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Indigenous Homelessness


32% OF
Although Indigenous people only
account for 4.9% of the Colonial practices such as the
population in Canada, 32% of Sixties Scoop and residential
homeless individuals are schools are connected, but two
Indigenous. direct factors contributing to
This is due to many compounding the issue include:
factors, all of which must be The need for housing fell,
addressed to solve the issue of causing the development of
low-income housing to stop.
(Leach, 2010)
Eventually, the need for
housing exceeded available
housing. The costs associated
TRAUMA with housing have drastically
THROUGH THE rose while income has not done
so in equal amounts.
(Greater Victoria Coalition to
End Homelessness, 2020)
Intergenerational trauma and the
effects of colonialism can still be felt
to this day. One of the most DIFFERENT
impactful effects that contributes to
homelessness is the economic boom
There are other types of homelessness
which caused housing prices to rise aside from physical such as:
and incomes to remain largely

unchanged, making it even more Historic Displacement: Displacement

difficult to find and maintain housing from traditional lands due to
residential schools and colonialism
(Ansloos et al., 2021)
giving a sense of disconnect from their

Spiritual Disconnection:
Feeling disconnected from traditional
INDIGENOUS Indigenous beliefs

YOUTH "Going Home":

HOMELESSNESS Indigenous people moving back to the
reserve may be seen as outsiders by
those that grew up on the reserve
After receiving 1103 self-report (Homeless Hub, 2017)

surveys from homeless youth,

30% of them identified as
Indigenous. Not only are there GOVERNMENT
systemic issues that cause INITIATIVES
Indigenous youth to be considered Current initiatives fall short
as a higher risk of homelessness, on resolving the issue due
the issues they face currently to a lack of definitive goal,
perpetuate these problems making housing capacity, and the
future generations also more current model of treatment
susceptible to homelessness. used.
(Kidd et al., 2019) The current model of

treatment forces individuals
to abstain from drugs
before housing, however,
the new Housing First
model allows for immediate
housing with subsequent
addiction aids.
(Leach, n.d.)

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