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Zo > d, GH, J, K Nscor-4ozremnpooo a mo eS ave 4 LIST OF SYMBOLS shackle dimension width of fug plate centroidal distance lug plate width at the pin, bolt circie diameter lift load at each lug taling lug load vessel wall stress factor dimensions of jug plate number of bolts for the nozzle dimensions of trunnion lug thickness lug plate thickness collar plate thickness thickness of vessel shell weld size weight of vessel section modulus angle of vessel from horizontal stress ratio, ¢,,/a, allowable bending stress allowable bearing stress allowable shear stress allowable tensile stress vessel stress allowable stress in the weld bending stress in lug plate due to angle © angle of lift cable from vert. 204 A. PURPOSE ‘This design guide describes methods of selecting and designing ifferent types of lifting and tailing devices for use in the erection of pressure vessels. B." CODES AND STANDARDS e Since lifting or tailing lugs are non pressure retaining structural members, vesse! codes or Standards are not applicable in the design of these lugs. Good engineering practice and the recommended procedures given in the AISC Stee! Construction Manual are all that are needed. CC. TYPES OF LIFTING/TAILING LUGS Besides slings and attachments improvised in the field, liting lugs for towers, reactors end other pressure vessels can be broadly classified into (1) the ear type, (2) trunnions, and (@) the top nozzle blind type. See Fig. 1. By far the most common are the ear type lifting lugs. These are usually installed at the top of the vessel and can be used for most vessels, especially large towers. Because of ‘their location, interference with vessel appurtenances, such as platforms and ladders below the top head is not very critical. See Section 1. When a tower is unusually tall, so that fiting it will require a large crane and/or @ long boom, or will produce excessive bending stress in the vessel as a beam, the trunnion type lifting lugs may be more suitable. These are attached to the vessel shell some distance down from the top head. In using this type of lugs, the interference of the lifting cables with extemal ladders, platforms, nozzles, etc. attached to the vessel above the lugs, from the lying down to the up-tight position of the tower should be carefully checked and evoided. See Section. 2. Most heavy wall vessels have a large and strong nozzie located at the center of their top head. With @a special bolted attachment, this nozzle can be used for the erection of the vessel. This type of lifting blind is especially attractive when there are several vessels with the same size and rating top nozzies, so that one such lifting blind can be used on all of them. Even if the top nozzles were of different size, a special iting blind can usually be designed to adept it to more than one nozzle size. The advantages cf the top nozzle liting blind are economy, Ite interference with vessel appurtenances, and elimination of welding to the vessel which can cause stress risers that are undesirable in some critical vessels. See Section, 3. In uprighting a vessel from the horizontal to its vertical position, a pivot point, which is also capable of sliding toward the vessel foundation, is needed. This point can be provided simply and relatively inexpensively by @ tailing lug. The design of tailing lugs is described in Section © 4, . 210 1, EAR TYPE LIFTING LUGS. (FIG. 2) 1.1 In designing a lifting lug, the first thing to do is to determine the fit load. Normally a vessel is lifted in the empty state, but in recent years, the trend has been to lift it fully dressed. That means the vessel will have insulation, some piping and all non-interfering fadders and platicrms instelled on it during lifting. Whatever the méthod of erection, determine the lift weight, W, multiply it by an impact factor, and then divide it by two to obtain the lift load, F, for each lug. The impact factor can vary from 1.25 to 2.0. The commonly used value is 1.60. Thus: q) Fe 0.750 1.50W, 2 When the lit employs a tailing lug, the lift load is reduced in proportion to the relative distances of the lifting and tailing points from the center of gravity of the vessel. However, when the column is nearing its vertical position, the tailing device is going to be removed. ‘Then the lifting load will be as calculated in Eq. (1). __ 1.2 _Inlfting, the field uses standard shackles with safe working load ratings determined trom the minimum breaking loads with a safety factor of 5. Based cn the lift load from Eq. (1), choose a shackle size from Table 1. 1.3. The dimensions of the shackle selected will determine the lug pin diameter, d, the lug thickness, T, at the pin joint, and the lug projection, L, to provide clearance between the shackle and the vessel. The lug pin diameter can also be determined based on its shearing strength as in 1.6 below. 1.4 Although the lug pin may be conservatively sized so that it can take some bending as well as shearing, it is best to keep the difference between the shackle dimension, G, and the lug thickness, T, to a minimum, usually from 3/32* to 3/16". 1.5. The width of the lug piate, D, at the pin is set equal to 3d minimum. “4.6 Lug Design (See Fig. 3 for different failure modes) 4. Determine lug pin diameter from either the commercial shackle size | 1.3) or @ 200 2. Determine lug plate thickness t from F F 6) Bde ‘Tae, 3. Find lug thickness. T = t + 2t,, to suit the shackle 1.3) or from (4) Ps yn Speen Ma If collar plates are not used, t, = 0, then t = T, and the lug pin may have to be checked for combined shearing enc bending loads, especially where T< 1.4 (8) (2) (2+) en0.3092%6, 0.389983, (B°78+B*/4 Za -647B7 Cy, SS T(B+2B) (2,543242.5078) Using an allowable stress for the weld a, = 13500 psi, we have: F tat ee = (0.2245+0.1125)107 (11) Table 2 shows weld size, t,, per 1000 Ib. of lift load, F, for various ratios of L/B. TABLE 2 - WELD SIZE t, INCH PER 1000 LB. LIFT LOAD L/B : a a = cea 1s" 18" 2t" 24" 0.75 | 0.068 | 0.033 | 0.022 | 0.016 | 0.013 | 0.011 | 0.009 | 0.008 40} 0.075 | 0.038 | 0.025 |oo1e |oo1s |oo13 | 0011 | 0.009 1.25 | 0.085 | 0.042 | 0.028 | 0.021 | 0.017 | 0014 | 0012 |-0.011 15 0.094 0.047 0.031 0.024 0.019 0.016 0.013 0.012 1.75__| 0.104 | 0.052_| 0.035 | 0.026 | 0.021 | 0.017 | 0.015 | 0.013 20 | 0.113 | 0.057 oo1s | 0.014 2.25 0.123 0.061 0.018 0.015, 25 [0.152 | 0.066 | 0.044 | 0.033 | a.026 | 0.022 | 0.019 | 0.017 2.75 | 0.142 | 0.071 | 0.047 [0.035 | 0028 | 0024 | 0.020 | ao18 3.0 {0.151 | 0.076 | 0.050 _| 0.038 _| 0.030 | 0.025 _| 0.022 | 0.019 wn In order 10 keep the lifting cable vertical, a spreader bar is used. When the spreader bar is not availabie or not to be used, then the cables will make an angle with the exis of the vessel. This wil produce out-of-plane bending of the lug plate. If the cable angle is e*, the corresponding bending stress in the lug plate is, 6 FLsin®: Bet The maximum allowable angle to ensure ag, < a, is ©,=sin (. Brio, €FL y 2) (13) 203 To reduce this bending stress, a bracing plate may be used tying the lug plate to the vessel head at 2 distance L, from the lug pin. The reduced bending stress is now (14) 96,=(F) 6, The oad on this bracing plate, F sin e, is rather small for small angles, e. Therefore its thickness, t,, and the weld sizes usually are minimal. For very large angles of, this plate should be properly designed. 2. TRUNNIONS (Fig. 6) ‘Trunnions are used to erect vessels that are too tall to be lifted by lugs located at the top head. There are generally 3 different types of trunnions. The most common is the fixed pipe, fixed plate type. Sometimes, for clearance purposes, the lug plate has to be made very long. In order to prevent the high twisting moment at the pipe-vessel attachment, ‘the lug piate is allowed to turn over the lug pipe. When the lug pipe projection has to be large, again for clearance purposes, the bending moment at the vessel attachment may be very high. This will produce excessive stress and distortion in the shell, especially in large diameter, thin wall vessels. In this case, a turning axle type trunnion can be used. 2.1 As for the ear type lifting lug in Sectior_.1, determine the lift load, shackle size, pin diameter and lug plate thickness. 2.2 For the tuming plate trunnion, the dimension, s, is determined by a 5 (15) ast <7 Cs *"2r0, 2.3. The trunnion pipe size is determined by either its bending strength: (16) or its torsional resistance: (17) or its shear resistance: 2 (18) where A, = cross-sectional area of the lug pipe 74 26 In addition: arr (19) 2.4 For the rotating axle type trunnion, the pipe diameter, P, is determined from: Fat (20) 25 Weld size, t,, is determined from (21) F 0.455F. 6 O.7mPt, ce or from: FI (22) FE 2:93FL so, 0.7 fle) - or from = 282FE cy RE) (0.76) Pty (23) 0.4557, 0.91FL Pe Pe, 1 RGa, By assuming an initial value of 2" for 4, end using the boit circle diameter Ds as G,. we (E=2) have (28) (ae) Ifthe calculated t, is much different from 2", ancther iteration may be done. In any case, do not use t, less than the lug plate thickness determined in 3.3.2 above. The equivalent Pressure due to the force F, on the lug is relatively insignificant. 13.4 Examples of one iifting biind fiting two sizes of nozzles are shown in Fig. 8. 4, TAILING Lugs In lifting a tall vessel, whether by lifting lugs attached near the top head, or by trunnions located lower down the shell, a tailing lug is usually required to lft the entire column off the ground in order to facilitate the uprighting of the vessel. Since most vertical vessels have skirt supports, the tailing lug is usually attached to the bottom of the vessel to take advantage of the stifness of the base ring there. Unless the tailing load is unusually large, only one lug is required. See Fig. 10. 4,1 Design of the lug plate again follows the same procedure as for the ear type. 4.2. Check stresses in the base ring-skirt section Max, moment = .2387 FR where F, = load on the tailing lug. wee Generally the skirt plate is welded approximately to the middle of the base ring. It does Ret therefore contribute much to the section modulus of the section. Thus the bending stress in the base ring during the lift is 1.44FR a where t, and B, = thickness and width of the base ring. When this stress is too high, a strut can be welded diametrally between the tailing lug and the other side of the skirt. The force on the strut is approximately haif the tailing load, and the moment in the base ring section will be reduced to about a third of that without the strut. See the derivation in Agpendix A. In the case when the skirt plate is not centrally located on the base ring, 2 portion of the skirt plate will act to resist the bending moment in the ring section, will increase the section modulus of the base ring appreciably, and should therefore be taken into consideration. if a second ring also exists, then the section modulus will be further substantially increased. The length of the skirt plate that cen be inciuded in the base ring section, varies with the skirt diameter and its thickness, but for simplicity, use conservatively a length equal to 12 times its thickness. If a second ring exists, then this length shall be taken beyond the second ring. _D. MATERIALS Lifting and tailing lugs are structural elements thet are used only for @ short time during the erection of vessels. For this reason, the most common structure! stee! A-38 is adequate. However, paris of the lugs that are welded cirectly to vessels which are constructed of alloy metals, such 2s Cr.Mo. steel, stainless steel, no-ferrous metal, etc., should preferably be of the same type cf material as the vessel. Forgings and pipes will also be carbon steel: A-105 and A-53-B respectively, except as noted above. E, ALLOWABLE STRESSES Unless otherwise specified, use the following allowable stresses A368 Tensile - 20,000 psi A105 Bearing - 20,000 psi A53 Sheer- 13,500 Bending - 22,000 psi C.S. Welds: Full penetration - 20,000 psi Shear - 13,500 psi Vessel Stress: Membrane - 1.28 5 Bending - 1.5S where § = code allowable tensile design stress. Zio F. RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE 1 Determine from Construction, the type of lifting to be used: trom the top of the vessel or lower own the shell; whether the vessel will De bare or insulated with platforms and ladders installed; whether a spreader beam will be used; whether a large sturdy nozzle will be available on the top head for iting, etc. Then choose the appropriate lugs to be designed. 2 Calculate the if load at each lifting lug, and if talling lug is going to be used, calculate the lift and tailing loads. See paragraph 1.1. 3 Design the lugs per sections 1. 2. 3, 0r_.4. 4 Forward the lug design to the fabricator of the vessel on which the lugs are to be installed. 5 When design of the litting and tailing lugs is the responsibility of the vesse! fabricator, use this Design Guide to check the latters calcuiations. 6 _After erection, remove the lugs from the vessel as necessary, and patch up the openings where the rotating axle type trunnion has been used. G. REFERENCES Formulas for Stress and Strain by R. J. Roark Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells due to Extemel Loadings, WRC Bulletin 107, by K. R. Wichman, A. G. Hopper and J. L_ Mershon ZU TABLE 1 ee (DROP FORGED STEEL, We ANCHOR SHACKLES. LOLESS. BRIGHT, HEAT TREATED) FIGURE 1——LIFTING LUGS 223 FIGURE 2——EAR TYPE LIFTING LUG 22d LUG PIN SHEARING LUG PIN BEARING LUG TENSILE LUG SHEARING ©OO080 FIGURE 3——LIFTING LUG DESIGN LUG PLATE TENSILE FIGURE 4—— ANGLE OF LIFT REGULAR TAILING LUG TANGENTIAL NO_TAILING LUG (ly 1S POSITIVE) TAILING LUG (ly IS NEGATIVE) Clo) FIGURE 5———LOCATION OF TAILING LUG Z226 FIGURE 6——TRUNNIONS 227 STRESS FACTOR, f VESSEL wate é F vesser stress= EEE T Te Ss o © S 8 8 Fk ee ye 3 +08} -06| +04 +02) 0.02 -04 06-08-10 12.14 16 18 20.22 024 26 28 30 TRUNNION DIAMTER VESSEL DIAMETER FIGURE 7——VESSEL STRESS FACTOR 223 FIGURE 8——LIFTING BLIND TE EE UENG LIND (16) 1%" HOLES ON 39'/4°8.C. FOR 30° 300% FLANGE 112) 1%" HOLES ON 32°8.C. FOR 247 3008 FLANGE (16) 2" HOLES ON 40478.0. FOR 30° 600 FLANGE (12) 2° HOLES ON 337B.C. FOR 24° 600# FLANGE FIGURE 9——LIFTING BLIND BOLT PATTERNS Z40 FIGURE 1Q———TAILING LUG Decivetion of Ring Moment 4b «I> ‘> () i) Increase in diameter due so load Wi-Ws s+ Wins = a 3 Dy SEH [ 3185 (s0+c)~ $] = AAA tel HEIR UL) Decrease in hrametec die 70 Joad Ws 1s = 2 OTEEWSR? dys 7I (DB) Eleagatian of Strat due to lead WE 1s = -2HER Al-=% 2788 (Wr-WeJR?_ O7tk WR? _ 2WER éI €L AE 22372 WHR* _ He, oTeEWER? z A = The Hirst term on the wight site 13 small compared pe the second erm, and can be neglected. M=2N8 or Ws-tM 23u frem Roark, Moment in the ring due to outward aad t3. M, =(W-WSIR( 2387 cas X- S07. 4.1892 (Aci At) -Cossd] Moment due to inward [oad 13: Mas WSR [2387 cos(TA)=5 Stn (BA) ALEG2 [TIT H) + /- cos Cr-a)) = HbR (2387 cesX-.S oun P8982 fl Maing +1 4 cesa) | No Stet Strat x M Ma 122M | M=Miths CO |. 1/9A WR 1.0398 WR |4.2388 WR | 4.0776 WR Ye__1t.0099 WR |-.0243 WAR 4.0198 WR |-.0142 WR | YS \-0449 WLR |4.0124 WIR |=.0898 WiR \-.0325 WR L%__|-045¢ WAR |t.04S¢WR'-0908 WiR| oO 12% | c128 wR | 4.0449 Wik 0248 Wik le0sas WR | [7% _|y.0293 whe |-.2099 Wik |n04a86 WR\-0184 WR WT _|4.0398 WR |-.1194 WiR | 4.0796 WR |=.0796 WR Mh ie Sarple Freblem Gwen: Chumn €0°1.0,% 1000 777 plus 1 th shirt We with pays, insulaten and platforms = BS hubs Genter of gravity 2 S04 from base. Vesse/ rhickness: La° tap third), FB" middle third, and Ya" bebam third. Shirt Fa. Lf pout (A) near the Sop head. (8) $5-60 from base. Required: Lifting tug design | et =e he (A) Ear Type Lifting Lug Max. bib lead (vertical, falling load =o) FHF XBS*1S = /0/ Rips/ lig ( #6 Fens/ lug) Meriz. tt load = F = $x 13S" 5°85 = 48 Kips / lug Foom Jable 1, a size 3” cnchor shackle (3 reguired: f= 3A" lpn) «Be sug Hach. 7 # 478 G Grp)= St Fiem Eg. 03), fag plate thickness 661 aso”, Use 14 plete f=-G— ooh BATE 343.2520 L234 Oller plate rhick. t= Assume domension £ =/2". Then xeon Eg 5), Wh of Jug plate = 8 2fE = ns 9 Lee 12” Since Gis Heten tr be 22 Ks), ancl Og = 20431 A= Weer = yp) Max. combined stress i the tig plate occurs aA (948 Ub aL EU the 1a” Am tin BB» tin" BE = po.9* SIN. = & ERLE » Combined stress = WEARER § eecage’ = 054+ 16,09 = 16.6 ksi < 20 ksi Assume a oe heagth £3718" and a weld ae OR size Le= From Eg), ve vesse/ in the foriz. pesitien, shear ateess in big attachment weld = *LYortratzna) ras) = 3.2 ksi . sé? - Ceatrordal distance C*Far72 = 49 7 oe Moment abeut weld centrord mero =4S(12114-9.9) = 950 tn. hk.” z . , Flor mem. ot meta of weld r 3 = 2[OBM pa sa18 (ras [tos a1ec4.g* t+ 210.SK/8 067% ese? = 7/0 int veto . Palas section modulus ~ TERT 792-7 in! Tonsenal stress due to mamenft = 950/927 =10.8 kt 2a Combed shear stress for vessel iy forts. positon SH FR2A1O2 = 13.46 hei OK. Shear stress in weld Por vessel in vert pastTeaw = s0iffe.7 (12r28)x05] = 2 ksi OK 8) Treanien Type lug (assume ted pipe) (55'tiem base) Max. lie load (vert eal) = fol k. Max. bite baad) Uhoriz.)= 0521521354 22 = 92 f, As on example A), 3" shackle 1s reguiced: A344 teh Bete Assume dimensions E and L fe meet cherance requirements: E=8° , L=15° From Ey. U8), Z af reunnton pipe = 9218/02 *33.5 im? oD, Z of prummion pype ~ Pex S11 19" From 67.18), Xsechonal area ef pppe V3.5 = 7S inne Try (2°XS pypes A#/9.2 mn). 22589 ind : ; G20S 92 Gmbined shear ¢ fersional shess = £6 97 W928 ~lbS ks This stress exceeds =/3.5ks1' 7 C68 EXS pypes Z*7/1S 3, A222 12. Ceomb 2th ks Check vesse/ stress using 4g. 7 eth Teo Quam. tt. Vas 76, EGER = Boog y= 0.083 Vessel Stress < PRES ogg feo, &y “sing o Ahk” rhychk Pad 1 Ce 078 60.b252 4.375" Siress wreunc/ (PPS CO0S3% 9218 1378" = 1S hss Stress around rhe pad Cassume reasorable size) will sh be excessive. . 2 turing axle tuanien 13 recommended. Bearing stress at shell gpeniag Swi a A size of weld betuten tag plate anil piee end! 13 8, then weld stress =7ibb Si +b hei OR 1g fH 1 = h =

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