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Free time

1. Are you keen on doing sport to stay healthy in your free time?

yes, I like to do sports because not only does it help me stay healthy but it also helps me stay
relaxed, I like to practice spinning in my free time with my friends. since I studied my career I
learned much more about the importance of sport in life

2. Do you normally spend your free time with friends or alone?

I usually like to spend my free time with my friends, we usually go on trips to the beach or get
together to go out to eat, celebrate birthdays

3. Where do you like to relax in free time?

One of the places that I like the most to relax is the beach. I have been going since I was very
young with my family, that is why it has become a special place for me and it relaxes me a lot.

4. Do you ever listen to music while you are relaxing?

yes, when i want to relax I listen to happy music like reggaeton or salsa this music distracts me
from the problems I may have and before going to sleep to relax I usually listen to romantic music.

5. How often do you meet friends to go out at weekends?

With my friends we see each other every two weeks or when we have an important event
together like birthdays, and when we go out we like to do activities like karaoke, dance or have fun
with board games.


1. Did you use to like going to school as a child?

When I was little I didn't like going to school, I used to cry a lot because I liked spending time at
home with my family, but when I got older I started to really like going to school and I stayed in
extracurricular classes with my friends at school.

2. How did you use to get to school?

I used to walk to school because my house is near my school and also my mom worked at my
school so we went together every day and on the way I met many friends.

3. What is your current English teacher like?

My English teacher is funny, he has a lot of patience with us, and the way he teaches us makes
English look easy to learn. and although these courses have been intensive I feel that I have
learned a lot from him.
4. Are you good at learning languages or do you find it hard?

I am not very good at learning languages, it is difficult for me, but I try to learn something new
every day, since I realized that it is very important for life

A few months ago I was able to travel to the United States and I realized how important it is to
learn English.

5. Are you planning on doing another course soon?

yes, i am thinking of doing more courses to learn more English i would like to master it more and i
think that if i do more courses that would help me a lot and more when i have to travel outside the


1. Do you recycle plastic at home? Why (not)?

not at home we do not recycle plastic, although we think it is a very good idea to help the
environment, it is not yet something we do at home because it has not been a custom but I hope
soon we can do it

2. What are some types of pollution in your country?

in the country some of the types of pollution would be deforestation, mining, water and soil

3. Name some ways that you can reduce pollution in this country?

Some of the ways to prevent pollution in the country is to carry out awareness campaigns on how
to take care of the environment and what are the consequences of not doing so.

4. What can we do to help prevent pollution in our country?

We can help prevent pollution by choosing better the products we buy, using bicycles more
instead of using the car, not throwing garbage, not polluting rivers and practicing recycling at

5. What could you do to make this world a better and cleaner place to live in?

It would begin by generating changes in the place in terms of waste management, or limiting the
use of aerosol products that pollute the environment, and thus make small changes which little by
little will educate more people outside the family.

1. Where did you go on holiday last year?

Last year I was on vacation for the first time in Florida, United States visiting my family that I had
not seen for a long time, I had a lot of fun and I met Disney.

2. Do you enjoy sightseeing when on holiday?

I really like getting to know new places and new cultures. I feel that this helps you a lot in life and
helps you increase your knowledge. New places excite me a lot because they always have a story
to tell

3. Where are you planning on going on holiday next summer?

The next vacations I would like to know another country of Latin America, to know its culture and
its history with my family.

4. Would you like to try surfing in the future?

I really like the beach but I'm afraid of the sea, I don't know how to swim and I haven't had good
experiences there, that's why I wouldn't like to practice surfing I would enjoy seeing it only from

5. Which is your favourite city that you have visited?

On my trip to the USA I met the city of St. Petersburg, in Florida. I liked this place a lot because it is
a quiet place, its people are very friendly, apart from its pleasant climate because it is located in
Tampa Bay and its climate is similar much to that of our country, it has beaches and they practice a
lot of fishing


1. Which job would you hate to have and why?

I would not like to have a job as a bank teller, I am bad with accounts and I would get nervous
every time I have to do them, besides it is a job in which they spend a lot of time in the same place
and I do not like that.

2. Which job would you most like to do in the future?

I would like to be the owner of my own nutrition center, give private consultation and give talks
about nutrition, in addition to advising patients on their relationship with physical exercise
3. Do you commute to work or do you live in the ame city?

I work in the same city, currently I run my own pastry business and my workshop is here in the

4. How old will you be when you retire in the future?

when I retire I will be approximately 65 years old, and by that time I hope I will no longer have the
need to work.

5. Are you planning on changing job in the future?

Well, if in the future I hope to run my own company, the nutrition center as
my cafeteria, I would also like to be a lecturer to motivate many young people
to undertake in the future

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