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FAISAL RAHMAN – 044518225

The Influence of Artificial Intelligence Technology on Human Life

In this century, the

development of science and
technology is so massively
worked out. This is done
because humans have a goal
to have a better quality of life.
Technology is one of the
fields that has brought the
most changes to human
civilization today. With the
help of technology, humans can indirectly do their work more easily and
efficiently. One example is the existence of Artificial Intelligence Technology.

It should be known that Artificial Intelligence was first introduced to the

public in 1956 by a professor named John MacCarthy. He explained that
"Artificial Intelligence is how to know and model human thinking processes
and design machines to mimic human behavior". In general, we know that
Artificial intelligence technology is only a robot, but in reality, it is not. Artificial
intelligence can also be created in various forms in the form of applications
such as GPS, Online Shopping Apps, Google Lens, or features contained in a
device such as a face detection feature to protect device security and Google
Assistant whose one function is to translate languages through writing or
voice. Based on this, artificial intelligence is one of the technological ideas that
greatly affects humans in carrying out daily life. But keep in mind that, behind
its advantages, you must be aware of the negative impacts caused by artificial
intelligence. One example is the potential to replace human work.

Therefore, of course, we as humans living in the current modernization

era should feel proud and lucky because all our activities such as work and
other activities that we want can be done easily with the help of
technology. But on the other hand, humans who act as drivers of civilization
need to be wise in utilizing technological advances, especially in the field of
artificial intelligence so that this does not dominate human life someday.


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