YearBook of SSC Vocabulary 2019 2021

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SSC CGL 2019


Words Hindi Meaning Synonyms

Pathetic arousing pity, especially through Pitiful
vulnerability or sadness.
Penitence the action of feeling sorrow Repentance

Implore beg someone earnestly Plead

Glorious bringing fame or admiration. Splendid

Revere feel deep respect Respect

Prevent keep (something) from Avert

Acknowledgement acceptance of the truth Confirmation

Prodigal pending money or using Extravagant

resources freely
Fury wild or violent anger. Anger

Solitary done or existing alone. Singular

Expensive costing a lot of money. Dear

Retain continue to have (something); Maintain

Erudite having or showing great Learned

Violent involving physical force intended Aggressive
to hurt
Deficiency a lack or shortage. Inadequacy

Catastrophic causing sudden great damage Disastrous

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Ovation a sustained and enthusiastic Applause
show of appreciation from an
Preferred like (one person) better than Favoured
Disheartened having lost determination or Depressed
Cordial warm and friendly. Warm

Juvenile for or relating to young people. Childish

Repercussion an unintended consequence of Reaction

an event or action
Scared fearful; frightened. Holy

Weary showing extreme tiredness, Exhausted

Affluent having a great deal of money; Prosperous

Accurate correct in all details; exact. Precise

Assault make a physical attack on. Attack

Thrive grow or develop well or Flourish

Solemn formal and dignified. Serious

Eradicate destroy completely; Uproot

Abort undergo the abortion of (a fetus). End

Exceed be greater in number or size Surpass

Relief a feeling of reassurance and Aid


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Words Meaning Antonyms
Vicious निर्मर्; कटु , द्वे षपूर्म Virtuous
Exodus सार्ूनिक प्रस्‍थाि Arrival

Vigilant सावधाि Rash

Hilarious िास्‍यक Sad

Flexible लचीला, लचकदार Stiff

Liberty आज़ादी Dependence

Broad चौड़ा Narrow

Divide बााँट दो Unite

Bizarre नवनचत्र Usual

Obsolete अप्रचनलत Recent

Derogatory व्युत्पन्न Complimentary

Sparse नवरल Abundance

Haste जल्दबाजी Delay

Native र्ूल निवासी Foreign

Dexterity निपुर्ता Ignorance

Friendship नर्त्रता Enmity

Allure लुभािा Repulse

Sluggish सुस्त Active

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Hostile वैर Amiable

Persist दृढ़ रििा Cease

Glee उल्लास Woe

Fickle चंचल Stable

Stringent कड़ी से कड़ी Lenient

Grotesque अजीबोग़रीब Attractive

Assist सिायता Obstruct

Malice द्वे ष Good will

Foul बेईर्ािी Fair

Native र्ूल निवासी Foreign

Repulsive प्रनतकारक Attractive

Extol Censure

Industrious कठोर पररश्रर्ी, Lethargic

Humane इं सानियत Cruel

Emerge उभरिा Disappear

Rear पृष्ठ
‍ , नपछला Front

Persuade राज़ी करिा Dissuade

Mellow र्धुर Hard

Quiescent र्ौि रििेवाला Active

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To take French leave Without any intimation
On shank’s mere On foot
A Snake in the grass A secret enemy
Blow one’s own trumpet Praise oneself
Spill the bears Give away a secret
Back to square one Come to the original point
Dead heat Close contest that ends in tie
The bee’s keens Observant
To throw a fit Express extreme anger
Bring to light Reveal clearly
Hold water To be valid
A close fisted person A miserly person
A best of roses An easy and happy situation
To take the bull by the horns To handle difficulties
To flog a dead horse To waste the effort
Hobson’s choice An apparently free
Choice where there is no real
To add fuel to the fire To make a bad situation worse
Chicken-hearted Cowardly
By and by Gradually
Pull a past one Trick someone
See eye to eye Agree with someone
A hard nut to crack A difficult problem
To paddle one’s own canoe Depend on himself

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Like a dying duck in a Dejected
Look down upon To consider someone inferior
Keep abreast of Keep oneself updated
Came to the point To speak plainly about the real issue
Give a piece of one’s mind To rebuke someone strongly
Cut and dried Already decided
At large Not caught
Kill two birds with one stone To achieve two results with a single
Make off with To run away
Blind alley A situation in which no further progress
can be made
The acid test A fact, event or situation that proves
To take a back seat To become less important or to give up
control over things
To bark up the wrong tree To do something that will not get the
result you want


Words substitute
A song at a burial - dirge
A period of ten years - decade
Something that cannot be heard - inaudiable
One who loads and unloads ships - stevedore
Open refusal to obey orders - defiance
A place where clothes are kept - wardrobe
One who leaves his own country to settle in another country
. - emigrant
One who loves his country - patriot
A geometrical figure with eight sides - octagon

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A sudden rush of a large number of frightened people or animals
- stampede
One who is preoccupied with his own interests – egoist
A person very reserved in speech - reticent
Morals that govern one’s behavior - ethics
That which cannot be satisfied - insatiable
A place where plants are grown for sale - nursery
Putting to death painlessly to end suffering -euthanasia
A group of ships - feet
Incapable of paying debts - insolvent
A long and aggressive speech - harangue
The school or college in which one has been educated
- - alma mater
Having two opposing feelings at the same time - ambivalent
Enclosed area where aircrafts are kept and repaired - hangar
Pertaining to an individual from birth - congenital
To increase the speed - accelerate
Working very hard and very carefully - diligent
A person who attracts attention with flashy style -flamboyant
A game in which neither party wins - draw
To rise in value - appreciate
A building where grain is kept or stored – granary
Anger about an unfair situation or about someone’s unfair behavior
- indignation
Having something more than required - surplus
Person and animal living on another - parasite
Central character in a story or play - protagonist
To brighten up with lights - illuminate
A person who preaches religion and is considered to be a messenger of
God - prophet

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Words Synonyms Meaning
Generic Universal सामान्य
Regime Rule शासन
Prompt Quick तत्पर
Dedicated Committed समर्पित
Iota Bit अत्यंत छोटी मात्रा
Yield Harvest उपज
Numerous Several बहुत
Transmit Convey संचाररत
Chaos Confusion अराजकता
Rejuvenate Refresh र्िर से युवा करना
Adjust Adapt समायोर्जत करना
Slack Careless ढीला
Termination Conclusion समापन
Munch Chew चबड़-चबड़ कर खाना
Celebrate Honour जश्न मनाना
Debilitate Weaken दु बिल करना
Wander Roam र्वचलन
Grumble Groan बड़बड़ाना
Abolish Eliminate समाप्त करना
Testify Affirm गवाही दे ना
Brat Spoilt child ढीठ बच्‍चा
Deride Mock उपहास करना
Calm Relaxed शां त,
Poignant Touching मार्मिक
Tag Label उपनाम
Detrimental Harmful हार्नकारक
Commence Start आरं भ
Principle Axiom र्सद्ां त
Spill Drop छलकना
Breakthrough Discovery महत्वपूर्ि खोज
Banner Poster बैनर
Absolve Pardon दोषमुक्त करना
Bang Beat धमाके
Ponder Meditate र्वचार
Shimmer Shine र्टमर्टमाना
Uncanny Mysterious अलौर्कक
Integrate Assimilate एकीकृत
Leverage Influence अपेर्ित शक्तक्त
Cadence Rhythm आरोह-अवरोह; लय
Abstain Refrain बचना / परहे ज़ करना
Humdrum Boring नीरस
Drag Pull खींचना


Words Meaning Antonyms

Seize जब्त Loosen

Gradual क्रर्मक Abrupt

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Putrefy Combine
Hope आशा Doubt
Widespread बड़े पैमाने पर Limited
Pompous गर्वित Humble
Toxic र्वषैला Healthy
Invade आक्रमर् Surrender
Elated उत्तेर्जत Depressed
Harmony सद्भाव Conflict
Hazard जोक्तखम Safety
Magnificent शानदार Modest
Slur कलंक Compliment
Stalwart र्नष्ठावान Cowardly
waver र्हचर्कचाना Steady
Augment बढाना Diminish
Dividing र्वभार्जत करना Connecting
Segregate अलग Integrate
Revel Mourn
Downcast क्तखन्न Cheerful
Comfort आराम Discontentment
Conceited अर्भमानी Modest
Hassled परे शान Relaxed
Fallacy हे त्वाभास Truth
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Blemish दोष Perfection
Anxiety र्चंता Certainty
Triumph र्वजयोल्लास Failure
Censure र्नंदा Applause
Lavish जो बहुत पैसा दे या ख़चि Moderate
करे , ख़चीला;
Sabotage तोड़-िोड़ Create
Fecund उपजाऊ Barren
Expunge हटा या र्मटा दे ना Add
Obese मोटा Slim
Ramify िैलना Unite
Impoverished गरीब Rich
Infirm कमजोर Strong
Sprightly प्रमुर्दत Lethargic
Barbaric असभ्य Civilized
Delight आनंद Sorrow
Controlled र्नयंर्त्रत Exited
Lessen कम Increase


Idioms & Phrases Meaning

Bang for the buck More value for money
Raise the bar To set higher goals
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To walk on air To be very happy
To take a chill pill To calm down
Want to curl up and die Fell terribly ashamed and sorry
Be at a loss for words Not know what to say
Full of beans Full of energy
To cut a long story short Tell something briefly
To the nines To perfection
Apple of one’s eye Someone very precious or
A storm in a teacup Lot of fuss that will soon be
At the eleventh hour At the very last minute
Herculean task A job that requires a large
amount of physical strength
Pipe dream A dream or idea that is unlikely
to happen
Go easy on something Use only a small amount of
Spick and span Neat and clean
Wild goose chase A worthless hunt or chase
Pat on the back Praise or approval for doing
something good
A kick in the teeth A grave setback
A stumbling block An obstacle to progress
Lion’s share The greatest and most
desirable portion of something
A live wire A very active or energetic

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Fair and square According to the rules
Sit on the fence Avoid making a decision
Tide someone over Give temporary help, usually
A bad egg Someone who is dishonest
To pay lip service To be insincere
To get the ball rolling To begin a process
Onn the horizon An event that is likely to
happen soon
Through thick and thin Under all conditions
On cloud nine Extremely happy
Draw the line at something Accept something up to a
To be light years away To be too distant for human
beings to reach
A fish out of water Feel uncomfortable in
unfamiliar surroundings
A square deal A fair agreement
Onn edge Nervous and unable to relax
Fell at sea Feel lost or confused
The gift of the gab Talks well and persuasively
Out of the blue Completely unexpectedly
Twiddling one’s thumbs Feeling bored
To fight tooth and nail To fight or compete with great
ferocity and intensity
To fan the flames To make a bad situation worse

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Words Substitute
A heard or flock of animals being driven Drove
in a body
A group of three novels or plays, each Trilogy
complete in itself
A self-governing country or region Autonomy
A place where coins, medals or tokens Mint
are made
One who does not take any alcoholic Teetotaler
A person who is trained to travel in a Astronauts
A large building with an extensive floor Hanger
area, typically for housing aircraft
A person who listens to someone’s private Eavesdropper
conversions without them knowing
A large bedroom for a number of people Dormitory
in a school or institution.
A group of people, typically with vehicles Caravan
or animals, travelling together
A place in a large institution, for the care Infirmary
of those who are ill
A group of stars Constellation
Having no boundaries or limits Infinite
One who studies the occult meanings of Numerologist
numbers and their supposed influence on
human life
A large cage building, or enclosure to Aviary
keep birds
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A sentimental longing for a period in the Nostalgia
Soft, inner part of a nut or fruit-stone Pulp
A news article that reports the recent Obituary
death of a person
Something that is to your advantage but Fortuitous
happened chance
To throw an event into confusion or Disrupt
A person who thinks bad things are more Pessimist
likely to happen or who emphasis the
bad part of a situation
The act or habit of talking in one’s sleep Somniloquy
A dynamic campaign for political, social Crusade
or religious change
An imaginary deal society free of poverty Utopia
and suffering
One who does not believe in the Atheist
existence of God
An arrangement of flowers that is usually Bouquet
given as a present
A person preoccupied with an Quixotic
unrealistically optimistic approach to life
One who supervises in an examination Invigilator
A person appointed by two parties to Arbitrator
solve a dispute
The state of being subject to death Mortality
A musical composition made up of a Medley
series of songs or short pieces
A secret or disguised way of writing Cypher

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A person who entertains people by doing Acrobat
difficult frets
A family of young birds Brood
An incongruous or chaotic mixture Cacophony
A corporation made up of a number of Conglomerate
different companies that operate in
diversified fields
A short rest or sleep taken after lunch Siesta
A person who presents a radio/Television Anchor
An examination of a dead body to Post-mortem
determine the cause of death
The art of effective or persuasive Rhetoric
speaking or writing
A person employed to drive a private or Chauffeur
hired car


Words Synonym
Assertion Declaration ( अनभकथि )
Guile Deceit ( छल )
Agile Nimble ( चुस्त )
Furtive Secretive ( चुराया हुआ )
Diligent Untiring ( र्ेििती )
Insidious Crafty ( कपटी )
Enrage Infuriate ( क्रुद्ध करिा )
Opulent Luxurious ( धिी )
Constraint Control ( बाधा )
Foliage Greenery ( पत्ते )
Nebulous Vague ( अस्पष्ट )

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Rind Peel ( पपड़ी )
Aura Halo ( आभा )
Mandible Jaw ( जबड़ा )

Prejudice Bias ( पक्षपात )

Persecution Oppression ( उत्पीड़ि )
Rotund Round ( गोल )
Mandate Official order ( शासिादे श )
Holistic Comprehensible ( सर्ग्र )
Lurk Prowl ( घात र्ें रििा )
Integrate Unite ( एकीकृत )
Tolerance Endurance ( सििशीलता )
Masqueraded Acted
Interspersed Scattered ( बीच-बीच र्ें )
Deplete Reduce ( व्यय करिा )
Derogatory Sarcastic ( अपर्ािजिक )
Rowdy Boisterous ( उपद्रवी )
Barren Desolate ( बांझ )
Idleness Lethargy ( आलस्य )
Reproach Berate ( नतरस्कार )
Trust Belief ( नवश्वास )
Alluring Attractive ( र्िोिर )
Cove Bay ( छोटी खाड़ी )
Surge Rush ( आकस्मिक भावावेश )
Occur Happen ( घनटत िो जािा )
Resilient Supple ( लचीला )
Choosy Selective ( चयिशील )
Jovial Joyous ( उल्लासपूर्म )
Kit Equipment ( नकट )
Anodyne Benign ( पीड़ा-िाशक )
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Explicit Lucid ( र्ुखर )
Instigate Kindle ( भड़कािा )
Adjustment Balancing ( सर्ायोजि )
Quarrelsome Querulous ( झगड़ालू )
Tarnish Damage ( कलंकनत करिा )
Pleasant Refreshing ( सुिािी )
Penury Poverty ( दररद्रता )
Festivity Celebration ( उत्सव )
Affluent Wealthy ( धिी )
Morose Sullen ( उदास )
Glum Dismal ( उदास )
Opulent Sumptuous ( धिी )
Reconcile Resolve ( सर्ाधाि करिा )
Salvage Save ( बचाया हुआ सार्ाि )
Accrue Collect ( उपानजत िोिा )
Motif Design ( र्ूल भाव )
Delinquent Offending ( बाल अपराधी )
Prodigious Immense ( नवलक्षर् )
Fraudulent Deceitful ( धोखाधड़ी )
Indomitable Invincible ( अदम्य )
Congenial Compatible ( अिुकूल )
Pedigree Lineage ( वंशावली )
Altruist Philanthropist ( परोपकारी )
Haughty Arrogant ( घर्ंडी )
Enunciate Articulate ( उच्चाररत करिा )
Assemble Mass ( इकट्ठा )
Reproach Berate ( नतरस्कार )
Despondent Depressed ( िताश )

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words Antonyms
Demolish Construct
Surveillance Neglect
Enigma Clarity
Reserved Friendly
Disillusioned Enthusiastic
Timid Bold
Malignant Benign
Diverse Identical
Disclose Conceal
Selfish Altruistic
Metropolitan Provincial
Instant Gradual
Neat Messy
Responsible Irresponsible
Provoke Appease
Disapprove Commend
Harash Lenient
Arrogance Humility
Agitate Calm
Heinous Agreeable
Incite Restrain
Disable Permit

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Impromptu Planned
Fragile Strong
Optional Compulsory
Incoherent Intelligible
Concealed Revealed
Admonish Applaud
Testimony Disproof
Spiritual Physical
Extensive Intensive
Abbreviate Expand
Meddle Ignore
Rueful Joyful
Exhale Inhale
Prim Disheveled
Obscure Clear
Earthly Celestial
Versatile Inflexible
Nebulous Clear
Placate Enrage
Cloudy Transparent
Plausible Unlikely
Casual Planned
Tame Upset
Dispute Concede
Unworthy Deserving
Maestro Amateur

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Sacred Profane
Perish Grow
Revered Despised
Decay Growth
Candid Devious
Convenience Hindrance
Apex Base
Expunge Insert
Formidable Trivial
Identical Different
Caustic Kind
Buoyant Gloomy
Prolific Unproductive
Pacifist Warmonger
Contemplate Ignore
Coarse Refined
Ascend Descend
Harsh Gentle
Invincible Vulnerable
Deport Permit
Outspoken Secretive
Compatriot outsider


Idioms meaning

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Stir up a hornet’s nest provoke trouble.
Up in arms angry about something.
A piece of cake something very easy.
A dime a dozen very common
Couch potato lazy person
Bite off more than one to take on more than one can deal
can chew
Like talking to a brick wall Inattentive
Fit as a fiddle Healthy and strong.
Get the hang of Learn how to use.
To have a gut feeling to feel an instinct or intuition
Take the heat receive criticism
Cash-strapped impoverished
Pull yourself together Regain composure.
Add insult to injury Make a bad situation even worse
Jump on the bandwagon Get involve in an activity because
it is likely to succeed
Receive a new lease of life became energetic again.
Old hand experienced.
Jumped the gun Acted hastily
Looking for a needle in a attempting something impossible.
Not mince words state your opinion
Rub the wrong way annoy someone.
Eat a humble pie admit that you are wrong.
To fall on deaf ears to be ignored.
Let off the hook Allow to escape from blame
Parthian shot parting hit.

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Once in a blue moon happening only rarely
To leave someone in the To desert someone in his difficulties.
Plain as day very obvious and easy to
Get something off your chest express something that has been
worrying you, and you want to say
Hats off to congratulations to
Down to earth practical and direct.
Pull up his socks make a greater effort to improve.
Cross that bridge solve the problem
Back in saddle Resume duty
Vanish into the air completely disappear
Take one’s hat off to show admiration
Touch all bases include everything.
The big fish main leader.
Cut to the chase talking about the important point
and leaving out the detail
Keep a civil tongue Speak with great politeness.
Made out of whole cloth entirely false and fabricated
Every cloud has a silver something promising is there in
lining any difficult situation
Reinventing the wheel Wasting one’s time for things that
have already been satisfactorily
Falling head over heels falling deeply in love with
Neither fish nor fowl something which can neither be
categorized easily nor be accepted
In a dog confused and dazed.
Look before you leap thing carefully of the consequences

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Chill out to calm down.
Cool it to relax.
Go off at a tangent change the subject immediately
Look after take care of.
Make beeline go straight to.
Keep a stiff upper lip remained expressionless
Looking for greener exploring new opportunity
pastures .
To cost an arm and a leg very expensive.
Flying off the handle suddenly becoming enraged
Sleep on it To wait before making a
Keep your shirt on to remain cool.
Take something with a to believe only part of something
pinch of salt
Action speaks louder than What you do revels the real you

Something that is genuine Authentic
That which is no longer in use Redundant
Having no moral Unscrupulous
Using right and left hand equally well Ambidextrous
Combine to form a whole Integrate
Steal or misappropriate money Embezzle
Very careful and precise Meticulous
A natural skill at doing something Knack

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A collection of drawing, documents, that Portfolio
represent a person’s, especially an artists work
A group of ship selling together Fleet
Tending to associate with others of one’s kind Gregarious
Lasting for a very short time Ephemeral
A person who is blamed for something that Scapegoat
someone else has done
Act of giving up the throne Abdication
Movement of people or animals from one are to Migration
One who tells future from the stars Astrologer
One who studies the elections and voting trends Psephologist
A large bedroom for a number of people in a Dormitory
school or institution
Relating to the healing of diseases Therapeutic
A group of people who have come together in a Congregation
religious building for worship and prayer
A situation in which many people leave a place Exodus
at the same time
To laugh at something in a cruel way Deride
An unforeseen happening which creates some Mishap
Come in the way Hamper
One whom it is impossible to defeat Invincible
Soon passing out or of a short duration Evanescent

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Someone who freely gives money and help to Philanthropist
people who need it
Arrangement of evens or dates in the order in Chronology
which they happen
An imagined society where everything in perfect Utopia
and everyone is happy
Incapable of making mistakes Infallible
Close fitting cover for a sword or knife Sheath
A large natural or artificial lake used as a source Reservoir
of water supply
A vertical passageway into a mine Shaft
Government by a king or queen Monarchy
A place where wild animals live Lair
A solution or remedy for all difficulties or Panacea
Something which is considered to be very Cardinal
A person who is neither well experienced nor Amateur
Person or thing that is the centre of attention Cynosure
Small room where dishes are washed Scullery
A person who speaks always in praise of himself Egoistic
Painless death given to patients to relieve Euthanasia
Thing which are of the same kind and of the Homogenous
same dimensions

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A song or music praise of God Hymn
A person living in the same age with another Contemporary
A situation requiring a choice between equally Dilemma
undesirable alternatives or confusions
Condition of sleep during certain parts of the Hibernation
A person who studies the structure of the earth Geologist
A period of one thousand years Millennium
A plantation of grapes Vineyard
A garden with fruit trees Orchard
A small compartment in an aircraft for the pilot Cockpit
Flesh eating animal Carnivore
A ruler with total power over a country, typically Dictator
one who has obtained control by force
A type of magic in which spirits, especially evil Sorcery
ones, are used to make things happen
A deep fissure in the earth’s surface Chasm
Something like an opening particularly one in Orifice
the body such as a nostril
Something that is extremely unpleasant Horrendous
Satisfied with no desire to change or improve Complacent
To make perfect or complete Complement
A person weak and disabled by illness Invalid
Happening every two years Biennial
Making one feel sad Heart wrenching
A part of city especially the slum areas Ghetto

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Something that is expressed in a confusing way Incoherent
Covered with a material or substance in order to Insulated
stop heat, sound etc, from entering or escaping
Unable to think clearly because of a mental Deranged
A person working on a trial period Probationer


Words Synonyms Meaning

Encroach Intrude अनतक्रर्र् करिा
Apparently Seemingly स्पष्ट रूप से
Wry Crooked टे ढ़ा-र्ेढ़ा
Malignant Vicious घातक
Dearth Shortage अकाल
Comply Obey पालि करिा
Herald Announce सूचिा दे िा
Adept Skilled निपुर्
Forbid Prohibit रोकिा
Despicable Contemptible िाली का कीड़ा
Salient Noticeable र्ुख्य
Apathetic Indifferent उदासीि
Imitate Mimic िकल करिा
Commence Launch आरं भ
Callous Insensitive कठोर

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Livid Furious क्रोनधत
Fascination Appeal सम्मोिि
Bonhomie Companionship खुशनर्ज़ाजी
Complicated Complex जनटल
Delectable Luscious र्िोरर्
Paranoid Suspicious दु व्यमविार
Absolute Complete सर्ूचा, संपूर्म
Clean Honest साफ़,
Allege Charge आरोप
Forsake Desert त्यागिा
Profuse Abundant अत्‍यनधक र्ात्रा र्ें,
Dilemma Predicament दु नवधा
Emerge Appear उभरिा
Hazardous Dangerous खतरिाक
Pollute Contaminate िापाक नकया हुआ
Cordial Friendly िानदम क
Travail Agony दु : ख
Trail Path रास्ता
Appalling Shocking भय उत्पन्न करिेवाला
Random Arbitrary यादृस्मिक रूप से
Bolster Strengthen शस्मिवद्धम ि करिा
Prudent Cautious नववेकी
Stretch Extend फैलाव
Precision Accuracy शुद्धता
Priority Preference वरीयता
Ban Prohibit प्रनतबंध

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Repulsive Disgusting प्रनतकारक
Jeopardy Peril प्रनतकारक
Anticipate Expect पूवामिुर्ाि करिा
Wreak Cause क्षनत या िानि पहुाँचािा
Saga Narrative कथा
Reckless Thoughtless लापरवाि
Deviate Veer नवचनलत
Dreaded Feared खूंखार
Dictator Tyrant तािाशाि
Diffidence Meekness संशय
Challenge Objection चुिौती
Ragged Torn टु कड़े टु कड़े कर नदया
Adulation Adoration र्िुिार
Divulge Reveal प्रकानशत करिा
Novice Beginner िौनसस्मखए
Resplendent Dazzling चर्कीला;
Bull-headed Headstrong िठीला
Emerge Appear उभरिा
Severity Seriousness तीव्रता
Mandatory Imperative अनिवायम
Abode Dwelling निवास स्‍थाि; घर
Investigate Probe छाि - बीि करिा
Brace Fortify र्ज़बूत करिा;
Encroach Intrude अनतक्रर्र् करिा

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Words Meaning Antonyms

Indignant क्रोनधत Pleased

Harrowing शोकजिक Pleasant
Devious चालाक Straight
Sustenance जीनवका Starvation
Wisdom बुस्मद्ध Stupidity
Weird अजीब Normal
Neglect उपेक्षा करिा Care
Restrictive प्रनतबंधक Liberal
Disheveled नबखेरा हुआ Ordered
Accustomed आदी या अभ्‍यस्‍त Unusual
Compel र्जबूर Dissuade
Naïve अिाड़ी Sophisticated
Friendly र्ैत्रीपूर्म Hostile
Savage असभ्य Cultured
Lavish नफज़ूलख़ची Frugal
Affinity आत्मीयता Aversion
Bewilder उलझि और अचरज र्ें Enlighten
Equilibrium संतुलि Imbalance
Complete पूर्म Partial
Nondescript वर्मिातीत Distinguished

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Bravery वीरता Cowardice
Clandestine ग़ैर-कािूिी Honest
Drab एकाकार Bright
Disjointed असंबद्ध Connected
Uphold बिाए रखिे Oppose
Expunge िटा या नर्टा दे िा Insert
Lucid स्पष्ट अथम का Confusing
Repulsion घृर्ा Attraction
Infallible अचूक Faulty
Precious कीर्ती Worthiness
Abundance प्रचुरता Scarcity
Exclusive अन्‍य के नलए ििी ं, Inclusive
Curt रूखा Polite
Gloomy उदास Bright
Fritter व्यथम/िष्ट करिा Hoard
Bias पक्षपात Fairness
Resolve संकल्प Refuse
Precious कीर्ती Cheap
Augment बढ़ािा Decrease
Vitiate भ्रष्ट करिा Affirm
Traditional परं परागत Modern
Buoyant प्रसन्ननचत्त Weighted
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Avoid टालिा Meet
Morbid अनप्रय वस्‍तुओ ं र्ें रुनच Cheerful
रखिे वाला
Morose उदास Cheerful
Surreptitious छल से नकया हुआ Open
Corroborate सर्थमि करिा Oppose
Intrepid निडर Cowardly
Transparent पारदशी Opaque
Blunt कंु द, भोथरा Sharp
Horrendous खराब Pleasant
Meagre अल्प Sufficient
Spurious जाली Genuine
Hazy धुंधला Clear
Inordinate असार्ान्य Reasonable
Pungent कटु Mild
Graceful सुंदर Awkward
Constant लगातार Fluctuating
Resign त्यागपत्र दे िा Join
Malicious दु भामविापूर्म Decent
Plunge नगरिा या नगर जािा Rise
Haste जल्दी Delay

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Idioms & Phrases Meaning
Pull someone off Make something happen
Go to the dogs Deteriorate shockingly
Under wraps Secretly
On the tenterhooks Very tense
To go red in the face To feel embarrassed
Fell flat Failed to have an effect
To make up To settle their differences
To poke one’s nose with a twig To take interest in others’ affairs
To have eggs on one’s face To be embarrassed because of
one’s action
Thick as thieves Having a close friendship
Butter fingers To be clumsy
Large-hearted Generous
In vogue In fashion
To play with fire To act in a dangerous and
risky way
To add insult to injury To make something worse
Without rhyme or reason Without a reasonable
Hard nut to crack A difficult problem or person
Know inside out To know something thoroughly

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A blessing in disguise Something good that isn’t
recognized at first
Needle in a haystack Something impossible to find
To cut corners Not do a thing well in order to
save money or effort
Cook the books To falsify financial records
Poke one’s nose Interfere or meddle
A fire in someone’s belly One who is energetic and
enthusiastic about something
For good Forever
Rank and file Ordinary workers in a
Burn the midnight oil Work late into the night
To come round To become conscious again
A dime a dozen Common and so of little value
A Red letter day A memorable day
Hang on every word Listen very carefully
Off and on Sometimes but not regularly
At a stone’s throw At a very short distance
To fish in troubled waters To take advantage of a
difficult situation
Caught red-handed Caught in the act of doing
something illegal
To be all ears To be ready and eager to

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Living in a fool’s paradise To believe wrongly that your
situation is good
A far cry Very distant
Rules the roost Is in complete control
To put one’s foot in one’s Not one’s cup of tea
To cross one’s mind To think of something
Kept up appearances Maintained an expression of
well being
Full of beans Happy and energetic
Method to one’s madness Seeming disorderly yet having
a structure
Make big time Attain fame and success
In hot water In trouble
Provide a blue print Give a detailed plan or
To back to the drawing board Start planning again because
earlier plans failed
A good turn A helpful act
Read between the lines By the skin of one’s teeth
Be glad to see the back of Be happy when a person
Cold blood Cruelly, without any emotions
A sea change Complete transformation
Cost an arm and leg Be extremely expensive

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A bold from the blue Something that happens
To be in the dark To not know something others
are aware of
A grey area An unclear situation
To drag one’s feet To delay taking a decision
To make both ends To have just enough money to
Getting butterflies in one’s To be anxious and nervous
A herculean task A task requiring great effort


Words Substitute

Found of company A gregarious

A person who arranges and sells cut flowers Florist

A government run by the wealthy people Plutocracy

That which is incapable of being rad or Illegible

Continuing for a long time Prolonged

Relating to soldiers or war Martial

A new project or business activity involving Venture (N)

some risk
The branch of physics concerned with the Acoustics
properties of sound
A place or scene of activity, debate or Arena

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Instrument that measures the altitude of the Altimeter
land surface
A strong interest in something or someone Fixation

Killing of one’s mother Matricide

Not active or growing Dormant

Something which cannot be taken by force Impregnable

One who cannot be reformed or changed Incorrigible

A person wo pretends to have morals and Hypocrite

beliefs that he or she does not believe in
A person who presents a radio/television Anchor
One wo has the power to do anything Omnipotent

A sentimental longing for a time in the past Nostalgia

The nest of a squirrel, typically in the form of Drey

a mess of twigs in a tree
The arrangement of events or dates in the Chronology
order of their occurrence
A large cage, building or enclosure to keep Aviary
The study of ancient civilizations and Archaeology
cultures by examining their sites
A professional who works with patients who Cardiologist
have heart problems
Someone who runs away from justice Fugitive

A place where a dead person’s body is Crematorium

Certain to happen Inevitable

People existing or living at the same time Contemporaries

A quick sudden movement Flick

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A busy, main road for public use Thoroughfare

Doing something awkwardly or in a clumsy Fumbling

Someone who studies elections and voting Psephologist
A place where Buddhist monks live Monastery

Doctor who deals with bone problems Orthopedist

A large bundle for storage or transportation Bale

Causing a strong dislike Repulsive

A hunting weapon which comes back, used Boomerang

by Australian aborigines
An institution for the care of people who are Asylum
mentally ill
A person who helps others in need Samaritan

One who eats human flesh Cannibals

One who is easily deceived Gullible

Inn exactly the same words as were used Verbatim

Based on chance rather than on reason or Arbitrary
A child whose parents are dead Orphan

Animal that can live both on land and in Amphibian

An act of breaking or failing to observe a Breach
A patient with imaginary symptoms and Hypochondriac
A close-fitting cover for the blade of a knife Sheath
or sword

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So small or unimportant as to be not worth Negligible
An imaginary, perfect state or place Utopia

Eat or drink food quicky and in large Gulp

The scientific study of the universe and Astronomy
Relating to the present time Contemporary

Withdraw from forward position in battle Retreat

A person who composes the sequence of Choreographer

steps and moves for a dance performance
Animals that live in water Aquatic


words Synonyms
Shrewd Judicious
Promising Bright
Submerge Drown
Mundane Commonplace
Puzzled Confused
Tenacity Firmness
Mortal Lively
Enthusiasm zeal
Accustomed Habituated
Hapless Unlucky
Tend Care for

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Sustain Support
Dubious Uncertain
Inimical Hostile
Whirl Spin
Inventory Catalogue
Consult Discuss
Predicament Dilemma
Eminent Renewed
Erroneous Inaccurate
Shudder Shiver
Defect Flaw
Ardent Passionate
Tousled Disarranged
Thwart Curb
Consult Discuss
Predicament Dilemma
Valuable Precious
Denial Dismissal
Deference Compliance
Explicit Clear
Violation Breach

English Web Academy

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Words Antonyms
Tiresome Energizing
Establish Destroy
Vulnerable Secure
Voluntary Mandatory
Speculate Dismiss
Dignified Ordinary
Dejected Cheerful
Discreet Headless
Flaunt Cover
Horrendous Pleasant
Seize release
Obsolescence Modernity
Penury Wealth
Ennui Excitement
Divest Give
Freedom Captivity
Ignorance Knowledge
Affiliation Detachment
Ominous Auspicious
Impede Facilitate
Established Destroy
Obsolescence Modernity

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Retrieve Damage
Uncouth Refined
Graceful Awkward
Denounce Compliment
Aggravate Alleviate
Freedom Captivity
Impede Facilitate
Genuine Dubious
Ruthless Compassionate
Shun Cherish
Acknowledge Decline


Idioms/phrases Meanings

In a tight corner In a difficult situation

Walks the talk To do what one says
Hoping against hope Hoping in hopeless situation
The tip of an iceberg Something which is a small
part of something much bigger
From the horse’s mouth To hear directly from someone
who knows
Heed in the cloud Cut off from reality
Cool your heels Unwillingly wait for something
Or someone

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Keep at arm’s length Avoid making friends with
Chip off the old block One who resembles a parent
Bend over backwards Try to accommodate and
please someone
Added insult to injury To say something that makes a
bad situation even worse
Crying over spilt milk Feeling sorry over a mistake
that cannot be changed
Too close for comfort To close to be a cause for
worry because of being
Let your hair down To take it easy and relax

Be a blessing in disguise Something good that seems

bad at first
Bugs me Irritates me
To break a leg To wish good luck
Make my mouth water Are very tasty and appetizing
A stuffed shirt Pompous person
Eager beaver A keen person and
enthusiastic person
Cock and bull story Improbable story
By hook or by crook By any means, good, or bad
Laughing stock An object of ridicule

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Pulled the chestnuts out of fire Accomplishing a difficult job
for someone else
Put our heads together Consult and work together
Be a blessing in disguise Something good that seems
bad at first


Huge Big

Emblem Symbol

Carnage Slaughter

Supporting Agreeing

Batter Beat

Deficient Lacking

Tranquil Sober

Timid Humble

Hospitable Congenial

Stationary Fixed

Hamper Restrict

Forthright Outspoken

Commence Initiate

Liberty Freedom

Consequence Outcome

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Harmony Peace

Vulnerable Exposed

Austere Unadorned

Extract Withdraw

Assist Facilitate

Conspicuous Evident

Release Acquit

Grab Seize

Tension Strain

Scrawny Skinny

Deficiency Shortage

Delegate Nominate

Haste Hurry

Alleviate Mitigate

Astonish Surprise

SSC STENOGRAPHER 2020 (Antonyms)


Negligent Careful

Produce Destroy

Hospitable Rude

Boring Exciting

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Moderate Extreme

Harmony Discord

Jubilant Depressed

Prevail Surrender

Feeble Strong

Apprise Hide

Discard Accept

Superficial Genuine

Absorb Emit

Conserve Destroy

Revive Damage

Confine Liberate

Modern Ancient

Shallow Deep

Agile Lethargic

Tumult Calmness

Vigilant Inattentive

Audacity Timidity

Impede Expedite

Acquit Condemn

Courteous Rude

Obstinate Flexible

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Foreign Native

Shrink Expand

Incorporate Exclude

Increase Diminish

SSC STENOGRAPHER 2020 Idioms & Phrases

Idioms & Phrases Meaning
To make up for To replace something that is lost or

To cut corners To save money and economise

Under the weather Not feeling well

To get cold feet To become afraid to do something

The apple of someone’s eyes The person that someone loves and is
proud of

Once and for all Finally

Twist someone’s arm Persuade someone to do something

To call the shots To have control

Dry run Rehearsal of an event

At a snail’s pace Very slowly

Hang up your boots Retire from playing a game

In high spirits Joyful

Get your act together Organize your work in a better way

Vanish into thin air Disappear

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Throw caution to the wind Behave in a reckless manner

Hanging by a thread/a hair Being in a dangerous position

Cross a bridge when you come Deal with something when it

to it happens, and nor worry about it

Pull yourself together Control emotions and behave calmy

In the same boat Sharing the same problem

The back sheep One who is not accepted as part of a

family or group because of one’s
bad conduct

Hit a dead end Reach a situation that is exactly right

Take one’s hat off to someone Show admiration for someone

Make a beeline for To move directly towards something

All ears Ready to listen

Bury the hatchet Make peace

Chill out Relax completely

Raise an alarm Warn of a dangerous situation

Take a cue from someone Be strongly influenced by someone

Hold one’s tongue To keep quiet

CPO 2019
Words Synonyms

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Contaminate Pollute

Subsequent Consecutive

Adequate Sufficient

Tranquil Calm

Fascinating Appealing

Condemn Denounce

Engulf Inundate

Offend Annoy

Parsimony Frugality

Apparent Obvious

Fatigue Weariness

Redundant Unnecessary

Trivial Superficial

Scanty Meagre

Complacent Smug

Flourish Thrive

Perpetuate Preserve

Discern Perceive

Inimical Hostile

Venerable Esteeme3d

Incessant Persistent

Sanction Approval

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Jeopardy Peril

Ignominy Disgrace

Opinion View

Loyal Devoted

Incredible Unbelievable

Aloof Detached

Intensify Strengthen

Exasperate Infuriate

Feign Pretend

Efficacious Voracious

Beguile deceive Deceive

Deference Obeisance

Disastrous Calamitous

Fatigue Tiredness

Surreptitious Secretive

Reprimand Rebuke

Malady Illness


Idioms / phrases Meaning

Looking for a needle in a haystack Doing something impossible

With open arms Warmly

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Off an on Periodically

Got the green light Got permission to go ahead with


Took heart Gathered courage

Up in arms To be very angry

Work against the clock Work in great hurry

Run around in circle To keep doing something without

achieving much

Handle with kid gloves to treat someone with extreme care

Left out in cold To be ignored

Touch and go Uncertain

Till the cows come home For a long time

Bed of roses An enjoyable situation

Make beeline for Go straight to

at the drop of a hat Instantly

in the teeth of in direction opposition to

Make off with Ran away with

At sea Confused

Above board Honest and frank

A close save a narrow escape

Fell flat Failed to make an impact

Too many irons in the fire Involving in many activities

To die in harness To continue occupation till death

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For good Forever

Carry the day To win a victory

Get out of hand Not in control anymore

To be thrown in at the deep end Learn to do the difficult thing to


Make a dent To reduce an amount

Make a clean breast of To confess crime

Come rain or shine Whatever happens

Of the first water Best quality

A dark horse An unknown genius

To read between the lines To understand the hidden meaning

To blaze a trail To initiate something new

Through thick and think Too and bad times


Words Synonyms
Foundation Base
Imitation Fake
Just Fair
Accurate Correct
Fiction Fantasy
Condone Forgive
Catastrophe Calamity
Conceited Arrogant

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Cordial Friendly
Absurd Ridiculous
Sumptuous Opulent
Gaudy Flashy
Despise Abhor
Wrench Wrest
Fasten Affix
Coveted Desired
Shove Poke
Lofty Towering
Tumult Uproar
Intriguing Gripping
Oblivious Ignorant
Auspicious Favourable
Authentic Genuine
Gradual Continuous
Flabbergasted Astonished

CPO 2020

Words Antonyms
Feeble Strong
Flaw Perfection
Fertile Barren
Alive Dead

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Warm Cool
Spiritual Material
Impudent Modest
Dishearten Encourage
Prestige Disregard
Exasperation Enjoyment
Revive Ruin
Disperse Muster
Depredation Construction
Menace Comfort
Distract Clarify
Suave Rude
Deficiency Excess
Diverge Collect
Defile Elevate
Expel Absorb
Ignoble Dignified
Humility Vanity
Flexible Rigid
Industrious Indolent
Ferocious Gentle


Idioms & Phrases Meaning

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Little by little Gradually
A dry run A Rehearsal
Give a hand Assist
Call on Visit
Look out Be careful
Speak one’s mind To voice one’s thoughts plainly
Know the back of one’s hand To have detailed knowledge of
Grin from year to year To smile a lot because of
Once bitten twice shy A bitter experience making
one cautious for future
Pocket an insult Bear an insult quietly
Make one’s mark Attain recognition
Rise the occasion Show you can deal with a
situation successfully
Kith and kin Family relations
Strike when the iron is hot Grab a favourable
opportunity promptly
Bear the brunt of Bear the maximum fury
The sword of Damocles An impending threat
Tide over To overcome
Through thick and thin Under all circumstances
Kick up a row Cause a disturbance
Apple of discord Something that causes friction
High times Past the appropriate time

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To take stock of To assess a situation
Make up one’s mind To decide
Sitting on a gold mine To own something potentially
Egg on Encourage
A bird’s eye view A cursory look
Get your money worth To pay and get something of
good value
Snake in the grass A deceitful person

CPO 2020

Words Substitute
Extreme mental or physical suffering Agony
A place where games are played for money Casino
Be more successful than someone Outdo
An exact or a very close copy of something Replica
Something done because one wants to, not by Voluntary
One who is easily deceived Gullible
A person with the same name as another Namesake
One who changes sides Turncoat
Study of environment Ecology
A person who is unduly anxious about his/her health Valetudinarian
A large bedroom for a number of people in an Dormitory
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A person who is trained for travelling into space Astronaut
Harsh or discordant sound Cacophony
The dates when days and nights are of equal length Equinox
Arrangement of events according to the dates of Chronology
A person of evil reputation Notorious
A person who believes everything easily Credulous
Holding an office without receiving a pay Honorary
A deceased holy person’s remains or belonging Relic
kept for reverence
To go aground an area to keep a watch Patrol
To cross streets on foot carelessly Jaywalk
Downfall that satisfies natural justice Nemesis
Travelling under a name other than one’s own Incognito
Irresistible impulsive to steal Kleptomania
To separate husk from the grain Winnow


Words Synonyms Meaning

Misfortune Calamity
capable Component कार्बल
Lavish Bountiful र्िज़ूलख़ची
Accountable Answerable उत्तरदायी
Courteous Polite र्वनम्र

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Infuriate Enrage उपज क्रुद् करना
Obvious Evident स्‍पष्‍ट
Optimist Idealist आशावादी
Benevolent Generous परोपकारी
Harass Molest परे शान
Slender Slim पतला
Apparent Obvious स्पष्ट
Fundamental Basic मौर्लक
Detain Delay रोकना
Revive Recover पुनजीर्वत
Engage Occupy काम पर लगाना
Intricate Complicated जर्टल
Ferocious Fierce क्रूर
Beneficial Advantage िायदे मंद
Dubious Doubtful संर्दग्ध
Anthology Collection संकलन
Absolved Pardoned दोषमुक्त
Humdrum Monotonous नीरस
Obtain Achieve प्राप्त
Encumbrance Obstacle बाधा, अड़चन, अवरोध
Recently Lately हाल ही में
Artful Crafty धूति
Morbid Nasty अर्प्रय वस्‍तुओं में रुर्च
रखने वाला
Persuade Coax राज़ी करना, मनाना
Inclination Aptitude झुकाव
Impious Irreligious बेईमान

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Prodigy Genius अद् भुत वस्तु
Judicious Prudent उर्चत
Chaste Pure पर्वत्र
Deepen Intensify गहरा
Courage Valour साहस
Demolish Dismantle ध्वस्त
Chide Rebuke डां टना
Immense Massive अत्यर्धक
Former Previous भूतपूवि
Profuse Aplenty अत्‍यर्धक मात्रा में, प्रचुर
Rectify Amend सुधारना
Forgive Pardon िमा करना
Agile Quick चुस्त
Eager Keen आतुर
Strange Abnormal अजीब
Tangled Knotted उलझा हुआ
Proclaim Declare घोषर्ा करना
Exceptional Extraordinary असाधारर्
Brisk Quick तेज
Enhance Improve सुधारना
Hate Detest घृर्ा
Awkward Clumsy अटपटा
Dedicate Devote समर्पित करना
Aroma Scent सुगंध
Confusion Muddle भ्रम की क्तस्िर्त
Impolite Rude असभ्य
Remember Recall याद रखना

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Calm Peaceful शां त
Relevant Applicable उपयुक्त
Swift Quick तीव्र
Integration Unification एकीकरर्
Acclaim Praise
Vigilant Watchful चौकस
Lucid Clear स्पष्ट अिि का
Affluence Wealth समृक्तद्
Zest Enthusiasm उत्तेजकता
Abandoned Deserted छोड़ा हुआ
Advantageous Favourable लाभदायक
Mock Taunt र्दखावटी
Contempt Hatred अवमानना
Anxious Nervous र्चंर्तत
Control Regulate र्नयंत्रर्
Drowsy Sleepy सुस्त
Enormous Huge र्वशाल


Idioms & Phrases Meanings

The ball is in one’s court To be responsible for further action

Bend over backwards To exert to a lot of effort towards some

Over my dead body Opposing something fiercely

To end in smoke To end in nothing

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Fit as a fiddle In a perfectly healthy condition

Nail-biting Suspenseful

Birds of the same feather People with similar character

Cat’s whiskers To be highly impressive

Come to light To be known publicly

Above one’s head Beyond one’s understanding

Too feel at home To feel comfortable

Go getter A real achiever

Out of date Something old fashioned

As a matter of fact, Actually, as it happens

Pull up your socks To put in extra efforts
Eye wash A deception

To pick up the threads To restart from the previous closing

Sail in the same boat Be in the same situation as others
Cut one shot To interrupt someone

To take one’s hat off To admire someone

Let bygones be bygones To forgive and forget

To lead by the nose To completely control someone

To pull someone’s legs To play a joke on someone

As clear as a ball Readily understood

Cup of tea Something that pleases one

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On the tip of my tongue Readily available in my memory

To run amok To run about in a frenzy

To have a jaundiced eye To be prejudiced

Apples and organs Different things

At the drop of a hat Immediately

A wild-goose chase Useless search

Be at your wits’ end Be overwhelmed with problems

All and sundry All included

Chip off the old block Resembling parents

To pour oil in troubled water To calm a dispute

Fair’s fair Just treatment

Cry over spilt milk Regret about something that

happened and cannot be changed
Far cry from To be very different from

Forty winks A short nap during the day

It’s raining cats and dogs To rain very heavily

To be tight-lipped To keep quiet

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Hang one’s head To be ashamed

A needle in a haystack Something that is very difficult to

Butterflies in one’s stomach A feeling of nervousness

Be on cloud nine To be in a state of extreme happiness

Give someone the cold shoulder To ignore someone

Child’s play Something very easy

Work like a charm To work very well

Put the car before the horse To do last thing first

In the nick of time At the last possible moment

Know something inside out To know everything about something

Throw in the towel To admit defeat or failure

Get a foot in the door To have a chance to do something

By and large In general

No strings attached Without conditions or restrictions

When pigs fly A time that will never come

Get the ball rolling To stand doing something

A change of heart To change in one’s opinion

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A bull in a China shop An extremely awkward, clumsy person

Hang up your boots To take retirement

Jump on the bandwagon To join a popular trend

Strike while the iron is hot To act at the right time

Last straw Final problem in the series

Cut the mustard To success

Off the cuff Without preparation

Best thing since sliced brad Most useful innovation in a long time

To close to call A very narrow margin

Get someone’s goat To irritate someone

Miss the boat To miss an opportunity

A penny for your thoughts Way of asking what someone is
Shot in the dark To guess something

Feel a bit under the weather To feel sick or unhealthy

To take the bull by its horns To deal with a difficult situation directly

Come rain or shine Under any circumstances

Be glad to see to back of To be happy when a person leaves

Once bitten, twice shy An unpleasant experience induces


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Esteem Regard

Frigid Freezing
Fascinate Captivate
Foment Incite
Angry Enraged
Wane Decline
Potent Powerful
Limpid Lucid
Protest Object
Indulgence Leniency
Lax Negligent
Tensile Stretchable
Fluorescent Glowing
Graceful Elegant
Delicate Frail
Baffle Perplex
Outraged Angry
Antique Ancient
Iconic Exemplary
Fowl Bird
Evident Clear
Calm Quiet

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Implore Plead
Anxiety Worry
Vacant Bare
Appease Pacify
Plentiful Ample
Royal Kingly
Rely Depend
Hazardous Risky
Smudge Stain
Priority Precedence
Stern Strict
Provoke Enrage
Practical Sensible
Hardly Barely
Symptomatic Characteristic
Rabid Extreme
Transparent Clear
Pollution Contaminator
Rapturous Delighted
Pacify Soothe
Inexpensive Cheap
Investigate Search
Crucial Vital
Interrogate Investigate
Comprehend Understand

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Yield Submit
Tremendous Huge
Regular Usual
Aim Purpose
Alarm Panic
Agony Depressed
Conclude End
Obstruction Hinderance
Ample Sufficient
Concise Brief
Decrease Decline
Amiable Friendly
Prevent Block
Elegant Graceful
Mimic Copy
Magnanimous Charitable
Proactive Enthusiastic
Strenuous Difficult
Enthrall Enchant
Isolate Detach
Abuse Harm
Allow Permit
Exultation Jubilation
Retort Reply
Achieve Succeed

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Determined Resolute
Banish Exile
Discover Find
Lucid Clear
Duct Canal
Active Busy
Bind Fasten
Loyalty Faithfulness
Ominous Threatening
Breezy Airy
Pompous Boastful

SSC MTS 2020 VOCABULARY (Antonyms)

Absurd Reasonable
Difference Similarity
Farsighted Unwise
Abandon Support
Ignorant Learned
Partner Opponent
Complex Simple
Valiant Cowardly
Narrow Wide
Sly Honest
Zealous Indifferent

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Sleek Dull
Flimsy Strong
Defence Offence
Efficient Idle
Stable Shaky
Blame Praise
Ridiculous Reasonable
Friend Foe
Clear Murky
End Start
Confirm Reject
Protect Harm
Contented Dissatisfied
Approach Avoid
Tardy Early
Fake Genuine
Miserable Cheerful
Remote Close
Neglect Care
Hefty Slight
Fatigue Strength
Subtle Harsh
Cease Start
Deliberate Spontaneous
Permanent Temporary

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Obese Skinny
Stunning Unattractive
Unusual Commonplace
Radiance Dullness
Precise Vague
Bright Bleak
Native Alien
Former Latter
Crooked Straight
Receive Give
Prominent Inconspicuous
Admire Dislike
Absolute Limited
Hinder Help
Shallow Deep
Agree Oppose
Eager Indifferent
Acquire Disperse
Excited Bored
Thrive Shrink
Succeed Lose
Profuse Scant
Distant Near
Unfeeling Affectionate
Initiate Conclude

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Sufficient Inadequate
Stationary Moving
Nab Free
Alike Different
Abolish Continue
Prompt Sluggish
Slacken Intensify
Disaster Success
Highlight Downplay
Barrier Opening
Clear Dim
Entire Partial
Classic Atypical
Absorb Eject
Add Remove
Hope Despair
Barren Fertile
Juicy Dry
Stiff Tender
Renowned Obscure
Irritate Delight

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SSC MTS 2020 Idioms & Phrases
Idioms & Phrases MEANING
Irritate Delight


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