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Short Reflection. Read the article “Life Before Birth” then answer the following


1.What are your feelings and reactions about what you read?
-Upon reading the article I feel happy as well as surprised imagining how life start.
2.Do you agree that that which is developing in the womb is a mere “blob of tissue” or “uterine contents”
as abortionists claim? Adhere your explanation.

-At the beginning yes.

When over 50% of fertilized eggs do not make it to even just cause a late period, at that
stage they are “things in the uterus” = “uterine content”

With detected pregnancies having a 1-in-10 chance to miscarry in the first trimester, what is
sure is that it is a blob of tissue, and no certainty to having a future as a baby.

It starts accumulating value as it pass milestones. Prove it can attach, prove it is not an
empty egg/blighted ovum, prove it can sort itself out enough to produce different tissues,
and some will someday become a heart, and so on. But It still basically worthless in my eyes
until a layman can pinpoint it species in a lineup.


Here are questions for further discussion. 

1. Is it more reasonable to believe that the one developing in the mother’s womb is a
human being or is it otherwise?

-.The scientific evidence, then, shows that the unborn is a living individual of the
species Homo sapiens, the same kind of being as us, only at an earlier stage of
development. Each of us was once a zygote, embryo, and fetus, just as we were once
infants, toddlers, and adolescents.
2. What are proofs that which is developing in the mother’s womb is a living human being?

-The unborn has a DNA and body distinct from her mother and father. She develops
her own arms, legs, brain, nervous system, heart, and so forth. Living. The unborn
meets the biological criteria for life.
3. Has any realization from today’s discussion changed your stand on abortion? Explain
your answer.
-Yes, it has changed my opinion of abortion. For example, if a girl becomes pregnant
at a young age and decides to abort the baby, I understand her point of view because
she is young and unfit to have a child, but she preferred it, and it is their
responsibility to raise the child. It is so wrong for the baby to die as a result of

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