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Animation on websites can be used in many ways. It can draw attention to important parts
of a site, make a site less static, and make a site more fun. Using animation on your website
can enhance the user experience by creating a more dynamic and interactive experience.

Benefits of Animation

Animation can make websites more interactive and engaging. It can also enhance the user
experience by making a website more dynamic and fun.

Draws Attention

Animation can be used to draw attention to important parts of a website. When a user first
comes to a website, you want them to focus on certain parts which is why it is important to
choose the right parts to animate. Animation can be used to draw attention to important
services or products. It can also be used to draw attention to your logo, menu, or
call-to-action buttons.

Enhances the User Experience

Animation can be used to make your website more dynamic and fun. Users may be more
likely to stick around when they have a fun and interactive experience.

Makes a Website More Dynamic

Animation can be used to make a website more dynamic. When a user scrolls down your
website, you can use animation to make an element move. This can be used to make a
website more dynamic.

When to Use Animation

How to Use It
There are a few ways to add it on site.
1) Simplest one:
2) Lottie interactivity
3) Full control

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