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RMIT Classification: Trusted

RMIT International University Vietnam

Modern Asia Individual Self Evaluation Template
Assignment Cover Page
Subject Code: COMM2377

Subject Name: Modern Asia

Location & Campus (SGS or HN) where

you study:

Title of Assignment: Individual Self Evaluation

Student name:

Student Number:

Teachers Name:

Group Number:

Assignment due date:

Date of Submission:

Number of pages including this one:

Word Count:
RMIT Classification: Trusted

Part 1: Soft Skills

Firstly, how well did you work with others? How well did you collaborate? How well did
you cooperate? How well did you receive feedback from your peers? Overall, were you a
good group member?

Please provide a rationale to justify your grade for soft skills.
Collaborative Podcast assignment is a group task that needs to collaborate with some
students to complete it. Therefore, I had to join in a team of 3 students to do it. For this
assignment, my team's goals were to work together effectively and get high outcome.
During teamwork process, choosing topic was quite hard for us as each member had
their own topic. I listened and found that it was related to food and agriculture, so I
recommend them to choose those as well as proposed France for the first country to
compare. When leader set deadlines for each task, I started immediately to research
and provide related information. However, firstly I felt overwhelmed as it has lots of
information and I could not understand those, for example, the neo farm, so I texted
and asked them politely. They were ready to help me without anger. In contrast, when
the leader needed the proposal ideas for MC transitions or the others wanted me to
check their content, I happily communicated and supported them. Moreover, I also
immediatly fixed the information whenever my team required to meet the team’s
effectiveness. Therefore, I can be said that I cooperate with teammates very well as no
one complaints about my teamwork ability. They said that they wanted to work with
me for the upcomming assignment. Overall, I thought that I was a good member and
graded myself 5 out of 5 for team working skill.

Grade for team working (see rubric):

Please indicate the grade you earned for soft skills.


Part 2: Hard Skills

Secondly, how well did you complete your part of the assignment? Did you complete
your allocated tasks? Was your work up to standard? Did you finish on time? Overall,
how effectively did you contribute to the project?

RMIT Classification: Trusted

Please provide a rationale to justify your grade for hard skills.

As mentioned previously, my team's objectives were to work effectively and get high
outcome. Therefore, we chose a leader who had abilities to assign tasks, support and
manage team. Each member was assigned each part of the assignment and I was
assigned one of the most important parts including French agriculture and its problems
related to SDGs goal 2: No Hunger. My deadline was set on Sunday, 18th December
after most of them finished their parts. Because of this, I had many times to research
and select the proper information for my task. To be more specific, I had to find the
current situation of French agriculture, the impact of COVID-19 to its food market
demand and supply chain, climate change, etc. Apart from this, I was also assigned a
small part of podcast's introduction at the end of the last team meeting. Consequently, I
had to re-read the information and thought new ideas for the beginning. During my
process, I had completed my allocated tasks on time which met my team's standard.
Moreover, my content was also comprehensively in-depth related to the topic that
everyone could believe to continue their works. In checking process, my team just
needed to cut some sentences as it was too long. Overall, it can be said that I contribute
effectively to this group project and graded myself 5 out of 5 for this hard skill.

Grade for project management (see rubric):

Please indicate the grade you earned for hard skills.

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