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6 Adaptive-consistency 105

i is equal to j, Ci,j represents a unary constraint. Otherwise, it represents a binary

constraint. In KS-1, consistency is achieved by restricting general constraints.
When KS-1 terminates, some k-constraints in C may have been tightened.

According to Cooper’s analysis, both the time and space complexity of KS-1 are
O( ∑ ki = 1 ( nCi ⋅ ai) ).3 Obviously, to achieve k-consistency for a higher k requires
more computation. It is only worth doing if it results in removing enough redundant
compound labels to sufficiently increase search efficiency. This tends to be the case
in problems which are tightly constrained.

4.6 Adaptive-consistency
For general CSPs, one can ensure that a search is backtrack-free by achieving a
property called adaptive-consistency. The algorithm for achieving adaptive consist-
ency can probably be explained better with the help of the following terminology.
Firstly, we extend our definition of constraint graphs (Definition 1-18) to general
CSPs. Every CSP is associated with a primal graph, which is defined below.

Definition 4-1:

The constraint graph of a general CSP (Z, D, C) is an undirected graph in

which each node represents a variable in Z, and for every pair of distinct
nodes which corresponding variables are involved in any k-constraint in C
there is an edge between them. The constraint graph of a general CSP P is
also called a primal graph of P. We continue to use G(P) to denote the con-
straint graph of the CSP P:

∀ graph((V, E)):
(V, E) = G((Z, D, C)) ≡
((V = Z) ∧ E = {(x,y) | x, y ∈ Z ∧ (∃ CS ∈ C: x, y ∈ S)}) ■

Definition 4-2:

The Parents of a variable x under an ordering is the set of all nodes which
precede x according to the ordering and are adjacent to x in the primal graph:

∀ csp((Z, D, C)):
(∀ <: total_ordering(Z, <): (V, E) = primal_graph((Z, D, C)):
(∀ x ∈ V: parents(x, (V, E), <) ≡ {y | y < x ∧ (x,y) ∈ E} )) ■

3. There are in fact nCi possible combinations of i-tuples, and therefore nCiai+1 counters are

∑ ( C ⋅ ai + 1 ) .
required. So the author suspects that the complexity of KS-1 is in fact
i=1 n i

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