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Name : Nastiti Surya Putri

Student Number : 042744226

Study program : English Literature

Subject : Writing II BING3304 (Assignment 3)

Artificial Intelligence For The Future Of Human Life

Artificial Intelligence or also knowing as AI is duplicate or

simulation of humans intelligence that usually managed or
processed by computer systems. AI has been created to help
and ease human activity on many aspect of life. AI can do
some activity like human do such us virtual shopping, virtual
assistant, virtual consumer service, etc. In this modern era,
there are something around us that using AI on the
application, like Face ID, E-Payment, Voice Assistant, Maps
and Navigation, Search Recommendation, Auto Correct, also
Social Media. As we can see AI really help us to advanced our
life to be more modern, efficient, and fast when doing some

There are for type of AI that usually use : Theory of mind,

Reactive Machines, Self Aware, and Limited Memory. AI
maybe can really helpful for human life, but at the same time
this technological advancement can be dangerous and
threatening human life. With all that intelligence that AI
have, if AI have been applied in human robot and can have
their own mind, AI can do anything they want and slowly
can’t be controlled by human. In this case there are
possibility for AI to replace some human work and maybe
also can replace the human civilization.

That’s why we need to use this high tech invention properly

with wariness and not getting so overrated.

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