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10 (3) (2021) 121 - 125

Journal of Physical Education, Sport,

Health and Recreations

How Does Student’s Learning Interest in Physical Education Subject Use

Nearpod Media in Covid-19 Pandemic

Muhammad Adnan Fauzi1, Nur Subekti2

Physical Education Study Program of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Muhammadiy-
ah University of Surakarta, Indonesia1
Sebelas Maret University, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia2

Article History Abstract

Received November 2021 During the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning media innovation is needed in or-
Accepted November 2021 der to maintain the obligations of educators and to create a pleasant learning atmos-
Published Vol.10 No.(3) 2021 phere. This study aims to describe students’ learning interest in physical education-
orchestral subjects using Nearpod media. In addition, it does not only describe the
students’ learning interest, but also this research can be used as information media
for teachers that there is the digital learning media which is ready to use. Students’
Student’s interest learning;
learning interest can be identified through observation done by the Program for Pro-
nearpod; learning media.
spective Teachers (A learning leader who can encourage children’s development).
The researcher used a qualitative descriptive design with research instruments in
the form of Nearpod-based teaching materials, interview guidelines, and question-
naires. The results of this study is that the Nearpod.com learning media application
can be used for learning media ‘ready-to-use’ in online learning models. It can also
be developed and build an atmosphere of fun teaching and learning activities.

How to Cite
Fauzi, M., A., & Subekti., N. (2021). How Does Student’s Learning Interest in
Physical Education Subject Use Nearpod Media in Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of
Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation, 10 (3), 121-125.

© 2021 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Correspondence address :
E-mail: adnanfauzi23@gmail.com p-ISSN 2460-724X

e-ISSN 2252-6773
M. Adnan Fauzi & Nur Subekti / Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation (10)(3)(2021) 121 - 125

INTRODUCTION further research done by Jusrianto et al., (2019)

for Junior High School / Senior High School stu-
It has been almost two years that the pan- dents who developed a learning media applica-
demic caused by Corona Virus has become an tion about physical education-orchestral learning
epidemic in Indonesia. Some time ago there was with the results of the research in the form of an
a decrease in confirmed Covid-19 patients, so android-based application. Another related rese-
the Indonesian government through the ministry arch also done by Sukamto and Harjono (2021)
of education, culture, research, and technology that have also developed learning media in the
plan face-to-face learning at the beginning of form of modifying the basic technique of passing
the semester in 2021/2022 school year. Howe- down volleyball through video tutorials for stu-
ver, since May the delta variant from India has dents of Primary School 190 in Tanjung Jabung
entered Indonesia which causes the second wave Barat, the development carried out as an effort
of Covid-19 attacks with the number of people to evolve students’ understanding of the material
that confirm positive dramatically increase. This about volleyball.
affects to the postponement of the planned face- Observations done for one of Junior High
to-face learning. One of the Indonesian govern- Schools in Gonilan District, Kartasura that
ments’ efforts in reducing the rate of transmission implemented distance learning and showed that
of Covid-19 is to implement an emergency public physical education subjects were carried out con-
activity restriction (Kusyeni et al., 2021). There- ventionally where the teacher only gave weekly
fore, learning for students is still conducted in on- worksheets and short materials in PDF form. The
line. So far the online learning is considered not results of student work are collected through the
optimal, therefore we need innovation in learning WhatsApp application by being photographed or
in terms to maximize the teaching and learning scanned. Learning in this way is certainly not op-
process (Karma et al., 2021). timal and will make students bored. So it is neces-
Physical education, sports and health are sary to develop learning media innovation.
one of non-exact subjects so that physical educa- The learning media developed must be
tion, sports and health subjects are not the prio- adapted to the current environment (Bakhtiyar &
rity in learning during this pandemic. However, Shintawati, 2020). Instead of being digital-based
those subjects should be one of the important with only limited in transferring material through
things during this pandemic to maintain body printed form to PDF or power-point, of course,
immunity. this kind of development is still not very attrac-
The interest of some people in something tive for students. Currently, teachers no longer
will not suddenly appear, there must be a reason need to bother for development digital learning
behind it. In order to make physical education media because digital learning media have been
subjects to be interested by students, a learning widely circulated and can be used for free, just ad-
innovation is needed to attract students’ interest just the material. One application that is already
in learning. It is important for students to develop available is Nearpod.
their learning interest and create learning more Nearpod is an application that can support
optimal. Learning interest should become a mo- the online learning process or e-learning with va-
tivation factor for students in learning based on rious feature facilities where it is easy to use by
interest or pleasure and students’ desire to learn. educators and students. The facilities provided
Learning interest also becomes an aspect for mo- by Nearpod can be used to explain material and
tivation builder, a phenomenon formed by social create game-shaped quizzes. This kind of media
interaction, and student involvement in learning makes the teaching and learning process more in-
activities (Ricardo & Meilani, 2017). Learning teresting and builds a sense of competitiveness in
interest is defined as an interest in a lesson where students’ souls.
it encourages individuals to learn and pursue the This is based on the Law of the Republic
lesson. We have for indicators of students’ lear- of Indonesia in number 20 of 2003 about the Na-
ning interest; feeling pleasure, attention, interest, tional Education System in chapter 40 in verse 2
and involvement. which explains that educators have an obligation
Several studies related to student interest to create an educational atmosphere that is mea-
in physical education-orchestral subjects have ningful, fun, creative, dynamic, and dialogical.
been carried out, such as the research on deve- This study aims to describe students’ lear-
loping interactive multimedia based on educa- ning interest in physical education-orchestral
tional games for health materials in physical subjects using Nearpod media. Beside of descri-
education-orchestral subjects and concluded that bing students’ learning interest, this research can
learning media had an effect on student interest, be used as information media for teachers that

M. Adnan Fauzi & Nur Subekti / Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation (10)(3)(2021) 121 - 125

nowadays we have innovation called Nearpod rial followed by practice and ended with a quiz
media with ready to use. The students’ learning provided in Nearpod. The quiz is done indepen-
interest can be utilized as a consideration whet- dently at the same time. The speed and accuracy
her Nearpod-based learning media can be used of student in answering the questions is the key to
and developed. victory in the quiz given.


The study used a qualitative descriptive

design with research instruments in the form of
Nearpod-based teaching materials, interview
guidelines, and questionnaires. The data were ob-
tained through the distribution of questionnaires
and interviews after the research subjects used
Nearpod-based learning. The subject is a grade Figure 1. Teacher page display on the Nearpod
of 8th Junior High School students who join as application.
a student in Program for Prospective Teachers (A
learning leader who can encourage children’s de-
velopment) organized by Muhammadiyah Uni-
versity of Surakarta.
Program for Prospective Teachers is a pro-
gram to prepare for Institute of Teachers’ Educa-
tion as candidates to drive change in the context
of Global Education, Transformational Edu-
cation, Educational Disruption, Education in
Emergencies Remote Teaching, or other educa- Figure 2. The documentation of student when
tional changes. Program for Prospective Teachers creating in-game characters and the appearance
is also a program to present, mobilize animate, of teachers’ pc (Personal Computer).
dynamite, collaborate, and empower the commu- The student can freely choose and make
nity of informal and non-formal education that the characters in a quiz game as a reference for
has adaptation to the education during the pan- student involvement during playing the quiz.
The students’ learning interest question-
naire consists of 20 positive and negative ques-
tions. The scoring of the questionnaire uses a Lik-
ert scale with five categories (Widhiarso, 2010).
Interviews were conducted to four subjects who
were willing to become respondents voluntarily
in this study. To gain valid data, the researcher
uses a triangulation method that compares the
interview data with questionnaire data and also
compares the data obtained from each subject.
Data analysis techniques include data collection,
data reduction, data presentation, and conclu-
The researcher gave the Nearpod-based
material by themselves in four meetings on the Figure 3. The display when students take quizzes
traditional game material. The traditional games and is monitored directly from the teacher’s PC
presented are baseball games, engklek games, da- (Personal Computer).
kon, and jumping rope. The scores gained by all students from
working on the quiz game also shown on their
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION respective layer displays during the quiz. This ma-
kes students’ feel challenged and stimulates the
Learning using Nearpod application is sense of competitiveness.
conducted for one month with four meetings. During the learning process, students loo-
Each meeting is begun with giving a brief mate- ked happy and followed the learning process

M. Adnan Fauzi & Nur Subekti / Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation (10)(3)(2021) 121 - 125

well. It can also be seen from the beginning that terest. Nearpod is “ready-to-use” application and
students were asked to open Nearpod.com on makes it easy to use so that students are interested
their respective cellphones. Students’ understan- in using Nearpod as a learning media.
ding of the material can be said to be good, as
indicated by the scores got from the quizzes. In Attention
addition, when students are invited to re-explain The aspect that becomes an indicator of
the material that has been studied, their enthusi- interest in learning is attention. The researchers
asm is quite good. From these observations, there take five statement items in order to determine
are indications that Nearpod-based learning can the interest in learning in terms of attention. The
reach students’ interest. first statement, I pay attention from the beginning
However, it is not enough with the obser- of the lessons to the end of the lessons. All sub-
vation result. The next is to show the result of jects gave the answer “agree.” The second state-
questionnaires from each indicator of students ment, I chat or play on my own phone during the
learning interest. Briefly, student learning interest class. All subjects showed the answer “disagree.”
on each indicator is shown in Table 1. The third statement, I am able to retell what have
been explained by the teacher during the lesson
Table 1. The category od students’ interest in using Nearpod. One subject gave the answer “ag-
each indicator ree” and another one was “disagree.” The fourth
statement, I ask the teacher when I am confused.
Indicator Category
Both subjects showed the answer “agree.” The
Feeling Pleasure High fifth statement, I do not daydream when I am
Attention Medium using Nearpod. Both subjects chose the answer
Interest High “Strongly agree.”
Involvement Medium From the statement submitted and the ans-
wer given, it shows that the students have a high
The aspect of feeling pleasure is one of in- attention in learning traditional game using the
dicators from learning interest. The researchers help of Nearpod application. This is also confir-
take five statement items in order to determine the med by the subject during interview who stated
learning interest in terms of feeling pleasure. The “besides paying attention to Nearpod.com, I also
first statement, the material delivered through take a note the material in my book.” From the
Nearpod media is difficult to understand. All sub- results of questionnaires and interviews, it can be
jects gave the answer “disagree.” The second sta- concluded that students have high attention when
tement, I like the physical education, sports, and learning with Nearpod.
health lessons that are taught by Nearpod app- The Interest and Involvement
lication. Subjects agreed to answer “agree.” The The next aspect that becomes an indica-
third statement, I am disappointed if the schedule tor of learning interest is interest and involve-
of sports practice is canceled. One subject cho- ment. When the researchers ask the students to
se “agree” and another one gave “disagree.” The open Nearpod, the researchers pay attention to
fourth statement, I am excited to join the move- students’ expression. Two subjects look really
ments taught by the teacher during the warm-up. excited to learn every single material with Near-
Two subjects showed the answer “disagree.” The pod. Both subjects are also active during working
fifth statement, the quiz presented in Nearpod is the task to draw a field in their Nearpod. From
really interesting, both subjects chose the answer the quiz conducted, the competitive spirit of the
“strongly agree.” two subjects is really high showed by their de-
From the statement submitted and the ans- sire to get the most score. The researchers take
wer given, it shows that the students have a high seven statement items in order to determine the
feeling of pleasure in learning traditional game learning interest in terms of interest and involve-
using the help of Nearpod application. This is ment. The first statement, the material delivered
also confirmed by the subject during interview through Nearpod media is not interested. All
who stated “besides studying, I can also play and subjects gave the answer “disagree.” The second
compete with friends during lessons.” From the statement, I like playing and learning physical
results of questionnaires and interviews, it can education, sports, and health lessons that are
be concluded that students have high feeling of taught by Nearpod application. Subjects agreed
pleasure when learning with Nearpod. to answer “agree.” The third statement, I would
It is also supported by the opinion of Lestari like to obtain the game quiz score higher than my
& Ridwan (2017) which stated that digital-based friends. One subject said “agree” and another one
learning will greatly reach students’ learning in- was “strongly agree.” The fourth statement, I am

M. Adnan Fauzi & Nur Subekti / Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation (10)(3)(2021) 121 - 125

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