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Top on page SEO factors

Page title
Page URL
Headings(H1,H2,…, H6)
Image filenames, Alt tags, LSI, and Secondary keyword variations
Top on page SEO factors
How many times does your keyword need to be used in H2 tags?
How many times does your keyword need to be used in H3,H4,H5,H6 tags?
How many images to have on a page?
Should you use your keywords in the li tags « List tags »?
What should be the keyword density ?
Should your keyword appear in anchor tags ? If so, then what’s the
What should be your page’s global word count
Over vs Under optimization
• Over optimization results in penalties
• Under optimization can lead to a poor ranking on the SERP’s

Find a sweet spot in between the two « Perfection equals paralysis » don’t
get stuck in paralysis by analysis
Over vs Under optimization
A page can be both over optimized and under optimized at the same time

It could be over optimized for certain factors, and under optimized for other
Over vs Under optimization
For example :

A page may have too many keywords in the H2 tags – While it may be
missing a H1 tag  Over optimized in H2 tags and under optimized in H1

It might have no keywords in the page title

Over vs Under optimization
For each factor there is an ideal range where it’s perfectly optimized

And there are limits beyond this range where the factor can be either over or
under optimized
Over vs Under optimization
If the tool says that the ideal range for H2 tags is 10 to 12 keyword
occurrences  And if the page has 5 keywords in H2 tags, then the page is
considered under optimized when it comes to H2 tags

If a page has 25 keywords in H2 tags, then it’s over optimized for h2 tags

As long as there are optimizations to do, the page will not perform well 
Adress optimization issues, and take your site to the next level

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