple and they know I’m a weak person. Maybe it’s because I
don’t have a good backbone, but they understand me and don’t ask me for money
and power, so they just ask me to love each other. That’s it.

“Lecher. Huhu, don’t worry. Still… you’re the man I love, understand and I need.
That’s what makes me truly calm”

Laila giggled to Dianne’s humble words.

“I think from the olden days, Dianne is very similar in spirit to a dragon… You don’t
like the place where the owner’s hands are involved”

“What is that?”

When I pointed out, Laila showed a motherly smile.

“It is good that our existence exists together. He enjoys, tolerates, and craves my
existence. We dragons are satisfied with it. We dragon’s want someone who looks
straight at us. It’s suitable to call that person a rider, because it allows me to be
centered around being a woman, not a destroyer, not a faith”
“…I think you would want a man if you were a good woman”

Frankly speaking, Jackie-san and Keiron fluttered their hands.

“No, no, I’m so scared of a dragon that I can’t handle it”

“I’m bad for Laila-san, but I wish I had a more relaxed wife”


“…I can only think of Sylvia. But if I think Sylvia is a dragon, I will accept it”

let’s leave him alone.

“…Surely it’s Andy-san. Even if you’re carrying a weird situation or seeing everything,
he’ll still see you as a girl… he’ll try to make you happy as a woman”

“…Yes, that’s right. Maybe that’s why I’m getting to like him more and more”

Sharon nods to Apple’s words.

“Somehow, Smithson is starting to look like a guy”

For some reason everyone laughed at Keiron’s mesmerizing words… You don’t have
to laugh. I was a little convinced and thought that I might be great.


Apple swirls in front of me, proudly.

“I love you. Selenium and I… please make us happy”

Sticking to my body. Both her soft boobs and upper arms are directly attached to me
in front of everyone’s eyes. I kissed her quietly but long.


Meanwhile, Laila makes a slightly strange voice. As she is looking at the sky, I follow
her line of sight and see black shadows in the clear sky.
“That is…”

“Ho, blue lizards”

As I looked at it, I found that the shadows were getting closer to me and that they
gradually reflected the moonlight and glowed blue. Eventually, they got down to the
distance where the sky over the men’s bath was covered with wings and the
phantom shock. The brain is shaken. And.

“It’s been a while, Maia´s rider and Laila-dono”

Several naked men and women appeared in the center of the bathtub. At the heart of
it is Maia’s great uncle, Broll. And.

“Great uncle! Mother!”

Did she fly straight from the women’s bath in a hurry? Maia slipped on the landing
and almost fell back, so I hurriedly supported her.

“Y, Yaaa!?”

I was rushing to support her butt, so I thrust my finger into Maia´s butt hole by
accident and Maia, who regained her position, looked a little embarrassed.

“What are you doing, Andy-san?”


It was seen by everyone.

“It’s an accident!”

“Hahaha, you seem to be familiar with Maia. More than anything”

Broll-san was a completely rigid person.

“And why did you come here?”

When Laila asked quietly, Broll-san and Maia´s mum whispered.

“Of course, get in touch with the elves”

“It’s until we come to say hello”

This is the men’s bath. It’s the men’s bath, but the naked girls are overcrowded. I also
want the old man to be a little silly. And Maia loosened her ass and let go of my
Although Laila takes off her clothes in public, she is a resident of the clothing culture
area. Even if I don’t say it, she will dress herself to some extent. However, the Blue
Dragons, the residents of Misty Palace, didn’t seem to care at all even though they got
the attention.

“Bu, Broll-san, if you get out of the hot spring, you should wear clothes!”

“Hmm? Oh, yeah. It’s a rare thing to come to a village”

Broll-san steps out on the road without any hesitation while leaving his cock hanging
around. Since he took the initiative without hesitation, Tsukkomi will also be
delayed. And of course, Maia´s mum and the other dragons who followed naturally
didn’t wear anything either.

“If this is the case, Polka will become a naked village…”


Grandpa Harry nodded so powerfully. It is a problem if you nod.

Asti, put on your clothes”

“I’m sorry, uncle, I forgot to take it with me”

“Nu. I’m sorry, Andy-dono. The clothes seems to have been left in the Palace”

“It’s okay, go in once! Don’t come and go naked!”

I pull the dragons through the wall.

“Laila, do you have any spare clothes?”

“Ho. I don’t have the hobby of collecting clothes”

“I want you to become a costume chief in the future by all means”

It’s a kind of image of collecting glittering clothes and jewelry, but dragons?

“Wrapping clothes is enough. Then Laila will take them out”

“Oh, that’s not the case”

As Dianne points out, Laila takes out several clothes.

“Wrap it properly”

“Thank you”

Blue dragons wrap the clothes around each other. When I calmed down… there were
5 people in all and all were female except for Broll-san. The clothes aren’t very wide
and even if they are wrapped around their chest and waist, it becomes a sensational
dress that the gap is very worried about, but it might be better than walking through
the town center completely naked.


“Cheers for a happy reunion”

Broll-san and the beautiful women arrived at Polka’s inn and toasted at the cafeteria.
It seems to me that they are dragons that bring only alcohol without clothes.

“Nevertheless, Andy-san, don’t you feel bad if you ask the elves and often come back
and leave us alone for almost a year?”

“Ah, no, hahaha”

Maia´s mum asked me and I look away. This person is also very young to look at, and
even if she is said to be Maia’s sister, she doesn’t feel uncomfortable. The wrapping of
the cloth is appropriate, so the skin I see and hide is dazzling, but I want her to
understand my feeling that I can’t stop at Dragon Palace so much. Because nearly
thirty shots were pulled out last time.
“Andy-sama, he was so busy… it took him a while to get his hands on the holy beast
and the elves. Don’t blame him too much, mother”

“Well. Aside from the holy beasts, about the elves… tell me if there’s a need”

“No, what are you going to do if you don’t like it?”

I don’t feel like being calm when a dragon says something like that.

“Andy-sama is my rider. Mother if you don’t like that, not good”


Maia steals the liquor bottle from her mother.

“Don’t interfere too much with the world when you don’t have a rider, right?”

“Yes, but… well, why don’t you contract with me, Andy-san?”

“No, no, is that all right?”

I know that there is no limit on the number of people in a Dragon’s 「Power Contract
」, but is it okay for her to be under a male´s control?

“Ho. It’s a good thing because I and Maia aren’t so obsessed with copulations! From a
person’s point of view, if you surround a bottomless dragon further above this, you’ll
be able to keep it for many years”

“…Why shall I?”


When I got on Laila’s point, Maia´s mother backed down as if it wasn’t too bad. She
wasn’t expecting that much from the beginning, right?

“However, it is not a great distance from the silver territory. You may come and visit
us. Of course, just for seeding… ♪”

“Even if it’s not me, it seems to be normal, but a man wants to be naughty with a
beautiful woman at Misty Palace”
I answered while drinking the liquor brought by the dragons tightly. When I think
about it, I feel that it is not a good story to be calm in the dining room of the inn no
matter how much. But Broll-san and other Dragon Beauties were chatting with Hilda
and Irina, who had pulled out of the women’s bath and no one was sticking to them
because they didn’t listen to them. However, it is a delicious liquor with a very dense
aroma. I wonder if it’s an elf liquor.

“Of course, we used to have partners in the past, but… I don’t like elves because they
have a long life and they hate sexual desire. It’s not uncommon to spend a little
intense night in a village on an yearly basis. But no man, no beast, no one can come
close to our palace”

“Ogres and dwarves, too?”

“It goes without saying”

Well, it’s a cave between a mountain range and the elf forest. Even Polka as close as a
dozen kilometers has hardly been recognized until now (that’s why the fire dragon
war and Polka could have been unrelated) and it can be understood that other races
have no connection.

“I also heard that in the human world, you are alienated simply by being involved
with dragons. In such circumstances, Smithson-sama, who can negotiate openly, is
special in that way. For dragons, it is a precious partner to be involved in with peace
of mind. It’s the kind of person you can invite with peace of mind…”

“Yeah. Andy-sama is special”

“…How is that?”

I once again drink from the liquor. Well, I don’t know what they’re saying, but it’s
because of the political power of Dianne, Irina and Aurora. I couldn’t have Laila or
Maia without being a recluse alone and I’m wondering if I could endure such a life.
However, it’s also difficult to call a dragon.

“But this liquor is delicious. It’s neither a rush like 『Stormy Whale』 nor a tingling
sensation like 『Great Ice field』 but just by including it in the mouth, the scent
comes out”
“Huhu, Smithson-sama is quite a good drinker, isn’t he? This is the treasured
medicinal herb alcohol of our palace”

“Medicinal herb alcohol?”

There is a stereotype that you can get such medicinal liquor and have a weird taste.

“Why, why did you drink such a thing? This is the Great Ice Field”

Apparently, the dragon liquor isn’t being drunk except by the blue dragons and me
who was drunk. Well, I remember this development quite a bit. I have a very bad

“Treasured… are you using medicinal plants that you can’t get anywhere else?”

“Now… the mix may be special and our palace is negotiating with the outside”

“We use the herbs brought by the elves. It takes about 10 years from preparation to

“…I know it’s valuable. For example, emm”

I glance at Irina. Isn’t Christie also here…?

“Why don’t you use Kanetsuki grass?”

I try to say a little bitter name that I pulled out of the bottom of my memory.

“Ah, that one… I was using it…”


No, dragons were much more resistant to such weird effects than elves.

“The herb has been proven to have really dangerous effects on humans”


“R, Really, Andy-sama?”

“I was accidentally made to drink by Christie and it was terrible”

I stand up in a hurry. I haven’t had any other sensation other than drunkenness at
the moment, but it’s not very good when I take a detour. Neia, Naris and Tetes appear
to flicker in the corners of the field of view, but I can’t cry when I attack them and do
a lot of things in self-defense.

“Ma, Maia. And Laila. I’m going back to my room, so follow me”

“? Nursing?”

“Ho, I think it’s better to look for Hilda”

“N,No, it’s okay with you guys. Hilda-san… I think she’s going to squid exceptionally
easy when I attack her. That’s why I feel so miserable”

I intended to keep the latter half of the lines in my chest, but if I got drunk, I would
say my whole thought. Thus Maia´s mum stands up quickly.

“I see, is it a dangerous effect that might attack a woman… ♪”

“Mother, I and Laila are all right”

“…Give up, Maia. She has a hopeful face”

Laila shrugged her shoulders.

I run into the bedroom in a hurry so that I don’t run into any more oddities.


When I got to the bedroom, I found the corner of my field of vision to be a little
strange. It may be the effect of the Kanetsuki grass. Do I fall asleep early? If Laila and
Maia come while I’m enduring, no one will receive any harm if they take my desires
to their heart’s content. Thinking so, I take off my clothes and sit down on the bed.
Then, the door opens soon. There.

“I came to get some seeds… ♪”

Maia´s mother and other dragon beauties slowly entered, removing their clothes one
after another at the entrance of the room and throwing them away.

“Sorry, Andy-sama. I couldn’t stop them”

“Hoho. Well, I don’t mind trying to have a good idea without using temptation, but it
doesn’t matter”

Two of my women come in after that, too. I breathed a stinking sigh of alcohol.

“…Hold on”

I push Maia´s mother away who approaches me with her chest.

“Do you only want seeds? Then sit there and wait”


Maia´s mom is a little bewildered. And I get up and go through the female dragons
and catch Maia. I roughly press Maia, still dressed, against the wall, roll up the hem
and shift the panty down by the distance necessary to put it just below the buttocks.

“Ah, Andy-sama…?”

“It’s okay, just stick out your ass”



I entered into Maia´s vagina, which was barely wet, relying only on my own
pioneering work, which had only been expected since I was aware of the effects of
Kanetsuki grass.

“Ah, Andy-sama, mother and the others…!?”

“I don’t like the fact that they want only my seed, so I’ll just throw in seed later. Laila
and you are in charge of sex”

I’m in Maia’s vagina, who shakes her hips and makes only slight movements and I
don’t thrust into the back. However, I’m in a weird mood, whilst shaking my hips and
holding Maia’s butt. It will get wet soon.

“…So…… I’m good, but… nn♪”

Maia shouts at a complex tone. She is the one who makes my penis go up. Ejaculation
is another person. I’m going to do that for four Misty Palace dragon beauties in this
room. It’s just a tool. I feel quite toxic when I don’t feel guilty about it.

“Wh, Why…?”

Laila smiles and explains to Maia´s mother who is confused.

“Ho. Our lord loves to be pampered by a woman with all her might. If we only ask for
seeding and only for pleasure, we will be twisted”

“Eh… then, what should I do…”

“Think about it”

Laila approaches me from the side and kisses my cheek while pushing her boobs
against my arm. I gradually shake my hips towards Maia, who is gradually getting
more moist and I look into Maa’s writhing face and grin while pulling out.

“A, nn… ♪”

Leaving the sexy exhaling Maia alone, I show off the climax of the climax.

“Look, when you want to be seeded, open your crotch, stick your ass out and show it
to me!”

If I were calm, I would think that this would be great for me against dragons who are
a natural disaster itself. However, I’m not normal and only the clinging feeling to
them that they came to be seeded is prioritized and I become arrogant.


“Y, Yes… seeding here… ♪”

As I told them, some of them opened their crotch on the bed and turned their hips on
all fours towards me, but Maia´s mother looked at me with a confused look.
“What’s the matter, you just want the seeds?”

When she sees me negligent for a while, she finally smiles.


And she gave me a kiss.

“…I hope we can love each other.”

“…Pass. Open your crotch”


Maia´s mother, no, I push Asti down on the bed. Pushing my son into her vagina that
was expecting and then ejaculating suddenly in the fully-ripened vagina.


“That’s bad. Then do we make love to each other?”

“Y… Yes, I love you so… n, naaaaa!”

While ejaculating, I ignore the pleasure and start shaking my hips. I don’t feel as if
my head is vague and want to thoroughly enjoy the ejaculation and begin to overrun
while ejaculating.

“…M, Me too! If we can make love to each other, there’s nothing better than that!”

“Can you make love to my ass…?”

The other dragon beauties changed their policies in a hurry. It’s a little humorous,
but I’m happy.

“Yes fine, I will make love to you. I’m going to stick all over you…!!”

Putting Asti’s feet on my shoulders, I shake my hips like a monkey and knead Asti’s
boobs in agony. Also ejaculate, pull out before it ends, sprinkle sperm and aim at the
next woman.
“…Oh dear, troublesome owner”

Laila sighs while undressing again. And, Maia is sticking against the wall and sticking
her ass out.

“…What should I do…?”

I was at a loss.

“Come here, I’ll love you all together”

I was puning the butt hole of a dragon beauty and I made a good decision.
The dragons are all somewhat similar to Maia, but the similarities are different. It’s
the youngest (likely) woman next to Maia who gave me her butt hole and what
resembles Maia is mainly her sharp eyes. However, even with the eyes that would
actually give a cold impression, it was pointless to behave in a naive and shallow
manner, pushing the buttocks while desperately begging me to hold her.

“You´re such a happy girl to have your butt hole ravished by me. Do you not want to
become pregnant”

“No, Not good…?”

“No. I love such perverts”


I have already ejaculated once in her ass, but fortunately or unfortunately, the shock
of consciousness-burning ejaculation is alleviated by the action of the herb, so I
continue to ravish her butt hole without a break.

“I don’t like sex that wants to make children, like an obligation. Making a greedy girl
get drunk with my cock like you is good…”

“Ah, a, aaaa…”

Pulling out my cock from the buttocks and immediately moving to the vagina. my
middle and ring finger are thrust into the bottom of her ass hole, while I invade her

“It’s good enough to seed you after being so sluttish!”

“Ha, uaa♪”
I leap through the two holes that are completely wet. I’m swinging my hips around,
covering her back and whispering to her ears.

“Hey, tell me your name… I’m trying to taste both the ass and the pussy, but I don’t
know your name?”

“…Ju, Julienne…”

“Julienne, it’s a good name, you seem to love it in your asshole!”

What I’m saying is super appropriate. I mean, what is the name that seems to like
doing it in the butt hole and one second later, I’m sickening myself in the brain. By
the way, while committing the asshole with one hand, my other hand rubs her boobs
and I move my waist, so maybe from the side it looks super exciting. However, she
whispered to me, making a thin expression less than a smile and waving her own
hipy to support my cheerful and half-hearted movement. She tries to devote herself
to pleasure.

“Yes, I love my ass… Maia´s owner, I love you a lot… ah, the words that I love you, how
embarrassing and sweet… ♪”

“Ah, I also love you… I want to roll sideways and hold you from the front”

“Yes… n, nn… ah, don’t pull it out,… love it to the depths♪”

It was a bit difficult to change the posture while still being inside, but Julienne slowly
rolled her hips sideways, raising her legs in a very flexible movement, putting herself
in front of my face and putting her leg around my hips. She also wrapped the other
leg sparingly.

“How is it…?”

“Its okay, I can fuck you while sucking your breasts”


I cover Julienne from the front and suck her nipples while rubbing her breasts with
both hands. Although she is young, she may well be a mature dragon. Beautiful
breasts that assert herself, rather than discrete breasts like Maia, make me drunk.
Julienne shakes herself to urge me, who is obsessed with her boobs and neglects to
move the hips.

“Haaa… hard, kuruuu… ♪”

“Shake your hips until you feel like this”

“Y, Yes… Maia´s owner, please ejaculate at anytime… ♪”

Julienne begins to shake her hips in a wavy motion, putting her hands on my nape.
The greedy movement is full of lust with carnal desires and entertains me fully with
her scruffy, obsessed look. Eventually, I got exhausted with her breasts and clung to
Julienne in earnest and shook my hips in accordance with the skillful movement of
her waist.

“Ah, a, aaa… lo, love… I’m loved now… ♪”


Before I knew it, Maia, who was next to me, whispered a little dissatisfied and got on
the bed.

“Julienne, don’t go crazy… Andy-sama, he is my owner…”

“B, But this is… ah, love me more, love me… ♪”

Perhaps she was hungry for the word love. While thinking that I pushed a strange
point, I lost to the grind of the dynamic waist and ejaculated.

“A, aaaa… ♪”

The soothed Julienne hugs me tightly. She raises her happy waist and is persistently
toying with it with her fingers. Her fingers didn’t go into her butt, but she looked
happy at being toyed with.

“…Haaaa… Maia´s owner, likes my buttocks… I wish you had a contract with me…”

“Ho, he prefers wombs rather than ass, right? I´m going to show you”
Laila, who was next to me like Maia, points out.

“Is… that so”

To Julienne, who was a little disappointed, I whispered in a slightly withered voice.

“…I told you we’re going to make love together”

I’m just trying to find the place I feel comfortable with the other party’s favorite

“…The nickname animal trainer isn’t just for show”

Julienne smiles. Kissing that smile, I move on to the next woman.

The other two were older than Maia’s mother, Asti. Of course, they don’t look like old
humans with an old body or deteriorated skin, but it feels that way due to the
expression and the atmosphere.

“Can you love me too, Maia´s owner?”

“Of course… I´d like to say, but wait a minute…”

I feel tired when I leave Julienne alone. Even though the suspicious action of herbs
has reduced fatigue, the physical strength cannot be maintained if I endlessly stick to
a female dragon. It was a feeling that there was a reminder of something.
Nonetheless, their nudes are still splendid and the female dragon who talked to me
had ripe fruit-like boobs and the female dragon next to her had tight, protruding
boobs. Perfect to keep my excitement. I laid down between them while holding my
breath, stroking the four boobs while looking up.

“Nn… as expected, Maia´s owner has a reputation as a woman lover. How are my

“They’re huge… I want to sleep between these boobs”

“Ho, I’m going to make it come true as much as you want”

Laila raises her voice, as if she were out of her mind.

“Of course I ask Laila to do that. But I want to get caught in these boobs right now”

“…What a spoiled child”

Laila is disgusted. Yup. You’ll be disgusted. I am disgusted too. But now I’m saying
what I´m thinking. There was no adult self-control.

“Huhuhu… if that’s the case. Michela”

“Yes. Airi, I know”

The two older women nodded at each other and slept with me. No, they sleep a little
bit higher than I do. In other words, their groins came around my elbows.


I was tightly pressed from the left and right by four boobs.

“A man always loves boobs”

“It doesn’t have to be cute. I wanted to keep my boy sucking as much as he wanted as
long as I become pregnant”

I don’t think breastfeeding is like that. But I shake my face and try to move. Oh Boobs

“…Andy-sama, it’s kind of ridiculous”

“Ho. Maia, can’t you wait so long for your boobs to grow?”

“……I, Its alright, Neia, also have small boobs which are growing and I may grow up
soon before she grow up”

You care about it…

“I don’t hate boobs that are about Maia´s size. That’s fine to play with all day long”

“…Andy-sama do it right away. You dont even do it”

It is a rebellious period. But.

“My goal is to have more than ten days to kill a day just for naughty things during
this winter”

I decided now.

“For real?”


“…Then, can you play with my breasts all day long?”

“I´ll do my best”

“…T, Then, I’ll forgive you even if it’s ridiculous”

Maia was a very nice girl.

“Huhuhu. She is completely in touch with you”

“I’m jealous, not only did you become a Dragon Rider, but you are loved so much…”

The mature female dragons laugh from the top of the left and right.

“I’m going to love you now”

“Thats right. Now, love my body as you like, Maia´s owner”

“Hold me as much as you want, not just Airi. I’m embarrassed because I don’t know
any men since I gave birth to Julienne”

Both of them lined up on me on all fours, each with a fascinating smile while gently
rubbing their boobs against my arms.

“Okay, then… get on you”

I turn my eyes to the dragon called Airi. She used a slightly male or old-style
wording, and, on the other hand, she put her arms around her body to show off a
body that could only be described as a woman and licked her mouth with her
slender tongue.
“When I was young, I had many male elves leave the house, didn’t I? Are you ready?”

“If you don’t want to do that, I will start with her…”

“Ah, I´m kidding, love me”

She seemed to have a slightly playful personality. Such she slowly straddles me.
When she shakes her voluminous boobs and drops her plump buttocks, my penis is
swallowed in her lukewarm vagina.

“…St, Still, manly… ♪”

“Come on, shake your hips… d, dont stop”


I wake up suddenly. Hugging while kissing the annoyed Airi, we deep kiss for a few
tens of seconds.

“Puha… wh, what…”

“I want to shake my waist”

Holding Airi up, I stood up from the bed and shook her.

“Ha, aaahh…!”

“Hold it tight”

Shaking the writhing Airi. Although I was getting more confident in my legs and feet,
I couldn’t hold it for a long time because my physical strength isnt outrageous, but I
still wanted to blame her while shaking the slightly dripping breasts of Airi.

“Ha, a, aaa… w, womb, it’s pierced… wrenched open… ♪”

“Surprisingly light, Airi…!”

“…I, I’m happy with the flattery… comfortable… n,nuuu♪”

Zuchu, Zuchu, Zuchu… the sound of water is made according to the swaying waist. It
looks like it’s quite wet, as I can see the nasty qualities… After repeating the
movement for a while, I put her on the bed again.

“Let’s go…!!”

I started swinging again.

“Ha, a, a, a, a, a,… ah, ahuaaa♪”

When I start blaming her, Airi is completely a tuna. It’s unlimited. I hit the womb at
high speed like a dog. Airi who has disturbed hair agonizes.

“What is your preparedness…!?”

“I, I’m sorry, when I was young… it was hundreds of years ago… that’s also about the
pale elves… ♪”



“It’s my ejaculation that made many elves and dragons female slaves. Are you

“…Ye, Yes… ♪”

She’s pretty cute. The atmosphere is increasing year by year. Airi clings to me with
teary eyes and begging for ejaculation, I slam my waist as much as I can to ejaculate
and start ejaculation.




By the time I turned to Julienne’s mother Michela, I had somehow cleared my head.
That is.

“…E, Emm… Can I do that?”

“Somehow… the momentum has weakened…”

What a great thing I was doing. I was calm.

“But… I’m good at that sort of thing too♪”

Michela gently licks her fingers and slowly covers me. Even though she is the parent
of an adult dragon, she has a mature atmosphere. Her appearance is really youthful
and the most assertive boobs of the four dragons are thinned out to me.

“Do, Dont be too hard on me”

“I will handle it carefully”

“Handle it carefully!?”

“…Once you put it in, it’s a mess!”

When Michela smiled and sat down on my penis, she looked like another person in

“…A, After all, I can’t stand it… it’s so intense, because it is seen… ♪”

Shake her hips. Shaking her hips vigorously.

“Ku, u, uaaaa”

“Ha, a, aa… ah, great, it’s so good, it comes to a comfortable place… ♪”

There is no technique like Hilda-san, but the movement of the lewd woman is
overwhelming. Airi’s heroic story can be understood by this person. this is…

“Gua, aaaa!!”

“Ah, a… come out… ♪”


“Michela, it’s about time to switch. Andy-sama is my rider”

“N… ju, just a little more…”

“I will keep it until tomorrow”

“Ahh… I want to make love again”

“I wanted you to put it in my butthole again…”

“Hu, Huhuhu, well today is okay to draw”

I kept running out until the juice was almost transparent and I ended up sleeping
like fainting between female bodies… After all, I can’t beat the physical strength of a


The next morning, when I left the room, Broll-san was still drinking with Dianne.

“Oh, Andy-dono. You look tired”

“…You heard it, didn’t you?”

It’s a dragon.

“Well, they’ve all lost riders or they’ve never had one. No one complains when
they’re seeded”

“…I wonder what the excitement is. I mean, if they lost a rider, is it okay to have a
partner immediately…”

I wish it wouldn’t be possible for Maia and Laila to find the next contractor and ride
right after I died. I know it’s a man’s ego.

“…Lose doesnt mean, for example, that the seeding isnt allowed”

Broll-san looked a little far away.

“Dragons don’t think that a rider’s death is the end of a contract. If they had a rider
until the end, he’s still a rider after death”
“…Even after death”

“To lose means to say that the rider quit being a rider. To live and give up
responsibility. There aren’t many dragons blaming it, but deeper in the heart… it
hurts the soul”

It’s not a word that says a lot. However, it was understood that it was very painful
from the voice sound which thought about the “lost” person who was someone
among them.


“For example, if I signed a rider contract with someone… isn’t it bad?”

“Hey, Andy. Are you still increasing…?”

As expected, Dianne has a scornful look. I haven’t seen it recently.

“N, No, this is just an example. For example, if you can have dozens of followers with
this kind of condition… if they can follow me, I wonder if such a Dragon Rider could
make a great army”

“No, that’s not what you want”

Broll-san says so.

“A dragon without a rider will never go against the dragon rider’s path. And, after all,
it’s not a big deal between dragon riders”


“Even if it’s only just one rider or a hundred riders, dragons can’t deal with each
other. It’s a covenant that can only be decided between riders

“…That is”

“You already have two, but if another dragon rider stands in front of you and it’s a
highly capable warrior, you can’t count on their protection… Well, it’s unlikely that a
dragon is willing to lend itself to a strong warrior, but if you’re at risk, you should
train yourself”

I was afraid that if a Dragon Rider could contract dragons indefinitely, maybe one
dragon rider would sweep the continent, but is that not the case? But if.

“…So if a really strong warrior were to become a Dragon Rider, I’d be scared”

I couldn’t help but think so.

It’s been a few days since I came to Polka. Everyone is spending their time by
themselves. Boyd is trained every day until he can’t move by Anzeros and the
Masturbation Brothers have to devote themselves to preparing a new peeping
position (with a drawing) in collaboration with Becker-san. And for some reason,
Keiron is taking a nap at the front of Keel´s steamed bun shop and is becoming a
favorite among the children.

“It seems that they like my tail so much. Especially that big brother of Smithson. It’s a


“Yeah, there’s that guy´s daughter? That girl touches me for about an hour without
getting tired of it”

“…It’s an unexpected combination”

It seems that Keiron´s tail is fascinating for those who like fluffy things. Not only
Sara-chan but also Luna was seen from time to time and even in Basson, men
sometimes gathered and even looked down. The scene was a little unusual.

“My tail is bifurcated, so it has more volume than a normal fox beast. I think it’s
because of that”

“Is it bifurcated… it looks like a single line”

“Didn’t I tell you?”

He’s a pretty rare guy. Well, a man named Keiron is rare in many ways, so I’m not
surprised now.

And after the self-training in the morning (just running around the town for a bit of
shooting), I also met Peter, Jeanne and Selenium at the Baron’s mansion and
practiced blacksmithing with Jackie-san’s help. I’m spending time with him.
Renfangas had a bloody odor, so I felt very happy about such a mild moment.

“Smithson-san, did you come again?”

While Jeanne and Selenium make cookies, they put Peter to bed. Christie spoke to me
who was enjoying such a papa’s time.

“Cant I come?”

“No, that’s not the case. I thought I’ll see you a lot”

“That’s because Peter is taken care of by Jeanne and Selenium. I’ll come as much as

It would be a problem to have Peter misunderstand that the Baron was his father.

“Ah… is that right? Smithson-san will also come? I’m going to visit Fennel’s house
right now”


It seems like I heard that name somewhere… is it too early to forget? It was one of
those female elves I met at the hot spring in the middle of the night.

“Are there any inspections?”

“There are some elves who don’t settle in their homes because they are safe in the
forest. But if you come out into a human village and live a very sloppy life, it will be
related to the elf’s race-like impression… I’m thinking of looking at her house and
give guidance and sometimes going back to the forest to start studying again”


I can’t imagine what it’s like not to settle in a house, but I wonder if that’s the case
because Christie is very serious about it.

“I don’t think it’s going to happen if I follow you”

“All you have to do is follow me. It’s embarrassing to say this, but besides being an
elf, women’s places without the eyes of the opposite sex are also likely to become
unsasonable by themsalone. If you make men aware that there are things they see,
that alone can be an improvement”


…No, I don’t feel like Basson´s corps building has been subtly beautiful since the
women’s building was created.

“If so”

I pull Peter’s coat up to his chest and hit it gently, then stand up.

“Thank you very much”

“Well, if you just want to see it, it’s a cheap treat”

Christie and I leave the Baron’s mansion.


“It is over there”

Christie pointed to one of the old houses on the outskirts of Polka. It’s not a very
large town, but I still think, 「There was a house in a place like this」. A small house
behind a hill.

“Is Fennel the only person living there?”

“No, they borrowed it under the name of Fennel of silver clan, but I’m sure she also
lived with Laurier, Oregano and Sevory”

“…All four of them?”

“…Well, all four of them… on the day when they were lost in Smithson-san’s charm,
for example, other children also…?”

“No, why is it my charm”

I think it’s correct that we were swept away by the momentum.

“Anyway I know all four of them”

“…W, Well, that’s convenient. You probably don’t need to be introduced”

Christie, who is a little red, clears her throat. Then, she went up to the terrace a little
quicker and slammed the knocker.

“It’s Cherry Blossom Clan Christie. I wonder if you can show me how you live”


“Fennel-san, its Christie-sama!”

“Wake up Laurier!”

You can hear the sound of running around.


“…Haa. Good grief”

“Its okay, because humans take it for granted that customers come in and rush to fix

“That’s right, but…”

I soothe Christie as she gusses around her temples with her thin fingers and waits.
The door opened shortly thereafter.

“Christie, welcom… so…”

“A, Ah, Mr. animal trainer!”

“E, wawaa, if we knew that Mr. animal trainer would come, there would be no fruit

When I smelled it, it was as if they were making a pie… Laurier is still half swaying
like in a dream, so there are other children.

“Oregano. I’m good, so why isn’t it good for Smithson-san?”

“No, it’s not that Christie-sama is good, but because humans prefer to have a strong

Oregano corrects her bandana in a hurry… Was it mainly this child who made it?

“Fruits are the specialty of the silver clan?”

A sweet and sour fruit which was eaten a lot when I was imprisoned before.

“Yes, that’s right… Laurier likes it, so I tried to make it for lunch”

“I like that a lot, so if you give it to me, I’ll give it to you”

Not bad. It’s not bad at all. It’s tough to have a full course that uses only fruits from
morning till night.

“That was… good. Hey, Laurier, wake up. Christie and Mr. animal trainer come over


Laurier stands up and has open eyes, but she always seems to be sleepy, so I don’t
know how clear her consciousness is. Sevory shakes her shoulders but she still
seems sleepy. Alright.


I began to feel mischievous and I gently approached Laurier.



I hold her cheeks with both hands… I pulled it to the left and right.

“Wh, niii”

“Wake up, Laurier”

“…Ah, that… why is Mr. Animal trainer here…?”

“At least I want you to call Smithson-san…”

When they think of a trainer as a trainer, they’ll probably think that my profession is
that… Yeah, I know that it doesn’t make sense for them that I’m a soldier.

“…Smithson-san, I was surprised at what you are going to do”

For some reason Christie started and all the other elves had bright red faces… Why?

We had lunch together. The menu is sweet and sour fruit pies. It seems that they
were making a large amount and it was a size that would cause no problems even if I
or Christie broke in.

“I’ve heard that Christie-sama is coming soon, but… why… Smithson-sama is coming”

“Am I in the way?”

When I asked a little nervously, Fennel laughed bitterly.

“I didn’t think you knew our home, so I was surprised”

“No, I was just pulled here by Christie when I was playing with my son in the Baron’s

Sevory received that and looked at Christie for a moment.

“I heard that Mr. animal trainer’s son was at the Baron´s place, but… it was just a
casual conversation with Christie-sama”

“What, Sevory. Are you dissatisfied?”

“No. I’m a little sorry for the son”

…If you ask me. She may be crying again. But Sevory is also a little steep.

“Sevory, I’m jealous…”

Laurier murmured while devouring the pie. Sevory was told and turned bright red.

“J, Jealous”
“Christie lives in a place where she can be trained by Smithson-sama if she feels like

“Wait Laurier. I’m not training Christie”

“That’s right. We’ve only been doing it twice…”

A subtle silence spreads. Everyone stopped watching Christie, except for the sound
of Laurier eating the pie… If you can, Christie. I wanted you to say, 「I haven’t done
that」. It depends on your opinion.

“Ah, why don’t we just put away the lunch for the time being…? I don’t think it’s a
story when eating…”

Oregano tilts her head and laughs and recommends the continuation of the meal.
The handy braided ring is pretty.

“…Oregano is the sole winner. She’s done it three times”


Laurier seems unexpectedly like turbulence. Exposed to everyone’s subtle gaze,

Oregano bounced off her braid ring.

“Smithson-san. We the elves of the Northern Forest certainly gave you the blessing of
the whole family, but that doesn’t mean that you can do whatever you want”


After eating, Christie started preaching with her fingers up, as I was straightened up
when I was told, 「Please look over here. It’s an important story. It’s a chair」, but
it’s stopped by Fennel that interrupts.

“The blessing and Smithson’s charm are unrelated, Christie-sama. We just fell in love
with Smithson-san´s work and wanted to receive it”

“That’s not what I’m talking about! In general, while keeping touching the treasure of
the elves, the sky-blue princess and Maia…”

“Up to Irina-sama?”
Christie nods while confused by Laurier’s words.

“Ye, Yeah, holding Irina in his arms… besides, what do the conservatives in the forest
say if he touched their daughters from one end just because he saw them?”

“I’ll reflect”

For the time being, Christie is right. Nowadays, the hero of the forest is being
celebrated, but if all this is done, then it would be unavoidable if the forest banned
me from entering and leaving as I´m a mere demon. But believe me. Mostly it’s a
gangbang. The only thing that isn’t gangbang is my first experience with Christie and
that’s actually not bad for me.

“So… avoid this kind of thing in the future. Fennel´s group seemed to be happy, so
they’ll keep silent… if you can’t endure it, I’m willing to be your partner”

Christie was embarrassed and whispered in the second half, but as expected, all
were elf girls with good ears. It seems that there was nothing they couldn’t hear.

“Christie-sama, you’re too domineering!”

“Isn’t it just because your share is reduced!”

“Don’t bind Mr. animal trainer”

“Ahaha, Laurier, that’s kind of interesting… perhaps”

“I am thinking of your future! It’s been a hundred years in no time!”

Christie and the four elf girls scream at each other across me… At first, I was very
proud, but it’s getting a little troublesome, right?


“Wh, What?”

I stand up and approach Christie. There is a difference in height if you get close to
her. Christy falters.

“I can’t stand it anymore, so let’s do it here”

“Eh, wh, what…”

Perhaps she got lost, as Christie takes a step back. I don’t chase.

“You don’t like it. Then Sevory. Instead of her I will have sex with you”

“Eh… y, yes… ♪”

I turned around and called out to Sevory, who was at hand for the time being and
Sevory approached me, even with a confused face. Laurier and Oregano also
approach. And finally, Fennel hugged my arm and smiled at Christie and proclaimed

“Well then, we will have sex… excuse us♪”

I’m wondering if this is all right, but if I don’t do it this way it won’t fit. And.

“…I, I understand. It doesn’t matter here or anywhere. Yes, I will protect what I said.
This is still in the name of the cherry blossoms clan!”

Christie yields with an angry face… Unexpectedly troublesome guy, Christie.

“So it’s just the two of us…”

“No, Smithson-sama is with me already!”

“If Severy does it, I will also do it, Smithson-sama”

“I think I’m the one who handles Sevory and the meals”

“Ah, emm, you promised that we’ll do it again, animal trainer!”

Christie and the four girls scream at each other once again. I feel that the situation is
exactly the same as before, but this is very comfortable unlike the one I mentioned
earlier. Yup. I’m a very selfish man. I understand without being told. But it is good.
I’m a selfish man in the northwestern plain since I fucked Selenium and Dianne up to
Anzeros. It’s too late already.

“Then… Laurier, Sevory, Fennel, Oregano, Christie… Take it all off and wear only an
Maybe with a very sloppy face, I give them such a great command.

“…Muu, naked apron… I’ve heard about it”

“Y, You know about it, Laurier?”

“It doesn’t have to be Laurier to know. It’s one of the confirmations of love for
newlywed humans”

“I, Is that so…? Smithson-san, try all of us…?”

“I, I can do it. We all had done it in the hot spring together and now it’s such an easy

Yup. To be clear, it doesn’t have a deep meaning. But when they undressed and put
on their naked aprons, I felt a strange sense of conquest as I watched. I think that it
stimulates man’s desire for control more than nakedness in a sense because it is
good to do naughty things no matter how it is seen on the clothes of the matching as
it is said by a man.

Laurier wears a black apron, a little overhanging on her young body. Sevory with a
cheerful side pony with a clean white apron. Fennel with a fluffy pink apron and her
hair tied up to a knot. Oregano with a silver braid ring that embarrassedly hugs a
plain, grass-colored apron. Then, with a long floral apron wrapped around, Christie
looks back with her exposed hips facing back, while hesitating a little.

“The best”

I make a thumbs up sign.


“If you want to wear clothes, you can wear them. I’ll give your share to Sevory”

“I, It’s different,… I thought that if I was dyed like this, I wouldn’t be able to go back

“The destination is a female slave with a collar, Sevory?”

“…Does Christie want to go that far?”

“I’m… even so, fine…”

“Oregano is bold…”

In front of five naked apron elves, I take off my pants. My penis was so tense that
everyone couldn’t complain.
The living room of an old log house with the sweet and sour smell of fruit pie. Five elf
beauties of three clans line up in front of me in a naked apron, showing off their
boobs and asses a little embarrassingly to my nasty gaze. This is a paradise on the
ground. No, I have a lot of other people, but at least the world is so wonderful that I
tremble with euphoria.

“It’s wonderful to be alive”

“What do you say all of a sudden, Smithson-san?”

I’m not sure either. Blonde loli black baggy apron, Laurier. Blonde side pony,
energetic late teen white apron, Savory. A dark brown experienced knot, pink frilly
apron, neat and clean Fennel. Silver exotic double braid ring, green apron, new wife
type Oregano. And wearing a floral apron with a devilish sex appeal is Christie who
shoots at me with the atmosphere of a saint. All are beauties who aren’t inferior to
each other.

“Who should I have sex with?”

They appeal to me with a flushed face even to my worst mutter.

“Smithson-sama, take me first

“…I’m your dessert”

“What’s that, Laurier?”

“The killing phrase of a new human wife”

“Humans are funny…”

“Of course, don’t hesitate to hold me, right?”

“Christie-sama, what is it certainly?”

After having sex together at the hot springs, it seems that it has become the basis to
ecchi collectively and I desperately invite them to see if their aggressiveness and the
fact that they are a little old and small are the shrinkage. Christie’s contrast is very
pleasing to the eyes. I want to watch their exchanges forever, but if that stops, I have
no children.

“First of all, Savory”

“Ehehe, I did it♪”

So, the first nominate is Savory. She rushed to me, put her hands on my neck without
fear anymore and kissed me as a greeting, therefore I’m holding her ass with both
hands without hesitation.


“Oh… Savory, you look like love birds”

“Laurier, you say something that is naturally poisonous…”

“Don’t worry, it’s just jealousy”

Ignoring the outfield for the time being, I rubbed Savory’s butt with my fingers, who
is intermittently pecking my lips.

“Yaa… m, my butt hole…”

“I’ll make you unsatisfied if we don’t have sex with my fingers stuck in it”

“…Animal trainer, you have a naughty face… ♪”

Tickled, embarrassed, happy. I press my lips against such a cute smiling Savory, and I
lift Savory with my hands that grab her butt and let her sit on the sofa at hand.

“But today is the day to remember my dick for now”

I open her crotch and avoid the apron sideways. Breathe into the genitals of an elf
girl who has blossomed nastily.


Savory screams as it tickles. Her blonde pony sways softly.

“Savory is so lewd. It smells naughty already”

“Yaa… that’s because animal trainer makes me expect it… ♪”

“Aaah, really love birds…”


“Yeah, it’s ironic so don’t worry”

I don’t care about the outfielder’s voice. I don’t care, but I think Laurier is an
interesting girl.

“Look, I’ll open it…”

“Yaa… open… cyau… ♪”

Gently touch Savory’s labia and open it. Thick honey juice overflowed. Savory has no
resistance at all with the expected face. She may be honest.

“Savory, I’ll put my dick in here now. It’s the first seeding. You might get pregnant
because the thickest fluid flows in”

“Y, Yes…”

“Will you give birth if you get pregnant?”

“…E, Emm… I wish to give birth… ♪”

Savory answers with a drunken face. Laurier is saying something again, but I can’t
hear it anymore.

“Then let’s get pregnant with a peace of mind”

“Kyaa… a, naaaaa… ♪”

I lean on Savory. Lightly align and halfway into Savory’s vagina, which has only
experienced deflowering, then impulsively reach for her cherry-like nipples peeking
through the gaps in Savory’s white apron and touch her palm-sized small boobs. I
start moving my hips while kneading them.

“Savory… Savory, can you hear it, the sound of your pussy…”

“Ya, Yaaaa… don’t say it… ♪”

“Your pussy, likes it…?”

“…That’s what I thought… ♪”

“Isn’t it so?”

They begin to immerse themselves in each other’s pleasures, and there is little
meaning in the conversation.

“Savory, it feels good!?”

“Animal trainer… put it out, inside, in my belly many times♪”

However, we love each other who are engrossed in the pleasures we give and
confirm them with almost impulsive feelings from each other. Hugging each other,
entangling one’s feet around the waist, rubbing her boobs and giving each other a lot
of devouring kisses. In the end, I hugged her thin waist and Savory put her legs tight
behind my waist.


“Hu, nnnnn♪♪”
While kissing, I ejaculate in the back of the vagina. Dokun, Dokun, Dokun and Savory
trembles with my ejaculation. I put her back on the seat of the sofa, pushed my hips
up and swallowed all my ejaculation in her womb.

“Pu, haa…”

“Haa… haa… haa… ah, thank you, look at me… ♪”

“I, It… feels good…”

For some reason, I tried to send a compliment to Savory, who thanked me.

“…Then, now, directly… ♪”

Savory strengthens the strength of her legs. I’m happy with her who is weak but her
lower body is greedy and she wants to start the next round. However, Laurier from
the left and Oregano from the right pull my arms before assembling to the white
apron that has begun to distort.

“No good…”

“Well, it’s only after everyone has done it that Savory can do it again”

“I, I understand, I understand”

It is regrettable, but I stand up from the top of Savory.

It’s a pity that the next round on the sofa after removing Savory starts now, so I
changed my mind right away.

“Hyaa, animal trainer… like this, aaa… ♪”

I poke Oregano on the kitchen counter from behind. She wore the apron with much
effort, but when I attacked from the back like this, she was almost naked and she
didn’t mean to hide anything. I like it. You can commit by flipping through useless
defenses from the front or you can enjoy Oregano´s appearance from behind. Naked
aprons are fun to play with from anywhere. Of course, I don’t forget to play with her
boobs through the gaps.
“Aha, aaa… that’s just the right… the left too… ♪”

“Oregano is really naughty”

“…Yes… ♪”

Oregano demands that both boobs are played evenly, although I can only play with
them one by one because I cover and sway her hips. And, this child is a considerable
favorite person because the waist is shaken by herself.

“Did you look like an adult and think about my dick while eating?”

“…O, Obedient, such… I…”

Oregano pushes her hips up and gazes at me through the circle with a chilling look.

“…I’ve been thinking about our promise… ♪”

Promise. It is likely to be the promise at the time of parting in the hot spring. As I
violently go back and forth between her vagina, I am delighted with the lewd words.

“From the time I saw your face, all I had in mind was having sex with you…!?”

“…Yes… er, erotic animal trainer… I wonder if you came to look for me to train me… I
thought about it and I couldn’t get it out of my head anymore… ♪”

“Lewd girl, you will also become pregnant…!!”

“…Ye, Yes, lewd, lewd me… punish me… ♪”

I can’t help but be happy that the blood is already on my head and both of us are
naughty. Ejaculate in the womb by hitting the waist with momentum.



The vagina which tightens is shaken by force and semen is shot to the depths while
going back and forth.
“…aha, like this… I’ve been seeded… ♪”

“Haa… haa… is it unpleasant Oregano…?”

“…Now that I’m pregnant, I’m pregnant in the kitchen. I’m a little embarrassed… ♪”

“…I think it’s more awful to be conceived in the hot springs that everyone is

“Ahaa… ♪”

I pull out my dick from Oregano that smiles happily. The mix of semen and joy juice
falls on the floor. And when I turned around, the remaining three people were
waiting in a hurry.

“Smithson-san, me next…”

“I’m ready”

“I, I’m also a dessert, so please enjoy it… ♪”

I take off my jacket that I was still wearing. Savory on the sofa, Oregano in the
kitchen. If so.

“…It’s a waste to commit in bed anymore”

With a head dominated by worldly feelings, Christie and Fennel are held in both


“N, Now, two people at once?”

“That’s right. It’s okay”

“Y, Yes”

“Greedy animal trainer… ♪”

…If I think about it, Fennel has a threesome again following the deflowering? But I
didn’t feel like quitting the play that came to my mind.

“Both of you lay down on the table”



Arrange the older duo on the table.

There is still a fruit pie on the table.

“Fennel, let me eat a piece of the pie by mouth”


“So Christie…”

I face Christie. From the sensual spine to the hips, hip line, butt hole and hairless
labia under the eyes, the buttock is patted and my mouth sticks out to Fennel.

“Let me eat you”

“…You´re greedy♪”

Fennel eats the pie as she is told and feeds me. Then, I licked the fruit juice that
spilled from my mouth and hung on the back of Christie.

“Christy, I’ll commit you”

“Eh… n, aaa…!?”

Riding on the entertainment, I insert my penis into Christie from behind as it is.
Compared to the other girls who just lost their virginities, Christie’s ripe vagina has
plenty of room to swallow my dick effortlessly. And when it swallows my son, it
doesn’t let go. I felt the strength of her instincts as a woman, and a hot fold was
waiting for me.

“Haa, aaa… ♪ It’s hot… Smithson-san, this… ♪”

Christie bends her throat and writhes. Fennel with a mischievous face sits sideways
on the table, eats the pie and brings her lips closer to me, who trembles with the
pleasures of Christie’s flesh.

“N, Ngu”

I eat Christie with my lower body and a pie with my upper mouth. It was such a sake
pond meat forest plan, but Christie’s vagina is more greedy than expected and
Christie herself is trying to devour my dick by raising her elbows and shaking her
whole body.

“…Haa, haaa… after all, it’s okay… Smithson-san… Smithson-san♪”

“Wai, Christie, time out… gu, uu!!”

“Nn… nmuu… y, you can’t run away, greedy animal trainer♪”

Perhaps she saw herself inferior to Christie, therefore Fennel put down the pie,
caught my neck, kissed me and wouldn’t let go. With this, I can’t even pull back and
escape. Eaten above and below.

“N, Nuu… wait, Christie…!!”

“No, not good… let me squid, Smithson-san… I’m sorry, I can’t stop… ♪”

At last, I was squeezed by Christie who got up.

“Uh, guuu…!?”

While being kissed for a long time by Fennel, I made a strong vaginal cum shot to

“…Haa, Haa… a, emm, I’m sorry… its so comfortable…”


Fennel is pleased with the success of the operation. For Christie, it’s not a strategy,
it’s just that she’s crazy about it.

“Fennel. Lay down”

“Like a dog?”

“Yes, doggy”


Fennel who felt that I was sick lays down on the table obediently. Is it a successful
provocation? Let’s get on it properly.

Seen from above, I lean on the naked Fennel, which is barely exposed and insert my

“N, aa… ♪”

“It’s a house full of nasty elves”

“D, Do you hate it… ♪”

“It’s the best”

I hate myself for answering honestly.

“E, Emm, I too… pie, mouth-to-mouth…?”

Perhaps because of the satisfaction of the climax, Christie, who was a little popped,
asks that from herself.

“You made me regret it, so it’s a punishment”


“Lie down over there”

“N, No…!?”

I place Christie on Fennel’s back. Christie’s impatient profile in front of me. I put my
dick in Fennel’s vagina and I pressed the fruit sauce inside the pie against Christie’s
long ears.

“Wh, What are you doing?”

“You are my snack. I will eat your ears as a punishment”

“N, N, Noo… hyaaaa!?”

Putting her ears in my mouth from the side, I suck while making a noise and lick the
fruit sauce. Sweet and sour taste. Then, Christie tries to shake me off… but when it’s
sucked up, she trembles unnaturally and pokes her hand.

“S, Stop… I, I don’t want you to suck my ears…”

“No. Once again.



Christie falls on the back of Fennel… Is it because of the elf’s racial pride that the
ears are defiled? Maybe she is not used to having her ears blamed. And I think she is
more sensitive than others.

“Suck again”

“No, stop, really… this is blinding…”

“Smithson-sama, don’t forget about me, who’s putting it in properly…”

“Ah, I know”

I hug the fluffy Christie, suck on her ears as much as I want and hit my hips against
Fennel’s butt.

“Hiaaaa… a, auuuu…”

“A, a, aa… ♪ Smithson-sama, our animal trainer… ♪”

Christie is tossed around splendidly and Fennel happily sits down. The feeling of
liking two beautiful women is irresistible. I wanted to have this kind of sex from the
beginning, but Fennel.

“I felt an extra defeat because of your mischief. I won’t give you a vaginal cum shot as
a punishment”

“T, That’s… a, again, I´m going to ask for it again… ♪”

“Creampie is after Laurier”

“…Awful… you want to train me so much to be a naughty girl… ♪”

“I want to do that”

I hate being honest regardless of context. But in fact, if such a pretty girl is going to
be good for me, I can’t help but nod, as a man.

“…I, I´m looking forward… to ecchi later♪”

Fennel, who shakes her hips, is looking forward to overtime instead of being angry at
being impatient. Perhaps because unlike other girls, she tried to make only 3P
without committing, she may have adapted to that and found fun in “H time
continues” itself. That’s it.

“Let’s go, Fennel…!!!!”

“Ha, naa!!”

I spilled semen on Fennel’s back… or rather on Christie’s face.

“N, aa… ♪”

Or rather, she was covered with semen from her ears to her cheeks… She might get
angry later.

Finally, I push the remaining Laurier against the front door and commit her.

“Ah, nn, nn… an, animal trainer… why, here…?”

“The front door is the first place in the battle rate of the naked apron”

“…Well, if you ask me… maybe it will happen…”

I don’t know much about it. In erotic picture scrolls, you will be picked up at the
front door → immediately, it is a standard.

“…I’m not an animal trainer’s new wife, but… maybe, I don’t know…”

Laurier smiles thinly as she presses her arm against the front door and gets fucked
by me with her half toes floating.

“If you’re happy with this, I’ll always do it…”

“If you say that, you’ll come to visit often”

I whisper in a low voice while shaking Laurier. Laurier said it was good.

“That’s why… I’m here again… I’m longing for you… ♪”

A strangely foolish confession of a whimsical and slightly ironic mysterious girl.

While listening to it, I ejaculate in the back of her.

“Nnnnn… a, aaa… ♪”

“Good grief… don’t say that to a man while making him feel so good. I can’t refuse it”


Even after the ejaculation is over, I kiss Laurier’s cheeks while squeezing the young
vagina as if it was undeveloped.



“Tell me, conceive or give birth to my kid”

“…Do you like being told that?”

Weird guy.


Laurier looked back at me and looked sleepy, but with expecting eyes.
“I’ve stopped growing like this… I’m glad to see a woman who makes me conceive

“…That Laurier. Is that because some people are extremely ferocious spells?”

“I will only tell animal trainer… I want to give birth to a child of the person I like”


Isn’t it going to be ferocious? I.

“…Become pregnant with my child. If I’m in Polka, I’ll commit you for another fifty

“Yeah… I’m happy”

Oh, I’m irresponsible.


The old house where the elf girls live is full of female bodies that lay down like
corpses. I smell sexually everywhere because I seeded as much as I like around the
house. And.

“If you’re done with Laurier♪”

A completely revived Savory smiles while having semen dripping down from her

“Will you make another round, right?”

Fennel smiles while taking off her apron.

“I, I’ll make dinner… By the way, is it okay to make a child?”

While Oregano heads to the kitchen with a naked apron, she turns her expected eyes
and expected ass over here.

“…I, If you don’t blame my ears again… you can do as you like”
The nasty cherry blossom clan chief shyly turns her eyes while hiding her mouth
with her fingers.

“You guys have great adaptability”

“Training was good, wasn’t it♪”

“Yes, it is. The ability which is not different from the rumor… ♪”

“What are you going to do for dinner? I like garlic and root vegetables”

“That… I’ll help you. If you leave it to a younger child, it’s related to the honor of my

……After all, it was the next morning that I returned to the Baron’s mansion.

“Where did you go, Andy-san? Abandoning Peter-kun´s babysitting”

“Well, it’s dwarf style that makes children cry as much as they want… But I wanted
you to say a word”

“Seriously sorry. I’m really sorry”

“…You can’t apologize with all your might”

“By the way, isn’t there something wrong…?”

Let’s really say where to go next time. To get help… I thought it would be kept as it is.
Especially for Christie.


When I looked sideways at her who came back with me, she was in a very good
mood. She is shiny.
Even in Polka, the snow gradually increases.

“It’s about time for the winter spirit festival”

At the dining room of the inn. After returning from the morning bath, Lantz says that,
wiping the snow off his shoulders. When Boyd heard that, he looked a little sad.

“I want to be near Sylvia during the spirit festival”

“For that reason, you´re training hard. The date is still in the early stages of
preparation for the festival, so we´re still in time”

Anzeros seems to continue training for Boyd even in such snow. She put on her
athletic clothes, hit Boyd on the shoulder, stood up now and went. Irina, who was
listening to it, looked strange.

“Spirit Festival…?”

…Ah, come to think of it.

“Isn’t there such a festival at Trot or Elf territory? In summer and winter, Celesta has
a festival to thank the spirits”

Trot has a kingdom church whose main deity is the guardian deity of earth. And
although the elf territory is animist like Celesta, the ritual system has nothing to do
with Celesta because it is an isolated cultural area. It seems to be so. Those festivals
that we long-lived groups take for granted are irrelevant to them.

“That means that Trot doesn’t have a spirit festival!?”

As Lantz just noticed, he raised a wild voice.

“Of course, there is a New Year festival, but there is no spirit festival in summer and

The rest is the autumn harvest festival and the spring festival. That’s what polka
festivals are all about.

“What? No matter where you go for a reason, it’s not lively…”

“Did you think there was?”

“I don’t have much experience abroad. It’s the first time this year that we have been
here for so long”

“Me too…”

It seems that Masturbation Brothers seriously believed that there was a spirit

“Then, I want to go back to Basson during the spirit festival”

“Even if you don’t have a partner?”

There are various events at the spirit festival, but due to its nature, it is desirable to
welcome it with your lover. This is because it is supposed to be a time of 「Thank
you from the spirits」 from the middle of the night to the morning, after making a
fuss until the middle of the night and letting the spirits lie down. It is said that the
spirits give blessings to loved ones and their families during that time and after all,
it’s a fun time.

“No, don’t you know 10-man captain Smithson? In Basson, if you set up a park after
midnight, it’s a really fun sight”

“It’s a little hard for me to enjoy watching other people’s actions”

“It’s a great place to relax”

It’s okay to have a man who plays the other role in an erotic picture scroll, but I don’t
want to see other people’s sex. If you think about it, it may be a strange value

“Well… Andy can’t afford to look at the work of others, right?”

Dianne made a quick remark on the issue.


Masturbation Brothers hit the desk at the same time. Scary.

“That’s right, 10-man captain Smithson is in the popular period for some reason”


“No, why do you suddenly become so hostile!?”

They’re funny subordinates, but sometimes they’re scary.


“Hmm. Spirit festival…”

Even after the Masturbation Brothers retired to their rooms, Irina still thinks.

“What’s wrong, Irina”

When Dianne called out, Irina replied, staring at the sky.

“No, when I think about it, I thought it would be okay to have such a festival”

“Are you importing Celesta’s culture? Well, it wouldn’t be difficult with your power.”

“No, the spirit temple has the right to decide the ceremony about the spirits. It’s a
separate organization from the clan council, so it’s troublesome to despise it too

“Ah… is there such a thing?”

I was a little convinced that she was thinking about it. As a similar example, Trot
Kingdom Church takes the position that it is formally cooperative with Trot´s royal
family and is not under control. In the past, Trot´s royal family was also the highest
priest, but as the head of an organization of a completely different character, we
must respect both the aristocrats who are politicians and the priests who are
thinkers equally. It seems that it was difficult and in the end it was split. Well, in
reality, the king seems to be bigger. Politics is a hassle. When it comes to how to clear
such a power balance, I was thinking about something clever at an early point, but it
seems that the story is not so.

“…Not in the name of dedicating to the spirits”


“I thought it would be okay to have a festival dedicated to the dragons of Misty Palace
and the holy beasts”


Dianne looked impressed.

“If there is a pretext for a festival, don’t increase your adrisy for them. It is especially
effective to give a clear name to the cooperation with the holy beast”

“Umm. Then, I wonder what it was like to realize it early. It may be difficult to go to
Celesta’s Spirit Festival from now on. For the time being, through talking to Diel and
the Holy Beast, I think that Christie and Gorkus would stand on my side. Well, the
purple clan´s old woman is going to say no…”

Irina twists her head with a difficult face. Well, it might be simulating various
theoretical armaments.


I call Laila with a not-so-loud voice. She has already retracted into my room and
decided to sleep twice, but Laila’s ears should be able to hear it… Soon, the sound of
a door opening from upstairs can be heard.

“…My turn”

“Yes. To get to Breakcore, you or Maia have to take me there”

“I see… However, there is a festival dedicated to me, too”

It seems that she was listening to everything. Stunning hell ears.


“…I think I’ll think about it a little more carefully”

Irina stands up with a challenging smile.

“Well, none other than the hero of the forest is the backing. It will be done somehow”

“Well, maybe I?”

I was just impressed when I heard it, but I don’t think I can move things as much as a
backing… But Dianne hit my shoulders.

“Elves don’t like being directed by dark elves. Aside from fighting, there could be
unnecessary fights if I get in the way of running the forest.”

Laila also shook her head.

“Ho, I agree. From the original, this is not the mouth of worshiping the holy beasts
and blue lizards. It’s just that even if you add it up, you’ll just be taken in”


Aurora and Anzeros… ha, aren’t here. In other words, only me, the hero of the forest

“I don’t think it makes sense for a dark elf and a black dragon to say it and a human

“Not really. Well, leave it to Irina”

Dianne seems confident that Irina can do it well. Well… aside from Irina’s strange
lightness, I have no doubt about her skill as a negotiator.


In any case, it doesn’t start without talking to the person in question. So, Irina, I and
Laila go through the Silver Clan manor and then the Red Clan manor to the Holy
Beast Labyrinth.
“Even if there is so much land, not even a thousand people live here… it’s always a
waste of spring”

Overlooking the vast Red clan’s territory, I smirk. In the ancient barrier, the land that
is many times larger than Trot is groaning due to the distortion of space. It is a
paradise with fertile soil and few monsters. It is said that only 10,000 live there. If we
could rent a corner of this land, everyone in Polka would have a much easier life. If
you can rent it not only as a place to live, but also as farmland, the food situation
during the winter will be… Irina laughs and reminds me of thinking that.

“It’s a vast space, but it’s not infinite. And it’s actually a mysterious space that might
be destroyed by some mistake. I think it would be nice to open it up to other races,
but the 「Residents」 who can’t do that. I want you to understand their feelings”


A little reflection. There’s no end to it if you scrape your desires in the future, for

“Besides, it’s Polka´s residents who you want to give this land to… even if we allow
them to live in this land in the spring, they won’t move half of the city here”

“…That’s right, elf discrimination…”

Is it fear rather than discrimination? Historically, Trot has been hostile to elves for
many years and has made many sacrifices against a small number of them. Even if
you can interact with friendly people to some extent, only those who can be called
bold can sleep with peace of mind.

“Maybe that’s the case… Even if it’s inconvenient or cramped, people love their
hometown. You’ve been traveling for a long time and you won’t feel it, but I’m sure
they’ll still choose the place they’re used to living in. I feel that the city is loved by the
residents so much”


A feeling that I don’t understand…? Polka is an irreplaceable city for me as well. I

want to say I know more than Irina says. However, when I look at another land and
think, 「Everyone should move here」 I think that feeling is completely gone.
“Maybe. My nonsense”

Reflection. Today is a day with a lot of reflection.

The camp in front of the Holy Beast Labyrinth is a little different from when I came
before. A fence with logs surrounded the new land and the expansion of the village
had begun.

“Irina, Smithson and Laila-dono. You´ve come a lot”

As usual, Diel spearheaded the construction. As soon as I got off, he ran up with a
few elves.

“That construction… will the village be expanded?”

“Yes. Recently, more and more young people are learning to explore the labyrinth.
We haven’t had enough beds and we’ve even come to the point where we need to lie
outside the village while ensuring safety with illusions. I thought it would be a good
idea to use it as a driftstone”

Those who study abroad under the guidance of Gorkus, those who migrate to Polka
under the guidance of Irina and Christie. And those who want to train here and travel
the wide world. There are various things. Elves are said to be weak as a race, but I
wonder if they are still fine.

“Hmm. I hope it’s a success”

Irina smiles and starts walking, inviting Diel with her fingers.

“Are you going to the holy beast?”

“Umm. It’s good to follow. It’s a good idea for the holy beast and this labyrinth

Breakcore would have been looking at me on the hut ever since Laila landed.


Breakcore, waving her hands, looks younger than Irina, wondering what happened.
She ran over the raised meadows just above the labyrinth and jumped at me. The
horn was about to stick and I caught the shrimp while warping. It’s light and helpful.

“It’s been a while… not so much, Breakcore”

“It’s been a long time. I’ve been waiting for a long time”

“Well, I’m stuck, so don’t press your face against my chest”

“Ah… I’m sorry”

Breakcore suddenly smashes the horn of the forehead with her hands without
hesitation, with a face that he just noticed. Well, that kind of thing is painful, so I’d
like you to forgive me.

“This doesn’t hurt”

“It hurts to watch!”

“I don’t care, anymore”

…The degree of sweetness is accelerating compared to when I came before. I mean,

maybe after I found her, she got smaller to be spoiled like this…? If you look closely,
the clothes are a little loose.

“Ah… that’s right. Holy beast. I came to talk to you…”

Irina calls out to Breakcore, who is abruptly clinging to me. Breakcore becomes

“Can’t we do it later? I want to be more happy to see Andy again. Please wait for
about two hours.”

“What are you doing for two hours?”

“Do you want to join?”

“…What should I do with this hack?”

Irina makes a strange laugh. Both of them look like little girls, but they are
surrealistic scenes of a hundred of years old vs. several thousand years old.
“Hey Irina. You didn’t come to play with Breakcore like that”

“I, I know! I know!”

It seems that she didn’t forget when I tried to remind her of her purpose.

“…That, Irina. You brought me, isn’t it because you want me to arbitrate a strange

Diel smiles and laughs.

“…I’ve been forgotten, too”

Laila sighed.

Inside Breakcore´s house, we all surrounded the table. I put the dissatisfied
Breakcore on my lap and managed to hear Irina’s announcement.

“So, by setting up a new Holy Beast Festival, I would like to actively encourage all the
elves in the forest to appreciate and interact with Breakcore”

“I don’t think it’s bad. The flow of goods and people is likely to improve”

Diel nods. Breakcore was listening with a reluctant feeling, but when she finished

“There are conditions”


“…I want the priest to set up Andy”

She said something outrageous.

“That’s not it. Even if it’s an elf festival. At least at the first guest…”

It doesn’t matter if Irina is squeaking in her mouth.

She has negotiated directly with me. Turning over on my lap and looking upside
down… Isn’t it regressing not only in appearance but also in spirit, Holy Beast? While

“I will do it”

“S, Smithson-dono!?”

I accepted it because it was cute. No, it sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

Priests are synonymous with great magicians on all continents. There are various
beliefs in each country, but in most of them the proof of being loved by God shows
magical talent. Therefore, if Trot finds a magical talent, most of it will be entrusted to
the Holy Great Temple of Leica, a sanctuary and will receive a general education.
Along with knights, this is the most stable job in the future. Parents are also happy to
send it out.

Well, even if I talk about general examples, I don’t have any talent.

“A priest… I can’t use magic at all, but I wonder if I can cheat”

I vaguely said to Irina, who was clinging to the table and drafting a circulating letter
and Irina sighed after turning a grudge at me.

“It’s just a matter of having a ceremony that uses magic separately. Most of the
festivals outside are also used as a starting point for flashy magic to replace the
smoke signal that shows gratitude to the other party”


Mostly. Well, there are many other things, such as playing an instrument at
maximum volume and burning a bonfire as loud as possible, but it’s usually magic if
you have a good priest.

“If it’s a festival for gods and spirits, it wouldn’t be possible to make it pear, but this
festival has the holy beast in question. If the holy beast is satisfied, the nominal horn
wont stand”

“Yeah. If a priest is a beloved object of worship, now there is no one else than Andy”

“…Then, the face of an elf who was dedicated to the festival was crushed”
“When you leave me alone for decades, you have nothing to look at”

Breakcore (small) is in a good mood, by riding on my lap and turning my arms

around her belly. Irina looks as if she’s biting a bitter worm, but Diel next to her has a
strange face.

“I can accept Smithson’s existence when I’m told that…”

“But if it’s a contribution to the Holy Beast, Laila.dono, Bonaparte-dono, the sky blue
princess and Dianne”

“I can’t ignore them, but if Smithson didn’t put them together, it’s more likely that the
Holy Beast would still be in that unknown state”

“…That’s right”

Apparently, the fact that I said 「Let’s help」 is treated as more important than I
expected. I just helped dig out Diel who was buried in the flesh.

“Anyway, the elves blessed Andy and his friends at that time. If you emphasize that, I
don’t think the other clans chiefs can complain, right?”

“…I have no choice but to proceed with that line”

Irina starts by writing smoothly with a feather pen. I can’t read it because it’s elf
language, but I know the handwriting is sleek.

“Irina is good at writing elf language”

“…I wouldn’t be strangely impressed with the chief of a clan”

Irina makes a pitiful face… Surely a clan chief doesn’t have to be great. You need
leadership, speech, etiquette and you can’t be bad at writing documents.

“Well, I was famous for my poor handwriting. Also, my immature voice”

Hahaha, Diel laughed. Irina shrugs her shoulders.

“There are things like that. For the time being, I´m raised as a unity of clans”
Proudly. However, the ink jar collapsed in the rhythm and it was a catastrophe on the


“Hey hey hey!”

Irina and Diel are in a hurry… That’s why I’m impressed with how good the
handwriting is.


“When it comes to festivals, you can’t just drink, sing and make noise. There’s a
labyrinth, let’s think about some events”

Diel overlooks the meadow and folds his arms. Elves are resting in the grasslands
above the labyrinth today. Taking a nap, playing a musical instrument or swinging
their weapon to train themselves. The sloping day shed a golden light on them and it
was a beautiful sight that could be called a painting.

“I think it’s okay to just drink, sing and make noise”

“Actually, it’s like that every night, even if it’s not a festival”


“Well, we don’t have a lot of alcohol, so it’s modest, but the people who come here
are usually young. It would be fun to have the same age group across clans. I bragged
about my throat endlessly at night, had a debate that I didn’t understand well, and
sang improvisational poems in the relay…”

…I thought the elves were a quieter race.

“…Young guys are the same in every race”

“Is it the same for humans?”

“It’s worse than that”

Even if you’re not such a bad guy, you can try walking around in the red-light district
of a city without buying or drinking anything, or you can enjoy endless ridiculous
stories in the back alleys of the territory. In a city with a lot of people, you can see
such a scene everywhere. I was one of them when I was training in the royal capital.
Unexpectedly, this labyrinth village has become such a singular point of youth for
young elves.

“When it comes to that, I wonder if cooking and music aren’t enough to get excited”

“Well, it’s pretty safe to attack the labyrinth regularly with this many people and I
think it can be used for something”

“Well, I’ll leave that to you”

It seems that Diel has some plans for a funny event, so I’ll leave it to him.

“Oh, then I have to prepare too”

Diel returns to the village.

“Ho. Did you accept it after all?”

After seeing off Diel, Laila, who seems to have taken a nap on the roof of Breakcore’s
house, jumps down. However, I guess she was listening to the conversation at home.
You can’t hear it at this distance.

“I accepted… or rather, I’m still not sure what to do”

With a bitter smile, Breakcore and Irina just came out of the house.

“I’ll repack the details again, but basically you just have to stand up. First time,
there’s no tradition or crap. You don’t have to ask for difficult things”

…Is that reasonable? But I wonder if that is also lonely.

“I’m lonely because I don’t do anything, so please let me do something”

Irina exaggeratedly dropped her shoulders.

“Are you willing to practice elf language in the next month or so?”
“…Ah, right?”

Irina and the elves, who have many opportunities to interact with humans and are in
a responsible position, speak in the northwestern language of the Trot-Celesta area,
but they speak in their own language. If most of the attendees are elf, why not adapt
to the elf language?

“Is it another month?”

It has been decided that the date of the event was undecided.


“Why is that…”

In the meantime, there is also the Holy Spirit Festival and the New Year’s Festival. I
thought it would take a little more room.

“Talk to Breakcore”

“It was just around the time when you helped me”

…Ah. Speaking of which, sure. Last year it was a lot of work to fly around, chop
something off and get caught, so the date is ambiguous, but… is it surely this time of
year? Breakcore´s battle.

“From now on, I will explain to each clan and talk to every corner of the clan… and
considering the distance from the red clan manor to this point, that period is just

“Is it convenient, Andy?”

The line of sight expected by Breakcore. Well, I said I’d do it once… and even if I was
in Renfangas or Celesta, I’d be able to rush in soon if Laila helped me. When I look at
Laila to confirm, she nods as if she knows.

“Well, it’s convenient. Dianne also said that we won’t move that much during the

When I said that and laughed, Breakcore smiled and jumped at me. She stabbed me a
little with her horn.


Even though I broke it, the horns are already growing.

“Sorry, I´ll break it”

“No, stop!”

If the place is a place, it’s expensive and even though it’s the reason why the one-
horned horse was overfished outside the forest and almost disappeared, don’t break

Night. If Irina was going out to mass-produce documents with the same text, it would
be completely dark.

“The outside is noisy, as Diel said”

“Somewhat. Well, it’s a young elf naughty, I’m overlooking it because it doesn’t hurt”

When I opened the wooden window and looked out, the elves were singing. It’s a
mysterious melody, and if you listen to it for hours, you’ll get drunk.

“Is it possible to block the sound with an illusion barrier?… N, chu”

“I think it’s better to put it up in another sense”

“Okay… Mu, kuu”

Close the wooden window. Inside, lit by the dim light of a lamp, Breakcore that
remained small stuck to my dick.

“When the sun goes down, don’t take off people’s pants as a matter of course, you”

“It’s a promise that you’ll do my best until I get pregnant. I’ve waited until the time of
common-sense mating of humans…”

“…Great idea!”

When I stroked her head with a slight dismay, Breakcore still smiled cutely. Hold it

“Ho. Don’t forget to thank me for bringing him here, Holy Beast”

“…I, I made an excuse to come here. You can’t be scorned, right?”

Behind Breakcore, Laila and Irina are also beginning to take off their clothes.
Breakcore smiled.

“You’re still loved, Andy”


“Do you like me too?”

It is a foul to say with that little face while smiling cutely. Bikun and my penis

“…Huhu, you´re honest without hearing a reply♪”

Breakcore puts her adorably cheeks close to my dick.

“Ho. It’s a straight mare”

“I, I did a good job of putting together the unreasonable demands. May you give it to

“I can’t do that. It’s an occasional reunion, I’ll take the strong part♪”

Breakcore suddenly turns her back and pushes her hips up. When she gets rid of her
fluffy clothes, a small, innocent white and criminal soft ass appears from underneath.
Adult butt is good, but this young and fine butt makes me happy just by touching it.

“…It’s a nasty touch. Do you prefer this one to a half-grown body, Andy?”

“I’m in trouble because both big and small children have been indiscriminately
estrus lately”
“It’s hard”

Breakcore with a giggle.

“There are a lot of young elves here. Don’t make mistakes outside. I’ll get bigger and
smaller, so play with me to the point of getting tired of me”

“Well, let’s meet the demand for the smaller one!”

“Ho, then I’m the role that makes you bored with big boobs♪”

Irina opposes and shakes her hips and Laila bends down to emphasize her boobs.

“It was a shame. I won’t get bored even if its three of you!”

Rather, I´m crazy about the finest female bodies.

“Then, do as you like♪”

“It, Its sweet inside me”

“Ho, it’s the owner’s favorite boobs”

Three people are approaching. I grabbed Breakcore’s ass, forcibly screwed a dick
into that little vagina, thrust my hand into the gap in Irina’s ass and sucked on Laila’s


“Nyaa… fi, finger isn’t…!”

“Nhuu… I wonder if there are arrows and shields on my boobs… ♪”

Sucking Laila’s boobs. Next I grab Breakcore’s small waist with one hand and force it
into and out of the vagina, which is as small as Jeanne or smaller. And the middle
finger is thrust into the vagina through the gap in Irina’s buttocks.

“Haa, haaa… good, Andy’s seeding stick… squeaky, kuruu…!!”

“U, Uuu… if, if this happens, it will make you feel like you have a seed from your

“Do you still want to suck my boobs? Huhu, or do you want my lips… ♪”

To three people. Breakcore sways her young body. Perhaps because she understood
the size of my dick from the beginning or because she was so strong against pain, the
movement was intense despite the narrowness of the vagina that seemed to be
impossible. Irina shakes her hips against my finger to see what she thinks. Of course,
since the hand follows, it never becomes a reciprocating motion in the vagina, but
the complicated and sticky movement is strangely unpleasant. And Laila deep kisses
while pressing her spit-covered boobs against my arm. She licks my mouth with her
long tongue. All three of them are plotting to make me excited. I receive it all and
stand and receive three lewdness with my whole body. And.

“Nhaa… Breakcore… I’ll put it out!”

“Put it out… put it out so much that it can’t fit in… and commit me again… ♪”

“N, Next is me! There is an order!?”

“Kukuku. I don’t mind. You should like it♪”

I started the first ejaculation while three horny flowers invited me. I ejaculate
vigorously in the small belly of Breakcore, which seems to fit with both hands.

“KKu… n, huu… womb, it’s coming… ♪”

Breakcore curls up happily. Pulling out the dick from the vagina, I compare the white
and black haired beauty on the left and right.

“Put it in me…”

Lose one’s way by showing off my dick… I’m a little stupid.

“…Haa. Smithson-dono, I’ll forgive you because it’s me, but why don’t you show such
a fool to the little girls from the other day?”

“Ho. Now that you’ve stopped for me, I’m not next”
“This, the words would have stopped!”

I hit their butts lightly as if fighting and started to continue in good condition.
The path near the forest, on the outskirts of Polka, is a daily training ground for
Anzeros and Boyd.

There is a difference of nearly twice the height and the thickness of the arm is so
different that it seems that only one arm of Boyd is about the total weight of Anzeros.
But that doesn’t mean a difference in strength.

“Boyd, if you don’t handle it well, you will break the horn again… DDaaaa!!”


In a word, Anzeros, who made three steps to go through the ground, shoots a sharp
flying kick on Boyd’s face. Boyd guards with his arm. However, Anzeros’ side kicks
him back a few steps. Anzeros returns to the ground and immediately makes a turn
step. She runs like a snake on the ground, turning the still-swaying Boyd´s heel and
mowing him with a kick.


By letting the center of gravity escape from her leg, Boyd can do the damage of just
flipping up one leg. Then, in order to rebuild his open body, he swung his legs around
and stepped back and landed leaning forward. On the contrary, he hits a cannon-like
punch back to Anzeros who is approaching further.


However, Anzeros does a side step and in an instant she avoids by shifting the
trajectory of the body. This explosive step is a trick that can only be done by
preparing a stride in advance while running. Boyd’s counterattack timing and
counterattack means were read from the beginning. And Boyd, whose arm returns
slowly due to its mass, cannot respond to Anzeros´s blow from there.

Dogo, Anzeros’s kick-fighting struck the solar plexus and Boyd was blown away.

“U, Uge, gehuuu…!!”

“The speed is reasonably good. I think that a weak monster opponent can be fatally
injured with the current blow. But whether you punch or kick, the power to return is
too weak compared to the power to hit. Then moving to the guard after hitting isn’t
possible. The sweetness of the guard means you lose if you are shaken. It won’t work
for fast opponents”

Anzeros commented on Boyd crawling on the ground.

“Hey, one more time. Be aware of the return. Hit while letting your body escape at an
angle that is difficult for the opponent to attack. And don’t be foolish and honest,
even now, if you put up with it for a moment, the flow has changed”

“Uh… I, I’m sorry, I’ll do my best”

Boyd stands up while crying halfway.

Then enough with bare hands, 30 minutes with a wooden sword. A thickly squeezed
Boyd lies in the snow.

“It’s snowing…”

“There are places where it’s dry, so take a rest there…”

“I’m grateful for the coldness of the snow, where I was beaten up by 10-man captain

Boyd stopped moving to sleep. No, he is not dead. He isn’t dead. He is just enjoying
the snow.

“But there’s an overwhelming difference in swords than bare-handed fighting”

With that said, Anzeros shrugged her shoulders as she untied her ponytail.

“It’s natural, isn’t it? How many years do you think I’ve been swinging my sword?

“No, but my wooden sword and Boyd´s wooden sword…”

The wooden sword for Boyd is nearly 2 meters long. And thick. Maybe I can’t lift it.
And Anzeros´s sword is 60-70 cm. The difference in reach between swords, which is
three times as long as the length alone and the reach difference between arms
between half-elf and ogre isn’t odd. In this case, it seems that the conditions are still
easier for bare hands. However, when Anzeros gently shakes the wooden sword she
is leaning against, she stands in front of him in the style of an ace knight ritual.

“It may seem to you that the reach has been extended by a few tens of centimeters. A
swordsman holds the sword and completes it. Boyd isn’t a 『Swordsman』, but an
『Ogre with a sword』. It’s overwhelmingly different”

“Haa… I don’t really understand”

“You know that a 『Hammer holding uncle』 and 『Blacksmith』 are completely

“…Ah, I know intuitively”

Certainly not. Completely different.

“…Quickly… I want to be a warrior with a sword, even if I don’t go as far as a ” 『


Boyd mutters while buried in the snow. Ogres and warriors are certainly quite
different. I feel that a warrior cannot be underestimated.

“That’s why I train you. Now, when you’re done, come in the miraculous spring. We’ll
do it in the afternoon again”


Boyd sleighs up and heads towards the hot springs, with snow all over his body.

“So Anzeros, what’s with Boyd? At least can he be a regular soldier in the infantry?”

When I asked after Boyd disappeared, Anzeros grinned, as her ears swayed.

“That’s about it. With that, he can sometimes hit a shock wave, right?”
“Oh, really?”

There are few users even among Ace Knights who can do a shock wave attack that
40% of Sword Saints and others cant hit. Even Aurora couldn’t deal with it until she
learned from Sir Bonaparte and Anzeros a year ago.

“That’s pretty amazing…”

“Of course, if you don’t stabilize it when you want to use it, you can’t use it in tactics,
so it’s not at the stage where I can say he can use it yet. Boyd is too disadvantageous
to many opponents because his defense is sweet. I’m teaching him that if he uses
shock waves well, he can mitigate them a little bit. If he’s able to put it out in a stable
way, I can recommend him for the Ace Knight exam”

She is willing to strengthen the defense technology itself, but that means that
Anzeros is seriously trying to make Boyd an Ace Knight. Originally, it requires a
natural martial art that is said to be one in dozens of people and it is normal to reach
it by refining talents from childhood like Anzeros and Isaac. It shouldn’t be
something you can turn into when you grow up.

“Is Boyd really talented?”

“Ogres are much stronger than humans, though. Boyd has a strong will and good
eyes for a crossbow soldier. Ogres are left to the destructive instinct. They tend to
fight in a rough way, but Boyd has a strong will, so he can practice a beautiful turn
without running wildly like that”

“…It only sounds like a sober talent”

“No, it’s rare for an ogre. To break through the Rock God Labyrinth in the Ace Knight
test, you need endurance and efficient fighting skills that allow you to continue
fighting without disturbing the pace, rather than simple attack power. Attack. It’s a
standard course to retire because ogres that are strong enough are exhausted in the
early stages”

So that’s it…

“Besides, Ace Knight’s investiture is actually the fastest way for Boyd to be a 10-man
captain. Unless you’re going to be a 10-man captain on a regular course, no matter
how hard you try, it’s going to be tough for another five years”
“…Boyd, didn’t he say he will get married when he is a 10-man captain?”

“Yeah. Well, speaking of other people’s affairs, it’s a matter of others, but it’s a pity to
keep your fiance waiting for five years, right?


When she says that, I wonder how many years I will have to wait for my women,
including Dianne and Selenium, who is ready to marry (completely proposed for
Jeanne). At the very least, I can’t marry them until I have a med who can maintain my


Anzeros gives me a serious look and looks far away.

“N, No, I think you’re patient, you can do it whenever you like? Anyway, I have a long
life span, so we don’t have to rush… ah, but Luna… no, Luna is still young, so let’s
wait for a while. It’s okay”

“Rather, it’s easier for me to get there quickly. Anzeros…”

Recently, I’ve been feeling more and more unworthy of myself. Let’s weigh ourselves.
And let’s do our best.


When I returned to the city with Anzeros, there was an unfamiliar carriage in the

“It’s not a stagecoach…?”

There are only a few types of stagecoach that always come, so there is no mistake.
It’s possible that the stagecoach company has a new car body. It’s strangely new and
luxurious. The appearance of the coachman is also good enough to be clearly seen
from a distance.

“What is it? Is it the lord of the south?”

Almost all of this is Baron’s territory from the Snake Mountains, so at least it’s from
the other side of the mountain.

“No, wait a minute Andy”

Anzeros makes a strange face and moves around to the side of the carriage. When
Anzeros found something on the car body, she opened her eyes and stepped back.


“What happened?”

“…It’s the crest of the Sylpheed Company”

Sylpheed… is surely the parents’ house of Anzeros.

“Isn’t it coming to wholesale here? I’m sure you’re also dealing with Celesta and
Renfangas. About Polka…”

“No, the coach isnt used by a merchant at the end”

The carriage starts to move. Anzeros walks after it. I also chase after them somehow.

“That means someone is riding on that…”


When Anzeros nodded, the carriage suddenly stopped. And the carriage door opens.


The expected person appeared… Linda Neumann. The mother of Anzeros and the
chairman of one of Trot’s largest trade associations.


“Welcome, Linda-dono of the renowned Sylfeed. A long journey”

“This is polite. What is the Baron’s appearance to a merchant?”

While Linda and her party, who stopped at the best inn in the city, were checking in,
we moved to the Baron’s residence to inform the Baron immediately about it… No,
maybe I didn’t have to tell him otherwise, but when a tycoon suddenly appeared, I
thought I should let the Baron know. I was wondering if I should go to talk to Dianne,
but for the time being, I decided to watch over their greetings.

“I’ve heard rumors for a long time, Polka’s hot springs are miracle springs that works
for all illnesses. Well, it didn’t matter until now because the robustness that doesn’t
take even one of the diseases was good, but recently my waist and shoulders are

Linda grins at me and Anzeros while explaining with gestures while putting her
hands on her hips… Maybe she’s got some kind of information network to get us
based here.

“If so, you can fully enjoy Polka’s proud miraculous spring. It is said that it is good to
bathe in against trauma and to drink it for against diseases. There are people called
spring protectors all over the city…”

Anzeros whispers to me in a soft voice, watching Linda amiably listening to the

Baron explaining.

“…Come to think of it, it might be natural for my mother to come as this is a chance”


“It’s me and I’m sure I’m old enough to get loose in my body, but most of all, in the
recent Trot… elves are walking around calmly”

“A, Ah”

That’s obvious.

“…My mother gave birth to me in love with an elf in such an unlikely time. It’s natural
to want to know the truth about what’s happening. As a merchant and as an old Trot

“…That’s right, isn’t it?”

Confirmation of business opportunities and the transition of the times when I was
involved. Also, if her illness overlaps with her daughter’s appearance, a one-way trip
for several weeks will be worth it…


Finally Linda turns to us.

“Ange and son-in-law! How are you? You seem to be on good terms as usual”

“E, a, emm…”


Anzeros and I looked at each other and laughed bitterly. This is just before we talked
about getting married. Linda has a strange face.

“Well, that kind of face. You wouldn’t say that you’ve become 『Good friends』 after
breaking up, I’m going to make that much noise”

“Th, That’s not true!”

“I, It’s ridiculous to say we broke up”

Anzeros and I desperately deny it.

“Then I’d like you to show my grandson’s face as soon as possible. I’m a human being
now, but when I’m over fifty, I don’t know what will happen”

Mufu, Linda sighs at her age.

“Ah… I would say there is…”

“He, Hey Anzeros”


Linda’s eyes shine at the words that Anzeros said with a slight laugh.


In one room of the Baron’s residence, Anzeros happily hugs Peter.

“Ehehehe… th, this guy, Andy’s child, Peter”


“What, mother?”

“I’m saying 『Grandchild』!? The child isn’t an elf by any means!”

That claim is very correct. Linda. You’re right.

“But Andy’s child is like my son and I’m going to have him call me mom in the

“Look here son-in-law. My daughter, aren’t you struggling with a little stupidity?”

“That reaction hurts mother!?”

Anzeros, who looks stunned while hugging Peter, is relieved.

“I’m not going to be a son-in-law to Anzeros, so can you forgive her?”

“Ah, I wonder what that means”

Linda is a little upset. Beyond that, female slaves such as Jeanne, Selenium and Apple
are staring at me.

“As I said before, Anzeros is my woman. I’m the one who gets it”

“Hee. Don’t say it. Do you know that the son-in-law of the Neumann family is

Linda smiles a little scary.

“Then I’m going to be Anzeros’s”

“Yes, that’s right. Isn’t it bad? I’m still a parent of that stupid girl. A female slave of
her husband, rather than stubbornly defending a stupid relationship, make a proper
marriage even with a flickering bait. What’s wrong with wanting to do it?”

Linda was crazy… And the relationship between me and Anzeros and by extension,
my lack of worthiness. But… I laugh and hold Anzeros with Peter. While combing her
hair with my fingers, I laugh bullishly.

“I’m certainly a kid of this Polka´s blacksmith who isn’t rich or anything and in fact
I’m a poor guy who doesn’t have much fortune and can’t even buy a house right now”

I still have a lot of women who say they like me. I want to like all those women.

“Anzeros… Angelina is mine. I’ve got her. I’m not going to return her again”

“Andy… ♪”

I don’t think it’s time to make a happy face, Anzeros.

“…Haa. I’m talking about getting a mansion in a prime location in the royal capital
that is as good as a castle”

Linda sighs.

“He’s a stupid guy”

Shrug my shoulders. Anzeros was sick and trying to say something, but Linda looked
up and smiled before the words came out of her mouth.

“But you´re my stupid daughter´s partner. Maybe that’s the case… Really, Ange looks
happy. I can’t say anything with this”

“O, Of course… I’m happy!”

Anzeros who says 「I」 is a little cute. I wonder if that is the case with my mother.

…And Peter begins to cry, perhaps because Anzeros hugged too much.

“A, Ah… to”

“Aaaaaa, give him to me, Ange. Totally… if you think its your child, treat it with great
care… Come on, grandma, beroberobero”

Peter gets in a good mood as soon as Linda cuddles him.

“Oh, he has a funny face”

“Peter-kun can’t stop crying so easily… I didn’t let him suck my boobs”

Linda puts her hand on her hips to the astonished female slaves.

“Why did you give milk one by one? That’s how kids get fat”

…I think it has a slightly different meaning.

“Okay, kids change their mood pretty quickly. You can make a little noise with toys,
and you shouldn’t be shy with this kind of face”

However, Linda, who teaches how to treat Peter as a 「Grandma」, I realized that
she was a very nostalgic and warm person.
“Is it Anzeros´s mother?… I hope she doesn’t bother us”

Upon hearing the report, Dianne said so.

“? It’s awkward, but… she is a merchant, isn’t she?”

Sharon makes a mysterious look.

“With two of the nine clan chiefs of the Northern Forest on your side, what do you,
who receive full cooperation from the lords of this land, think about?”

…Well, it is certain that the negotiations with those in power are very good. Sharon,
who grew up as a princess, may think that everything is safe.

“If it’s a story that certainly won’t be a fight”

Dianne quietly closes her eyes. Instead, Tetes took over the topic while making tea.

“Sylpheed Company’s Linda Neumann is famous for her ability to take every
opportunity on her side. With only one generation and an adventurer, she has built a
leading force in the 600-year-old Trot. It’s not normal, Knight Chief”

“Is that so, Tetes?”

“…In a country with a long history, there are many merchants with such a stable
ground, so it should be quite difficult for newcomers to expand their trade area.
Arcus should have been like that, too…”

“When I was in Arcus, I didn’t care about the merchants”

“…Anyway, that’s right. Even at foreign trading companies that go in and out of
Rennesto, Sylpheed is now in the top five? Well, from the Celesta branch”

“But… what’s wrong with that?”

Dianne opens her mouth again.

“She’s a skilled merchant that is hard to find in Celesta. Even if it doesn’t directly
affect us, what about the elf territory?”

“For the elf territory…?”

“After all, the time when she gave birth to Anzeros was a time when Trot was harsh
on elves and the elf territory was hard on humans. It may be a terrible feeling. It is
possible that she is thinking about the return, for example. With such power, at its
discretion, it is possible to plunge the market price of the specialty products that the
elves are trying to export to Trot and Celesta. If that happens, it will hurt the elves.

“That’s not what my mother does…”

Anzeros tries to defend her mother, but weakens her speech. Linda can do that too.
And since the elf territory problem had a great impact on life, personality
predictions cannot be said to be absolute.

“If you can say no, that’s fine. But if the diplomatic problems of the elf territory get
messed up, Irina and Christie can’t take it easy. At worst, it can’t be repaired, before
the dragon’s dispatch to Renfangas. In addition, it is possible that the forest will be

“If that happens, Dianne´s Special Task Force will be suspended in the air and if it is
not good enough, the dispatch will be discontinued at the discretion of the Celesta

Sharon and Anzeros swallowed their spit at the words Tetes muttered.

“If that happens, I feel sorry for Neia-san”

Naris nods. Neia isn’t here now because she was abducted by Hilda-san and went to
a hot spring.
“I don’t think that’s the case… because my father is from this forest. My mother…”

After all, Anzeros´s words have no power. Speaking of merchants, people are bad and
it is a world under no circumstances and Anzeros herself has lived away from Linda
for almost ten years. You can’t say that she can understand Linda enough to affirm.

“In any case, we can only wait. She’s completely treated as an outsider”

Dianne quietly said so. The dining room of the inn was surrounded by heavy silence.


It is hard to ignore or divide such difficult topics. I want to talk to someone to my

heart’s content, but when it comes to this kind of story, Dianne is dry. Aurora will be
similar to Sharon. Somehow, she is a young lady in power. Laila and Maia are in a
position not to know about human conflict in the first place and Selenium, Apple,
Jeanne and Irina are in the Baron’s mansion. The Baron will still be entertaining
Linda today, so it’s a little hard for him to come out. On the other hand, Luna and
Almeida are likely to puncture their heads even if I tell a difficult story.

“Unexpectedly, there is no one who I can easily talk about such topics…”


Anzeros and I think about it at the table in my room.

“My mother might invite the elves to a pinch… I didn’t even think about it, but
honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if she told me she’d do it…”

“She’s like a person with a strong temper”

At the time of Anzeros Sword Saint test, there was a case where Linda hit a
messenger who told her the reason for failure in a chair.

“…At least if I nodded to the story of being the son-in-law, it might have changed a

Wishful thinking, but if that happens, she should never be able to penalize my
hometown of Polka or my mission of exploration.
“No, you cant. Either way, the fact that we, Trot people, proceed with the Trot
method of marriage means that you are out of touch with women other than me.
That’s a pity for everyone”

“…I like everyone”

If she is a human girl, she would definitely say, 「That’s natural」… Anzeros, who
turned a little red, cleared her throat.

“Because I’m not satisfied with you alone. It’s better to have Laila, Dianne and
Selenium than to have an affair with someone you don’t know”

“…I’m sorry, I’ve been having an affair with female elves who’re coming here lately”

“Well, I forgive you. If you’re caught by a human girl in the royal capital, you might
get caught, but if you’re that kind of person, well, Andy wouldn’t fall behind”

What kind of trust is this?

“Come on, so are you talking about marriage”

I lean forward.


“You’re too sweet to me”

“That’s not where I get angry”

“No, it’s not. You can be a little more angry with me”

I bring my face close to Anzeros and stare at it. The beautifully colored eyes showed
a confused light.

“What, that…”

“I know you’re lonely and want me to care. But lately I’ve been standing up too
much… I mean, you´re too patient and I can’t feel love”

“Don’t cut it strangely, it can’t be helped, you’re that kind of guy… I have to put up
with it for a while”

“It’s okay to put up with it a little, but if you put up with it too much, you’ll think I
don’t need you”

“That’s not true! Do you know how worried I was when you were gone the other day
in the demon territory”

Good grief. It seems that such a dog with too much discipline is cute and a little

“Then, behave like a spoiled child. If you don’t like it, get angry. Tell me that you love
me and you don’t have enough love. You think it’s best to be a good girl, but I want to
hear more about you and I want to know when and how much you care about me”

“…It’s annoying, even if you know that…”


I grab Anzeros’s unobtrusive shoulders and bring my lips closer to her slightly
drooping ears.

“I love you, Ange”


“I want to be needed by you. I want to satisfy you. I’m not sure if you really forgive
me and I want to please you”

“…Idiot. You know, just being told that makes me happy… ♪”

How easy is her happiness?

“If you’re caught by a bad guy, you’re going to be squeezed out until you’re worn-out”

I didn’t think so in the past, but she’s really a half-elf. This fellow.

“Are you going to tell me you’re not a bad guy, Andy…”

“I’m not going to do anything to wear someone out. I’ll love you until you´re ruined”
“That’s more troublesome… my eyes can’t wake up… ♪”

Anzeros gently closes my lips. I take it and give a long kiss so that she can enjoy it.
Consciousness is concentrated on the lips and when we touch each other, it feels like
itching and numbing. From the slow, sticky movement of the lips, the love hidden by
Anzeros is transmitted as if it leaks out. I slowly release my lips.

“…Andy. It’s true that I don’t really care about marriage or affairs”


“But if there’s something to hide… I can’t help but want to be trained by Andy more…

“Don’t tell me to train you…”

“I’m fine. I’m Andy’s naughty slave… I really want Andy to be naughty from morning
till night, because I’m a pervert slave… Andy to do that… ♪”

Anzeros, who holds the collar and says so happily from the bottom of her heart, is
irresistibly cute.

“So, if you want to please me, feel free to attack me, master”

“If you say that, I’ll be happy… isn’t it clever?”

“Sorry. It’s completely my hobby♪”

Kissing Anzeros again. I lift her body, carry her to bed and fall down with her.

“…Andy, I love you… ♪”

“I love you too, Ange”

“…If we show who we are now, I’m sure my mother won’t even think about anything

“Would you like to show off? Showing her that I´m raping you in front of Linda”
“I’ll show my mother how happy I am… maybe, its a good idea… ♪”

Of course I’m not really motivated.

“…It’s a practice exercise, Ange. Shake your hips as if you were in front of your


With a completely excited face, Anzeros took off her gym suit pants, lowered her
panty to her knees and pushed her hips up at me.

“Look. Think of that pillow as Linda. Tell her how happy you are as a perverted girl”

“Yeah… Mother, look… I’m going to be messed up by Andy… I’m going to make my
mother’s grandson♪ See how much I love Andy and how much Andy loves me…

Anzeros, who is devoted to being a woman in this way, is cute. With a baby face and a
small body that looks like a mid-teen, she sways like a lewd woman and shows her
happy and melted eyes. Because it’s really cute… I think it would be a big deal if we
really showed this in front of her mother.

“Let’s go, Ange…”

“Yes… look, look, mother, Andy in my pussy, come…”

I pushed the dick into the little horny crack as Anzeros was playing and pushed it

Knock-Knock-Knock! I was very surprised at the sudden knock.


When we stiffened each other, the next moment the door was already open.

“Are you there, Smithson-san!… Te…”

“M, Mother!?”
Unintentionally, a very embarrassing meeting between Anzeros and Linda.

“…What are you doing during daytime!”

“I’ve always said that mother can’t open the door immediately after knocking!”

“Don’t try to quarrel in that state, Anzeros”

I think Anzeros, who slumps down and pushes up her bare ass and argues with my
dick inside her, is very tough, but that’s why I pull out my dick.

It was exciting, but it can’t be helped.

“What is it all of a sudden?”

“Ah, get rid of that stick quickly. I have that much time… Ange also hides your butt”


We both hide our lower body. When we did that, Irina popped up.

“Have you been here…”


Linda folds her arms and opens her mouth, looking sideways at Irina, who looks a
little tired.

“I heard that merchants sometimes go in and out of the forest now, so I asked them
to let me in the forest. They don’t really want to let someone in they don’t know. So,
when I asked who was the most in-and-out human in Polka, she said it was
Smithson-san. Therefore I wonder if you could go with me, Smithson-san. I will also
reward you”

“Certainly Smithson-dono is the benefactor of the forest…”

As expected, a merchant. Fast and aggressive. As soon as she saw that I had a valid
connection, she immediately came here.

“Is it all right?”

“…What are you going to do?”

I’ll hold myself back a little. Is she planning to start cutting down the forest…?

“That story, I think it’s okay to tell you if you go with me on the road… Hey Ange,
what are you dazed about? It’s not that kind of clothes, but there’s a little more to go,
right? Change your clothes”

“E, Eh?”

“I’m going to meet Aaron from now on”

With a smile, she said an unfamiliar name… Who.


The northern forest, the white clan territory that is said to be the central part of it.
Led by Irina, Anzeros, I and Linda, who have descended there, see a tall elf young
man on the lakeside holding ruins inside.


Linda calls out from behind with a voice that I often hear. The young man turned
around slowly with dignified eyes, somewhat similar to Anzeros.

“When are you going to call Anzeros a part of the white clan at the clan meeting?
That guy here is Aaron, Anzeros´s father”

Irina says with a slightly complicated face.

“…I imagined an older person because he was a father. He’s an elf, isn’t he?”

It is a race that spends almost 800 years in their twenties. Not surprisingly, Aaron-
san looked younger than me.

“Actually, he’s still young. He shouldn’t be 100 years old yet”

“…I’m having trouble commenting”

100 years old. Is it good to say that he is old or young?

“Even though I´m over a hundred and a half, right?”

“…Yeah, no, Naris is also 100 years old”

I’m feeling very young. Anyway, Aaron, an elf young man who has an atmosphere
that is somewhat out of the ordinary, Linda who dressed up as usual and Anzeros
who was dressed in a dress that could be called a dress and had her beautiful hair
tied up… no , Angelina meets… The content of the conversation isn’t transmitted to
me and Irina, who are a little far away.

“By the way, why didn’t she want to come to the White Clan territory?”

If I think about it, Ange must have had the time to come here again and again. But.

“I get the feeling that they don’t want to meet each other, Smithson-dono. Anzeros is
a half-elf. She’s different from Apple and Selenium, growing up outside the forest”

“…Is it hard to get in… that’s what you say to me”

“And Aaron was a lone wolf who used to wander outside the forest alone and he’s a
weirdo who doesn’t have much to do with his clan. Of course, he’s heard about
Anzeros since last year, but there’s a verse he deliberately distanced his way from
trying to water down his daughter’s contribution to the forest even though she’s a

“…It’s a similar parent and child only in a strange refrain”


…Why didn’t I notice it, idiot. That’s right. Anzeros had put up with even this. Her
father is within reach. I’m so jealous that I want to cry… I have to be more concerned.
Not just erotic things.


Angelina calls me. I nod to Irina and start walking.

“I’ll introduce you. This person is my father, Aaron… This person is my husband Andy
“W, What are you talking about all of a sudden, Ange?”

It’s too bad. I thought so, but Aaron just had a slightly embarrassed face.

“I’m not sure how people get used to it, but… I’m going to believe in my daughter.
Regards, Smithson, the hero of the famous Holy Beast Labyrinth, the benefactor of
the forest”

“…I make your daughter happy, at least as long as my life lasts”

Shake hands.

“Yeah. It’s a good place to hit, Aaron. Outside the forest”

“Don’t be savage, Linda”

Linda, who is caring and expressive and Aaron, who has a somewhat aloof
atmosphere. It’s a contrasting combination, but that’s why there may be something
that meshes.

“Then father. I’ll come see you again”

“H, Hey, Ange!?”

I was pulled by Ange and quickly taken to Irina’s waiting. I just greeted him and
didn’t talk.

“…Excuse me here. Please, Andy”


Anzeros whispers to me in a soft voice.

“…My mother always wanted to see me. She didn’t just wait, she wanted to come to
see him. My father”


Have I heard of it once? Anzeros’s father sometimes comes to see her. And he just
looks at her face and goes home… Linda couldn’t complain to her husband either.
Still, she can’t stand it. Did she come to Polka betting on the possibility that she could
go see him now?… What a similar, stubborn parent and child.

“My mother does not retaliate on the elf territory… Yes, I was worried, but my
mother wouldn’t do anything wrong with my father and me until she dies. I’m the
one who always throws away all my fortune”


We return to Irina and look at the lakeside where Linda and Aaron sit side by side in
a long distance. Linda, who seems to be able to stand and sit now and Aaron, who
never tries to keep a distance like a figurine… For some reason, I felt like I could see
what Linda was like when she was young.

Linda talks to Aaron, who doesn’t move much as usual and hits on him, in various
ways, such as sitting back to back, looking straight ahead and putting her head on his
shoulder from the side. Someday she slept on Aaron’s knee pillow. I wondered why
they were like that.

Now they don’t move much from each other and the voices heard in the wind tell us
that they are barely chatting. Even if the shape changes, even if you get old, you can
get along with each other. You can do that without worrying about each other’s aging
and youth. I wish I could be like that too.

“…30 years from now”


“…I hope Ange and I are like that too”

“…I’m sorry, such a simple Andy”


“…I’ve got a general idea of what your ideal me would be thirty years from now”
It’s been a few days since Linda-san came. We were beginning to understand how
amazing the woman named Linda Neumann was.

“What? There is no account book even though you are in business?”

“Y, Yes, most of the time Irina and I remember it…”

“It’s okay to remember! That kind of material is for a third party, if you’re serious
about earning money, make it right now! And this one-horned horse horn! It’s not a
joke, how many grams have you sold, you have to sell one to enhance your brand!
Even if the person in question looks poor, he is so rich that the back groans, don’t
hesitate! It’s too cheap and you can take it three and a half times”

“S, So… can you say that with confidence?”

“I’m an active Trot merchant, remember, a merchant is a job to look at, they are
turned away from the other party and don’t break the bullishness until one month. If
you’re confident in quality. On the contrary… in retail, a small loss is credit costs, but
you can’t just have a bitter face”

“Ha, Haa”

At Baron’s mansion, the cherry blossoms representative, that is, Christie, who is the
real king in the elf society, was scolded by Linda.

“Baron, what is it?”

“Umm. Apparently, the elf territory people have found out from the merchants in the
town that they are doing a crazy business. It’s been like that since the morning”

“Baron, did you know that it mismatched?”

“I’m not a merchant. I can’t give guidance even if I’m a little clumsy”
Apparently it was a well-known fact.

“Rather, sell it to me for three and a half times. I’ll handle everything in the royal
capital and Celesta”

“Eh, but that kind of trouble…”

“I’m sure I’ll make a big difference, even if it’s deducted. All the merchants who have
bought from you should be the masters. I can’t even think of it”

Linda, who puts her hand on her waist, is no longer in the mood to hit the back hand
so that it hurts. Or rather.

“…I’ve seen various women recuperate in this town, but I’ve never seen a woman so
rejuvenated after recuperation at the miraculous spring”

“Actually, I think they are eating a curse, it’s like eating an extra age”

I was rejuvenating so much that I and the Baron had such a conversation with a
straight face. He should be a lot older, but he looks as young as the Baroness.

“It’s not because the vitality is an order of magnitude. As expected, there’s just that I
used to be an adventurer”

With a tired face, Irina eats an apple pie made by Selenium and Apple.

“Do you understand that with magic?”

“Do I need to use magic? Ambition is ambition. It’s no good to cut the front with Lord
Bonaparte and Dianne”


Well… it was just a stop with King Ulysses, who was once touted as the main pillar of
Trot. From the point of view of their generation, it may be natural that we, the
working generation, seem to be in good health. Then, Linda turned around and
approached Irina.

“Ahhhhh, Irina-chan, don’t sprinkle this pie crust! You have to put on a serviette
properly! Look, Baron, get ready!”
“Oh, oh, sorry”

Irina is treated as a child with 「Irina-chan」. At first she was dissatisfied, but
recently Irina has given up on her objection.

“Oops, it’s about time Peter started crying. Excuse me for a moment”

“Peter is seen by Jeanne and Apple…”

“They said this, but I think they weren’t the ones who used to be babysitters. The
tricks are dangerous, by all means. I still have to teach them properly”

Linda leaves the study determinedly. As a grandma, as a merchant and as a woman

who regains her beauty in hot springs. She continues to fully open up her potential
and the person who can compete with her at the baron’s mansion…

“That’s why you can’t use expensive paper diapers for ordinary people! Because my
children were also cloth diapers!”

“It’s not that expensive in the royal capital! I’ll send it to you next time!”

“It’s no good if Andy’s financial habit is such a thing! My mother told me that I’m not
going to do it!”

“That’s why paper production technology is now bottoming out and it’s getting
cheaper, if you don’t have to worry about it, you can reach it right away!”

…Is it about the Baroness? I mean.

“I’m worried that Peter will mistake the Baron for his dad, but it’s only a matter of
time before his mother is mistaken for the Baroness…”

When I mutter, the Baron nods vaguely.

“Well, she’s enjoying it because it’s much more straightforward and easier to handle
than our kids…”

“…It’s really a luxury to have a noble wife as a nanny for my son”

“Don’t worry about that. I’m enjoying myself to the extent that she rarely gets angry
when I say her age recently”

“…I’m really sorry”

It’s the same with my female slaves, but I’m really lucky. However, I can’t help but be
spoiled. I have to do my best and become independent… Let’s set up a serious calm
after the exploration mission.


“I think”

Tavern at night. When I put down the mug, Johnny and Keel put it on for three
seconds and then laughed.

“Seriously you”

“I wonder how many girlfriends of different races will be brought damn it. Damn it!”

The hand that hits my shoulder hurts so much Keel.

“I’m trying to feed about 10 people suddenly by simple calculation. Even though the
blacksmith’s training hasn’t finished yet”

“Yeah impossible”

“Don’t say it’s impossible!”

“You can’t do it, you idiot!”

Why does Keel criticize sharply?… However, even a normal blacksmith raises three
children barely…

“Well, for the time being, if I can make a remarkable achievement in this special task,
I think that I can be a 100-man commander, so the pension is also a plus…”

“A remarkable activity. What have you been doing so far?”

“……I’ve beaten Master Knight in the south”

“Yeah, I heard that Anzeros-san did it”

“Helping the Holy Beast in the northern forest is also treated as a hero”

“Yeah, I heard. Count Bonaparte, that Dark Elf captain, and Laila-san did it?”

“I heard that the Baron, Anzeros-san and Aurora-san were also active”

“M, Me too!?”

I was feeling more and more depressed. That’s true. If that area is evaluated, I’ll be
reorganized and talk about promotion.

“…What should I do? How should I feed?”

“Too much now”

“You´re already dead, you playboy”

Keel if you’re a little serious… Masturbation Brothers interrupted there with a mug
and snacks.

“After all, the food is delicious and the alcohol goes on. Do you also eat Johnny-san?

“Oh, smart, your subordinates”

“Do you also eat Keel?”

“Wait Lantz, I’m older too!? Why do you call Johnny honorific?”

“No, look, Keel is more like a small fish”

“Do you want to pick a fight Goto!? I’m sorry, let’s stop fighting. I don’t feel like I can
beat an ogre”

Everyone laughs at Keel that exposes a small fish character.

“Well, in reality, it’s impossible for 10-man captain Smithson to feed the female
slaves on his own”
“Yeah. I drink a lot like Laila and Jeanne. If I put on Sharon and Aurora, they’re likely
to come to kill someone at best”

“Laila and Maia seem to be okay even if they are naked”

“But it’s the worst to be surrounded by women while enduring poverty”

The four people agree. 『You overstated』.

“…I have no choice but to earn money together… it’s not cool”

“I’m surprised in many ways by 10-man captain Smithson who was still particular
about it”

“Most of them, their parent’s homes are very rich or powerful. The same is true for
10-man captain Anzeros. Isn’t it a prescribed route to get a inheritance and be calm?”

Goto and Lantz’s opinion is, well, normal.

“In order to drink there, it is important to be welcomed by their parents’ house”



No one is so welcoming as to give heritage… well, no one. To a man who let them put
on a collar and insisted that their daughters are his female slaves.

“But in reality, it’s just a normal flirtation and it’s not slavery as much as the general

“That’s right, but now, since Selenium and Apple have said that everyone is a female
slave, it’s unfair if they aren’t female slaves”

Erotic picture scrolls such as Hilda-san and married woman slaves are also in a deep
blue state, so it is very difficult to make excuses.

“Hey Andy. I’ve always wanted to say it. The world is wrong. Johnny got married and
you’re such a playboy, while I haven’t met a girl”
“Ask Johnny about it. You were just chubby before last year”

“I wasn’t chubby! I’m not fat!”

Keel rampages while being stopped by Goto who grabs him at his neck. You’re
already skinny, so that’s fine.

“Well, even if I’m relieved, I don’t think Hilda-san or 100-man commander will stop
working and it seems that other people have saved quite a bit”

“I think it seems that a lot of tributes will be gathered just by standing up like Laila
and Maia. Isn’t it something that can work?”

“I want to take responsibility as a man!”

“Give up. If you want to take responsibility, reduce it to the number you can have”

“I should be popular with girls for about half of you, let’s reduce it!”

Compared to the gorgeousness of the topic, the table of five men is annoying. But this
kind of thing is also comfortable.


Then, I got tipsy and got back to the inn and managed to enter my room with
staggered legs. No, I´m tipsy. Let’s believe it.

“I, I’m… thinking about things… the future… life…”

Without telling anyone. I fell into bed and made excuses.

“I’m thinking… but now…”

“But what?”

“…Calculation just doesn’t meet…”

“…I don’t think it will fit from the beginning”

“…I don’t know… everyone is cute… they’ll forgive you even though I’m such a mess…
say they like me… I shall spoil them…”


“If… I don’t make them happy, the book ends won’t fit…”

“…You have a strong sense of responsibility”

“It’s different… but, I…”


“I’m just greedy… You can keep what you like at hand for a long time, qualifications…
I just want it…”

I know it’s disproportionate. But I want to keep everyone smiling. I want people I
like to be like that… Don’t lean on someone. It must be unfair. Someone is no longer
smiling. So I think I want to do something about it. I wonder if it is absolutely
impossible. I feel like I can do something about it.

“…Qualification… is it?”


By the way. Who am I talking to?

“…Then, I guess I have no qualifications. No qualifications where you are, no

qualifications for what you want”

I hear sad words. I reach out and somehow hug whats in front of me.



“Aruyo… Don’t say strange things. You can’t do it”

There was no reason at all. Just a reflexive reply. Whisper it to someone small in my

What I’m trying to say, floating gives up picking up from the surface of the water of
dissipating thoughts.

“That’s fine…”

Conclude the words appropriately. As it is, I fall to the depths of sleep as it is.


When I wake up.



For some reason, I was sleeping tightly hugging Neia. I’m confused for a moment.
What. Why is this happening? What did I do yesterday? After thinking about it, I’m
relieved that Neia is normally dressed and sleeping. Think calmly. One of the pillars
of the bed is Neia’s old brim hat. A flash sword in the corner of the room. A short
cloak for a coat rack. There are no crossbows, various packages, or clothing that
should be in my room.

“…Did I accidentally enter Neia’s room?”

I wish Neia had kicked me out of drunkenness. Neia grabs my clothes tightly as she
tries to get up. It looks like she is still asleep. Fine soft hair and well-organized
features. A little pressed, voluminous boobs for the small body pulls consciousness…
No no no. What am I lusting for? It’s Neia. Neither a lover nor a female slave. To put it

“No, I should have promised to take a bath together and massage her boobs”

I’m not sure if I promised to massage her boobs. Consciously leave it unclear. Well,
anyway, there’s no reason to do anything so naughty and it’s Neia, the strongest
warrior I’ve seen. Don’t feel too wicked. She is a mild-mannered child, but it’s hard if
she is in good shape. Softly, softly. Let go. Even though I was drunk, I will sincerely
apologize for sneaking into her bed without permission… Neia pulls my clothes

She muttered in a small voice.


Words that are too young and innocent. I found a tear mark on my clothes she was
pressing on her face and I got a little stuck… I wonder if it’s Faria. It might be so.

Mother or home. These days it makes me think about various things. There is also
such a girl. I may have been a little too floating. First of all, I have to do something
about this girl.

With that in mind, the door opens.

“Neia-chan☆ Today’s treatment in good health…”



Hilda, who entered the room, saw me falling upside down from the bed and Neia,
who fell asleep while pulling on my clothes.

“O, Ooh, Andy-kun is already Neia-chan…”

“I didn’t do anything!”

“…Go, Good morning…?”

Hilda with an awkward laugh, I landed on my chest and nose and left my hips down
on the bed and Neia, who finally took her hands off the hem of my clothes, and
awoke. A light pulsated slowly in the corner of the field of vision, as if the Flash
Sword was stunned.
I haven’t seen Aurora recently.

“Hey Keiron. Don’t you know where Aurora is?”

I find and ask Keiron, whose tail is being tampered with by children, by the steamed
bun shop.

“Aurora-san? Isn’t she with Anzeros?”

“Recently, Anzeros is making a full turn with Boyd’s training and Linda-san”

And Aurora isn’t with her. Or rather, Anzeros and Aurora are treated as a set among

“Well, I don’t know. I’ve only been to hot springs, here and the tavern lately. And Aunt
Lindsay’s miraculous spring”


“I’m not feel like it”

“No, there is no one who is seriously training with our crossbows!?”

Boyd was beaten up by Anzeros, Masturbation Brothers were exploring the mystery
of a woman’s body if there was a chance and I went to the Baron’s mansion, messed
with Maia and Laila and sexually harassed Sharon’s boobs if I had proper voluntary
training. Yeah I’m not the best… And then the door opened and a new customer came
to the steamed bun shop.
“Uncle, two whites and a cup of tea”

When I think it’s a familiar voice, it’s 100-man commander Becker.

“100-man special duty commander”

“Oh, Smithson and Keiron. It’s cold”

He is completely relaxed and steams from his hair. Is it the way home from the
morning bath?

“I mean Keiron is popular with children”

Children often come to visit the steamed bun shop, but recently, children often
gather because of the temple study time (instead of the academy) and have entered
the holidays. Then, they had Keel´s mother make snacks from a non-sale material
and they ate it, but that became especially noticeable after Keiron took a nap at the
steamed bun shop. It is in a nursery state.

“Beastmen are also quite rare, so hey, Trot”

“Well, there aren’t many beastmen out there…”

There is not so much persecution, but beasts who are not as strong as Oga and
Dwarves, and who do not have extensive mutual assorted relationships like elves, do
not want to leave the colony very much. That’s why Keiron is treated as a rare beast.

“It’s nice to touch, but don’t pull out my hair. It hurts”



Well, I don’t hate him, so that’s fine… That’s it.

“Did you see Aurora, 100-man special duty commander? I haven’t seen her so much

“Why did you get overwhelmed by your affair?”

“…It’s not like there’s no possibility of that”

There is always the possibility. A little.

“No, it’s a joke. I know your woman’s weird cohesion… I saw her go to the forest in
the morning. With Dancing Spear”

“Forest… that, elf territory?”

If it is Luna, there is a possibility of training in the forest as it is, but if Aurora and
Almeida enter the forest, it will normally be in the ancient barrier.


Somehow I got interested and decided to go to the forest.


Irina and Christie are still unable to escape from the Baron’s mansion due to Linda-
san’s 「Guidance」. I can’t enter the ancient barrier alone. When I was wondering
what happened, I came across four girls after the hot springs on the road.

“Good morning, animal trainer”

“…I’ll ask you to do something about that name”

I’ve given up on the recognition from the elves, but at least I want them to excuse me
at the time of traffic.

“E, Emm, then… Smithson-sama?”

“Yeah, Andy or Smithson is fine, but that’s it”

“Are you using the women’s baths? There are a lot of female humans now, but…”

“Fennel. Please, don’t say I’m like someone who often uses the women’s bath”


I wanted to question the perceptions of these children a little more thoroughly. But
before that.

“Which reminds me, you guys can always be in the forest, right?”

“Yes, of course”

If they are not good at magic, opening and closing the barrier will be difficult, but
they don’t seem to worry.

“Then, can you take me to the forest? I want to know what Aurora is doing because it
looks like she’s in the forest”

Well, I can make a rough prediction.

“I don’t mind that

“Apart from that Smithson-sama, when will you come to our house next time?”

“Ah, emm, you can come anytime. There will always be someone except when we’re
in the bath”

“Everyone is there at night. I’m the only one in the afternoon, but whenever that’s
okay… come and hug me”

“That’s why I don’t go back and forth. I’ll go. I’ll go soon”

I don’t know who has ears, or please forgive such an invitation right in front of the
women’s bath where women take their morning bath.

After the bath, the four sexy girls send me to the silver clan manor. And when I asked
the elf who was walking around that area, it seems that Aurora and Almeida entered
Barrier Prison village.

“You’ve been coming a lot lately”

“Indeed… thank you”

“No No. Protect the benefactor of the forest with all things”

I tell the four girls about it while having them carefully cut the mark as a greeting.
“Then, over there”

“Fennel-san, have you been taught the key spelling of the barrier prison?”

“Of course. When animal trainer was there, I used to be on duty for cooking”

When I heard Fennel answering Savory, I think that was the case. Was she one of the
care elves at that time?

And when I enter the barrier prison with them.

“It’s late, princess!!”

“Still more!!”

I heard the sound of a slamming tree hitting each other. As we all headed toward the
sound, as expected, Almeida and Aurora were in a fierce battle.


Gakan!! Almeida’s long pole hits Aurora’s dual wield to the left and right without
difficulty and thrusts the tip to the throat.


‘My concentration is disrupted. I tell you, I haven’t been half as fast yet”

“I, I know…”

“And I’m a paladin and a red arm. It’s the same rank as Princess Aurora who is a Ace


“I still need to devote myself. I’m still worried about my basic physical strength. The
speed and power are also higher than Anzeros-cono. Not to mention the blast

“I know”
“If so, let’s finish swordsmanship today. Fortunately, there is a miraculous spring,
which is very good for teasing the body”


I thought that Aurora became considerably stronger, but it seems that it is not even
close to Almeida’s feet. I mean, Almeida is amazing.

“I, I saw this swordsmanship match for the first time”

“I wonder if those people are stronger or weaker than orange clan´s Gorkus-sama”

“…I’m not sure what they’re doing”

“Dark green clan´s Almeida is so amazing”

Each of the four girls are admiring. And it was Aurora that spotted us.

“Who is it!”


We who rise up. It was a little scary voice. However, when she admits our figures,
Aurora relaxes.

“…Andy-san… You?”

Before I answered, the tense Savory stepped forward and answered, swinging her
side pony.

“Th, That’s the one who participates in the favor of our animal trainer!”

I’m going to do my best from where I don’t have to answer separately.

“…My name is Fennel of the silver clan”

“I´m Oregano of the gold clan”

“Laurier of the gold clan”

“I, I’m Savory of the gold clan”

…After giving the name, what remains is Aurora’s stunned sigh and Almeida’s gaze.

“Unknowingly… Andy-san, we’re free every night”

“I feel like you’re going to have to make it difficult to get back to Marie-dono, Andy

“If you say so, let’s take off the collar, Almeida!?”

She is always saying that sticking in one’s throat if she doesn’t like it.


“By the way, the proof of an animal trainer’s love is to receive a collar…”

“Are we still lacking in service?”

The four girls also start making noise in a strange wind.

“Are you going to be such a man’s female slave, wake up girls!”

“Almeida-san. As I say, I don’t think you’re persuasive…”

Almeida is looking for a vocal reconsideration and Aurora feels like giving up.

“I, It’s okay because we’re too young to have a fiance, even in the clan!”

“Don’t call the animal trainer such a man if you were saved by the animal trainer’s
warmth, although it was originally a crime of death!”

“…Well, honestly, I agree that the lower body isn’t sloppy”

Laurier, aren’t you a little too honest? That’s fine.

“I’m wearing a collar because I can’t stand the bad publicity of Marie-dono’s son
anymore! I, If my sacrifice could stop the damage even a little…”

“I wonder if having Dancing Spear as a pet has led to the bad publicity you say”
“I, If you also say that, Princess Aurora!”

“From the beginning, I’d like to be Andy-san’s favorite woman. Being a wife and a
slave is just a form. Be loved by Andy-san for a long time. I don’t care”

“Mu, Muu”

“It’s just right. Andy-san, how about going together?”

Aurora smiles and points to the building next door. A dressing room for the hot

“Oh, Princess Aurora! Dedicate yourself to recovering your physical strength! Yeah,
your opponent is me!”

“You shouldn’t say that after hearing my reply, Almeida”

In addition, the four girls join in.

“You have too much love!”

“Animal trainer, please satisfy your libido with us”

“Please tell me more and more about naughty things, I’ll do anything”

“…I don’t have to do it, but I want to be impregnated normally”

“I think you should calm down a little too”

…I don’t feel bad about it.


So. After all, in the middle of the open-air hot spring, elf beauties are entwined with
my body in turn.

“Andy-san, how about it… ♪”

“I want to make it a little more intense…”

It is Aurora who is hugging me from the front and shaking her hips. She has just
finished growing up and is younger than Laurier if she is not good at it and may be
the youngest of them, but her expression is definitely the most bewitching of all.
Almeida is pushing her boobs against my back.

“…Without this moderation”

“Almeida-san. If you are dissatisfied, why don’t you leave?”

“This collar is a contract. I can’t run away because I vowed to stand up with this
man’s libido at all times”

Annoying guy.

“Aurora, get off a little”


“I will attack Almeida”

“Attack!? You which mouth…”

Pulling out my dick from Aurora, I press Almeida against the edge of the bathtub and
insert it from the back.

“GGu… hu, aaaa…!”

And as soon as I begin to shake my hips, Almeida begins to scream.

“Ah, haa, aa, ya, aaa… ♪”

“You pervert knight. you really wanted mw to do something erotic”

“Ya, id, idiot, noo… ♪”

Every time I poke her uterus, her facial expression melts. All the other elves see it.
Savory and Aurora are pressing their bodies against my back and arms, while the
other three are looking from nearby.

“What a naughty face she has!”

“Pushing one´s hips up like this…”

“Such a rebellious woman, you should have conceived her as soon as possible”

“Mu, don’t overdo it, Laurier, this guy is indispensable for his mission”

“Uhuhu, so… do you enjoy using her as a hand piece and toilet without intentionally
conceiving her, animal trainer?”

“It’s not Andy-san’s preference to rush to get pregnant”

“You’re really going to have fun…”

I mean, when I listen to their words, I’m really like a villain.

“Yaa, Yaaaa… no, noo… I can’t stand it… ♪”

Almeida is quicker than usual while being tampered with by other elves. When
Almeida squirts, I pull out my dick, hug the naked Oregano who was looking at us
from the side and insert it in the standing back posture. Pleasure reaches the climax
at the point where I thrust and I ejaculate suddenly.

“Hiaaa!? Hey, animal trainer…!?”

“I’m sorry. Do you hate it?”

“…L, Listening while vaginal cum shot… ♪”

Oregano happily entrusts herself to my barbarism, which seems to have thrust in

just to put it out. And Almeida, who was left unattended, looked up at me with a sad

“Why don’t you give it to me…?”

“Because you´re so noisy, I’m sorry. You can masturbate yourself”

“Th, That…”

Releasing Oregano, I raise Fennel’s leg, who puts her hands around my neck and
inserts it face-to-face, shaking Almeida.
“If you don’t like it… don’t mess up things like you can’t help it or because you swore”

“…I, I understand, I won’t tell you…”

“And… if you want to have sex, say so. Don’t use my mother as a shield. That’s
ingratitude for my mother”


It’s fine to be told that I’m a pervert or a bad guy, but I’m sorry or feel bad for my
mother to be used as an excuse.

“I understand… Marie-dono… it’s bad for Marie-dono, but… I love having sex with

“…That’s not it”

I stuck Savory and Aurora on my back and shook my hips on Fennel quickly.

“I want to show my mother the grandchildren you gave birth to”

“…Uh, you devil… I, I want to give birth to a grandchild for Marie-dono♪”


“…Make me squid with a vaginal cum shot… ♪”


I pulled out my dick from Fennel and rushed into the open crotch of Almeida. Then,
hugging Almeida, I make several round trips while kissing.


“Nuuu… ♪”

And ejaculation.

Releasing Almeida who is satisfied and reluctant, I insert it again in Aurora. Laurier
kisses me, Oregano sticks to me and asks for the continuation.
“Ah, n… Andy-san”


Aurora, who continues to be pushed up, smiles and sledges in my ears.

“…No matter how you look at it, it was the first time for a good 『Animal Trainer』♪


Stop. I’m depressed. Certainly it may have been a little too much now.

“Why don’t you train me too?”

“Andy-sama, me too”

“There’s a female here that hasn’t been seeded here♪”

“Fennel-san, its too much”

…I was depressed.


“Ann… ♪”

I’m fine. I stayed fine.

“I thought about it, but it’s impossible for Smithson-dono to learn elf language in a

The study of the Baron’s mansion where Linda-san, who had been in charge of
business guidance (or rather, office work with an eye on branch office construction)
was from the morning, left to take care of Peter. Irina, who contained a bite of syrup
tea with Christie, opened her heavy mouth and gave me a nice spoiler.

“Is it impossible?”

“Umm, it’s impossible. Valerie language, which is much closer to the northwestern
language, is also boring”

“…Well, I know what you’re saying in everyday conversation, but it’s hard to say
something difficult”

And since pronunciation is impossible, leave it to someone who is confident in that

area. Surprisingly, Lantz and Keiron are able to speak it. And among the girls, there is

“Elf language is different from grammar and the priest cant look good with a broken

“…Then, wording round memorizing?”

“If you can, that’s fine, but you’ll be at the spirit festival and the New Year festival

“…Well, I’m going to do that”

“It’s too early to rely on magic”


“Cheat on the spot with an illusion. You just have to cheat with my illusion from
behind and just imitate my mouth. You will be able to answer”

“…That’s obvious for someone who is good at magic”

I’m going to do it in front of all elves who are a magic race.

“No one is smart. First, it’s a technique that is also done in the spirit temple”

“…Is it okay for the spirit temple”

The wise and mysterious image of elves collapses evenly. Well, I wonder if it’s a
selfish illusion.

“And if you tie yourself to unnecessarily studying, the eyes of other women will hurt”


Recently, I’ve been wandering around Polka as much as I like, regardless of the girls.

“…Maybe it’s my subjectivity. Generally, I’m spending time with you about tea
drinking talk about this matter, but it’s said, 『Irina monopolized Andy at that time
』. It’s not worth the money”

“…It’s a little roundabout, but in short… do you mean you want to flirt more if you
have time to talk?”

“Don’t say anything like I behave like a spoiled child, it’s just a time-efficient story!”

“…Is it different? Then I’ll enjoy my free time”

When I stood up, Irina hit the desk and lifted her hips.

“Y, You’re a man who doesn’t have enough gratitude! In order to make that time, I’m
going to be with you on the appointed day!?”

“Not honest…”
I got tired of it, so I went behind Irina, put her on my lap and stroked her head.

“See, is this okay?”


“Are you sure you want this? Clan Chief”

“It doesn’t matter”

Irina, who is a little sullen, squeezes her ass on my lap, decides the best position, and
drinks tea calmly.

“Oh, I envy you”

Christie makes a bitter smile.

“Does Christie also want me to do it?”

Patting on my knee.

“If Smithson-san wants to do it, I’ll go out with you”

“I can only hear it as an obscene consultation, insectivore cherry blossom to this

lewd man”

“Irina don’t be so poisonous”

“Don’t be jealous, don’t be jealous”

“I’m not jealous!”

…It looks like a widow Christie, breaks into the family of her naughty daughter Irina
from the outside because of a man. That might be better, though. I think while
stroking Irina’s collar.

When I let Peter touch me for a moment (it was really a little bit out of the gap
between Linda and the Baroness), I was a little flustered.

“What’s wrong, Dianne?”

When I asked Dianne, who was drinking tea with Laila at the back table, which was a
reserved seat, Dianne raised her eyebrows.

“I told the group which goes to Celesta to get ready. I’m going to send them with Laila

“To Celesta?”

I’m not in that way at all… The ones who are likely to go are the boys… Anzeros will
always be here and Aurora is doing a special training. Hilda is currently undergoing
orthopedics and prognosis for Neia’s wounds. Other children who have something to
do with Celesta…


Then Luna pulled my sleeve.

“Ah, was Luna there? Is Luna going back to the colony?”

“Andy is coming too”


“It’s a promise. I can’t get pregnant because I’m with Andy, but Lina and Yuna should
feel free to be conceived”

“You, even if it’s your sister…”


Luna with a strange face… No, I wonder if she has been spending years in a colony
with few men. She doesn’t really think about having children in her close relatives, so
it may be said that her values are close to those of Maia.

“Ho, even so, I’ll take Jeanne too”

“Jeanne too? Is that okay…?”

“Peter will be surrounded by so much boobs that he has no time to rest. It doesn’t
matter if Jeanne is away for a few days”
…Come to think of it, is that so. Since Peter was born, Jeanne assumed that she
couldn’t move from Polka for several years. However, the Baroness, Linda, Selenium
and Apple. If there are so many nannies, there is certainly no problem.

“That means… Lantz, Goto, Keiron, Boyd, Jeanne and Luna…?”

Counting my fingers. Naris suddenly appears as if she was listening.

“And me!”

“Why you?”

Steam rises from the hair and it looks like a long robe with a single pelvic girdle, but
in the case of this girl, it doesn’t feel sexy.

“Because I’ve never been to Celesta. I want to go to the Desert Great Labyrinth, Rock
God Labyrinth, Quica, Tinvares, etc”

“…We don’t always go that far, but I’m sure we’ll only go to the Desert Labyrinth,

“If you go to Celesta, you can see a lot of festivals, don’t you?”

“…Do you like festivals?”

“Are there adventurers who don’t like festivals!?”

Which dialect is it?… Sharon and Tetes also appear from behind. Everyone wears a
matching long robe and a pelvic girdle. Sharon is especially evil because I can see the
valley from the seam.

“You guys are also going to Celesta”

Tetes waving her hand.

“No, I have no use for Celesta… I’m learning a lot of magic from Christie-sama, so I’m
a little out of the way”

“I’m the same. I’m surprised that there are so many unknown magics that I can find
out if it’s a rigid culture like Arcus”
“Well, I’m only learning magic related to agriculture and food. The purple clan elves
who say that magic research is the most popular are a common season, and they
don’t teach me magic…”

It seems that they´re living a fulfilling life as it is.

“Naris, follow that. Don’t just go to the hot springs”

“I’m not good at magic! Isn’t it okay to be in charge of manual labor!”

“Then mix in with the special training of Almeida and Aurora”

“No… Aurora-san is that, right? She has beaten Knight Chief Sharon all at once, right?
And if I mix in with Almeida-san’s special training, do you want to kill me?”

“Hey, in charge of manual labor”

“People have their own way! 10-man captain Smithson and Keiron are also lazy and
I’m a regular knight, so it’s okay to be together!”

There is a useless young woman.

Keiron and Becker, who returned in the evening, each gave an unexpected answer.

“I’m going to spend the winter here. It’s better to go on a hot spring vacation”

It seems that Keiron intends to be lazy.

“What about the spirit festival?”

“That’s good. It’s a festival for her”

It was divisible. And if I thought that 100-man commander Becker would enjoy the
peeping life here.

“By the way, I’ll have you take me to Talc. I’m newly married and if I dont attend the
spirit festival, I’m going to get beaten”

“just married!?”
“No, well… You can get married within three years, right?”

“I mean, you were still single last year, weren’t you?”

“I got married after that. There were a lot of things that happened”

100-man special duty commander Becker looks far away.

“…I’m about to be killed by a greeting at my parents’ house… well, I’m going to take
care of it, but now I can’t really betray…”

What kind of wife is it?

And Aurora was eager to follow, unrelated to the special training.

“You’re going to spend the spirit festival over there, don’t you? What do you do
without me following you”

“Princess. If it’s his turn, I think there aren’t enough fingers under 100-man
commander Dianne and the Black Dragon”

“Almeida-san, please don’t say something dumb? I’m spending a night where men
and women love each other with Andy-san”


Almeida keep silent.

“I wish we could become a big family”

It is a safe polka with no threat to the surrounding area including the forest. I don’t
think it should happen, but I’m a little worried that Laila and Dianne will go out

“Maia, can you stay?”


“I’ll leave everyone to you. Maia, I beg you”

“…When you come back, you’re ready for a drink, right?”

Maia reluctantly agrees… I’m sorry, Maia. I might be a little hypersensitive.


So, the last night before the trip. I was sneaking into Selenium and Apple’s bedroom.

“Peter and this child… leave them to us♪”

Selenium smiles while stroking her slightly swollen lower abdomen.

“Well, Peter has been taken care of by Linda-san and the Baroness lately…”

Apple makes a bitter smile while gently rubbing my dick. Both of them were in
underwear, as if not to tell everyone that I was going into their room softly.

“I’m really sorry for both of you. I’m leaving again”

“Well, a week or two compared to the 15 years I’ve been waiting for Andy-san”

“I don’t remember those 15 years… but, what… nn”

Apple holds my dick in her mouth without hesitation, slowly moving her head while
sucking and giving me pleasure in a familiar way. And.

“…I think it’s really nice to do this for Andy-san… ah, I’m so relieved that I’m
wondering if I was born to do this”

“Ahaha… I, I wonder if things you don’t remember are tied to your instincts, Apple”

“Maybe… hey, Andy-san. Let me swallow it tonight… ♪”

“It’s okay, but you don’t have to say it again”

Apple’s slow but passionate blowjob. Of course, it’s just a new technique she was
taught, which has only been vaginal cum shot since I became an adult. When I was a
kid, the half-elf sister who was intertwined naked every day is surely breathing the
tongue usage that she learned while watching my reaction.
“…Let Selenium also swallow it… if it’s Selenium, it might flow if I´m still not good at
it, because Hilda-sensei told me…”

“Y, You don’t have to hold back on me. Apple, can do it normally?”

“Huhu. Don’t hold back? I think I´m as happy to have Andy’s semen hanging down
my throat as a vaginal cum shot♪”

Apple’s tongue usage, no head usage becomes intense. My glans tasted her lips,
tongue, palate and throat and I ejaculate into Apple’s throat without any worries.


Dokuu, Dokuu, Dokuu… After receiving my ejaculation, Apple’s gaze looking up at me

with a slight ecstasy is terribly lustrous.

“Nn… delicious…”

“…You look really happy, Apple”

“Yeah♪ Selenium. Next time, let’s lick Andy-san together?”

“…Andy-san, is it okay?”

“Warm welcome as always”

Lying on the bed, two beautiful half-elves, one of whom is holding my child in her
lower abdomen. I never feel bad.

“Why don’t you take off your underwear?

“Yeah. Andy-san, please touch me a lot even if you can’t insert it… ♪”

Two blondes dimly shine in the unreliable light of the fireplace. I was soaking in the
pleasures of their lips, while stroking their hair.
Taking off from the snowfield in the morning, we arrive at the Crossbow Corps
Building in Basson in the evening.


“Call 100-man commander Isaac!!”

“That’s why I’m here but don’t call me, you all!”

Sure enough, Isaac and Williams appear after some confusion.

“They know once, but they’ve seen the same dragon twice or thrice and they’re still
in havoc. They have to regain their guts”

“Well, I think my troops who are used to dragons are too strange… anyway, welcome
back, 100-man commander Dianne”

“It looks like you’re doing well, Isaac, Williams”

『Being grateful』

At the same time, Lantz, Goto and Boyd are handed over to the two who salute

“Once the spirit festival is over, we’ll return to Polka, but… is it okay that you guys
stay here for a while?”

“Yes, I am…”

In contrast to Boyd, who nods without hesitation, Lantz and Goto think.

“There are some places I want to mess around in my room… what should we do,
“But Polka’s female bodies have a charm not found in erotic picture scrolls…”

Isaac and Williams tap on the shoulders of the two seriously worried, respectively.

“What’s the matter?”

“I have a good story, Goto, Lantz”


“Regular march training to Polka has been officially approved by Corps Command”

Isaac grins with his cow-like face.

“When the spirit festival is over, we will traverse the various parts of Trot and the
end will be a snow march across the east and west of the snake mountains from
Laika mountain”

Williams nods.


“Lants, Goto, you also participate”

“W, Wait, please wait!? We belong to the special mission corps now. No matter which
100-man commander, we don’t need to follow 100-man commander Isaac´s

Dianne nods with a nice face to Lantz and Goat in a hurry.

“You´re free during the winter, so the both of you will join”


“What about Boyd!?”

“Hahahaha, don’t say strange things, Masturbation Brothers of how many 100-man
commanders. He doesn’t share his fiancee with you”

Masturbation Brothers are disappointed with Isaac’s arrogant and cruel words.
“God damn! I disagree with the disparity in society!”

“We just want to see erotic female bodies”

…I’m a little sorry.

“Good luck”

The opposite resentment strikes me as I gently leave the scene with Laila and
Dianne, who are already preparing for the next takeoff.

“Yes, let’s involve 10-man captain Smithson, 100-man commander Isaac!”

“That’s right, because he is increasing the number of female slaves again!? It seems
to break through 15 collars soon!? It’s time to get a little enthusiastic!?”

Don’t say that.


Isaac is silent.

“That Goto. You know, Isaac recently discovered that Mikagami and her sister were
pregnant at the same time. What can he say to Smithson?”

“In such a place!?”

Maybe it’s a little different.

“Andy, what are you doing! Next is Luna’s colony!”

“Ah, yes, I’m going now!”


Laila’s wings won’t do that until we cross Officlade and enter the desert. However, it
wasn’t in time for the sun to set and by the time it became a world of sand, it was
night. However, because the moon is bright, the desert under my eyes glows slightly
white and I can see it without difficulty even if I have no night-vision.
“Oh, it’s the desert. Everywhere is sand”

Naris opened the window and made a happy voice.

“Isn’t there a desert in the south of the continent?”

“There are huge sandy beaches that make you want to call it a desert for a moment,
but when you say desert, it’s the Russell Great Desert”

“Sandy beaches…”

I’ve rarely been to the sea, so I’d like to go there rather than the desert, which I’m
used to seeing by going back and forth between the edges.

“Sand is not uncommon or delicious…”

Luna frowns a little at Naris’s frenzy.

“Well, it’s an ant. Along with the eternal Armonica and the beautiful Quica, it’s a
spectacular view that the country is proud of”

100-man commander Becker is smiling… But.

“I think Quíca was terrifyingly lively, but in a beautiful landscape…”

I agree with Aurora’s muttering. To be honest, I think that the nerve which can be
said to be beautiful there is special. Anyway, if it’s the royal capital of Trot.


“The mountain over there”

“Ho. That. I understand”

After a while, Laila finally discovers the Cat Beastman Colony and approaches.

“I had never aimed for the village from this side of the desert”

“I thought a dragon wouldn’t get lost because the sense of direction is perfect…”
“Don’t forget that dragons are creatures, owner. There are many similar scenery in
the desert”

That’s right.

Then, when Laila landed on a rocky mountain and I opened the carriage door, I was
surprised at the strange signs around her… There is something.

“What’s the matter, 10-man captain Smithson? Please get off early”

Naris snares from behind.

“The sign is strange… Are we surrounded?”


100-man special duty commander Becker and Aurora have a serious face and hold
the handle of their weapons alertly.

“Naris follow another´s example… It’s a really strange sign”

“I, Isn’t it possible to detect signs from inside the carriage? What are you looking for
in me?”

Don’t become serious untrained knight.

“Should I have brought a hammer?”

Jeanne makes a slightly rugged face while rubbing her hand. In the first place, I want
to avoid the situation where Jeanne fights.

“Let me get off”

Dianne stands up.

“Ho, prone to worrying”

Chibi Laila on my shoulder sighs like she is gonna do it… I noticed that Laila should
have been able to search for the enemy in the tone that there is no sense of urgency.
“Are you aware of any signs around you?”

“I’m a dragon, isn’t it outside?”

“…Tell me”

“It’s boorish… cats”

Dianne steps forward and keeps her eyes on the surroundings. Then 100-man
commander Becker, Aurora, Luna and I and finally Jeanne and Naris. When Luna and
I got off, the signs of the surroundings moved all at once, attacking us at a speed that
surprised Dianne, a speed warrior in the world and 100-man commander Becker. I


“It’s older sister and older brother!!”

“See you again!!”

In an instant, three or four cat beasts jumped at me. There are also some other
figures who show their faces in distant windings.

“A, Already, Ran, Rin, Niki! Andy is in trouble!”


“Luna is the only one who’s cunning

“Ah, Luna, did you buy it in that clothes town? It’s cool”

“This is a military uniform. Everyone shouldn’t do anything strange. Andy and his
friends were nervous because they thought it was a monster attack”

…100-man commander Becker, Aurora and Naris also drop their hands on their

“Here! It’s deep at night, it’s not fun!”

And it is Luna’s grandmother, Grandma Donna, who approaches the young cat beast
girls while squeezing them with a stick.

“Laila, you always come suddenly”

“There is no way to give a hint. Forgive me”

“Well, it’s fine. Everyone goes back home. Welcome again tomorrow, it’s time to

The girls who were jumping at me also slammed and scattered and Grandma Donna
stared at Luna and me.

“Isn’t that dark elf who uses that strange magic with you?”

“Y, You mean Hilda.san?”

“That’s it. I don’t have that woman… I wonder if I can keep it this time”

“What’s to keep!?”

Aunt Donna shrugs her shoulders. Tap-Tap, Luna tapping to encourage my back.

“Speak something!?”

“…Well, there seems to be another man this time… he is a little withered”

“Did that Grandma say I´m withered? Did she say I´m withered, who is just in his

“Don’t bark. How many people have you held overnight?”

“…What are you talking about?”

Grandma Donna shrugs her shoulders. Dianne quietly interjects.

“Donna-dono, don’t count Becker. He is going back to his wife and it’s the spirit
festival, I will feel sorry I he withers and cant put it out”

“Ah, that’s right. I’m just afraid that young man will wither”
“Andy is okay. He’s experienced up to 30 times against a few dragons

“That, can you stop doing weird negotiations without me?”

Luna pats me on the back and looks into the sky.

A bright moon swelling in the sky.

The moon was bright tonight, so the desert glowed slightly white and I could easily
see it even if I have no night vision.
“There are some houses not used by the family that have been left alone. The
cleaning isn’t perfect, but be patient. I’ll let my girls do it in the morning”

Grandma Donna points to a house near the center of the colony. We walk around
with her. Even at night, under the bright moon, you can feel a lot of curious eyes
looking at the rare guests from the surrounding houses and shadows.

“Indeed, it’s a colony full of women… it seems that cat beasts on a full moon day are
highly active in nonsense. I read that, but now I know”

100-man commander Becker is laughing while stroking his stubble’s chin. Dianne

“Donna-dono. I’m sorry for the guide, but I’ll take this idiot to Talc first”

“If that’s the case, then do so. Males who can’t be used are a poison to the girls”

“H, Hey, what do you mean I cant use it? Even though things may appear this way, I’m
a handsome guy with a reputation in the neighborhood who gets an female ogre and
a former customs bride and makes them bark every night”



Dianne and Grandma Donna look at each other and sigh.

“If you do two people and you’re proud, you’ll die”

“Even if you get through it, you´re going to make an excuse for the bride who is
proud of being in the pool waiting for you who is on a business trip at the essential
spirit festival”
“Ugu… n, no, just an inspection…”

“Laila, take him along”

“Ho. I’ll be back in the morning. Donna, I’m expecting your home cooking for the first
time in a while”

Dianne grabs the neck of 100-man commander Becker and Laila, takes off quickly
and turns into a dragon again.

“Grandma says unreasonable things even though the night is early… You can only
prepare hellboa simmered in herbs, isn’t it?”


Laila puts Dianne on her head, grabs 100-man commander Becker with her huge
hand and takes off with momentum on the spot.

“O, Oou, at least put me on your back”

“At most 4 or 5 hours, be patient”

“So much!?”

When they gain altitude, Laila flaps her big wings and fly south on the wind. And I,
Aurora, Jeanne, Naris and Luna are left behind.

“…There are only a few unreliable members left”


“Rude… I’d like to say something, but in a colony of a different race, it would be a
problem if I was given the cold shoulder”

Aurora is also a reliable negotiator in the elf society and the world of the upper class,
but it is different in a beastman colony. And.

“Well, do I also belong to the unreliable person quota?”

“I can’t think of a scene where I can rely on Naris for a slow reaction”
“It doesn’t make sense to be told that by 10-man captain Smithson!?”

Luna is the only rope I can rely on.


That night dawned without incident, the next morning came.

“Did you come back by dawn…”

“I told you until morning. If you come back earlier than noon, it’s as announced”

“Well, that’s right… It’s been a while since a morning without snow”


It is an oasis with a moist morning haze, I draw water in a bucket and wash my face
with Jeanne. The two elves slept well so I didn’t wake them up. Luna can’t be found
since around midnight. It’s been a long time since she was home, so I think it might
have been a story that she was occupied by Grandma Donna and her friends.


Suddenly she appeared from behind.

“Luna. Where did you go?”

“Procurement of breakfast”

“Since midnight?”


If you look closely, Luna’s body is dirty with dust. Luna doesn’t hesitate to take off
her clothes and remain in her underwear, before she begins to wash the clothes she
took off with the water drawn in the bucket.

“There’s blood on it… I have to get more military uniforms to replace, Dianne”

“Yeah. Breakfast”

Did she go hunting during the night?

“Monsters at night will be strong”

Same for Renfangas and Celesta. The activity of monsters is higher at night. It
wouldn’t be a big difference for Dianne and Laila, but it’s a little negligible for non-
combatant Luna.

“It’s okay. Two days until the full moon. I’m stronger now”

“…Is that so”

I’ve heard that the senses and motor skills of cat beasts change greatly depending on
the moon.


“I’ve finished disassembling. It’s okay to bake everything except the liver, right?”

I can hear the girls’ voices from beyond the morning haze… There are some familiar
voices. Is it Lina or Yuna?

“I asked grandma that belly meat is going to be a gen-carrying dish. Also, she said
she wanted a lump of the best shoulder”


“All the meat is good, right? Bring an iron skewer, Ran-chan”

It’s a happy conversation with giggling, but it doesn’t overturn the reality that the
girls are happy to dismantle that giant pig.


“…Well, every colony in the Great Desert Labyrinth is like this. If you’re saying it’s
tiring to dismantle monsters, you’re starving”

Jeanne nods… The woman who pierced the eyeballs of Hells boa with her fist is
different. She looks like a little girl as usual.

By the time the morning mist cleared, the colony was filled with the smell of roasted

“It’s an appetite-stimulating smell… ♪”

“It’s a menu full of wildness from the morning”

Naris and Aurora have also gotten up.


“Guests can eat too”

Cat girls beckon. As expected, the center of cooking were mature cat beast women.
Naris´s eyes shined when she saw the skewers piled up on the plate.

“Oooo. Great, it’s like Celesta. It was true that Celesta people have been eating meat
with a special thick sauce since the morning”

“No, even in Celesta, it’s usually bread or fruit, right?”

Ogres eat meat from the morning and dwarves drink from the morning, but the
majority of humans aren’t much different from Trot. It’s a little seasoned, though.

“That’s fine. Yes, for Andy´s task”

“…What’s this”

On the plate presented by Luna, objects with slightly different odors and textures are
piled up.

“Hells boa liver grilled. Bad”

“Are you abusing me!?”

Luna is in a rebellious period. When I thought about it, Grandma Donna came out
from the dirt floor of a nearby house and pointed at me with her cane.
“Eat it because it’s good. It has a tonic effect. There are only two days until the full

“…That, perhaps”

“Take the other meats. It’s not because of that liver that my daughters went to hunt
boas at night”

Full moon. Only the full moon is emphasized. And Grandma Donna’s open-minded
words. Well, it may not be necessary to think about it.

“…Maybe they’re trying to get me to seed them again in the full moon?”

“The situation hasn’t changed much. Why don’t you think I’m not going to let you?

…Uwaa. I mean, all the cat beasts around me are paying close attention. It’s even
more now, really. But let me just pretend I just noticed.

“…Last time, Hilda-san was there, so I was able to go on such a rampage”

“That’s why I say that from the beginning. How far can you go without that woman?”


I think that there were quite a lot of girls who were half-reasonable that night and I
think that there are many girls who dislike working seeding if you think about it

“For the time being, it’s only for those who want it, right?”

“Well, but last time, young man´s sperm was quite good. Many of the girls who were
withdrawn before are enthusiastic this time”

“…Doing well?”

Grandma Donna looks at Luna. Luna pushed my back.

“What is it?”

“Over here”

I can hear a child crying.

“…Hey, maybe”

“No need to guess. Everyone is a kid made of Andy’s seeds”

In the house I looked into, there were several cat beasts holding children. Some are
breastfeeding, some holding the children in each arm.

“I can’t see it”


I held Jeanne’s side and lifted her up and Jeanne opened her mouth.

“…They´re more grown than Peter

“They were born before I went to see Andy”

“…Peter wasn’t the first child”

I’m sorry Jeanne looked a little disappointed. No, this situation was never something
I could expect. But Luna shook her head.

“…They’re not 『Andy´s children』”


“I told you before. Grandma didn’t tell you to take responsibility”

“Ah, yes”

“…So they´re 『Colony Kids』. They´re children made from Andy’s seeds, but they
aren’t Andy’s children. I can’t let Andy raise them”

“…Even so, something like that…”

Certainly, I’m not in a state where I can feed the current dozens of female slaves. On
top of that, it’s a challenge to be told to raise those children. But I also miss it
somehow. Luna smiled at me like that.

“But I’m going to have Andy’s kid, because we’re raising it together. My kid isn’t a
colony kid, but Andy’s kid”


“There are a lot of people who like Andy. A man has wandered in several times and
married someone of ours, but there’s never been a man in the colony who seeds as
much as Andy and there are probably a lot of women here who are mostly Andy-only.
But I still don’t hold Andy accountable as a father. On the other hand, that’s why I can
say that I want everyone to seed Andy casually. Regardless of Andy’s power or
money, just as a male”


“I thought you would say it”

Luna also smiles as if she was in trouble.


“…I know”

Needless to say, it’s an ego. I don’t have the power to own it, but I just want to own it.

“…Then you can come with a collar like me. If you can afford it, one by one, to the
mothers who gave birth to Andy´s children, so they are yours. So Andy’s children are

“That… I feel terrible, but I don’t think I’m convinced”

“It’s okay. I was happy, so maybe everyone is happy”

I laugh bitterly at Luna’s outrage… But.

“That’s right. Can’t I do it if I´m gloomy here?”

Now that it is difficult to get along with many female slaves, there is no point in
getting more greedy. Someday, if I´m big enough to let them wear a collar, then I’ll
come back to my women, my children. Until then.

“…I have no choice but to spoil them. To this colony”

“It’s the colony who takes advantage of Andy”

It’s a strange relationship… Laila’s wings cross the sky.

“Now, let’s go back and eat grilled liver. Two days later, it will be really sweet”


…This is also something I can do a little for the colony, right?

For the time being, it seems to be a definite matter that I will spend the night of the
full moon in the cat beast colony.

“Did you get such an agreement before you know it?”

Aside from myself, it’s puzzling that it was the norm between Laila, Dianne and Luna.
Aside from Luna, Laila and Diane have no return… Thinking so, I asked Dianne and
others who came back for confirmation.

“I didn’t care, but Laila”

“Ho, when did you say that you promised the kittens that way? I heard when you
sent them to the colony”

“…No, I said I’d definitely go on a full moon night someday”

I don’t think anything should be at this time of year. The full moon is three days
before the spirit festival.

“If you have a promise, it doesn’t matter. It’s a crisis in Donna’s hometown. It’s good
to scatter your lust to the fullest”

“…I think I’m not able to use my waist at the spirit festival…”

There is no magic doping from Hilda-san this time. It is a folk remedy, liver burning
and a competitive game. After having an orgy with the girls of the whole village, I
wonder if Dianne and Laila will forgive me at the spirit festival in Cascus… Now that I
mention it.

“I don’t have much in mind for spirit festival. If you can’t keep up with your physical
condition, you can take a moment off. Most of the other female slaves who have been
left behind are right to participate from the beginning, if you think about your
“I have nothing to do with the spirit festival in the first place”

These people were such mental people. Laila is ignorant of the customs of the world,
as Dianne, who is concerned about her surroundings… Isn’t that something you care

“It’s a big problem for me”

“Well, I’m not obsessed with anything special. The spirit festival isn’t just a seeding
festival, it’s just a warming up for lovers and family. It’s flirting all night”

“…That’s also the way it is”

Aurora and Jeanne were finding a compromise on their own.

“When it comes to that, is the remaining problem Naris?”

At the point where Dianne looks, Naris immediately talks with the cat beasts and
makes a skewer. I can’t feel the repulsion of the monster flesh that I and Anzeros had.
She is a tough guy.

“Hohou, are there a lot of these pigs in the Desert Labyrinth? Well, I think I should
hunt them too”

She is motivated to carry the crash piton properly.

“Laila, can I ask you to monitor the desert?”

“Ho, leave it to me”

Naris’s arm, which can be bent as a red arm, will keep up with one or two Hell’s
Boars, but there are various dangers in an unfamiliar labyrinth. You may be
surrounded or encounter unexpected monsters and I feel that it is possible for Naris
to get lost. No, somehow. Laila implicitly joins the skewered circle and looks at
Naris’s departure.

“It’s worth it that I can’t think of you as the master of the labyrinth here”

Dianne smiled bitterly.

“It’s worth it that I can’t think of you as the War God”

Dianne smiles at Aurora’s counterattack.

“The War God is a nickname at the time of war. Unlike those days, I already have a

Dianne is looking straight at me with goodwill and trust in me.

“It’s a strange story to help that lover spear with others”

“Dissatisfied, Jeanne?”

“Nya. Andy’s kindness and social contribution”

“I have that view too”

…At least the performance of my lower body seems to be trusted by the iron wall.

“But you may want a little jealousy”

In the sense of caring for me.

“Good luck”

Luna presents a plate of grilled liver. I shook the 「Salt of Purity」 as much as I
could, closed my eyes and ate the grilled liver.


…Ah, if I close my eyes, it might be surprisingly delicious. But I want alcohol.


After eating, resting under a palm tree, Grandma Donna appears out of nowhere…
Although she is an old woman, she feels more than average in her manners.
Sophisticated movements cultivated by years of continuous attention to casual
movements, such as 100-man commander Becker and Gorkus. Sometimes she just 「
Played」 with Laila when she was young. If you feel like it, I’m sure this old woman
is strong.
“Where did Laila go?”

“…Watching over a girl in the Desert Labyrinth”

“Ah, that elf girl. She’s a strange child. She doesn’t smell like a normal forest elf,
doesn’t have the subservientness of a half and doesn’t have the pushiness of a dark

“Are dark elves pushy?”

“Somehow, they’re more credible than humans, but it doesn’t make sense to stay
away… well, that’s fine. Hey, she asked for my home cooking… well, it’s a simmered
dish, so she has some”

“…I’m sorry, I was the one who sent Laila”

“It’s not something you care about. It’s bad for the idiot dragon to say and forget
about it”


No matter how much she 「Played」, she can’t forgive the strongest creature in the
labyrinth. No, that’s not what I say when I push someone around.

“…Did you eat all the grilled liver?”

“Thanks to you. If I had alcohol, I could afford it”

“There is only silver vine liquor, in my colony”

“…Is that good for humans?”

“I don’t know because I’m a cat”

I want to try it a little.

“Well, I don’t care about alcohol. More than that…”

The old woman brought her lips to my ears. If she’s a young cat girl, I’ll be surprised.
“If you can afford it, why don’t you start training my daughters right now. There is a
limit to what you can do at once on the full moon night”


“You´re accompanied by a woman, isn’t it a good idea to invite her? You always
expect it, unless its a child or an old woman and if its a little meal, I raised my family
and they´ll open their crotch”


“I’ll say it many times, but the situation hasn’t improved as much as I can say four or
five times. My daughters, who I trained earlier, will stop here on a full moon night”

“…It’s like a free brothel town”

I’d like to say something a little rude with a slightly gentle feeling as I´m treated as a

“I can’t afford it, I’m going to experience that night. If you can say that you enjoyed it
that much, it’s reliable”

I try to smirk… Okay, then I think I did it with that intention.

The problem is… I’ve never set foot in a brothel town and I’m not used to inviting
girls at all.


After a little long meal break (it took me a while to practice inviting a cat girl in my
head), I stood up and wandered the streets of the colony. In every house, a cat-beast
girl does a nap or does handicrafts… I can see that they care about this while
pretending to be. I’m not dating Luna to date. I also know the habits of cat beasts to
some extent. Their ears follow their concern sensitively? As I slowly paraded
through the colony, they were keenly aware of my immaturity… Yup. When I think
about it, I really can’t do the basics. I don’t even know the fragment of a handicraft
that approaches Moody to a stranger (not necessarily, but similar because I don’t
remember the face or name). Even if I think of it as a red-light district, I have never
actually set foot in one because I only saw it from a long distance. Because I heard
that ogre’s scary brother would make a debt certificate if someone wasn’t good at it
and in the first place, the customs of Trot and Basson were all female humans.
Imprinted on Apple, I had a lot of hurdles about the appearance of other people, so I
didn’t feel like approaching the customs of Trot and Basson, which are likely to be
bad. I made an excuse, but there is no change in the fact that I am walking
suspiciously around in extreme tension without being able to approach any house or
girl more than a certain distance. What should I do? How do I call out?

Do I want to say 「Hey, lets have sex?」 or something straight. It’s endorsed by the
colony leader and I won’t be screamed at as a suspicious person… No, but there may
be some girls in the colony who aren’t so enthusiastic just because Grandma Donna
and Luna are telling so. And what I’m listening to is actually not curious but vigilant
and maybe they’re ready to run away or fight back if I try to do something strange.
When you look at it like that, everyone looks like that. No, even if the majority
actually wants to have sex, there is no guarantee that I´m paying attention to them is
no exception. If I’m suddenly rejected, I’m not confident that I can talk to other girls
until the night of the full moon.

“…E, Eem”

At the last minute, I caught multiple cat girls on a line a little far from talking and my
throat was groaning as I tried to raise my voice.

“C, Can you give me some water?”

When I call out to a cat girl, she puts a glass of water in the bowl of pottery and
serves it. Oh her eyes are scared. I’m scared. Other than this one… n, no, but which
one… I wonder if 100-man special duty commander Becker will approach them
smoothly. I want to run away with all my strength without any meaning. Help me
Luna. Help me Aurora. Help me Jeanne. Help me Dianne. I don’t care about Naris. So,
do I want to come back? Will I come back?

So I asked Grandma Donna and Luna to act as an intermediary… no no, I’m surprised.

“U, Uum…”

Even though it’s not so hot, I sweat and think on the street. It’s already a suspicious
limit… There.

“What are you doing?”

“For this one? Should I guide you?”

There are two strangely familiar voices. When I turned around, a black-yellow
mottled-haired cat girl and a gray-haired cat girl were looking up at me side by side.

“…Lina, Yuna?”

“You remembered us”

“…So what’s your name?”

The two are innocently entwined in both arms. Heaven’s help.

“I’m Andy Smithson… Emm”



“…It’s been daytime, but why don’t you ecchi?”

…No, wait a minute. There will be a little more stage, right. I didn’t notice until three
seconds later that they were too tempered and made a persuasive way of persuading
myself. But.



The two were very enthusiastic… But there is no sign of pulling me anywhere.



…Two cat girls who make a bright noise trying to ecchi in the middle of traffic. As a
suspicious person, I think I’m on the next level. I was at a loss.
Cat girls Lina and Yuna. Actually, I remember them as a pair, so I’m a little suspicious
about who is Lina and who is Yuna.



When I called Lina for the time being, the flashy girl with tiger-striped hair raised
her face. I see, Lina has a flashy hair color and Yuna has a plain hair color.

“For the time being, I would like you to introduce a place where we can feel rest

Unfortunately, Lina didn’t seem to understand my serious request.

“I think you can rest assured anywhere in the colony?”

“E, Emm, for example, Lina´s home”

“Ah… I’m sorry, I haven’t cleaned up, so now…”

It doesn’t matter if it’s not cleaned up or if the bed is vacant, it’s okay.

“Where is it okay? Anyway, we’ll all get along with each other tomorrow night♪”

Yuna says happily.

“Well, it hurts if it’s not in bed? Because we will move”

It may not be what I say, who is good at having sex outdoors or in strange places, but
it’s mostly girls who get hurt. No No. To be honest, that’s an excuse. Even if I was told
that it was okay in the back alleys, I’m currently concentrating my eyes from all over
the place. With so much attention, it’s quite embarrassing to stay in an open
environment. I have to take them to an environment where we have a bed, preferably
without worrying about our surroundings… That’s my persuasion.

“Nya… maybe I like it hurt a little”

Yuna stumbled upon saying that she had slipped diagonally. How did I persuade her?


When I’m worried, the eyes of the cat beasts in the surrounding houses and under
the eaves increase. Although reason is blown away on a full moon night, they are
living normally on other days and in the daytime. What kind of feelings do they have
when they see Lina, Yuna and I, who are having a conversation that doesn’t suddenly
happen in the middle of the road?

For the time being, I am a local celebrity as the center of the situation that female
slaves are somehow, but there are properly 「Multiple bigamy ants in Celesta」 and
「Female slaves are a kind of story related to men and women and are not really
slaves」. That’s not the case, because there is a part that is warmly accepted. I would
like to appeal on the premise that anything is not really an anarchy lewd genie of
ants. On top of that, I would like them to understand that it is very hard to be
exposed to cold eyes in a strange society. Let’s admit that I´m a little pervert. Let’s
admit that I like women and am greedy. However, I don’t want to reopen and be
treated like an obscene material.

When I shouted inwardly, they couldn’t tell. Even though I wasn’t asked, I couldn’t
make such a speech. It only accelerates misunderstandings. Oh, I wonder why
Grandma Donna’s ears made me wonder why she came out. I know from the
beginning that it’s all about making things easier tomorrow night. Why didn’t I ask
Grandma Donna to hold a regional rally and set it up to gain the understanding of the
entire colony? I have no regrets. As time goes by, the withdrawal becomes uncool
and my pride is dented. Everyone, I’m just expected and urged by Grandma Donna as
a slightly energetic male and it’s not as harmful as it looks, so don’t look at it with
such caution.

“Yuna, older brother has difficulties in choosing. Before he changes his mind”
“Yeah. Fast, Ansmi-san”

“Don’t shorten my name without permission!”

When I inadvertently made a tsukkomi, Lina and Yuna smiled and began to untie the
cloth band on the spot. Wait a minute. Here in the middle of the traffic.

“Don’t take it off! Are you not ashamed!?”

“Eh, because we can’t be seen by a man, we can’t take it off, right?”

“There is only older brother here♪”

“Ecchi is something that people can see…”



…When I think about it, these kids only know the orgy where many women get
mixed up. In addition, it seems that this colony, where men have not settled for a
long time, isn’t well educated about the idea of shame.



“Look Look, older brother, take it off quickly”

The two of them, who had taken off their simple clothes and became naked while
seeing that I was in need of persuasive words, took off my clothes. I try to grab the
buckle of the belt and resist, but if I resist so silently, I just make them suspicious.
After all, my pants and underwear were taken off.

“No… No, everyone, I’m not suspicious…”

I close my eyes and make excuses. However, in the afternoon, when two young naked
cat girls are innocently kneeling in front of me, I can’t shrink in the situation.

“It’s full of motivation”

I hate my honesty. I glance at the facial expressions of the cat beasts around me.
Those with a confused face, those who stare with no expression, those who clearly
expect something. It’s not as disgusting as I expected, but there’s no doubt that it’s a
very bizarre sight to suddenly see girls and bare friends in the middle of the streets
lined with houses. I made up my mind.

“It’s all instructed by Grandma Donna! Don’t feel too bad about me!”

Completed excuses for myself.

“Lina, get on all fours!”


“Push your ass over here! I’ll pour it into your pussy right now! In the middle of this
midday street, I’ll impregnate you in front of everyone!”

“Nya… wh, when you say that, it’s really… ♪”

Lina dyes her cheeks and with a slightly euphoric face, she pushes her tailed ass up
in the middle of an adobe street filled with dust.

“Me too?”

“Stand here and play with your pussy and sucking your boobs while I´m committing

“Nya… ♪”

Swiping the tiger-striped tail to the side, I bury the glans in Lina’s slightly moist


The vagina of a cat beast girl who is still not wet enough doesn’t hold me deeply.
However, under the sun of an oasis shining down, I grabbed the ass of a naked cat
beast and shook my hips without hurrying. Although it is daytime, they´re affected
by the moon. It is not so far that she secretes a large amount of love juice. In parallel
with that, I hold Yuna’s bare skin in one arm and stroke the base of her tail from a
tight and beautiful spine. Rubbing her youthful buttocks with my entire palm and
then crawl my fingers from the back of her hips to her pussy as if I was pressing my
wrist against her butt.

“Nya… n, naughty touch… ♪”

“I’m lewd. I’ll sexually harass you so much that your head is erotic and punctured”

“Nyaaaa… ♪”

I kiss Yuna’s two nipples. The high sun creates high contrast on the skin. The
movement of my waist gradually increased and the glans finally reached the back of
Lina’s vagina.

“Nyaaa… i, it’s all the way in… ♪”

“That’s right. It’s inside your vagina. I’ll pour in my semen in front of everyone’s eyes.
Tighten your pussy and get pregnant”

“Nyaa… i, if you say that…”

“How is it?”

“I’m thrilled… ♪”

Enchanted Lina. I start hitting my hips in earnest on that butt.

“Nyaa… ahu, a, aa… nyaaa”

“Yuna, stick out your boobs more. Let me suck them”

“Ol, Older brother, like a baby…”

“Until you have a real baby, these boobs are mine. I’ll do the same midday seeding
show to you after Lina”

“S, Something like that great… nyaa, both my ass and pussy are touched as you like”

“I’ll tell you something good. I love your boobs, ass and pussy”
“…You’re a lewd man… ♪”

Yuna holds my head tightly with both hands as I rub her ass while rinsing her
nipples. Lina, on the other hand, shook her tail and slammed her hips against me,
screaming and squirting her love juice just like a female cat. Blue sky. Green palm
leaves, white rocky mountains, adobe and white plaster houses. Feeling the eyes of
the cat beasts from here and there, I thoroughly enjoyed the naked bodies of the twin
cat beasts.



“Get pregnant!!”


I feel free to ejaculate in the back of Lina´s vagina. It’s just sex to get pregnant. I don’t
put up with it. I don’t even confirm. However, semen is spit inside the pussy of this
girl who is probably not fully grown… I was surprised to see a lot of sperm released.

“I think it’s because of the grilled liver… maybe a little more than usual”


While being struck by the sweet numbness immediately after ejaculation, I pull my
dick out from Lina. Semen drips down from the weak waist.

“See, the next protagonist is you, Yuna”

“Nya… h, hey, older brother”

Yuna is on all fours next to Lina, who has fallen on the street and she opens her legs
and sticks out her hips, giving me the gaze I expected.

“Tail, grab it and commit me roughly… ♪”

“It will be painful”

“It hurts, but I like that kind of violence…”

“Nympho cat beast”

As she said, I grab Yuna’s tail and shake my hips at full throttle from the beginning
instead of a bridle.

“Nyaaaaa… g, good, older brother´s… older brother’s dick, I like it!!”

“Pervert cat! You should als be conceived in daytime before everyone’s eyes”

“Nyaa… nyau, nyauuu♪”

Both are like estrus cats. Yuna and I roughly hit each other’s hips. The sound of
banging, banging, banging,and hitting the hips against the clear blue sky disappears.
And the tail of the gray-haired cat girl is pulled very strongly.

“Let’s go, receive it!!”


I also start ejaculating inside her vagina. Both are cat girls who are a little younger
than Luna. I cast black shadows and white seeds on both.

“Nyaha, a…”

“How was it…”

“Ehe… feeling, good…”

Yuna, who sucked up a lot of sperm in her womb, smiled with a melting smile.

“…But I wonder if it’s better not to get pregnant…”

“You desecrate my existence”

“Ehehe… but, again, I want to have sex with older brother… more and more…”

Yuna’s head, which says something cute, is roughly stroked in a shy manner.

“Even if you get pregnant, I’m a man who will do it if I want to do it”
“…Then, can I get pregnant… ♪”

…And, I enjoy the afterglow while covering her.

“Emm, me too…”

“…I, I want you to seed me before everyone’s eyes… too… ♪”

Some cat beasts came by our side and began to loosen their cloth band. The
influence of the moon is strong. The estrus may have been transmitted to the
sensitive girls while they were watching.

“…I’ll tell you first”

I raised my face and declared so with a crisp appearance.

“I’m being told by Donna, aren’t I? Don’t treat me like a pervert, right?”

I´m laying two naked catgirls down… I can say that they nodded, but there was no
persuasive power.


“So, 6 people were dealt with by the evening… Not bad. I didn’t think you would start
having sex in such a place”

“I didn’t even think”

Dinner on the banks of the oasis, illuminated by a bonfire. Grandma Donna praises
me while pouring stew from cubed meat and fish from the pot to Laila.

“It would be nice if you could crawl at night as well. Everyone is quieter than
tomorrow, maybe”


I nod vaguely while devouring grilled liver. It belongs to Hell’s Boar that Laila and
her friends have captured. I may only be able to eat liver here… And.

“Well, don’t worry, Naris. We´re going to the dwarf colony next time, so I think they’ll
get it fixed”

Naris broke Crash Harken and was depressed… I encourage Naris, but the moment I
see the debris, I can’t stop pounding.

It’s my mistake. I relied too much on engraving crests. Because it was carved
considering only the impact in the direction of attack, it was extremely vulnerable to
the defensive action of hell’s boar, that is, the impact from an unintended direction.
It’s my fault made by the theory of the desk. I haven’t become a blacksmith yet… I
have to improve it.
Night crawling. It’s a man’s romance. Even though the open-minded female play is no
good, there are many areas in Celesta where night crawling is tolerated as premarital
sex… but for the time being, it didn’t really matter as long as I was in the crossbow
corps. First of all, there were no official female members (other than Dianne) until
Mikagami officially joined. I hear that night crawling seems to be causing various
tragedies in the archer corps of the Western Corps and the Eastern Corps (many of
whom are girls). There were a few guys who made it in Basson, but since Basson is
historically in the countryside, it seemed like a picnic in the mountains and a pussy
unobtrusive rather than going up to one’s house.

So. A cat beast colony in the middle of the desert, which is located in a secluded area
rather than a remote area in Celesta. I’m currently in a position to night crawl free
for every cat beast in the colony. No matter where you go into this colony of women
and how flashy you seed it in anyone’s hole, no one will blame you. Among the many
beast races, cat beasts are especially easy to react to nature and the moon, and the
night before the full moon. Every girl has a sexual desire to rampage in her body… It
seems. It seems. I can’t get out of the house I was assigned to yesterday.

“Luna. You surely have contraceptive magic, so it shouldn’t make sense to be seeded,


It was because I was pushed down by Luna.

“But I want ecchi…”

“…Luna is also a cat beast, so I know your body is aching, but keep it down. There’s
not a lot of time and physical strength that I can work overnight tomorrow”

Luna knocks her ears down and makes a troubled face. She has a cute face, so I
wonder if it’s okay to do it a little, but I have to sprinkle as many of my sperm as
possible on this colony… I don’t think I’m driven into such a situation by my self-
proclaimed lover or pet.

“No, it’s okay if you go to the next place again”

Jeanne pulls Luna’s hand and drags her down from me.

“I’ll give you a light hypnotic illusion. You should be able to sleep soundly”

Dianne also supports.

“…The two of you don’t have an aching body on a full moon”

“Rather, I and other dwarves feel more excited during new moon”

“Dark elves also. However, it is not as much as the beast race… or rather, it is said
that dark elves can have night vision, so it is not so exciting for other races”

They seem to have the characteristic of being able to stay calm. Laila went on a
moon-night desert flight with Naris on board. Don’t let Naris get in the way of my
awkward success… and it seems to be the purpose of comforting her because she
broke her weapon and remained depressed. As always, a caring guy.


“There is nothing special about it at night. I think the moonlight is romantic, but it’s
probably not much different from the human race”

Aurora was also calm.

“Andy, how are you feeling? If you dealt with many people in the daytime, it wouldn’t
be too difficult now that there is no miraculous spring”

In Polka, even if I had sex that used my special physical strength, I was completely
relieved if I soaked in the miraculous spring for an hour or drank Aunt Lindsey’s
spring water drink and fell asleep. There is certainly no such convenient water here.
“Is it the effect of the grilled liver? It seems that it is still cool”

“Is that so. I was thinking of using a technique to speed up the recovery of energy
even if you lose some of your body’s functions…”

“What is the function?”

“For example, one hand gets stuck, thinking becomes dull or the ear becomes deaf.
There are a few”

“…It’s fine”

I don’t feel upset enough to have to be resilient until it’s inconvenient.


I wander around the colony at night. The sound of crawling at night is accompanied
by the image of sneaking in after identifying the girl I am looking for and secretly
flirting with them, but I don’t know who is in which house at all. In fact, there are few
cat beasts I know other than Lina and Yuna. The act of looking up at the house and
going up and committing for the time being regardless of the other party seems to be
more like a rape demon than a night crawling.

“Excuse me…”

I lightly knock on the door to enter a suitable house. Anyone can do it, but according
to Grandma Donna’s lecture that if there is a girl who refuses to seeding, she should
have locked it at this stage and carefully push the door to see if it is closed. It opens
without any resistance and two cat beasts who were folding clothes are looking at
me. Is it a mother and a daughter?

“I came to crawl at night at Grandma Donna´s instruction”

Because the conclusion that it is useless even if I think variously was obtained in
daytime, I say it once and for all.

“Ah… tonight?”

“Anys, you’re already sleeping”

“I will do it too”

“It’s still early for Anys and even customers aren’t Anys…”

“No, I can afford it if it’s about that girl”

It looks like she is 13-14 years old. She is as cute as Irina. It’s cool.


“Yeah. Can I seed you, Anys-chan?”


The girl cheerfully nods. The unfussy mom cat had a troubled face.

“Well, Donna-sama says… but, I’m not old enough to be a grandma”

“Ehehe… but, but… good, mom. Let’s have kids together”

“…I can’t help it”

Both of them look calm, and when it is decided to do it, they take off their clothes
without hesitation. They seemed to be no exception to being so excited because of
the moon.

“Then, please, guest. My child hasn’t been held by a man yet, so if possible, be kind…”

“Ehehe… You can make it look like Yuna-neechan♪”

Mother and child cat. A ripe, plump body and a body that is beginning to show the
curve of a woman, even at a young age, line up on the table.

“Then, I’ll have it from your daughter”

I look between Anys’s buttocks. Crawling my fingers in her crotch, wrapped in her
pale hair and starting to caress her little ass with my cheeks, like blowing her breath,
and soon the sound of water begins to echo.
“Nya… ♪”

“Anys too… already, old enough to be a woman…”

A mother with a slightly complicated voice. While rubbing her ass with one hand, I
stand behind the completely finished Anys-chan, take off her pants, press my dick
and pierce her.

“Ni, Niuーーーu…!!”


“I, I got it all at once…!”

The feel of tearing off the hymen. And the bleeding that I feel slowly. The vagina that
kisses is unique to a virgin. However.

“Nyuu… i, it hurts, but… not as much as I thought…”

Anys-chan also smiles at her temper. Or is this also due to the uplifting of the moon?

“I’ll seed you quickly… I’ll seed you soon… be patient for a while”

“Y, Yes… I’m patient…”

I start going back and forth between Anys-chan’s vagina. Grabbing her little hips and
shaking my hips a little hurriedly, a little excited about the situation of piercing her
virginity in front of her mother’s eyes and vaginal cum shot in front of her. I didn’t
want to prolong the pain, so I dared to poke a little cat beast without suppressing the
immoral excitement.

“Nyaaa… nya, nyahuu… ♪”

“…You look good. Are you feeling better?”

“…Ye, Yes, a little… older brother, lewd and kind… ♪”

It seemed surprisingly popular that I was rubbing her buttocks without getting tired
of my waist, still rubbing her modest boobs and squeezing her nipples and in the end
I grabbed her tail from the root and squeezed it as much as I wanted.
“Such a nasty older brother conceived Anys-chan”

“Nyu… co, conceive… ♪”


An unusual situation. A situation in which a naked mother stares with a complicated

face as her daughter is happily conceived by a man who suddenly rises up. However,
without anyone disagreeing with the strangeness, I gasped and started ejaculating in
the vagina that had just lost its virginity.

“Nyuu… u… ♪”

“KKu… ha, huuu”

“Guest… Anys”

“…It felt good, your daughter”

By all means, it’s a bad guy’s line.

“How about the mom’s pussy?”

And I’m probably a little mean, pulling out my dick covered with her daughter’s
blood, love juice and semen and insert it into the mom’s pussy as it is.

“Ha, aaaa… ♪”

“Isn’t this a nice pussy here?”

“…This is because I haven’t had a child since I gave birth…”

“When I came, you didn’t hesitate to feel like it… it actually accumulated, didn’t it?”

“…Don’t be mean on such a night… ♪”

“I’ll make Anys’s younger sister”

Somehow, this kind of character attachment has become fun. It’s no good… And the
mother cat was also in high spirits.
“Y, Younger sister… then, in order to give birth to a boy, I’ll have to be held by you
again… ♪”

There seems to be no protest to make a younger brother instead of a younger sister. I

whisper into her cat ears as I poke her plump ass with my hips and rub her big
boobs with my hands.

“Naughty mom, even though your daughter is watching”

“…C, Call me by my name, not mom… I´m Tanya”

“Tanya-san… lewd Tanya-san is seeded…!!”

Ejaculating while shaking my hips and finally hugging her body with both hands.
Sperm is shot into both mother and child´s vagina.

“Nhu, Uuuuuuuu♪”

“Ku… uu”

Doku, Doku, Doku… Tanya´s knees shiver slowly, before she falls down on her knees
and lines up next to her absentminded daughter.


I pull my dick out of her. Then raise my pants and look down at them.

“…Emm, I’m sorry I got too excited”

I obediently apologized. I’m sorry I can’t escape as if I were such a person.


“Haa… haaa… y, yes…”

Did they understand?


After that, I went around four houses and when I returned home, Grandma Donna
was knee pillowing Luna. Luna is sleeping easily, because she was sed off by Dianne.

“Was there any issue?”

“…There are many houses where parents and children live”

“That’s right”

Three out of five houses will have a mother and child. In the situation where two
twins and one mom deal with five people, such as the last one. It was a
miscalculation. Well, if it’s normal to stay in a colony from the time you were born,
then it’s natural to live in a family unit.

“How many people did you do tonight?”

“Two girls living alone, four parent and child pairs, and five at the end…”

“Because there were 6 people yesterday… you did 17 people in total the day before!
You´re doing your best. Tell me only the houses that you will do tomorrow”

Grandma Donna looked happy.

“I’m a little tired…”

“Yes, take a rest”

I was sent off by Grandma Donna’s voice and rolled into the bedroom in the back…
Laila and Aurora were lying on my bed and waiting.

“N, No good, do it!?”

“Ho. I know, I know”

“Just sleeping together”


I don’t want to say such a pitiful thing if it is true, but if you get as many shots as
possible, there is a person who really wants it. I put on a blanket as I nailed them
I couldn’t stand it, so I poured one shot into Aurora and Laila… It might be a little
nice to put it in a sleeping girl. But I feel like they both noticed.


The next day, I woke up at noon.

“M, My meal… I, I wonder if it’s grilled liver”

I shook a bottle of portable 「Purifying Salt」that had been reduced by almost half
so far and when I got out of the house… I met Tanya, who was cooking near the oasis.
She lightly bowed a little shy… Is it a barbecue outside today?

“Hmm. Is one of the parents and children you mentioned yesterday the Poplar

“Uwa, Grandma”

“Tell me clearly later. If you leave it alone, it will be secretly mixed in an orgy”

“Don’t talk like orgy or small talk from daytime”

Gradually erotic words are beginning to collapse in Gestalt.

“No, the moonlit desert is beautiful, isn’t it? You go by caravan, right? Russell desert”

“It goes through. Recently, the caravans passing by are shrinking because of the
development of shipping thanks to the pilot Marman. There is also a movement to
abolish it in the near future. There are a lot of voices who want to survive even if it is
small because there is no one who knows a safe road in the desert”

Naris was in a good mood and was drinking cat powder liquor with a skewer facing
Dianne… In a sense, she’s cute.

“Ho. I’ll bring her to my palace with Jeanne tonight, because I’ll come to pick you
guys up in the morning”

“I understand”

If you take only Naris, you will be in trouble because there is nothing to take care of.
However, letting Naris stay in the colony tonight seems to be a hassle.

“Do your best, Andy”

“Yes, grilled liver. I also got some cat powder liquor”


Jeanne and Luna bring me a meal. As usual, it’s mainly grilled liver, but it also comes
with fruits and vegetables. Does it mean that the balance is so bad that there is no
source or child to break the body?

“Even so, Andy-san still seems to be a very extraordinary person. Recently, you’ve
been dealing with many women”

The evaluation of Aurora is a little sad, but in fact there are few parts that can be said
to be extraordinary about me. Even though I´m energetic, it is a large capacity
trained by miraculous spring and many female slaves’ usual sexual life and the large
number of female slaves doesn’t mean that I am an extremely nice man. The aspect
of luck and meeting is strong… But, Dragon Palace, elf territory and cat beast colony.
It is an unusual luck to get a seeding role in a world full of beautiful women.

“…Luck alone is definitely not mediocre”

I’m a little sad to say it myself.


In the evening, Laila takes off with Naris and Jeanne as previously announced and
the sun goes down. After a while, Grandma Donna and Luna came into the house
with a slightly tired look.

“I’m sorry, we let you wait”

“…Everyone was really looking forward to hearing the story of the child who was
seeded first…”

“…I wish I had Hilda come with me. If I had Laila fly with all her might, she might
have been in time from the earliest possible time”
“There’s no point in saying it now… It’s going to be outrageous”


“I heard you rampaged outside yesterday, because it’s a hassle for everyone”

“I put out the mat outside”

“E, Eh…”

“It’s winter, now. No matter how active my body is, I’m worried that I’ll catch a cold. I
don’t have a proper doctor here, so once I get sick, it’s troublesome”

“…I recently learned windbreak magic while I was presumptuous. Let’s go to the
barrier later”

Dianne quietly offers to cooperate. Luna seems to be upset, but she’s relatively calm
now. She may have Dianne do something for her.

“If it’s not the case, I’d like to mix it up”


“If everyone wants Andy-san, I want to show that I’m Andy-san’s favorite slave”

Aurora smiled a little challengingly and I was a little anxious. It seems that this child
will seriously propose to commit in public with some kind of beat.

“I, I´m off”

I leave the house before the story is over.

Hell’s boar tanned leather with dead grass stuffed mat. Many of them are laid out in
the plaza near the oasis and it looks like a group sun-dried. No, it’s night. And many
cat girls and cat beauties who had already taken off their clothes were sitting on the
soft ground of a little size and waiting for me.

“…E, Emm…

Attention is paid and I don’t know what to say first. However, it was only a moment
later that I realized that I didn’t need such a thing.


Many cat girls jumped at me and stripped off my clothes in no time. And the older cat
beauties tear off the cat girls, but with an uncontrollable voice of lust.

“Guest, please give us children…”

“Tonight, I will dedicate myself to you only. Please, affection”

One after another, they bring their plump bodies to me. The moonlight is bright.
Once the eyes get used to it, the limbs they sway in the moonlight are terribly
beautiful, somehow mysterious, and.


When I say so while my dick erects violently, they all have a provocative and
seductive smile. Curved movement peculiar to cat beasts. There are roughly over
thirty people under the moon. It’s an outdoor strip theater where you can freely
handle and commit as much as you want.

“Okay, I’ll commit you for the time being!”

“Ah… haa, aaa♪”

A beautiful woman at hand is laid down and while rubbing her boobs roughly, I
pierce my dick without caressing her. You know. They don’t need any caress tonight
on a full moon, driven by intense lust.

“Rubbing your boobs, let me suck! Shake your ass and invite me!”

When I called around while committing a beautiful cat beast from the beginning, a
well-known elder immediately pressed her estrus boobs against me and I enjoyed
the feel of her erect nipples. And the late cat girls crawl on the ground and shake
their hips with their natural soft movements. Some of them are still small girls who
look like Jeanne and even such girls shake their hips in a shape of eight or stick out
their hips and hug themselves, swaying embarrassingly from side to side. Meanwhile,
I pour the first ejaculation into the cat beauty´s womb.
“N, Nuuuuuu, Nnyuu… ♪”

“It’s a good pussy, let me do it again soon”

“…A, Anytime… ♪”

Then, I rub my cheeks against her boobs and stand up, challenging the cat girl who is
in my view.

“Is this your first time…?”

“…Last year, older brother put it in… ♪”


At that time, I committed while being almost in a state of obscurity, so I don’t

remember the details.

“If so, I will do my best to make you feel good from the beginning”

“Y, Yes… violent, ple… nyuuuu!!”

Insert while rubbing as if I´m holding a youthful and slippery butt and immediately
shake my hips violently.

“Nyaaa, Nyaaaaa♪”

“It’s a nice pussy, You’ll give birth to a good child!!”

“Nyaaa… I’m happy, nyaa… ♪”

Big back and forth, fast like crazy. It seems that the tonic effect of grilled liver is
certainly strong. The power that overflows with lust doesn’t make me feel tired no
matter how much I shake my hips. Also ejaculate.

“Nyaha… ♪”

“You´re next…”
A beautiful cat beast has pushed her erect nipples indecently against me. Is she a
little older than me? It looks like I’m still fine.

“Ah, I’m committed… like that, putting so much semen inside that it overflows from
my crotch… ♪”

“I’ll put it in, I’ll put it in, so crawl up and raise your ass! Like a female cat!”

I look super great. I wonder if the cat girls who are happy to follow it don’t wonder at
all. No, the moon has made them lustful many times more than me who is ecstatic
with so many erotic nudes. Illuminated by the white moon, flesh-colored flesh is
mixed in here.

“Aaa… risky, you’re in good shape… you love masturbation, you lewd cat…!!”

“Yes… I like masturbation… but I like dicks more, I want to be messed up by your
dick… ♪”

“Erotic pussy… I wonder if you will give birth to a nasty female cat…!!”

“Yes… I might only be a horny female cat… but I’m seeded and making me a naughty
belly cat… ♪”

“Ah, I’ll put it out, I’ll put it out, you’ll get pregnant!!”


“Next time, let’s do it again… ♪”

“Even if you´re a little cat, you´re going to invite a man, so I’ll be relentless, even if
you´re tiny”


Ejaculation, again ejaculation.

Until dawn. Until the moon sets. The frenzy of me and the cat beasts continues.

In the morning sun, with many cat girls, I look up at the sky so that I can be buried in
the warm limbs. The deep blue, cloudless sky is brightly dyed by the sun. It’s an
incredibly powerful and beautiful sky of Celesta.

“…Guest, can still do it…?”

A cat girl who got up plumply rubbed against my dick lying on her back and looked
up at my face. I remember.

“You didn’t know it, but we did it three times”


The cat girl smiles. She was naked and mysteriously pretty, even though her inner
thighs were squeezed with semen.

“Because I´m going to do it a fourth time, get pregnant, you perverted cat”


She slowly straddled me and enjoyed the last shot.

As expected, over thirty shots hurt my dick overnight. I abused it a lot when I messed
up with the dragons of Misty Palace, but since the estrus of the cat beasts isnt
something scary, it is simply a no-guard rape… But it’s because of my usual sexual
life that I only have a slight pain in my lower back, or is it more effective than I
expected? Probably both.

After resting until near noon, we decided to leave the colony aboard Laila.

“Hoho. But Donna, I’m most happy to see you in good shape”

“Ha. I don’t know how many years I’ll have, come a little more often before I meet the
moment of my death. You also have a convenient master”

“He isn’t my master, he is my owner”

“I can’t believe that a dragon like you is kept quietly even though he’s so young…”

“That’s right, that’s right”

“…Laila, hold on. Can you make me show deference a little more?”

“Ho, in fact you can’t beat most of the female slaves. It’s no mistake that you can’t
weigh them visually”


“Huh. Well, I know that a dragon’s idea is dimwit”

Grandma Donna shrugged her shoulders.

“Well, come back when you’ve accumulated enough. My daughters are really in high
spirits. If you want, I’ll invite you to become a nude village next time”
“Donna has no idea that it will turn into such a good mood colony”

“…I had a lot of feelings of being impatient with the full moon when I was young.
Well, if you don’t, it’s a story whether or not you throw away the colony. I don’t want
to go into this grave if I do garbage. It’s not a bad thing if the colony keeps it in that
much play. No one is unhappy”

“…Well, at least it’s definitely fun for me.”

The next time I come, I may not be able to keep it unless I prepare more carefully.

Many cat beasts from the oasis wave their hands to Laila and the carriage taking off
from the back mountain. Lina and Yuna can be easily identified by their hair colors.
The little daughter and mother over there would be Anys and Tanya. The one in front
of them is the older sister who I didn’t know the name of but was in good shape. I
wish I had heard the name of the greedy girl who was cheating.

“Andy… Did you still want to stay?”

Luna looks a little complicated. Maybe it stretched under my nose.

“…No, it’s okay once in a while, it’s like that”

“I want to do it once in a while…”

“Don’t give up, Luna-san. If Andy and the colony are happy with that, I think it’s
enough for us, his property, to give him a little space”

“When I think that Andy’s child, a girl who is pregnant, is in the colony before me…
it’s a little indivisible”

“That’s right. I understand”

Dianne smiled bitterly.

“But when the special task is over, Andy will settle down somewhere. Then you can
give birth as much as you like”

“As much as I like… yeah”

Luna is in a good mood. I get involved in a hurry.

“No, just the number I can feed? Because I and Luna’s child want to be responsibly
raised by us?”

“Yeah. It’s okay if there are about 5 or 6 people, right?”


“If you are a cat beast, there are quite a few twins or triplets, so there are more than
10 children, are there?”

While being obsessed with Luna, who is full of motivation, I can’t help but feel a little
happy with the many future prospects with Luna… Or become a profitable man. Yes.


It doesn’t take long to reach Laila’s old nest, the former Dragon Palace. Even in
winter, Laila slides and lands on the sandy sea, which has a moderate temperature at

“Here, here. It’s been a year, but it’s nostalgic”

“Are Naris and Jeanne inside?”


Laila turns into her human form and enters the rock at the entrance of the palace,
naked, probably because it’s her own home. We follow behind her.

It seems that Laila’s Dragon Palace was once called 「Russell Palace」. I knew it a
year ago when Broll-san called Laila. When I first came, Jeanne was sometimes
present in Laila’s solo life, but at its peak, 600 dragons were crowded inside here.
The number 600 is larger than Polka, even if it is a dragon. When I turned around
again, the underground space was just like a city. Wide roads that are intricately
intertwined, large and small squares and small rooms where people can live…
Speaking of labyrinths, it should be illegal to tamper with the structure afterwards,
but was it made by a dragon or was it originally a city?… I’m sure Laila doesn’t know.

“Laila’s family lived here… I wonder if you weren’t lonely in such a large place, alone”
“That’s not the case… it’s a lie. Well, they’re not dead. Let’s do well on the western
continent. If they want to see me, if they feel like it, they can meet me at any time.
Come to think of it, it’s our dragons that don’t care about the absence of their family”

“…Do you feel lonely”

“Ho. I didn’t realize until you told me. I was 200 years old and made me realize that I
was lonely. That alone was something I could brag about to Donna”

Laila giggles. I’m not praising her at all, but was she glad that it was pointed out?

When I went to Laila´s former bed, Naris jumped at me… I didn’t do it, but she held
my hand and desperately approached my face.

“Smithson heavy responsibility!!”

“What is it!?”

“Well, that’s my instincts and my instincts to fight!”

“Calm down Naris. Or rather Jeanne, what’s wrong with Naris?”

“Ah… she was a little worried when we got here and muttered in the corner of the
room, right?”

What the hell is that?

“He, here here, here is a Dragon Palace, isn’t it? Basically”

“Basically, it was Laila’s residence”

“…Dragon Palace is a first-class proof for an adventurer or is it a place where I

wanted to explore once, but I had to think that it would probably be impossible for
me for the rest of my life? Honestly. I don’t think there will be a thousand years left
for such an opportunity, but when I think of it as a black dragon territory, that, I can’t
move my legs”

…Yes, this fellow is traumatized by the Fire Dragon War.

“Ho. No one is coming back now. You can look around as you like”
“But it’s scary! I like labyrinths, but I’m super useless for a mansion or a castle with a
ghostly ruckus!”

She’s a complicated person.

“Te… what do you want me to do?”

“Please come along with us”

“Jeanne alone is fine!”

“But I don’t know this person well!!”

Now that I think of it, is that so.

“…It’s a hassle, nee-chan”


The former residents were stunned.

Therefore I take a walk in the ruins with Naris. Although many dragons lived there,
unlike actual villages and towns, there is no concept of fields and gardens, so it is not
a long walk in terms of distance. And even though it was a ruin, everyone just moved
in, so there weren’t many interesting things down there and it was boring just to
look around the small rooms.

“Fire dragons live in a place like this… uh, what if a dead dragon comes out? I don’t
have a weapon”

“Coming out. Did you listen to me?”

A dead dragon is a (apparently) monster that is sometimes found in the deepest part
of a labyrinth and a dragon’s corpse has begun to move in the same way as a rock
doll or a moving corpse. Of course, its intelligence is close to zero, it doesn’t use
magic and its movements are sluggish, but its breath attack ability remains, so it is
considered to be a rather troublesome monster. And, of course, the dragon isn’t dead
and it doesn’t appear in the Dragon Palace that just pulled it off.

“Or rather a Dragon Palace is a Dragon Palace. Why do you have such a calm face?
10-man captain Smithson? It’s the scariest place in the world”

“That’s why. Here. It’s just. It’s an abandoned village”

“Even so! Isn’t there an aura drifting somewhere?”

“You’re unexpectedly superstitious!”

“I’m sorry if a monster comes out, but I’ll run away with all my strength!? Because I
have no fighting power right now!? I don’t have any weapons!”


“That. Why are you depressed? 10-man captain Smithson”


“I’m sorry, Crash Haken was a self-confident work of 10-man captain Smithson. I’m
really sorry I didn’t pay a single coin… uh”

“No, I don’t think you’re bad…”

For some reason, in the corner of Dragon Palace, the two of us are depressed for
reasons that have nothing to do with dragons.

“I will definitely fix it. I’m sure I´ll fix it”

“Yes… I’ll take good care of it this time…”

Meet Jeanne on the way back. She was carrying all the broken pieces of Crash Haken.

“Jeanne? Where are you going?”

“Ah, I’m going to my parents’ house a little bit. By the way, I’ll have this fixed”

Shaking the debris.

“Your parents’ house…”

“It’s a dwarf colony. It’s close by. Andy and the others didn’t come. I’m slowing down
with older sister Laila. I’ll be back tomorrow”

…No, Jeanne said, 「Next time, let’s go to the dwarf colony」. But in reality we came
to Laila’s Palace. Did that mean that the 「Dwarf colony」 was the current
destination for Jeanne?

“Wait a minute. It’s a special weapon made with crest engraving. I’ll rent a place and
I’ll fix it. Guide me to the Dwarf Colony”

“N, No, I’m enough. I think if I ask my grandpa or someone, he’ll fix it right away”

“I can’t let you do that”

Jeanne has a troubled face.

“Uh… I don’t want you to come”

“Why… ah, by the way, I´ve never been there to say hello?”


Jeanne was recognized as a full-fledged person in the dwarf colony and was trying to
get rid of Hell’s Boar in order to be allowed to drink freely. Being recognized as a full-
fledged person leads to more or less a role in the community. Immediately after that,
Jeanne was taken out of here and restrained in Polka to give birth to a child.
Originally, there were a number of appropriate timings throughout the story, but I
was still abducting Jeanne… Unreasonableness is also a good place.

“I have to give my greetings…”

“No, I’m not letting you do it. At least I’ll never hide the fact that I gave birth to a

“It’s no good. That’s what you shouldn’t do to give birth to a child sneakily”

“But I’m really scared of my grandpa!? Andy, you’ll be blown away with all your

“…Well, I protect myself to the extent that I don’t die”

“That’s why you can’t go, I’m telling you!!”

The power of a dwarf surpasses that of a lion beast, who is particularly strong
among the beast human races. It’s not as good as an ogre, but even so, humans can
get rid of bones with a single punch. However.

“Jeanne… If you run away here, Peter Smithson will be a child who can’t face his
maternal relatives. That’s no good”


“Did you intend to go alone and say goodbye to your family? No. I want to do that

“But… if a human is beaten by grandpa, regardless of the dwarf opponent…”

“It’s fine”

I encourage Jeanne… Jeanne looked at my serious eyes and realized that persuasion
was useless, so she started walking reluctantly.

“E, Emm, should I go too…”

“It doesn’t matter which one. I don’t think elves are welcomed because of their

Dwarves often don’t have a very good impression of elves. Especially for adult elves,
they are unconditionally called 「Bean sprouts that seems to be great even though
they are weak」… Well, Naris doesn’t look like an elf and even if she isn’t rotten, she
is a Red Arm and not weak in terms of strength. I don’t really know which way to fall.


The dwarf colony was certainly not far away. I feel like I walked quite a bit, but
considering the size of the desert, 1 km and 2 km is within the margin of error. And,
obviously, the air is different from other parts of the labyrinth. In a strange
atmosphere where the smell of burning bonfire, the smell of sweat and the smell of
alcohol are mixed, you can hear the laughter and yelling of the dwarves and the
sound of metal hitting from somewhere.
“From here on, its the dwarf colony… I don’t feel like rethinking, Andy”

“If I get hit, I can get hit. It’s worth it for you who gave birth to Peter”

“You´re safe. I was going to have my grandpa somehow overlook it under Laila´s
name. He is grateful to Laila and her black dragons because he survived the Fire
Dragon War era. But he hates everyone outside the labyrinth, not just humans”

“Nevertheless… His granddaughter was exposed to a man he didn’t know and before
he knew it, she was treated as a slave and conceived of a child. It becomes a reason to
hit without such circumstances. Then I can’t escape”

Slowly entering the dwarf colony, the one with a surprised look was Jeanne, while I
had a shady look on my face. In another sense, Naris in her bikini armor is looked at
with astonishment and various glances pierce. Then, while receiving the
uncomfortable gaze, Jeanne approaches and pulls the iron door with the sound of
metal in the back of the colony… Or rather, when I tried to pull it, the lever turned
and the door opened vigorously and Jeanne bounced off.



An old dwarf with a fine white beard appeared from the back of the door. The eyes
are sharp, the skin is reddish and the clothes have a number of burn marks. It’s like a
typical blacksmith.

“I, I’m here…”

“…Why do I have a dream? It looks a lot like Jeanne…”

“It’s me, Jeanne !! I’m back, I’ve been with older sister Laila 『Desert Black Dragon』


The dwarven old man opens his eyes and can even squeeze the mouth behind his
beard… It’s here.

“Thereupon, Laila together with I had her become one of my brides. Nice to meet
you, Celesta Commercial Army Special Task Force Dianne Special Duty Force…”

“Ah!? What you”

“Ah, 10-man captain Andy Smithson… I´m a Trot human…”

Yeah, he’s definitely super scary. The old man glares at me and looks at Jeanne.
Jeanne lifted her hand from the struck head and looked anxiously at the old man’s

“…Bride… did you say that? You”

“…We already have made a child”


The old man looks at Jeanne again. Jeanne nods. The old man took a quick breath.

“You’re a playful person… What is this face slap?”


“Jeanne. Yeah. I’m left to take care of you from your father and mother… After a year
of hiding in the clouds, you were deceived by a human and gave birth to a child. Did
you think it would be nice to say it was sunny?”


“Most of the time, stupid grandchildren are fooling around!”

When the old man yelled at Jeanne, he turned around and looked up at me.

“You’ve been able to show your face in a dignified way and that’s all I’m going to
praise. You’re an idiot!!”

He swings his fist and hits my belly… I stiffen myself. I can’t run away or stop. That
kind of fist. But.

“Wait a minute, wait!”

Naris took the fist with one hand. A good sound is heard and the fist stops.
Unbelievably, she catches the old man’s punch with her slender arms and the old
man, who is a typical dwarf with a stubby body, slips and retreats… Red arm, scary.

“Wh, What long ears!! You also that human”

“No, don’t get me wrong. Seriously. Emm… calm down for the time being. If this
person is destroyed, I’m in trouble because I don’t have my weapon”

“…You’re a martial artist?”

“Adventurer… no, I’m a poor soldier now”

Shaking his hand, the old man opens his fist. It seems that Naris’s grip strength was
unexpectedly strong.

“I didn’t come to ask for a weapon, is that man, a blacksmith?”

“…I´m a half blacksmith. It’s been seven years of blacksmithing training in the royal
capital of Trot”

“Huh… Didn’t you just come to be beaten”

The old man seems to be convinced… That’s it. A blacksmith, albeit a dwarf. If so, as
an aspiring blacksmith rather than just a human… there is a little room for
understanding and a room for effort to be recognized.

“Let me hit the weapon”

I’m not confident in the act of blacksmithing. But it’s still better than trying to get
forgiveness just by enduring being beaten. I hope it will be a reason to compromise.

“Jeanne is a forgotten memorial of my son and his wife who died in the cave-in. She’s
a stupid girl, but I can’t be spared when asked… I´m Dan. Dan Cracks”

The old man turned around.

“Get in… I don’t know if you make a cheap item at a dwarf blacksmith workshop”
Grandpa Dan’s smithy was quite hot. Blacksmiths are already priced as hot, but
dwarves don’t bother with that heat. The skin is said to be naturally heat resistant. A
dwarf is a creature that creates a tunnel even in a volcano where ordinary creatures
make a lot of noise. It’s okay to hold the bottom of a boiling pot with their bare
hands. I’m a little wondering at what temperature it will burn. Since they were born
to play with such metals, they have the perception of hunting for minerals with their
noses and intuitions and other races are still completely unmatched by dwarves in
blacksmithing and metalworking. Even in a country like Trot, which is covered by
humans, the industry itself is thrown to the dwarves when it comes to mining, so
there were many countries on the continent where all the metal industry was
covered by dwarves. I’m super cool trying to blacksmith in front of such a dwarf. No,
I’m sorry. I tried to inspire myself. I know it’s really reckless.

“Hey, what are you going to do? You didn’t decide until you got here”

“It’s a rehash of a broken weapon. Jeanne, take it down”


Jeanne takes down the wooden box, she was carrying. The joint between the handle
and the broken blade. And a blade that broke so miserably that it couldn’t be thought
of as metal.

“…It’s a weapon that still doesn’t make sense for me”

“This is a weapon that 10-man captain Smithson has kindly made from the materials
that were available!”

“What a human, actually raised by a dwarf. I know you fell in love with Jeanne”

Why does he think so?

“10-man… I was the one who fell in love with Andy. He just helped me when hunting
Hell’s Boar”

“Hunm… I thought it would be a fashionable action of a human to hand over a

handmade craft to a woman”

Naris blushes when Dan’s mutters.

“Wh, What do you mean with it? Isn’t Celesta too strange? If you give a knife, you’ll

“It’s an old custom of an oasis in the south. It’s supposed to be only dark elves and
ogres, but I know strange things… well, the long ear chiefs sometimes dress younger
than their age. Did you treat it as a little girl prematurely?”

“Don’t say things like dressing oneself younger than their age or that’s disgraceful!
I´m only 113 years old!”

“…Are you the same age as me? You´re a splendid mature woman”

“A, Are you the same age? I’m a little happy. Can I call you Dan-kun?”


After screaming at Naris, the old man begins to scrutinize the parts of Crash Haken.

“The more I look at it, the more weird it is. The quality of the steel itself is quite good,
but I think it wouldn’t break like this…”

It’s hard to understand how it broke because the joints are completely crushed and
the material is broken and the crest engraving is broken, so it doesn’t work.

“Do you know the crest engraving of the southeastern elf forest?”

“…Ah, that stone shining thing?”

“I’m just dabbling in and applying it. That’s why this was originally a farm tool sickle,
but it’s changed to move like this…”

“…Hunm. I see. It’s a mere form of the gimmick weapon of West Afilm… It’s a half-
hearted imitation. If it’s an axe, it’s an axe. If its an halberd, its an halberd, but when
you decide it’s going to be an halberd, then you´re going to hit it again”

“I made it at the forefront of the demon territory, so there was no furnace…”

“Don’t be stupid. If that’s the case, don’t make a half-hearted thing and hand it over.
You had to have a weapon and you couldn’t leave it to someone else? Was this elder
sister in a state where she had to fight with a damn fake weapon? It’s unavoidable for
someone who can’t fight without a weapon to run away. But if you have a weapon,
you can understand the feelings of a warrior when the weapon was just a trash that
looked like it was a crap. The worst deception. It’s the lowest cheat”

Old man Dan blames me for making excuses with a harsh tone.

“Well, I can use anything, so I don’t have much trouble if I only use sticks, right?”

Naris hurriedly enters the follow-up, but Grandpa Dan quickly points his palm at
Naris and refuses.

“Shut up. That’s the problem. It’s a matter of hitting a weapon. Well, the point of
victory and defeat that a warrior entrusts his life to is a weapon. If you can deceive
yourself with such an excuse, you can’t use it to break it too much, or you can’t use it
to break it because it’s not used properly. Don’t be a blacksmith. Your weapon can’t
protect the user. It’s the worst tool that only causes harm”


I endure. Various possibilities are created by using crest engraving. I can make
various new weapons. I can make things that have never been possible before, such
as special arrows and breath calibers. I was so ecstatic and proud of it. The thick
arrows, which fly forward and are used up in one go, are a weapon that don’t
consider defense and the breath caliber, which is just a fire-blowing tool, is nothing
more than ad hoc. It’s true that my range of weapon creation has expanded, but it’s
not that I’ve been able to make good weapons that even famous swordsmen can
proudly recommend. Naris was about to fall victim to it.

“…Hun, do you understand? That’s right. It’s not so dangerous that the odds are
pretending to be full-fledged”

The old man snorts when he sees me hanging my head silently. Seeing that, Naris
took a step in resentment.
“You can’t say that…”

“Don’t you like the way I say it? After all, haughty long ears are particular about crap”

“It’s my weapon!? Where I was in trouble, I fell down and worked hard with the
things I had…!!”

“Stop Naris”

“10-man captain Smithson!”

“Stop. There’s nothing wrong with what the old man says. If you were seriously
injured by having such a weapon, I can’t complain that Sharon or Tetes would kill

“That won’t be the case!?”

“No matter how much I fall down or you are dexterous, defective products are
defective products!!”

I just yelled and became a little awkward and turned down again… And then, a little
bit, I sit down on the ground.

“Old man. No, Dan-san… Can you lend me a hand? I can’t give Naris a bad weapon


Grandpa Dan folded his arms and snorted.

“Jeanne. And long ears. You guys get out”


“Jeanne-san, take it off a little without pulling it!?”

“It’s terribly sweaty, Nee-chan. I’ll take you to the sand bath”

“That’s why I don’t pull the pants tourmer, it’s a clasp, so it comes off!?”
Naris leaves the room with Jeanne. The door closes. Grandpa Dan and I are alone… I
wonder if I will be beaten again.

“Raise your face”


“First of all, rehash. The temperature is still enough because I used the furnace a
while ago. Also, the tailoring of the gimmick weapon has been a bit bitter in the past.
Leave the deformed part to me”

“…Th, Thank you for your help”

With Grandpa Dan, I put the Crash Haken fragments in the furnace.

While it heats up, even the old man’s head sweats and I’m stunned at the smithy.
Ventilation may be considered by dwarf standards. It’s hard for me. However, I
remember my childhood when my boss yelled at me that it was natural for the
smithy to be hot. If I´m willing to go somewhere before the Spirit Festival, I don’t
have much time. It’s so hot that I can’t complain.

“…I don’t have a parent like Jeanne”

While throwing a burning stone into the furnace with a shovel, the old man talks. I
listen carefully.

“In this colony, it’s not such a rare experience. It’s a narrow colony that asks
everyone to be first-class as a blacksmith, a warrior and a family member. As a
warrior, it also means asking everyone to have the ability to fight monsters”

“…Honestly, I thought it was terrible to have such a small child fight such a monster”

“That’s right. But the labyrinth here is so big that the flow of energy is sometimes
biased due to the influence of the season. Sometimes the colony is flooded with
monsters. Sandworms Hell’s Boars and rock dolls are next to each other. There are
many times in the history of hundreds of years that all the children were killed
because of the labyrinth”

“Everyone can be strong to prevent it. It is an obligation to be strong. That is why
everyone is strong. For that… even if I die. I will fight repeatedly just in case and it’s a
frustrating story to die, but if it’s not obligatory, everyone will enjoy it. I don’t want
to think I can’t help it, but I can’t help it”

…Every time I hear such a story. I realize that I am blessed. Bonaparte’s old man once
played with me, who lives a peaceful life without knowing the fight to protect the
country. The stories of the people who live in Renfangas and the stories of the people
who live in Carlwin have a rigor that is far from my life.

“…Then, surely Jeanne is still too young. At least five years… no, I was going to teach
various things at hand for about ten years. You will understand. Dwarves are half the
age of humans. It’s a hang. She is still a kid, isn’t it”


“I certainly don’t see a dwarf girl having children at that age, but did Jeanne really
give birth?”

“Yes. Peter Smithson. He has the same as my dad who was also a blacksmith”

“…Hun, it’s a weak name. There’s a stronger name like Vargas or Greg”

There is a story that dwarves like voiced sound, but it seems that this old man is also
the same.

“…But, is that so. Jeanne’s child… is it my great-grandchild”

The old man looks a little far away and puts in fuel. I tried to argue that the name had
been dismissed, but I lost my head in the heat as I thought about it.

“…You ‘ll bring him here someday”


“…Good, it’s love that feels like it. I’m gonna hit it. Have you learned how to swing a

“Of course”
There are a number of hammers ahead of what the old man showed with his chin.
The grip is a little short, but is it adapted to the small physique of a dwarf? Among
them, they are reasonably heavy… or rather, I take the lightest hammer and aim at
the red-hot steel presented by the old man.



Gan!! Gan!! Gan!! Gan!! Gan!! I hit it many times in repetition. The steel materials that
have melted and become one will be reborn as a weapon again.

“Wait, that’s it! The temperature has dropped!”

I noticed that the old man had stopped, I swam my body in an attempt to stop the
hammer that I was about to shake down. And, partly because my head was dumb, I
almost fell on the anvil. It’s on a hot anvil, where there’s still hot steel, even though
the temperature has dropped. I’m sorry if I fell down. However, the old man had his
hands blocked.

“U, Uwaaa…!”


The old man throws out the steel and tries to reach out, but on the other side of the
anvil. His hands are too short to support. I was prepared for a moment.

…No. I can’t get hurt by such a silly thing. I have a lot to do. Hit a weapon for Naris.
Spend the spirit festival with everyone. I promised Irina and Breakcore to be the
priest, Neia´s home was still in danger and Laila and Maia would regret not being
there if I was hurt by not needing them.


With a momentary awakened head, I choose to hit the anvil with all my might. My
hands are numb, but I clench the handle and stay on it as a support. There was a
great noise.

“…Cool down”
“I’m sorry, it’s hot… my head”

“Humans are too weak… But that’s not the point of patience for being thin. Half a

The old man takes the steel and pliers back and puts them in a suitable place to open
the door of the room. Ventilation is quick due to the temperature difference and
breathing becomes a little easier.

“Continued… You’ve got a good master. I can’t complain about the posture of your
lower back”

The old man bluntly said and grabbed the pliers again.

Hit it several times and shape it.

“When it cools down, I put a gimmick in earnest… But it’s a strange weapon. I know
if it’s an axe and a halberd, but an axe and a sickle?”

“It’s really just a farm tool…”

“Is a halberd fine? I can do it now. There’s plenty of material here to fill the gaps”

“…I have to ask Naris”

No, I didn’t ask when Crash Haken was first manufactured.

“In any case, if the sickle is not for cavalry, it will be hard for everyday use. That long
ear doesnt look like a cavalry. It’s such a round-out look”

“…Well, she is certainly not a cavalryman”

Do I want to keep the function as a sickle for “someday” or leave it as an axe or

halberd? It’s a little subtle.

The slightly smoky underground colony is also a paradise compared to the heat of
the smithy. If I look for a little while taking a deep breath, I find Jeanne running very

“Jeanne, where is Naris?”

“Now she’s in the sand bath. I’m going to deliver a sand removal brush”

“I need to ask her something, so show me around”


I follow Jeanne as it is.

When I got into the sand bath, Naris was just crawling out of the sand. Her whole
body is covered with sand, but she is naked and on all fours.

“Wh, WhWhWhWhーーーー!? 10-man captain Smithson!?”

“Don’t make a noise when you show off your butt and boobs with such an
embarrassing bikini armor”

“I, I’m not quiet!! Please turn over there!!”

“Yes Yes”

Naris who turns bright red and gets angry is a little cute. I wonder if there are only
such reacting children, Naris and Neia, around these days.

“So, Naris. I have something to ask”

“Don’t look!! Never look over here!! What is it?”

“I’m going to remake Crash Haken, but we’ll review the deformation function… I’d
like to turn off the sickle function and use the axe and grave”

As an image, the large blade slides the handle to make it a weapon with different
reach and handling.


Naris raises a dissatisfied voice.

“What is it”

“…That would be that grandfather’s suggestion”

“That’s right, but”

“Sickle. Please do that”


“Isn’t it regrettable? Isn’t it regrettable that 10-man captain Smithson has been urged
to change it?”

“Regrettable… I actually broke it because I wasn’t good at it”

“If you leave the concept to that old man, you’ll be fooled. Let’s not lose”

“It’s not a matter of winning or losing, though”

Naris emphasizes while having Jeanne remove the sand with the brush.

“I think it’s a good weapon to leave as it is. Long-handled weapons are certainly
useful, but I don’t think they’re generally weak because there are ways to fight an axe
with an axe and a sickle with a sickle”


“…And it’s my first weapon just for me… I don’t want to think it was a totally loss”

“Eh, I’ve had you make your order…”

“I don’t have that kind of money. Since I was an adventurer, I didn’t say that weapons
were usually dropped by friends”

“…Is it so”

…Yes, is it the first order? In a way, I’m a little proud.

“I understand. See you later”

When I tried to look back and say it, the sand on her whole body was dropped and
Naris was all nude.

“Don’t lookーーーーー!!”
Naris kicked the sand up and slammed it on my face.


“…Sand bath, did you go in?”

“No. I was just hit with sand by a rascal”

I was in agony for a while with the sand not coming out of my eyes, but I managed to
return to the smithy.

“It seems that the sickle and axe as before are good”

“…I think it’s hard to handle.”

“She can use any melee weapon. Axe, hammer, sword, spear”

When I think about it again, I think that she also is a talent.

“Well, yes… If it’s the same as before, it’s a gimmick as an axe. This is how the folding
gimmick… put your support here and do it this way”

“Oh, it’s a bit more like an ordinary axe than before”

“The previous design is different from a hatchet… Emm, if you work carefully from
the forging stage, it will not be like the previous one. I don’t know if it is a crest
engraving, but if you are a blacksmith, don’t neglect blacksmithing. It should be a
much stronger alloy than before, mixed with secret rare ores”

“…I don’t hate or distrust blacksmithing. It’s just that the war started before I learned
how to smith a knife in earnest”

“Hunm. It’s an excuse. If I had that basic, I should have accumulated it myself, as it
would have been an experience”

“…I wonder if that’s true”

My master felt that there was still more to teach. That’s why I have a big complex in
coming out without being taught it… I wonder.
“Everything is about studying after becoming a full-fledged person. No matter how
good you are, you don’t need anything else. If you’re half a man, it’s even more
effort… 『Desert Black Dragon』is with you. Then you can come from anywhere. If
you come, I’ll train you. Be a full-fledged person. It’s embarrassing for a blacksmith
with a dwarven bride”

“…What, that”

Did he admit it?… When I look at Dan-san with hopeful eyes, he looks suspicious.


“Emm, can you accept my relationship with Jeanne?”

“…What do you say?”

The old man sighs while playing with the handle of Crash Harken.

“Even if I admit it, it’s not like this to go all the way to the kid. I just tried to let you

“…E, that?”

…What, maybe.

“Blacksmithing is the test of seeing that area…”

“It was you who said that. If Jeanne promised to lend a furnace, I wouldn’t be
reluctant as a relative and I couldn’t let you make something boring”



“I just thought that way… It’s a boring idea that seems to be half a man”

The old man sighs again.

“There aren’t many good stories in the world that you can take with you because
you’ve made it. If you want to marry Jeanne, or if you want me to recognize you as
my son in law, don’t neglect your efforts. Keep on being the right guy. It’s an effort to
have someone else in your family. No matter how hard you try, you don’t need
anything else”


“…Was that what happened?”

“I’ve been searching around for where you went to”

At dawn, the three of us return to Laila’s bed. Dianne, Aurora and Luna had relieved
faces. Laila was calm, so maybe she had heard that we decided to go to the Dwarf

“It’s a souvenir”

“…Liquor barrel?”

“Ho, is it the dwarf bubbling spring alcohol?”

There was a mysterious fountain in the dwarf colony where liquor sprang up. It
seems that Jeanne once wanted to drink it, but wasnt allowed.

“After all this liquor is good”

Jeanne has a happy face with a barrel different from mine. And Naris was in a good
mood carrying the new weapon that was completed.

“Well, let’s go to the next place! This Crash Haken II is hungry for blood!”

“Don’t be hungry, idiot!”

The shiny 「Crash Haken II」, was a collaboration with my original draft and Dan-
san. I hope it lasts longer this time.
Flying from Laila’s Palace, you’ll see a medium-sized city in less than a few hours.
Oasis colony Talc. It is the hometown of Dianne and Hilda, located in the central part
of the southern desert.

“Laila, you know. Conceal yourself with an illusion and start landing”

Dianne tells Chibi Laila on my shoulder. No, in reality, Laila should be able to hear it
directly over the wall of the carriage.

“Ho, that’s right”

“Wait. Haven’t you cast it until now?”

Talc is clearly visible from the coachman’s stand. It should be seen by a good-looking

“There’s still something that can be distinguished from a Flying Dragon. Do you want
to replace the illusion so that it looks like a flying dragon with great luck?”

“…Do that. Even in Talc, if a black dragon comes flying, it will be a big fuss”

While Dianne says so, a light illusion shock runs. It seems that Laila casts an illusion.

“Is it the desert city? I’m looking forward to it”

“If it’s a city like Talc, it wouldn’t be so noticeable just because it’s a desert city”

“What are you talking about, 10-man captain Aurora? Considering the date, this is
already the stage of the spirit festival!? The spirit festival in the desert city, well
indeed Celesta”

“If you say so… Dianne-san, you have no plans to move from here for a few more
days, right?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to go to Klaves, but if you don’t have to”

“It’s not my duty to go back to my hometown, is it? Then there’s nothing special
about it”

Aurora says as a matter of course.

“I think it’s okay to be with your family at the end of the day. You haven’t returned for
more than a year”

“Ah, if Andy wanted to do that, he would have retired and stayed in Basson or Polka
and for the next few decades he should have been a confinement female slaves life of
his dreams”

“…No, I’m not so bad. See your family once in a while”

A dream is a dream right? Does she want to be confined?… No, Anzeros and Laila
seem to live happily even if they are confined naked in the basement. If Aurora mixed
in, she’ll do her best.

“Most of the time, there’s only that arrogant brother and my unyielding parents. If I
go, I´m likely to get caught up in another nasty plot”

“Still, if you have a family, you’d better meet them. Even long-lived species will die

Jeanne was in a light condition, but I had just heard from Old Man Dan that her
parents had died in an accident. I don’t know why they died, the world.

“That’s right, it’s nice to have a family”

Naris says so and squints her eyes… The whole forest in which Naris lived and her
family burned down.

“…Well, that’s right. I’ll think about it”

Aurora accepts it a little awkwardly.

“Ichichichi… no I mean, you can see it from the back window”

Naris rubs her eyes as she moves to the back seat… Why wasn’t she squinting
because of her emotions, she just endured the dust and looked at the scenery?

“It’s my first time to come here”

Luna also smiles while looking out the window. She feels excited.

“Talc is a good place. Hey Andy”


I nod to Dianne… Laila was about to land in a palace-like mansion in the center of the


“Dianne!? Why did you throw Becker-kun out, he´s gone…”

“That was bad… I’ll take care of it for a few days until the spirit festival. Okay, older

In the carriage that landed in the courtyard, a dark elf young man in nostalgic glasses
rushed up with several maids and subordinates.

“Ah, I don’t care about that, but… y, you!!”

The young glasses man points his finger at me.

“Its been a while, Carlos-ku…”

“I’m not a friend who is called familiar! You devil human! What have you done to

“…No, Hilda-san is treating a patient in Polka”

“Th, That’s my dear younger sister! She’s not as good at listening as Dianne, but she
is not simple or unfaithful!”

“Ah, I’m sure she’s a little of a free person…”

“Uhuh… Thats not it! Even as a joke you, she has a husband!? Becker-kun said you
are doing your best to insult them as female slaves with a firm collar”

“…Emm, that…”

“I serve him…”


“…R, Really? To him?”

“Do you think it is true?”

Carlos suddenly avoids meeting someone´s gaze… Although he is an older brother, he

seems to understand the difficulty of doing all the insults to Hilda-san, probably
because he is an older brother. Laila giggles as she listens and returning to her
human body… She was naked, so the maids around her hurriedly brought a cloth.

“Hohoho, if you control that female fox lower part, my owner is finally a real brave

“…That, hold on… If possible, I want her to remember Orleans-kun from time to time”

“Is he coming back?”

“No, not yet”

…How should I react?

“Let’s talk about it again, older brother. Let’s allocate a room first. Can we use the
West Hall?”

“Ah, yeah, that’s fine…”

We follow Dianne’s lead in pieces.

“Ah, wait a minute, Dianne. It’s the end of the year…”

“I know”
Dianne raises her hand… What are they talking about?

The west hall… or rather, the three-story distance we used before was a bit of a

“Ah, Miss Diane. Long time no see”

One of the dark elf servants who was cleaning around that area rushed to Dianne-

“Is the room vacant? Hinofu… I want a room for seven people”

“Yes, it’s vacant, but… many siblings have returned, so I have to clean it up”

“Ah, it doesn’t have to be perfect. We’ll do it ourselves… Who’s in this mansion?”

“Yes, most of the siblings went there because the main building was more
convenient, but Nord-sama was here before I knew it”

“Older sister Nord?… Unnoticed, its troublesome”

When Dianne folded her arms, she could hear laughter from the window on the
second floor.

“Dianne-chan, as usual… I thought, but you´re pretty gorgeous”

“Older sister”

Looking up, a dark elf with an active appearance that felt a streamline similar to
Dianne and a soft and bright atmosphere similar to Hilda-san was peeking with her
elbows at the window frame. Is that one of Dianne’s sisters?

“Wait a minute. I’ll take sister-in-law along”


“Sister-in-law Nancy”

The woman called Nord draw back from the window… Then, about two minutes
later, she went down the stairs with someone.
“Hi. Nice to meet you. Maybe you’ve met my older brother there”

“Eh, me?”

Nord points to me and laughs.

“Why don’t you come to the tavern with a stage? I often get in touch with Becker-

“N, No, I prefer a small bar…”

“Oh, really? I’m Nord. I’ve been a dancer for 80 years. I’m Dianne’s older sister♪”

She makes a cute pose. She only said that her outfit was a dancer, the cloth was see-
through in places and it was strangely sensational, though not shameful. And.

“Are you Dianne’s lover, who Carlos resented? I’m sorry I couldn’t say hello last year”

A foot that stepped out, was a stick, not a foot. A woman with one leg and a
prosthetic leg. If you look at it, one arm is intentionally hidden in the sleeve and the
face also has an eye patch. However, her face, which is not hidden by her eyepatch, is
really dignified and beautiful. She feels older than Dianne. Since she is a dark elf, her
age is abbreviated as it looks.

“I’m Nancy… I´ve been married with Carlos for about 600 years… Haha, are you
curious? Do you want to see?”


It doesn’t matter if Dianne stops her, she rolls her sleeves up lightly. Her arm was cut
halfway and her skin was rounded.

“Sister-in-law, it’s not something to show off!”

“I did it a long time ago. It’s just right for the story”

Nancy drops her sleeves.

“Isn’t that Dianne´s lover, who father acknowledged? I have to get to know him a
little deeper”

…T, That minister? No, if I think about it… I haven’t seen the minister since then. I’m
getting a little scared.

“First of all, those kids too… I thought Dianne liked her subordinate and monopolizes
him, but it became a household consisting wholly of women.

The beautiful woman with an eyepatch and the dancer smiled at us.
Nancy occasionally sits on the sofa in the drawing room in the center, with the help
of Dianne and Nord. We followed and sat down. It is a fairly large area, but it is still
because of the large family where many people gather that sofas are aligned to the
extent that there are not too many people.

“It’s time for the spirit festival. Merchants are required to be generous. It’s not
profitable to do stingy things at a festival and you’ll be ridiculed as a poor merchant.
It is not possible to pour money into the wild map. How to save money and hold a big
event, such planning ability is also a key point of business…, these days Carlos also
made strenuous efforts”

“…That’s why Carlos emphasized the end of the year?”

When I made an agreeable response, Nancy smiled happily and stroked her own lips.

“That’s right. He uses his siblings to make it cheaper. So now more than half of the
family is here. In such a situation, only Dianne cannot be welcomed normally… that’s
what I mean”

“I’m sorry to come and go suddenly in such a state, sister-in-law”

“I don’t mind at all. Dianne, you´re your brother´s favorite and he always welcomes
you back”

It’s not that similar except for the atmosphere, but when Dianne and Nancy are
together, it’s like a twin conversation.

“Time is time, should I also push someone around?”

Dianne jokingly said, Nord wasn’t serious, sighing.

“I’m not going to help you at all. There’s a dance contest at Onyx’s garden party, so
I’m just waiting for you”
“I think it’s been a good help for older brother. The dance of older sister Nord will be
a highlight”

“This year, I just happen to have no more flashy dance stage than here”

“…Is that probably older brother’s calculation?”

“That’s right. In fact, Nord has participated in Onyx at the year-end spirit festival for
ten consecutive years”

“I wonder if that was the case? I didn’t feel like that because I’m all over the places
like Quika”

“I haven’t noticed myself. With such a harmless face, Carlos would be bad, Andy-kun”

“Ha, Haa”

Did I give my name?… No, I wonder if Carlos and the minister have been paying
attention to me, but I haven’t heard my name. Under the minister, is 100-man special
duty commander Becker… Nord-san leans forward to me, who only gives a modest
response to the conversation between the sisters.

“Hey, Andy-kun… I wonder. So, in Becker-kun’s story, I heard that you’re a terrific
naughty guy who eats all the girls around you, but is that true?”

“It’s a misunderstanding”

My voice, which I immediately denied, is also empty.

“Ho. You can’t see that, but certainly”

“If 100-man commander did not say we are going to use contraception, five people
would have inflated in Polka by this time”

“Two nobles of the northern elf territory, the princess of Arcus and this me from
Klaves. How many people in history, including Dianne and Laila, would hold such
faces together?”

“A few days ago, he was seeding dozens of women in my colony”

“Don’t tell me, I’m the only one! I’m not 10-man captain Smithson´s mistress”

I almost cry for the well-controlled support shooting.

“I’m not so indiscriminate! Don’t line up all the stories that have an impact!”

“No, you, I think it’s enough to have such a heroic story”

Nord-san deals with a situation quickly with a serious face, Diane with a bitter smile
and Nancy with no expression and moving only her ears.

“Are all the stories told just now true? That’s why there are times when I just cross
over with elder sister Hilda”

“I can’t cross each other. I can’t cross each other at all. You can lose as much as you

“Still… But you’re not as handsome as Becker-kun. It’s a little strange to hear the

Please leave me alone.

“Dianne also has an interesting hobby. Where did you fall in love?”

“Well, there are various things… there are circumstances. When I was staring at him,
he was quite a guy…”

“Becker-kun would have told me that… I really don’t know Dianne-chan’s love

The atmosphere is gorgeous. Only Naris seems uncomfortable. No, I’m also

“Well, my father is married to ten people for a long time, so Andy won’t be so shy,

“That’s right. I don’t know about it, but this is Celesta. It’s a place that allows
different forms of love for different races… but it doesn’t seem so for humans”

“If you’re satisfied, you don’t care. Right, Dianne-chan”

“Well, that’s right…”

The arguing land where I’m legally reaching out to girls. Dianne smiled bitterly at
Nancy and Nord, who were really well-understood.

“Even so, Andy-kun, you´re very dusty… if I look closely, everyone is like that”

Not to mention me, who was blacksmithing with sand, Naris, took a sand bath last
night. The others have also traveled through the desert for several days, so their
clothes and hair are more or less sandy.

“I would like to have a bath. If it’s a warm bath, it’s very good”

Chop to Naris, who says that impudently.

“There is no hot spring here, so don’t say it like its Polka. A hot bath usually takes

“That’s right”

Dianne and Nord blink their eyes with surprise at Naris, who was sneering.

“Are you there?”



On the contrary, Nancy will explain to me who is neat.

“If it’s a hot spring, there should be a place nearby. I’m lazy, so I’ll end up at the oasis

“If you walk south for about two hours, you will find a hot spring resort. If Naris says
so, why not go?”

Naris is pleased with Dianne’s suggestion.

“Hoho, if so, let the sisters join us”

“Hou, the day will come when I can ride a dragon. I will live longer”

“It’s my first time to ride one♪”

I think most people are pretty scared, but those two aren’t afraid of Laila’s dragon-
like words, whether they have a special heart or whether they’re already prepared
with the previous information from Carlos.

“I want my older sisters to ride in the carriage… the back is windy and harsh”

“Hoho, Dianne and Jeanne can support them. So lets strike while the iron is hot”

Luggage storage is decent and we leave the building again.


It takes a few hours to walk, but only a few minutes by riding on Laila. Laila landed
on a gently-sloping mountainside just south of Talc.

“Is it okay here?”

“Huu… I used to ride a flying dragon, but the back of an dragon is exceptional”

“It was fun♪ Please let us do the same on our way home♪”

Dianne nods to her two sisters who seem to be satisfied.

“Udo mountain hot spring… well, compared to Polka, it doesn’t have much effect, but
it’s a popular hot spring for Talc children”

“Let’s get in now!”

We who take the initiative to chase Naris running to the reception with a bitter smile.

“It’s been a while since I paid for a bath

“Ho, by the way Dianne”

“The rules around here are, if I remember correctly… well, I don’t care…”

“…Ah, yeah. Naris… haa, has already gone. Well good”

Laila and Dianne had a strange conversation behind the paying in turn, but it’s not
uncommon for them to talk with a sign, so I don’t worry.


“See you again! Is it such a punch line again! 10-man captain Smithson!?”

“Havent you had sex yet?”

‘That’s not what I mean! It’s vulgar, Jeanne-san!”

Please be quiet at the hot spring bath. Especially because it is a cave hot spring here,
it sounds super… Udo mountain hot spring has a single hot spring pool in a huge
underground cavity. There is no other bathtub. Dark elves and ogres, who are Talc
children and a few humans are as usual, so I’m in a mixed bath without worrying
about it at all. Yes, Talc was a city where mixed bathing was the standard.

“I honestly feel like exposing my skin to others than Andy-san… well, I have no choice
but to break with that kind of taste”

“You don’t look as troubled as you say, Aurora”

“Huhu. As long as I have this collar, it’s clear that my body belongs to Andy-san”

“Mixed bathing… for the first time”

“Ho. When you kidnapped my owner to your colony a long time ago, you would have
flown without wearing anything while bathing”

“When its full moon… I’ll forget everything”

Girls appear in the bathhouse while talking to each other. And from behind, Nancy-
san and Nord-san, who are pure locals, came in with their bodies exposed without
any regrets.

“Naked appearance♪ Brother-in-law, let’s talk to our heart’s content♪ For the time
being, would you like to see a special dance at the service?”

“Nord. Your dance is poisonous to a man’s eyes and if you do it naked, he’ll feel great”

“That’s right”

“No, I definitely want to see it… ouch”

Diane-san hit my back with a bump.

“That’s what bathing here is all about, so it’s hard to say how to look at the

“I’m sorry I got too excited”

Maybe I’m starting to be inspired by Naris lately. Nori-like… Anyway.

“Injury… it’s terrible, isn’t it?”

Nancy’s naked body has a number of large old wounds. Her left arm, left foot, and
her left eye. The foot is cut below the knee, leading to the prosthetic leg of the stick,
and the arm does not hit the upper elbow. Some deep wounds on the torso. To be
honest, it was pretty strange.

“That’s right, I said it was the seed of the story, but the story was cut off… It’s a little
painful to sit down when you stand. Can you help me, my future brother-in-law?”

“Ah, yes”

I extend my hand to Nancy-san, who gently controls Nord-san’s attempt to support

her and I help her sit down.

“Honestly, I’m not that inconvenient, but it’s difficult to behave quietly”


I’d like to ask her a lot, but it’s awkward and hard to say. Looking at my expression,
Nancy smiled bitterly.

“Then, let’s talk about this wound”

Lightly caress her lips and turn her head to me.

“It’s a long time ago… Yeah, it’s still before Dianne was born”
The history of the Celesta commerce country is relatively short. It must have been
less than 200 years since the country was founded. However, there is a problem of
the other party to compare. It is short compared to Trot, which counts 600 years
since the founding of the country and the Arcus Kingdom, where even the elves do
not know how true the number of 7000 years is. Many countries were born after the
Fire Dragon War. There are many countries. Most political organizations have a
lifespan of 300 years, which may or may not be young, but leave it alone. Anyway, the
area around Talc at that time was called “Russell Desert Union”. It was part of a city-
state community.

The union, which had not secured enough sphere of influence to cover the desert,
naturally had major problems with logistics. The sea is a stand-alone place for
maritime nations such as the Lapal Islands. Trade poses significant risks or costs.
The land is also adjacent to a large wall called the elf forest territory. It is now part of
Celesta, but at that time it did not belong anywhere and it is a characteristic of elves
that they have a sense of discrimination against dark elves. Negotiations did not
proceed and the armed caravan could not be mischievously walked near the forest.
When it comes to that, the “caravan” emerges in an important position as a business
route. Large caravans across the desert will play a huge role in exchanging supplies
with friendly partners. However, Celesta, or the Union, at that time did not have an
aerial presence such as rook dragons or birdmen. Mapping was also often neglected
and caravans often got lost in the desert. It is good to say that it is a difficult task to
go back and forth without relying on humans who have accumulated knowledge that
is not left in books, such as star reading and survival techniques, as well as
knowledge of geography, which is responsible for the transportation in the desert.

“Dark elves and ogres were the mainstream union, but no one was as familiar with
the desert as humans. That’s why humans are stubborn in protecting their interests
there. They didn’t reveal their knowledge to other races. They had a lot of routes and
supply areas and every year they walked around in the name of avoiding bandits and
they were careful. Well, otherwise. I wonder if there was a case where they couldn’t
maintain their position among the magical and mysterious races”
Nancy speaks with a calm face.

“In other words, the wound was received in a battle with bandits…?”

“Don’t hurry. Slowly soak in the hot water and listen to old tales of the elderly. The
impatience of killing time is unsophisticated”

“M, Maybe that’s right”

I helped Nancy sit down, so I’m at a distance where I can touch her shoulders.
Although the scars are a little painful, Nancy, who must be a beautiful woman, and
Nord, who is sitting close to her, may be trying to reach Nancy. It is said that the
situation where the nude of two people who should not be able to put out the most is
lined up in the range where it is most seen is uncomfortable while the view is not
good because of the steam.

“You look uncomfortable… Is the scar stimulating?”

Nancy says as if she’s seen through. Look at me with a glance.

“A little more boobs than scars”

Nancy glances at my lower body who answered immediately.

“Oya… That’s true. I see, I’m still cool”


“Sister-in-law doesn’t change that much from a human perspective, whether she’s
200 or 600. It’s not something that grows older”

“No No, it’s a pretty good brother-in-law to look straight at the nipples even with
such a body”

What’s good? As a brother-in-law. However, I have experienced it so much that my

hands and legs are broken. I´m relatively accustomed to a body with a lot of scars
because of Neia. There is no such thing as if you can concentrate on the erotic part
because you are worried about it… I have a wider range of defense.

“Well, you can watch as much as you like. But this me is still Carlos’s wife. Please
forgive him for the actual battle with Dianne… How far have I talked?”

“To the point where the caravan guide was secretive…”

“Ah, yeah. Well, from there”


Once you step in, you’ll find a desolate desert with a labyrinth where many monsters
attack underground and sandworms and bandits. Even if the guide’s skills are
certain, a strong guard is essential. Ace Knight is a title born from the escorts of such
caravans. The important caravan escort warriors were called knights, likened to the
elite defense of a feudal state. However, they too are not so motivated to follow a
caravan for more than a month at times. Even though we are hiring in case of an
emergency, a careless escort is nothing more than a dead weight. Therefore, in the
caravan, we decided to always select and praise the one that had the most
achievements in the defensive mission after transportation and add it to the reward.
The title of the excellent person is “Ace” and “Knight”. It is here that even now, in
Celesta, the title is never stripped from those who have quit military service. It was
originally a title for mercenaries to be proud of. No matter how rotten or dirty, the
name must not disappear. And Nancy was a great escort who received many awards
for being an Ace Knight at that time.


“Although he was still hiding behind father-in-law, who was famous as a great
merchant at the time, Carlos was also one of the merchants presided over by the
caravans. It’s not that he had no backs around to be called Ace Knight many times.
Well, it was knocked down to seem to be related to such a thing. I had a lot of blood
back then”

…Dianne seems to have a tendency for boys to be solid and girls to have sharp

“When I was a kid, it was my sister-in-law and first mother who taught me self-

Dianne proudly says.

“Yeah. Now, even if you search around in Talc, let alone the family, there is no one
who can match you. If you are referred to by the 『War God』… my aged bragging
will also be gloomy”

“I’ve heard that the name of war god is also named after sister-in-law”

“There were just a lot of nicknames. There were Talc Demons Little Ogre, Black
Dragon Fang Fang, Sandstorm Desert Storm and much more”

I’m not sure, but I just understood that I shouldn’t get in the way of this person.


And. It was nearly 400 years ago that everyone lived with such savagery and anxiety,
but full of vitality. One caravan fell apart in a sandstorm.

After that, 71 of the 200 caravans returned to Talc. Nancy was not among them.


“Wait a minute”

“What is it?”

“Survival… you couldn’t do it?”

“I couldn’t do it”

Nancy-san says it in a careless way.

“It’s not easy to survive if you’re isolated in the desert. The landscape changes
completely after a sandstorm. It’s hard to even pinpoint the direction. Even if you
crush it all day and set the direction with the sun, the extreme temperature
difference and dryness, as well as the desert deprives the calm thinking ability”


Well, I understand the theory, but then how is Nancy-san here?… Nancy-san
whispered, smiling at me who was looking at her nipples, pretending to think hard.

“Here’s the first bragging… I made some of the desert spells that are now common in
dark elf societies”


Really. If you think of her as an ordinary person, it’s over when that happens. But
Nancy, a dark elf, has a different story. Some environmental harshness should be
overcome by magic.

“Specifically, the magic of burning sand, the illusion of a sphere that blocks light from
all directions, the magic of distinguishing mirages and the automatic spell that stores
sweat in a vessel without dissipating it. This area is still useful”

“…So that’s how you returned”

“No, that’s not why I returned. Sandworms have eaten my foot in the sandstorm”

Nancy-san points to her foot.

“Thanks to that, I was able to move only as if I were crawling… You surely cut off one
of your legs last year. Do you have the courage to walk toward the horizon in that

“…That’s impossible”

Absolutely impossible. You could move slowly with your crutches, but in the
scorching desert it’s nothing more than reckless.

“Well, that’s why I was about to get boned there if I wasn’t good at it… But I was sick
and dirty. In exchange for one leg, I ate the beaten sand worm. I managed to get to an
oasis in the desert… I spent there waiting for help. About two years”

“Two years!?”

…That’s not to be counted as a survivor.

“One eye was ruined by a sandstorm during the two years. I was very ignorant of
medical practice because I was a warrior. I was hurt by a stone and lost my eyesight
before I could handle it… And I ate one arm when I couldn’t secure food”

“Hahaha,… I couldn’t help it. If I reduced my legs any more, I couldn’t walk with my
artificial limbs. I could still manage with one arm than I couldn’t walk… Ah, at that
time I was making a hand-made prosthetic leg with a tree as I was living by the oasis.
It was a lot worse than what I’m here now”


“I´d say that my survival was viewed as despair… one day, a person suddenly
appeared in the oasis… No, it was really by chance. A few kilometers around, as far as
I could see, only in the sand. I don’t know if it appeared. Anyway, that person lent me
a shoulder and sent me to the caravan path. Carlos was on the passing caravan…
Carlos has been with me since I was born… that was the only time I saw him crying”

“Who was that person who showed up?”

There is a dark part in the city of dark elf. I haven’t met him, but the last time in
Rennesto, an assassin from this area and Dianne fought and maybe it’s Carlos’s
secret organization specially trained for such an investigation. I expected that kind of
punch line.

“That person just disappeared, just like when he appeared… I still wonder who it
was. Maybe it’s a spirit. If so, I wondered if it was worth it to be alive ”

…Celesta worships spirits. However, spirits are still an uncertain existence whose
existence cannot be confirmed and whose existence is whispered. So, if it’s true, you
should laugh it away. But.

“…Why don’t you laugh? When I talk about this, all my brothers-in-law laugh that it’s
an old-smelling superstition”

“…It’s okay to have someone to help, even if it’s not a spirit. And Nancy-san, you still
believe in spirits”

“N… do you understand?”

“Yes, in that kind of atmosphere”

Both holy beasts and devils exist. Then I think it’s okay for spirits to be somewhere.
My guess is that it’s probably someone from the desert Dragon Palace, Laila’s
companion, who was on good terms with the people around. If there were hundreds,
they would have found Nancy alone in a desert oasis waiting for help. If you go to
help as a dragon, you will be wondered, so I think that fellow saved Nancy by making
full use of his advanced illusion and human body… It’s really just speculation.

“Thanks to that, I’m still doing well… But unfortunately, the unreasonableness of
those days made me unable to give birth to children”


It was something all my women were afraid of. Of course, me too.

“You can listen to it as a mother-in-law’s saying… I don’t know when and what will
happen. I’m called Ace Night and I’m smart, it’s not the time to withdraw, it’s not the
time to raise children… It happened like this while I was saying… don’t let Dianne
think that way. I regret it now. Carlos who cried so much for me, I cant give him a


It was a heavy one.

“Needless to say, Andy’s children will become more and more after this special duty”

Dianne strives and says brightly. Nord-san also came in with a bright voice.

“For elder sister Hilda? Will you make it? Will you love looting?”

“…W, Well, that… if I could do it, well, it’s bad for her husband, but it might be

If it had been last year, I would have been able to say once and for all, “Be happy with
your husband”, but recently I have been shaking my determination a little. I also feel
that she really wants children, and she looks like a free-spirited and suitable person,
and she is quite serious and caring. More erotic than anything else. Well leave it

“Now, it’s getting warmer. It’s been a while since I came to a hot spring. It feels good”

Nancy-san stands up. Her tight ass came in front of me and I was very surprised.
“Eh, wait, I haven’t washed my hair yet!”

“You were enjoying it for some reason, Naris-san”

“Older sister Laila, let’s shed”

“Ho, I rely on you”


“Chyowa!! It’s just like Luna-chan’s serious cat!”

“Naris there is bad…”

“Are you abandoning me!? Will I be abandoned by associate soldier Luna-chan?”

“Luna-san even abandons Dianne-san in her private life…”

“It’s a noisy sister”

It seems that the others on the other side of the steam are also getting ready.

“Andy. Will you shed my back?”

“Of course”

Dianne shows me her back and stands up. It’s a brown butt that is as well-shaped
and toned as Nancy-san.

“You also shed my boobs”

“I don’t mind, but I can’t let your gem flow. It’s really related to morals”

“Well, that’s okay.”

I thought it would be a fool, but this is good.


Night. After a long time, I ate foods other than grilled liver and dried fish (portable
food), and when I was walking away with a good feeling, Carlos-san lined up next to
me. I’m surprised. I want to blame this person for a moment. I’ve seen his wife’s
nakedness as much as I want to see at zero distance.

“Andy-kun… There’s one thing that bothers me, can I ask you something?”


I stretch my spine.

“You honestly don’t think of Diane as a whore or something?”

“…Can I get angry?”

“…Good, afterwards”

Carlos is calm.

“When I see such a great child as Hilda, I feel that dark elves have a strange
prejudice… Hilda certainly can’t help it. She is too free in nature and uses a lot of love
magic as a feature of dark elves. But Dianne is such a pure child. I want to couple
Dianne with the right person”

“…I know that Dianne is a pure person. I’ve been her subordinate for eight years”

Carlos sighs.

“It feels like it’s a little too late to like boys, but the races are too different. Don’t you
think it’s unfortunate?”


“Ability, ecology and lifespan are too different. If you live for another 50 years, you
will be dead, but Dianne and others…”

“I know. But I like her… I don’t know what will happen after I die. But just by looking
at the past or fearing the future, you won’t be happy. I can’t help it because I like her.
I want to receive and give the maximum 『Now』. That’s all for me”

Carlos has a bitter face. The moon, which has begun to chip, is still bright and sheds a
soft, cold light between me and Carlos… There was a characteristic sound like a

“You’re just worried about people, Carlos”


Nancy slowly approached.

“I would have been told the same thing over and over again”


Eh?… Carlos-san?

“I can’t give birth to a child, I have no hands, no legs, an ugly woman… I’m not
suitable for Onyx’s general. You would have been told many times to divorce and get
a young, five-body satisfied and good-willed dark elf as your second wife”

“Don’t be silly, Nancy. Are those who say you’re ugly on my side? Are they my

Carlos pushes his glasses. He seems a little unreliable and sincere, but the
impression of a worried old man disappears. There is a genus of the war god Diane,
who quietly burns anger. He was so called and he gave a glimpse of something as
fierce as he was.

“Your enemy is my enemy”

“…Carlos. Then I don’t understand… Ah, your thoughts have nothing to do with
reason or result. Then Dianne and Andy-kun are also so, right?”

“What do you mean?”

“What you need isn’t such a clever reason. Just like me and you, it’s just a thought.
Other than that, it’s nothing”

“…I said that to you”

Carlos-san sighs. The scary thing he showed for a moment was completely hidden.

“…Let me worry about my sister. He is really dangerous, isn’t he?”

“You don’t have to take everything upon yourself. She has a good family lesson, but
she is already an adult”

“…Haa. Well, for now, let’s do that”

Nancy winks with only one eye… I wonder what it means? Carlos-san turned his
back on me.

“Protect your allies, give your friends, entertain your guests and kill your enemies”


“It’s the family motto of our house… remember that. I´m protecting it”


…Ah. After all, this person must be a good brother. That’s why he is keeping a close
eye on me.

“So even if you don’t have any meat or fish for your breakfast tomorrow that’s not
particularly hostile. It’s just harassment”

“…What should I do?”

“And dressing is also prohibited”

“…Carlos. It’s too childish”

“But Nancy!! He, He is!?”

…After all, it might be strange.

After sleeping overnight and waking up, Carlos-san’s garden was finally in a hurry.

“A lot of ogres come and go… That’s just tricorn”

“There is an earthmoving building only for tricorns. Did you decide to use it this year,
older brother?”

The tricorn ogres are a relatively small number of ogres with three horns. It’s not as
rare as an ox-ogre, but it’s rare enough to catch your eye. By the way, the most
numerous are dualcorns. Double horns. There are few monocorns with a single horn
and it feels like a tricorn that is less than half of them… If you look at the garden
work with Dianne from the window in the corridor for a while, you can see the
general design of the venue.

“Is that side the stage and the main food and drinks is that side?”

“Maybe. Well, if it’s just a dinner show, you don’t have to use your head. Maybe you
have some gimmicks”

Nord-san and Hilda-san and Carlos-san + wife. Dianne´s siblings have strong
acquaintances, but many are capable. It is a festival that brings together the power of
the family. It will be flashy.

The cafeteria I visited for breakfast was filled with dark elves all the time. Although it
is large, it seems that there are not enough seats in the cafeteria for dozens of
residents than usual and they take turns eating meals.

“Hey Dianne”

“Older brother Clint. It’s been a long time”

“Ah, Dianne. You’re here”

“Older sister Melissa. How is your husband?”

Dianne is stopped by her siblings one after another even in the midst of such a flow
of people. Certainly, as Nancy-san says, she seems to be popular among her siblings.
And among them, it was 100-man commander Becker who suddenly appeared.


“Becker. Did you get in touch with your wife?”

“Thanks to you. Actually, she was really waiting in Quíka, but it seems that she came
back from work in anticipation of my long-term mission… I was caught easily. If I was
over there, I’d have liked to ask Laila-san for a flight again”

“Ho, that was good”

“…Rose herself is fine, but… I’m not really good with that old man. Oh, please say
hello from me to Master Carlos. I have to go to the base as it is”

The hand was raised and 100-man special duty commander Becker turned away.

“Writing a report?”

“I don’t really want to do this until the day before the spirit festival. If I don’t know
when the spirit festival is over, I’m afraid I have to get the job done as soon as I can”

That said, Becker-san vanished in the blink of an eye. He seems to be really in a


“Hey, good morning Dianne. And Andy-kun. It’s a refreshing morning”

Carlos-san was quickly approaching the cafeteria. He may be greeting everyone all
the time. He is a surprisingly free person.

“Now, you thought, 『He is free』?'”

“N, No No”

Correction. A good person.

“It’s very important to confirm everyone’s safety at the time of dinner, isn’t it? Hey

“Yes. It’s time-efficient because it gathers naturally. When trying to bring people
together, that kind of detailed contact is also important”

…I see.

“That’s why Andy-kun. It’s a special menu for you. Freshly picked fresh vegetables
with fresh vegetables”

“Why don’t you just say vegetables!”

The development has already given up, but I just rush into it.

“What do you say!? Don’t make a fool of the fresh vegetables that the farmers in the
lake area brought to you early in the morning!? It’s fresh!”

“I think I only have bread, soup, and fruits”

“That breakfast has been here for many years”

“That, the position of the farmers who brought it to us”

…No, I don’t care anymore. Take out 「Purifying salt」 from my chest. Carlos quickly
snatches it.

“Ah, wait, return it!”

“I want you to enjoy fresh vegetables with their natural taste”

“Salt is good, isn’t it!”

“If you can’t do it, don’t do it! Come on, eat! Your older brother wont allow you to

“A line or devil that is about the size of a person’s head!”

“You´re getting along well, older brother and Andy”

In the end, I managed to get through the morning by mentally mimicking a cabbage
worm. Or rather, I had to get through it.

“Is there any magic that changes the taste, Dianne?”

“I can’t use it”

I’m looking forward to the spirit festival, but the food here is depressing. How many
more times will I eat raw vegetables as punishment?

“By the way, there are more than ten of my brothers who have woken up to
vegetarians because of that punishment”

“Isn’t the damage enormous?”

Or perhaps I should say it’s Carlos-san´s finishing move.


I can’t be a cabbageworm every meal, so I go out to town with a few girls who want
to see Talc.

“Roundo Company’s spirit thank-you bazaar, great service from 9 o’clock tomorrow!”

“At the Trident Weapon Store, a bargain sale of bleeding resolution until midnight of
the spirit festival! What about a long sword from Trot for 50 gold coins!”

“There’re still tickets for the tower emblem-sponsored dinner show!”

Merchants are raising their voices here and there. Distributing villas is unique to a
large city with paper productivity.

“Hohou. They’re doing a lot of things”

Naris seems to be having fun while wandering around. Bikini armor, a super light
cloak, isn’t so noticeable in a desert city (Dianne doesn’t really change that much in
terms of exposure), but the white elf’s appearance has a little impact… But it seems
that Naris himself is not aware of the discomfort, probably because she is
accustomed to being rare. Well, as long as she’s a rare white elf in the dark elf sphere
of influence, she won’t completely block the strange gazes, so she can’t help but be
careful… Meanwhile, Nord-san, who came with us, firmly holds Naris’s arm, which
seems to be sucked into the store.

“It’s better not to get in a narrow place for a child who doesn’t stand around here,
such as an elf or a beastman. If you’re shopping, it’s a good street vendor, even if it’s a
little expensive”

“Hoe? Why?”

“I don’t want to say that, because Talc has a long history, there are many gangsters.
Aside from the locals, who can be a source of big fights in the event of an emergency,
they are bullish on those who understand that they are rootless grass. There are

“Hohee. It’s a learning experience”

“When you go there, humans are strong. It’s surprisingly difficult to reach out
because there is a certain amount of power everywhere. I hear that Becker-kun often
goes in and out of a you-know inn. Andy-kun, do you also like that?”

“I’m not proud of it, but I’ve never been close to sex customs”

I can’t really boast… But there are really scary people in the back at such stores, so
there are few people in the crossbow corps who like to go in and out of customs.
Surprisingly, there are many people who are not strong in fights. Unlike the infantry,
you hardly learn the technique of striking each other.

“Well, Andy-san can have as many partners as he want without paying money”

“Oh well. That collar is a sign of a female slave, but is it true? Aside from that dragon
child or Luna-chan, it feels strange to have an elegant elf like you”

“It’s a fact… Well, the nuances are quite different from the 『Female slaves』 by
other standards, but if Andy-san is willing to do that, it’s not daytime or nighttime,
it’s just a single-mind. That’s not because it’s not a little”

“Don’t say strange things in traffic, Aurora. Or rather, don’t shake, Nord-san”

“Huhuhu. That’s right”


Nonetheless. It seems to have been clear to the side that my frustration was
accumulated because I was shown only a lot of ecchi figures from yesterday.

“Nord and Naris went over there”

“Shall we stray soon?”

“H, Hey, Luna, Aurora”

I think that straying is a word when it is not intentional.

“Andy… Mou, you don’t have to hurry anymore, right?”

“Recently, I was a little dissatisfied with Andy-san’s strange demand”

Aurora and Luna hold both arms. Seen from the side, I have two flowers in both
hands called a beastman and a elf. Very noticeable… But no one cares about it.


“It’s just light. I learned from Lord Buster illusion handling. Nothing disappears”

Illusion magic can completely erase it. However, it is not inefficient and it is not
uncommon for those who can use magic to stand out… Is it also effective to adjust
the recognition to the extent that it feels inconspicuous?

Taken by them, we enter the back alley. After passing through the busy road, you will
find yourself in a green area that seems to be maintained as a park.

“Break break”

“Because we got lost♪”

“That’s why let’s have a break in the bushes…”

Well, I know the purpose, so I can’t help it. Stop plunging without profit. It seems
that the forest can be maintained because there is a groundwater source here as
well. We enter the bush, which is a little damp.
“Then… Andy. I guess”

“It’s still before the Spirit Festival, but… we are female slaves. We are always willing
to accept your lust”

“It smells a little accumulated… I mean, you´re quite patient”

“If you told me, I would have always dealt with you even if I got up… ♪”

Elf and cat beast. Two young girls slid their pants down towards me and showed
their asses. Sticking out their hips as if they were hugging each palm tree.

“…Aurora. I apologize for a moment… Far from getting up, I made a vaginal cum shot
while you were sleeping”

“Oh, I thought it was a play that put up with the reaction”

After all, it was exposed.

“Sly. Andy, attack me while I’m sleeping, too”

“I wish I had the opportunity”

Aurora raises her skirt and lowers her pants to her knees. Luna lowers her short
pants and pants down to the middle of her thighs and invites me.


In the dense bushes, I put my hands on their butts. After seeing which one got wet
first, I decided to choose the one who made my cramped erected dick rise first.


“Th, That, Nord-san, where is 10-man captain Smithson!?”

“Hmm… see, over there”

“U, Uwa…”

“It’s bold… I wonder if I’ll take a look”

“Isn’t it embarrassing, Aurora-san and Luna-chan… umm”

“You dont look”

“Wh, WhWhWh, th, that!”

Luna and Aurora are the second most among my female slaves, counting from the
bottom. Of course, it’s not about love, it’s about age. In terms of appearance, it’s a
great story to think about the fact that it looks below that, but even so, they are the
top in the fundamental 「Feeling of being a young girl」… Jeanne, Irina, Maia, etc.,
because there is a surprising amount of mental leeway for the age.

“I didn’t think I would be invited in a place like this”

“I’ve been enduring for the last few days…”

“Even if that’s not the case, with Andy-san these days, if you get a little stuffy, you’ll
end up with dragons and Irina-sama… with this, there is no position of the main
family semen urinal”

“Are you the head of the family…?”

Two people who took off only the place to use, that is, the buttocks. When I touch the
crotches with each hand unpleasantly, after all, Luna who has endured the full moon
gets wet overwhelmingly fast.

“Luna is more naughty, so it’s Luna first”


“Mu. D, Do you say I’m not naughty?”

I don’t think it’s a place to look sullenly.

Aurora is sticking out her butt and wants me to tease only the really minimal places
and only the really naughty places. It’s okay to do it naked and open, but this
situation also excites me. I don’t take off my pants, just pull my dick out. The lower
abdomen will become quite dirty, but well, I’ll have Aurora hide it with her magic.

“Luna, let’s go”

“N… ♪”

I feel free to rush into her secret place where I feel a lot of moisture with estrus. Both
of Luna’s ears are folded over and her tail wiggles without hesitation… She has less
experience than the other girls and the more she is focused on, she covers it with her
intense estrus. Only my dick is wrapped in Luna’s hot vagina.

“H… Haaa…”

“It’s good to take it off easily like this and put it in immediately”

“…That’s right. If you want to do something a little, just put out the vagina like this…
tell me”

“I want to have more sex because I have the time and spare time”

“Huhu. Andy-san… you like doing it like this♪”

With her pants halfway down, her skirt rolled up and her ass tucked up, Aurora
stretches her upper body and kisses me… Yup. I like vagina and one to one lovey-
dovey, but I also love being pampered like this.

“Please give it to me soon… Andy-san. I will remember you today”

“Wh, What?”

“I’m much more naughty and longing to be devoured by Andy-san”

Aurora smiles with a sweetly smile… That’s why I forget that she is younger than
Luna. She became an expert in temptation. Nonetheless.

“Then I have to do my best for Luna first”

“Yeah… do your best. scrubbing the entire pussy… Andy’s dick”

Grabbing her bare ass with both hands, I start repeatedly thrusting into Luna. The
back of her military uniform. Trousers that have not been taken off enough to take
off. The contrast between the everyday wear, the feel and heat of the vaginal folds
and the slimy and clenching feeling of a large amount of joy juice. It’s odious. The
waist that feels the instinct to seek seeding is terribly exciting. If I shake my hips
honestly, Luna changes the angle she receives in search of her comfort with each
stab. If I push it to the back and turn my hips in a difficult way, she intentionally
makes irregular movements and enjoys the violent feeling of my dick. It feels
irresistible for her, who is still a teenager and only knows me, to do such a nasty
move naturally.

“Nn…, n, nn♪”

“Luna. Okay, let’s make your womb more firm…”

“N… Andy… do you feel good…?”


A tail that swings supplely. Even though its in the bushes of a park, it’s just a few
meters away from the street. Few people are walking, but it’s not empty. I can’t speak
openly or change my position, but that’s why I’m excited. Estrus copulation only with
genitals. Mating that seeks only genital pleasure… Soon, the end will come to such a
secret rubbing of genitals.

“Luna… it will come out, it comes out…”

I’m wondering if vaginal cum shot is good or outside is good. It may be a little
difficult inside, but it’s even more troublesome if I try to put it out on her clothes.
When I think about it, Aurora whispers.

“Please put it inside”


“Huhu. Until the next bath, Luna and I will spend time collecting Andy-san’s semen
tightly. From now on, while looking at our tummy, imagine that your semen is now
swimming around there… be happy”

My spine reacts to Aurora´s whisper and my pelvis reacts to the shiver. At the same
time, I push the dick deep into the depths of Luna and begins the ejaculation.

“Hiu… niuuu♪”



Byuku, Byuku, Byuku… I cum into Luna’s womb. Then, as I dragged my dick out of
the body of the breathless Luna, Aurora broke out and pulled up Luna’s pants and

“Nya… Aurora…?”

“Huhu. Andy’s sperm that you received with much effort will leak out… right?”

“…I, If you don’t use a plug anyway, it will come out in my pants…”

“Let’s do our best… Hey, Andy-san. My womb is waiting for you♪”

Aurora pinches the edge of her skirt and turns her ass toward me. When I finally
laughed, I immediately thrust it into Aurora.

“Hiuhh… ♪”

“Nasty Princess”

“Huhu, a slave of a very naughty master… it would be rude if I have to work hard to
become very naughty♪”

I think it’s useless to think about what is rude. Anyway, while kissing Aurora’s ears
happily, I hug her slender body and begin to seek only the genitals. I understand
when I hold her. I can see it by inserting it. Aurora is straightforward. The plump
folds greeted me happily while being overrun by me many times and her hot body
and sloppy hips weren’t as calm as they seemed. She controls her passionate body
with pride. Rather than being horny, it’s easy to get hooked. With her strong will, she
controls the body that burns to the bottom without reason to me. It is not really
correct that the personality is challenging. I think the reality is that the instinct is
overly greedy, but with an acquired personality… or rather, pride and reasoning that
it is 「Challenging」while doing well. So I release it.

“Aurora… more, feel more, my meat slave princess…!!”

“…Ah, I wonder why… when Andy-san whispers while being fucked, it’s irresistible…
♪ Meat slave princess, what a sweet sound… ♪”

She shook her ears as she trembled.

“You fell in love with a human cock even though you don’t have the best life as an Ace
Knight… if someone was told that a perfect beauty like you would be a female slave, a
normal guy would be in a straight line of corruption…!”

“Huhu, Andy-san… ah, huaa… it’s not normal… ♪ Even if you have a dragon, you have
a strong self… one or two, female slaves you can rely on…”

We violently shake our hips. The tip of the palm tree sways, but I hope it doesn’t
stand out.

“I’m the one who swallows it and never gets tired of it… ♪”

“…Let’s say greedy flirtation”

Luna kisses my side face in return for Aurora’s horizontal spear.

“But I like it”

“Good grief, you guys really are pampered…”

I’m gonna get in shape… Lurking in the back of a nice meat body, I single-mindedly
aim and poke at the uterus of Aurora that gets wet with love juice.

“Hua, aaaaaa♪”

Aurora writhes. She exposes her crazy nature, she gets crazy and she writhes. And I

“Aurora, let’s go, I’ll pour it in… ah, I might imagine you here and come back again,
but then…!!”


Aurora smiles with her dreamy, hazy eyes.

“Just as I expected♪”

She caught my ejaculation and accepted it.


It’s too late after we’ve made it. Well, there was a fountain in the park, so we could
make a wet washcloth and wipe ourselves, but it’s useless that my pants got wet.

“I cast the usual 『Inconspicious』illusion. It’s okay if I don’t take action that draws
attention in the dark”

“Yeah. Thank you”

…I just look at the lower abdomen of Aurora and Luna. Yup. Is my semen in the
middle of this? Not bad. We left the park thinking about it and when we tried to find
Nord-san, we found Nord-san waving and Naris turning her back in the immediate

“Thank you for your hard work♪”

What… Or rather?

“Hey Aurora, proper illusion…”

“…This method should be very effective for those who do not intend to pay particular
attention to us… but for those who intend to pay particular attention to us”


Wait. In other words.

“Even though it’s a normal position with normal parentheses, it makes me quite
erotic with such a conversation of words”
“Did you see it all!?”

“Naris-chan saw it too!”


Naris turned around and shouted with a bright red face.

“I, I wasn’t really interested in it. 10-man captain Smithson, please take your own
weight. It’s in the city! Kids are playing around there!”

“It’s okay, it looks like I’ve cast an illusion that let them not notice it”

“It’s not such a problem!”

Naris waves her hand vertically. I think it was a little more erotic and dry before. To
know that I don’t get down to myself.
The night before the festival is strangely quiet. The entire town may have been
oppressing itself for the day of the Spirit Festival. Or maybe it wasn’t such a spiritual
thing, but a careful preparation and a rest to enjoy the day to the fullest. The
extraordinary 「Festival」that was originally created cannot be something that
starts slowly or continues lazily. People can safely remove the tag and enjoy it
because of the enthusiasm of the day. Human sensibilities cannot endure unlimited
enjoyment. Only with collateral such as 「Because it doesn’t happen many times a
year」 or 「Because I paid a lot of money」 can I forgive myself for being intoxicated
with pleasure while keeping myself for my daily life… That’s the theory that the
priest of the temple in Polka said in response to the innocent wishes of the children,
「I wish everyday was a festival」. Well, that’s true. I know when I grow up. Adults
need a reason for something. There must be a reason for both fun and pain. Without
it, I can’t help but look for it. Conversely, you can enjoy it if you have a reason.
Tomorrow is a fun spirit festival. Tomorrow, not today. Tomorrow, not the day after
tomorrow. Have a precious day once every six months.


Next day. When the sun was up, at 9 o’clock in the morning, the city made a quivering
noise. Most are trumpets and gongs. Or clapping or stepping. In this city with many
dark elves, some make magical and dreamy sounds. It’s a signal to inform the spirits
of this festival.

“Wow, great sound”

“Naris, Luna, Jeanne. Here. Andy too”

Dianne catches Naris, who is surprised by the miscellaneous sounds heard from the
outside and hands her a small whistle. I also receive it. Like a horn made of pottery,
it’s really for kids. However, the sound of the start of this festival is still good.
Anyway, it is important for everyone to make a sound.

“I’ll blow. Keep ringing as much as possible”


“This is the first time I didn’t do it in a colony”

“Well, do I do it too?”

The group that was handed the whistles makes a goofy sound that echoes in the sky.

“What´s with me and Laila-san”

“Make a sound that you like with magic. To the extent that it’s not thought to be an

Dianne also chanted magic and made an accordion-like sound through the window.
Laila and Aurora look at each other and follow suit. It would have been a problem if I
was told to make a sound as I like. I make a similar noise and becomes muddy.

The spirit festival began suddenly after a few minutes of loud noise.



Julio-san, one of Dianne’s older brothers, holds a differently shaped weapon in his
hands. His left hand is a top heavy barbarian sword and his right hand is a rapier
with a cup fist. I wondered what kind of martial arts master he was facing, but it was
an ogre-sized plaster rock. On the other hand, deep and deep, he sat down to the
point where his crotch was about to touch the ground and after a few minutes,
suddenly opened his eyes and jumped high at the plaster rock,


Swinging both swords around the rock, making a strange voice as if it were a
monster. Gagaa! Gaa! Gagaga, shugaa!! Ragged destruction sounds continue for a few
minutes. And finally, he threw his sword out, stretched out his fingers and slid into
the plaster rock at a speed that was unnoticeable.
“The end – Completion. The title is 『Rebec Peak: Hit purplish red spirit light』”

He screamed an unfamiliar title, but it was a life-sized stone statue of an old Ogre
who was nearby. Although it is a simple work, it is still a kind of magic-like art to
finish a rough pose with a good weight balance and a statue in just 10 minutes.

“Old man Igor. How is it? Do you like Julio’s work?”

When Carlos asks the old ogre reverently, the old man nods deeply.

“When I was young, I looked good, but I wonder if it was made from the current me. I
don’t know the exact name, but you’ve finished my three horns precisely. Good. Let’s
buy at the asking price”

Carlos-san smiles with a grin.

“Then 300 gold coins”

“…Hey older brother, I don’t want you to sell my skills so cheaply”

Julio, who picked up his sword, sharpens his mouth. As with the technique, the way
of speaking is also strange. I wonder what an artist is like. By the way, 300 is quite
cheap. If you take a little high-class inn in the city, you will fly at once.

“I said the asking price. What is it, do you despise this me’s bosom at the spirit

“No. This time, I was well indebted to everyone at Trident for the construction. Our
motto is to give maximum hospitality to good allies. And it is our merchants who
look great at the spirit festival. I want you to understand that it is the true value”

“Huh, virtue? It’s something to say to an ogre”

“Yes, virtue. I haven’t lost money in the last 500 years, not just an ogre”


The old ogre jerks his chin on his subordinates near him and causes him to put out a
gold coin bag.
“Hey, sculpture making youngster. I’ll buy this guy for 300, but I’ll build a hall for this.
Always come to my mansion whenever you want to be proud”

“Nu… I’m sorry to trouble you…”

Julio corrects his posture in the eyes of the old ogre. The quiet power of the old ogre
has something to correct anyone’s habitation.

“Now, Julio. This time it’s a bust for the young lady over there”

“Nuu. Next time, I’d like you to give a reasonable price”

Julio, who carried the weapon set, turned to the next customer.

“It’s amazing, that older brother. It’s strange”

Naris was impressed as she opened her mouth. Dianne smiles bitterly.

“If he doesn’t have that eastern rash habit, I think he is an older brother who does a
lot better work”

“Why does he sculpt with weapons?”

“Hundreds of years ago, he saw the acrobatics of warriors in the Eastern Mountains
carving wooden statues with swords. Since then, he’s been self-styled, saying that if
they can do it with a sword over there, he can do it with other weapons”

“…That, it’s probably this kind of self-defense sword and it’s a spirit image over the
palm of his hand, isn’t it? It’s sometimes in the Renfangas army, but it’s one of the
hobbies of Great Knight Chief Lister”

“Maybe, but if you continue for hundreds of years, it will be such a trick”

The statue Julio made is quite realist and it does not make the person himself pose,
but creates a dynamic pose. It’s amazing to do it without any sculptural gain, even if
no failure is allowed.

“I also want to be a craftsman who excels in such a single art…”

“I don’t think it’s the right thing to do. Andy would have just tightened up during this
time if he had the right skills”

“That’s right”

Well, it’s a decent technique before a ridiculous technique.

In addition, many events are held in the large courtyard of Carlos-san. Probably
Dianne’s sisters, an acrobatic cooking show by three Dark Elf sisters, a chorus
concert by Birdmans who are known for their beautiful singing voices, where they
came from.

“All of these events have been pulled by my older brother and siblings. Saving

“It would be so”

Dianne’s mutter was answered by Nancy, who hides half of herself in her cloak while
beautifully decorating her safe half.

“It’s not infinite to say that you have savings. And even though there are many
talented people, there’s no reason not to bother to use them”

“Maybe. But as a family, it’s a big party once every six months with all the power of
Onyx… rather, it seems strangely strange because it’s more like a hidden art
competition for the whole family”

“No doubt. It’s a hidden art competition. Which one will you play with me? A dance

“I’m fine, but older brother Carlos gets angry with me”

The two who giggle and laugh look much more like real sisters than the other
brothers and sisters. By the way, Luna seems to have hit it off with the three cooking
sisters and she is doing an improvisational sideshow of catching a flying dish in the
air. That’s why its great, Luna. Whether she can do it with Anzeros and Aurora. Laila
and Jeanne are in a good mood with a nice drink in the bar space near the edge.
Naris rushes into Julio’s place and imitates the sculpture… it seems that even if there
is no problem with the handling of weapons, the sense will not be helped, and the
plaster rock is crushed and depressed. And where did Aurora hide, she wore a dress
that was extravagant than usual, as she followed me and Dianne. Most of the dark
elves, ogres and humans, are fascinated by Aurora´s beauty of her dressed
terrifyingly eye-catching. As soon as you take your eyes off, a handsome man comes
up to pick her up from there.

“I don’t think a white elf lady comes to Onyx’s party. Would you like to dance for a

“I’m sorry, I´m here with my husband”

“Hou. Which young noble”

Aurora smiles at the handsome dark elf who behaves as if he can’t see me.

“You’re a stupid person, so are you going to snuggle up against me?”


I hold Aurora´s hand, who is quietly and mentally ready to fight. I’m sorry for both
Dianne and Carlos-san if I make a noise here.

“Aurora, do you want to dance? Apparently I looked like Julio-san’s sculpture”

“Oh, it’s a warm sculpture”

I walked out to the dance space with the laughing Aurora. Against the backdrop of
Birdman’s songs, I work hard to take steps. My outfit is by no means a nobleman, but
if you’re a little embarrassed, it’s not a bad way to organize the place… I’m glad I
learned how to take steps at the Spring Festival in Polka.

“…You´re rude. Isn’t Andy-san’s proof and collar still not enough?”

“Don’t make any more flashy appeals. If I can make sure I dance, I’ll dance as much as
I can”

“Then, please dance for a while♪”

Stick together like hugging each other. It’s okay for me to rebel as much as to give a
little challenging look to the handsome guy.

“Huhuu… I didn’t expect to see such a gorgeous stage, but sometimes it’s fun to do

“Well, if Aurora has fun, it’s the best”

“By the way, could you touch my butt nastyly and show off your heat?”

“That is… an ant in social circles?”

It’s normal to appeal with a kiss.

Before I knew it, the fun party was over and it was night.

“Yo, Smithson”

“Nu? Ah, Pecker, vhwat ale youu toing heerre”

“Swallow, then talk, bad manners”

100-man special duty commander Becker was dressed in crisp formal wear with his
hair set neatly instead of standing in the usual traveler look with a boromant. It’s a
little different. He always thought he was a handsome middle-aged man, but he
really looks like a theater actor.

“Introducing. My wives Rose and Ariel”

Behind him is a beautiful Tricorn Ogre who is the same as or a little older than me
and a dark elf girl who is much smaller than me.

“…Two people? Both?”

“Why, I don’t know what you’re saying when you have more than 10 people”

“No, that’s right. I was single until last year, but I don’t think you would be married at

“That’s what I don’t want you to say!”

…Yeah, I was a virgin until last year.

When talking about such things, a particularly bright magic light is lit on the central
stage. Slowly appearing there was Nord-san, who had a larger see-through area than
her everyday clothes and stretched out a number of long thin cloth feathers. It seems
to be extremely difficult to move. While thinking, I was looking at the food while
carrying it to my mouth and Dianne and Nancy approached me.

“Andy. My sister dances”

“I really think that Nord’s dance is the best in Celesta. It seems that she doesn’t dance
seriously many times a year, so take a closer look”


As Nord-san advances to the middle of the stage, passionate music by a dark elf
orchestra and a birdman choir begins.


Noor looks at me for a moment, flips her robe of feathers and begins to move.

From there, it was a beauty that should be called an illusion.

The feathers robe hasn’t touched the ground since she started moving. Not entwined.
Not only the violent movements, but the facial expressions expressed by her limbs
change abundantly, yet the series of movements don’t feel wasted, and every
moment is full of surprises. I cannot help wondering if a woman and a dark elf can
express herself so attractively.

“Uh… ouch!? What is Rose!”

100-man commander Becker makes a strange voice as to whether he was pinched or

pulled, but it’s a waste to take a moment to confirm it. The values for dancers change
completely. Nord-san, a little naughty Dianne’s older sister, even looks like a goddess
who brought beauty to the earth.

Such a moment.

It was terribly regrettable that it ended in just enough or so. However, Birdman’s
song is mercilessly over and the sound of the orchestra’s strumming instrument
sinks. After everything was over, all I was waiting for was a boiling ovation. I was also
clapping and cheering loudly.
“Older sister Nord´s dance is just a treasure. I don’t mean to be inferior in physical
ability, but I’m not confident that I can dance even one tenth of her”

“Yes… Well, she’s saying,『If you do it for eighty years, it’ll be about this』”

“A genius is in trouble because of that”

“…It’s a word I don’t want to hear only from Dianne”

“Eh, ri, right?”

I forgot to enter into the conversation with Dianne as I was ecstatic for a while.
Amazing. I wonder if I should choose a larger bar when I come to Talc next time. I
was thinking fluffy with a feverish head, and Nord-san came down from the stage
before I knew it.

“Well, I’m enthusiastic. Personally, it’s a top-class response in the last decade. How
was it, Dianne?”

“I’m not used to seeing it all the time. It’s as beautiful as ever”

“It’s not good. How about Andy-kun?”

“No, that… I’m going to go to a big bar next time”

“Eh, lie, did you fall in love? You want me to do this?”

“I’m not in a position to say it lightly, but I’m honestly in love with it. I want to see it
again and again”


“Ah, Dianne-chan is sullen. It’s okay, I’m the only dancer, so it’s okay to praise me as
much as when I really danced. My sister-in-law and Dianne are simple”

“Hahaa, no doubt. Why doesn’t Dianne learn to dance a little on this occasion? It’s
not a bad thing for a woman to make herself look attractive. Especially if you have a
man you like”

“Y, Yes…”
Dianne-san is no match for these two older sisters. And.

“I, I want you to give me guidance”

“Ah, I want to try it too…”

Aurora and Luna took the lead over Dianne and approached Nord-san. After all, that
is amazing.


Midnight. Dong, Dong, the bell that signals the end of the day ring in the city that has
been making noise tirelessly. Unlike in the morning, no one is strumming this signal.
In sports, it’s not the start or the end, it’s a signal to change the rules. From here, the
rules of the festival will change. Merrymaking was fun, but all hints. If the spirits are
also entertained, they will quietly watch over love exchanges.

“Don’t you know where Naris went?”

“She wanted to go see the city from around dinner… for the time being, I have one of
my free sisters act as a guide”

After midnight, people started to leave as the tide went down and when I asked
Carlos-san, that kind of answer came back. Most of the other friends know the
purpose of attending this spirit festival, or there is no reason to go away. But not only
Naris. I can’t blame her. In fact, I don’t know how much she wants to enjoy a foreign
festival and I want her to fully enjoy the strength of Celesta in a good way.

“I will slowly immerse myself in the 『Remaining Spirit Festival』with my wife. You
too… no, do you want me to refrain from enjoying it for a moment…”

At the end, Nancy hits Carlos-san with a cane, who is trying to show a good point but
gradually becomes disturbed.

“You’re just clumsy that you have fewer partners than him. How many people have
you ever refused to marry from other merchants or warriors?”

“No, Nancy, that’s not the problem”

“That’s the problem. I understand Dianne’s cuteness, but don’t disturb the night they
spend convincingly”

“But! But!”

“Ah, Andy-kun. You can say it. It’s an endless remark anyway”

“Nancy, take my position a little!”

Nancy-san sends me off and I go back away.

And at the distance, everyone had already gathered in one room and had a chat.

“Ho, the protagonist is here”

“I’ve been waiting♪”

Laila and Jeanne raise a cup together.

“I’ve changed my dress. Did I get a little more sex appeal?”

“Nord lent me her leftovers. How is it?”

Aurora wears a different outfit from the time of the party and shows around. Luna,
also wearing a gorgeous dress, spreads her hands gently and waits for a brief
comment like a child.

“It’s cute. Aurora is also a real princess”


“Dianne-chan looks good in these clothes too”

“I’ll wear it if Andy is happy, but… it’s kind of unfair to stand next to my sister…”

Diane-san, who wears a dress completely made of transparent cloth that she doesn’t
want to hide completely, goes forward in front of me… and Nord-san.

“No, why are you here? Nord-san. It’s past midnight of the spirit festival”

“Can’t I be here?”
“…I’m eager to have sex with everyone here…”

Even though I have no plans to have sex with just one person, it would be a problem
if I was sprinkled with sex appeal more than anyone else. With boobs. Neither the
crotch nor the nipples are hidden.

“It’s not good. It’s okay for everyone to finish it, so let me join in. It’s lonely to spend
the night of the Spirit Festival alone”

Isn’t it a little too free? After all, she is Hilda-san’s younger sister, right?

“I haven’t heard that”

“Ho. It’s a strange sister to be willing to mix in while there are five people”

“Well, I just felt like that. She is similar to Hilda-sensei”


They react to each other.

“Dianne, is this okay?”

“…Well, it’s a crazy night in the city. I let you do what you like about my sister… I tell
you, she is not the kind of person who can be tied up, so don’t think of putting a
collar on her”

“What’s up? I showed you a dance of conscience, but that attitude”

“Is it related…”

Nord-san smiles and makes a sexy pose that emphasizes her breasts. I’m in trouble
because each gesture is attractive.

“When you decide to dance really beautifully, it burns. It’s like my body is waking up”

“It is not well understood…”

“It’s about feeling integrated with dance… I don’t know, with a feeling”
“I don’t understand”

In a sense, what art people say with sensitivity is more difficult than the theory of

“Hmm… I mean. While dancing, the wavelength went up in your eyes and I was in the
best condition. When you are masturbating with the intention of having sex, the
imagination enters more than you thought, and it feels like you are a point?”

Difficult. It’s hard to have an artistic conversation… I ask for help with my eyes, but
the other girls are a little confused.

“Give up. Only a sister can understand the reasoning of a sister…”

Dianne says that I shall give up again.

“Well, that’s not good. I’m lucky I got one shot while I was there☆ That’s it”

“…That’s fine, though. I really don’t know what to do”

“Hohoou. It’s good, after all, the child who has a lover is different from what you say”

Nord-san smiles challengingly… Speaking of dancers, they use their waist. She seems
to have a lot of experience. However, this one is innumerable with Hilda-san’s super
technique and Irina’s natural masterpiece. Will I lose?


“Ehehe… I don’t think this is so much”

“Hoho. It’s a good opportunity”

Jeanne’s young limbs ride on Laila’s plump body. Hugging each other naked and
sticking their pussies tightly together.

“I have decided what to do. I don’t wear anything♪”

“It gets dirty, but… well, I’ll wash it”

Next to Laila, Aurora and Luna push their hips side by side. There are no panties
under their dresses. Is it a taste to have sex with them while wearing a dress? And
Dianne and Nord-san are pushing their plump bodies on my left and right and they
are working together to squeeze my dick.

“I thought it was really big or rugged, but it’s not”

“It just hurts to be big. Andy doesn’t rely on things like that. And it’s going to come
surprisingly, this angle”

“Hee… I’m looking forward to it☆”

Hilda-san and Nord-san are certainly similar in temperament, but it seems that she
doesn’t have the tech to let me taste the pleasure hell like Hilda-san. It’s just a normal
handjob. All right, not all Dark Elves are such erotic emperors. I know Carlos-san.

“Then, from Laila and Jeanne…”

“Oh, is it okay to handjob? Isn’t it put out once?”

“Older sister. This woman is holding out her crotch just asking him to put it in. Andy
cant do some wasteful shooting”

“Ah, I see… I’m sorry, I haven’t experienced multi-person sex before”

Well, I don’t think that’s usually the case… Being released from the hands of the two,
I put my penis between Laila and Jeanne’s crotch.

“Which one do you want to put it in?”

“Ho, it doesn’t matter which one. I wonder if it will be poured in order anyway?”

“That’s right”

Neither of them imagined that I would get sick on the way. I’m happy with the trust,
it’s heavy… I’m a little lost and insert it from Laila.

“N, kuu… enter, kioru… ♪”

Laila trembles in her comfort. I started shaking my hips, rubbing Jeanne’s little ass
over it and tinkering with her vagina and asshole like a habit.
“N, u, ku, nu, huuu… ♪”

“Ehehe… it makes me feel weird when I’m sandwiched between older sister Laila
and Andy… It looks like I´m mixed in with my parents´s sex”

“Mu, do you have sex with your wife while booking your daughter’s pussy with your


“Ho, that’s another… it’s a pretty burning story♪”

“I did it many times in the cat colony…”

“Andy is a great pervert. You usually can’t live a lifetime”

“Ho, but, the taste is different between the daughter of another person and the wife
of another person. Eventually, they will all be their own real thing…”

“No, I don’t even want to commit my real daughter”

Don’t say scary things.

“Hehe… then Peter´s younger sister, lets make her soon!”

“Why are you so motivated?”

It’s out in many ways.

“Hoho, it’s a pity that I can’t get pregnant with Hilda’s technique… I’m going to give
birth to my daughter, so I’ll ask, owner♪”


However, Laila seems to be quite excited by her imagination. She tightens up. I can’t
stand it and ejaculate on Laila and immerse myself in her feeling of openness
pouring in gushingly.

“Now then… it’s a reserved daughter pussy, daddy♪”

“Are you going with that setting?”

I mean, it’s very immoral to be called dad by someone who just gave birth to my child
the other day… I think it’s pretty bad for me to get on the setting and scream
vigorously while being negative by my mouth.

“If that’s the case… how about papa´s cock that has been raping mom´s pussy until
now, Jeanne!”

“Huh, nnn… hehe, it’s a slapstick. Yeah, daddy´s cock, my womb, it’s messed up… it’s
a bad dad to break into your daughter’s womb♪”

As Jeanne said. In Jeanne’s narrow and small vagina, even though it’s well
moisturized, my dick is trying to push the uterine ostium open and push it in. Jeanne
sticks out her waist to welcome me. Jeanne is a masochist, multiparous woman and a
dwarf. Laila also grins and holds Jeanne down to help her.

“Hoho, you´re a good girl who looks so pleased when mother and father hold you
down and bully you♪”

“Ngu, nu… nga, uuu… enter, enter♪”

With two people. I break through Jeanne’s uterine ostium. Then, while pushing my
glans into it persistently, I shake my hips finely and violently.

“Jeanne, let’s go… daddy’s impregnated juice, drink plenty with your womb!!”

“Na, a, aaaaaa♪”

Ejaculation. The sperm flows into Jeanne with violent momentum. She has already
fallen over Laila, who has semen overflow from her crotch and Jeanne breathes

“…I’ll do it with almost no rest, I saw it yesterday”

“Andy is a lecher”

A little proud sister to her sister who makes a surprised and impressed comment.
Tonight, the collapse of domestic morals is serious. In many ways.
“…But I and Luna-san…”

“Terrible lecher… Andy. Do your best”

Recently, a strangely breathtaking young group invites me with their asses. I pull my
dick out of Jeanne’s womb and head for them.

…The night of the spirit festival has just begun. I have to make two rounds.
After pouring into Laila and Jeanne, next are Aurora and Luna. There is no
underwear under their dresses. Two small round buttocks that are reasonably tight
are pushed up waiting for me.

“Then from Luna”


“Ah, am I postponed again?”

Was Luna first in the daytime yesterday? Involuntarily, I would say that I will start
with Aurora, but I drink here. If you are swayed and change your opinion at such
times, you will be wondering if the girls should be passive or appeal.

“Yes, Aurora after”

“Mou. It’s mean”

Push through selfishly.

“That’s right. I’ll give you a good taste after Luna”


I insert my hand into the gap in Aurora’s ass, trace her unprepared labia with my
finger and sink that finger in her shallow area to tickle. And, whether she is still
influenced by the moon, I thrust my dick directly into Luna who is well wet.

“Nu, u, u… u♪”

It is Dianne who supports this angle. At a glance, she smiles a little and looks back at

“I’ll postpone it too… Andy won’t make this much noise, right?”

“Of course, I’ll make two rounds tonight”

“Hee, don’t say it. I’ll do my best if you finish my turn♪”

Nord-san whispers happily into my ear. The other girls smiled bitterly.

“Andy can’t scream with about six people…”

“Ho. It’s suspicious to finish two rounds”

Nord-san seems to be half-confident and half-suspicious… No, usually it’s a limit

challenge class when it comes to ejaculating double digits overnight. Somehow,
because I had been repeating the sexual life and super-recovery of a large number of
people in Polka, I couldn’t help but think about it.

“Andy… mo, more, you can move… ♪”

“O, Ou”

My waist was tightly attached to Luna. I was prompted to start shaking my hips.


Luna screams as she raises her voice. While exposing her shoulders and back, she
disturbs Nord’s dress, which gives an elegant impression as a whole and returns a
wild movement to my waist. Her vagina is different from Jeanne, who is
characterized by crampedness and Laila’s vagina, which feels the affection that
wraps one tightly and the expression 「Devour」 my dick is appropriate.

“Hauhh, nn, nyuu… Andy, more, thrust the inside more… without going easy on me!!”

“Estrus female cat…!”

Pulling out my hand that was messing around with Aurora, I attached the hand that
is sticky with love juice to Luna’s ass and shook in earnest. Her tail hits my belly and
tickles. Every time her cheeks dyed red and her eyes melted in estrus turned around,
I felt like I was being put on estrus. The vagina, which melts and folds freshly, sucks
my glans without hesitation and the vulgar sound doesn’t stop from our crotch.

“This… this is… ♪ Andy’s, this, good… ♪”

“You´re dying to get pregnant, use your waist, Luna…!”

“…I’m dying to get pregnant… ♪”

Looking back at me with her ecstatic eyes, Luna instantly abandoned her wildness,
relaxed somewhere, confirmed her connection with me and shook her hips to taste.

“I want to give birth soon… I want to make a child with Andy soon… ♪”

From instinct, from the bottom of her heart. The words that make a wish make me
shake my reason.

“I want to give birth too”

“…Mutual love… ♪”


After a breath, I commit Luna even more violently. Right now, I can’t do it no matter
how much I pour in. I want to give Luna a future where she will be surrounded by
children. No, such a good feeling is a moment after all. I want to indulge in deeper
pleasures with a girl who wants me so much. I want to ejaculate and taste the climax
and conquer the erotic hole with cloudiness. It’s a shallow, momentary desire for
flesh. Does Luna know or don’t know that?

“I love you… ♪”

She muttered a little, worked harder than I did and expressed her pleasure with
intermittent gasping.

“Huaaaaauu… co, come, Andy, come, cum inside, feel good, it’s going to reach all the
way to my head… ♪”

“Hu, nyaaaaaa♪”

Like a beast, we devour the climax where the word comes perfectly. Doku, Doku…
and when the ejaculation that matches the heartbeat is poured into Luna, Luna rolls
on her back in bed. I’m sweating. And when her ass hides.

“…You´re a young lady, it’s like”

“…I want you to say your wife anyway”

Her fine dress complements Luna’s charm. She is soaked in a subtle unscrupulous
joy that my sperm is completely in her womb. Then, next to her, Aurora with her ass
exposed pretends to shake.

“Andy-san, please take a break after you put it in me”

Nord-san heard that, with a bitter smile.

“So, men are so easy…”

…I seem to be no longer an ordinary man… I was a little aware of that. In response to

Aurora’s voice, I thrust my wet dick into Aurora.


“…Emm, Andy-kun, it’s the fourth time…?”

“That’s why I´m saying it, older sister. Andy is used to it”

I don’t think it’s a problem that I’m used to. At least for first-timers. However, I leave
it to Dianne to solve the doubts in that area.

“Hey, Aurora… isn’t it worth the wait?”

“…I’m fine as usual, but… it depends on Andy-san’s fierceness whether it’s worth the
wait twice… ♪”

“I told you…!”

No, to be honest, Luna asked me to do my best, so I’m sure I’m constantly out of
breath. Covering Aurora’s back, I slowly shake my hips in a swinging chair-like tone
while adjusting my breath. Silent for a while… I was told to take a break while
putting it in Aurora, so this should be good.


“What is it”

“…It feels different from usual when you are connected with formal clothes like this,

“Well… that’s right”

One day, after having a party at Baron’s mansion in Polka, I had an orgy in the woods.

“I’m always delusional. When you suddenly hold a dance party in the middle of a
dance party, you pour semen into me in the shadow… I just return to the place with a
face that doesn’t eat anything and invite me who has accumulated semen to dance”

“…If I really do it, Carlos-san wont be angry with you”

“Oh, what can I be scolded for? I’m a female slave you’re taking to pour semen in and
I don’t have any blood connection with him”

“No, he will get angry at the vaginal cum shot sex in the shadow of the party venue”

I mean, the reason why I bring Aurora around is not for a vaginal cum shot, but for
everyone’s escort, maybe homecoming and so on. Well, if you think about escalating
to the spirit festival = vaginal cum shot sex, it’s certainly not without its purpose.

“…It’s about time I move, right?”


Stroking Aurora’s ears and kissing. And I start to move in earnest.

“N, huu, hua… a, a, hot… ♪”

“Because you provoked me. I’ll make it as violent as with Luna”

From the pace of the swinging chair, I increase the speed steadily. Raise myself from
a position that covers her from behind, catch her ass and swing my hips with all my

“Huauu♪ A, haa, naaa♪”

Aurora, an ace knight, is more physically fit than Luna, who isn’t, but her wildness
during sex doesn’t support her movements. If so, she is not wild, but a woman’s


It stimulates my brain not by pleasure-giving movements, but by gestures that invite

men. For example, the casual way of twisting the spine while being violated, or the
luster that returns the line of sight. The movement of a woman who truly feels
pleasure, seeks it, and tries to give it. At this young age, Aurora has become good at
such sensual movements.

“Andy-san… still more… please kiss the back with your dick♪”

Of course, her vagina also wraps me in a unique charm. A feeling of folds that has
been held many times but never fades. The comfort that it tightens up responsively.
And more than anything.

“More than Luna-san… I also want to have Andy-san’s child♪”

Such a beautiful and odious girl proudly professes her love for me, her sense of
conquest. I hugged her irresistibly jumping at Aurora, holding her upper body
against the bed and kissing her ears.

“Then become pregnant…!!”

“Yes… aaaaaaa♪”

I dare to ignore Hilda-san’s contraceptive magic emotionally and seed her.

Persistently twisting the hips, stopping as agreed and spitting semen into her vagina.

“Haa, haaa… in this way, I want to dance with your sexual odor on me”
“…It’s okay to conceive, but forgive me”

“I’m messing around”

We smile at each other while we are out of breath.

“…It hung down in my skirt”

Luna who remains stretched is said to be ragged. Everyone was resurrected except
for Aurora, who was breathing wildly and Laila stood on her back with the bed fence,
sat on her lap and put Jeanne on one of her outstretched knees. This is a fetish
because she remains naked.

“Well, if you wash it, it will come off. There is a stain-removing magic recently
developed by the Laundry tribe…”

Nord-san says. Talc has a lot of magic that seems to be sober and convenient.

“More than that, I and my sister. Which one do you hold first?”

“Well, Dianne first”

“I wanted you to bring me to the main dish when I came here”

“That’s why I still do it even after I’m done holding them, so there’s no main”

“That’s right”

“…Are you really going to do it? It’s still a long way in the morning…”

I leave Nord-san alone, who looks a little suspicious, approach Dianne and kiss her.
Her dignified appearance makes her always misunderstood, but this person is not as
big as her presence shows. I have to bend down a little when I try to kiss while
standing. Or will Dianne stand on her toes?

“I was screaming at you who could only look at my sister…”


“Well, it can’t be helped by older sister Nord who specializes in the movements to
show to men… Tonight, call me Dianne”

“…Okay, Dianne”


I put my hands through the gaps in the thin cloth that wraps around Dianne’s body. A
tight back, fluffy boobs and a responsive butt. Don’t be busy, keep my hands on it and
enjoy the feel. Like a collector stroking a treasure. Like a spider trying not to let its
prey escape.

“N… nu, nn… is it okay to just touch it?”

“That’s not true. I want to put it in, Dianne. In this stomach”

Trace the bottom from the navel with my finger.

“I want to pour in plenty, suitable for this spirit festival night”

“The spirit festival is also a day for family love…?”

“A day to make a family?”

“…Mou, Andy is fine for now”

While stroking her body, I hug Dianne, who looks a little dumbfounded and pushes
her down to the bed.

“Then make it”

“I’m not going to make it yet. It’s a pre-exercise”

“Then I have to do it because you´re actually going to get pregnant”

“…Is that so?”

“Can you give birth, Dianne?”

“…Originally it was a competition with Selenium”

Dianne recalled more than a year ago.

“Now I have no intention of letting you and everyone escape”

“If you run away, you won’t be caught, but everyone will be there…”

“I have no intention of running away… I want a child, Andy. When everything is done,
let me become pregnant soon”

“I understand, 100-man commander”

“…I told you how to call me tonight”

“Such a face is cute, Dianne”


While kissing Dianne again, I pull and shift her thin cloth, exposing her breasts and
her crotch. She was so invigorating that she was originally close to being exposed.
Slowly insert my wet dick with everyone’s juice there.

“Nu… ha, uu… ♪”

Dianne moans at her comfort. Hugging tightly in the bed. She is the first in a
missionary position after dealing with four people.

“…I’ve been looking for you all the time”

“No matter where Dianne says she want to have sex, I´m having trouble with the
place I want”

“Sure. If you really want to, you might take off with an illusion in the middle of the
main street of Talc”

“I’d like you to give me a little bit and then send me a little signal”

“…I’ll try”

Even if she is in estrus, I want to be shy enough to wait until the inn, and if she wants
me to hold her, I want her to be aggressive enough to appeal a little.
“But I always want you to hold me, so it may be the same after all”



That can’t be helped… But I love Dianne like that. Dianne’s legs entwined around my
waist. Dianne and I are in close contact. Then we start to shake our hips as if we
were itching each other.


“Andy… ♪”

There is no flashiness. The bed just squeaks. We are still hugging each other, so we
can’t move flashy. However, the crampedness and the sweet sense of security that
never leaves are comfortable. We can enjoy kissing at various depths by repeating
such shaking movements. Lick the palate with a deep kiss and tickle the tongues.
Suck her lips, nose and cheeks with a light kiss. By the time each other’s faces
became sticky, both Dianne and I were in a hurry.

“…I’ll release it soon, Dianne”

“…Yeah… ♪”

However, after taking that much confirmation, push the waist deeply, harden it with
my feet and make a vaginal cum shot.


“Iuu… ha, come out… ♪”

Kissing each other’s ears, we quietly devour the climax.

Finally, Nord-san is waiting.

“…Dianne-chan is usually sticky and so-so… it seems like she has a lot of things to do,
but I’ll go my way, right?”

“Are you sure you want to do it now?”

“Silent. If you show off so many things, older sister will be angry”

It’s a tone that somehow reminds me of Hilda-san. But I can’t afford it. Maybe it’s
because she’s still looking at my dick?

“…But when I think about it, at least your endurance is better than my father… he
usually has pain or he doesn’t feel like it before that…”

It seems that my insatiable desire for eroticism, which has been a virgin until last
year and concentrated on Apple, seems to be very good.

“Then… please partner”

“…Wait a minute. Your position is cowgirl, right?”


A strange order came… Isn’t it strange?

“I like the position where I can swing freely… I’m afraid of the dancer’s serious waist
usage? If it’s a female upper class, I’ll compromise”

Is it a compromise? I feel like there’s not much difference. But apparently she can
only see the hard self-esteem that she doesn’t want to lose sex against me… Well, I
don’t have a problem even if I squid first.

“Please. I’ll leave it to you”

I lay down on the bed. Aurora and Luna sit side by side on the edge of the bed and
Laila and Jeanne in the swinging chair are still naked above their heads. Dianne is
curled up next to me. In such a state, Nord-san triumphantly straddled me. After all
she has great proportion. It is not inferior to Laila, who is perfect in terms of
aesthetics as a woman. When she loosen the cloth around her waist and throw it on
the floor, Nord-san straddles my dick.

“Huhuhu… th, this is still pretty amazing…!”

My dick is swallowed into her vagina. However, when her hips fell to the bottom,
Nord-san dropped her shoulders and quivered. And she tightened her pussy with a
peculiar tremor.
“…U, Uu~…”

“…I’m excited now”


I threaten with teary eyes for a little.

“I can’t help it, how many years do you think it’s been!?”

“I dont know…”

“Uuuu… I feel regrettable… I don’t think I’m going to get excited all of a sudden…”

Nord-san with teary eyes. How did you comfort yourself?

“…Older sister. Apart from that, it’s okay for Andy to be older sister’s turn until you


Dianne, who was immersed in the afterglow of the climax, advised that and Nord-san
glanced at me.

“Yes, this is a rehearsal exercise! This is the realm of elder sister Nord, little brother!”


It was a little confusing, but the movement of Nord-san’s hips from there was
certainly something to say.


“Look, I can’t afford an facial expression… ☆”

Turn it up, down, left, right, diagonally and in a figure eight. It can be argued that her
illusionary hip movements are certainly unique to dancers. Speaking of doing it,
Laila and Dianne could do it, but the movement of playing with the dick while freely
changing her rhythm was different from what you can enjoy by having sex with other
girls. But.
“Nord-san is surprisingly… there is no room…!!”

“Sassy little brother…!”

Not as much as Hilda-san. There is no choice but to raise a white flag for that tech
that you can taste the climax without asking questions, but Nord-san’s movement is
a new sensation, but it is not enough to be squid at once. Somehow, it’s cool.
Convinced of this, I thrust my hips up in defiance of Nord-san’s movements and
pushed her womb.


“Can’t you attack unexpectedly?”

“That’s why I don’t just say cheeky… my sister is going to make you squid, but
honestly… huann♪”

“It looks good”

“D, Don’t mess with my boobs… Dianne, what’s with this boy, erotic!”

“That’s why I’m sure I’ve said it before, my sister”

“Nord-san, it’s about time to move… it’s a competition”

“F, Fine, take it… kyauuu, just aiming for the uterus… no, no, noo… n, auuuu♪”

“U, ooo!!”

I grab Nord-san´s waist firmly and ejaculate in the back. Nord-san reaches the climax
with a half-cry and seems to regret it.

“…U, uu… u”

“Thank you for the meal”

“D, Dianne, what a super cheeky child!”

“Then Laila, next time with Luna at the same time”

“Don’t ignore me! It’s the second time, I really do it!?”

Aside from Nord-san who is a little smiling, I start the next sex round.


“…T, Three rounds… I really made it…”

The third finish is put in the vagina and Nord-san mutters while being amazed.

“A, A total of 18… times?”

“Well, it’s Andy”

“Hmm. It’s my owner. He has always wanted to mate with dragons, so he just did it”

“…He had done it more than 30 times in the colony”

“Well, I can’t deny that I’m honestly trained”

“But with Andy-san, it’s not in vain”

…30 or more shots… it’s not normal if you ask. I was even proud that the
Masturbation Brothers wouldn’t exceed 20 times.

“…Uuu… I admit losing today, but…”

“Yes, yes. Let’s fight again”

“Absolutely, I will learn a lot from Hilda-oneesan and take revenge…”

“My sister. Hilda is in Trot now”

“Eh, what that, it’s unfair…”

Exhausted, or rather disappointed, Nord-san lays down on the bed. The sunrise
shines through the window and illuminates everyone’s body with my semen sticking
to them.

“Well, do you want to go to bed? You’re allowed to overslept this morning”

“…I’m sleepy too”

“Andy-san, arm pillow… are you sure?”

“I’ll sleep with you too”

“Hoho Well, I wonder if I’ll suck on owner’s dick to kill time”

“You don’t want to sleep, Laila”

“You can sleep♪ I hear that you can ejaculate even if you are sleeping”

“It’s a natural phenomenon”

Sleep surrounded by their warm bodies. Nord-san hugged me during the turmoil,
but I wouldn’t get angry.
Carlos-san greeted me with a bitter face when I woke up in the afternoon.


“…What is it”


Carlos-san sighs halfway while trying to open his mouth and say something. When I
was having trouble with the reaction, I heard the sound of a prosthesis that I was
familiar with in a few days.

“In the end, I’m in trouble with what I advised you, who would have been crazy with


“…I’m not wrong, but please don’t speak for me, Nancy. I’m not in a position”

“I’m sorry about this. But Carlos, you did it with satisfaction, too, right? It’s not
something you talk too much about your sister”

“You are the one who was satisfied. I finally used a secret medicine…”

“Yeah. I did my best. I love you Carlos. But it’s beautiful during the day”


Certainly he can’t say anything about me, as we had a conversation like that.

“There you are…”

When I was eating a salad of fresh vegetables instead of the cabbageworm food that
Carlos-san brought silently, Naris appeared flatteringly.

“Good morning, ouch ouch ouch”

“It’s already time to say hello, Naris. I can’t say about people”

“…I guess so”

“What were you doing yesterday?”

“After going around the city´s festival, I ended up playing strip poker while drinking
in the basement here”


Naris turns red while staring at me as she stands up.

“Was there such a wonderful event or an evil beast!”

“Just for girls, this house! Boys are forbidden! Limited to no boyfriend!”

“No, that’s it”

Naris drinking alcohol and playing poker with the Dark Elf sisters naked around the
table. I want to see it very much.

“By the way, it seems that the boys did something similar”

“That’s particularly fine”

“Well, that’s right”

However, it is a house that has a strange event on the night of the spirit festival.

“But the Ogre Killer was an effective alcohol. It’s a little hard to drink”

“It’s the alcohol that Celesta is proud of. Personally, it’s hard say which one is better
when you compare it to the Great Ice Field

“I wanted to drink it to my heart’s content, but…”

“I want to drink it every night if possible”

“I prefer wine for dinner… ueepu”

“If you’re going to vomit, don’t go outside”

All the girls around me are extremely strong with alcohol or almost never drink, so a
child who can talk about alcohol like Naris may be a little fresh.

After eating the green mountain, I stand up. When I got up, I saw Nord-san, who had
disappeared from the bed, at the entrance of the cafeteria. Our eyes meet. She is
staring at me in a little angry wind.

“…E, Emm?”

“What did you do to Nord?”

Carlos-san, who suddenly found out something, squinted his eyes. Determinedly
Nord-san approached me when I was wondering how to make an excuse.

“You did well yesterday”

“Ha, Haa”

“This is the first humiliation in the last fifty years”


Carlos-san’s gaze is painful.

“What happened, Nord”


Nord-san ignores Carlos-san. And a strangely stomach-aring few tens of seconds of

silence. You can see that the other brothers who were eating in the cafeteria also
glanced over here. Meanwhile, Nord-san sighed.

“But it’s a promise”

She muttered and suddenly pinched my chin and kissed me.




Nord-san’s beautiful face is a few centimeters in front of me. Or rather, it’s so close
that it’s out of focus. It’s just a kiss between two lips, but the situation makes my
head become white.

“…N, nn”

Nord-san makes a noise and leaves.

“What do you mean with this Nord!? No way, Nord, are you his lover, his wife, or a
female slave?”

“I just paid because I lost because I said I was going to bet a kiss. The contract was
fulfilled. It’s not what older brother thinks”

“Gu, Gununu…”

You can see Carlos-san clenching his teeth. Can’t you blame it as a merchant when it
is said, 「Contract」? He is a more disciplined person than his father, who has just
started without confirmation… But what if the content of the match turns out to be

“But this time…”

“Well, the story beyond that is over there”

I’ve just finished eating, so I’ll push Nord-san’s back and leave the dining room.

“The next time we meet, I’ll let you say hiihii. Be prepared, little brother”

“Ha, Haa”

“So, it’s a face that I don’t think you can do! Don’t underestimate here”
Sometimes, if you think that it is a minor change of Hilda-san, this person is quite

“Even though things may appear this way, my sister is popular! Even if elder sister
Hilda is not there, if I feel like it, there are a lot of practice partners…!”



“…It’s a bit complicated for a man to be declared to hone your skills with someone
else’s dick”

Honest real intention.

“…Indiscriminately, you can line up a lot of girls”

Nord-san’s low voice informs me of my actions. There is no guu sound. But. But.
When I stared at Nord-san with a little irresistible thought, after staring at me for a
while, for some reason, Nord-san blushed a little red and turned her gaze away.

“It’s not good to see it with your eyes. Foul play”


I could see it.

“I, I understand… If I can meet you again before older sister becomes lonely, I won’t
imitate that”

For some reason I compromised.

“Totally, you´re a spoiled child…”

Apparently I look like that to Nord-san. I wonder if the man in the latter half of the
20s will be tickled by her older sister’s attribute or maternal instinct. I don’t know
how dark elf feels.

“Can we meet with the intention of meeting?”

“…I’m not responsible for that, either. If you want to meet, do your best to find me”

However, she is certainly a free person and she doesn’t seem to be so tied up.

“That’s why this is a service”

Finally, with another intoxicating kiss, Nord-san disappears… Somehow, I wondered

if she would go on a trip as it is.


From the afternoon, everyone prepares to leave Talc. Originally, it was an itinerary
that wanted to come to Celesta at the Spirit Festival. If we’re going to celebrate the
New Year’s festival in Polka, we can’t be too sloppy.

“I really wanted to enjoy the busy oasis”

“I even feel like you were a brother in a previous life, Smithson”

100-man special duty commander Becker looks far in the distance.

“I don’t think everyone has an open bathing landscape”

“That’s right”

Some people say that the hidden one burns, but I fully support the oasis where the
naked bodies of dark elf girls are seen openly.

“So where are you going next? After all, crossing the desert to go to Basson?”

Laila answers Aurora’s question.

“I want to see what Helicon looks like right now”

“Helicon…? That, near the forest territory?”

“Umm. It’s a city that welcomes me. If I think I haven’t been to see it for another year,
I want to take this opportunity to see it”

Dianne supplements it.

“Well, there’s a week before the New Year’s festival. Even if we pick up Lantz and the
others at Basson and return to Polka, it’s a reasonable two days trip with Laila’s
wings. We have plenty of time, including Naris’s Celesta sightseeing tour”

“Thank you for this opportunity”

Naris put her hands together. Apparently the hangover went away. Or maybe
someone from Carlos´s mansion got some medicine.

“There is also Laila’s mansion over there”

“Dragon Palace…?”

“Nnya, it’s the villa she received last year”

Jeanne is proud to explain it to Luna. Even so, the souvenirs that the brothers and
sisters gave to Dianne are thrown into the carriage one after another with her small




While being sent off by Carlos-san and others, we hide in an illusion and take off
quietly. We reach Helicon when the sun goes down and fly for an hour. Laila is
amazing when you think that it is a few days away with a carriage.

“I wonder if I should land a little flashy”

“What do you do with unnecessary confusion… can’t you say that in this city?”

With the consent of Dianne, we landed from the west on the main street at dusk.


“W, Why!? Again a stupid adventurer entered the Dragon Palace!?”

“Run away!! Run awayーー!!”

Annoying screams.


“…I think it’s not just the merchants who were there at that time. The difference
between those who are in a hurry and those who aren’t is remarkable”

Dianne analyzes calmly. Well, merchants are very fluid. Sure, the confusion isn’t
much more than before, but the people in a hurry are super desperate.

“Hey, run away! I’ve seen it, it’s a real dragon! Why can’t I run away, the city of
dragons, a town revitalizer!?”

“Black Dragon! It’s the strongest species of fire dragon!”

“Come on. Settle down because it’s okay. You can tell by talking. The dragon is smart”

“Retract the lizard guy!”

“AA!? You are the only ogre who is trembling!”

Laila barked as the unintelligible quarrel was about to begin in the immediate
vicinity. The noise stopped and the screams went up. And Laila’s shadow disappears.
She must have turned into a human again.

“It’s me! It’s the desert black dragon Laila! Are the people in this city forgetful!?”

Standing in front of the people of the city, perhaps naked and listening to Laila’s
voice, we get off the carriage.

“Sorry, the regiment of military policemen was supposed to be in such a mess, but…
there was a big sandworm attack last night. More than half are on sick leave…”

“Ho, sandworm?”

“Ha. On a scale for the first time in a few years… it was a big uproar with mercenaries
and adventurers in the city participating. We managed to get rid of it with the
wonderful magic of a female dark elf”

“What can be done with the magic of one person against a group of sandworms…?”
Dianne tilts her head to the explanation of the military police captain.

“Anyway, I would like to welcome Laila-sama’s visit again from the hearts of the

When the military police captain kneels, the townspeople who remember last year
cheer and the lizardmen try to line up with tribute.

“Wait, wait, the sandworm case comes first. There may still be a flock nearby. I regret
that I should have helped in such an emergency, but I have to make sure that the next
one does not come”

“Are you going to crush them?”

“What, I used them to play around in the past. When I kick the ground, I just cut
them into pieces and eat them. Leave it to me”

Laila throws away the cloth that she once wore and transforms into a dragon again…
But how does she get rid of sandworms? Perhaps they came by in response to the
fuss of the spirit festival.

“Dianne and the others go to the villa first. Townspeople, at your own discretion”

The townspeople cheer again for the majesty of the dragon taking off quickly to
protect the city. And we are.

“Welcome to Laila-sama’s companions!”

“Uoo! It’s the day after the spirit festival, but today is the dragon festival!”

“Oh, I saw the change of a dragon for the first time. It was a super beautiful woman…
it was a good take off…!”

“Huhuhu young man, you know. We, the regiment of military policemen, are also
known as Laila-sama fan club!”

“I heard this sign for the first time! I will enter!”

“Sake, sake, sake! If it’s money, give it to the mayor!”

Is it really okay to suddenly splurge on the day after the spirit festival? However,
when it comes to drinking alcohol for free, I’m still happy.

“Hello! I don’t know what it is, but it’s nice, Celesta!”

“Cheers elder sister! I’ll drink after toasting!”


Naris and Jeanne knock their pottery mugs together. Even if Laila herself isnt there,
there is no refrain at all. Me too.

“Follow me! I also drink!”

Carlos-san’s garden party, which was a little luxurious, was good, but I like to drink
in this kind of messy atmosphere.

“Oh dear. Well, do you want to stay overnight?”

“Ah, alcohol again… can I have a drink?”

“Captain Dianne, I´m going to pour it in for you”

The townspeople, who had a delicate face at first (probably not a year ago), also
participated in the turmoil and then the flute, lute, and drums were brought out and
the music started. There was an older sister who got drunk and took her clothes off
to the music and another woman was caught by it and started dancing in a sexy
fashion and it was already a very enjoyable drink.


“…That fiery red hair. What you look like, those strong eyes… I see you for the first
time. It’s a precious way of sky blue.”

“Oh… You too are in the forest territory…? No, isn’t there another white elf walking in

“Yes. Although it’s the last seat, it belongs to the sky blue. First of all, it’s full”

“It’s fine… Even though it’s near the forest, it’s different when you go out”
“My little adventure compared to the princess… I heard that the wind rumors left the
Southern Corps for a special job. What is it like here?”

“It’s like a shore leave. I tell you, I have no particular need to return to Klaves”

“That’s… sorry. Now that the power of your prince has weakened, let’s burn hope to
the people just by looking at the princess’s face”


“Now, Lucas-sama is ostensibly a reserve force… but as long as Ashton is in military

service, it will be difficult to reinstate him. It is a de facto expulsion”

“It’s my own business. I want to form a galley that can’t be ignored in military
operations and I like the fact that my father is sweet and makes the forest territory a
cloak of invisibility. It’s better not to be connected to a galley, such as using a dragon


“My relatives are too favored, the people of the forest. There are few elves in the
northern forest, but there are many masterpieces such as my older brothers that are
incomparable. Is recognized as one of the strongest without any price. An older
brother who is proud of his swords inside will not work outside the forest. Master
Knight is a proof of a hero, but it is to protect the people in the future It’s just an

“But that’s why. That’s why I think the figure of the princess is necessary in the
southern forest”

“I’m amazed by my older brother, but I’m like you trying to make my older brother,
who hasn’t lived for 20 years, manage the constitution of the southern forest that
spoils him. I’m amazed by the people”


“Wait until I’m awarded the Master Knight rank, I’m going to use that as a flag and
build a clan with elves. If you don’t get together and take advantage of it, face
humans, dark elves, and beastmen. Isn’t that the same as my brother’s childish
“But it’s true that many people still have high expectations for your dignified and
noble heart and the genius that deserves it. It can be said that it has swelled during
the time you left the forest”

“……Can my father and mother do anything about that kind of public sentiment?”

“You’re a masterpiece… even with your parents, you can’t make a mistake”


“Excuse me… Good night”

“……Klaves, is that it?”

The liquor was opened in the middle of the night and we fell asleep at Laila’s villa in
a good mood.

And Laila came back at dawn the next morning.

“It was more than I thought. As expected, I ate more than that and I cut them into
pieces and roasted them”

“The dragon is full… was it actually still a pinch?”

“Somewhat, even if it’s a dragon, dozens of them cant be eaten, as the sandworms are
surprisingly bulky”

Laila sits down on a chair with a slightly disgusted face. She is naked.

“I want to drink alcohol”

“If it’s alcohol, I brought it from Jeanne’s parents’ house”

“Oh, that’s right. Jeanne, I’ll have a drink”


Jeanne is still curled up in bed. Laila gently strokes her, then tilts the barrel and
pours liquor in a cup, before closing the lid again.

“…Umm, it’s delicious. How about you, owner?”

“Since dawn, I haven’t had alcohol… its a hopeless case”

It was a fascinating proposal, but I declined. We may fly again today and it won’t be
fashionable if you vomit in the carriage. No, how long will we stay? We’ll be back at
least the day before the New Year’s festival… I think there are three days to spare.

Looking at Laila’s boobs while thinking about that, Laila’s hand stops.

“What’s wrong, Laila”

“Outside… back, see. Main building, take a look”

She closed her eyes and said so and when I went out into the hallway and opened the
wooden window, I saw a strangely heavy Aurora. The second floor of the house and
the backyard. We stare at each other for a while.

“Aurora, what are you doing?”

“…I have found it”

Aurora sighs a little badly.

“I changed my mind a little. I’m going to go to Klaves and talk to my father and

“No, that’s okay, but… why is it bad if you find it?”

“Because it’s about me personally… I was thinking of buying a horse and going alone”


“Andy and the rest, please go back to Polka first. I won’t wait for the New Year,
because it could be a little longer stay”

…This idiot.

“Hey, Aurora…”

“Then we’ll go too”

When I tried to scold, Dianne came out of the building quickly.

“It’s about General Lucas. You don’t know what to do. If you can’t come back, Andy
and Anzeros will be sad”

“That’s an exaggeration…”

“First, you’re my subordinate now. Isn’t it so strange to supervise future operations

so that they don’t interfere?”

When Dianne says so, Aurora shuts up in trouble.

“It’s not a rule. We´re not busy, but we’ll prepare for the next one”

Laila says so while tilting the cup, sitting on the window with her body cut in from
the side of me. Don’t do that while being naked.


“Hee, Klaves is in that Celesta forest territory. They joined Celesta during the Fire
Dragon War, right?”

“Nee-chan, you’ve been alive since then”

“Ahahahahaha, honestly, I wasn’t interested in such a distant foreign story at that

time, so I heard it later”

“I’m going for the first time…”

“Then, what’s going on after a year? It’s a sight to see”

By the end of the dawn, everyone will get up, listen to our plan for Klaves and get
ready. In fact, yesterday I got off the carriage, had a drink directly and went to bed as
it was, so there is nothing more than grooming myself.

“I have to tell the people in the city. I hope I can have a drink next time”

“Winter is still long after the New Year and Andy’s Holy Beast Festival. There will be

Dianne and Laila go to greet the people in the city. As expected, they’ve already put
on their clothes.

Take out the crest engraving pen on the corner of the horse from the inner pocket
and turn it around… It’s not like I don’t have any use for it.

After a while we take off again while being sent off by the townspeople of Helicon
this time.

“The living space of the carriage is getting smaller and smaller”

“I still refused the valuable things”

The back of the carriage is packed with tributes from the Lizardmen. I was eating a
good volume with Dianne’s souvenir.

“Anyway, what kind of wind is blowing around? 10-man captain Aurora. Certainly a
few days ago…”


“No, you don’t need a reason to meet your family, but that’s it”

Aurora just looks out with a melancholy face when asked by Naris… It doesn’t seem
to be homesick.


After flying from Helicon for a while, your eyes will be filled with trees.

“Oh, it’s a forest. It’s withering”

“There are many deciduous trees in the southern forest… The ancient barrier doesn’t
promise everlasting spring like in the north”

“Well, even the winter forest isn’t bad, if that’s the case”

As Naris says, a lonely naked tree stands out. I don’t really feel it because I came from
the desert where the residents are highly exposed, but Celesta is also in winter. Laila
flies straight for a while.
“By the way, Dianne”


“I have never been to the city of Klaves, but is there anything that can be a


Dianne looks at Aurora… No, we also went in and out by shared carriage, so I don’t
know such a mark.

“Captain Dianne, didnt you make a map of this area a long time ago?”

Dianne sighs with a difficult face when asked by 100-man commander Becker.

“The coastline. They didn’t let me survey into the woods. You probably know Becker
to some extent, Klaves isn’t as real as a city because of the low density of houses and
in the distance it is only as characteristic as the luminous rocks of the night road”

“…Characteristics that are transmitted to dragons… it’s not like that”

“Okay, I’ll guide you directly. Laila-san, please put me on your back!”

“Both hands are blocked by the carriage. I have to remove my arm or get off once”

Somehow it’s repetitive.

Laila descends into the forest and then takes off again with Aurora on her back. After
a meandering flight for about an hour, we finally landed in Klaves.

“You can hide in an illusion properly! The people of the southern forest haven’t
known any dragon since the Fire Dragon War!”

“I know, I know”

Landed in a square, a corner of the forest. Laila quickly transforms into her human
body. Without noticing the illusion, an elf young man reading a book nearby
suddenly falls off the bench as he notices a carriage and a naked woman.
“Is this Klaves? I’ve been to Arcus, but it feels more like deeply forested than there”

“Let’s take it as a compliment… I beg your pardon”

Aurora gives clothes to Laila while giving a light bow to the mossy young man with
his eyes open. He was surprised to see Laila, but the young man who saw Aurora
made his eyes even rounder.

“Oo… o, Aurora… sama!?”

“Nice to meet you”

She deals with it lightly.

“Now, what should I do with the car body? If there were Boyd-san and Goto-san, they
could just push it”

“We have to leave it here. When we bring out what we need, I have to magically seal
the door”

“There are a lot of regrettable things when stolen. Given to 100-man commander and
elder sister Laila”

“Well, if it was taken, it was taken, so this is where I come in. I’m pretty good at
investigating that kind of thing”

“I can follow the smell within three days”

Racially rich people who get off with a rush. Finally, Dianne and I get off and breathe
the air of Klaves for the first time in a year.

“……After all, there is only a forest and the air is good”

“Do dark elves want to live in the forest if they could?”

“I think it’s more comfortable, but on the contrary, it doesn’t have to be in a forest.
You can’t stick to the forest as much as a white elf. The important thing is to always
help your friends”

“So that’s it”

An elf who claims to be unable to live without a forest and a dark elf who finds the
meaning of residence in human relationships. What values he relationship with the
earth and what does not. That’s it in both cases and I wonder if it’s correct.

The cafe where I drank tea with Anzeros, the crest engraving institute and the hotel I
stayed at in front of me all look exactly the same as time has stopped. Well, for an elf
who lives more than ten times as many as a human, a year ago is the same as last
month. Hmm? With that in mind, it feels like a year and a half when an elf born is
converted into a human until he becomes an adult.

“Childhood for elves is super short…”

“What do you say all of a sudden?”

“No, some feelings about the passage of time”

Dianne made a strange face, but the only ones who can understand are 100-man
commander Becker and Luna.

We all aim for the colony leader, Dior’s mansion. To be precise, there is a good
position in the elf’s family, 「Sky Blue Clan Chief」, but the valid title in Celesta’s
territory is colony leader.

“Oh, welcome travelers. Dior-sama is busy, so if you need to visit him, please do so in

A guard who tried to warn in advance to Dianne who was walking at the front, even
though it was soft. Aurora interrupts and greets there.

“How are you doing, Remud, Naftor”

“…Th, This is Aurora-sama! What a wonderful return!”

“Excuse me!”

Two elf guards guarding the gate stand upright and greet.

“As one would expect, Aurora. It was a question and answer when I came”

“I’ve been a vassal since I was born. I don’t want to be forgotten in a year or so”
Enter with a free pass.

Dior-shi’s mansion was magnificent. It’s not as big as Carlos-san, but it’s a house
where 100 family members and their servants live, so it can’t be helped. Rather, it
can be said that a house with a size that allows a hundred people to line up in the
entrance hall alone, even though it has only two children and does not surround the
bride in a mountain.

“Dior-sama! Aurora-sama is back…!”

Looking at Aurora’s face, several servant elves rush to the back of the mansion.

“There was no surprise, right?”

“Did you want to be surprised?”

A word that doesn’t match the melancholy look on the way. Involuntarily asking,
Aurora shrugged her shoulders.

“It’s ironic. I’m not really happy when I’m surprised”

While talking about that, an elf young man in a fine robe appeared from the back of
the mansion.

“Aurora! When I think you´re suddenly gone… I was chilled when I heard that you
had a crush on the northern forest!”

“Long time no see, father”

Aurora bows gracefully. Then, Dianne advances to him, who was taken aback by the
elegance for a moment and still tried to ask for something.

“Similarly, Dior-dono… Aurora is now one of my subordinates”

“Dianne… you!… Ah, the details are good. Today is a good day.”

What a self-interested person. When I thought about it, Aurora raised her face.

“Where is my older brother?”

I heard something she doesn’t have to ask.

“Lucas… Diane, I’m sorry for that time. I’ll lose it late, but now again”

“I’m asking you where, father”


“I want you to give priority to Aurora”


Dior sighs.

“If it’s Lucas, he is in this building. If I let him go, he’ll be poked by the army. It’s
virtually house arrest”

“…Its fortuitous”

Aurora smiles while lightly pushing the handle of her sword.

“What are you going to do, Aurora. You should better stay away now. He has been
rough since last year’s incident”

“It’s a good opportunity, especially”

She starts walking and passes next to Dior-san.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve been seriously talking to each other”

“Aurora, wait a minute!”

We all rush to chase after Aurora, including Dior-san.

“Don’t lose control of yourself, Aurora! That’s a Master Knight, one of the most elite
in the Celesta Commerce Country”

“I know it well, father… Yes, I know it well”

She doesn’t turn around… Dianne also makes a stern look while lining up fast.

“Are you really willing to pick a fight?”

“Yes, fighting is not graceful”

“What’s the point?”

“It may not make sense. Except for my heart”


“I don’t think other people understand… But for me, it’s still necessary”

The back room where several servants are waiting near the door. Proceeding
without hesitation before that, Aurora again grabs the handle of her sword and
closes her eyes.

“I don’t want to run away anymore”

Opening the door.

“Who said you could enter”

A large room that seems to be 30 meters to the back. From the other side, there is a
voice that passes well while keeping it low.

“Oh, this is a great greeting”

“…Oo… rora?”

Lucas, sitting in a huge chair like a throne and reading a book in a boring way, looked

“What is the purpose of my foolish sister who shook her hips like a human?”

He found out that I was here and glanced at me. I felt a strong murder intent, but
Dianne immediately blocked it.

“It’s better to get burned a lot while you’re going to get your hands on an impurity,

“……Huu. It’s pretty old. If I hit the dirty air for a year, my cute sister would be like

“Don’t say anything as if you were taking care of me”

“Say something. I don’t feel like fighting with a child”

A quiet tone that is gloomy and frustrating, which is different from when he was
persuading Anzeros. Well, to be honest, it’s annoying to see that such a figure
becomes a mess. Did he change, or was he originally such a man?… Aurora smiled
with a big smile.

“I felt like I could win against my older brother now. I was going to let you practice,
but let me be a little cheeky… I’ll see how far you’ve fallen. Take your sword, 1000-
man commander Lucas”


Lucas laughs and throws his book at his desk. And he slowly took the paper knife
from the flat box of the accessory case.
“Do I need a sword against you?”

Shake it… I was conscious of it, so I understood it in an instant. It’s a slashing wave.
In response, Dianne takes a stance,100-man commander Becker holds down me and
Dior-san and Laila puts Luna and Jeanne down. Naris was in puzzlement.


Aurora then pulls her sword out of her left hip and creates a shock wave. Wind
occurs in the room. Invisible pressures collide with each other and diffuse.

“…Hou. Is it the beheading wave sword? Was it wisdom even by Miss Anzeros?”

“Do I have to tell you to take a sword again?”

“Kukuku, that’s okay. I’ll ride the provocation. I don’t know what you’ll get by
slashing with me”

Lucas puts down the paper knife. Raises his clean, beautiful right hand in a playful
manner, covers it with gloves and stands up.

“After all, I don’t think you can beat me as a real genius, who is good at imitating
monkeys with just a good look”


I can hear Aurora clenching her teeth slightly… Ah. I see… I remembered that night
before the duel with Sharon.


────I was always second. In Klaves, the shadow of my brother. Here, the shadow of
Anzeros-san. Even in crest engraving I´m behind. Even at night… I’m always second
in the same position. In my mouth, I always said that I was aiming for the best and in
fact I thought I was trying to do so… but I realized today. I can’t imagine myself being
the best. I’m not prepared… I stood in an uninhabited field behind no one and had no
idea that I was the only one. In other words, my swordsmanship was nothing more
than imitating my brother. My brother is a genius. I still think so. He was able to
surpass even the instructors invited from outside the forest early on, to create his
own style and to pass through by himself. I intended to imitate my brother’s splendid
swordsmanship and become stronger and I was pretending to be an Ace Knight, with
the intention of compensating for the lack of effort and determination by taking part
in the ambidextrous nature. Andy-san, I didn’t want to be denied that I fell in love
with you. I wanted to insist that I wasn’t a child of a country of conflict in an era
when elves and humans quarreled meaninglessly. I wanted to say that I was an elf of
a new era. Born in a new era, standing in a new world with my own power, so I
wanted to be the one and only Ace Knight Aurora, with no reason to be scared of
falling in love with you… But I discovered that I only had borrowed money from
people of old age… Huhu. It was often said when I was in Klaves. It’s too early to tell
myself that I’m a swordsman and I asked my father, mother and brother to think
about other things. At that time, I could only think that I was being ridiculed because
I wasn’t as good as my brother, but… the point is, I can’t think of being the one and
only self in front of others. I guess I was able to see through it────.


Aurora is about to exceed. By breaking the true slashing wave of a genius, she can
only be second.

“She still can’t do it”

Dior-san murmured as he stood up from the appearance of being pressed against the
ground with me… This person doesn’t know how many battles Aurora has survived
this year.

“Surely General Lucas is strong, but Aurora is also getting stronger”

“It’s still impossible. There is no chance against Lucas right now”


By the way, I don’t even know Lucas who isn’t careful at all. Are they like each other?

“He’s a real genius. To the extent that he’s stronger or can be expressed in such
words, you’ll only lose more time”

Is that so?

“Well well. That Lucas… well, aside from 10-man captain Aurora, he doesn’t look like
someone that can beat Captain Dianne and older sister Laila”
“Dianne is also a genius. I’m sure Sieg Becker, you are also a genius. But Aurora is…”

Aurora isn’t. That’s what her parents think of her… To be honest, I think it’s still early.
Sharon had the same master knight-class ability as Black Arm, certainly Lucas. But I
won only because the trump card was effective. It’s just because the slashing wave
worked to the fullest as a surprise. In the same condition, I wonder if Aurora has the
eye to pick up the win.

Lucas took the longsword hanging on the wall. He is hatefully cool and turns his head
to Aurora.

“Because you challenged me, be prepared for one limb. I can’t stand to scratch my
cute little sister’s body, but I don’t want her to be tampered with?”

“That kind of worry is, as expected, former young noble”

Aurora pulls out the other sword on her right hip to face her brother.

“If you weren’t my relative, I might have been struck by the kindness”

“Weak-headed irony”

“But if this body and soul is already dedicated to a man. Brother, don’t hesitate. I
won’t review you by any chance”

“…If you ask me, a collar, etc. There is no pride in the noble blood of Klaves. What a
hell, my sister”

“Huhuu. It’s very sweet”

Aurora’s heartfelt joyful words seemed to be the most frustrating to Lucas than ever
ironic and abusive. His face, which has been moody but did not feel the waves of
emotions, is distorted.

“It looks like you should really regret it… I’ll go!”


Lucas disappears. As usual, the speed seems to be first-class. Then hit Aurora, hit the
cross guard and immediately disappear again,

…And the sound echoes in front of me. The tip of the sword is stopped in front of me.

“Childish prank, regrettable, General”


I was saved because Becker-san received it with a knife that he swung up instantly.
Without him, my neck might have been flying in the moment.

“Hoho. Is it a manifestation of intention to deal with all of us at once?”

Laila laughs and bares her fangs. A heat haze rises from her arm and she is ready for
battle. Dianne also takes a stance. However, Aurora sharply stopped them.

“Please protect the other people! My brother, it’s a personal matter…!”

“It’s all about defending and you can talk well!”

The sound of clashing echoes and sparks scatter. It’s true that Aurora is only blocking
Lucas’s attack and she can’t catch his shadow. She can’t turn to attack. Unlike
Anzeros, who has excellent leg strength, she cannot keep up with high-speed
combat… This is certainly 「Still impossible」. Moreover,

“Can you endure, Aurora!”


General Lucas swung his sword at a speed that was beyond my eyes. Aurora uses her
two swords to hit shock waves one after another, killing the sharpness of the
slashing waves, but it seems that it cant be erased, and two straight scratches are
carved on the wall behind her. Although it was not a direct hit, it seemed that it was a
slash that robbed the escape and Aurora was stuck again and stopped. Lucas wields
his sword lightly, moves around freely and shoots a one-shot deadly attack
regardless of the time. On the other hand, although she has not been injured yet,
Aurora has two swords but no eyes to attack. Of course, there are no referees or time
limits for this battle. She can’t wait and win without an attack.

“Did you learn dual sword style? It’s brave”

“I was blessed with enemies. Sword Saint, Great Sword Saint, Master Sword Saint,
Black Arm and Holy Beast. Only once I have confronted a ice dragon and a devil to
cut one’s way through”

“And if that’s the case, a dragon or a Master Sword Saint is nothing special for me”

…Lucas is still strong. The speed comparable to Dianne and 100-man commander
Becker combined with their deadly attack power. Depending on the situation, he will
be able to demonstrate unrivaled strength. But.

“Wait. You say dragons and Lord Bonaparte aren’t something worth mentioning?
Don’t make me laugh, you´re the one ball fellow who used a dragon slayer against

I was annoyed by his loose mouth so I talked back. Lucas, on the other hand, turns
his eyes of hatred so intense that he makes a noise.


“One ball is a forbidden phrase or a seedless cannon”

“Shut up!!”

An elegant upper class. It seems that my vulgar taunts are more nerve-wracking
because he isnt not used to them.

“Aurora… don’t resent even if you lose your life”

Lucas decided to get rid of Aurora quickly and point his sword at me. He wields his
sword all the way to his back and swings it out again and again at a speed that never
catches my eye. A net of murderous fissures approaches Aurora.


Before I say rora.

“So that’s it”

Aurora smiles. Lowering her sword… The whole body is cut into pieces, and it
becomes a red mass to the effect that it is not understood somehow well and blood
gushes out.

It’s a shocking sight that even me, my friends, Dior-san and even Lucas, who has
released the skill, stop moving for a moment.


I can hear my cry far away. But.

“Is it like this?”

Hyun, the sound of a sword cutting the wind. Lucas jumped away in a hurry… The
backrest of a splendid chair in the immediate area cuts in a straight line and falls.

“Ku… it’s an illusion…!?”

“I don’t think you’re going to get caught so beautifully. You’re as kind as ever,

Aurora was behind Lucas… Before you know it. I wonder if this is a reversal of the

“…Ho, it’s bad”

Laila murmured small.


“That girl’s distance and slashing should be one trick”


…Is it that one arm can no longer be used?

“Aurora… how far should the duel fall, such as an illusion!”

“Isn’t it a laughing matter, such as an elf being confused by an illusion?”

The positions of the two are close. Aurora slowly lowers her right sword and sticks
out the tip of her left sword to confront Lucas. Then, the fierce Lucas stepped in and
used his sword to cut it… no, I saw him drive away. It is difficult to escape with an
illusion while fighting with a sword. The worst imagination goes through my head.


Aurora turns like a soliloquy and uses her right sword to poke her brother.


…The right, which should not move, plays that role powerfully.

“It was helpful, brother♪”

Aurora pulls both swords back and forth and smiles while holding them gracefully.


“I’m sorry for the monkey imitation”

Tan, Aurora step. She goes on the offensive.

“I really wanted that slashing wave”

“No way…!!”

The two swords of Aurora go on the offensive as if they were dancing. The movement
is brilliant, similar to Almeida and has a spectacular continuity. It’s not a movement
that forces you to never move. Yes, this is the true value of Aurora, which marveled
even the hero Neia.

“Now, let’s go to the actual performance, brother”

Aurora’s movement has been better than it seems to be. Although not as fast as
Anzeros, she also uses her feet and squeezes Lucas’s movements with a slashing
wave. It’s a change that makes you want to say what the bad movement was so far.

“This much… stronger, Aurora”

Mr.Dior also opens his eyes.

“I see. She was fighting at the level of a year ago to get in good shape for a fight with
General Lucas…”

100-man commander Becker is also grinning. Dianne folded her arms and squinted.

“But it’s still not enough to upset”

“…Well, even if the attacks are even, that little boy has more intuition. If you don’t
want to compete in physical strength, you need another trump card”

As Laila commented. Lucas has evaded Aurora’s continuous attacks at the last
minute. Aurora also cannot pass Lucas’s attack with a thick defense with two swords
and a shock wave, but it seems that both sides can not reach one step further.

“Ku… I haven’t had such a excitement so far since overknight…!”

“…That’s why you shouldn’t just be on the chart with your subordinates…!”

“That’s what you say. A little girl who just took a Knight class two years ago”

“It doesn’t take a year for a baby bird to know the sky”

The two breathe roughly but never give up. Both of them are stubborn. Lucas, who is
no longer taken up by authority and has no swordsmanship, stands out. Aurora who
must overcome her brother to break the shell. Neither can end without losing.
Dior-san slowly clings to Dianne´s arm, who watches it quietly.



“Please, Dianne. Those children… stop them”


“Lucas and Aurora are my children… I know their pride, but that’s why. One wins,
one breaks and that shouldn’t be the case”

“That feeling is correct… Then you should stop them”


“I know. You don’t have that power… In other words, you and your forest are the

Dianne looks down at Mr. Dior with slightly pathetic eyes.

“I can’t control my new heartbeat and old pride because I don’t have it in my hands.
Even though I´m a Lord and in front of you. They are trying to grasp the future by
themselves. If you think it’s strange to crush each other, they must have been able to
do it much earlier”

“…Still, Dianne. Can you help me again?”

…Dior-san pitifully seeks salvation. It’s pathetic to say that it’s pathetic, but he was
also their father. Until now, my father, Minister Ashton, Sir Bonaparte and King
Ulysses. I have seen various fathers. He is the same as me as he wishes for the safety
of his children.

“I have a grudge against that man. I can’t forgive him for trying to kill Andy”

“Hoho. If you want to show that kid the hell, I’ll do it right away”

Dianne and Laila are cold… Well, it’s true that they have the right to beat him, but not
the right to help him.
“Still, I’m ashamed to ask! Dianne!”

Mr. Dior’s appeal overlaps with my father… To my father who thought I was dead and
was drunk and died the worst.

“Tsk… I don’t have a in-law, either”

I, of course, go through the shoulders of 100-man commander Becker and step into
the field where the two fight.

“Hey, Smithson!”

100-man commander Becker raises a confused voice… Well, thinking that it’s usually
a problem, I ignored it and approached the middle of the two fighting.

“It’s over, it’s over! It’s too flashy to say hello to siblings!”

I dare to raise my voice to break the air.


“…Fly and enter the fire!”

The troubled voice of Aurora and the hateful voice of Lucas overlap. And killing
intent. I could see an unstoppable sword flash in my eyes… Before it arrives.


“Smithson get down!?”


Dianne kicks sideways to hit the shock wave and with Naris, who later tackled me
down, blows away the slashing wave while drowning it out. Then, a moment later, a
huge dragon arm appeared to protect me… No, a black dragon appears indoors
without hesitation.

The mansion collapsed.

“Gyawaa!? Die Die Die!?”

“Andy-san, Naris-san!”

“Becker, Jeanne and others also ask!”

“You’re reckless, Laila-neesan!”

Each of them desperately tries to protect the people around them while the stone
mansion collapses.

“Black… dragon…!?”

“Stop it already, Lucas… Stop it”

Due to the location, Dior-san was protected by 100-man commander Becker. Lucas,
who had cut off the building materials to protect himself for some reason, was
stunned by the appearance of the black dragon.

“Go that far, fool… I’ll deal with my opponent by all means. If I want to challenge a
dragon even if it burns my hometown, I have no reason to forgive anymore”

“You’d better stop, General Lucas. If she gets serious, the forest and the clan will
disappear in a day”

If Laila provokes, 100-man commander Becker quietly advises. And.


While I was coming to the rescue, clinging to me and stroking Naris, who was
turning a blind eye, I fisted Aurora’s head.

“Ouch… eh”

“What’s wrong? No matter how you look at it, you’re wrong. No matter how much
you wanted to learn the sword”

“Andy… san?”

“Sure, I hate him too, but I can’t get rid of him. Apologize”

“Don’t grieve for your parents. Nobody says it’s the second to imitate a monkey, even
though only you can do it. Generally, it’s not just about getting rid of someone”

“…Andy, san”

Aurora feels despondent… There, Dior-san timidly approached.

“I’ve always wanted to say… Aurora. I know you’re good at swordsmanship. I

understand that you admire heroes. But I don’t think it’s going to take a long time to
decide for yourself at that age”


“There are many other ways. Instead of giving up the sword, I want you to be a
person who understands many things… When I said that before, you were still too
young… can you understand it now?”


“To be a good elf, a good woman… as a good parent and a good leader, I don’t want
you to be entrenched. I know you’ve become a good swordsman. I know you also
have a natural talent. So don’t be a girl who just fights. Show me your passion for
other things. I’ve always wanted to tell you that”


Surely. This is indecisive and sounds like a mere comfort to the loser. But it’s
certainly too worrisome for an elf who has lived for more than a thousand years to
identify himself as a warrior in his very short childhood. If Peter says that in about
five years, I will definitely say something similar to him. And Lucas.

“…It’s just annoying. What can you do?”

Reluctantly, he hung his sword back on the remaining wall.

“Elder sister Laila, there’s an elf buried in the rubble here!”

“Ho, this is disrespectful”

“He is not dead, it’s okay… It seems that other people were moving away when they
saw those two rampaging inside”

“Laila, couldn’t you have hold back a little more”

“That said, Dianne. There is a limit to how calm I can be”

“It’s about time to separate Naris. If I´m hugged in such a bikini armor, I’ll be lustful.”

“U, Uu… wh, what are you talking about in this turmoil!”


The reaction of other elves to this turmoil is surprisingly thin… I mean, Laila soon
returned to her human body, so it seems that the fact that 「Dragon Advent」
happened wasn’t very well known.

“Well, I’m still a little bit reluctant to leave this root of evil alone. Aside from the
match with Aurora, it’s unforgivable to try to take owner´s head during the turmoil”

“Yes. Can you neglect it, Andy?”

“Well, I think I’ll be resentful if my teticles were ruined… that doesn’t mean I will kill”

Well, it was an attempt. Because of Laila´s outrage the house was partially destroyed.

“Aurora, why did you do that after all?”

In the lobby of the hotel, I ask the fundamentals of Aurora, who enjoys wine with a
smirking face.

“…I wanted to cut off the shackles”


“When I happened to meet an elf in the forest at Helicon, I heard that it was expected
that I would pull the forest in place of my brother… I’m not my brother, so it’s not
enough to say so. I thought that if I could beat my brother, overpass him and then go
my own way, it would be unavoidable… and everyone would give up”

“Now, you can feel relieved about your big brother with a negative rating and you´re
working on a special task with us and have a track record. And I’m not so
enthusiastic that I’m expecting something from Aurora and coming out directly, this

“…That’s right. Anyway, in a clear way… I’ve never had a more specific goal than to
beat my brother”

“…I understand Dior-san’s worries about you not becoming a girl who just fights”

Aurora is too positive for her desire to win something.

“However, it was a big harvest to get the knack of slashing waves”

Dianne nods to the words that Aurora said as an excuse.

“If you can really hit them without risk, you’ve got a decisive hit at medium range in
addition to your current defense skills. Aurora may be close to an Master Knight.”

“Master Knight… I’m a general…”

If you think that she is fascinated by the big goal that she can feel, Aurora listens and
looks strangely pondering.

“What’s wrong, aren’t you happy?”

“…Now, when you think about it, it’s certainly difficult”


“If I become a general, I’m going to be held accountable unless I go to a very special
department. I won’t be able to remain as Andy-san’s female slaves. It’s no wonder
Dianne-san doesn’t take a knight class”

…No, it’s okay sometimes… No, it’s always good to be good, but I think it’s very
regrettable that I can’t have a 「General position」 because I’m neither an executive
school student nor an ace knight.

“Hoho… When it comes to it, then. You can’t aim for the top with a sword, but you
can’t do anything other than with a sword. If you don’t have sufficient chest, you’re
really weak”

Aurora who listens to Laila’s point opens her eyes.

“…I, If you ask me, that’s true… my father perhaps, this”

“You’re pretty close to it”

It seems like a very trivial problem, Aurora.

“Sorry. Let’s go sightseeing, 10-man captain Smithson”

“Why don’t you go alone! Why do you invite me every time!”

“Well, because the line of sight is awesome here in bikini armor. However, even if I
take someone, 10-man captain Aurora and Laila-san are likely to be extra fuss and
100-man commander Dianne and Luna-chan are also standing out”

“Clothes, change, quickly!”

“Ah, that hand”

There is a idiotic child.


Such Naris is left alone for the time being, and I sneak around the city at dusk. Of
course, it wasn’t a customs inn that I entered in a sneak peek. Yeah, Klaves doesn’t
have that. I mean, at least I don’t know.

“Welcome. It’s already closed today…”

“Hello. It’s been a while”

It was the crest engraving research institute that I entered.

“Oh, you’re certainly in that incident last year…”

The receptionist, Lenny-san, or a female elf utters disturbing words. Incident. Is the
case of Lucas’s defeat known after all? I’m deeply involved.
“You have something I want… a crest engraving textbook”

I just wanted to buy this myself. I thought I would give up if they refused, but it
seems that they didn’t have a bad impression.

“Is it a textbook… there’s nothing written in common right now…”


“The standard language outside, the one we’re talking about now. There are some
written in elf language”


Can’t read it… shall I give up? I have to ask Irina and Aurora to decipher it or to
patiently teach me to read elf language.

“The price… what is it?”


It’s expensive… But actually, I’ve been saving a little bit since last year. I wanted a
crest engraving pen. Even though I got a special job, I still get close to 70% of my
salary for one month, but I can’t afford to miss it.

“…U, pl, please give me”

“Thank you for your purchase. How is it, do you continue to engrave?”

“Thanks to you… it’s useful in many ways”

I was thrilled to have the book wrapped up. Engraving with blacksmithing. It’s not as
flashy as Aurora, but what I can do is spreading more and more.
Our stay in Klaves was rounded up in a day and we took off with Laila’s wings early
the next morning. Well, we couldn’t stay long and it’s awkward to say the least.
Besides, Naris, who has the strongest sightseeing purpose, was satisfied with the
night view of the luminous rocks, so there was no reason to stay any longer (it is
hard to say that it is a city with many attractions to compliment).


Capturing the updraft over the Snake Mountain Range, Laila flies in good condition.

“Ho, I’m gonna go to Basson”

“Yes, we’ll leave Boyd here during the winter and we only collect Goto and Lantz…”

“…Dianne-san, which reminds me, they’re dragged into march training by Isaac”


Unusually, Dianne makes a flustered look, 「Is that so?」. It seems that she forgot.

“However, we don’t really take them and we don’t have a clear date. I think it’s a good
idea to go see it”

When Aurora told her to follow, Dianne cleared her throat a little embarrassingly.

“Don’t stand up for that. We´re going to stop by, that’s why let’s take a look”

It was a little cute because she was a person who didn’t make such a mistake.

Basson’s corps building was, as expected, a shell… or rather, there were only two
cooking and answering machines seconded to the supply team, and the Mikagami
“100-man commander Dianne. I haven’t seen you for a while”

“You remained behind”

When we approached the destination, we landed for a moment and approached

immediately, so we didn’t have a chance to meet everyone, but Mikagami was
dressed warmly with a rather gentle look. The impression I had before the special
duty was that I always felt like she was wearing military uniform and armor.

“Now that I know I’m pregnant, I can’t act too harshly until these kids come out.
Forgive me


“Because I’m a wolf beast, it’s probably twins”

Mikagami is happily stroking her lower abdomen, although it doesn’t look very
bulging yet.

“Older sister, the bath is ready!”

“Hey Kate, you’re pregnant too, so don’t go wild too much. Sometimes stretching
yourself can make it flow out”

“I’m sorry…”

From the women’s corps, Mikagami’s younger sister and a woman’s voice that I
recognize but didn’t hear for a long time… Who.

“My mother-in-law”

Mikagami confesses to everyone’s eyes.

“Mother-in-law… Isaac’s mother?”

“Yes. Thanks to the kindness of Kelly-san and 100-man commander Williams, she
was hired for the women’s corps with Kate on the condition that she sometimes
clean the corps building while the corps is absent”

“I see”
Certainly, the maintenance of the barracks cannot be handled by the two members of
the supply team. This year, when the number of people was 200, the number of
people living in the corps buildings has increased since last year. If that person, a
housewife and a powerful ox-ogre, does the cleaning from time to time, it will be
much more efficient. And it’s much quieter than Basson city, the rooms are large and
the baths can be boiled, which is a good condition for them.

“When did Isaac and the others leave?”

“It’s not long after the spirit festival, so I don’t think they’ll be in Schrantz yet at the

Two days, no, three days from the spirit festival. Is it certainly such a thing?

“Boyd-sama… Mikagami where is he?”

Originally coming back for Sylvia, he seemed to rent a room in town and go to the
McClain family for a winter stay. But.

“If it’s associate soldier Boyd, he’ll come out once every two days. He’ll bring a gift
with Sylvia-san”

He was a good guy.

“I say it’s a picnic, but… do you have a picnic in such a winter?”

Mikagami looks a little embarrassed. You may think it’s a way to get in. However,
Mikagami, who has just come to Basson and is young, may not know. In this area, if
you have a picnic in the mountains with your lovers, there is only this area.

“…Dianne-san. He’s definitely having a picnic, right?”

“Well, it’s okay for lovers to get along with each other… Once every two days. I
wonder if it’s modest just because it’s not every day”

“Ho. Well, we can’t help talking about modesty. Congratulations, it’s fine”

“Muu, I’m a little jealous…”

“It’s pretty hard to have a child. I think it’s too early for Luna”
“In the sense of being early, I don’t think there’s any one earlier than Jeanne”

“I’m a dwarf and sturdy by nature. I’m different from humans and human beasts”

Exciting women. I can’t help being exposed to the awkward gaze of Naris and 100-
man commander Becker.

“Then, Mikagami. Take good care of yourself”

“Ha. I’m sorry for your concern. Be careful 100-man commander Dianne”

At the time of parting, everyone returned the salute to Mikagami who showed a
beautiful salute and we soared into the sky again. It was already late in the
afternoon, even though it went faster than I expected due to the snake mountain
range airflow. I wonder if we can get to Polka today. No, I think the dragon’s physical
strength will be enough.


It was midnight after all.

“Haa, we arrived, we arrived, finally. Even though I don’t do anything in the carriage,
I’m still tired of moving. In such a case, it’s a relaxing time to bath in the hot springs”

“Naris-san is really positive… I want to get to bed early”

“Aurora is still too weak. Before the Master Knight calculation, the first thing to do is
to strengthen your endurance”

“Hoho. Well, the hot springs and alcohol for the first time in a week are not bad”

“Where should I put the souvenirs from the carriage?”

We are going down. It’s not only Aurora, but my hips and body hurt after a whole day
travelling. I wish this carriage chair was a fluffy sofa. No, can’t I do something with
crest engraving?… I might be able to do it. If I have this. I was soberly excited while
looking at the crest engraving textbook in elf language that I held carefully with both

I send Jeanne to the Baron’s mansion, return to my room and open the crest
engraving textbook, which is tightly packed in old paper.


An unpleasant laugh leaks out. To be honest, the crest engraving I’ve been dealing
with so far was nothing more than a forceful push with the density left to my
dexterity, based on a half-remembered lecture. But that’s over. I wonder what I can
do if I can engrave more sophisticated crests. Dreams spread… Since crest engraving
is a study of figures after all, even if I don’t understand the text, I will be able to
understand it to some extent with illustrations. Regardless of the details, I just want
to see it now. I want to see it for myself before showing it to others. The others might
think it’s a small bowl, but it’s a book that I paid 2000 gold coins for. It’s a waste and
regrettable to let others see it before me, even if I want them to translate it for me.
That’s why I open the well-bound book in the light of a lamp.

“…Illustrations… hee…”


Next morning. I read all the pages for the time being, without knowing anything at
all. I really didn’t understand at all. There was an example at the end of the book, but
I don’t know what it is.

“Damn it… as one would expect, elf… they can’t be mercy to other races at all…”

No, I bought it written in elf language because I thought it would be possible for me
to read it, but I’m totally bad. However, when this happens, there is no choice but to
really learn elf language or have it translated into full text. The less difficult thing for
me is to have the full text translated. Irina comes to my mind, but it seems that she is
always busy. Someone who can speak elf language who is not busy… hmm.

“…Ugh. I have a headache”

I read the book with all my might (I couldn’t read it) from midnight to morning
under the unreliable light, so my head hurts or is heavy. Well, it’s after I’ve lost my
strength by moving, so I guess I have to go to bed.

“But do I do it after taking a bath?”

Huuu, there is no light at midnight, so I only go to the hot springs in case of

emergency or when I do something strange, but in the morning there is no problem
with the light… Shall I go.

“Good Morning, Andy-kun, it’s been a week☆ I was lonely”

When I got out of the room and went to the dining room of the inn, I was suddenly
hugged by Hilda-san who seemed to be waiting. I wonder why. I don’t feel like I
haven’t seen her very much.

“Good morning. I’m going to the bath before the meal. Somehow my eyes are heavy”

“Yah, not good”

When I walked like dragging Hilda in the middle, it seemed that she wasn’t the only
one waiting for me. Neia smiles with her hat on her chest, Irina wipes the snow off
her cloak with Anzeros, Almeida in a bad mood leaning against the wall and Sharon
gracefully enjoying tea. And.

“…Welcome back”

Maia rushes and hugs my waist tightly.

“I’m back”

When I say that, they all run up to me as if I had eaten their deposit.

“Welcome back, Smithson-san”

“Hmm. Have you enjoyed Celesta´s Spirit Festival?”

“I also wanted to go. You’ll take me next year”

“Isn’t there an injury? Well, wasn’t the War God lucky?”

“Everything was not a problem here. However, when I heard from Naris, it seems
that there is no need to talk about souvenirs… Please speak slowly”

Apple and Selenium don’t seem to come out because of Peter’s care, but I’m very
happy that everyone who remained welcomes me.
“Y, Yeah, I’ll take a little more rest in that area. I want to go to the hot springs first”

But, well, if I was dealing with them who came suddenly, I wouldn’t be able to get out
forever. I tried to round up early and go to the hot spring first.

“Then let’s talk in the hot spring☆”

“Hilda-san, that’s a little…”

“Hmm? Well wait, Anzeros. It’s not particularly difficult if you make full use of an

“You just have to go into the women’s bath. You can hide yourself with an illusion
surrounded by us”

“Knight Chief Sharon, play is too much”

I was dragged automatically, even though I was making some noise.

A forest of female bodies in the women’s bath in the morning. I am surrounded by it.

“…How many times is this?”

“It’s becoming more common to enter the women’s bath, Smithson-dono”

“Touch is OK☆”

Fortunately, the number of customers is small (the only one who has nothing to do
with us is Johnny´s Belladonna) and we can’t be blamed for entering. I mean, Aunt
Belladonna is also sick. Well, even if Polka has a miraculous spring, I don’t want to be
told that a wrinkled woman cant follow us… Oh yes. It doesn’t matter, but it did.

“Animal trainer, you came back”

“It’s still bold to enter the women’s bath in such a daytime… ♪”

“That, would you like a service? If you order me, I´ll be there right away”

“Oregano, don’t be greedy…”

The four elf girls were also included. A total of ten beautiful women are suddenly
surrounding me… By the way, Neia politely declined with a friendly laugh.


“Your eyes are bright red”

Sharon stares at me and tells me that I’m suspicious that I’m not sucking on her
boobs even in that situation. Hilda, who sticks to me, also looks into my eyes from
the front and spreads my eyelids with her fingers to see me.

“I think that eye fatigue and some illnesses will be cured soon if the miraculous
spring is used”

A little kiss just in case of something. Ah, a dissatisfied voice rises from the four girls.

“I was looking at an elf language book all night, wondering if I could somehow read

“Then you can’t do it overnight.”

Irina is amazed. Almeida, who was silent, opens her mouth there.

“I can do as much as read and translate it for you. Don’t waste your time”

“It’s an academic book”


Sharon gains momentum as opposed to the jammed Almeida.

“I’m not very academic, but I have a little taste, so please give it to me”

“Wait, wait, Glory princess. That’s my role”

“Andy-sama. I actually grew up in elf language”

“Maia dont steal a march!”

“That, that, that! I, I have a lot of free time, so I’ll cooperate!”

“Oregano, your whispering secretly after the story is not good”

“Laurier is a simple tactician”

“But we really cooperate, so please let us know if you need us”

It’s a battle for roles. But, yes, there are certainly many people who can do it. It may
be good to catch a free person and have it read little by little.

“I wish I could read it… isn’t Selenium free? She can’t work, so it’s okay to read a

“You’re a good person, too. I love you, Anzeros”

Anzeros who goes out of her way to make a proposal for me is cute, so I hug her and
rub her modest boobs.

“A, nn♪”

Ah, everyone else screamed dissatisfied.

After a while after getting out of the women’s bath as if being escorted by the elves,
the weight of my eyes was completely removed. I mean, I can’t get rid of my
sleepiness just because the unnatural pain is gone… As expected, even Polka’s
miraculous spring doesn’t heal sleep deprivation. Is it healthy in the sense that it
does not promote insomnia?

“Uh, I sleep a little…”

Well, it’s almost like a vacation since I came here from Renfangas, so no one blames
me for going to bed. At best, it seems a bit unreasonable to delay the return report to
the girls.

“Then I’ll sleep with you too☆”

“I’ll also come with you”

“Knight Chief! Hilda-dono, too, good grief… Andy Smithson, I can’t miss it today. I feel
like traveling forever”

“I, also together…”

“No. I’ll have you come back with me. I’ll have a meeting with my mother in the

“Muu… sorry”

“I can sleep with you, Andy-sama?”

Three beautiful women after the bath come together, but I’m still sleepy because I’m
seriously sleepy. The other four girls broke up on the way back to the inn and I fell
asleep on the bed in the room and slept in a few seconds. With the last energy, only
Sharon’s boobs are rubbed. Yeah, it feels good as usual.

I woke up in the early afternoon. This time it’s refreshing. This awakening that
makes you feel better without a trace is unique to Polka and it is really comfortable.


Before opening my eyes, I relax as if I was stretching my body lightly and then open
my eyes. Sharon in front of me was naked.

“…I’ll check it, but we didn’t unknowingly have sex before going to bed, right”

“Good morning, Smithson-san… Yes, we haven’t. So, let’s do it as it is the best thing to
do after waking up”

“Ah, it’s sly, Sharon-chan”

Hilda, who is stuck behind her, was also naked when she turned over and looked at
us. Both of them should have been wearing long clothes when I went to bed.


Maia, who looks into my face from the lower body side of the bed, is also naked. It
looks like this is a situation where I fell asleep after having an orgy, but it seems that
all three are just standing by for the purpose of having sex first.


“…You guys. It’s a little fairer to urge, right?”

While saying something modest, I enjoy Sharon and Hilda’s big tits on both sides
softly with both hands. Yeah, they both still have a great sense of weight.

“It’s been a week since then. Please understand the heart of a naughty slave who is
hungry for love”

“Yeah. You say something good”

“I watched on the roof every night so that strange things wouldn’t happen. Praise
“…Get up and be on all fours”

When I ordered with a sigh, the pure white and cute Maia’s ass, the slightly more
ruddy Sharon’s ass and the brown and round Hilda’s ass lined up nicely.

“One person at a time”


“Sufficient ♪”

“Plenty of tummy inside☆”

I insert my late morning erection in Maia. I begin to enjoy a super-first-class

woman’s body continuously even if anyone is poured over blood on the foot and hip
which still has the aftertaste of sleep… Ah, Maia’s vagina is small, warm and

“N, Nuu… Andy-sama’s dick… ♪”

“Do you like it?”

“I love it… a lot, guchuguchu… ♪”

Maia who sticks out her small waist as much as possible shakes her ass from side to
side to appeal. That’s why I grab her hips tightly and slam my hips gently, slowly, and
gradually to get used to it, as I was initially asleep. Pleasure is born every time my
glans dives into the tight soft meat. The sweet stimulation increases as I accelerate
my hips movement. I gradually became absorbed in the taste.

“Everyone seems to be having lunch…”

I hold her so tightly that my fingers eat into Maia´s thin waist, let my dick rampage
roughly in the womb, devour the pleasure of floating back teeth, but somehow look
at the hustle and bustle outside the door and mutter.

“Yeah… Laila, sama… Dianne, the spear woman and Tetes are all eating…”

Maia tells me what happens outside the door with her keen sense, while being
stabbed by my penis. Sharon and Hilda, who heard it, laughed brilliantly.

“At present, we´re Master’s aperitif?”

“Yeah. Rather, I feel like we’ll be treated first♪”

“Well. However it’s certainly good to have your womb full and then fill your stomach
with a meal…”

“Ah, that’s Sharon-chan, I have to use contraceptive magic”

“Contraception? No, I would have stayed if I had a child…”

“This is a special affairs rule. Everyone wants to be pregnant with Andy´s child, but if
they can’t do their duty, other people will be in trouble, so be patient. Above all, I’m
not convinced”

“It’s hard to nod obediently because the last words are strangely powerful…”

“No questions asked. ────Eii”

Next to me, Hilda holds down Sharon, who is subtly disliked and applying
contraceptive magic, while I start ejaculating inside Maia. Roughly slam my dick into
the womb and release the semen in a pleasant manner.

“Huuuu… ♪”

Maia bends her back, shakes and trembles to catch it. Maia looks like this even
though she is the second most violent child after Laila, so she devours her pleasures
on her own. And she seems to be very satisfied with that, so she will be spoiled. After
a lot of ejaculation in her small vagina, I pulled it out and Hilda leaned on Sharon on
all fours, like a lunch sandwich with white and black bread.


Putting our hands together and coming to the hearty 「Lunch」.

“E, wai, Andy-kun… huaaa♪”

“Eh… S, Smithson-san, I’m the first in the order…”

“Then Sharon too”

I put it in Hilda-san’s pussy once, pull it out once and pierce Sharon’s vagina.
Grabbing Hilda-san’s boobs with one hand and stretching my other hand from the
other side, searching for Sharon’s nipples and squeezing her hips. As expected, it is
less wet than Hilda and Maia, but it is covered to some extent with some moisture
after entering two pussies. And Hilda-san’s attitude of giving up the support of the
upper body and going to grab the two boobs should put a lot of weight on Sharon,
but she is a Black Arm, she can support herself.

“Haa, ann… ♪ Smithson-san, my, stomach… ♪”

“Ah, Andy-kun… let’s come back soon…?”

“Please be assured that I will treat both of you”

Its a pleasure to shake a black and white elf with voluptuous breasts. Pleasure to
enjoy a dragon girl who drank plenty of my semen in her vagina. Before I knew it, my
drowsiness was blown away and I just tasted Sharon and Hilda’s holes with my
lower tongue, just as my sexual desire increased.

…Lunch was completely cold by the time we all went out to the cafeteria.


In the afternoon, I will visit Selenium and Apple at the Baron’s mansion.

“I´m home, Selenium, Apple”

“Welcome back, Andy-san♪”

“Jeanne-chan came back yesterday, but you never show up”

A friendly laugh at Apple, who pokes at the painful part.

“I overslept because I was tired”

It’s not a mistake. The reason I was tired was the self-destruction with the crest
engraving book and to be exact, I went to bed in the morning.
“Weird things… haven’t happened. To say that Sharon and Maia weren’t important

Selenium smiles at my question.

“Yes. Peter-kun and I are all doing well♪”

“It was so smooth that Jeanne looked complicated, saying 『This erotic son really
ignores his mother, because of some boobs』”

“Ahaha… well, that’s because the Baroness and Linda-san are sometimes too
professional in raising children.”

My son seemed to be practicing a better Polka kid than I was if I wasn’t good at it.
Since I was a baby, I also wanted to be surrounded by beautiful girls who let me suck
on their breasts as much as I want. No, I was enjoying Apple’s body.

“That’s right. Linda-san, she is going back to the royal capital after the New Year’s

“Hee. That’s a shame”

She has revolutionized like a storm, or rather brought a new twist of business and
parenting to the baron’s mansion, but she hasn’t actually stayed for a month. If she
was a spa guest, she would go a little slower.

“She said that she is coming again. There’s a good chance that Anzeros-san will settle
down here and it’s easy to meet her husband. Better, she was organizing the
company and saying, 「I’m going to start a new business here to take on the trade
with the elves」”

“…That might be a little scary”

It’s encouraging to have Linda-san here, but I think my mother-in-law is always

watching me. Selenium is smiling, despite me being overwhelmed by imaginary

“I like that person. She is a half-elf parent, so she is kind to Apple and me… I really
think I wanted to be raised by such a mom”
“…But she isn’t that different from Selenium´s…”

“D, Don’t say Apple, don’t say that!”

…It’s about 45 years, Selenium.

By the time we returned to Polka, the new year’s festival was just around the corner.
I and everyone who followed me have a lot of festivals in a short period of time, but
originally Polka’s year-end and new year holidays have nothing else but this sober
festival. What is sober is everything. Originally, there is only a healing miraculous
spring in the place called Polka. As a tentative industry, it also hunts, collects and
cultivates during the summer, but in the long and harsh winter, of course, all
production activities in that area are forced to close. In winter, merchants also hate
heavy snow and reduce the frequency of traffic. There is no way we can waste food
and other supplies at a flashy festival in Polka, which is in the midst of poverty from
the beginning of autumn. However, it is different from whether the human heart can
endure it and inevitably, the plan will be organized in the direction of 「Simple and
spiritually enlightening the joy」. So, with the opening of the kingdom church
temple, the city’s only center of intellectual activity, we share a small congratulatory
mood with children’s scripture lessons, choirs, and routine outdoor dance parties.

“I see. It’s a healthy festival because of the cold and poverty. It’s pretty flashy around
the royal capital”

Linda sighs as she looks through the window of the Baron’s residence as the
townspeople pass by on the road to the temple in preparation for the New Year’s

“This is not the same as the royal capital… because a remote region is a remote

The baron nodded.

“I think so. If logistics is a little more active… no, it’s difficult to waste anyway. Even if
there are a lot of important things, there is no way to earn money, Polka. Your wallet
is tight, too?”
“That’s right. The healing miraculous spring is of utmost value, but there is no way to
get a lot of money. If it is only effective for half a day, it will not be able to be
exported. If you put a price on it, it will bounce back to the townspeople themselves”

“If Polka has no advantage other than being able to live in good health and even if it
requires a lot of money, it’s a nonsense story. Oh my god, even with this me. Sylpheed
boss, there must be a way. It’s frustrating that I can’t export it”

“The situation is still improving. From this winter, elves such as Irina and Christie
have cooperated greatly in terms of safety and food, so most of the petition for relief
from the townspeople has been made. If this stabilizes, we’ll have a little more new
year’s celebrations in the future”

“In the end, its other powers…? Well, I wonder if there is anything I can do about it”

“It’s out of place to ask hundreds of Polka´s townpeople to be flashy. If people smile
brightly, that alone will make their days more enjoyable than any festival”

“It might be. Ah, no no. When the business gets into it, I think that the movement of
money will improve anything. It’s very despicable”

“No, I’m very grateful for that consideration to improve the status quo. There is
plenty of room for that in this city. However, it’s just that the new year’s festival is in
good shape”

“…Right. I’m sorry to say something strange, Baron-sama”

She’s energetic. I am impressed while learning how to change Peter’s diapers from
Selenium. After all, Linda-san is probably someone who loves to work. It’s not a
vague thing, but working with an eye on changing something. Even while I was away
from Polka for a while, she was rejuvenated by the miraculous spring and although
the women in Polka were born and raised like a lady, Linda-san is not like them「
Polka’s fifty is another thirty」, but about forty years old. Even so, she had a face that
was acceptable.

“Bad, Andy. I don’t think you’ll have enough practice time”

“No, it’s okay. It’s a song I did when I was a kid. If I practice for an hour, my hands will
I will play the organ on behalf of the new year festival… Originally, Aunt Lindsey was
supposed to do it because of her rotation, but she said she wasn’t confident because
she didn’t practice the song because she took care of several other festivals.

“My grandson didn’t get the role of a merchant in 『Gentle Donkey and Mirror

“Ah, that’s it. Nostalgic, Keel used to do the donkey”

“Oh yeah. The props and costumes I used at that time were worn out and it was hard
to repair… I just neglected this practice”

“Didn’t you help me with my daughter?”

“I wonder if Liz was two different from Andy. Don’t you remember that he was a
terrific kid since he was a kid?”

“…Ah, by the way… maybe even if he gets married, is it still that way?”

“I’m now able to cook one dish, but sewing is really refreshing… If that fellow Peter
were alive, the props would have been repaired. I’m sorry that Master Romeiro
seems to be busy normally”

“Hahaha. Well, about half of my father works

I’m good at playing music instruments. It’s easy, but at least it’s about to accompany
the chorus on the organ.

“Oh, were you in a place like this? Smithson-dono. Practice the basic pronunciation
of elf language”

“Ah, Irina. Watch out for the table.”

“Mu?… Unyaa!?”

Gon, Irina is kicked in the head by the leg of the table being carried.

“Ooo, see here elf little princess. I’m sorry. It’s dangerous to be there”

“Ugugu… say it sooner!”

Irina gets angry at the uncles who were carrying the table with teary eyes. However,
the temple is just like a battlefield and Irina has no reason to get angry.

“Let’s practice elf language later. I had to practice the organ a little”

“You can let someone of your female slaves do something like that. You’re the priest
at the Holy Beast Festival”

“Only Selenium knows how to play music instruments. I don’t want Selenium to do it
right now”

“Muu… Why don’t you leave it to the gold clan and silver clan girls?”

“I’m the fastest to do it because I played it when I was a kid”

I play the organ without rowing and only check my fingering. Yeah, I gradually
remembered it. By the way, I couldn’t read the score, so I was the one who learned by
imitating the priest.

“M, Muu. That’s unavoidable, I’m going to your room tonight, so at that time…”

Irina was quietly speaking, paying attention to her surroundings (it seems to have
hurt a lot), but she pierced her blind spot completely and a child about 10 years old
sneaked up.


She doesn’t wear a long robe, so her skirt was turned up with a splendid hand.


Irina, who was made to show off her lower body, turned bright red and turned
around, but the child laughed and ran away.

“He, Hey little child, what do you mean by this!”

“…Irina why don’t you wear any clothes below. Do you have the same hobby as

I was able to worship a splendid sight.

“Th, There are times when I feel like that! Generally, you’re more enthusiastic…”

“I’m not wearing no underwear”

Disrespectful. I like the fact that girls are just taking off their pants. I mean.

“Are you so frustrated?”


Irina´s face looks like that. In many ways it’s too much now.


Night. Well, even if you can’t waste food, adults have adult circumstances.

“Thank you for your hard work this year. I wish everyone’s health and good luck next
year, and the success of the new year’s festival… cheers”


At the bar, the tavern owner was giving a treat and the residents were served a glass
of alcohol at a time. When I was a kid, I knew there was such a gathering (my dad
was happy to attend), but this is the first time I’ve actually attended.

“The day finally came when Andy joined this circle. I wanted to show it to your

The master says in a good mood while pointing the cup at me.

“That’s true. How happy would the master be”

Jackie-san curls up his tall half ogre body. By the way, it seems that Sara-chan will
appear in the same play as Aunt Lindsay’s grandson.

“Tomorrow you´re going to play the organ instead of Aunt Lindsay? Is it okay, you’re
the one who was just bowing at Celesta, right?”

The steamed bun shop’s master, Keel’s father, also joins the story from the next table.
“Crossbows and bows are different. I played it pretty quickly when I tried it, I’m fine”

The old men gathering at the table over there laughed, saying 「Is it true?」 I don’t
think it’s a place to laugh, but I don’t feel unpleasant.

“Andy spends more time with girls than with weapons. There are so many elves and
human beasts who say they like Andy, so in theory it’s absolutely true. Because it’s a
beast, the delinquent dyed in the city!”

“Calm down Keel. No relationship”

“It’s related! It’s decided that there is! I’m sure the organ and girls will say that the
knack of making a good voice is the same! This guy! He should die a little! Also
introduce me to some girls!”

“Johnny. Did you drink a lot with Keel?”

“Yeah. It’s bad, it’s funny, so if I was relieved, I had one free”

Isn’t he drunk?

“But I also like this kind of heartwarming festival. It suits my skin much better than
the busy spirit festival. I’ve become more and more fond of Polka”

“You’re really mixed up, Keiron!”

By the way, there are few women. Or rather, the young women have a tea party at
another inn. The one here is an aunt who comes with a drunken husband and
because she’s used to the air, subtly vulgar material like Keel was flying around here
and there. Well, this kind of air isn’t bad either. The local old men’s hecklers are

When I returned to the inn with a good feeling of tipsy, Irina was waiting for me.

“What are you getting drunk when you’re studying now? And I’ve been waiting since
the evening, why is it this time now?”

“Ah… bad, I forgot about it”

“Is it enough! It’s good, so study… I’ve been insulted by other women who are not
good at it, saying, 『I already know that』”

“Yes, yes, studying an elf’s ass”

I turn over Irina’s robe. After all, there is no underwear.

“Well, that’s after studying!”

“I can’t remember if I’m drinking anyway”

“…All right, it’s just until you get drunk”

Irina who breaks unexpectedly easily. I feel free to massage and enjoy her warm ass,
hugging her body.

“Ah, Irina’s ass is soft. The best”

“…It, It doesnt matter”

Study is unlikely to begin.

When Irina’s ass is rubbed with a dreamy feeling, Irina who has been steadily
turning her hand around my neck hangs her ears down while leaking a sad voice.

“Nnn… ku, huu…”

“Now that I remember, how far has Irina’s ass hole expanded? Is it enough to dig in?”

“Naa… how can you ask that so suddenly”

Irina inspires her ears. However, she seems to be interested, and she crawls after a

“…It, It’s still impossible without magic, but if you want to use it…”

“Use it. I feel like I want to be wrapped in Irina’s ass hole today”

“Pe, Pervert! ────!!”

Irina casts a spell in her whisper on her ass.

“P, Put it in the front hole first and then put it in after wetting your dick? It’s you who
feels pain if you suddenly thrust it in”

“Then I wonder if I will make a vaginal cum shot first”

“That’s fine… huhu, it’s also good to be seeded as the undercard of the ass hole”

I kiss Irina telling her to strengthen. In addition, her ears are fluttering.

I made her lie down on the bed and push her butt up. She came with no underwear,
so there was nothing to take off. I have to enjoy the contrast. Her little ass is soft and
sized to my palm and I relentlessly rub, kiss, apply saliva and humiliate.

“Hua, aaaaa… ♪”

“It’s still criminal. I’m not a devil if I commit both holes of such a small girl as a

“What did you say when you conceived Jeanne…”

“Well, Irina is legal because the growing season is over”

“And it’s not a matter of being illegal or legal to casually use the head of a clan for
sexual desire processing. That’s the bottom end of a different race like you”

“Is this the bad ass that says that?”

Pashin, I smack her ass lightly.


“Or is this it?”

The vagina hole and the buttock hole are tightened with the index finger. Rather, let
my fingertips invade.

“Hua, auuu… then, thank you for that good fortune…”

“You´re cheeky, even if you´re a loli who takes off her underwear during the day!”

I watch Irina’s reaction as I slide my erection in the cleavage of her ass.

“If you’re too cheeky, I’ll stop here and be satisfied with Maia. She’ll come soon if I
call her”

“St, Stop. How serious are you going to play to get drunk?”

No, the name is 「Killing time to get rid of drunkenness and practice elf
“Actually, I have to fall asleep, so it doesn’t matter if the other party is Irina, Maia or

“U, Uuu…”

Irina becomes a little teary-eyed.


When I desperately started thinking about theoretical armament, I rushed into her
vagina without any warning.


“KKu… as usual, it’s a great instrument, even though it’s small, this dirty hole…!”

Irina’s soft meat shrinks as if she was impressed by the invasion of the long-awaited
meat stick. It is burning with the female instinct to try to narrow down the offspring
just by being in it.

“If you think so, you should use it more often… my collar is crying… ♪”

“When I get hooked on this, it’s not a place to study…”

“Huhu, that’s a problem. Then I have to do it as a reward for remembering… ♪”

“I can’t think of an erotic girl who was unpleasant to be committed with a bare ass,

“Huh, naa, ahaaa… womb, my womb… melts… ♪”

During the poking, we repeat questions and answers like a word game, like a delicate
bargain. After all, Irina and I can’t help but want to hug each other if possible. Once
we hug each other, there is no end to it. We´re just blaming the other person for that
fact and justifying each other’s excuses.

“N… Not good, my head is white… huaaaaa!!”

“Ku, oooo…!!”
Ejaculation. While Irina buries her face in the sheets and screams loudly, did I spill
semen into her uterus and vagina… The moment I take a break, my head gets a little
white. Alcohol has run out and is about to escape. Breathing wildly, I hide that fact,
aim at Irina’s asshole and reinsert my dick.

“Fugu, uuuu…!”

Irina groans a little bit painfully. Hasn’t she got used to putting it in yet?

“Haa, haa… ah, I’m entering such a small ass hole…”

“Y, You´re a reluctant man… because people are crazy, just say a word…”

“Then I will move, in your asshole”

“Wa, Wawaa, that… naaa!!”

Start a round trip. I hear the twelve bells that signal midnight in the distance, as I
push inside the pretty asshole of my little elf girl barbarically. Strictly speaking, it’s
the new year from this time. By convention, the New Year is supposed to start at
dawn, so it’s not a celebration in the middle of the night.

“It’s New Year while committing Irina…”

“Ku… while being committed, it’s the New Year… ♪”

So what if there was a bystander? Strangely, that fact seems meaningful and I and
Irina grin and smile a little.

“I hope that New Year is good… how about the first taste of me this year… ♪”

“I still feel like the end of the old year, but… at least”

Pushing my son all the way into the rectum. Letting the dick play as I like in the very
deep hole, she grabs it as if tightening her thin waist.

“It feels so good that I want to leave it to you until the third New Year”

“…So, So much”
“Is it not good?”

“…If it’s bright, it’s the New Year’s festival, but I may not be able to stand up… ♪”

“Good luck, my cute female slave”


She didn’t answer, but Irina shakes her ass to encourage me to continue. I start
raping that ass again.

“Hua, u, aa, haguuuu… as, as it is, in the butt… fill the butt, inside… I want it… ♪”

“E, Even if I’m not told… I can’t withstand it…!!”

“N, a, aa… out, out, I´m being poked while its coming out… kuaaaa♪”

The end of the last sex of the old year or the first ejaculation of the new year, is
injected into the intestines of the White Clan Chief. Shaking my hips while spraying.
It was a feeling that I wanted to commit to her more and more while ejaculating
somehow, different from the vaginal ejaculation that instinct shouted that I wanted
to pour it into the uterus by all means.

“A, aaa… aa, aーー…”

“Irina, Irina…”

I continue to commit Irina’s ass.

Irina fainted when I noticed. Even though I get my drunkenness healed, Irina can’t
help it.


Irina who is fainting is left with the buttocks full of semen poured in. I stare into the
air and take a break. What kind of year will this year be? For now, there is the holy
beast festival, but I would like to resume my training as a blacksmith in earnest. Can I
go to Neia’s hometown? That should be a historic event. At the very least, the Kalwin
Kingdom will be a stepping stone to reclaim what had been an uninhabited lawless
zone for 300 years. The strange feeling of emptiness leaking from Neia herself
should be overlooked. I hope we can get there this year to confirm that. I’m not
talking about the level with my own power. Selenium´s child will also be born in
spring. I have to think of a new name. There is only one person who attaches the
name of the parent and attaches the parentheses. I have to think about it properly.
That’s right, let’s register. Some children don’t give their surnames to the elf’s
lineage, but sometimes they have it like the real name of Anzeros. It is the love of
parents that divides it. I will give my last name and make it a proud child of the blood
inherited from my parents. Isn’t that what makes a half-elf lover… a wife happy? And
even Jeanne wants to make a proper position. Jeanne Smithson. Doesn’t it sound
bad? However, in that case, I can’t give a Trot ceremony. Trot is monogamous. It
seems that the procedure will be quite complicated. Maybe I have to get a Celesta
nationality once. Ah, but with the help of the elven forest, there’s also an excuse to
get married by that convention…

There was a knocking sound.


“Hoho. It’s me, owner. I wonder how about the night owl”


Rare. Rather than having to come to the place where I’m sleeping, I often invite them
when I’m face-to-face.

“Looking at the signs, the Clan Chief is like a game set. If you’re not satisfied, you’ll be

…It seems that Laila came to follow after detecting that Irina had fainted with her
hellish ears and extrasensory sense. She’s really a meddler. It’s reliable though.

“…You can enter. Its unlocked”

The door opens… And Laila enters the room. Then Maia follows. In addition, Almeida
came in and sighed in the misery of Irina. Besides, Anzeros, Aurora, Dianne, Hilda,
Luna, Sharon… hey hey hey.

“Isn’t it just Laila…”

“Hoho. This celebrating night, I won’t bother you because someone moved ahead,
but that’s why I’m doing my job as a pet. If it’s sunk, there’s no reason to wait…
Everyone thought so”

“I also want to sleep with Andy-sama and do some naughty things…”

“Irina-sama. Irina-sama… Yeah, just a little bit, Andy Smithson”

“Is it okay to clean up? There seems to be some time before the turn comes around”

“She’s been raped up to her ass… how many times. I’m jealous”

“Older sister, please see me just in case”

“I think it’s okay because there is the miraculous spring even if it’s a little. Hilda-
sensei wants it to be thrust into my ass for the first time in a while☆”

“I like normal…”

“Th, That… if you’re interested, I’m prepared…”

Each one worries about Irina, tell me what they want and take their clothes off.

“Yes, I understand, I’ll do it in order! But the ass is only for those who want it!”

…It was good in Polka which can be expected to recover soon in the miraculous
spring. For the time being, it wouldn’t be impossible to get rid of it at the New Year
In Renfangas in the east, the sun sets over the snake mountain range. In a word, the
sun will go up in Trot in the west of the snake mountain range. The white snow-
covered snake mountain range is so beautiful that you can sigh in the morning light
and the contrast between the light and shadow shines well in the blue sky. It should

“But the sun is yellow…”

Just in case, on the way to the miraculous spring, the first sunrise, which seemed to
be a little stagnant, was not so divine.

“Is it hard for Andy to go around with ten opponents?”

Dianne smiles bitterly.

“Ah, you don’t think he had sex with more than thirty people just ten days ago”

Aurora is also provocative. But you know. If you make only one vaginal cum shot
each time, 30 people are okay but 10 people who ask for it with a wavy attack (and
generally have high physical strength) with a waiting time are not equivalent or if
you think about the number of times in hours.

“What have you done in the south?”

Almeida frowns at me. She was obedient and cute a while ago.

“Various things in my colony”

“Hoho. Well, it was a lot of rampage for a week trip. Dianne’s older sister was also
Hilda looks at Luna and Laila’s recollections.

“R, Really? Who?”

“Older sister Nord”

“No, what’s that girl doing? Did you use contraception properly?”

“…As far as I can see, there was no sign of that”

“Well, she is a dark elf and I don’t think it’s rare once or twice… but I’m shocked if
Nord gets pregnant earlier than Dianne or me”

“That’s… surely”

Irina looks astringent.

“…Smithson-dono, as you can still see in the northern forest, why do you surround
local slaves in Celesta?”

“No, I’m not surrounded by slaves…”

I countered, but the gaze around me was strangely white.

“So what do you mean by rephrasing it properly? Tell me Andy”

“I’ve heard about the holy beast and I’ve heard that the men in the northern forest
are pale, but dark elves, ogres and beastmen who are enthusiastic about the culture
of the floor. So why…?”

“I don’t know much about Andy-sama at Celesta…”

Exposed to the slightly cold (I was troubled with Sharon) gaze of Anzeros and Maia, I
wonder how I shall explain… Even if I’m told why now.


After entering the miraculous spring, I return to the room and take a rest… I couldn’t
sleep after all, so I needed a nap even for a short time. I mean, I should sleep at night.
It’s a pattern of people who can’t sleep at night and sleep in the daytime.
Then, after noon, we enter the temple, which is one of the venues for the new year’s

“O, Oh, Andy, you´re here!”

“Get into your sleeves quickly! I really wanted to rehearse in the morning”

“I didn’t think I’d play it after all

The final confirmation was made by the people involved in the children’s choir who
had gathered. Is there about 20 children chorusing? There is also Sara. After all,
Polka doesn’t have many people, so the children who are the main axis of the festival
are basically hanging.

“In the past, I used to think why so many children were so busy doing things…”

“Do you know when you grow up?”

“Yeah. Even if it looks like I’m free, adults are working”

Even Polka doesn’t have anything to do in winter. Working in the house, taking care
of the tools used in the summer and helping each other with the surrounding houses
to improve the houses and roads. Winter is winter and you work a lot. Even in the
preparation of the famous liquor「Great Ice Field」, the process that requires
manpower is done by everyone at this time. When it comes to that, only children are
really free. There may be some adult selfishness that children’s art is simply healing
of the mind, but this is inevitable.

“Okay, then this is the rhythm”

Hit the floor with your toes to make a final confirmation. Make sure the adult who
conducts nods.

Then, along with the seven bells that signal 2:00 pm, the performance at the temple,
which is the first act of the New Year’s festival, began.

It’s been a while since I played the organ. But my hands remember. The nostalgic,
worn-out wooden keyboard feel brings me back to my childhood when my hands
were much smaller than they are now……
When I was a kid?

In my hometown of Polka, there aren’t many memorable things that really make me
go back to my childhood. The most important thing, 「Home」, already belongs to
Jackie-san. Even if I think it’s nostalgic from the outside, it’s only secondary. People
have changed, places have changed and the height of the line of sight has changed.
It’s still my hometown as a concept, but the fact is that there are few traces of my
childhood running around now. However, one of them is the keyboard of this temple.
And the memories of the New Year festival that are remembered with it… So. When I
was a kid, I played the same accompaniment at the New Year festival.

As Johnny and Keel were driven into play and chorus, I got a big role in playing the
organ. It’s more difficult than singing and remembering the lines. That’s why I had
the privilege of practicing in the temple organ. I was proud of it and I was bothered
by my father and mother almost every night. If you don’t know that you liked it and
hated it, it’s natural to think. However, it seems that my parents were fully informed
of my inner feelings and they happily dealt with my 「Tiresome」 like a remark.
Then, on the day of the New Year’s festival, the two of us came together and my dad
said, 「Andy, do your best!」… and screamed from the very end behind the back. Be
quiet, I’m ashamed, I muttered in a small voice and still stepped on the organ pedal
with all my heart and soul.

The hand moves. I press the keys of the organ with dark hands that can’t be wiped
off even if I wipe it.

I heard my father’s voice in the mishearing. Andy, do your best, that day’s voice just
echoed in my ears.


It was really nice that the organ turned its back to the audience. I’m sure everyone is
scared as to why I’m playing while crying.

At the end of the chorus, Aunt Lindsay gently patted me on the back as I took my foot
off the pedal and saw me crying as if to bite her lips.

“…That’s right… Peter was excited when you played this before”

“I’m sure it’s arriving. Wipe your tears, Andy”

…Hometown is a nuisance. Anything will be understood by meddling. It wouldn’t be

a hassle. Hey, dad.


In the evening, the venue was moved to the town square for a dance party. In the
bonfires set up here and there, the amateur orchestra and the amateur choir play
music and the rest of the residents dress up and dance. The taste is the same as the
spring festival. Well, this is probably the least expensive and cost-effective
entertainment. Of course, not everything is the same and there are songs for the
spring festival and songs for the new year festival… If you listen carefully, there are
only a few tempos for both and it is a part that almost all of the steps are common
when dancing.

“Did you cry while playing the organ, Andy-san?”

Selenium looks into me with a little anxiety. Did she see it? She can see it even when I
turn my back to them.

“I miss him… Yeah. I miss him so much”

I play the guitar while saying that much. This time a stringed instrument. I´m a
member of the accompaniment group that could not be achieved at the spring

“Will Andy not dance?”

Dianne also had an accordion in her hand.

“Do you know the song?”

When I asked her involuntarily, Dianne said it with no means.

“I was shown the score a while ago. I remember everything”

Great. From my point of view, it’s a special ability to understand a song just by
looking at the symbols written on the paper.
“Mix me too”


She was casually grasping a fine violin, wondering where Anzeros got it from…
Baron or Linda-san’s gift? Both are fine for Anzeros.

“Why don’t you dance?”

“Isn’t it better to dance?”

Irina and Jeanne are dressed in dancing costumes.

“Make me stand out here today”

I showed them the strings. Seeing that, the girls also see some movement.

“Then I sometimes… hey, does anyone have a flute left?”

Almeida seems to be confident playing the flute.

“Dianne-chan, show me the score. I’ll memorize it in 5 minutes”

“Sister, I think you can only do as much as a harp. We probably don’t have one”

“Huhuhuu. Actually, I bought it from Christie-chan´s merchant company”

“During when…”

Hilda-san seems to participate as well.

“Ah, animal trainer. Is there a guitar?”


Fennel, one of the four elf girls, was also mixed in the orchestra. She has an ocarina.

“Fennel is also playing”

“Silver clan is quite popular with music, isn’t it?”

I wonder if various music instruments will be mixed. I wonder if it will harmonize
properly with the harp… When I thought, I found people who were even more

“Ah, Neia and Naris?”

“Th, That’s true”

When I stretched my head with Anzeros, across the bar, Naris had a castanet lent to
her by one of the aunts in town. It looks like it’s fun to clap together. And Neia.

“Please do this. There is no doubt if you shake it properly”

“I, It’s appropriate… I specialize in listening to music in the first place…”

“Dont worry about it♪”

Neia was confused when she was given something like a club by Savory.

“What’s that”

I ask Fennel.

“It’s a maraca”

“Haa, is that a maraca?”

I’ve only heard the name, but I’ve never seen it because it’s basically an instrument
not found in Trot. I’m sure it’s a shaky thing with beans or sand inside.

“Then I’ll do something too”

Selenium happily breaks into the music instrument storage area.

“Isn’t it impossible?”

“It’s okay, it’s much less burdensome than dancing♪”

After all, she chooses something like a koto and smiles. I thought she could do it, but
she can do anything with an instrument.


“Three, yes”

The ensemble begins with a shout that feels like an amateur orchestra in the country.
It was Keel’s father who called out. He wears a bow tie and feel like a conductor, but
basically only the parentheses, everyone adjusts appropriately without looking at
the baton. It was a messy harmony of crappy instruments, but for some reason it
sounded good and the middle-aged and older instant choirs also had a nice touch. It
doesn’t have to be that beautiful, but sometimes such a good harmony can be done
without permission, so the amateur orchestra is interesting. And in such a situation.

“Fox-san, dance!”

“No, I’m first!”

Keiron was sought after by the little girls, mixed with the townspeople who began to
dance to their heart’s content.

“Young lady, please go out with me for a while”

“Yes… ♪”

And 100-man commander Becker leads dandy while taking the hands of the young
girls of the town one after another. Ah, it’s cool. If possible, I would like to dance that

“So why are you guys sitting in that place?”

Laurier and Maia were sitting in front of the orchestra.

“I’m waiting for animal trainer to go dancing”

“Yeah. Andy-sama, it’s cool to play an instrument…”

Two people with sparkling eyes. And the eyes of Polka´s townspeople who pierce me.

…I didn’t need three songs until I laid down my guitar and escaped to dance. Of
course, there were many children waiting around there unnaturally, which made me
stand out.

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