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Working day: WD 250 days/year 250

Daily demand rate: 1000 speaker day 1,000

D: Nhu cau hang nam (demand/year) = Daily demand rate. WD= 250,000
PR: production rate 750,000 nhu cau san xuat trong 1 nam
C: 12$/unit unit production cost 12
Daily production rate: 3000 speakers/ day 3,000
Unit holding cost h: 3.6 3.6
Unit setup cost K: 12.000$ 12,000

Annual Holding K h*Q/2*(1-D/R) 60,000

Annual setup K K*D/Q 60,000
Total Variable cost Annual Holding cost 120,000
+ Annual setup cost

Q= sqrt(2KD/h(1-D/R) 50,000
nhu cau san xuat trong 1 nam
Speedy Wheel

Demand Unit/ month 250

Demand unit/ year (250*12 months) 3000
Purchase price C: 70$/bicycle 70
Administrative cost K: 200$ 200
The annual cost tied up i 20%*price of a bicycle 14
Additional cost 6
Storage cost h: Total: holding cost + additional cost 20
Working days 300 days 300
p unit shortage cost 30
Basic EOQ Planned Shortage
Annual Holding K h*Q/2 2,449.49 1,138.42
Annual setup K k*D/Q 2,449.49 1,897.37
Annual Shortage cost 758.95
Total Variable cost = 4,898.98 3,794.73
Q sqrt(2KD)/h 244.95 316.23
S 126.49

Colow View

Production rate per month r: 2000 Production run duration = Q/r

Production rate per year PR: 24000 Thoi gian cho hang thang
Unit Setup cost K: 7500
Unit Holding cost h: 120 Nhu cau cho moi thang
D: demand/ year 6000 Thoi gian cho hang thang
WD working days 300 (Q/ nhu cau moi thang)

Q sqrt(2*K*D/h(1-D/R) 1,000 product lot size
Annual Holding K h*Q/2(1-D/R) 45,000
Annual setup K K*D/Q 45,000

Total Variable cost 90,000

Maximum inventory level Q(1-D/R) 750
Production run duration = Q/r 0.5
Thoi gian cho hang thang

Nhu cau cho moi thang 500 units

Thoi gian cho hang thang 2 months
(Q/ nhu cau moi thang)

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