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Adolescence has been described as the period in life when an individual is no longer a child, but not yet an adult. It is
a period in which the individual undergoes enormous physical and psychological changes.
Human sexuality is a quality of being male and a female, it is a way in which we experience and express our self as
sexual beings
Sexuality is an integral part of what we do and who we are, it is the way in which we experience and express
ourselves as sexual beings. It is total expressions of an individual self-concept. It provides a sense of self-worth when
sexual understanding is positive.
It involves;
 The name given at birth
 The toys played with
 The clothes worn
 The friends played with
 The responsibilities at home

What is the purpose in learning about sexuality?

 To promote wholesome family and interpersonal relationship
 to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed
 to established and practice healthy behaviors
 produce learner who are responsible and have a healthy sexuality

1. Sex – is a biological basis of being male or female. It is the major aspect of personality. It is biologically determined
by genes and hormones.
2. Gender – - a social concept on how men and women should think, feels, and acts. It refers to the behaviors and
attitudes that are expected to be shown based on a person’s sex. It also refers to the roles and activities that are
exhibited by a person as a male or a female as deemed appropriate or proper by the society. A person’s gender may
be classified as masculine or feminine.
3. Gender role - refers to set of roles, characteristics and expectation of how a man and a woman should think, feel
and act as influence by parents, peers and society. This is often an outward expression of gender identity.
Female Male
Mother giving birth Making a living
Doing household chores Fixing a broken faucet
Helping children with homework. Breadwinner
Babysitter Priest
Clean the house Invite a person on a date
Have long hair Have short hair
Play doll Play cars or robot

4. Gender equality – permits a man and a woman equal enjoyment of human rights.

What are the dimensions of human sexuality?

1. Biological Dimension –described by a person’s biological or physical sexual characteristics as controlled by
the sex chromosomes and hormones produced by the sexual glands. Biologically, males and females are
being classified by identifying the reproductive parts present in their body.
2. Psychological Dimension – a major psychological factor that affects one’s sexual wellness is body image. A
positive body image leads itself to a feeling of overall wellness; a negative self-image can lead to drug abuse
or psychological disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and the like.
3. Sociocultural Dimension – this dimension of sexuality is the sum of the cultural and social influences that
affect thoughts and actions. The people surrounding you greatly contribute to your sexuality. These include
your family, school, and neighborhood. Religious and spiritual beliefs, multi-culture and ethics also influence
your sexuality.

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