Task 2 - Role Play

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Role play

Tu: Hi, my full name is Tu Nguyen and my date of birth is…….. Today, I will conduct a
meeting with Joanne to brief her on the correct procedure of two meetings for minute taking
Tu: Hi, Joanne
Joanne: Hi, Tu
Tu: Do I bother you right now? Because I need to talk to you about the procedure of
minute taking before the upcoming meetings happen.
Joanne: Of course.
Tu: Do you receive my emails which include meeting agendas as well as minute
templates for these both meetings?
Joanne: Yes, I have received it already, including meeting agenda of the Annual End of
Year Party and the meeting with Techno Company.
Tu: Good.
Tu: So I will mention the procedure of the minute taking
Tu: Before the meetings, you have to read both two meeting agenda to understand
comprehensively about what we will do in there. Then, in the meetings, you should identify
reports and documents presented under each agenda items. In addition, you have a copied of the
agendas that can make you easily follow and use the format of the minutes template that I sent
you to write down what you hear.
Joanne: So, I need to write it by hand or using laptop?
Tu: During the meeting, you may take notes notes by hand or enter them immediately
into a laptop or other electronic device. The minutes are then created and sent to the attendees.
The meeting may also be electronically recorded, and minutes can be written up afterwards.
Joanne: Ok
Tu: The procedure of minutes taking in these two meetings are the same.
Tu: In the meeting minutes, you have to fill the name of group holding the meeting,
place, date, list of people presents and hour of meeting commencing. The acceptance of prior
minutes and all resolutions is often a part of formal and business meetings. Moreover, you also
write the name of facilitator, notetaker and timekeeper. For the participants who can not to come,
you have to announce it and note that you receive the apologies from them.
Joanne: This means that I have to check the emails regularly, right?

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Tu: Exactly. Conversely, for the participant who can come, you have to name them and
let them sign in the minute
Joanne: Sure.
Tu: During the meeting, you will record the major points of discussions, motions, and
summaries the decisions in the minute. It is not essential to capture each and every word that is
spoken. Even if no decisions were made about the problems brought up at the meeting, it is still
necessary to include them. This makes it easy to identify these problems later and ensures that
they do not get forgotten. Noticing that you have to write the accurate and proper things to
ensure that everything in the minute will be evidence for the future work.
Joanne: Alright
Tu: In heated debates or if there is a controversial subject, further textual discourse may
be supplied. If some attendees are not clear on something or points need to reiterate, you may be
required to read back sections. Do you feel comfortable with this?
Joanne: No problem.
Tu: And if a task or action has been assigned to a specific person, you have to mention it
in the minute. There has a table in the end of the minute, you just write the action items, name
who do it, deadlines of actions as well as status or comments. These things are in the format of
the minute that I sent you.
Joanne: Ok
Tu: To sum up, decisions must be thoroughly documented so that everyone is aware of
them and there is a record of them. It is not beneficial for subsequent meetings to focus on
attempting to reach an agreement on a previous decision. All motions must be recorded in the
minutes, including the names of the mover and seconder, as well as the outcome of the vote.
Individuals may request that their vote or abstention be recorded in the meeting minutes. The
minutes also indicate whether a job or action has been allocated to a certain individual. In
addition, the task's deadline may be included in the minutes. By documenting activities,
responsible parties, and deadlines, actions may be followed up on.
Tu: Ah, if you have lost the thread of the meeting minutes, you may stop the meeting if
participants need to restate what has been stated or if an actionable item requires clarification.
And the meeting's finish time should be included at the end of the minutes.
Joanne: Ok.

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Tu: After this, I will check and review the meeting minutes. The veracity of the subjects
covered, the timing of meetings, and the results attained will all be verified. If the minutes have
any grammar or accuracy mistake, I will recheck or rewrite it.
A formal copy of the minutes should be assigned by the proper party and kept as long as
necessary to comply with legal requirements or the organization's record keeping rules and
procedures after adoption of the minutes at the next meeting.
So, these are correct procedure for you to ensure that everything will occur in the best
Joanne: Ok. I got it. Thank you.
Tu: Thank you. See you in the meeting.

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