Accessory - Dragon Magazine #124

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Issue #124
Vol. XII, No. 3
Publisher Give wings to your imagination.
Mike Cook 18 Sailors on the Sea of Air — Ed Greenwood
The flying ships of the Forgotten Realms.
22 On a Wing and a Prayer — L. Gregory Smith
Roger E. Moore
The art and science — and joy — of gliders.
Assistant editor Fiction editor 26 Flying the Friendly(?) Skies — Thomas M. Kane
Robin Jenkins Patrick L. Price The sky is the only limit with aerial adventures in the AD&D® game.
34 The Wings of Eagles — J.F. Keeping
Editorial assistants Aarakocra as player characters in AD&D game campaigns.
Eileen Lucas Barbara G. Young 37 Kocraa — God of the Aarakocra — Christopher Jones
Georgia Moore A brief word about the lord of the bird-folk.
— The AD&D Game Second Edition Questionnaire
Art director Don’t miss this chance to tell us what you want!
Roger Raupp

Production Staff
Marilyn Favaro Gloria Habriga 8 Role-Playing Reviews — Ken Rolston
Game reviews are back — and first in line is WARHAMMER FANTASY ROLEPLAY.
Subscriptions Advertising 40 Kicks and Sticks — Joseph R. Ravitts
Pat Schulz Mary Parkinson Filipino martial arts at its best: escrima.
44 New Front-End Alignments — Rich Stump
Creative editors If you’ve ever gamed with a Neutral Montyhaul, you’ll love this article.
Ed Greenwood Jeff Grubb 50 Arcane Lore — Rich Balwin
The secret spells of Odeen the Arch-Mage.
Contributing artists
54 Packing It All Away — Ian Chapman
Teanna Byerts Richard Cameron
Backpacks: Don’t leave for the wilderness without one.
Jeff Dee Diesel
Larry Elmore Ernie Guanlao 56 The Ecology of the Gelatinous Cube — Ed Greenwood
Jim Holloway Paul Jaquays A lecture on the athcoid and the nature of old feuds.
Dwain Meyer Ray Nadeau 58 The Game Wizards — Michael Dobson
Joseph Pillsbury Lawrence Raimonda The latest word from TSR: what, who, where, when, how, and why.
Richard Tomasic David Trampier 62 Blasters & Blunderbusses — Peter R. Jahn
How can you control a player character with a howitzer?
66 A Shot in the Arm — Jason Pamental and David Packard
Making combat a little livelier in STAR FRONTIERS® games.
70 The Most Secret of Secrets — Thomas M. Kane
A few real-world projects for TOP SECRET® and TOP SECRET/S.I.™ games.
76 The Marvel®-Phile — Jeff Grubb
Meet the newest Hulk® of all — and his most determined foes.
82 The Role of Computers — Hartley and Patricia Lesser
Black Magic and Realms of Darkness reviewed.
94 ORIGINS Awards 1987 — The editors

3 Letters 60 Index to Advertisers 96 Dragonmirth
4 World Gamers Guide 88 Gamers Guide 98 Snarfquest
6 Forum 91 Convention Calendar 101 Wormy
16 Sage Advice

A high-riding adventurer looks down over a forested valley in our cover painting
by Pennsylvania native Teanna Byerts. One can only imagine what thoughts are
passing through the mind of the wide-eyed rider, though the pegasus seems quite
at ease with it all.

2 AUGUST 1987
LETTERS Directions
In a previous column, I mentioned
that we were still thinking of new
services to provide for the hundreds
of thousands of gamers who read
each issue of DRAGON® Magazine.
Our staff has tossed around numer-
ous ideas to improve the quality and
the time; currently, it alternates with “The Role utility of the magazine as a whole
Recordbusters of Books” feature, but this may change soon. and provide you with more hard
Your suggestion that we run the addresses of gaming information, more news on
Dear Dragon: gamers is one that we ourselves have discussed, gaming events and issues, and more
My friends and I are interested in breaking particularly with reference to a classified-ads of everything else as well.
the world’s record for continuous AD&D® game section in which gamers could post listings of
We’ve considered classified ads,
playing. Could you send me information on this items for sale, items needed, announcements of
or tell me where to send for it? gaming groups, etc. It was also suggested to me
but given the wide circulation of the
Peter C. Rauch by a gamer on an Austin computer bulletin board magazine, any such section would
Colorado Springs CO that we publish a list of phone numbers for BBSs probably cover a minimum of eight
featuring role-playing game set-ups and sub- pages per issue. More important,
Sorry, Peter (and the dozen or so other boards which discuss gaming topics. We’d like this feature is already covered quite
gamers who have written to ask this question). more feedback on these ideas from readers well by POLYHEDRON™ Newszine.
We have no idea where you can obtain informa- before we act on them (see this month's editorial). Classifieds aren’t likely to appear.
tion on the current records for any sort of As for a “New Words” department: Send more
We also debated the merits of new
gaming. We also have no interest in printing mail on this one, folks. How would you like such
departments, columns, and features
such records, whether they are legitimate world a feature set up? What information on a game
records or not, because such stunts don’t world do you think is important? — RM — and now you have two more
encourage good health habits. (I can’t imagine (“Lords & Legends” and “Arcane
sitting down and gaming for more than six Lore”) which will appear at irregular
hours at a stretch nowadays, anyway My son
wouldn’t stand for it.) — RM Future writers intervals. And, with this issue, you
now have a games-review column as
well, a feature that has been sorely
Dear Dragon:
I am a Dungeon Master with thoughts of col-
missed by many of our readers.
More changes lege next year. if someone wanted to work for Other column ideas have been
suggested, several showing much
your magazine or one like it, what classes should
Dear Dragon: he take and what are some good colleges to go merit, but there is a limit to the
In the “Letters” section of issue #121, one of to? Also, is there any money in writing fantasy number of things we can add.
the letters was headed “More Columns.” For material? Are there a lot of job opportunities for Some of the semiregular features
some reason, the heading was followed by a a fantasy writer? Who can a young writer send will alternate with one another in
question mark. Well, in that case, my answer is manuscripts to, to see if they are any good? various issues. We’d like to add more
an emphatic yes. Michael Clement pages, but we have to wait for
Niel Brandt’s idea for a “New Worlds” section Peshtigo WI
advertising to increase sufficiently
is excellent. Anything could be included — The
Known World, Greyhawk, Blackmoor, Middle- If you’ve read the past “Profiles” on the maga- to justify the increase in size.
earth, the Wizard’s World (from Alan Dean zine staff members here at TSR, Inc., you are One other idea for a regular fea-
Foster’s Spellsinger novels), Mognamund (from undoubtedly aware that there is no established ture has occurred to us — a one-
the Lone Wolf gamebooks) — the possibilities method for getting into the games or games page listing of modem-accessible
are endless. magazine business. We currently have no open- bulletin board systems (BBSs) which
I think you could expand your “Gamers’ ings on our staff; our main interest now is in are gaming-oriented. Some of them
Guide” feature (you know, the one with ads for locating high quality freelance writers who can feature subboards with news from
game merchants) to be more like the “World produce gaming articles. The only requirements
game companies, debates on game-
Gamers’ Guide” and “Overseas Military Gamers’ for one to be such a writer are creativity famil-
Guide” by including the addresses of U.S. iarity with games, and the ability to express one’s
related topics (I hear that the
gamers who play unusual, hard-to-find games or ideas clearly and neatly on paper (as per our second-edition AD&D® game is a hot
have lots of trouble finding gamers in their Writers Guidelines). topic), and on-line role-playing
area. Also, since I (and a lot of other people I Is there any money in writing fantasy material? adventures.
know) enjoy the posters you put out once in a That depends. We pay about $0.04 per word for Would you like a BBS page as a
while, you could put in a two-page pull-out in articles in DRAGON® Magazine, and almost no regular or semiregular feature?
the middle of the magazine each month, con- one has ever made enough from writing fantasy Write and tell us now — and let us
taining that issue’s cover art, or a promo for a gaming material to support himself without know how you like the changes
new product, or whatever. A “character of the having a regular job (unless he was employed as a
we’ve made.
month” would be interesting as well. game designer). Even people who write fantasy
Finally, puh-leeese bring back “The Marvel®- fiction usually do it as a sideline to better-paying
Phile” and “The Role of Computers” as regular responsibilities.
features! Please! If someone seriously wishes to write game
P.S. Are you listed in the Readers’ Guide to material for any game company or periodical, I
Periodical Literature? strongly recommend the following:
Mike Sugarbaker (continued on page 60)
Berkeley CA

In reverse order: No, we’re not in the Readers’

Guide to Periodical Literature; gaming articles
are not that important, I suppose. “The Marvel-
Phile” has been slightly irregular due to Jeff’s
work schedule, but it’s still around. “The Role of
Computers” is proving to be more popular all

Dragon 3
The World Gamers Guide
if you live outside the continental United When listing gaming preferences, write JD: Judge Dredd game
States and Canada, you can be included in out the complete title of the games you most MERP: MIDDLE EARTH
the World Gamers Guide by sending your enjoy. For the purposes of this column, the ROLE PLAYING™ game
name and full address (carefully printed or abbreviations listed below are used. MSH: MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ game
typed, please), plus your gaming prefer- OA: AD&D Oriental Adventures system
ences, to: World Gamers Guide, DRAGON® AD: AD&De game P: PARANOIA™ game
Magazine, PO. Box 110, Lake Geneva WI BS: BATTLESYSTEM™ Supplement PEN: Pendragon game
53147, United States of America. BT: BATTLETECH® game RC: RECON® game
The World Gamers Guide is intended for CC: CALL OF CTHULHU® game RM: ROLEMASTER™ game
the benefit of gamers who would like to CH: CHAMPIONS™ game RQ: RUNEQUEST® game
contact other game-players around the CL: CHILL™ game SF: STAR FRONTIERS® game
world, to share their interests in gaming CW: CAR WARS® game SFB: Star Fleet Battles game
through correspondence. Each eligible name DC: DC™ HEROES game SM: SPACE MASTER™ game
and address that we receive is published in DD: D&D® game ST: STAR TREK®: The RPG
three consecutive issues of DRAGON Maga- DW: Doctor Who game T: TRAVELLER® game
zine. To be listed for more than three issues, EPT: Empire of the Petal Throne game TMNT: TEENAGE MUTANT
you must send us another postcard or letter. G: GURPS® game NINJA TURTLES® game
Overseas American military personnel GHO: GHOSTBUSTERS™ game TN: TOON® game
should consult issue #123 for information on EQ: ELFQUEST® game TS: TOP SECRET® game
The Overseas Military Gamers Guide and GW: GAMMA WORLD@ game T2000: TWILIGHT: 2000™ game
how servicemen may be listed therein. JB: James Bond 007 game T2300: TRAVELLER 2300™ game

Luis J. Katigbak (AD) Sean Riley (AD,CW,MSH,P,T,TN) Ilkka Seppa (AD,CC) The Fellowship Gaming
3073 Apple Street UPS III 9 Marina Drive Lamsantie 24 Organization
Paranaque, Metro Manila Mt. Clear 3350 90230 Oulo c/o Ramon Macutay
AUSTRALIA 191 Pasadena Street
Carl Adams (AD,DD) Fanaat (gaming club) San Juan, Metro Manila
P.O. Box 16 Jeff Johnson (AD,DD) (AD,DD,T,RM) PHILIPPINES
Kohukohu SPDC Ext. Nord Vrijhof
Hokianga BP 31 Universiteit Twente Wade Phillips (AD,DD,T,RQ)
Northland Maroua Postbus 217 P.O. Box 860
NEW ZEALAND CAMEROON 7500 AE Enschede Kaunakakai, Molokai, Hawaii
Ilkka Seppa (AD,CC) Svaerd & Trolddom RPG Society UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Lamsantie 24 (AD,DD) Russell Warner
90230 Oulo Maagevej 2 (CC,CL,DD,P,ST,VV) Robin Sokolowski
FINLAND 4295 106 Hukanui Road (BT,MSH,OA,SF,TS,T2000,T2300)
Stenlille Chartwell Siedlung Strasse 15
Andrew Mussell (AD,DD) DENMARK Hamilton 6799 Liebsthal
Christchurch Vesa Lehtinen (DD,GW,RQ,T)
Dorset BH23 1QT Pahkinamaenkatu 5C76
ENGLAND SF-33840 Tampere

DRAGON® Magazine (ISSN 0279-6848) is published monthly by TSR, Inc. The mailing address for all material except subscription orders is DRAGON Magazine, P.O.
Box 110, Lake Geneva WI 53147; the business telephone number is (414) 248-3625. DRAGON Magazine is available at hobby stores and bookstores throughout the
United States and Canada, and through a limited number of overseas outlets. Subscription rates via second-class mail are as follows: $30 in U.S. funds for year (12
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Payment in full must accompany all subscription orders. Methods of payment include checks or money orders made payable to TSR, Inc., or charges to valid
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Changes of address for the delivery of subscription copies must be received at least six weeks prior to the effective date of the change in order to assure uninterrupted
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DRAGON is a registered trademark for the monthly adventure role-playing aid published by TSR, Inc. All rights to the contents of this publication are reserved, and
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4 A UGUST 1987
players quit, I decided to leave the rules and
play my own game, where I decided what
happened, not the dice. Players were excited by
my imagination, for that is what the game was. I
decided whether the sword hit or not. Before I
knew it, DMing was like writing a book with no
one else to help in the creation. I decided what
happened, when, and who survived. This made
me bored. Players and dice had nothing to do
with it; the game was just me rambling on,
spinning a story from air. Now I am reading all
the rules I can, trying to be a stickler, and I love
During the two years I have been playing the DRAGON® Magazine has more of this informa- low-level campaigns. I'm beginning to feel too
AD&D® game, I have noticed a form of inflation tion from its readers as it occasionally runs restricted by the rules, though. Who knows
in the game. When I started to play AD&D articles on the GAMMA WORLD game. GW where I’ll turn next?
games, there were only the character classes in judges and players who want these products The point I’m trying to make is that no DMing
the Players Handbook to choose from. The should ask their local gaming, hobby, or book style is right and, given time, your DM will
game was very entertaining, but as soon as store to carry them. The series begins with decide he doesn’t like his current style and
Unearthed Arcana was published, it took some GW6, Alpha Base, and continues through GW11, move on. Of course, you can help him along, but
of the fun away from the game. Everybody due out in 1988. don’t push him or put him down; that just might
wanted to be human and use one of the more If Gamma gamers wish more GW information make him quit. So, my advice is not to take your
powerful classes, such as the barbarian or the or products, either in module form or through DM out of his position, but to let him advance,
new paladin. DRAGON Magazine, they must write and let or mature if you will, and encourage him along
As a conservative player, I tried to prevent the TSR know they are interested. until he is the kind of DM you want.
use of these new classes, weapon specializa- Kim Eastland Uriah Blatherwick
tions, spells, and ways to roll ability scores for Moline IL Memphis TN
humans. I myself have never played a barbarian
nor any other class from Unearthed Arcana. My I have seen several AD&D game campaigns Lately, I’ve read quite a lot about clerics and
fighters never have had weapon specialization, die in their infancy. The reason for failure in how they’re not being played correctly: “No one
and I roll up all my characters, including each case was ignorance and inexperience on ever plays a cleric correctly. Clerics do
humans, according to method #1 in the the part of the DM; he just did not understand unknown things to worship faceless gods. You
Dungeon Masters Guide. Now, when a 1st-level what magic items are appropriate for low-, mid-, don’t see them preaching, converting, providing
character becomes too powerful, the DM must and high-level characters. He allowed the infant moral guidance, or anything that a real cleric
use more powerful monsters to make an adven- campaign to succumb to the dread disease of does. They are walking first-aid kits and combat
ture challenging. The character, because of this, Monty Haulitis. Low-level characters became medics.” (issue #118, p. 68)
gains more experience points and should — more like comic-book heroes, with items such as Well, so what? After all, the AD&D game
according to the Monster Manuals, as well as a ring of invisibility/inaudibility, a vorpal sword, really does have a major focus on combat. Most
the FIEND FOLIO® Tome’s treasure table — gain or a wand of frost with 80 charges. The inexpe- of the rules focus on weapons, armor, combat
more gold than magic. This makes low-level rienced DM cannot be blamed for his foolish- procedures, saving throws, etc. If it takes mun-
characters extremely powerful. The fun I used ness; there is a chance shown for these items on dane role-playing to play a class correctly, I
to have playing a low-level character is gone. the tables, and wands are stated to have 80 to doubt anyone would play the game. In fact,
I think the DM should restrict the many 100 charges when found. Play at this level of upon closer inspection, none of the classes are
advantages that Unearthed Arcana gave to the power becomes meaningless because there are being played correctly, if this is the case. Since
player characters. Many AD&D game players no suitable opponents. Participants lose interest when does a fighter-player role-play out endless
probably disagree with me, but I would like to and the fledgling campaign dies. hours of “exercising, riding, smiting pelts, tilting
hear someone else’s opinion on this matter. Rearranging the magic item tables in the second at the lists, and engaging in weapons practice of
Rad Jorgensen edition of the Dungeon Master’s Guide could at various sorts. . . ”? (DMG, p. 85). I’ve yet to see a
Mansfield OH least partially remedy this problem. Rather than gamer with a 29th-level magic-user detail out to
arranging the tables according to type of item (i.e., the DM the way in which he is going to spend
Mark Tarrance’s letter in issue #121 men- rings, swords, misc. magic, etc.), they should be the 82 total hours it will take him to re-acquire
tioned a problem in not having enough informa- arranged according to the power of the item (i.e., all of the spells he can cast. Nor does the player
tion on the GAMMA WORLD® game to play it in appropriate 1st-3rd level items, appropriate 4th-6th of a kensai say anything more than “I’ll practice
depth. I believe his players are referring to the level items, etc.). This would probably involve for two hours today;” the rest is assumed. A
basic game set’s lack of detail in the areas of creating a new meaning of the word “level” (oh, fighter need not say “I’ll clean my sword, recov-
equipment, skills and talents, and the back- no!), meaning the power of a magic item. Under a er my thrown spear, re-strap my shield, and
ground information (history, monsters, and so system such as this, a DM would need a wisdom of straighten my helm.” A thief only says “I’ll
on). They are probably used to a game system 3 to allow his campaign to fall victim to the curse search for traps, and then see what’s in the
like the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® of Monty Haul. desk.” He doesn’t say, “I’ll search the third
game, which has more than enough of this data. Brock Sides drawer for a wire, the second for a pressure
While I agree with Roger’s reply that the judge Moscow TN point, and then, starting at the bottom, review
usually fills out much of this information (and the contents.” All of these mundane aspects of
one of the endearing charms of the GW game is I write this letter in response to the cry for adventuring — indeed, existence — are assumed
that it is so open to creativity), I would like to help of another player in issue #118. He said he to be continuously going on. The DMG puts it
bring to Marks attention the fact that TSR, Inc., was part of a campaign in which the DM had best, when it says: “All very realistic but condu-
gives more information about the GAMMA given power in amounts which made play cive to non-game boredom!” (p. 85)
WORLD game in the GW module series. boring. I’m not sure if you’ve ever Dungeon It is obvious that a cleric, a person who has
Jim Ward, Bruce Nesmith, and I have created Mastered a campaign before. If you had, I’m devoted his entire life to the service of a deity,
a total of six modules that not only offer adven- sure you would understand the problems your will continuously be preaching, converting,
tures but also provide many more creatures and DM is having in the way I believe I do. providing moral guidance, and doing everything
lots of background information for the game. I have been DMing for about five years now that a real cleric does. This is simply another
Furthermore, module GW9, which I believe is and have gone through many different stages of side of the assumed aspects of adventuring —
due out in late summer or early fall, offers an style and ability. When I first started, I followed like putting on your saddle and taking care of
extensive Talent and Skill system, a revised and all the rules I had learned. Play soon became equipment. Besides, even if this were played
expanded weapons chart and cost tables, and a boring when everybody got tired of being low out, it would not contribute to the game. Why
detailed town in which the player characters level and fleeing from everything they stumbled can’t a cleric just say, “I pay tithing, help out the
can adventure and possibly settle down. The upon. While trying to keep the game exciting, I local followers when I can, sacrifice on what-
entire series is interconnected by a couple of started handing out magic at every orc, gnoll, or ever holy days I’m supposed to, and execute my
plotlines that provide extensive color to the goblin. After all, there was no rule against it. other religious duties,” and have the rest
game (I will not go into the plots here and give Soon players could beat anything they fought assumed? A 29th-level cleric will spend 59½
the surprises away). In addition, I am sure that and started losing interest again. After two (continued on page 38)

6 AUGUST 1987
fantasy and science-fiction gaming and
miniatures markets in Great Britain. The
systems, campaign background, and pre-
sentation of the basic game are above
average, and the first adventure/campaign
supplement is quite impressive — the most
credible alternative to the D&D® game
systems and supplements in years. Though
WFR is unlikely to rival the popularity of
the D&D or AD&D® game, it could be the
leader of the Loyal Opposition.

Shopping for a fantasy system

In the beginning, there was the D&D
game. NOW, over a decade later, the AD&D
and revised D&D games, descendants of
the original D&D game, still dominate the
fantasy role-playing market.
The revised D&D game embodies the
greatest virtues of the original set — it’s
easy to learn, fast-moving, and provides
heaps of loot and hacked, toasted orcs.
The AD&D game is the benefactor of the
other great virtue of original D&D set —
its open-ended expandability. Like other
published D&D game variants, the AD&D
game is a monstrous, sprawling jumble of
game systems and patches — just like the
countless personal variants (“house rules”)
spawned by hundreds of thousands of
eager fans who devoted way too much
wit, energy, and enthusiasm to getting the
rules just the way they wanted them.
The earliest creditable alternatives to the
D&D game family of fantasy role-playing
games boasted of increased sophistication
in four major departments: game systems,
campaign settings, presentation, and
adventures and supplements. For example,
the RUNEQUEST® game offered more
detailed combat, a colorful fantasy world
with epic themes, a more appealing graph-
ic package, and elaborate boxed campaign
supplements with related adventures.
Because many of these alternative systems
were more sophisticated and narrowly
focused than the D&D game, they had
smaller audiences, but many of the fea-
tures of these alternative systems (e.g.,
character skills, epic campaign settings,
more appealing graphics, and campaign
supplements) eventually made their
appearance in D&D game products.
Before getting into a detailed discussion
of WFR, a quick survey of the strengths
and weaknesses of the more significant
fantasy role-playing game (FRPG) system
releases of recent years is called for.
RUNEQUEST game, third edition (The
Avalon Hill Game Company): A textbook
example of how to cripple a good role-
1987 by Ken Rolston THE ENEMY WITHIN playing product. First, take a slow-paced
(supplement and adventure for WFR) combat system and slow it down with
Games Workshop Ltd. $12.00 refinements like fatigue, knockbacks, and
Design and development: Jim Bambra, other doodads. Take a colorful, campaign-
WARHAMMER FANTASY ROLEPLAY Graeme Davis, Phil Gallagher specific magic system and make it more
Games Workshop Ltd. $29.95 Graphic design: Charles Elliott generalized, comprehensive, and compli-
Design and development: Richard Halli- cated. Take Glorantha — actually the
well, Rick Priestley, Graeme Davis, Jim The WARHAMMER Fantasy Roleplay strongest element of the system — and de-
Bambra, and Phil Gallagher (WFR) system is a very promising fantasy emphasize its importance in favor of a
Editing: Paul Cockburn role-playing game from Games Workshop, broader campaign background based on a
Graphic design: Charles Elliott the game company that dominates the fantasy historical Earth — and provide

8 A UGUST 1987
adequate support for neither campaign mechanics, and rich Arthurian campaign WFR: the basic game
background. Then keep the line of Gloran- setting make it an excellent FRPG, but the WFR is a 368-page hardbound fantasy
than supplements — many of them award- lack of player-accessible magic spells and system, complete with character genera-
winning role-playing classics — out of the narrow tone and focus of the cam- tion, tactical and magical systems, gods
print. paign limit its audience, and preclude it and religions, bestiary, campaign setting,
Regular publication of original, first-class from competing with more flexible, com- and introductory adventure. The hard-
supplements would have made the other prehensive fantasy games like the D&D, bound format means no dice, pull-out
faults negligible. Gamers could pick and RUNEQUEST, and MERP™ games. references, or other nice perks of boxed
choose among the combat and magical MIDDLE-EARTH ROLE PLAYING™ FRPGs (e.g., the appealing cardboard fig
system refinements. The Alternate Earth (MERP) game (Iron Crown): A subset of ures that come with GURPS and MERP). A
idea was a good one, but the trickle of the way-too-complicated ROLEMASTER™ first-time FRPG player appreciates the toy
repackaged Gloranthan material and Alter- game system, MERP’s tactical systems are value of stuff-in-the-box. However, since
nate Earth supplements was a grave disap- still intimidating for beginners, with all the WFR is not ideal for first-time gamers (the
pointment to loyal fans. charts, options, modifiers, and bookkeep- D&R Basic Set is still far and away the
FANTASY HERO™ game (Hero Games): ing. The systems are comprehensive and best choice for first-timers), the hard-
This system had potential, if only because versatile, but mastering them is a lot of bound format, with greater page volume
it used the CHAMPIONS™ game system, work. The 1986 boxed edition contains an and marketing flexibility, is an appropriate
the system of choice for many serious introductory booklet that relies on “a very choice.
super-powered-hero gamers. In fact, it did simple set of role-playing rules compatible WFR is emphatically complete, too. Only
have an interesting build-your-own-spell with standard MERP rules” to introduce the third-edition RUNEQUEST game (for
magic system, based on the build-your- the beginner to basic role-playing concepts $38.00) is a more complete FRPG package,
own-hero character creation concepts, but — an earnest accommodation to inexperi- having more detailed and developed tacti-
the game-mastering and adventure materi- enced gamers but of little comfort when, cal and magical systems, campaigning
als in the basic game were unexceptional, after a brief sample adventure, you are systems, and game-mastering commentary.
and no supplements have been published. sent off to read and comprehend the But WFR creditably covers the basics for a
GURPS® (Generic Universal RolePlaying standard — and complicated — MERP full-scale fantasy campaign.
System) and GURPS Fantasy (Steve rules. Character design: WFR offers an
Jackson Games): A good, playable, well- The MERP game’s great assets are the interesting and original system. Characters
tested system for fantasy combat — actu- Middle-earth® campaign setting and the are defined by their career — a package of
ally a lot of fun to play. The basics are superior presentation and graphics of the skills and trappings that comes with a
quite simple and simply presented, with Middle-earth supplements. Early supple- specific background, and a scheme for
lots of examples, informal commentary, ments were strong on background materi- gradual character enhancements through
and helpful tips for game masters (GMs). al and disappointing in scenario and increased attributes and added skills.
But GURPS’s strengths are in its systems narrative values, but recent publications Characters can move from career to
and their presentation. The fantasy adven- (particularly Phantom of the Northern career in search of new skills and abilities.
tures and campaign supplements are few Marches and Trolls of the Misty Like most FRPG character systems, but
and unexceptional. And since Steve Jack- Mountains) are much improved in this unlike the D&D game’s character classes,
son Games lacks the production capacity regard. character improvements are gradual and
to support a wide variety of role-playing With the RUNEQUEST game’s decline, piecemeal.
settings, and no other parties show inter- the MERP game and its Middle-earth sup To simplify presentation for beginners,
est in publishing GURPS supplements, the plements became the strongest of the WFR has you roll to determine your PC’s
chief advantage of the generic system is alternative FRPG packages. WFR should career — a practice I don’t recommend.
scarcely exploited. challenge their #2 position partly because Instead, have players spend five minutes
HARNMASTER™ game and HARN™ of WFR’s simpler tactical systems and scanning the 23 pages of text and illos,
fantasy world (Columbia Games): HARN more “D&D-like” campaign setting, and then pick a career that suits their fancy.
and the prodigious line of Harn supple- partly because of WFR’s amiably lurid Some careers are more suitable for stand-
ments provide an exceptional campaign tone. ard FRPG adventuring — e.g., bounty
background. The HARNMASTER systems Ironically, MERP’s greatest asset, the hunter, mercenary, outlaw, wizard’s
are involved and relatively slow-paced, Middle-earth setting, is also a liability in apprentice — while the adventuring poten-
and not presented with beginners — or competing with the D&D games, because tial of some career backgrounds — e.g.,
even casual experienced gamers — in Middle-earth doesn’t encourage the cheer- agitator, bawd (I believe we call them
mind, but the magical and clerical systems ful loot-and-slaughter, monster-bashing “pimps” in America), entertainer, servant
and the world systems are detailed, dis- mentality of simpler dungeon-delving — is greatly dependent on setting and
tinctive, and colorful enough to stimulate adventures. MERP’s adventures and sup skillful player characterization — too
sophisticated GMs and players. plements support the high fantasy of demanding a challenge for rookie role-
However, the HARNMASTER game is J.R.R. Tolkien — moral, dignified fantasy players.
particularly weak in one area — packaged that eschews trashy, sensational narratives Game mechanics: Skills are not rated
adventures in the Harn setting. The rule and themes. D&D and AD&D game sup or tested by game mechanics; you have
book doesn’t even have a sample adven- plements support a broader range of the skill, or you don’t. The basic noncom-
ture. The narrative, and its staging and themes, but they also tend toward the bat action resolution mechanic is the
presentation in the campaign setting, are genteel in tone. attribute test (i.e., roll against your charac-
essential elements of a superior FRPG On the other hand, WFR deliberately ter’s intelligence as a percentage). Routines
system, and the HARNMASTER game, the aims at adventures and settings with a less for judging many typical FRPG actions are
HARN world, and the Harn supplements elevated tone — “grubby fantasy,” as its discussed in a good section on standard
provide few guidelines and no developed designers call it. WFR also invites adven- tests, but the ultimate rule reference is the
examples of the art. tures with grotesque horror elements in GM’s common sense. This is not a game
PENDRAGON game (Chaosium): Many the Lovecraftian tradition. This shift in for rules lawyers, nor for competitive
former RUNEQUEST game fans have emphasis from genteel to grubby, gory gamers. Gamers are encouraged to look on
turned to the PENDRAGON game for a fantasy, and the simplicity of the tactical the mechanics as guidelines rather than
sophisticated fantasy role-playing cam- and magic systems, are distinctive assets rules; GM judgment, rather than rules
paign. PENDRAGON game’s simple, fast- of WFR as it competes for a slice of the mechanics, is the dominant element in
paced combat system, unique role-playing FRPG audience. action resolution.
Character power and advance- they dash into combat at the slightest is little integration of the magical system
ment: Characters receive experience provocation, but they are durable enough into the WFR campaign setting. There are
points for achieving objectives and for to survive most first blows and run away. other sources of magic available in the
good role-playing. The scheme is flexible Weapons are barely differentiated; in fact, campaign (amulets, potions, rings, and
and informal. Judging the rate of advance weapon damage modifiers rules are such), and the varieties of magic-users
(the speed with which characters become optional. (Yes, with the basic rules, WFR (including elementalists, demonologists,
powerful in a campaign) is difficult — so knives and halberds do similar damage.) and necromancers, as well as the familiar
much depends on the individual GM and Armor and parrying are modestly effec- sorcerers, clerics, druids, etc.) are colorful
players — but from the published adven- tive in staving off damage and dismember- and dramatic, but the lot of the spell-
tures, it is clear that characters begin ment. Characters are not effectively caster in WFR is not a happy one. This is
rather weak by D&D game standards and “injured” in a game sense until reduced to the area where WFR compares least favor-
can expect relatively modest advances zero hit points, when they begin checking ably with the D&D, RUNEQUEST, MERP,
over the course of a campaign. I believe on a critical hits chart that is charmingly and other fantasy game systems. The
that modest, regular advances are more graphic, gruesome, and deadly. material is at best unremarkable, and
satisfying than grand, periodic ones, but In general, combat is quite simple, and is disappointing in a few particulars.
players of the D&D school are likely to be swift and bloody enough to suit the dramatic Religion and beliefs: This section is
disappointed when they find out how long purposes of fast-paced fantasy adventure. It more colorful than the D&D game’s bland
they must wait before they can slaughter is also deadly enough to discourage players clerical system but less well-integrated
an army of goblins single-handed or toast from using it as their dominant problem- into the campaign setting than Glorantha’s
a tribe with fireballs. solving resource. Thinking, bluffing, sneak- cults. WFR’s pantheon is solid and service-
Combat systems: Combat is relatively ing, and running are often superior tactics if able as a hook for PC characterization and
simple, fast-paced, and short on tactical a WFR character wants to live to spend his motivation. Only druids have their own
detail and gameworthy options. It parallels experience points. cult-related spells; clerics of other faiths
the WARHAMMER miniatures combat Magic system: The magic system is use spells available to wizard-type spell-
system (see DRAGON® issue #85, pages 64- relatively limited and unexciting. Begin- casters, so PC clerics are not so distinctive
68), with more detail as befits a small-scale ning magic-using characters can’t do very as they are in D&D games.
system but eliminating the most annoying much. WFR is a magic-poor system for a Races and monsters: This is good
and clumsy detail of the WARHAMMER magic-poor campaign. De-emphasizing the stuff. Games Workshop and Citadel Minia-
miniatures combat — three separate die role of magic in a FRPG is a defensible tures have produced charming — and
rolls (one to hit, one for strength of blow design choice (the PENDRAGON game is a visually compelling — intelligent monster
vs. target toughness, and a saving throw fine example). However, constrained to antagonists (for example, the Skaven, a
for armor) to resolve an attack. WFR com- compatibility with the miniatures-rules race of Chaos-tainted ratmen). The mon-
presses this into one die roll. magic system, the selection and utility of strous races are well-illustrated and often
Beginning characters won’t last long if the spells given are uninspiring, and there supplied with dramatic and humorous
backgrounds. Psychological traits — an
excellent feature of WARHAMMER Fantasy
Battle Rules — are used to good effect
here. Giants, for example, cause fear in
smaller creatures and are subject to
attacks of stupidity and alcoholism — each
with charming effects on encounters.
Campaign setting: Here, WFR shines.
The campaign world is loosely based on an
early Renaissance Europe, providing a
substantial underpinning for the details of
culture and politics. Into this framework
are fitted the obligatory fantasy cultures
— remote island kingdoms of the Elves
across the ocean to the west, a monumen-
tal mountain range honeycombed with
Dwarven tunnels to the east, and beyond
those mountains, the Dark Lands, home to
goblins, lizardmen, and demons.
But the finest element of the campaign
background is the epic theme of the Taint
of Chaos. Over the polar ice caps, ancient
portals through time and space, artifacts
of the decadent Old Slann race, have col-
lapsed, releasing a plague of Chaos spores
and a host of powerful beings to threaten
the Old World. The taint of Chaos is on the
land and festers beneath the crust of
As a thematic and dramatic device,
Chaos is a perfect rationale for the foul
corruption and unspeakable evil that
confronts the characters. Chaos produces
lovely monsters with simple motivations —
to spawn more chaos. In a subtle twist of
tone, Chaos is presented as at once the
blessing and doom of humanity. “Although
Chaos has the power to mutate and

10 AUGUST 1987
destroy, it is also typically aggressive, ration on one hand for the broad range of paign background of WFR, and the tal-
changeable, and vigorous. Humanity inher- events and elements it offers, and wry ented Games Workshop graphic design
ited many of these qualities.” dismay on the other hand that they are all squad does a bang-up job on the look and
The thematic tone is dark — the eventu- jumbled together on such thin pretexts. feel of the package. Indeed, The Enemy
al triumph of Chaos is inevitable. The tide Other stuff: One of the nicest sections Within makes a very good first impres-
of Chaos may be turned, but it never is relegated to an appendix — “Buildings of sion. Though that first impression weak-
recedes so far as it has advanced. This epic the Old World” — which offers illustra- ens slightly on careful examination, it’s
antagonist provides the WFR campaign tions and floor plans for typical coaching nonetheless a stand-out product, highly
with a distinctive, grand, and gloomy inns, toll houses, wayside shrines, way recommended, and a promising initial
atmosphere. This sober background gloom temples, and farmsteads. Also included is a release for WFR’s line of campaign and
contrasts effectively with the light and diagram and brief discussion of a typical adventure supplements.
humorous tone encouraged in session village. It’s charming little bits like this that Graphic design: The graphic presenta-
play, giving WFR a subtle and stylish depth get me going for my wallet when I’m tion is very satisfying. The cover painting
— just the thing to suit the FRPG player’s browsing in game stores. is strikingly grim and unheroic in tone —
taste for epic tragedy while satisfying his So much for the basic game systems and no winsome heroines or brawny barbari-
more vulgar affection for adventure and campaign background. Now for a look at ans in sight. The fold-out map of the
farce. the first adventure and supplement. Empire is lovely and printed on coated
Here, and in places like the rules on stock. The card-stock references and
insanity, WFR’s tone suggests that master- The Enemy Within booklet are attractively laid out, with
piece of sophisticated horror role-playing: This combination campaign supplement numerous and handsome illustrations,
the CALL OF CTHULHU® game. I’ve and adventure package contains a 56-page including small portraits of each PC and
always thought a blend of the latter game booklet, a 22” x 34” color foldout map of significant NPC, finely rendered maps and
and fantasy role-playing would be effec- the Empire, and two 11” x 17” card-stock diagrams, text illustrations, and atmo-
tive, and this is certainly the campaign sheets with player handouts, maps, dia- spheric mood pieces. The whole package
setting for it. grams, and GM references. Two of the has the agreeable heft of volume and the
Introductory adventure: The designers (Bambra and Gallagher) are eye-pleasing impact of quality.
dungeon/gangland/chaos cultist plot is graduates of the TSR school of FRPG The adventure: I like the adventure,
exceptionally busy and contrived, but design and presentation — in fact, among but it makes very little use of any of the
given its dubious premises, it is chock-full its finest practitioners (see Night’s Dark nice maps. Nobody in the adventure is
of problems, mysteries, and atmosphere. Terror below in “Short and Sweet”) — and going anywhere except right where the
The introductory episodes (greenhorns many of the best features of TSR’s adven- designers want them to go. “What else is
newly arrived in the big city) are just right tures are represented here. But, in The new?” the more cynical among you may
— and nicely presented for beginning Enemy Within, the designers also effec- say, and admittedly, since this is a cam-
GMs. The adventure itself prompts admi- tively exploit the distinctive tone and cam- paign supplement, the maps don’t have to

12 AUGUST 1987
be useful for the adventure as long as they looks promising. Its strengths, when com- only. GMs have to develop the one-
serve a useful campaign purpose. pared to other popular FRPG designs, are sentence or one-paragraph ideas them-
The adventure also depends on an the simplicity of its systems, its support of selves.
unusually egregious use of plot manipula- grotesque and macabre themes, and the
tion to get the PCs from one encounter to distinctive flavor of its campaign setting. Terror Australis. Chaosium Inc. Some-
the next. The encounters are excellent — Magic is relatively sparse (and indifferent- thing yummy this way cometh for CALL
elaborately staged, with detailed NPCs, GM ly presented), a feature that some may OF CTHULHU game fans. Included in this
presentation tips, and fine role-playing applaud and others may lament, but one pack are: factual background notes for
opportunities. The adventure materials which is consistent with the campaign presenting COC adventures set in 1920s
are complete to current industry stand- setting. Australia, featuring the suitably fantastic
ards — prepared character sheets, with The Enemy Within is recommended as a culture and myths of the aborigines; two
character personality and background campaign supplement and adventure for solid COC adventures with effectively
notes, player handout props, GM refer- WFR, and for students of superior supple- atmospheric settings by Australian natives
ence summary sheets, attractive, function- ment presentation. Despite the stated Penelope Love and Mark Morrison; and,
al maps and diagrams. But the creaking of reservations about the adventure, the the heretofore unpublished Australian
the plot mechanisms for shuttling the PCs package is quite good and an indication adventure originally intended for Larry
from encounter to encounter is a bit dis- that supplement support for WFR should DiTillio’s classic Masks of Nyarlathotep.
tracting. The adventure could be run be substantial and satisfying. Literate, macabre doom shambles from
without all the dubious coincidences — each page. Good reading, and a good cam-
but the best parts of the adventure Short and sweet paign setting for COC adventures. Hot tip:
depend on those coincidences. If I ran this D&D module B10, Night’s Dark Terror. Study the video of Peter Weir’s fine film
adventure, I would earnestly and shame- TSR, Inc. Designed by Jim Bambra, The Last Wave for Australian local color
lessly steer the PCs right into them. But I’d Graeme Morris, and Phil Gallagher. This and atmosphere and a suitably COC occult
be a lot more careful about eroding my Basic/Expert adventure pack is the mystery.
players’ trust in the plot devices. “Say, remarkable product of Mssrs. Bambra,
what a coincidence — again. . . .” Morris, and Gallagher while in the employ Hot Rods of the Gods. West End Games.
One warning: The adventure really of TSR UK Ltd. Ooh, this is nice. Two color Dan Greenberg’s GHOSTBUSTERS™ game
consists of only four full-scale encounters, covers with pretty maps, a 22” x 34” fold- adventure of juvenile delinquents from
each detailed in two-to-four pages. And out covered with pretty maps (on both beyond space and time. “They’re back ...
the adventure is not complete in itself — it sides), a bunch of cardboard counters for and they wanna race!” An alien race seed-
leads into the next campaign supplement the BATTLESYSTEM™ supplement: the ed Planet Earth with life forms in the
adventure, Shadows Over Bogenhafen, best-illustrated and best-designed module hopes that they’d produce tall buildings —
without a very satisfying intermediate I’ve ever seen — and the adventure and suitable for space-rod demolition derbies.
climax. campaign material is every bit as remark- The aliens are back, and the Manhattan
But I like the adventure. Sure, I com- able as the graphic presentation. A classic. skyline is just right.
plain a little — it’s got its disappointments, Party with alien punks. Keep your cool.
and the PC manipulation makes me wince Cities. Chaosium Inc. By Stephen Abrams Never mind the cracks about Earth beer.
a bit — but I’d enjoy running the adven- and Jon Everson. This reprint of the Visit a pyramid in the jungle . . . in Nome,
ture, and I like the way it’s presented. Midkemia Press classic is an essential Alaska. Test-drive the Super-Mega Ectomo-
Campaign supplement: The cam- reference work for any GM interested in bile, rendered space- and time-worthy by
paign setting of this module is the Empire FRPG medieval villages; towns, and cities. Swneeze-Yip, alien genius-nerd. Play chick-
— a rough equivalent of 16th-century The first section, “Encounters,” is a mass en with unregenerate intergalactic hoods
Germany when it was known as the Holy of random encounter charts for city in the skies over Manhattan. A fine exam-
Roman Empire. There’s lots of good stuff adventuring. Put away your dice; random ple of role-playing humor and staging.
here — GM presentation tips, campaign city encounters are not such a hot idea.
guidelines, supplemental detail on the Instead, use these charts as comprehen- Lands of Mystery Hero Games (distrib-
Empire (history and timeline, society, sive idea menus for the kinds of FRPG uted by ICE). Aaron Allston’s campaign
politics, economics, religion, geography, action that make city adventuring fun. supplement for those lovely Lost Worlds
typical dress, etc.), expanded rules detail The second section, “Populating Villages, adventures where modern man can hob-
on herbs and travel in coaches and barges, Towns, and Cities,” is a set of random nob with dinosaurs, noble and bestial
mutants (new monsters), a PC background charts and guidelines for populating a savages, and arrogant queens of lost civili-
information sheet on the Empire, the medieval town with shops and residences. zations. Arthur Conan Doyle, A.A. Merritt,
Imperial calendar, and so on. The style is You draw the map and buildings, and the H. Rider Haggard, Edgar Rice Burroughs,
readable, concise, and entertaining, unlike charts tell what is housed in each building. and other pulp writers made merry with
too many long-winded FRPG campaign I wish they’d included a few sample town this romantic genre, and it makes a sur-
dissertations. The abundant illustrations diagrams — Carse, another Chaosium prisingly persuasive campaign setting for
are worth the proverbial thousand words, reprint of a Midkemia supplement, is a early 20th-century adventure role-playing
particularly in the sections “Typical Dress good example. Again, use the charts as like the JUSTICE, INC.™, CALL OF
of the Empire,” and “Soldiers of the menus rather than random generators CTHULHU, CHILL™, and DAREDEVIL™
Empire,” illustrated in the style of histori- (though I’ve used the random roll method games.
cal miniatures references with accompa- several times, and it works well enough But this supplement’s greatest value is in
nying text and statistics. for fantasy). its treatments of character stereotypes,
The third section, “Character Catch-Up,” GM staging, and role-playing narrative
WFR: summary evaluation is a series of tables for fleshing out the structure. Whether you’re interested in
WARHAMMER FANTASY ROLEPLAY is activities of PCs during the periods the campaign setting or not, Allston’s
strongly recommended for gamers in between adventures. It’s a very interesting observations on the art of GM presenta-
search of a fantasy system and campaign concept of dubious practicality; only play- tion, NPC and PC development, and adven-
background, or in search of elements to ers and GMs with a fetish for campaign ture plot devices are required reading for
steal and add to their current system and detail might follow through with the pro- sophisticated GMs, and his writing style,
campaign. Its systems, presentation, and gram. Otherwise, it’s a nice menu of well-illustrated with sample session dialogs
campaign setting are superior, and the events, some with excellent role-playing and practical examples, makes for lucid
campaign supplement/adventure support potential. (Note: These are idea menus and pleasant reading.
14 A UGUST 1987
No. Only completion of the task or a
reversed quest spell removes a properly
worded quest; dispel magic and remove
curse will not.

Can a remove quest be used to

remove a geas? Can a magic-user
geas a quested character to forget
about his quest?
Reading the rules strictly, remove quest
will not rid a character of a geas; the
troll attack the characters who are holding victim has to find a magic-user to do it. A
by Skip Williams them, just to spice things up a bit. The geas that forced a character to ignore a
novel Three Hearts and Three Lions, by quest has to be considered directly harm-
If you have any questions on the games Poul Anderson, has an excellent fight ful (because the quest’s curse would then
produced by TSR, Inc., write to: between a party and a troll. Reading it apply) and would also be ineffective. In
Sage Advice gives a good feel for what fighting a troll short, quests can only be removed by
TSR, Inc. should be like. Note that decapitation clerics and geas spells can only be
P.O. Box 509 will not kill a troll. removed by magic-users.
Lake Geneva WI 53147 If you are refereeing your own game,
Will a remove curse spell actually you might assume that the two spells are
make a cursed magical item into a similar enough so that the reverse of one
D&D® Expert Set useful item? will negate the other — with chances for
If the item is actually a beneficial item success based on the levels of the charac-
When using the polymorph self that is cursed, then removal of the curse ters who cast the spells. This does not
spell, how large or small can the produces a useful item. If the item is match either the spirit or the letter of the
caster get when he changes? Also, enchanted to be harmful in the first place, rules, but it is close enough to be consid-
what happens to the caster’s items a remove curse won’t help. See the 1983 ered reasonable.
when he changes? Expert Rulebook, page 58, for guidelines.
The only limit on forms given in the I want one of my characters to
rules is on hit dice, so the caster could How can a character keep an intel- build a stronghold. What do I do?
turn into anything from a huge dragon to ligent sword with an alignment How much will it cost? How long
a microbe. We suggest, however, that you different from his own if it damages will it take?
place reasonable limits on size. For exam- him every time he touches it? Also, First of all, you must decide how much
ple, anything from an elephant down to a wouldn’t such a sword do extra the character wants to spend on the
small songbird keeps the spell useful but damage when it hits a character stronghold. There is a table of construc-
prevents your players from getting silly. with an alignment different from tion costs on page 23 of the Expert Rule-
Items carried become part of the caster’s the sword’s and wielder’s? book. Time of construction (in game days)
new form unless he sets them aside before Handling the sword carefully in order to is also given on page 23. You should work
changing or uses a form that could reason- examine or transport it (e.g., wrapping it out the exact floor plan of the stronghold
ably carry the equipment. For example, a up or carrying it in gloved hands) does not with your DM.
change to a sparrow would cause all items cause damage. Any attempt to wield it or If you are having difficulty coming up
to disappear; clothing would become the determine its exact powers does cause with a floor plan or you do not under-
birds feathers, weapons its claws, and so damage. An intelligent sword will not stand some of the terms on page 23, a trip
on. These items reappear when the spell cause extra damage to a character of a to your local library should help get you
ends. If the caster became a hobgoblin, he different alignment if it is being held by a started. Ask the librarian for books on any
could still carry all his equipment just as character of the swords alignment. of the following subjects: castles, the Mid-
he could in normal form. dle Ages, Medieval warfare, or Medieval
Geas and quest spells are much architecture. Also refer to those D&D or
How many times per day can a abused. For example, couldn’t an AD&D® game modules which your referee
hellhound breathe fire? evil magic-user geas a character to allows you to see which also detail castles
There is no limit on the total number of never attack him? Couldn’t an evil and fortresses. DRAGON issue #86 detailed
times that a hellhound can breathe fire, cleric do a similar thing with quest? a huge castle named Great Stoney, com-
but it may only breathe when the dice roll A quest must be a specific and finite plete with 3-D fold-up materials and floor
given in the 1983 Expert Rulebook, page task; the victim must be able to take plans. Issues of DUNGEON™ Adventures
51, says it can breathe fire. actions that will bring about the end of the could be helpful here as well, as might the
quest, or the spell has no effect. A geas is AD&D game’s Dungeon Masters Guide,
Wouldn’t continuous hacking with similar to a quest in that it must be spe- pages 106-110.
weapons keep a troll from regener- cific. “Never stand while I am sitting:’ is a
ating? Would simply hacking the long-term request, but it is specific enough The rules say that the cost to build
troll into several pieces and keeping for a geas spell. “Serve me until one of us a wall is normal up to 30' high, but
the pieces separated keep a troll dies” is either too general for a geas spell double above that. What is the base
from regenerating? or possibly fatal for the caster, if inter- cost to build a wall, and just how
If the troll’s “dead” body is struck, the preted literally so that the caster is big a wall do you get for the money?
extra damage temporarily negates regen- “served” to a tribe of man-eating giants. You appear to be referring to page 52 of
eration. The troll is still alive, however, “Never attack me” is potentially suicidal the 1981 edition of the Expert Rulebook.
until it is burned, even if it is reduced to for the victim if the caster attacks him, The passage you have quoted refers to the
small cubes or if large pieces are kept and will reflect back to the caster (see the cost of building a castle wall. The base
separated. If kept apart over two weeks, 1983 Expert Rulebook, page 161. costs for walls and other constructions are
all but the largest piece dies; the largest given in the table on the same page.
piece then slowly grows into a whole new Can a quest be removed with a Dimensions are also given here. This same
troll. You might have severed pieces of dispel magic or remove curse spell? (continued on page 37)
16 AUGUST 1987
by Ed Greenwood

Many classics of fantasy literature
describe flying ships — not spacecraft or
airplanes, but ships with sails, anchors,
and clipper hulls that sail gracefully

on the
through the sky. A Dungeon Master can
readily see that such skyships offer fasci-
nating AD&D® game possibilities — as long
as one is careful to limit their dependabil-

Sea of Air
ity and combat usefulness so that they do
not dominate play. A city or nation that
controls a fleet of airships may dominate
its neighbors, as happens in fantasy author
Lin Carter’s Thongor series. Herein the Air
Guard of Imperial Patanga rules most
battlefields. Likewise, in Carter’s Callisto
series, the Sky Pirates of Zanadar, City in
the Clouds, prey with impunity on the
The skyships of the riches of other lands. Much of Carter’s
writing is in the tradition established by
Edgar Rice Burroughs, who filled the skies
FORGOTTEN REALMS™ of John Carter’s Barsoom with gun-armed

airboats. Most of these novels lie properly
in the realm of space opera, but a few take
comfortable form in a fantasy setting.
Many fantasy authors, such as L. Frank
Baum in his Oz series, use balloons of

18 A UGUST 1987
various sorts, while others (such as Walt in the land now known as Thay. It is (or cargo onboard, but is also influenced
Disney, in his version of Barrie’s Peter Pan) was) a sailing vessel — massive and broad greatly by a magical rod home by the
lift galleons intact and dripping from the of beam so that it may rest upright and captain. This rod of levitation is so con-
water into the sky by magic. (In Peter Pan, intact upon reasonably level ground, but is structed as to consist of three parts: the
magic is called “pixie dust,” and the subject otherwise similar to a water vessel. It central shaft and two short, hollow cylin-
is simply left at that.) partakes not of the rare or strange in its ders which fit over the shaft and cover its
Lin Carter deserves special mention construction, but rather makes much use ends. The cylinders themselves have no
because he has taken the trouble to of the more flexible woods — willow and end caps. These endpieces are customarily
explain the means by which his skyships the great palm — so as to give and flow painted or carved with raised characters
stay aloft. On Callisto, the skyships are with the winds, and not to endlessly batter to distinguish one from the other in dark-
made of “miraculously tough and resilient against them. It has three masts of such ness. Both can be twisted like screws and
laminated paper” 1 and have hollow double flexible wood, and two rigid panels that slid clown the shaft towards its center. As
hulls. A naturally buoyant gas is pumped are swung down from the sides of the a tip of the rod is revealed, its powers are
between the two hull layers, and a “com- ship, turning on their pivots, to serve as felt. One end of the rod augments the
plicated system of cables and joints and ‘leeboard’ keels or steering vanes. In air, as levitate spells of the ship itself, so that it
pulleys by which the jointed stationary in water, these vanes prevent the ship rises steadily; the other dampens their
wings” 2 are manipulated serves to propel from being driven helplessly sideways by a efficacy so that the ship loses altitude. The
and steer such vessels. A cover illustration wind, propelling it forward as intended. power of both these effects are increased
depicts a high-pooped, three-masted gal- “While undamaged, the vessel can never as more of the desired end of the rod is
leon with full sails, as well as two spread- sink beneath the seas, for the same forces revealed. A ship can therefore dive or
ing, bat-like wings. The vessels are that hold it aloft act upon the waves about. climb with some alacrity if its captain is
vulnerable to fire, catapulted stones, and The ship’s hull is studded with many plates dextrous and the rod is fully charged.
lesser missiles, such as arrows and hurled — polished tortoise-shell, I believe, Laeral notes that these powerful rods
javelins. although Laeral gives the impression that need continual recharging (although she
In The Black Star, Carter describes a other substances will do — upon which reveals nothing of the method by which
ship of Lemuria (perhaps one of the ships levitate spells of unusual strength and this is done). Laeral also notes that a skill-
of Thongor’s Patanga, mentioned above) duration have been cast. (Indeed, these ful individual using such a rod can leap off
which survives in the later kingdom of may be permanent, although Laeral does precipices and land safely below (as if
Atlantis. “The art of their manufacture mention that such ships are regularly using a feather fall spell), or descend from
had perished millenia ago: viwan vidya, as grounded for repairs, which may well a skyship to the ground below and there-
the science of the flying boats was called require the renewal of spells.) The ship’s after ascend again. Using both grips of the
in the old Lemurian tongue, was one of cargo is therefore restricted to that rod, the user may appear to walk on air
the many casualties of time. In the dawn amount which the magic will lift; this is by tipping the rod’s ends alternately to
of man, some old sorcerer of Lemuria the not, as compared to a seagoing vessel, a move sideways with an awkward hopping
Lost had first learned from the High Gods very large amount. Such a skyship is also motion.
the secret of the weightless metal, subject to the vagaries of the winds, which “Regrettably, Laeral reveals too little of
urlium.” 3 In this case, the mirror-bright, may be more perilously unpredictable the whereabouts or the creation of this
silvery metal was fashioned into a slim, near rock faces than waves of water. Sky- crucial element of a skyship — but she
needle-pointed hull; within it were placed ships cannot hover in place unless there is does say that unless a wind or some other
engines powered by sithurls (“sun-stones”), no breeze at all. Such a ship is anchored to force is acting upon a vessel’s altitude, it
power crystals which draw, store, and rocky spires by lines and mooring gaffs remains at the height the rod puts it at
focus energy from sunlight. The engines (“angbraces”), or brought to the ground before being recovered. When a vessel
produce power for the rotors whose fan and pegged down with its sails furled (a lacks such a rod, the long angbraces and
blades propel the craft. At the tail of the rigged skyship can tear free of its lines the sky-anchors (metal or rock claws
ship are adjustable vanes for steering the and run aloft in scant rounds if sufficient attached to strong lines, thrown at nearby
ship; a compass (a glass sphere containing wind arises). minarets, pinnacles, other vessels, or even
a floating lodestone) is also included to aid “A flying ship of this nature is obviously at flying beasts who pull the vessel higher
the ship’s captain. The story reveals that no steady-but-maneuverable fighting plat- or lower) often suffice.
one man can fly such a craft, and the form; spells may be cast from its decks, “Laeral states that one skyship of this
presence of the compass indicates that but it is a large and clumsy target in any type carried her sisters — the ranger Dove
urlium is not a ferrous, magnetic metal. aerial battle [being maneuverability class and the bard Storm Silverhand — and
There are scores of other aerial craft in E], and has a great degree of variability in herself from the doomed city of Myth
the pages of fantastic fiction’, and for a speed and stability due to the caprice of Drannor when they were infants, drop-
long time, I toyed with the idea of using the winds and the turbulence created by ping them on the Moonshae Isles before
such vessels as Carter does in The Black other aerial bodies. Still, these skyships scudding on westwards over the trackless
Star, — wherein his ship is a rarity and the are effective in dropping solid missiles (or great sea. The ship, the Vulathor
knowledge of its making is a lost art — in such things as acid or flaming oil) upon Ravoenen, may yet survive, and there are
AD&D game play in the Forgotten Realms. hostile forces. The buoyancy of such a recent rumors of like vessels from as far
As usually happens when I procrastinate, vessel is greatest close to the ground, afield in the Realms as Calimshan in the
the Realms decided things for me. A letter where the air is thickest. The maximum hot South, and Sossal in the farthest reach-
from Elminster the Sage arrived through height at which a skyship may be con- es of the Northeast, across the Great Gla-
the gate in the woods. I quote the latter trolled is 3600’, Laeral writes, so a skyship cier. I cannot yet state in truth that such
part of it here: must skirt the loftiest mountain peaks in a vessels still exist, but they have existed,
“. . . In recent letters to me, the sorcer- manner much like that used by travelers and at least one person knows enough to
ess Laeral has revealed the simple princi- on the ground. direct the successful construction of oth-
ples of the skyship Vulathar Ravoenen, “The height at which the ship sails can ers, should she wish to do so. From what I
constructed long ago by unknown artisans be crudely affected by the amount of know of Laeral’s sisters, they could also

handle all but the magic involved, and
there are others, especially among the
elves, who survived the fall of Myth Dran-
nor. So, my friend, I may yet have a ship
that sails the skies to show you. With
pleasure, I remain your willing servant,

Elminster of Shadowdale.”

Carter, Lin. Sky Pirates of Callisto. New
York: Dell Publishing Co., 1973, page 33.
This paperback is the third in the Callisto
Ibid., page 32.
² Carter, Lin. The Black Star. New York:
Dell Publishing Co., 1973, page 37. “Viwan”
is the name of such a craft, equivalent to
“airboat” or “skyship.”
For example, Michael Moorcock’s War-
lord of the Air and its sequels, Poul Ander-
son’s A Midsummer Tempest, the works of
Otis Adelbert Kline, Neal Barrett, Jr.‘s
Aldair series, and Kenneth Bulmer’s Dray
Prescott series (written under the name
Alan Burt Akers).

20 A UGUST 1987
by L. Gregory Smith

On a Gliders in the AD&D® game are best

created as crude replicas of our present-
day hang gliders; their fundamental

Wing and a
design is based upon the Rogallo-class
glider, which is composed of a frame and
a sail. The sail is generally made of cot-
ton or wool felt. The frame looks like an

isosceles triangle with an apex angle of
80-90°, and is usually made of wood
from a young oak tree. The sail fits over
the frame but is not triangular; rather, it
is diamond-shaped, giving the glider
better lift characteristics.
Today, the glider is primarily used for

Gliders and gliding pleasure trips, but in the AD&D game it is

used for much more. Herein, the glider

in the AD&D® game

can be used for military and commercial
purposes. Military uses are quite obvious:
quiet, cheap air travel that can be sued for
strategic offensives, surveillance, and
limited troop or equipment transport. The
commercial uses vary as well, as gliders
can be rented to travelers or to pleasure-
seekers alike. Another commercial uses is
the courier service of documents over
short distances. A character with a great
deal of gold could finance a more elabo-
rate courier scheme, such as the shipment
of mail over long distances in a manner
similar to that of the pony express of
Western folklore.
Obviously, a glider in an AD&D game
world will only work in certain environ-
ments (although magical aid may make the
device useful in any environment). Gener-
ally speaking, a glider requires some type
of promontory from which to launch, thus
giving the glider room to fall in the proc-
ess of catching a wind. Hilly or mountain-
ous terrain is best for this sort of activity,
although certain instances will allow for
the launch of a glider in flat, prairie-like
regions. For instance, high winds close to
the surface of the plains may make it
possible to launch a glider from a standing
start. Likewise, the employment of a magi-
cal flight spell (such as levitate) will garner
enough lift for the glider to remain aloft,
thereby allowing the sail to catch a breeze.
These instances, however, are rare at best.
As a result, gliders will be most frequently
available in hilly or mountainous regions.
Additionally, it is likely that only a king-
dom would have the resources, knowledge
pool, and need for the establishment of
glider production and a regular glider-
using force. In such an event, the use of
gliders would be regarded as being as
normal as any other form of transport,
thought perhaps more hazardous despite
all of its advantages. A regular organiza-
tion of pilots (made up largely of fighter-
types), research and development workers
(sages and magic-users), and so on could amount of time is again equal to the figure In-flight combat
easily be envisioned. listed above. Once a character has Due to the fact that a pilot’s hands are
Before actually flying a glider, a prospec- increased his maneuverability class once, constantly involved in controlling the
tive pilot must take lessons for a specified he can do so no longer. Characters with glider, hand-to-hand combat is impossible
number of weeks from a character trained maneuverability classes of A cannot once the pilot is in flight. Similarly, since a
glider flight. The number of weeks of increase their abilities beyond this level. pilot must concentrate on the navigation
lessons is equal to 20 minus the student’s Using Table 2 to determine maneuver- of his glider, it is impossible to cast spells
intelligence score. During this time, the ability, let’s look at the following example. once the glider is aloft. (This is not to say,
character cannot go adventuring or else all Suppose Randolf the Ranger’s dexterity is however, that a passenger may not cast
knowledge learned in flying a glider is lost. 13. The maneuverability class of his glider spells or perform combat.) As a result, the
The skill of glider pilot can be treated as a would be C. Before he takes off, Machor only type of combat reasonably possible in
two-slot nonweapon proficiency based on the Mage casts a levitation spell on Ran- flight is missile combat. Two types of mis-
the dexterity score, with a — 2 die—roll dolf. Randolf’s maneuverability class then sile weapons that can be used in flight
modifier. becomes B. No more than one magical aboard a glider are crossbows and bombs.
A glider can be assembled or disassem- flying spell has any effect on a character’s Crossbows have the disadvantage of only
bled in one turn. It costs 200 gp for the maneuverability rating at a time. It should being able to fire a single shot between
tools to assemble or disassemble the glider. also be noted that if a pilot is flying the flights; they are, however, the only type of
In disassembled form, the glider can be wrong type of glider, such as a character weapon that can be easily used to hit
hauled around in a normal cart pulled by weighing 2,000 gp using a small glider, other aerial targets. Bombs, on the other
draft horses. The glider tool kit weighs then the maneuverability class is wors- hand, can be carried in abundance on a
200 gp, and it includes things like a knife, ened by two levels (from A to C, C to E, glider, but they can only be dropped on
hammer, punch, etc. etc.). The maneuverability class can never targets below the pilot.
be lower than E. Up to 20 lbs. of bombs can be stowed
Statistics for gliders Now, suppose that Randolf decides to away on a glider. This cargo, including
There are two types of gliders: large and increase his maneuverability class by pilot weight and other belongings, cannot
small. The large gliders are designed for taking more instruction. With an intelli- exceed the 1,750 gp maximum for small
characters and their belongings weighing gence of 13, Randolf must spend 21 weeks gliders and the 3,000 gp maximum for
between 1,750 and 3,000 gp. The small practicing and learning ((20 - 13) x 3 = large gliders. If the bombs are ignited oil
gliders are for characters and their 21). Randolf then rolls a 70%, thus success- flasks, then space must be allocated on
belongings weighing less than 1,750 gp. fully moving his maneuverability class board the craft for the lantern which will
Gliders cannot be designed for characters from C to B. (If Randolf had rolled a 76%, be used to light them. It takes one round
and their belongings weighing over 3,000 he would be required to spend another 21 to light a flask and drop it. In order for the
gp weight. weeks practicing and learning.) Randolf’s bomb to have any hope of hitting its
All rules that apply to flying creatures maneuverability class with a glider can intended target, the following stipulations
also apply to the glider; this includes rules now only be enhanced by magical spells. It must be met:
pertaining to diving, climbing, reaction to is impossible for a character to gain a 1. The glider (if bombing a moving tar-
loss of hit points (as explained later in the maneuverability class of better than A. get) must move faster than its target.
article), etc. Table 1 shows statistics for the
two types of gliders, including values for
magically heightened conditions. When a
Table 1
glider is magically heightened, it gains
Statistics for Large and Small Gliders *
special bonuses induced by the casting of
magical flight-assisting spells such as feath-
Item Large gliders Small gliders
er fall, levitation, fly, etc. Following the
Wingspan 36’ 24’
tables is a summary of terms used in the
Length 24’ 18’
Height 6’ 4’
Note that the maneuverability class of a
Weight 700 gp 600 gp
glider is dependent upon the dexterity of
Encumbrance value 1,700 gp 1,200 gp
the pilot. Table 2 illustrates this relation-
ship. It is possible for the pilot to increase Cost to construct 5,000 gp 3,500 gp
Time to construct 30 days 25 days
his maneuverability class with a glider
Training time See below
without increasing his dexterity, through
Cost of training 100 gp/week
continued, uninterrupted training and
Maneuverability class See below
practice. Once a pilot has learned to fly a
Flight speed 60” (66”)
glider, he can increase his maneuverability
Stall speed 36” (30”)
class one step by taking more lessons and
Min. wind speed for take-off 6 MPH (4 MPH)
conducting more practice sessions. The
Min. slope for take-off 4:1 or 76° (3:1 or 70°)
length of this period is determined as
Range 10 (121 miles) 8 (10) miles
follows: The character attempting to
Assembly/Disassembly time 1 turn
increase his maneuverability class must
Upkeep 50 gp/month
spend time learning and practicing equal
Landing area 40’ x 50’ 25’ x 30’
to three times the difference between the
Minimum height for take-off 150’ (130’) 125’ (100’)
character’s intelligence and the number
20. Once this time is spent, the character
* Magically heightened values are given in parentheses.
must roll 01-75 on percentile dice for this
education to be a success. Failure means See page 24 for summary of terms used.
more practice is needed. This additional

2. For the sake of simplicity, the glider repaired by an experienced glider repair- of damage. Hit points for a glider are used
must be right above the target and track- man at a cost of 500 gp. The armor class the same way as hit points are used for a
ing its movement. Normally, the payload of the pilot cannot make use of any dexter- creature. The glider also has an armor
would follow a parabolic curve down once ity or shield bonuses, so normal armor class which correlates to the maneuver-
dropped; the information on the landing and magical protections are all that can ability of the glider. Table 3 illustrates
point of a dropped missile may also be help him. what the armor class would be depending
used from the article “Flying the Friend- Large gliders have an assumed hit-point upon the glider’s maneuverability class.
ly(?) Skies,” by Thomas Kane, in this issue. value of 25, whereas small gliders have an Note that if the pilot is surprised by an
3. A flying target cannot be further than assumed hit-point value of 15. Only an attacking character, the armor class of the
200’ below the bomber or the bomb has experienced glider repairman can repair a glider becomes 9.
no chance of hitting the target because of damaged glider at a cost of 5 gp per hp
control and coordination problems. Dam-
age for dead-weight missiles is calculated
by the rules in “Flying the Friendly(?)
Skies.” Summary of terms
If all these guidelines are met, then the Wingspan: See Figure 1 for details.
pilot can try to hit the target. All “to hit” Length: See Figure 1 for details.
modifiers for bombing are the same as Height: The height in feet which the average glider stands over the ground when a
given in “Flying the Friendly(?) Skies,” with character lifts the glider’s control bar waist high.
the additional note that attacks against a Weight: The glider’s total (dead) weight in gp.
target moving faster than 6” are made at Encumbrance value: The amount of space the glider occupies when fully disassem-
an additional —2 “to hit.” bled.
Crossbows, as stated earlier, are the only Cost to construct: The cost of the materials for the glider plus the cost of the glider’s
other weapons which can be used aboard design work.
gliders. Up to three crossbows can be Time to construct: The time it takes for a typical glider of this type to be designed
attached to a glider, and all are single-shot and built.
weapons. These mounted crossbows face Training time: The number of weeks the pilot spends in training is equal to 20
forward unless designed to face other minus his intelligence score.
directions. When fired, these weapons Cost of training: The amount that the character must pay the instructor for flying
receive an additional penalty of -2 “to lessons.
hit” which is instituted above and beyond Maneuverability class: The degree of dexterity of the glider depends upon the char-
the modifiers for range, etc. acter’s dexterity. Table 2 illustrates the maneuverability of the glider in relation to
When characters fire at a glider, they the character’s dexterity. The maneuverability class of the glider can be further
must state whether they are trying to hit increased by casting a fly spell on the pilot. Otherwise, a pilot may increase his
the pilot or the glider. If the pilot is hit and maneuverability class once by taking more training as listed above. It is impossible
dies, the glider crashes immediately. A for a pilot to increase this advancement beyond the A maneuverability class.
glider damaged in such a fall can only be Flight speed: The distance in tens of yards the glider can travel in 10 minutes.
Stall speed: The speed in tens of yards at which the glider goes into a stall. Immedi-
ately after the stall, the glider will crash. If the fall is greater than 10’, the pilot
and glider will incur damages.
Table 2 Minimum wind speed for take-off: To determine which direction the wind is blow-
Glider Maneuverability Class ing and at what force, refer to the Wind Force and Direction Table under “Water-
borne Adventures,” on page 54 of the Dungeon Masters Guide. To take off, the
Pilot’s Maneuverability
character must fly the glider against the wind to obtain adequate lift. Take-off and
dexterity class flight are impossible during a strong gale, storm, or hurricane. If the wind is less
17+ A
than the speed listed in Table 1, the glider cannot take off.
14-16 B
Minimum slope for take-off : The angle between the take-off area and the ground.
10-13 C See Figure 2 for details. The take-off area need only be large enough to contain
5-9 D the glider and the pilot.
4 or less E
Range: The distance in miles the glider can travel before the pilot becomes tired.
After landing, the pilot must spend an amount of time at rest equal to the time in
the air.
Assembly/Disassembly time: See the text.
Upkeep: The cost in gold pieces to keep the glider in flying condition each month —
specifically, for checkout and repair, if necessary, of the wooden frame, cloth or
Table 3 felt wing skin, control bar action, and weapon stores.
Glider Armor Class Landing area: The area required in order to land a glider without damaging it. If the
character attempts to land in a smaller area, damages from wing tears, etc., result
Maneuverability Armor
in repair costs equal to the difference in square feet from actual landing area to
class class permitted landing area multiplied by 1 gp. For example, the character lands a
E 8
large glider in a field 30’ x 40’, so the difference is 800 square feet. Thus, repair
D 7 costs would be 800 gp; until fixed, the glider is rendered unusable.
C 6 Minimum height for take-off: The minimum height needed to travel the given range.
B 5 Lower heights produce shorter ranges. Determination of shorter ranges will be
A 3
up to the discretion of the DM.

24 A UGUST 1987
Each snap of the hippogriff’s wings

Flying the
jarred the old warrior to the bone. Barloff
felt the beast’s muscles ripple and strain
beneath him — then jerk as if the beast
had been startled. Had it caught a scent?
He tried to scan the sky through the nar-

row eyeholes in his helmet. Was it —?
From the mists ahead, the dragon
emerged. Its wrinkled head and neck shot
from the white fog like a green spear; then
its vast, thundering wings tore the cloud

to shreds. It had not yet seen him.
Cold with fear, Barloff guided his steed

Aerial adventuring
by Thomas Kane

in the AD&D game Winged steeds are a special high-level

treasure, as they open new possibilities for
AD&D® game scenarios. Flying is more
than just a fast way to get around; air-
borne characters also have encounters,
accidents, and rousing adventures. Much
of the basic information about aerial
adventuring is given in the DMG, pages 50-
53. Other information is given herein.
This article describes saving throw pro-
cedures for which dice are rolled against a
creature’s aerial maneuverability rating;
treat maneuverability class A as equal to 1,
B = 2, C = 3, D = 4, and E = 5. Also, the
speeds of flying objects are measured in
scale inches. In “tactical” situations involv-
ing normal melee, fliers travel at 10 times
the combat movement rate mentioned on
page 102 of the Players Handbook. Thus,
1” of speed = 10’ covered per segment (6
seconds), roughly equal to 1.14 MPH. This
speed applies to direct, nonstop travel. On
long “strategic” flights, the slower rate of
3" = 1 MPH, as noted on page 50 of the
DMG, should be used, as it accounts for
time used for rest stops, getting lost,
changes in wind direction which hamper
travel, avoidance maneuvers when
encountering unfriendly fliers, etc.
Additionally, it is assumed that all riders
on live flying mounts are tied to their
saddles using leg straps and the like. Any
rider lacking such straps must roll 1d20
against his dexterity or less each round he
is in flight or else fall off. It is assumed
that magical items that grant flight while
ridden do not require such straps, as they
keep their riders seated by magical means
(barring some catastrophe).

The aerial environment

The sky is ephemeral and ever-changing.
There is no lasting terrain within it and
there are few obstacles to movement. The
primary features of the sky, for game

Illustration by Gustave Dore

courtesy of Dover Publications. Inc.
along the cloud fringe. Tendrils of mist heard long ago. The head twisted slightly preparing for its instinctive dive at the
whipped around him. The dragon’s wings A glittering golden eye looked back, upper part of the dragons back. The
tipped, and it began the long glide down caught sight of Barloffi and began to glow ground could be clearly seen: furrowed
into the valley that was Barloff's home and with an unholy heat. fields, smoke from cottages, the green
the home of his people — the people he Subtlety was wasted now, and the Lord dragons dark shadow. Then Barloff hit
had sworn to protect. Barloff kneed the of Air and Storm loved a brave heart. the turbulence from the blast of the
hippogriff and followed, swallowing and Barloff roared at the top of his lungs, dragons wings, and he struggled to brace
steadying himself. “Lord of Air and Storm,” waving his lance. The hippogriff echoed his lance.
he whispered, his voice drowned in the his cry with a shriek that rang in his The hippogriff’s wings pulled in abrupt-
wind blast around his helm. “Just let me bones. Perhaps the villagers would hear ly. Barloffs heart rose into his throat as
get one good shot, just one good ...” the hippogriff and take shelter. He could the dive began. The dragon’s eyes burned
But the dragons head cocked, as if lis- hope for nothing more now. like fires from the lowest of the Nine Hells
tening to something that it should have The hippogriff’s wings slashed the wind, as it slowly rose to meet him....

purposes, are clouds and air currents, the tures can be attacked inside clouds at — 2 in the AD&D game world. Even magical
former of which (if solid) can serve as on “to hit“ rolls instead of at the —4 fig— devices cannot take a PC over this limit
settings for adventures. Consider, too, that ure, and make saving throws with but a (unless the DM decides that outer space is
characters cannot speed around in the, sky +2 bonus. When using the Detection of filled with breathable air),
like little airplanes. PCs are slow compared Invisibility Table on page 60 in the DMG, Generally speaking, the air gets colder as
to many weather patterns. add 3 HD/levels to observers for purposes one rises in the sky. Thus, DMs should
There is nothing to stop a flier from of detection. lower the effective temperature 3ºF for
going straight through a normal cloud, but The effects of certain types of spells, every 1,000’ of altitude the PCs ascend.
there are occasions when a character when cast within clouds, are hampered by Thus, PCs who spend long periods at high
won’t want to do that. He might be pursu- the mist. The time a gas takes to dissipate altitudes must dress warmly.
ing a target and be unwilling to enter the is doubled in a cloud. Magical fire-based
fog, perhaps in an effort to keep his pos- attacks do 1 hp less per hit die of damage. Wind effects
sessions out of the wet mist. If a PC skims There is a 20% chance that any electricity Air currents greatly change the mechan-
the surface of a cloud, its free-form shape based spell is negated by the wet air. Every ics of flying. Winds blow adventurers off
makes an intriguing maze. Traveling with- time a character changes direction in a course and may even drive them from the
in it, a PC. may become lost and may cloud, there is a 70% chance that he air. Thermals (warm bodies of rising air)
emerge from the cloud in an unexpected becomes lost and proceeds in a random can be used to soar higher and for longer
place or facing undesirable foes. direction. Certain types of clouds vary durations — a resource which may mean
Cloud types vary according to shape, from these statistics; these are noted in life or death in combat. Downdrafts and
altitude, and weather. The DM should plan Table 1. erratic winds may force PCs out of the air
the weather at least one day in advance, Most cloud patterns cover 30-180 square and into an unexpected wilderness
using whatever weather-generation sys- miles. The DM may select certain dimen- adventure.
tem works best. The weather system in sions for a cloud rather than randomly If your weather system does not have a
the Wilderness Survival Guide, pages 107- rolling them. A clouds exterior is twisted method for determining wind direction
118, serves admirably well, as might and chaotic; bumps, canyons of clear air, and velocity, use the Wind Direction and
“Weather in the World of Greyhawk” in and hills of fog pockmark the surface of a Force tables for waterborne adventures,
the Glossography of the WORLD OF cloud. As a result, the DM might decide to on page 54 of the DMG (perhaps with a
GREYHAWK™ Fantasy Setting set. Cloud map certain cloud surfaces (preferably a ­1 modifier on the roll). For every 10
patterns often change before the weather number of them for use as needed in MPH of wind speed, the movement rates
does, so observant PCs may forecast the future games). This can be done by map for fliers change by 1”. Creatures flying
weather using clouds. ping the clouds onto hex paper, as used in into the wind must subtract this change
The clouds present are determined on the DMG, pages 52-53, or with contour from their movement rate; those going
Table 1. Roll 1d10 and compare the result lines. Otherwise, a DM might draw the with the wind may add it. Flying into the
with the appropriate conditions. There is a cloud as a two-dimensional object and use wind provides lift. A character climbs 10’
30% chance that two separate types of a color code to indicate thick and thin for every 1,000’ traveled if moving against
clouds are present at once. If this is the areas. the wind, and a character who flies with
case, consult the cloud formation table According to the DMG, page 50, a char- the wind sinks 10’ for every 500’ traveled.
twice. Cloud descriptions follow Table 1. acter cannot fly higher than 5,000’. How- Normal diving and climbing procedures
PCs are hampered within mists. Charac- ever, with magical items like the iridescent (page 50, DMG) may be used to counteract
ters inside a cloud can see only 40’ and are ioun stone or necklace of adaptation, these effects.
penalized ­2 on all missile “to hit” rolls. greater heights can be reached. Of course, Flying perpendicular to the wind is filled
All unwrapped items become wet; parch- a flying mount cannot go higher unless it with problems. Crosswinds blow fliers
ments, papers, scrolls, and books must is similarly protected. With proper magic, sideways at a speed of 1” for every 20
save on a roll of 5 or better for each turn a PC can probably go as high as 15,000’ MPH of wind speed. For example, a PC on
of exposure or else become warped and without harm. Above this altitude, the air a hippogriff goes north while an east wind
smeared beyond use. Furthermore, all becomes so thin that normal flying is blows at 50 MPH; a day’s travel blows the
invisible creatures are outlined, bettering impossible. Modern jets routinely fly high- character 4 miles off course. Winged fliers
the chances of their detection. Such crea- er than this, but no such technology exists may be unable to control their flight in

crosswinds. A special save vs. maneuver- observed. Thus, to a character riding a is at least 50% as heavy as the character
ability (as outlined at the start of this art- broom of flying at 500’ altitude, a person grabbing it, the character must make an
icle) must be attempted every turn. Roll on the ground 2,600’ appears 3,100’ away open doors roll to avoid taking an addi-
1d20 and subtract one from the result for and thus is beyond his range of sight. tional 1d6 hp damage from muscle strain,
every 10 MPH of wind speed. If the result Height is not always an advantage. in which case he also loses whatever he
is equal to or less than the maneuverabil- Sun glare reduces the maximum range was trying to grab. If not strapped down,
ity number, the flier loses flight control, of vision to one mile. Magical items such as a PC making any attempt to grab some-
flips over, and falls for 1d4 seconds: High eyes of the eagle allow characters to see thing from the ground falls off his mount.
in the air, this is not usually dangerous; even farther. If the DM allows optical A character who falls to the ground takes
control can be regained in most cases devices like telescopes, it will be to the 1d6 hp damage for every 10” he is travel-
before hitting the ground. Near the advantage of aerial observers. Magnifiers ing, plus normal falling damage, to a limit
ground, however, this can be fatal. Details increase the range at which details (such of 20d6 (see below).
on stopping a fall are given below. as individual people) can be seen. A limit
Thermals are upward gusts of warm air of 40 miles plus one mile per 20’ of alti- Bombardment and falling
formed by heat rising from the ground. tude remains, even with telescopic equip- In the course of an aerial adventure, PCs
They can be used to buoy a flying creature ment. The curve of the world obscures may occasionally drop heavy objects. Such
or to help it fly higher. Cumulus clouds are objects beyond this range. an action may be accidental or it may be
created by thermals, and updrafts are It is usually impossible, to spot objects on done on purpose, such as to bomb a tar-
always beneath them. Hills create updrafts the ground in woodlands. If the leaves get. Any item dropped from a flying
as well; a 60% chance exists that a given have fallen from the trees, some things mount or platform continues in a straight
hill produces a thermal. In such a draft, can be discerned (this is one reason why line at the same forward speed and direc-
flying creatures may climb at 75% of their Agent Orange was sprayed in Vietnam). In tion at which it was released, though the
normal movement rate (instead of the barren woods, a flier can see objects as far object’s, actual speed through the air will
normal 50% rate). In aerial combat, wise away laterally as he is high. Thus, a char- increase due to gravity, and the item will
fighters fly upwards in a thermal, then acter who is 1,000’ high can see objects head in a diagonal trajectory for the
dive on their enemies. 1,000’ away from the point on the ground ground. Inexperienced bombardiers usu-
During thunderstorms, a clever flier can below him. In lightly wooded areas, man- ally drop objects directly above the victim.
navigate between masses of hot and cold size creatures can be seen at a maximum These attacks always miss their target.
air. This allows him to stay in the air with distance of 1,500’. To see this far, a charac- To learn accurate bombing techniques, a
little effort. If characters dare fly in such ter must be flying 1,500’ high. Nothing can character must experiment with dropping
weather, a flier can travel 1½ times as far be seen in leafy woods. objects for 20 weeks, subtracting one
as normal without rest. Of course, thun- A winged creature stirs up dust upon week for each point of intelligence the
derstorm flying is dangerous. Lightning landing on dry soil or sand. This occurs character has. Once this practice is over,
strikes may occur, strong winds may blow, when the creature is flying 5’ or less use normal combat procedures for bomb-
and dark clouds must be traversed. above the ground. The dust causes all ing. There will be a nonproficiency penal-
characters within 10’ to take a penalty of ty unless the PC has taken the aerial bomb
The world below -1 on “to hit” rolls and saving throws. as a weapon of proficiency. The victim’s
In the end, most flying PCs engage crea- Near the ground, careless fliers can armor class is treated as zero (AC 0) unless
tures on the ground. If only to rest their collide with things. Boulders, trees, fences, it is naturally better protected than that.
mounts, airborne characters must occa- and hills often lie in the flier’s path. For every 100’ above the target a PC flies,
sionally leave the air. Many airborne Defenders might plant stakes to keep bombing attacks are at —1 to hit, regard-
adventures are inspired by events on the aerial enemies at a higher altitude. When a less of other factors.
ground as well. Flying creatures can spy collision is likely, the airborne character When objects are dropped in flight,
ahead of a party or attack ground-based traveling at “nap of earth” must roll above Table 2 is used to show how many feet
creatures. In Greek myth, Bellerophon his maneuverability rating on 1d10 to ahead of the drop point an object lands.
tamed Pegasus in order to attack the mon- avoid the crash. For every 10” of speed, For example, if the rider of a pegasus
strous Chimera from a safe vantage. Many this save is penalized by —1. Collisions do drops his lance, flying 48” at l,000’, it
PCs may have similar aims. 1-6 hp damage to the mount for every 10” lands 800’ in front of the point where it
Flying mounts are often used for scout- (rounded down) of movement rate. The was dropped. Dropped objects do 1d6 hp
ing. Major geographical features like rider takes half damage from the impact. damage for every 10’ fallen per 1,000 gp
mountains or cities can be seen from 40 Unless the rider rolls a result equal to or of weight. Thus, a 10 lb. rock (100 gp
miles away, adding one mile for every 20’ less than his dexterity on 1d20, he will be weight) dropped from 500’ does 5d6 hp
of the observer’s altitude. Large objects, thrown hard enough to stun him for 1d8 damage. Every die of damage is equal to
like buildings, formations of troops, etc., rounds (no attacks or shield use possible, one structural point (pages 109-110, DMG).
can be seen at a distance of two miles. –4 on saving throws and armor class). The worst thing that can happen to a
Individual human-sized objects are indis- This assumes that the rider is tied onto his flier is to fall. Falling damage, for the
tinguishable by humans beyond 3,000’. It mount, of course. Magical items that fly, purposes of this article, is based upon the
is possible for living beings to avoid detec- like brooms or carpets of flying, must save expanded rules in the Dungeoneer’s Sur-
tion by freezing in place or adopting cam- vs. normal blow (page 80, DMG) or be vival Guide, pages 19-20. A falling charac-
ouflage coloration to match the local ruined in the collision. If a PC is flying on ter takes 1d6 hp damage for the first 10'
environment. Such beings have a 5% his own power, using a fly spell or potion he drops, then 2d6 hp damage for the
chance of escaping detection for every of flying, he takes full damage. second 10’, 3d6 for the third 10’, etc., to a
100’ of distance from the observer. An intrepid flier can lean down to maximum of 20d6 damage. The effects of
To calculate the distance from an air- snatch objects from the ground. To grab various surfaces upon falling damage are
borne observer to an observed point on an unwilling victim, a grapple roll is given on page 20 of that book.
the ground, add the character’s altitude to required. This is described in Unearthed An airborne creature may go out of
the ground distance to the object Arcana, page 107. If the object to be lifted control and drop, regaining control of its
28 A UGUST 1987
flight shortly after wards (as noted in the desired (up to the maximum limit of the discretion of the DM. Some spells may not
section on crosswinds under “wind item). Brooms of flying and winged crea- be used normally in the sky or have
effects”). An object falls at 32’/second², tures cannot move slower than half their altered effects in casting, as noted here:
which means that the object falls an normal speed. By curving back and forth,
increasing amount with each passing a character may cover distance more Cleric spells
second, but wind resistance slows the slowly (possibly forcing an opponent Cloudburst: This may change the sort of
creature’s fall. For simplicity’s sake, Table 3 ahead). This ability is governed by man- cloud present within the area of effect
shows how far an object falls over a short euverability ratings (see page 52, DMG. (consult Table 1).
span of time. Remember that a flying creature is always Precipitation: See cloudburst.
In order to regain control and stop a fall, traveling forward, and that it is impossible
the flier must make a maneuverability to climb straight up. Druid spells
check on a 1d6 for each second that the Flying mounts can be trained to glide Call lightning: Lightning does not strike
flier falls. If the number rolled is equal to without wing movement. This type of a creature that is not grounded, but crea-
or less than the creature’s maneuverabil- flight is utterly silent. Gliding is also more tures with electrical energy of their own
ity, the fall continues. Air elementals, of stable than flight using flapping wings. may be struck. Lightning can rise from the
course, do as they please (as noted on page During a glide, archery is performed at clouds to strike a charged creature near
53 of the DMG) and take no time at all to merely a —1 penalty, and long-range fire them. This spell may attract lightning to
recover. is possible. At the DM’s option, spells may the caster.
A flier injured so badly that it must land, be cast during a glide. The spell would Cloudburst: See the cleric spell cloud-
but not so badly that it will crash (see page have to have a casting time of less than burst.
53, DMG), takes no damage upon landing if half the time spent gliding. In addition, the Conjure earth elemental: The earth
it makes a maneuverability check using spell-caster would have to roll his wisdom elemental cannot fly.
1D10. Failure to make the check results in or lower on 1d20 in order to concentrate. Creeping doom: It is impossible to sum-
half normal damage from the fall. A flier More detail on spell-casting from an aerial mon crawling insects to attack foes in the
so badly injured that it plummets to the vantage is provided below. sky. This spell only works against ground
ground (having taken over 75% damage to Training a mount to glide requires ld6 creatures.
its hit points) can save itself only with a months. While gliding, a mount is one Precipitation: See the cleric spell precipi-
maneuverability check using 1d4 (i.e., only maneuverability class worse than normal. tation.
classes A, B, and C can do so). Making the Class E creatures are unable to turn in a Snare: Snares cannot be set in midair.
check results in half damage from the fall; glide at all. In a glide, a creature descends Transmute water to dust: This spell
failure results in full damage. In either of at least 1’ for every 10’ traveled forward. turns cloud formations into clear air with-
the latter events, the injured flier cannot Gliding creatures may dive normally, but in its area of effect.
fly again until it has been fully healed. can only climb with the aid of thermals — Tree: Obviously, a druid who becomes a
Note than anyone riding such a falling then at 25% of their normal speed. Gliding tree while riding a mount falls. It might be
beast takes the same amount of damage speed is limited to 75% of a creature’s possible to strap a small tree to a carpet of
that the beast takes. normal movement rate. Note that this does flying or similar item. Druids under the
The DM may decide whether or not the not change the minimum speed for the effects of a levitate or fly spell may simply
PCs can invent the parachute. This device creature, which is always 50% of the hover in tree form.
would not affect game balance greatly, and propelled movement rate. Wall of thorns: The wall of thorns falls
if the players can think of a logical reason Intelligent PCs may develop artificial from the sky (making an unusual bomb).
why their characters would have had the gliders (see “On a Wing and a Prayer” in
idea, they could probably make one. To this issue). This should, however, be a Magic-user spells
work, a parachute must be deployed at great feat in a fantasy world. As a general Cacodemon: See conjure elemental.
least 1,000’ above the ground. The DM can rule, most gliders crash, thus discouraging Chain lightning: See the druid spell call
assign chances for a parachute not open- hopeful glider-builders. Gliders statistics lightning.
ing correctly, depending on how well it is are given in the article “On a Wing and a Cloudburst: See the cleric spell cloud-
made. A parachute must be 24’ wide for Prayer.” Gliders may be launched from burst.
every 200 lbs. it is to carry. If it is solid, cliffs or towers, towed aloft by large flying Cloudkill: This cloud slowly sinks to
without a central hole, the parachute spins mounts, or pulled behind large, fast, run- earth. The magic-user should be directly
during the fall. This may cause the para- ning beasts. A launch catapult is also above the victim for best effect.
chutist to become dizzy. A PC who uses possible to build. Conjure elemental: It is impossible to
such a parachute is incapacitated by vom- draw protective circles in midair.
iting for 1d10 rounds upon landing. Para- Magic in the skies Ensnarement: See conjure elemental.
chutists have a 50% chance of taking 1d6 As noted above, spell-casting from an Gust of wind: This spell has the effect of
hp damage per landing, modified down- airborne mount may present a bit of a a 40 MPH wind.
ward 5% for each jump. There is always a problem for fliers. Riders of aerial mounts Lightning bolt: See the druid spell call
10% chance of injury. may be able to cast spells while controlling lightning.
the mounts; this is because the mount Precipitation: See the cleric spell cloud-
Maneuvering itself is in control of its flying (though not burst.
It is often important to know how slowly of its navigation). To cast a spell, however, Prismatic sphere: Since the sphere does
one can fly. A favorite trick of modern the spell-caster must roll for his concentra- not move with the caster, users of flying
fighter pilots is to slow down so that a tion as described above. Spell-casters in brooms or flying creatures may be forced
pursuer goes past them, then attack from control of gliders and other flying con- to pass through their own sphere.
behind. Flying characters may wish to structs, or who are using a fly spell, are Shocking grasp: This spell has the nor-
slow down near the ground to avoid colli- unable to cast any spells except for those mal effect, regardless of whether or not
sions. Magical items which allow a PC to which only employ verbal components. the victim is grounded. The caster creates
hover allow the flier to travel at any speed Decisions in this instance are left to the both positive and negative poles. This spell
30 A U G U S T 1987
may attract lightning strikes to the caster.
Table 1 Statue: See the druid spell tree.
Cloud Formation Types Transmute water to dust: See the druid
spell transmute water to dust.
Weather Clouds Unseen servant: The unseen servant
1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-10 cannot fly.
Sunny, no change B A NC Wall of ice: The wall falls to the ground,
Sunny, will change NC C B making a heck of a bomb.
Cloudy, clearing C C D A B Wall of iron: See wall of ice.
Cloudy, no change D A B C E Wall of stone: See wall of ice.
Cloudy, will rain A B C E F Wind wall: This can be treated as a
Rain, rain continues D B C E F thermal.
Rain, clearing D B C F E
Rapid change A B E D D Illusionist spells
Phantom wind: This spell affects flying
Weather patterns are determined using the weather-generation system of the creatures as a normal wind.
DM’s choice. Cloud types follow:
A. Cirrus: These white clouds occur at an altitude of above 30,000’. They are long Note that no spells which summon land-
and thin, and often form patterns or parallel rows. Cirrus bands often cover 20-80 based creatures confer these creatures
square miles. Each strand is l00-1,000’ thick and l00-1,000’ long. with the ability to fly. Any summoned
B. Altocumulus: Altocumulus clouds are long and thick, occur at an altitude of creatures come to a spot beneath the
about 10,000’ or above, and are approximately l,000-4,000’ thick. caster (i.e., on the ground). This includes
C. Altostratus: These dark cloud layers exist at an altitude of 15,000’. They are animal summoning, mount, low-level ver-
2,000-8,000’ thick. sions of phantom steed, monster summon-
D. Cumulus: Cumulus clouds are the fluffy “fair-weather clouds.” They can also ing, shadow monsters, summon shadow,
form dark masses of clouds stacked atop each other in mountainous formations, demi-shadow monsters, conjure animals,
which are responsible for thunderstorms. Cumulus clouds are usually round with shades, and call woodland beings. A 12th-
billowing surfaces and occur at an altitude of about 5,000’. Cumulus clouds are 13th level phantom steed can be called in
from l,00-3,000’ thick, and cover only 2-20 square miles. midair; it is unable to change its altitude,
Cumulus clouds produce lightning. Of course, flying creatures are not grounded, although it can move about in the sky.
thus they are generally unaffected. Still, any object with an electrical charge may be The sky is a strange, new place for
struck by lightning. This includes spell-casters throwing electricity-based magic and adventuring, yet it can be reached by
characters who carry electrical magical items, (like the wand of lightning). These clever characters. This article should
magicks include anything dealing with lightning and the shocking grasp spell. Any provide a starting point for any DM and
charged object has a 10% chance per round of being struck while it is inside a players interested in aerial adventuring.
cumulus cloud. Such a strike does 4-24 hp damage. A save vs. death magic halves As they say: Happy landings!
the damage.
E. Stratocumulus: These are rolling grey clouds that occur at altitudes of 2,000’
and above. The surface of these clouds undulate in a series of peaks and valleys. Table 3
Stratocumulus clouds are usually l,000-4,000’ thick. Distance Fallen Over Time
F. Nimbostratus: Nimbostratus clouds are rain clouds. They are dark and thick,
and have rough, rolling peaks. Nimbostratus clouds occur as low as 2,000’. There is Time in Distance
a 50% chance that these clouds are accompanied by scud, small black patches of seconds fallen in feet
mist at treetop level. Vision is limited to 5’ within nimbostratus clouds, thus making 1 15
accurate missile fire virtually impossible. Any item which is affected by water must 2 60
save vs. acid to avoid becoming wet, even if the item is wrapped. Careful water- 3 135
proofing, however, prevents this. A nimbostratus cloud is 3,000-5,000’ thick. 4 240
G. No clouds are present. 5 360
6 500
9 1,000
12 1,500
T able 2 15 2,000
Location of Bombs and Fallen Objects 18 2,500
21 3,000
Altitude Forward speed (round to closest figure)
1 2 ” 1 5 ” 1 8 ” 2 4 ” 3 0 ” 3 6 ” 4 8 ”
6” This information is modified from
Up to 1,000’ 100 200 250 300 400 500 600 800 “Physics and Falling Damage,”
1,001-2,000’ 200 400 500 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,600 DRAGON® issue #88, page 12. The
2,001-4,000’ 300 600 750 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 2,400 distances have been rounded off to
4,001-6,000’ 350 700 870 1,050 1,400 1,750 2,100 2,800 fit a game scale based upon 30’ units
6,001-8,000’ 400 800 1,000 1,200 1,600 2,000 2,400 3,200 of measurement (1” scale measure-
8,001-10,000’ 450 900 1,120 1,350 1,800 2,250 2,700 3,600 ment). For every 3 seconds beyond
the limit of the table (21 seconds),
The drop point is the point on the ground directly beneath the flier at the moment a 500’ of altitude is covered. Terminal
bomb is released. This table’s results show the distance from the drop point to the velocity is reached after 6 seconds
bomb’s impact point on the ground. of falling.

32 A UGUST 1987
The Wings of Eagles
The aarakocra as a PC and NPC race
The comeliness of the aarakocra has no and feathers help them avoid damage
by J. E Keeping effect on other PC races, though it does when falling even if they are injured too
affect other aarakocra. This attribute does badly for flying. Lastly, their clawed hands
One problem with the AD&D® game is not affect normal, nonsentient birds, aid them in climbing. All rules regarding
the lack of variety in the races available to though it could affect sentient birdlike flight and aerial combat apply to PC and
PCs and NPCs: They all resemble humans species (such as kenku) at the DM’s option. NPC aarakocra as well as to “monster”
in mind and body. The DMG claims that Aarakocra may be fighters (maximum types.
this is necessary to keep the powerful level of 9), clerics (maximum level of 7), or Although the FIEND FOLIO® Tome tells
monster races away from the PCs, remain thieves (no maximum level). Their only us aarakocra “have little to do with
within the game’s “humanocentric” basis, multiclass is that of fighter/thief. If ran- humankind” and “even less to do with
and avoid all the rule adjustments needed dom class selection is desired, roll 1d100 demi-humans,” this ruling must be soft-
to bring nonhumanoid characters to the to determine the following results: 01-10, ened to maintain the usefulness of them as
game. Yet there are a number of creatures cleric; 11-52, fighter; 53-80, thief; 81-00, characters. The bird-men could be on
in the game which are sufficiently similar fighter/thief. Aarakocra with class abilities good terms with the grey elves and, by
to humans in power and form as to avoid cannot summon an air elemental as their extension, on tolerant terms with other
endangering game balance or conven- brethren can. elves (except the drow, of course, who live
ience, yet different enough from humans Aarakocra are small and light because in the underground setting most bird-men
to provide welcome variety to the game. flying is difficult for large or heavy crea- avoid). Aarakocra have a general distaste
One of these, the aarakocra, is the subject tures. Like normal flying birds, the aarako- for dwarves, because elves dislike dwarves
of this article. era have hollow bones, which largely and because dwarves live underground.
In this article, the aarakocra is fleshed accounts for their minimal weight. To Aarakocra treat half-orcs with antipathy
out and detailed in a manner similar to the determine height, roll 1d100 for the fol- because, as the FIEND FOLIO Tome says,
official races in the AD&D game, so as to lowing results: 01-15, under the average; the aarakocra “actively dislike humanoids.”
make it playable as an NPC race. The bird- 16-75, average height; 76-00, over the Generally, the attitudes of any race toward
man has also been put on an equal footing average. For weight, these results are: aarakocra are the same as the aarakocra’s
with the other races, so it may be permit- 01-15, underweight; 16-85, average attitudes toward that race. Briefly, aarako-
ted as a racial choice to PCs if the DM weight; 86-00, overweight. Refer these era are tolerant of elves, have antipathy
permits. The purpose in bringing the results on Table 2. toward dwarves and half-orcs, have good
aarakocra to the ranks of PCs and NPCs is Because of the great amounts of energy relations with grey elves, and are neutral
to lend variety to the racial choices in the expended in an airborne life, aarakocra toward everyone else.
game; the aarakocra are as different from age quickly and have short “young adult”
demi-humans in mind as they are in body. and “mature” life stages. However, because Description
Thus, when the aarakocra are played, of their mountain habitat or because of The aarakocra are a race of sentient
these differences should be emphasized some magical influence, they outlive avians who inhabit mountainous regions.
for maximum variety, fun, and — if you humans in the long run. General age clas- The alignment of aarakocra is usually
like — humor. sifications are as follows (in years of age): neutral good, but can be any other as well.
young adult, 14-20; mature, 21-37; middle- For random alignment determination, roll
Character statistics age, 38-60; old, 61-100; and venerable, 101- 1d100 for the following results: 01-40,
The ability scores for the bird-men may 150. Use Table 3 to determine beginning neutral good; 41-55, chaotic good; 56-70,
be determined in the usual manner, with a ages for adventuring aarakocra. chaotic neutral; 71-80, neutral; 81-85,
+1 on strength and a -1 on dexterity, Aarakocra are only average thieves, but lawful good; 86-89, neutral evil; 90-93,
observing the maximum and minimum being aerial creatures, they are excellent chaotic evil; 94-97, lawful neutral; and
scores below, or by rolling the special dice thief-acrobats. Aarakocra lose from abili- 98-00, lawful evil.
on the same chart. Aarakocra have a mini- ties such as picking pockets and opening An aarakocra is vaguely humanoid in
mum strength of 11 because good strength locks because of their clumsy hands. Fur- appearance, resembling a human-sized,
is required for flying. They have minimum thermore, their wings make hiding in bipedal eagle whose wings fold into over-
and maximum dexterity scores of 6 and 17 shadows difficult. Aarakocra have good long arms. Aarakocra plumage varies from
because, while some agility is required for balance because of their wings; this, in tribe to tribe and region to region, and
flight, they have clawlike hands which are combination with their light bodies, aids also varies with respect to gender; the
not very dextrous. The minimum constitu- considerably in broad jumping, high jump- males are always crested and gaudier than
tion for an aarakocra is 8, because the ing, and pole vaulting. The bulkiness of the females. Within the race, aarakocra
bird-men must be in good health to live their wings, however, makes tumbling plumage serves no purpose other than a
with little shelter in the frozen mountains. maneuvers difficult. The aarakocra’s wings means for identification. Aarakocra have
34 A UGUST 1987
5" grey-black beaks which resemble a
cross between that of a parrot and an
eagle. Their faces are birdlike, except that
the eyes are placed frontally to provide
binocular vision. Facial shape varies little;
the bird-men identify their peers by their
plumage, not by their faces.
The bird-men are a timid and reclusive
race, living far from humanity and civiliza-
tion. Yet, like humans, the aarakocra have
some exceptional individuals who find this
peaceful and pastoral life a little dull. It is
these individuals who become the NPC or
PC aarakocra described in this article.
Such adventurers are generally believed to
be insane by the rest of the race.
It is a curious fact that some adventur-
ing aarakocra do suffer from a mild form
of mental malady. Most bird-men adven-
turers share the usual racial distaste for
enclosed places and underground environ-
ments, but some claim to have no fear of
such places at all. These latter aarakocra
are the insane ones. Aarakocra who ven-
ture into any enclosed environment
become unusually quiet and peer about
with wide eyes, though they otherwise
seem calm. But, if engaged in melee, the
aarakocra’s reserve has a 10% chance of
breaking per round of battle — a reaction
that is lacking in the outside world. At this
point, roll 1d6; the aarakocra is seized
with either: violent, indiscrete bravado
(1-2); cowering, involuntary claustrophobia
(3-4); or, screaming, mindless panic (5-6).
In the first instance, the afflicted aarako-
era becomes a reckless lunatic, attacking
any foe within range and bursting through
closed doors into unexplored areas with-
out restraint. In the second case, the aara-
kocra collapses and ceases to defend itself
or run away, covering its head with its With regard to personality, the bird-men this fear, and are thus able to enter a town
wings in a small, rigid ball. In the latter vary almost as much as humans do, or city — at least for short periods of time.
instance, the repressed racial claustropho- though all manage to retain one element Still, even these bold adventurers refrain
bia of the adventurer whips the afflicted of character common to their race: a from extended stays in closed-in, urban
bird-man into a terrified frenzy; the only strong love of freedom. This love results settings and enter dungeons only under
goal for such an individual is freedom from the airborne lifestyle of the aarako- the gravest circumstances. Of course, this
from confinement: a goal which the victim era. As a result, they find urban life con- doesn’t mean that a fellowship must be
pursues without regard to safety for self straining and uncomfortable, and all are broken every time the PCs stay at an inn or
or party. In any case, the state of malady afflicted with very strong claustrophobia, have a town adventure; aarokocra are
lasts for 10-60 rounds. After the condition as noted in the FIEND FOLIO Tome. As happy to sleep on the roofs of inns or
passes, the victim returns to normal and is noted above, however, some adventuring other buildings (“Skraaaak! A few feathers
once again in control of his faculties. aarakocra are able to restrain or overcome and the place'll be cozy enough!”). They

them). Generally, “insane” bird-men are
Table 1 considered an embarrassment by the
Aarakocra Ability Score Chart (either sex) aarakocra society as a whole; “insane”
clerics are thought to be cursed.
Ability Minimum Maximum Roll
Strength 11 18/90 10 + 1d8
Intelligence 3 18 3d6 Aarakocra senses
Wisdom 3 18 3d6 Among the advantages the bird-men
Dexterity 6 17 5 + 1d12 have is their eaglelike, telescopic vision. At
Constitution 8 18 6 + 2d6 distances of over 40’, aarakocra see 10
Charisma 3 18 3d6 times as well as humans (i.e., everything
appears 10 times closer, so an object 10
miles away appears with the same resolu-
tion and clarity as if it was 1 mile away).
Of course, if something is over the hori-
Table 2
zon, it will still be invisible unless the
Aarakocra Height and Weight
aarakocra is flying quite high. The vision
of aarakocra is limited by light consider-
Sex Height in inches Weight in pounds ations, so a bird-man can only see 40’ by
Average — or + Average — or + the light of a torch, not 400’. At night,
Male 60 1-8 1-10 70 1-10 1-10
their vision is only slightly clearer than a
Female 56 1-6 1-8 56 1-8 1-8
Since good hearing is required for hear-
ing sounds in the thin air at high altitudes,
aarakocra hear noise on a 1-6 roll on 1d20.
As a result of this acute sense of hearing,
may also serve as aerial surveillance aarakocra are surprised only on a roll of 1
Table 3 troops, since it is being in cities, not above in 8.
Aarakocra Starting Age by them, that the aarakocra dislike. An interesting feature of the aarakocra
Class A problem with the footloose and is their extra pair of “hands” — i.e., their
freedom-loving lifestyle of the aarakocra is feet. These “netherhands” are used for
Class Age in years their lack of respect for the ground-based fighting when a bird-man is in flight, but
Cleric 30 + 5d6 “walkers,” as they call most humans and serve as feet when on the ground. Conse-
Fighter 13 + 1d8 demi-humans. The bird-men cannot quently, having four hands does not affect
Thief 13 + 2d4 believe that “grounded” individuals have their number of attacks per round.
any freedom at all, or that such individuals
Fighter/thieves start at the age of 21. can be anything other than boring, Attacks and defenses
depressed dimwits (the psychology of All PC and NPC aarakocra have a base
dwarves is totally alien to them). Of AC 7, as listed in the FIEND FOLIO Tome.
course, this opinion often changes with They can use armor on the ground, but
time and familiarity, but still leaves room any sort other than a small buckler pre-
for some good jokes. (“I just found out you vents flight. (This does not mean, however,
Table 4 can’t fly. You poor thing! You can cry if you that a larger shield cannot be used by a
Thief and Thief-Acrobat want to.”) “grounded” aarakocra.) A further disad-
Adjustments vantage is that normal armor does not fit
bird-men; they must contract an armorer
Ability Adjustment Aarakocra deities to custom-make their protection. This
Pick pockets —5% The only character class open to nor- takes twice the time and three times the
Open locks —15% mal, nonadventuring aarakocra is that of cost for normal armor of the type request-
Find/remove traps — the cleric. Called “elders,” bird-men sha- ed. Most aarakocra dislike wearing armor
Move silently * mans and clerics are the older, respected anyway, because of their claustrophobia.
Hide in shadows —10% members of the community. As a mono- Consequently, no armor is made in bird-
Hear noise +30% theistic culture, the aarakocra worship man communities.
Climb walls +10% Krocaa, their only deity, (see the sidebar While flying, bird-men fight with their
Read languages — article by Christopher Jones). Clerics who netherhands, as noted above. During such
Tightrope walking +5% reach maximum level (7th) in the service melees, they are able to use any hand-held
Pole vaulting +6’ of Krocaa are able to summon a 12 HD air or thrown weapon, but are not able to use
High jumping +3’ elemental once per week, in addition to bows or slings. Aarakocra are so accus-
Broad jumping, standing +3’ the normal ability that nonadventuring tomed to battles in the sky that they are
Broad jumping, running +6’ aarakocra have to summon air elemen- unaffected by the usual penalties for any
tals. sort of aerial missile fire. In addition, those
* Aarakocra can easily glide, making As stated before, normal aarakocra of the fighter class are able to attack from
no sound at all in the air, whenever regard their adventuring counterparts as a dive (starting from above 200’) — a
they wish. insane. “Insane” clerics are tolerated, but favorite tactic which involves carrying a
even they are outcasts, unable to perform javelin in each netherhand, then suddenly
the rights of worship for an aarakocra pulling up as the aarakocra snap the jave-
community (though Krocaa does not reject lins into their target. This attack is at +4

36 A UGUST 1987
(continued from page 16)
information is given on page 23 of the
1983 edition of the Expert Rulebook.

Why was the method for calculat-

to hit and inflicts double damage per Strength affects the weight which can be ing Will scores changed in the new
weapon (one “to hit” roll is required for carried by 10 gp weight for every level of Expert rules? As it stands now, a
each javelin). Spears or similar missile strength adjustments given in the Players fighter who wants to exchange abili-
weapons can be used instead of javelins. Handbook. Flying requires almost no ty score points to get a high
effort for the bird-men; they can some- strength will have a difficult time
Disadvantages and advantages times remain aloft for up to a day at a controlling intelligent swords.
A major disadvantage for the bird-men time. For long-range movement, aarakocra The “old” D&D Expert Set used strength
(in addition to their AC limitations) lies in fly at 12 MPH (1 MPH for each 3” of move- and wisdom because the original D&,D
their hollow, fragile bones, which make ment, as listed in the Dungeon Masters game by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson
the aarakocra very weak in grappling Guide), or 96 miles per day. As a result, used strength and intelligence to deter-
combat. Any damage sustained by an aarakocra have a great advantage over mine the Will score. Since wisdom, not
aarakocra during grappling is doubled humans in the area of travel. intelligence, determines the power of a
(regardless of whether the system in the Although they are excellent fliers, bird- character’s personality, the editor decided
DMG or either system in Unearthed men are very clumsy on the ground. They to change intelligence to wisdom when the
Arcana is used). have a base walking speed of 6”) which is Expert Set rules were first compiled. The
The main advantage the aarakocra have reduced by 2” for every 35 lbs. of equip- “new” D&D Expert Set takes that logic a
is their ability to fly; this allows them to ment carried (calculated after strength step further; the struggle between charac-
avoid pits, bypass walls, and avoid or adjustments are added). Banded, chain, ter and sword is mental, not physical, so
overtake enemies with ease. Unencum- padded, ring, or studded armor reduces we use the character’s two mental scores.
bered, aarakocra fly at 36” ; each 125 gp an aarakocra’s speed to 4” ; scale, splint, or Now players have to make a choice about
weight carried reduces this by 3”. Maneu- any sort of plate armor limits them to 2”. creating their characters: gain high
verability class is C; this becomes class D if Heavy armor and equipment (scale and strength for extra experience and more
more than 300 gp weight is carried, or E if 350 gp weight or more, for example) pre- damage right from the start, or keep the
more than 900 gp weight is carried. vent them from moving at all. intelligence and wisdom scores in case the
character is lucky enough to find a magi-
cal sword. The D&D game is a game of
choices, and they aren’t always easy ones.
(God of the aarakocra) Krocaa appears as the perfect speci- The missile fire table (Expert Rule-
Lesser god men of the aarakocra race. He is large book, page 29) shows the ranges for
by Christopher Jones and has blue eyes and golden feathers; a sling as being 40/80/160, while a
his head plumage is deep scarlet. Aara- short bow is listed at 50/100/150.
ARMOR CLASS: 2 kocra legends tell that Krocaa created Surely the sling listing is in error.
MOVE: 12 12"/48" the first of their species, evolving them The range of a sling is 40/80/160. A sling
HIT POINTS: 124 from giant eagles. According to these actually out-ranges a short bow but is less
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 legends, Krocaa gave the aarakocra accurate at long ranges. Thus, a greater
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8/1-8 (+7) intelligence and taught them to defend portion of the sling’s total range falls into
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Dive themselves. the “long” category.
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 or Krocaa carries two javelins +2 which
better weapon to hit he uses in battle. These javelins return
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 20% to his hands at the end of the round in The rules say that ships without
SIZE: L (30’ wingspan) which they were thrown. Krocaa is sails have only a 20% chance to ride
ALIGNMENT: Neutral good able to dive as a normal aarakocra, and out a storm. Don’t galleys have
WORSHIPER’S ALIGNMENT: Neutral he is considered maneuverability class sails? If so, don’t they have an 80%
good (aarakocra) A. He is able to use his powerful wings chance to ride out a storm?
SYMBOL: Red feather to create a wind equal to a gust of wind Galleys do have sails, but they also ride
PLANE: Elemental Plane of Air spell cast by a 7th-level magic-user. very low in the water and have ports cut
CAVALIER/PALADIN: Nil Once per day, Krocaa can summon two into their sides for their oars, Thus, a
CLERIC/DRUID: 10th-level cleric/ 16 HD air elementals. Krocaa generally galley has as much difficulty in a storm as
8th-level druid keeps to himself, but he is on good does a ship without sails.
FIGHTER: As 16 + HD monster terms with the Caliph of the Djinni and
MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: Nil the nobility of the air e lementals.
THIEF: 5th-level thief Sacrifices and tithes are offered to Why do saving throws and thief
MONK/BARD: Nil Krocaa at the end of every month and abilities get worse in the 1983 edi-
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil on various tribal holidays. Offerings tion of the Expert Rulebook?
S: 19 I: 19 W: 18 generally consist of gems and eggs The “old” D&D Expert Set was prepared
D: 22 C: 20 CH: 12 (25*) from various evil creatures (such as at a time when no one knew how far the
CO: 8 (27*) harpies). The offerings are placed on D&D game system was going to go. These
the peak of the Holy Mountain, usually rules allowed certain character abilities to
* To aarakocra. the tallest mountain in the area, to be improve far too quickly, leaving little room
taken away by the sacred eagles that for further advancement and develop-
roost there. Aarakocra clerics may ment. The “new” Expert Set was prepared
attain the 7th level of mastery. with the D&D Companion and Masters
Sets in mind. If you plan to go no farther
than the Expert Set, you can use the old
rules. Otherwise, use the new rules.
(continued from page 6)
hours praying to recover all of his spells — why Revised Beastmaster Experience Table
can’t this game time be as easily passed by as a Experience Experience 8-sided dice for Level
magic-user’s 82 hours are, without the cleric points level accum. hit points title
being condemned as incorrectly played? 0-5,000 1 1 Handler
Another ridiculous statement is: “If there 5,001-10,000 2 2 Breaker
were another way to heal player characters, 10,001-20,000 3 3 Herdhand
clerics could be done away with. . . .” (issue 20,001-40,000 4 4 Husbandman
#118, p. 68). Well, if there were any other way 40,001-70,000 5 5 Keeper
to kill monsters, fighters could be done away 70,001-125,000 6 6 Ostler
with also. Furthermore, potions of healing and
125,001-250,000 7 7 Tamer
extra-healing, elixirs of health, life, and vitality,
250,001-400,000 8 8 Trainer
rings of wishes and regeneration, rods of resur-
rection, staves of curing, amulets of life protec- 400,001-750,000 9 9 Master
tion, Keoghtom’s ointment, and periapts of 750,001-1,100,000 10 9+6 Wildrunner
health, proof against poison, and wound closure 1,100,001-1,500,000 11 9+12 Wildrunner (11th level)
all provide alternate means of healing charac-
ters, not to mention druids, bards, paladins,
rangers, and lots of good creatures who could ter might lose a fight in town, but in his own 20th century with Gandalf. Here is a character
heal, were they so inclined. Include any magical environment, the fighter does not have a that not only possesses great and admirable
healing fountains, places, shrines, groves, etc., chance. A magic-user of 11th level would be qualities, but also has the power to change
not to mention healing wounds by resting (wow, equivalent to an 11th-level beastmaster. Again, many things for the cause of good, and is so
what a concept!), and it becomes evident that this may seem like an equal match, but could vividly described that he nearly jumps out at
there are many, many ways to heal characters one put an llth-level thief against either of you. Gandalf seems to have a tremendous
without the aid of a single cleric. But with all of these two powerhouses? I propose my revised appeal to everyone who reads about him. Even
these possibilities available, clerical healing is table be used if a Dungeon Master would want if Gandalf doesn’t appeal to someone, there is
still regularly used as the preferred mode of to use the beastmaster in his campaign for his another famous mage that might appeal to
healing, because it’s the most effective of all. players. readers. His name is Merlin. What player rolling
Clark Timmins Each additional level above the 10th requires up a magic-user could not dream of someone
Salt Lake City UT 400,000 xp. Beastmasters gain 6 hp per level resembling one of these two?
after the 9th level. Contrary to what Mr. Donahue said, I laid no
In issue #119 of DRAGON Magazine, Ed The “King of the Jungle” is still a powerful accusations on women. The purpose of my
Greenwood gave us the beastmaster NPC. If any character, not to be run by just anyone, but letter was to say that the number and types of
fellow readers are like me, they too would like hopefully an experienced gamer can now take women represented in the fantasy genre would
to make the beastmaster a playable character him and play a more balanced, consistent be less than that of men by virtue of nothing
choice. Several of his abilities must be lessened character. more than the numbers involved in each case.
if this is to become a reality. Daniel S. Huffman To read anything else into my letter is to misrep-
First, his abilities to move silently and hide in Beaver Falls PA resent it.
shadows should be reduced to the equal of a Dan Fejes
thief of the same level. His capacity to hear There were two letters written in issue #120 Aurora OH
noise and detect snares and pits should be in response to my previous letter in issue #117,
lowered to the same percentage chance as a and there are issues in each letter that I would I seldom write letters to my relatives, let alone
thief (with the latter ability rated as finding like to address. to magazine editors; however, I am so motivated
traps), but the beastmaster gains 10% to hear Kristin Marquardt contends my assertion that by a “Forum” letter in issue #119.
noise and 5% to detect snares and pits. His fantasy role-playing games appeal almost exclu- Once again, I found myself reading a letter
ability to track should be the same as that of a sively to males. I would like to point out that the that stated the opinion that female characters,
ranger, as outlined in Unearthed Arcana. The last time DRAGON Magazine released the results in the role-playing context, should have limited
ability of sight should be reduced to a base of of a readers’ survey (issue #62), a full 95% of the strengths in order to make the game more
65% at 1st level and increase in increments of people responding were male. I wrote my letter “realistic.” Reality is a peculiar basis on which to
4% per level gained. Likewise, locate animals on the two assumptions that those numbers had ground a rule for such a fantasy-oriented game.
should begin with a 50% base and rise in 3% not changed drastically in the subsequent years If one can take potions and go off to do battle
increments, and hold animals should keep the and that these percentages were fairly close to with dragons, vampires, and liches, using magic
7% base, but increase in 7% increments. These the percentages of people reading fantasy weapons with suspended disbelief, how is it that
changes are to lessen powers of a low-level books. these same individuals find it hard to deal with
beastmaster and to impose a more gradual gain Both Kristin and Randy Donahue cited exam- the concept of a female character of exceptional
of power. ples to “prove” to me that there are female strength?
Resistance to lycanthropy should be limited to sword-and-sorcery characters. However, I never One must admit that adventurers are hot your
60%. If the beastmaster does not roll successful- implied that there weren’t! My letter said run-of-the-mill folks. They are generally above
ly for psionics, if he is a halfling, or if the “almost no traditional female sword and sorcery average in at least one trait or characteristic, or
Dungeon Master does not allow psionics in his characters,” not “none at all.” Look at the fantasy else they don’t last long in the field. It is likely
campaign, then calculate the lowest score possi- books in any bookstore. Are there nearly as that women who decide to go into the adventur-
ble for psionics for the character; this figure is many books about women as there are about er’s line of work will be the sort who can cut it
his psionic potential. Although no attack mode is men? There aren’t in any bookstores I’ve ever in the outside world.
allowed, he may choose one defense mode. The been to. What I was saying was that people’s I am not addressing feminism or the strength
languages allowed to a beastmaster for gaining ideas of fantasy characters are based on the of real-life men vs. women. I am simply tired of
levels may only be of dragon tongues (a maxi- literature they read. I’ve had a character that seeing the term “reality” bandied about to justify
mum of three), aerial creatures (a maximum of was a clone of Moorcock’s Elric and a magic- limitations. The chances of rolling an 18
five), or woodland beings (natural or magical — user that could have passed as the cousin of strength are remote enough that even if you
no maximum limit). These languages are exclu- Tolkien’s Gandalf. Why? Because the characters lack the Y chromosome, you should still be
sive of those allowed for high intelligence. these authors created so impressed me that I entitled to keep the roll.
After reaching 11th level, a beastmaster may wanted one just like them. Until there are as If we want to deal with reality, we can play
train himself. He receives two weapon proficien- many diverse and vivid heroines as there are Papers and Paychecks, eight hours a day, five
cies at 1st level, as well as three nonweapon heroes, there will not be equally diverse repre- days a week. If we want to play fantasy games,
proficiencies. He may gain an additional weapon sentations of women. I never implied that and can accept their incredible creatures and
and nonweapon proficiency for every three women wouldn’t make good players or PCs. situations, then we can’t use the “reality” ration-
levels attained. Mr. Donahue unknowingly agrees with me alization for the limitations of a female charac-
Possibly the largest unbalancing feature of the when he says that most players think that all ter’s abilities.
beastmaster is his low experience-point table. magic-users look like Gandalf. The reason they I, for one, don’t brake for unicorns. Thanks.
An 8th-level fighter has the same experience think this is because J.R.R. Tolkien created Pam Parisi
points as a 9th-level beastmaster. The beastmas- possibly the greatest fantasy character of the Kingston NY

38 A UGUST 1987
area; to parallel the real-world Philippines,
by Joseph R. Ravitts this should be a tropical archipelago
adjoining the continent of Kara-Tur. There
On the outskirts of the known world of are four subdivisions of the class; first,

the Japanese samurai and Chinese monks however, a description of the characteris-
of history lived the less-sophisticated peo- tics common to all members of the class is
ples of the Orient (yet more civilized than in order.
the steppe barbarians). These civilizations
had their own versions of Oriental culture

and the martial arts. In the islands now The escrimador
known as the Philippines, a cluster of The escrimador in an Oriental campaign
related tribes did so well at developing is much like a cross between a bushi and a
independent systems of self-defense that, monk. Escrimadores are always human.
to this day, many practitioners of kung-fu They have 6-sided hit dice and use the
Introducing and karate incorporate elements of Filipi-
no combat into their styles. Filipino mar-
same attack rate and combat tables as
bushi (apart from special attacks, which

escrima to tial arts have many sub-styles and many

names. For simplicity’s sake, all references
are described later). Escrimadores also
resemble monks in unarmed combat and

Oriental made herein are to one of the better-

known styles: the art of escrima.
In the rush to start new campaigns
in their restrictions on wearing armor.
Because escrimadores are more dependent
on the use of weapons than monks are,
Adventures based on the Oriental Adventures AD&D®
game supplement, many DMs may have all
they gain an open-handed prowess only
half as quickly as a monk does. Thus, a
of the civilized character classes present in 1st or 2nd-level escrimador has the innate
all of the civilized nations of Kara-Tur. armor class, alertness against surprise,
Here, then, is a character class that helps and open-hand damage potential of a 1st-
restore a sense of regional differences. level monk, while a 3rd- or 4th-level escri-
This class should exist only in a limited mador equals a 2nd-level monk in these
aspects. Escrimadores do not have the
spell-like abilities of monks (except for self-
healing) and can never possess powers
such as the quivering palm or distance
death. Furthermore, they do not have the
monks saving-throw benefits nor the
ability to dodge missiles. In compensation,
however, escrimadores do enjoy defensive
benefits due to their dexterity, and have
offensive benefits due to their dexterity
and strength. Escrimadores also have skills
and ki powers unique to their class.
An escrimador’s initial honor score is 12.
First-level escrimadores have six proficien-
cies and gain new proficiencies at a rate of
one for every two levels of experience
gained. Those who wish to practice escri-
ma must have a minimum intelligence of 7,
constitution of 10, strength of 8, and cha-
risma of 5. A score of 15 or better is
required in either dexterity or wisdom
(the prime requisites of this class), with
the other score being not less than 9. An
escrimador with a wisdom score of 17 or
better gains a 10% bonus on experience
Escrimadores function best in their
native environment — in jungles and on
islands. The first proficiencies possessed
by any escrimador always include survival
and tracking, which are equivalent to a
barbarian’s proficiencies. Like the barbari-
an, the escrimador’s environment serves
as an ally in adventures.
When in a jungle or forest setting, escri-
madores can hide in shadows, hear noises,
and move silently as ninjas of equivalent
levels (the last two skills apply in all other
settings as well). When fighting in the
jungle against any opponent except
another escrimador, they gain a +2 bonus
to armor class due to their expert timing
in ducking behind trees and branches.
When traveling in jungles, they can main-
40 AUGUST 1987
tain normal movement speed when others
are slowed by the foliage. Escrimador Table
In water, escrimadores can swim 10% 6-side dice for
faster than other human characters of Experience Experience accumulated
equal strength. When fighting on foot in points level hit points Level title
water between ankle-depth and shoulder- 0-2,250 1 1 Bastonero
depth, they gain automatic initiative for 2,251-4,750 2 2 Bastonero
the first round against those who are not 4,751-10,000 3 3 Bastonero
escrimadores (unless the escrimador was 10,001-22,500 4 4 Bastonero
totally surprised). If the escrimador is 22,501-47,500 5 5 Jurimentado
already on his guard at the start of melee, 47,501-98,000 6 6 Jurimentado
in water at least waist-deep and with a 98,001-200,000 7 7 Jurimentado
weapon in his hand, he gains a + 3 bonus 200,001-350,000 8 8 Jurimentado
to hit with his first attack by concealing 350,001-500,000 9 9 Jurimentado
the weapon’s initial position just under the 500,001-700,000 10 10 Escrima Master
surface of the water. (All these aquatic 700,001-950,000 11 10+2 Escrima Master
advantages, however, are negated if the 950,001-1,250,000 12 10+4 Escrima Master
water is extremely cold — a condition to 1,250,001-1,750,000 13 10+6 Escrima Master
which escrimadores are unaccustomed.) 1,750,001-2,250,000 14 10+8 Escrima Master
Because metal is harder to find in the 2,250,001-2,750,000 15 10+10 Escrima Master
jungle than in other environments, escri- 2,750,001-3,250,000 16 10+12 Escrima Master
madores often use weapons made partly 3 ,2 5 0 ,0 0 1 + 17 10+14 Escrima Grand Master
or entirely of wood. The vulnerability of
these weapons to breaking is offset by the Escrimadores do not advance beyond 17th level.
escrima method of parrying, which is to
contact the enemy’s hand and arm rather
than the enemy’s blade. This gives the
escrimador a chance against such weapons
as katana swords and even grants a special melee, once per day. The sinawali is only character (if zero-level) is capable of
advantage: If a nonescrimador who is not performed against humanoid foes and is a becoming one later. The 10th-level escri-
wearing hand or arm protection misses rapid sequence of whirling, weaving move- mador is also immune to all enchantment/
three consecutive attacks against a ments with the escrima stick, having an charm spell effects such as charm person,
weapon-wielding escrimador, the nonescri- intimidating, quasi-hypnotic effect. This is finger of death, suggestion, geas, and the
mador must save vs. paralysis or lose the ineffective against fellow escrimadores like.
use of his weapon arm for a number of unless they are more than one experience 8. At 12th level, an escrimador who is
rounds equal to the escrimador’s strength level lower than the user, and ineffective not directly engaged in combat and has
(the escrimador has successfully struck against those who are not escrimadores if the opportunity to observe any nonescri-
the opponent’s arm). they outrank the user by more than one mador in at least one round of melee
The “signature” weapon of all escrima- level or if they have ever previously won a action gains an intuitive feel for that per-
dores is the escrima stick, a simple wood- fight against an escrimador who used son’s reactions in combat. Consequently,
en rod 2-3’ long, similar to the jo stick that sinawali. Other opponents, however, must the escrimador gains a +2 bonus to his
a monk might use. All escrimadores are save vs. spells or retreat in alarm for one armor class if he fights the individual thus
proficient with this weapon (in varying round (or, if retreat is impossible, the studied. (This advantage does not apply to
applications for the three different styles) opponent suffers — 1 penalties on “to hit” a future encounter with the same foe,
from the beginnings of their careers. and armor-class scores for the first melee since the foe may have gained new skills
Other weapons typically used are spears, round). Even if the save is made, the oppo- in the interval.) At the referee’s discretion,
staves, nunchaku, daggers, hand axes, nent’s momentary confusion (lasting one the escrimador may employ this benefit
parangs, and rope-weapons similar to the segment) gives the escrimador + 3 on his against nonhumanoid beings.
ninja kawanaga. Escrimadores can never initiative roll, allowing him to make the An escrimador’s alignment is usually
be proficient with long swords, nor with first attack or run away. A 10th- or higher- lawful or good (or both), since loyalty to
any missile weapons except pellet bows, level escrimador can use sinawali twice a family and tribe is built into his training.
blowguns, and hand-thrown weapons. day. Unlike monks, escrimadores do not prac-
The ki powers of the escrimador are as 3. At 4th level, the escrimador saves vs. tice any sort of monastic withdrawal from
follows: all fear attacks at + 1 ( + 2 after reaching their society. Martial instruction is part of
1. For every experience level possessed, 10th level). their family life and is aimed at the protec-
the escrimador has a cumulative 5% 4. At 5th level, the escrimador can fight tion of the community from enemies. (It is
chance of knowing if he is being watched on after being mortally wounded, just as a up to the DM to decide if greater enmity is
by a hidden observer (assuming the escri- sohei can (Oriental Adventures, page 24). felt toward peoples altogether outside
mador is conscious and not completely 5. At 7th level, the escrimador can heal their homeland or toward rival tribes
preoccupied with combat or other physical damage to himself as monks do within the region.) The close bonds of
demanding activity). This is separate from (Oriental Adventures, page 181, with the family loyalty give escrimadores one ki
his monklike surprise chances, giving the same increase in self-healing ability ( + 1 power that extends beyond death. If an
escrimador double opportunities to thwart hp per level after the 7th). escrimador is turned into any kind of
surprise. If the escrimador’s intelligence is 6. At 8th level, the escrimador can stay undead monster that is not utterly mind-
12 or better, he can even be aware of awake for two days without ill effect (or less, and if he encounters someone who
being magically or psionically observed (as three days if his constitution is 18). Normal was especially beloved from his former
through a crystal ball or similar device), sleep is required afterwards. life (a parent, spouse, child, etc.), there is a
but the probability of this sense’s success 7. At 10th level (the rank at which escri- base 50% chance, plus 2% for every point
is but 2% per level, plus 1% per point of madores first become qualified to teach of the transformed escrimador’s original
intelligence. others), the character can discern whether wisdom score, that he is able to restrain all
2. At 3rd level, the escrimador can per- any character he meets is also an escrima- monstrous instincts and avoid harming the
form the sinawali prior to the start of a dor — and if not, whether or not that loved one. (This also applies if the escrima-
dor is turned into a lycanthrope.) allied but of different styles are called in, (e.g., cause paralysis, repulsion or slow).
Any Escrima Master who teaches his two points are lost. Above the rank of This resistance increases 2% with each
tribe’s style to an outsider who is not a Master is that of Datu (meaning “chief”), of subsequent level gained. This ki power is
formally recognized friend of the tribe which there may be only one per tribe. In called “The Wild Boar Charge.”
forfeits five honor points — and may for- a psychic duel, a Datu’s strength is treated The Humabon style parallels kung-fu
feit his life if this unsanctioned teaching as 50% higher than actual. in open-handed combat. Its primary weap-
causes harmful results to the tribe. If the The Lapulapu style of unarmed com- on choice is also a pair of weapons with no
son or daughter of any escrimador bat parallels the tae kwon do style for penalty on simultaneous use — two escri-
becomes a different fighting class (monk, monks. The first weapon choice for a ma sticks, in this case. Whether using two
samurai, etc.), he or she loses three honor Lapulapu stylist is an escrima stick in one sticks or one, the Humabon stylist has this
points and the parent loses one. No such hand and a dagger in the other. Both special technique: On one of every three
disgrace occurs if the child enters a spell- weapons can be used simultaneously with stick-attacks made, if the Humabon stylist
casting character class, provided such no penalty on hit probability, with both misses by only one point on the “to hit”
powers are used for the tribe’s benefit; weapons attacking, both parrying, or one roll, he can make an extra attack in the
also, the dishonor is avoided if the child performing each function. If, at the start same round with the butt end of the stick
becomes a kensai, and uses a weapon that of an encounter with humanoid foes not with which he attacked. The Humabon
escrimadores can use. practicing this style, the Lapulapu escrima- stylist can do this on one of every two
dor can keep foes unaware of his dagger stick-attacks from the 10th level onward,
Escrima styles (e.g., by hiding it behind his forearm), he as well as when using any similar weapon
The four escrimador schools are Lapula- adds a + 3 bonus to his attack roll with the (e.g., the handle of an axe).
pu style, Humabon style, Kuntaw style, dagger on its first use in combat. Once The distinctive Humabon ki power, also
and Alipang style. Each style may be prac- engaged in combat taking place on sandy gained at 10th level, is “Liquid Body.” This
ticed by more than one tribe. As long as ground or in water less than knee-deep, a power allows the Humabon Master to
there is no cause for serious hostility Lapulapu stylist of any level can kick sand “flow away” from melee attacks. Liquid
between different tribes sharing one style, or water into an enemy’s face without Body is usable once a day for a duration of
there can be any number of Masters. If, using up one of his attacks. The impair- three rounds, with an added round for
however, there are incompatible moral ment of vision (assuming that the enemy each subsequent level gained, but never
alignments within one style, or other operates by sight) causes the enemy to exceeding 12 rounds. The user of this
powerful causes for strife, each Master is suffer a one-time —2 penalty on either his power adds + 3 to his armor class against
bound by honor to slay all hostile Masters “to hit” probability or armor class, depend- close-range attacks and + 1 against mis-
of his same style. Failure to attempt this ing on who makes the next attack. siles; he also takes only half damage from
results in losing nine honor points; if non- One ki power peculiar to this style is blunt-weapon or open-handed attacks, and
escrimador allies are called in, four honor gained at 10th level: a 10% magic resist- subtracts one-third of all damage done by
points are lost; if escrimadores who are ance against spells that thwart movement sharp weapons. If the Liquid Body user is
immobilized or grasped by an attacker,
sharp weapons do normal damage against
him. (This ki power also reduces by half
the damage received in a fall.)
The Kuntaw style parallels jujutsu in
unarmed combat. A Kuntaw stylist’s feet
are never used for kicking, but are used
instead for other maneuvers, particularly
sweeping the opponent’s legs from under
him, which can be performed even if the
Kuntaw stylist is lying on the ground. In
fights with non-Kuntaw opponents, leg-
sweeping may occur without using up any
of the Kuntaw stylist’s regular attacks; leg-
sweeping is usually used if a solitary oppo-
nent misses on his first attack, or if the
Kuntaw stylist falls to the ground (inten-
tionally or not) and the opponent tries to
make a follow-up attack. In those cases, a
leg-sweep occurs, knocking down the
opponent if the opponent fails to make a
saving throw vs. paralysis. (Monks, ninja,
and other escrimadores get + 1 on this
saving throw, or +2 if their dexterity is
greater than the Kuntaw stylist’s) Another
Kuntaw foot technique, usable only once
in any particular combat, is to step on and
trap one of the opponent’s feet; this is
treated as a part of the Kuntaw stylist’s
attack in that round, and a successful foot-
trap (rolled as an attack vs. AC 10, with
the opponent’s magical-defensive and
dexterity bonuses added) gives the accom-
panying main attack a + 2 chance to hit
and +2 hp on damage.
There are no unpenalized double-
weapon proficiencies in the Kuntaw style.
The Kuntaw stylist’s favored weapon is a

42 A UGUST 1987
simple escrima stick; however, the Kuntaw this ki power to resist, the Kuntaw Master bility in any combat (which becomes +2 at
stylist can keep this one stick shifting can stop resisting at will by dispelling the the rank of Escrima Master). This advan-
between one hand and the other, moving power or merely by moving, thus causing tage, once activated, cannot be saved for
so unpredictably that a shield carried by a the enemy to topple as if from a released later use, but if an Alipang stylist has no
foe is rendered useless against the stick. rope in tug-of-war. Sinking the Roots can reason to expect further combat soon
At 6th level, a Kuntaw stylist enjoys the also be helpful in other situations, such as after one particular victory, it can be ruled
same advantage with a nunchaku. A Kun- in walking against a powerful wind. that the ki power was not activated.
taw stylist of 4th level or higher can jam The Alipang style uses unarmed com- If an Alipang stylist of 5th level or higher
the stick against an enemy’s neck and bat techniques resembling karate in Orien- wounds an opponent with an edged weap-
armpit, levering the foe into a helpless, tal Adventures. Practitioners use a single on, the opponent must save vs. spells (at
prone position. This, again, is rolled for as stick for sinawali, exactly as in the Kuntaw +1 if the victim is an escrimador or +3 if
if the enemy was unarmored, but it can style; however, when an Alipang stylist he is a fellow Alipang stylist) or suffer a
only be used if the Kuntaw stylist has only attains the rank of Escrima Master, he is delusion that he has sustained double the
one foe before him. Also, this technique also able to perform sinawali with a actual damage. (After one successful save,
fails if the intended victim excels the Kun- parang or similar short sword. no additional saving throw is needed for
taw stylist in strength, dexterity, and expe- Every Alipang escrimador is able to that combat.) If such imaginary damage
rience level. All Kuntaw stylists learn the detect outdoor traps and snares as a thief causes the victim to fall to zero hit points
“Instant Stand” technique before reaching of equal level can, and each will, at some or below, though the actually hit-point loss
5th level (Oriental Adventures, page 104). time before Master level, acquire a profi- leaves the victim with 1 hp or more, he
A 10th-level Kuntaw stylist gains a ki ciency in constructing such traps. Another falls unconscious for 1-3 melee rounds.
power called “Sinking the Roots.” This skill usual for Alipang stylists is the con- If PC monks make contact with escrima-
power is usable once daily for a duration struction of temporary camouflaged shel- dores, a DM could allow them to learn
of five rounds, with an added round for ters like hunters’ blinds. Concealment some escrima techniques, just as the
each further experience level, but never inside these structures gives benefits famed movie martial artist Bruce Lee
exceeding 15 rounds. When using this equivalent to magical invisibility. learned Filipino fighting in addition to
power, the Kuntaw Master effectively Distinctive ki powers are as follows: Chinese kung-fu. The real value of escri-
becomes four times as heavy as his normal Once a day, if an Alipang stylist succeeds madores, however, is as NPCs. After all,
weight with regard to being pushed or in killing, putting to flight, or rendering the spirit of fantasy involves not only
pulled by any outside force. Armor class is helpless an opponent of equal or higher being different sorts of people, but meet-
unchanged, but overbearing attacks and level, without assistance and without ing different sorts of people. The escrima-
leg sweeps are rendered ineffective. The suffering any damage, he enjoys a boost in dor class is sufficiently monklike to fit into
user of this power can still move, though confidence. Thus, for a period equal to the the Oriental campaign, but different
not at a top-speed run. If someone is try- character’s charisma score in melee enough to give a unique flavor to part of
ing to move a Kuntaw Master who is using rounds, he gains +1 on his “to hit” proba- the world of Kara-Tur.

as we want to, and the AD&D game align- this system, Lawful means that players of
by Rich Stump ments weren’t really made for this pur- those alignments get involved in the game,
pose anyway. while Chaotics are detrimental to the game
The alignment system in the AD&D® The following system of 19 “quasi- as a whole. Neutrals fall anywhere
game is basically a good one; it details alignments” has been designed for the between. It is possible for a player to have
certain aspects of each alignment, but it purpose of giving players alignments, two or more alignments at once. Though
doesn’t get into specifics. We really don’t however stupid or absurd that may seem. these alignments are really meant for
know what kinds of things a chaotic good The alignments are based on how the players, it is possible to classify characters
character may or may not do. players act during gaming sessions and on under them as well. How well this
One thing that the AD&D game align- what kinds of things they do. Though the arrangement works depends upon the
ment system is not very good for is trying alignments and what they cover are clear- group in question. These alignments
to label people (namely gamers) as being of cut, there probably are a few other “quasi- should only be taken as seriously as you
any certain alignment. It is hard to define alignments” not yet covered by this want to take them.
actions in everyday life as being “good,” system.
“neutral” or “evil,” and who would say that The quasi-alignment system is divided Chaotic alignments
he thought he was chaotic evil, anyway? into Lawful, Chaotic, and Neutral align- Chaotic Crybaby (CC): Players and char-
At best, we can only interpret the system ments, just like the AD&D game system. In acters of this alignment are similar to

44 A UGUST 1987
Neutral Woundwailers (q.v.), though they question creates an explosion with some very frustrating for many DMs, as they
are much more of a problem and are chemicals, the player claims no damage must now find a more stable player to
particularly aggravating for Dungeon was taken because he ran at the first sign incorporate into the current adventuring
Masters. While the latter complain mainly of trouble. group. Sometimes a Chaotic Suicidal may
about combat and combat-related portions The best way to get revenge on this type kill his character off for no apparent rea-
of the adventure, Chaotic Crybabies are of person is to get the whole party to son at all; at times, the player simply tires
prone to outbursts on anything. If some- threaten the Chaotic Everywhere’s charac- of his old character and desires another
thing doesn’t go their way, you can bet ter with death, or for a DM to design an one. Of course, the second example
money that a Chaotic Crybaby will scream enclosed room that floods when entered, doesn’t make any sense — especially when
and yell. Things which a person of this making sure that the Chaotic Everywhere that character is killed off after reaching a
alignment complains about include (but is the only one to go in. high level of experience, being knighted,
are certainly not limited to): missed saving Chaotic Hot-Shot (CHS): The Chaotic Hot- getting a powerful magical item, or other
throws, small amounts of experience Shot is a relatively common alignment, and related goals.
points or treasure, character injury, hav- most players have either met or played in Depending upon what reason or reasons
ing insufficient strength to break down a an AD&D game with such an individual. A the Chaotic Suicidal has for destroying his
door, and other game facets of lesser person of this type of alignment is known character, the DM may not allow the char-
importance. for chronic bragging. If given the chance, acter to be done away with so easily. To
Example 1: A Chaotic Crybaby player is such players will go on about ability counter this, the Chaotic Suicidal goes on a
rolling up an elven character. All the rolls scores, hit points, armor class, and what- kamikaze rampage, attacking at every
are above average except for wisdom, ever else until they’re blue in the face. opportunity until the character is slain.
which is a 9. The player wails, saying that Characters of this alignment usually make Example 1: A Chaotic Suicidal with a 5th-
he’ll never be able to survive with such a enemies among the DM’s NPCs, and have level fighter is wandering around in a
low score. been known to die because of their cease- large cave system. When the fighter gets
Example 2: A Chaotic Crybaby’s thief is less braggadocio. hit by a wight and loses an experience
attempting to pick a lock. When the PC’s Example: A Chaotic Hot-Shot and a level, the player complains briefly and
actions are unsuccessful, a moan issues friend are at a tavern, and both are drink- decides it is time to get a new character.
from the player about unfair DMs. ing. The hot-shot brags to his friend all Consequently, the fighter jumps off the
Chaotic Diehard (CD): These players and about his magic sword, his prize gem, his next cliff he finds.
their characters can be a great source of fortune in silver, and his special shield. Example 2: A Chaotic Suicidal character
pain for many DMs. Most Chaotic Die- The Chaotic Hot-Shot’s friend then buys gets into a jam and is cornered by a pair of
hards are exceptionally good with dice and him two more drinks and tells him to very nasty fire giants. Though the giants
can coax almost any number desired out come outside when he is finished. The might be willing to ransom the character,
of them. Characters of these people almost “friend” is really an assassin who plans to the PC decides instead to go out in a blaze
undoubtedly have one or more abilities give the hot-shot an evening to remember, of glory by daring the giants to attack him
with 18s, with strength, dexterity, and assuming the PC lives through it. and throwing rocks at them until they
constitution being the abilities that have Chaotic Stupid (CSt): Characters of the squash him.
such scores most of the time. Chaotic Stupid and Lawful Idiot align-
Chaotic Diehards are noted for foiling a ments are alike in some ways, though not Lawful alignments
DM’s most intricate plans, such as saving in others. Where Lawful Idiots simply Lawful Bored (LB): Players of the Lawful
four times against the medusa’s gaze, make bad mistakes, Chaotic Stupids have Bored alignment are not very vocal.
single-handedly wiping out eight orcs at been known to actively seek out idiotic Though they might be excellent players or
1st level, dicing up an illusionist while not things to do. Some of the actions per- may have good ideas, they never get a
believing any of his spells, and so on. Some formed by these people are nearly suicidal chance to present them because (from
Chaotic Diehards get carried away during —actions that would cause even Conan to their viewpoint) the rest of the group talks
melee combat: It is not uncommon for hesitate. Chaotic Stupid characters may too much or argues all the time. This
such a person to make attack rolls before make enemies in their adventuring party alignment can be linked to Lawful
the DM asks him to do so, and he may and might be slaughtered by members of Ignored, as the two may occur simultane-
have a thing about always being the one to the group for certain reasons. In one such ously in the same individual. A player may
roll the initiative die. Players who act in case, a Chaotic Stupid was slain by his be bored and is thus ignored by the rest of
this manner are also known as Chaotic adventuring buddies because the charac- the group, or the player is ignored in the
Hackers. ter always insulted monsters that could first place and becomes bored. A Lawful
Chaotic Everywhere (CEv): These players wipe the party out. The PC in question Bored person usually waits from 10 to 30
cause heartache to many a DM and player signed a death warrant for himself after minutes for a chance to do something
alike. A Chaotic Everywhere tries to be he shouted a few insults at a large and important. In the meantime, he just sits in
everywhere and do everything at once. nasty dragon. a chair and listens to other people argue
His PC is usually the first person in a room Example: A Chaotic Stupid has his about nothing. After this waiting period,
when treasure is discovered and the first money-pouch stolen and decides to give the person may instead get up and leave
out of a room if trouble occurs. Often, chase. The thief runs down a flight of the group. The rest of the players often
such a player is impatient and is nearly steps into darkness. Not bothering to wait don’t even realize that the Lawful Bored
always a source of interruption — espe- for the rest of the adventurers, the PC person has left.
cially when the rest of the party is doing charges into the darkness — only to find Example: A party of adventurers con-
something or the DM is describing more out that he can’t see because he’s a human! taining a Lawful Bored person stumbles
than one object in a room. Shrugging off this setback, the character upon a large treasure hoard. While the
Example: A group of adventurers con- proceeds into the gloom, gets lost in a rest of the party immediately begins to
taining a Chaotic Everywhere character maze, and is riddled with arrows by a argue over the treasure, the Lawful Bored
comes upon a room that is set up like a friend of the very thief who stole his character does nothing to get involved.
chemist’s lab. The Chaotic Everywhere pouch in the first place. Ten minutes later, the Lawful Bored per-
moves all over the room, showing up Chaotic Suicidal (CSu): A person of son leaves the gaming room to raid the
whenever another adventurer finds some- Chaotic Suicidal alignment is one with an refrigerator, and is not missed by the rest
thing of interest. The person then tries to obsession for killing his characters. A of the party members until the next day,
do anything in the room that someone else player of this nature may go through four when lots of precious victuals are discov-
was planning to do. If the character in or more characters in a month. This is ered missing.

Lawful Goody-Goody (LGG): This type of the back ranks of an adventuring group deal of conceit. The paladin also resorts to
player is a rare one. A Lawful Goody- and don’t do much. However, if a serious violence to solve day-to-day problems
Goody person is usually very nice and problem comes up, the Lawful Ignored (sound familiar?).
never does mean or nasty (i.e., “fun”) person can be counted on to pull through Example 2: A druid of neutral alignment
things to other members of the party. and help the rest of the group. For exam- is played by a Lawful Liar. She acts in a
They are also the “Champions of Justice,” ple, a cleric may be asked to heal the totally Chaotic fashion, doing things by
rescuing anyone in need, saving fair maid- whole party after a fight in which they whim and not caring whether or not the
ens, and giving alms to the church or to were nearly killed. A thief might have to “balance of nature” is kept. A lot of her
the poor. The Lawful Goody-Goody runs a disarm a trap, or a magic-user may have to motivation is built upon the possible gain
super example of a paladin and is really a knock open a door. Of course, the Lawful of treasure, and she gives little thought to
good guy to have around. Ignored person is sent right back to the conservation of the wooded areas in the
Example: A Lawful Goody-Goody’s PC rear of the party after performing their region. She also spends much time in
comes upon a small village which has function. When a Lawful Ignored person dungeons and other underground places,
fallen upon hard times. After speaking isn’t directly involved in the action, they rather than in the outdoors of which she
with the locals, the character finds out often get away from the group to play is supposedly an intricate part. On top of
that they are being unfairly governed by a cards or do something else the others that, she rarely visits her home base and
mean and evil mayor, who is also very won’t notice. This turn of events may does not give worship to nature except in
greedy. The Lawful Goody-Goody decides cause some players to also become Lawful dire circumstances. These types of people
to run the mayor out of the town and is Bored in addition to Lawful Ignored. are extremely annoying to DMs, other
successful. He then gives the villagers When the person is needed but is not players, and of course, the deities them-
money from his own pockets so that they there, a catastrophe is sure to occur. selves. A good way to solve problems
can start over, declines a reward, and is Example: A Lawful Ignored magic-user created by this character involves having a
gone like the wind. (Sounds like a comic- with measly hit points is the main source deity or deity’s servant chew them out,
book hero, doesn’t he?) of missile power for a group, as he can demanding reform on pain of death (or
Lawful Idiot (LId): This alignment is akin cast fireballs, lightning bolts, and other worse).
to the Chaotic Stupid alignment. Though destructive spells. A group of orcs Lawful Serious (LS): Anyone of the Law-
they may be firm believers in law, these ambushes the magic-user’s party in a ful Serious alignment really knows how to
players still seem to be “barefoot in the mountain pass one day. The fighters in the play DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® games.
head,” as Brian Aldiss might say. A person party hold back, waiting for a fireball to Rather than being silly or doing stupid
of this alignment may not do the bizarre cook the orcs. When one doesn’t come, the things, the person creates a character to
things that a Chaotic Stupid character party finds out that the magic-user’s play- be role-played differently than prior char-
would, but they may do other things: for er has disappeared because he didn’t have acters. He aims to have a good time, as
example, telling the owner of a gambling anything to do. The DM rules that the well as to get things accomplished when
house in front of the patrons that his magic-user was shot full of orc arrows and the group meets to play. Many DMs
games are fixed, or walking into the local is unconscious. The orcs charge and hack (including myself) feel that this kind of
Thieves’ Guild and demanding to fight the up the adventurers. person is one of the best to game with. As
“head crook.” The difference between this Lawful Liar (LL): Though this sounds long as the player does not take the game
and Chaotic Stupid usually lies in the fact like an alignment for law and order, any too seriously, this is one of the best align-
that the Lawful Idiot is acting on the gen- PC of a normal AD&D game alignment ments there is.
eral intent of the group (“But you told me may be, knowingly or unknowingly, a
the games were fixed, and you wanted to Lawful Liar. (If the “L” from “Lawful” is Neutral alignments
do something about it! We’re paladins, removed, a person of this alignment is Neutral Absent (NA): A person of Neutral
right?”), while the Chaotic Stupid isn’t (“I exposed as an Awful Liar, which is usually Absent alignment is, for one reason or
don’t care what you want! I feel like telling what they are.) This player or character is another, always unable to attend gaming
him off!”). Sometimes a Lawful Idiot acci- not a teller of falsehoods; instead, he or sessions, but always wants experience and
dentally does something right and she is constantly out of line with any pro- treasure for the day. These players are
becomes a hero (“You mean he ran away fessed alignment or class. known for calling up a DM and asking to
just because I told him he was cheating Example 1: A paladin character is also a have their character run as an NPC. If the
people?”), but this isn’t common. Lawful Liar. This individual violates nearly Neutral Absent player is not too busy, the
Lawful Ignored (LIg): A person of this all the rules in the book by failing to keep person might call up three or four times
alignment is either extremely laid-back or only a modest sum of cash, by hoarding for an update on what is going on. After
an NPC. These players usually wind up in magical items, and by building up a great many calls of this sort, a DM may feel like
telling the Neutral Absent person that he
can go to the ninth level of one of the
Lower Planes. These people have a knack
for getting on everyone’s nerves.
Example: A group of friends are playing
the D&D game one day when the Neutral
Absent player of the group calls up to say
that he is busy and cannot come. The
player then asks the DM to run his charac-
ter as an NPC. A half hour later, the Neu-
tral Absent player calls back for an
update. After four such calls, the DM tells
the person that the rest of the group killed
three dragons and is now swimming in a
sea of treasure, but the Neutral Absent
player’s fighter got fried. Of course, the
DM is lying, but the player doesn’t know
Neutral Confused (NC): A player of this
alignment walks around in a daze 98% of

46 August 1987
the time. Neutral Confused players are the gambling thief who has an unlimited sup- saying that 5 hp is too much —this despite
ones who come into a room, look around, ply of l,000,000 gp gems. If you ever run the fact that the PC has 57 hp left. DMs
then ask where the exits are. Magic-users into one of these types, it is best to leave usually tell such players to quit whining or
who act in this manner are notoriously as quickly as possible. Some campaigns they really will have something to whine
unreliable, for they do not decide what have been known to drift under this align- about. See Chaotic Crybaby for more
spell should be cast until all of the oppo- ment and vanish into nothingness. details and similarities.
nents are dead. A fighter of this alignment Neutral Puppet (NP): A person who is a
may attack an enemy even after the foe is Neutral Puppet does not have a brain and Alignment diagram notes
down, or attack his own party by mistake. cannot think for himself. These players The quasi-alignment system is set up like
Jester players who are Neutral Confused always follow another member of their a wheel rotating around a hub. The far-
screw up their jokes and puns so badly party around and do whatever that indi- ther away from the hub that an alignment
that they are rendered useless. Sometimes vidual does (except during combat — they is, the more extreme the behavior of peo-
this person even forgets what has been usually try to hide at this point). Neutral ple of that alignment.
done by their character in that play ses- Puppets can get to be extremely annoying, Neutral Self-Centered is at the center of
sion, and thus repeats his actions. A good especially when they follow another the wheel since everything supposedly
example of this is a Neutral Confused annoying player, which often leads to rotates around it (at least according to
person who looks in a closet four times idiotic actions being done twice over. those of this alignment). The Neutral
while searching a room. Example: A Neutral Puppet has grown Alignments radiate outward from the
Example: A party containing a Neutral attached to a Chaotic Suicidal character. center and form six spokes. Chaotic Cryba-
Confused character comes upon a cham- When the Chaotic Suicidal decides to jump by and Neutral Woundwailer go hand in
ber outfitted like a bedroom. After a quick into a vat of acid for no reason whatso- hand for obvious reasons. The Chaotic
search reveals a secret door, the party ever, the Neutral Puppet copies the ges- Diehard is a more devout die-roller than
decides to go through it. The Neutral ture. When a Neutral Puppet gets the Neutral Dietosser, though both are
Confused character is left behind, totally involved with people like this, you can bet related.
oblivious to what is going on. He searches that the person will not have a very suc- While Neutral Montyhauls are basically
around in the room, but finds nothing of cessful gaming life. interested in getting everything they can,
value. At that moment, the rest of the Neutral Self-Centered (NSC): A Neutral Chaotic Everywheres want to get every-
party comes speeding back through the Self-Centered person believes that the thing, do everything, and see everything.
secret door yelling to the Neutral Con- world revolves around him and expects The Chaotic Hot-Shot alignment seems to
fused character to get out of the room. everyone else to act in accordance with be in a class of its own — one that isn’t
The Neutral Confused character asks what this belief. When a person of this align- really related to any other alignment.
the problem is and watches everyone run ment doesn’t get his way, screams of pro- Many people of a different alignment wish
out of the chamber without moving. Turn- test may occur (see Chaotic Crybaby and the Chaotic Hot-Shots were in a world of
ing to face the secret door, he sees a huge Neutral Woundwailer). A major belief of their own, but that’s another story.
tunnel worm enter the room. this alignment is that all is well with the Neutral Puppet is related to two align-
Neutral Dietosser (ND): This alignment is world if all is well with the Neutral Self- ments: Lawful Idiot and Chaotic Stupid.
similar to Chaotic Diehard in that both Centered person. Some characters of this This makes sense, since those of the fore-
involve die-rolling. Neutral Dietossers, alignment may believe themselves to be most alignment have no brains and can’t
however, are those unfortunate people super-powered and unstoppable, but their help but follow others around. If the per-
who have lots of dice but are never able to bubble bursts soon enough. son has a brain, however, their tendencies
roll well with them or get the numbers Example: A party containing a Neutral usually shift toward Law or Chaos,
that they want. A Neutral Dietosser may Self-Centered cleric encounters a group of although they continue to perform stupid
get very upset with his dice; at this point, trolls and gives battle. They win, at the actions regardless. Chaotic Stupid is
the player begins tossing dice over his cost of three characters being badly related to Chaotic Suicidal because both
shoulder or at other people. If such a wounded and another one going to zero alignments are ridiculous in the first place
player lofts enough dice into the air, the hit points. The cleric, who was not injured and have high character death tolls.
person may be subdued by the DM or by in the melee, decides that no one else Lawful Goody-Goody is vaguely related
other players (depending on who is sitting needs aid, as he is healthy. The player (and to Lawful Idiot because being so good is
closest to the Dietosser). his character) may be sent to the hospital seen by many to be quite idiotic in the first
Example: A Neutral Dietosser is very by angry gamers, which may be unavoid- place. Lawful Goody-Goodies claim to have
upset at his last few “to hit” rolls, as none able at this point due to a history of past nothing to do with Lawful Idiots, but
of them were higher than 12. The player occurrences like this one. many believe that they do, so the connec-
then announces to the group that unless Neutral Woundwailer (NW): A player tion stands. Lawful Serious is tied in with
his dice roll well, they will be tossed to who is a Neutral Woundwailer has a Lawful Goody-Goody, and both alignments
new locations. By the end of the gaming strange susceptibility to injury and thus uphold the tradition of Law. Lawful Seri-
session, the Neutral Dietosser has thrown cannot let his characters take damage. He ous is one of the two quasi-alignments that
dice 52 times and has lost six of them believes that a powerful force field should normal AD&D game alignments from the
forever. protect his PCs from bodily harm and that Players Handbook can claim; Lawful Liar
Neutral Montyhaul (NM): This extremely the DM is always out to get them. If a is the other one. The latter alignment sits
popular alignment is the favored choice of Neutral Woundwailer’s character is nailed all by itself, as the Liars claim to be any
hundreds of players. Those individuals for even one hit point of damage, you can alignment but are usually the opposite of
under this alignment are always in the bet money that there will be trouble. One their claims. Neutral Confused may be
race for the “bestest with the mostest!” If a strange thing about Neutral Woundwailers related to Lawful Liar, but those of the
player falls under the hold of this align- is that they usually have high hit points latter alignment aren’t in a daze and seem
ment, look out! Examples of Neutral Mon- but would rather stay in the back of the to know what they’re doing.
tyhaul characters are all too common, but party and let everyone else get beaten up. Neutral Absent has some ties with Law-
here are a few: a fighter who has a sword Example: A Neutral Woundwailer meets ful Ignored and Lawful Bored, as all three
+10; shield +10, and field plate armor a band of 10 hobgoblin guards. After alignment types may be absent from a
+20; a 4,000th-level magic-user or cleric; a drawing his trusty sword and hacking up gaming session at various times. However,
character with an intergalactic battle six of them, the fighter is hit twice for 5 the two Lawful alignments have very
cruiser; a fighter with a sword that does hp damage. The player jumps up immedi- strong ties (see Lawful Bored and Lawful
400 hp of damage to any target; and, a ately, yelling obscenities at the DM and Ignored).
48 A UGUST 1987
Explanation/Description: When Odeen’s
magic cloud is cast, the magic-user causes
a small cloud to appear wherever he
desires within range of the spell. The
cloud remains in place for its duration so
long as the magic-user pays it nominal
attention. Once his full attention is
diverted, the cloud drifts with the breeze.
There are several types of clouds:
Storm Cloud — This magic cloud is thick,
dark, and billowy, with rain or lightning at
the magic-user’s option. The lightning does
1d6 hp damage per round to any creature
below or inside the cloud unless a saving
throw vs. spells is made.
Obscuring Cloud — This especially thick
cloud is centered on the face of its subject.
It prevents both normal vision and infra-
vision. This cloud may be used either to
protect the subject from a gaze attack or
to hinder an opponents vision (it does not,
however, affect a beholder’s eye-spells).
Rainbow Cloud — This magic cloud is
thin and displays a rainbow when light is
present in the visible spectrum. Its chief
purpose is to impress viewers; double the
duration of the spell if this form is used.
Many more versions of this spell are
possible. The Dungeon Master is advised
to keep their effect in line with those listed
here. Material components may vary with
sounding stick, is a spell to find faults in cloud type at the DM’s option. A ball of
by Rich Baldwin stone by tapping with a stick. Haliman cotton should be a component common to
reports that the most difficult of these all the cloud types.
Most of what is known of Odeen’s magi- spells is no more intricate than a fear
cal knowledge comes from a very rare and spell, but that he believes the most cogent
ancient tome, The Spells of Odeen, said to spells in the work are more cleverly Odeen’s Impenetrable Lock
have been compiled by the Sorceress concealed.” (Alteration)
Odessa, Odeen’s daughter. Only seven The tome is certain to contain many Level: 4 Components: V,S,M
copies of this work are known to exist, more puissant and perilous spells, but Range: Touch CT: 3 segments
none of them complete. The volumes were none of the copies are available, for their Duration: Perm. ST: None
originally 17” high, 12” wide, and 3” owners are fiercely jealous of them. AE: Special
thick. They were bound in a gray, silky Generally, finding the secret words that Explanation/Description: When Odeen’s
material, undoubtedly of elven origin, with guard the volumes will be as difficult as impenetrable lock is cast upon any locking
gilt edges, locking mithral clasps, and finding the word of command for a magi- device or mechanism, that device may not
inlaid mithral runes revealing the title. cal item, so legend lore or some other such be opened by any nonmagical means, nor
Ravaged by time, they have now fallen spell must be employed. Sages would be may it be broken by any mundane force,
into decay. quite unlikely to know the secret words, for the lock is magically strengthened, and
The original work is purported to have much less to divulge them. Each spell in a the locking mechanism is also caused to
been written in the elven tongue and copy of The Spells of Odeen would be continually change shape. This foils any
protected by spells that obscure the mean- protected by at least a secret word, and attempt to unlock or pick it. Further, the
ing of its content. Some of the copies are the more powerful spells would be pro- lock will be unaffected by a knock spell,
rumored to contain explosive runes or tected by other means as well. It is up to since the impenetrable lock was specifi-
even symbols. Other rumors tell of poi- the Dungeon Master to decide which spells cally designed to counter knock. The spell
soned needles in the locks and curses should be included in a copy of this work may be removed by a dispel magic spell
inscribed on certain pages. Little else is if it is found. It should not include all of cast either by the caster of the impenetra-
known of the tome, but for this excerpt the five spells listed in this article, and ble lock or by a magic-user of at least one
from Encyclopedia Rothari on the subject should include a number of more power- level higher than the magic-user who cast
of Famous Magical Works: ful spells, the nature of which is left to the the impenetrable lock had attained at the
“I have been informed by Haliman the DM’s discretion. About half the spells time he cast it. The spell is not affected by
Elder that he has succeeded in deciphering should be incomplete, not all of them extra-dimensional beings.
five of the spells, though they are of lesser noticeably so. This way, more than one Note that while thieves cannot pick a
import than he had hoped. The first, copy of the tome must be consulted in lock with this dweomer on it, they are still
which he calls Odeen’s magic cloud, order to gain all relevant knowledge. able to detect that the spell exists as if it
appears to be a spell to evoke small clouds were a trap. Upon careful examination,
of various color and effect. The second, they can note the lock’s magical shifting. If
Odeen’s impenetrable lock, is a form of, Odeen’s Magic Cloud (Evocation) the spell is cast on a lock set in a door of
locking spell. The third, Odeen’s magic Level: 2 Components: V,S,M some kind, fighters with a strength of 18/
tailor, is a spell to alter garments to fit. Range: 2” + 1” /level CT: 2 segments 91 or better will have 50% of their normal
The fourth, Odeen’s secret word, is a spell Duration: 1 round/level chance for opening magically held doors
to render writing unreadable until a cer- ST: Special to open it. This chance reflects the possi-
tain word is spoken. The fifth, Odeen’s AE: 5’ x 5’ x 5’cloud bility that the door might give way at the

50 AUGUST 1987
hinges or that the casing might crumble. Explanation/Description: This spell alters secret word is spoken. If the writing is of a
Note too that if a magic key is used in an the size and shape of a garment or piece magical nature, a read magic spell must be
attempt to open the impenetrable lock, the of leather or cloth armor to fit its wearer. employed in order to read it, and if the
key will be caught fast. Any attempt to Size may be altered up or down by 10%. writing is written in a language unknown
remove the key without first dispelling the The garment or armor must be worn at to the reader, comprehend languages is
impenetrable lock will be unsuccessful, the time of the spell-casting by the person required. A write spell may be used to
save for a limited wish or wish spell, a who will use the garb. The spell affects copy the inscription if the secret word has
time stop spell, or the act of a god, demi- only one outfit or suit of armor with each been spoken. If Odeen’s secret word is
god, or some other ultra-powerful being. casting of the spell. Magical garments, dispelled, it destroys the writing on which
(Needless to say, no ultra-powerful being such as a robe of blending, are entitled to it was cast.
would normally even consider such a a saving throw vs. acid against alteration, Odeen’s secret word has no effect on
demeaning task.) but the magic remains unaffected regard- glyphs, symbols, or explosive runes, It may
Only one locking mechanism may be less of the result of the saving throw. not be cast on writing with an unreadable
affected by this spell. Simple devices such Metallic armor is not affected by this spell, magic (reverse of read magic) or incom-
as bars and wedges are merely strength- and magical armor is not affected by the prehensible languages (reverse of compre-
ened by the spell, as they have no locking spell either, since it changes shape to fit hend languages) spell cast upon it.
mechanism. Material components for this the wearer on its own. The material com-
spell are three drams of mimic ichor and ponents for Odeen’s magic tailor are a
two drams of doppleganger blood, rubbed small bone needle, a length of silken Odeen’s Sounding Stick (Alteration)
on a small gold key. The key is not thread, and a bit of wool. Level: 2 Components: V,S,M
destroyed in the casting of the spell and Range: Special CT: 1 segment
may be used by the caster alone to open Duration: 2 turns/level
the lock without first dispelling the magic. Odeen’s Secret Word (Alteration, ST: None AE: Special
Note that if the gold key is used in the Illusion/Phantasm) Explanation/Description: Odeen’s sounding
casting of any subsequent impenetrable Level: 3 Components: V,S stick, which may be cast upon any rod or
lock spells, it can no longer be used to Range: Touch CT: 4 segments stick of wood, enables the holder to detect
open previous impenetrable locks. Duration: Perm. ST: None hollow areas, faults, and weaknesses,
AE: One spell inscription or equivalent including concealed and secret doors and
Explanation/Description: Odeen’s secret certain traps, in wood, earth, and stone.
Odeen’s Magic Tailor (Alteration) word is used to render writing illegible Such faults are detected by tapping with
Level: 1 Components: V,S,M until a secret word chosen by the caster is the stick. Only the holder of the stick is
Range: ½ “/level CT: 1 segment spoken. When the spell is cast upon writ- able to note such faults, for they are
Duration: Perm. ST: Special ing, that writing cannot be read by any revealed by vibrations in the stick, rather
AE: Special means, magical or mundane, until the than by loud noises. The base chance for
detecting a fault or hollow space is 60%
for magic-users who know Odeen’s sound-
ing stick, and 40% for any other charac-
ters. Add or subtract modifiers as given in
the following tables:

Type of stick Modifier

Oak or yew + 10%
Witch hazel +5%
Birch or alder + 0%
Cottonwood or dogwood —5%
Pine or fir —10%

Other factors Modifier

Holder is an elf + 10%
Holder is a half-elf + 7%
Holder is a gnome +5%
Holder is a dwarf +5%
Holder is a half-orc —5%
Holder wears gloves —5%
Holder wears gauntlets —15%

Other modifiers may be set by the

Dungeon Master as seen fit. The range of
the sounding stick varies with its size, as
does the minimum fault size that may be
detected. The range of the stick is four
times its length, up to a maximum of 20’.
The diameter of the smallest fault which
may be detected is half the length of the
Only one stick may be affected in a
single casting of the spell. A light or con-
tinual light spell may be cast on the stick
without affecting the sounding stick spell.

52 AUGUST 1987
A table showing some of my own estima-
tions appears with this article. Assume
that, for all practical purposes, 1 cn (D&D
game) equals 1 gp (AD&D game) through-
out this article.
Thus, when calculating the encum-
brance of materials in a backpack, the
weights of the contents are totaled and
added to the 20-cn encumbrance of the
backpack itself. If a spell book takes 450
gp of encumbrance within a backpack, it
might only encumber the person by 150
gp. When adding weights together for the
bearer’s encumbrance, use the chart
included in this article.
Though a backpack has very distinct
advantages (particularly to spell-casters), it
also has a couple of equally distinct but
unavoidable disadvantages. First, no object
over 3’ long may be placed in a backpack
(this restriction obviously applies to many
items). Second, it takes two rounds to get
something out of a backpack: one to drop,
open, and rummage through the pack; the
second to find and withdraw it. Certain
backpacks have pockets, however, as
explained below. An object carried in a
pocket takes but one round to retrieve.
Rangers learn the efficient use of the
backpack out of necessity. As a result, they
know how to maximize efficiency and are

Weights Of Standard Items

Item Weight in gp or cn
Belt 1
Belt pouch, large 5
Belt pouch, small 2
Book, large metal-bound 50
Boots, hard 30
Boots, soft 10
Bottles, flagons 30
Caltrop 1
Candle 1
Cord, 10’ 1
by Ian Chapman weight distribution. Crystal ball 100
Any given backpack holds a certain Flask, empty 3
According to the D&D® game rules, a amount of material, as determined by the Flask, full 10
backpack is a container worn on the back amount of available space within the back- Gem (with protective wadding) 1
that is able to hold up to 400 cn (or 300 gp, pack. The AD&D game system (in the Hand tool 3
in the AD&LD® game) of material, while Permanent Character Folder’s wraparound Holy water, potions 25
leaving both of the wearer’s hands free. cover) gives the volume within a backpack Jewelry, large 40
While that description is partly accurate, as 3 cubic feet, equating 100 gp with 1 Jewelry, small 1-5
there is no encumbrance difference cubic foot. Because the backpack essential- Lantern 50
between carrying a sack of goods, having ly eliminates the portable aspect of encum- Mirror 1
goods strapped to the body, or carrying brance, only the actual weight for most Purse 1
them in a backpack. Anyone who has used items needs to be considered. A caltrop is Rations, iron 49
a backpack for real-life mountaineering not especially encumbering if you don’t Rations, standard 150
knows that this is wrong. have to deal with the sharp edges. Thus, Robe/cloak 25
There is a good reason why modern for purposes of figuring the porter’s Sack, large 5
soldiers, mountain climbers, and hikers encumbrance, a revised encumbrance Sack, small 1
use backpacks almost exclusively for car- figure (the item‘s actual weight) should be Scroll case, bone 10
rying equipment. I’ve had hiking experi- used. For purposes of packing things with- Scroll case, leather 5
ence in the Olympic Mountains, and I can in the backpack, however, the old figure Spike 2
say that there is a tremendous difference for encumbrance is used, to note the Tinderbox 1
between carrying 60 lbs. of assorted goods difficulty in packing oddly shaped items Torch 10
in your arms and carrying 60 lbs. of goods together within a limited space. Wand: bone/ivory case 30
in a pack. When something is in a back- Unfortunately, calculating actual item Wand: box 40
pack, there is no extra encumbrance weights involves a lot of judgment calls Wand: leather case 10
beyond the item’s own weight; if an object and estimations, since both the D&D and Waterskin, empty 1
is carried, there might be some extra AD&D games fail to give exact weights Waterskin, full 50
encumbrance from the resulting uneven (only encumbrance values) for most items.
54 AUGUST 1987
able to apply good judgment when using framed, two-chamber, large backpacks. All Rucksacks have a base encumbrance of 20
a pack. Instead of throwing everything three varieties of backpacks are available cn; soft, large backpacks have a base
randomly into a pack, which is usually with or without pockets. encumbrance of 40 cn; and framed, large
assumed to occur, rangers are capable of The soft, one-chamber rucksack without backpacks have a base encumbrance of
prioritizing items in packing. Rangers pockets is the backpack that all AD&D 100 cn. Any large backpack (soft or
get a 10% bonus to the encumbrance game players know. This backpack holds framed) must be made for the character’s
capacity of any type of pack (including up to 450 cn (495 cn for a ranger) of approximate height. If this is not done, the
individual pockets — explained later). encumbrance. It can also be made or backpacks total encumbrance (base value
This never reduces the weight of the bought with up to three pockets (25 cn plus contents weight) is multiplied by
packed items. Also, a ranger usually each). Without pockets, this backpack 150%.
knows what items will be needed the costs 2 gp; with pockets, it costs 5 gp Finally, the weight of each individual
most or the quickest. Thus, the ranger is (special order). item should be considered. A list of com-
not assessed the one-round penalty The soft, two-chamber, large backpack is monly used items that fit into a backpack
when retrieving an object from the back- a larger version of the rucksack. One large is included here. I’ve generally assumed
pack (though it still takes a round to chamber is generally for foodstuffs; the that any weapon carried in a backpack
actually open the pack). This ability may other is for clothing and other equipment. weighs half its encumbrance value. If a
be gained by other character classes as a This backpack holds up to 800 cn (880 for question arises concerning items not
nonweapon proficiency. a ranger) of encumbrance and can be included in this list, that item weighs
Some of the backpacks listed in this made with as many as six pockets (25 cn exactly half its encumbrance value (or a
article have a certain number of pockets. each). It costs a base of 10 gp, or 30 gp reasonable amount to be decided by the
Each pocket has an encumbrance capacity with pockets (special order). DM). Note that certain items weigh far less
of 25 cn, or 28 for a ranger. This encum- The wooden-framed, two-chamber, large than half their encumbrance value; this is
brance capacity is added to the base capac- backpack is similar to the soft, two- due to a difference between the space that
ity of the backpack. Each pocket must be chamber backpack, but it’s the supporting object occupies and its actual weight (such
treated as a separate entity within the frame makes the framed pack more rigid as a caltrop). Other objects offer a negligi-
pack. Thus, if a pack has three pockets, an (and thus more efficient and roomier). ble advantage by being carried in a pack.
extra item of 75 cns encumbrance cannot This backpack holds up to 1,600 cn (1,760 In this case, the object’s weight is also its
be added, though three items of 25 cn cn for a ranger) of weight plus tent and main encumbrance (as is the case with
each can be. bedroll. It can also be made with six pock- water skins or flasks of oil). This table is
Historically, there are many different ets (25 cn each). All framed packs must be not intended to replace the encumbrance
types of backpacks. As a general rule, all specially ordered and cost 100 gp without table on page 225 of the Dungeon Masters
fall within the following categories: soft, pockets and 120 gp with pockets. Guide; it is used only to find the total
one-chamber rucksacks; soft, two- All backpacks have a base encumbrance weight of objects in a backpack for encum-
chamber, large backpacks; and wooden- value to which the total weight is added. brance purposes.

The Ecology by Ed Greenwood

of the
The adventurer Haptooth had spent
many years exploring the vast, labyrin-
thine, subterranean ways of Undermoun-

tain, Waterdeep. Many and strange were
the tales he shared over sour brintmash
wine at The Sign of the Staff or before the
Council of Mages upon the Feast of the
Moon, at winter’s onset.

At the last Feast, Phantas, a member of
that Council, pointedly challenged Hap
tooth to do more than entertain by speak-
ing of curious observations and dramatic
events. Rather, he demanded that Hap-
tooth inform that prestigious group by
employing the adventurer’s access to the

Unseeing, unusual to increase the common knowl-

edge of what is not common at all (as
Phantas so eloquently put it). None could

unthinking, fail to note the sharp edge of the verbal

dagger he thrust at his peer, though it was
but one of a thousand such attacks he had
unstoppable made on Haptooth over the years.
For his part, Haptooth seemed chastened
by the words of his rival and, indeed, ness at all — but fully a menace to all who hole, his flesh was gnarled and twisted like
came to the next yearly Feast with words encounter them. Even children know that half-melted wax.
of note, for he spoke of inquiries into the these nearly transparent, gelatinous mon- “I recently fought my way through a
nature of that curious creature, the sters cannot digest metal or stone, but feed cube, when trapped in a dead-end passage,
athcoid — more commonly known as the on plants and beasts of all sorts by paralyz- and this was the result,” he said simply. He
gelatinous cube. ing those encountered, engulfing them, and continued to hold his robe open, turning
Controversy over the athcoid has long absorbing nutrients from such prey by slowly to allow all in the Hall to see his
raged among the wise — quite heatedly so means of corrosive digestive fluids. injury. Then, dropping his arms, he went
in the corridors of the Hall of Beast- “Athcoids have no thoughts as we know back to his lectern and took up the two
Tamers and in the offices of the Imperial them, but rather respond automatically — flasks, pocketing the antidote. As he undid
Zoo of Amn, the keepers of which have and identically, in all cases — to certain the cap on the other, he slowly walked
managed to keep a cube alive in captivity stimuli. They cease to advance when they toward the audience, in the direction of
for some 12 winters. Over and over, the encounter a cold surface or object, then Phantas. “Dearly, I paid for my labors, but
questions are asked: How intelligent are probe forward to seek a way past or they were well rewarded. I captured a
the cubes? How amorphous are their around it. Athcoids are attracted to vibra- sample of the digestive fluid,” he said in a
forms? Of what is their digestive fluid tions or warmth, but seem devoid of hear- loud voice, whereupon he drenched the
composed, and can it be used as a weapon ing. When flowing over or around objects, astonished councillor with its contents.
or in alchemy (or, for that matter, in medi- they seem quite fluid and mutable, but “Now, the eminent alchemist Phantas can
cine or in the handling of beasts)? How do return always to a rectangular or rhom- in his turn increase the common knowl-
athcoids mate —indeed, do athcoids mate? boidal form when their surroundings edge of what is not common at all.”
Haptooth provided all at the Council of permit. He left then, teleporting with a last
Mages with answers. “An athcoid does not appear to commu- fiendish grin, as Phantas’s scream echoed
“Even now,” he said, “in the lightless nicate with any creature, nor can it be loudly through the hall.
ways beneath us, these great creatures controlled, save by use of the stimuli I
glide noiselessly along, devoid of malicious have already mentioned. When two Notes
intent — indeed, devoid of an conscious- athcoids meet — and this I saw happen — 1. Gelatinous cubes may flow through
they merge to become one, of greater size openings as small as 1’ across. They sense
and of an apparently stable nature. This all living, moving beings within 120’ from
monstrous combination has twice the the vibrations and heat given off by such
innate hardiness of either of its compo- creatures, and actively pursue such prey.
nent creatures, though it eventually 2. Being so totally mindless, a gelatinous
divides into two normal athcoids, each cube should be immune to all will-force
exactly like the original component crea- and mind-affecting magical powers —
tures, which go their separate ways. particularly enchantment/charm spells and
“More I can tell, gained from the darkest mind-reading talents. Charm monster thus
researches. Sadly, athcoids are ignorant of has no effect upon them.
sex.” Mutterings and chuckles from the 3. When two cubes meet and merge, the
Council followed the comment. “Rather, resulting “double cube” attacks as an 8-HD
they reproduce by growing to sufficient monster with a total number of hit points
size, then split into two slightly smaller equal to the total of the two merged cubes.
creatures. These creatures then grow to a This combination creature retains a size of
stage which passes for adulthood within a 10’ x 10’ x 20’, the longest axis being
short time. pointed in its direction of travel like a
“As you all must know, athcoids anesthe- thick-bodied (but square) worm. Other-
tize prey by means of a gummy secretion wise, it is like a normal cube in all
which is absorbed into the bloodstream of respects. Division occurs either immedi-
the prey through its skin. An oral antidote ately upon contact with a third cube or
is now available to counteract this effect.” after a period of 2-8 days. Normal-sized
Haptooth held up a metal flask, then cubes divide after a period of six years.
returned it to its place beside another Each of the two resulting cubes has 3 HD,
such flask on the lectern before him. “This half the number of hit points the “parent”
antidote is of my own devise. It’s expen- cube originally had, and a size of slightly
sive, but then so are the consequences if under 8’ x 8’ x 8’. These “little” cubes
you lack it.” grow to maturity in three months. Techni-
Haptooth paused, appearing to reflect tally speaking, the gelatinous cube is an
upon some matter. “As to their digestive immortal organism, since (unless
fluids — these are produced and held in destroyed by adventurers, starvation, or
movable, elastic cavities or bubbles within disaster) a cube never dies.
an athcoid’s body. When prey is engulfed 4. Cubes may move about underwater
by a cube, one or more of these mobile with ease, though the contact poison
bubbles are shifted into contact with the which paralyzes opponents is much dilut-
prey. Such fluid has no effect on metal of ed. Saving throws against this effect are
any sort, and, as we have all heard, metal made at +6 in this environment.
objects are held for a time within the 5. If Haptooth’s antidote against a cube’s
creature, then expelled through its skin; paralysis is made available, it removes the
but the fluid has devastating effects on paralysis within 1-4 rounds after being
flesh and cellulose.” swallowed (an automatic reflex not
So saying, Haptooth undid his sash and stopped by the paralysis). However, the
pulled his robe open. The crowd mumbled potion has no effect on any other form of
grunts and oaths of amazement. Hap- paralysis, such as that from ghouls or
tooths ribs were laid bare in an ivory carrion crawlers. The antidote is not
lattice on one flank. All about this gaping magical in nature.
other. That suggests that we haven’t fig-
ured this one out yet, and we need to keep
sifting ideas. We’re having some of the
options analyzed for cost. For example, if
we had to sell a S-ring binder edition for
$50.00, that’s ludicrous. I wouldn’t pay
that much, and I wouldn’t expect you to
do so, either. On the other hand, if we
could sell it for, say, $17.95, this is a much
greater value. If we could sell it for $4.95,
there’d be no doubt about value (but don’t
hold your breath on this last option).
Then there’s the timetable. An incredible
amount of work must done in the design
and editing phases of the project, and it’s
hard to finish a project when you don’t
know what format it should use. Other
critical issues appear, such as play-testing;
the Second Edition will need as much play-
testing as possible. There’s also the matter
of finding reviewers to go through the
Second Edition drafts and find problems;
the matter of arranging a preview series
in the pages of this magazine to let you
know — in advance, while you can still
register meaningful complaints — what
we’ve done and why we’ve done it; and,
finally, the mammoth project of taking all
the feedback that we get and integrating it
by Michael Dobson a few hundred pages of comments. We are into the final version of Second Edition.
sincerely appreciative of the time, effort, Our timetable for Second Edition now
Second Edition update and quality that all of our correspondents looks like this: Zeb and Steve have been
It’s always been a little difficult to enter have shown. given a goal of completing design and
David “Zeb” Cook’s office, what with rows Incidentally, to provide your letter with editing of the revised Players Handbook
of toy robots, walls covered with bizarre the maximum impact, it’s a good idea to and Dungeon Masters Guide by December
cartoons and drawings, heaps of Oriental type it, organize your thoughts and com- 1987. We’ll then prepare about 200 play-
reference works, German and Russian ments, and keep it concise. Zeb, Steve, Jon test and review copies of the edition and
military histories (for Zeb’s upcoming SPI® Pickens (Research and Play-Test Coordina- send them out in January.
game project, the MOSCOW 1941™ game), tor), and I regret that we can’t personally The play-testing of Second Edition will
and the other detritus that separates the answer each letter, but if we did, Second be handled by the RPGA™ Network; as a
office of a game designer from that of a Edition would never get done. By the way, result, the play-testing DMs must be RPGA
normal human being. death threats are not very effective. Network members. If you aren’t already a
Lately, the problem has been com- As Zeb has noted in previous install- member, join today. Jean Rabe, RPGA
pounded by over 2,000 letters from you, ments of this column, the letters have had Network Coordinator, and Harold John-
our best fans and harshest critics, con- a real impact. Things we were pretty sure son, Director of Consumer Services for
cerning every aspect of the Second Edition about have changed because you, the true TSR, Inc., are developing standards and
AD&D® game project. Boxes filled with editors of the TSR line, have persuaded us procedures for the play-test program. The
letters are first read by Zeb (and, yes, he that the changes are right. The bard, for Games Department selects the manuscript
reads every word of every letter he gets), example, lives because of your letters. reviewers — these will be noted profes-
then the most interesting observations and But we need even more input, and that’s sionals and fans with major credentials.
comments are highlighted. Next, Steve why Jon has put together a mammoth Play-testing and review is slated to take
Winter, our Senior Games Editor who’s questionnaire to find out everything we place from January 1988 through June
also working on Second Edition, reads can about what you want. The question- 1988. We’ll start a new set of boxes to
every letter. Then I read them all. Selected naire is slated to appear in POLYHEDRON™ collect comments, problems, complaints,
letters are passed on to the rest of the Newszine and this issue of DRAGON® and (hopefully) praise about the draft.
Games Division staff and to company Magazine, and we’ll be bringing copies to Then, in July 1988, we’ll assign a new
executives. the GEN CON® 20 Game Fair and else- creative team to spend six months work-
Some of the responses we’ve received where. When we tabulate the question- ing through the Second Edition once again,
are incredible. Three stand out: an 80- naire, we’ll share with you what we learn to integrate the results of the most mas-
page dissertation on the AD&D game — and I guarantee that what we learn will sive play-test and review campaign in the
system by Bob Bell, a Tennessee player and go into the project. history of TSR, Inc., to fine-tune every rule
DM, who did a first-rate job of analyzing While Zeb worries about game mechan- and sentence, to prepare the finest index
problems and recommending innovative ics and Steve worries about organization, in the history of role-playing games, and to
solutions; a 50-page analysis of magic-user clarity, and style, I’ve been worrying about make sure in every way that the Second
spell problems by Scott Mayo, another format and timetables. Zeb discussed some Edition is as perfect as possible.
long-time player (he’s now working on of the options we’ve been considering: Next, our top graphic designers and art
clerical spells); and, the single biggest three hardcover volumes with softcover directors will work on page design, border
package we received: a “letter” from Jim or S-ring binder supplements, or all 3-ring graphics, typography, and clarity of for-
Trew full of creative rules variants and binder format, or one giant core hardcov- mat. Our Art Department will paint cov-
some very interesting questions that we’ll er, or. . . . They all have advantages and ers, do interior illustrations, and prepare
need to address. We appreciate the short- disadvantages, and you haven’t indicated a diagrams and maps. We’ll pore over every
er letters, too, so don’t rush out to send us strong preference for one format over the page of the galleys, keylines, and bluelines,

58 AUGUST 1987
hunting for typos and last-minute prob- What’s new (with apologies to Phil Vention in Kent, Ohio, and Zeb Cook and I
lems (incurring, as usual, the wrath of our & Dixie) went to Glathricon in Evansville, Indiana.
long-suffering Typesetting Department). This has been a very exciting year for The Game Lizards will be on the road a lot
Then we’ll get it printed, assembled, and TSR, Inc. A lot of things have started that in months to come: Watch for us at a
shipped. we’ll be sharing with you in the months gaming convention near you!
So, when can you expect to pick up the ahead. In many ways, this is the beginning Watch your local store for the first issue
published Second Edition AD&D game at of a new and exciting period of growth, of a free newsletter, TSR Worlds, which
your local store? Our working estimate which will be reflected in the product line. has all the latest information on what’s
now is that Second Edition will appear in For example, there’s the first SPI Light- coming from TSR, Inc., in the next six
approximately March or April 1989. That’s ning Simulation Game, ONSLAUGHT™: months. Handy checklists, contests, and
a long time in the future, but that’s the D-Day to the Rhine, a fast-moving war- much more — and it’s absolutely free! I’ll
only way we can guarantee that what we game with a hard board (as opposed to mention one of the contests here: the
finally publish will be the best. For a pro- paper), which is at your stores now. At “Name That World” contest. We’ve been
ject like Second Edition, later and greater only $19.95 retail, it’s an incredible val- wracking our all-too-feeble brains for a
is the only way to go. It’s also the only way ue. Jeff Grubb’s AD&D game hardcover great name for the D&D Gazetteer game
we can guarantee that you will have full tome, Manual of the Planes, just came in world. If you’ve got a suggestion, send it to
input in every stage of the process, so that from the printer today (as I write this — “Name That World Contest,” TSR Games
what we publish is as close as possible to you’ve probably gotten your own copy Department, PO. Box 756, Lake Geneva
what you want — and so we won’t come by now), and it looks wonderful. I’m WI 53147. The winner gets an auto-
back in a few years to announce Third about a third of the way through it graphed copy of our newest AD&D game
Edition! already. The new Gazetteer series for hardcover and whatever other interesting
the D&D® game provides a rich world prizes we can think of.
The best news you’ve ever read for D&D game play. The FORGOTTEN
We’re lowering module prices. The REALMS™ boxed set is a must-have for Sneak previews
modules that leave our shipping docks in the AD&,D game. Then there’s the new The time between the moment we think
late July (reaching your local store some- TOP SECRET/S.I.™ game by Doug Niles — up a new product and the moment it
time in August) will carry the new prices. the top-of-the-line espionage game for arrives at your store is at least a year,
What would have been an $8.00 standard top-of-the-line role-playing gamers. It’s often more. Thus, we’ve been hard at
module (32-48 pages) henceforth will cost got more stuff in it than any other game work planning the 1988 schedule of new
only $5.95. The $10.00 deluxe module (64 you’ve ever seen, and it’s still only games from TSR, Inc. Although some of
pages) will cost $7.95. The $12.00 special $15.00 (more pricing magic courtesy of our projects are secret, there are a few
module (96 pages) will cost $8.95, and the Mike Martin). Don’t miss the great things we can share right now.
$15.00 supermodule (128 pages) will cost CATACOMBS™ gamebook line, beginning For the AD&D game system, most of our
only $9.95! That means all new TSR® with Faerie Mound of Dragonkind, by 1988 products revolve around the new
modules, regardless of size, will cost less Jim Ward and Jean Black, the closest
than $10.00 — or, less than they cost even thing to a real AD&D game adventure in
prior to the last price increase! gamebook form. Those are just a few of
Of course, there is always The Fine the highlights of the line.
Print. This price reduction applies only to There are some new things that don’t
new modules — those already in print and show. For instance, all of us in the Games
on the shelf keep the old prices. Likewise, Department just got new offices. For
hardcovers, boxed games, and DRAGON years, since we moved into the new TSR
Magazines stay at their current prices. building in sunny Lake Geneva, we’ve all
What’s even better is that the quality been living in tiny little cubes, each less
doesn’t change; if anything, it will be bet- than 10’ per side, crammed full with com-
ter than ever! Page count stays the same puters, books, and toys, in a windowless
for all classes of module, as does paper part of the building. Now, at long last,
stock, cover stock, amount of color (in things have changed. First, we got win-
fact, that will probably increase in the dows; now we can all photosynthesize
future) — almost everything’s the same. during office hours. Then, in a major
The only change you’re likely to notice in overhaul of “Cubeland,” all the Games
modules happened several months ago, Department staff got double-size cubes,
and is not related to the price cut: type with new file cabinets, bookshelves, and
size has increased from 9-point to 10- extra work tables. Some of us are danger-
point, for a small loss in text. We’ve done ously close to filling up our new homes
that to increase the readability; the tiny already, but the feeling of luxury hasn’t
type makes the module harder to read and worn off yet.
play with. We were all starting to need We’re traveling to more gaming conven-
glasses to read the products. tions and making some personal appear-
The price cut is made possible by ances. Several members of the staff went
changes in our production process and the to the Minicon SF convention in Minneapo-
way products are printed — and that’s the lis, and we’ve been regular attendees at
doing of Mike Martin, Director of Manu- such local conventions as Rockcon, X-Con,
facturing, one of the unsung heroes of and Wiscon. Of course, the GEN CON
TSR, Inc. Mike identified new techniques Game Fair has always been the center-
and procedures that have resulted in piece of our convention attendance.
substantial savings to us. Consequently, In the past couple of years, we’ve begun
we’re passing them along to you. The attending Origins again. This year, the
price cut takes place in July because that’s largest TSR contingent in many years
the beginning of our new fiscal year, and attended the Baltimore Origins [See the
so we’re beginning our new year with an Origins Awards winners on page 94].
early Christmas present to all of you. Recently, Doug Niles and I attended Neo-
FORGOTTEN REALMS fantasy game set- books and modules, and an incredible The future
ting. Several sourcebooks, supervised by campaign set that makes spy adventuring Starting this summer, the Games Depart-
Jeff Grubb and Ed Greenwood, open up more dangerous than ever before! The ment will meet regularly to develop a long
new lands for your inspection; one com- GAMMARAUDERS™ game (coming soon) range plan for the future of role-playing
piles all the new spells and magical items has several expansion sets and a hardcov- and adventure gaming at TSR, Inc. What
Ed has developed (most have never er role-playing game and world book new role-playing areas should we cover?
appeared in print before). Kara-Tur, the planned. Plans for MARVEL SUPER What should be the long-range direction
Oriental Adventures land, is now part of HEROES® game supplements are still clas- of the D&D and AD&D games? How can
the Forgotten Realms, and Zeb Cook has sified (that means we haven’t quite figured we deliver the highest-quality products at
begun work on the definitive Kara-Tur them out), but we plan to build new cam- the lowest price? How can we make sure
project (in his spare time from Second paigns and worlds on the Advanced Set that the heart and soul of our hobby is
Edition). Doug Niles and I plan to conclude that will knock your socks off! preserved and supported? If you’d like to
the Bloodstone Pass module series with Finally, we’re working on two new role- have your voice heard about these issues
H4, The Throne of Bloodstone, for charac- playing systems and two licensed proper- or any others, write to: Michael Dobson,
ter levels 18 and up, with a simple little ties that are classified right now. I’ll tell TSR, Inc., PO. Box 756, Lake Geneva WI
adventure: go to the Abyss, steal the Wand you about them as soon as possible. Oh, all 53147.
of Orcus, and escape alive. Nothing to it. right, I’ll give you two clues about the
We’re returning to the WORLD OF licensed properties. Clue for License #1:
GREYHAWK™ Fantasy Setting with the Ryan’s Express. Clue for License #2: Seven
“Greyhawk Jam” supermodule (not its real and Five-Sixteenths. Good luck.
title), in which 15 different game designers
each contribute a level to the most insane
round-robin zoo dungeon of all time. The
infamous Random Monster Generator has
been activated, and you must stop it!
There will be anthology collections for the
they wish to see, and discuss some of your ideas
Outer Planes, BATTLESYSTEM™ supple-
with them. Then, too, find out if the company
ment, and DRAGONLANCE® saga cam- has some sort of product disclosure form that
paigns, as well. must be submitted with your article, module, or
For D&D games, look for more Gazet- game design.
teer sourcebooks, and one very special (continued from page 3) 3. Strive to improve your writing and commun-
(and very secret) project that takes place 1. Know your material. If you want to write ications skills. Pay close attention to your spelling
in the strange land of Vulcania. The new articles or modules for a particular game, know and grammar, and make sure that your writing is
TOP SECRET/S.I.™ game has new source- that game system inside out and read everything neat, clean, clear, and professional in style. This
available on it. helps enormously in gaining the respect of the
2. Know your market. Contact the company or people you wish to work with, and it reduces the
periodical you wish to write for, get their guide- chances for error.
lines for game designers and writers, and keep in Beyond this, all you need is luck. There are no
touch with at least one of the staff members colleges (or classes) for game designers and
there. Find out what sort of gaming material games magazine writers. — RM

Index to Advertisers
AMAZING® Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, insert card
Armory, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Avalon Hill Game Company, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Bard Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 55
Chaosium Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 52
DRAGON® Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insert cards
DUNGEON™ Adventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, insert card
Fantasy Games Unlimited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 72, 78
FASA Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, inside back cover
Game Designers’ Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 75
Game Systems Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Games Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside front cover, 31
Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back cover
K Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Leading Edge Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Mattmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,87
Mayfair Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 49, 85
Palladium Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 61
Ral Partha Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Sky Realms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Steve Jackson Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73, 79
Task Force Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Task Force Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Tor Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-81
TSR, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 43, 59, 60, 74, 78, 86, 90, 93, 95, center insert
West End Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

60 AUGUST 1987
by Peter R. Jahn prehistoric times to the 1600s. Gun laws ceivable; the nobility formed the army and
during the Middle Ages and Renaissance had the sole right to hunt, so the masses
Any game master running a game cam- periods were merely the latest form of had no need for weapons— and no right
paign in which characters use guns will, weapons regulation. Very small and to own them. Remember this when one of
sooner or later, have the same problem — wealthy nobilities dominated very large the PCs starts waving his weapons around
characters who have more firepower than and poor populations. The fear of a peas- a bar in more civilized areas, especially if
most artillery divisions. Few things are ant revolt ran through all of the European he has a low social status.
more obnoxious than a “typical” modern- monarchies, and as a result they passed In the American colonies and in pirate-
day espionage or mercenary character laws preventing landless persons from ruled enclaves in the Caribbean and the
who travels about freely with a pair of having any weapons. A character with low Mediterranean, however, this was not the
Skorpions in his arms, an M-60 on his social status was often put to death for the case. The early colonists were faced with
back, and a half-dozen LAW rockets in the possession of a glaive, which was merely a danger from hostile Indians and wild
car. Luckily, GMs aren’t the only ones tool for trimming branches straightened animals, and needed to hunt game or
making rules to control this problem. Most into a weapon for trimming knights. Peas- starve. The settlers were armed; indeed,
modern and historical cities, states, and ants occasionally did perform some knight- the captains bringing new colonists from
national governments have passed weap- trimming, but the laws almost always kept England were required to make sure each
ons restrictions. Knowing something about weapons solely in noble hands; anyone colonist brought a rifle. America never
past and present gun laws can keep a running a fantasy or Medieval campaign had a history of firearms prohibitions, so
game campaign — any campaign — in (using TSR’s D&D®, DRAGONQUEST™, or it shouldn’t be too surprising that the first
balance. The earliest gun laws can even be AD&,D® games; Chaosium’s RUNEQUEST® laws and regulations involving guns were
adapted in various ways to fantasy game or PENDRAGON games; or, FGU’s CHIVALRY hunting laws. In 1677, Connecticut passed
settings, and a basic grounding in the & SORCERY™ game, among others) should the first wildlife protection laws. If you’re
history of weapons laws is especially help- remember this. Carrying weapons and running a campaign in colonial America,
ful for players involved in time-travel armor is usually illegal, or at least in very gun laws won’t help control PC excesses;
games, like Pacesetter’s TIMEMASTER™ or bad taste, in many civilized areas. Conspic- you’ll have to rely on the weight and bulki-
FASA’s DOCTOR WHO games. uous components for offensive spells may ness of the guns involved to limit firepower.
Because world-wide gun laws vary so also be restricted to the ruler’s mages,
much, most of the information below making possession of them by PCs illegal. The 19th century
applies only to campaigns set in the United As firearms developed, restrictions on Games set in the American Old West
States. A trip to the library is called for in who could own them developed as well. (like TSR’s BOOT HILL® game), the Age of
other situations. Also note that in war-torn Characters in many swashbuckling cam- Sail (FGU’s PRIVATEERS & GENTLEMEN™
areas of the world, weapons restrictions paigns (FGU’s FLASHING BLADE™ game, game), and Victorian England (the Cthulhu
are enforceable only at gunpoint. Military for example) will be well armed if they are by Gaslight supplement to Chaosium’s
personnel and civilians alike are probably serving in the military or in some major CALL OF CTHULHU® game) present a
heavily armed, and the only practical noble’s retinue. The common man and different problem in firearms control. By
restriction on firearms is encumbrance. even lesser nobles were not permitted the 1850s, America’s casual attitude
much firepower. English law allowed a toward weapons had changed. In the
small-time landowner to possess a settled eastern areas, the citizens no long-
Early gun laws longarm, and landowners with larger er needed to be constantly vigilant. The
Many role-playing games are set in Medi- estates could have a couple of rifles and a habit of carrying rifles to church had
eval fantasy, Caribbean pirate, and swash- blunderbuss, while a major noble could disappeared from the North, although fear
buckling campaigns, with technological add a pair of pistols to the above. Posses- of slave revolts kept it alive in some areas
levels approximating the period from sion of firearms by the masses was incon- of the South. The higher social circles

62 A UGUST 1987
considered carrying guns barbaric. Even were made felonies with stiff jail senten- weapons. President Kennedy’s assassina-
the police were unarmed; the first police ces. The law also added a heavy fee to the tion in 1963 did much to damage the
force to be issued guns was Nashville’s, required license, and a $200.00 tax on the future of mail-order firearms, as Lee Har-
and that happened in 1871. New York City purchase of any restricted weapon. vey Oswald had purchased his rifle in
police did not receive pistols until the Prior to 1934, FBI agents were not exactly this manner. This situation eventu-
1890s, although New York gangs had been allowed to carry guns as law officers, ally led to the banning of all mail-order
carrying pistols since the 1840s, and some though they could do so (and did) as pri- firearms as part of the 1968 gun laws.
officers had — unofficially — begun carry vate citizens. After January 1, 1934, how- These laws also limited the availability of
ing them around 1850. ever, FBI agents could use virtually any small, cheap handguns.
The federal government had not passed weapon and had much expanded powers As a side note, and as one would expect,
any firearms legislation through this peri- of arrest and jurisdiction. Most police practical restrictions on firearms posses-
od, but many cities had. By the time of the officers of this period could carry many sion and use was extremely chaotic in
Civil War, nearly all major cities had sorts of firearms as well, and they had Europe after the D-Day. invasion in 1944.
passed laws prohibiting the carrying of broader powers of arrest then than they Military personel used any available weap-
concealed weapons. The degree of have today. These facts may prove useful on, as did civilians and resistance groups,
enforcement varied, as did the penalties, to a harried GM with a gun-happy group. and heavy firepower was not difficult to
but one thing was sure: Anyone making In 1937, the government decreed that acquire. This time period and locale would
enough of a nuisance of himself could be only federally licensed dealers could ship prove dangerous in the extreme to time-
arrested and lose his gun. or sell weapons from state to state. The traveling PCs. The most relevant game
While the eastern cities had a fairly licenses weren’t difficult to obtain; the campaign in this time period is the
uniform policy on firearms, western annual fee was $1.00, and at one 1930s BEHIND ENEMY LINES™ game (originally
towns varied widely. Many allowed citi- gangland convention the majority of the by FASA Corporation, currently produced
zens to carry and possess any weapon at participants were federally licensed fire- by The Companions).
any time. Others had ordinances requiring arms dealers. This did not change until the
guns to be checked while in town, or 1968 Gun Law, which raised the fee and The modern and near-future eras
prohibiting the carrying of a gun in a strongly tightened the requirements. The The modern era is considered to extend
saloon. There were no standards or pat- 1986 amendments legalized interstate sales from about 1946 to the current date, and
terns; a GM can get away with practically and shipments of rifles and shotguns. it can also be extended into the near
any restrictions on firearms, especially if future; the year A.D. 2000 serves well as a
backed up with a fast-draw sheriff and a Mail order and World War II cutoff date for near-future vs. science-
few shotgun-toting deputies to supplement Another problem dealt with during the fiction campaigns. Game systems involving
the local gun laws. 1920s and later concerned mail-order modern-era campaigns include TSR’s TOP
firearms. A criminal (or a character) wish- SECRET® and TOP SECRET/S.I.™, Hero
Between world wars ing a nearly untraceable gun could order Games’ DANGER INTERNATIONAL™, Task
The 1920s and 1930s are the times for one anywhere, usually under a false name. Force Games’ DELTA FORCE™, Sleuth Publi-
adventures using TSR’s GANGBUSTERS™ Mail-order gun ads appeared everywhere, cations’ MERCENARIES, SPIES & PRIVATE
and THE ADVENTURES OF INDIANA even in medical journals. The practice EYES™, Victory Games’ JAMES BOND 007,
JONES™, Chaosium’s CALL OF CTHULHU, came under fire (ahem), and most maga- and Palladium’s Revised RECON® games.
FGU’s DAREDEVILS™, Pacesetter’s CHILL™, zines had stopped publishing the ads by The PSI WORLD™ game from FGU, though
and Hero Games’s JUSTICE, INC.™ game 1920. In 1922, Sears, Roebuck and Compa- placed in the near future, is assumed to
systems. Gun laws at this time are similar to ny began requiring copies of carrying take place in a world in which gun laws
those from 1850 on, although slightly permits if such were required in the pur- are very much like those in force today.
tougher in some areas. Parts of the West chaser’s town. (Company executives Note that several of these games focus on
had become settled, and even some claimed that decision cost them half a or could take place in regions of active
cities in Texas had prohibited concealed million dollars a year, an indication of the warfare (e.g., Vietnam), where weapons
weapons. In settled areas, concealed weap extent of illegal or semilegal mail orders.) restrictions discussed here do not apply.
ons were forbidden everywhere, although In any case, Sears stopped selling pistols Modern campaigns come under all the
the penalty was often limited to a fine and by mail two years later. Federal law pro- laws noted in the last section, in addition
confiscation of the weapon. One major hibited the sale of pistols by mail com- to state and local ordinances which vary
exception, however, was New York. The pletely in 1927. Such sales are still illegal. widely even across America (see the table
Sullivan Law required all New Yorkers to Mail ordering other weapons was still in this article for the laws of any particu-
have a permit to own firearms and a sec- legal, however, and boomed following lar state). Cities often have more restric-
ond permit to carry one, and made it a World War II. Europe was flooded with tive ordinances; GMs should check on
felony to possess a pistol without one. war-surplus weapons, and most were those cities around which their campaigns
(Prior to the Sullivan Law, it had been a imported and sold here by mail order. revolve. New York has not rescinded the
felony to carry a concealed knife, brass Almost anything was legal, provided you Sullivan Laws, and Chicago has legislation
knuckles, etc., but it was only a misdemean- had a federal dealer or collector license. nearly as strict, but Los Angeles’ laws are
or to carry a pistol.) After the 1916 law, Ads touted a submachine gun as “the not significantly tougher than those of
characters carrying a pistol illegally stood a perfect Father’s Day Present,” and claimed California in general. Spies who travel a
fairly good chance of going to a New York the Lahti antitank gun as good for shoot- lot could get into trouble quickly!
State penitentiary. (The Sullivan Law is still ing “deer or bear, or cars or even a tank if It is still possible to lay down some gen-
in force in New York.) you should happen to see one.” My favor- eral guidelines for modern campaigns.
The federal government’s first major law ite, though, listed a mortar and ammuni- Almost all states have provisions in their
only affects campaigns running in 1934 tion for only $99.00: “perfect for demol- statutes to confiscate illegal weapons or
and after. The National Firearms Act of ishing buildings, getting even with the neigh- those without permits. Most states require
that year required licensing of firearm bors or just plinking in the backyard!” permits to carry concealed weapons, and
dealers and collectors, and required serial Although security was fairly tight, it was these permits are issued only by the local
numbers on all guns. More important, it possible to fraudulently obtain restricted court or police chief. There is no national
required a special license to own a sawed- weapons through the mails. Several news- permit to carry arms. Only authorized
off rifle or shotgun, a machine gun or paper editors ordered machine guns in the federal agents and police officers are
submachine gun, a silencer, or trick guns names of convicted felons or the editors’ exempted from the permit requirements
hidden in swords or canes. Violations baby daughters, and still received the under most state laws. The GM can decide
Firearms Statutes in the 50 States

State A B C D E F G H
Alabama NP 2 X NP X — — —
Alaska — — — — — — — —
Arizona NP — — — — — X —
Arkansas X — — D — — X
California NP 15 X X X X NP R
Colorado NP — — — — NP NP —
Connecticut NP 14 X X — NP — R
Delaware NP — X — — X X —
Florida NP — X — — — NP S
Georgia NP — — — — NP NP —
Hawaii NP 10 — X — X X B&R
Idaho NP — — X — — — —
Illinois X 3 — X X X X B
Indiana NP 7 — NP X — — —
Iowa NP — — NP — X X —
Kansas X — — — X X — —
Kentucky X — — — — — — S
Louisiana X — — — X NP X —
Maine NP — — — X X X —
Maryland NP 7 X — — — — R
Massachusetts NP — — — — X NP B&R
Michigan NP — X — X X X —
Minnesota NP 7 — NP — — X R
Mississippi X — — — — X X R
Missouri X 7 — — — X NP R
Montana NP — — — — X NP —
Nebraska X — X X — — NP H
Nevada NP — X X X — — S
New Hampshire NP — — — X — — S
New Jersey X — — X X X NP B&R
New Mexico X — — — — — — —
New York NP — — NP — X X B&R
North Carolina — 20 — — — NP NP R
North Dakota NP — — — — X — R
Ohio X — — — — NP NP —

whether the cover papers issued to a PC anyone using grenades and auto-fire weap- paigns, some game systems take place in
include a weapons permit; if not, the PCs ons, even in self-defense, and that a local unusual near-future environments, such
might consider leaving the extra ammo officer is usually within his rights to con- as the post-World-War-III campaigns of
and holster rigs at home. Carrying a single fiscate the weapons if the owners don’t FGU’s AFTERMATH™, GDW’s TWILIGHT:
gun that can be thrown away at a carry permits. Even if the characters are 2000™, and TimeLine’s THE MORROW
moment’s notice does have its advantages. cooperating with the police, the local cops PROJECT games. (True, THE MORROW
Carrying submachine guns, silencers, or still have to explain all the dead bodies PROJECT game actually takes place in the
heavy weapons requires a federal license once the PCs have gone home, so confis- mid-22nd century, but it fits the same
currently costing $500.00 per year, plus cating the heavier firepower is not only post-atomic genre.) All restrictions on the
$200.00 per weapon purchased. As of May legal, it’s often good politics. PCs are ownership and use of weapons in post-
1986, no new permits for the possession of advised to comply (SWAT teams are atomic worlds are assumed to have van-
any type of machine gun can be issued; unforgiving). ished with the onset of global warfare
those people who had one at that time The laws in most foreign countries are and destruction; only the America of the
may keep it, but machine guns are illegal at least as strict as those in the United TWILIGHT: 2000 game and similarly
for anyone else (except for the military States. Both Great Britain and Japan, for “civilized” nations would have anything
and on-duty police officers.) Federal per- example, have very restrictive handgun resembling firearms laws, and these
mits include the owner’s address, and laws; encounters with armed NPCs should would not be uniform from place to
many states require a separate state per- be very rare in either country. Most Euro- place. The same situation in a non-
mit to own silenced or fully automatic pean and Soviet Bloc laws are tougher nuclear “dark future” campaign exists in
weapons, or may outlaw them completely. than ours, and average criminals have less the CAR WARS® game from Steve Jackson
In some states, the use or possession of access to firearms, but exceptions do exist. Games. If you can carry it, it’s yours —
such weapons carries a mandatory jail Countries engaged in warfare, like Leba- unless someone takes it from you.
sentence. Finally, carrying a weapon in the non, Iran, Iraq, Vietnam, and parts of West Ends THE PRICE OF FREEDOM
open is not always illegal, but is certain to Central America, have unpredictable reac- system involves a conquered America, and
invite police attention. (Only two states’ tions to the appearance of firearms in gun laws would logically be extremely
laws specifically allow carrying holstered anyone’s hands; playing tough is not restrictive (making guns invaluable posses-
guns; several outlaw the practice.) advised. sions, especially to guerilla groups that
The main thing that PCs should remem- Though the above guidelines apply to could possess any sort of weapon). Com-
ber is that the police rarely approve of certain “normal” near-future game cam- munist military personnel are likewise
64 A UGUST 1987
State A B C D E F G H
Oklahoma X — — — X — — —
Oregon NP 5 — — — — NP S
Pennsylvania NP 2 — NP — — — —
Rhode Island NP 3 X NP X X NP —
South Carolina NP — — IT X — — —
South Dakota NP 2 — U X NP NP S
Tennessee NP 15 — — X — NP S
Texas X — — — — NP NP —
Utah NP — — X — — — —
Vermont X — — — — X — —
Virginia NP — — X X — NP —
Washington NP 5 — NP — — X S
Washington, D.C. — 2 X — — X X B&R
West Virginia NP — — — — — NP S
Wisconsin X 2 — — — NP —
Wyoming NP — X — — — — —

Key to table columns

A: Carrying concealed weapons: X = illegal, NP = need a state permit.
B: Waiting period: a period of time between asking a dealer to sell the gun and actual delivery. This was designed to prevent an
angry person from purchasing a gun during a fight, and to allow a police check on the buyer. The table shows the number of days’
wait required.
C: Mandatory penalty: X = a non-parolable jail term for any felony conviction involving use or possession of firearms. This can
include carrying without a permit.
D: Vehicular carry: X = illegal to carry a loaded firearm in a car, NP = need a state permit, IT = only in a closed compartment
or trunk, U = only if unloaded. (Federal law made it legal to carry an unloaded weapon in the trunk while traveling through a
state, as of November 1986.)
E: Armor-piercing ammunition: X = illegal to possess AP ammunition.
F: Silencer: X = illegal, NP = need state permit to possess.
G: Automatic weapons: X = illegal, NP = need state permit to possess.
H: Possession permit required to own gun: N = none, H = at home, W = at work, B = both, R = all guns registered with
police, S = all sales reported to police.
If a state's statutes do not directly address a topic, the column receives a dash ( For example, Alabama does not specifically
outlaw silencers or automatic weapons, nor does it require gun owner permits. (Note that a secret agent possessing a machine gun
in Alabama must still comply with all federal laws.)

unencumbered by most restrictions, and tinue. All military weapons will be illegal, Kennett, Lee, and James Anderson. The
fighting is likely to be widespread and and civilian weapons less and less com- Gun in America. Westport, Conn.: Green-
deadly in the extreme. mon. Purely defensive, non-lethal weapons wood Press, 1975.
like stunners may or may not be legal, at Nispel, David H. “Gun Control: A Look at
Futuristic societies the GMs option. (Remember that TASERs the Various State and Federal Laws.” Legis-
The final frontier for role-playing games and stun guns are widely restricted at lative Reference Bureau, State of Wiscon-
lies in the future. TSR’s STAR FRONTIERS® present.) Radically new weapons not sin: Madison, May 1981.
game, GDW’s TRAVELLER® and developed by the military may be legal for “President Signs New Gun Law.” Federal
TRAVELLER: 2300™ games, ICE’s SPACE a brief period, until the authorities realize Firearms Licensee News. Washington,
MASTER™ set, FASA’s STAR TREK®: The a criminal element is using them. (Thomp- D.C.: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Role-Playing Game, and Chaosium’s son submachine guns were legal and sold Firearms — Department of the Treasury,
RINGWORLD game depict other-world in hardware stores for ten years, TASERs July 1986.
human and alien societies in which the for five.) Finally, badly outdated military Sherrill, Robert. The Saturday Night
possession (or lack) of a firearm can make weapons might be permitted in private Special. New York: Charterhouse, 1973.
all the difference between success and collections, but this policy is by no means Shields, Peter. Guns Don’t Die — People
failure in a mission, as well as life or universal, even today. Do. New York: Arbor House, 1981.
death. Beyond this — the game master is on his State Laws and Published Ordinances —
The laws in futuristic settings vary wide- own. Hopefully, this article will reduce the Firearms. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of
ly and depend greatly on the flavor of the number of Rambo-type PCs and increase Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms — Depart-
individual campaign. In unsettled or fron- the ranks of PCs who look before they ment of the Treasury, 1976.
tier worlds, especially those with hostile leap — or shoot. Your Guide to Explosives Regulation
inhabitants, the restrictions on weapons 1976. Washington, DC.: Bureau of Alcohol,
would be fairly lax. Most individual weap- Bibliography Tobacco and Firearms — Department of
ons will be legal, but heavy military weap- Bakal, Carl. The Right to Rear Arms. the Treasury, 1976.
ons will still be unavailable to civilians. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1966. Your Guide to Federal Firearms Regula-
(Even in the Old West, the Army frowned Federal Regulation of Firearms and tions. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Alco-
on private ownership of cannon.) Ammunition. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of hol, Tobacco and Firearms — Department
In more civilized areas, the trend toward Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms — Depart- of the Treasury, 1984.
restricting weapons will probably con- ment of the Treasury, 1980.
A special damage system for STAR FRONTIERS® games

A SHOT IN THE ARM by Jason Pamental

and David Packard
The combat system used in the STAR
FRONTIERS® game is generally realistic
and simple, but the damage system lacks
that realism. You never see anyone with a
broken limb, a wound, a concussion, etc.
The only damage taken is to one’s Stamina.
The following rules make the damage
system more realistic and provide infor-
mation about broken limbs, wounds, and
cuts, and how this damage can be healed.
It also provides realistic damage to robots,
computers, weapons, and equipment.
Vehicle damage is already covered in the
game rules.

Table 1
Special Damage Modifiers

Modifier Reason
+1 Short range
+2 Point blank range
+2 Explosive weapon
+1 Careful aiming *
+2 Firing a burst
+1 Per 5 SEU used by
+1 Target hit twice in same
+1 Small target
+2 Tiny target
+1 Per skill level with
+2 Per Robotics or Com-
puter skill * *

—1 Large target
—2 Giant target
—1 Long range
—2 Extreme range
—1 Moving target* * *
—2 Suit-type defense
—2 Target is underwater
—2 Target makes RS check

* +1 is added for each round spent

entirely on aiming, up to the maxi-
mum of +5.
* * This applies only to attacks
against robots or computers, respec-
* * * This modifier is counted only
once, even if both attacker and
defender are moving in any manner.
Table 3
Damage Results Table: Living Beings

Modified Stamina Special Units of lost

1d10 roll damage damage equipment
1 or less 0 None 0
2 5 Chest wound 0
3 5 Leg wound 0
4 5 Arm wound* 1
5—6 8 Shoulder wound * 1
7 9 Arm wound** 1
8 10 Head wound 1
9—10 10 Leg broken 1
Table 2 11 15 Chest deeply cut 1
Weapon Modifiers 12—13 8 Arm broken * 1
14 8 Arm broken ** 1
Weapon type Modifier 15—16 15 Abdomen deeply cut 1
Projectile pistol +2 17 15 Back wound, leg paralyzed 2
Projectile rifle +3 18 12 Shoulder deeply cut ** 2
Heavy projectile +5 19 15 Side deeply cut 2
Beam rifle or pistol +3 20—22 30 Head concussion 2
Heavy beam +4 23+ 1,000 Head removed, body falls apart, 5
Gyrojet pistol +2 target vaporized, etc. (pick one)
Gyrojet rifle +3
Heavy gyrojet +6 * Secondary side (i.e., the left side if on a right—handed person).
Short melee * +1 ** Primary side (i.e., the right side if on a right—handed person).
Long melee * +2
Fist +1 Special damage effects
Grenade** Chest wound: —5 to hit.
Other thrown weapon +2 Leg wound: —3 meters/turn on movement.
Bow or crossbow +2 Secondary-side arm wound: —5 for firing rifles, can only fire one weapon, —10%
Tooth, claw, etc. +2 for doing tech, robotics, medical, demolitions, and computer skills.
Primary-side shoulder wound: —10 for firing rifles, same other modifiers as a
* Whips, swords, polearms, spears, secondary-side arm wound.
chairs, and big clubs are long; axes, Primary-side arm wound: —30 to hit, can’t use rifles, —15% on above-mentioned
bottles, small clubs, knives, nightsticks, skills.
pistol butts, shock gloves, etc., are Head wound: —5 INT/LOG, 50% chance to be unconscious for 1d100 minutes.
short. Leg broken: Only 2 meters/turn movement.
* * Only a fragmentation or incendiary Chest deeply cut: —10 to hit, —5 DEX/RS.
grenade can cause special damage. Secondary-side arm broken: No rifles can be fired, —10% to all skills mentioned for
Each counts as an explosive weapon on a secondary-side arm wound, may only fire one weapon.
Table 1. Primary-side arm broken: Same as with secondary-side arm broken, but with —25%
to all above mentioned skills, —10% to hit with all other weapons.
Abdomen wound: —3 meters/turn on movement, —5% to hit with all weapons, —8
kg on limit for carrying items.
The system Back wound, leg paralyzed: Only 2 meters/turn on movement, —15 kg for carrying
Each character has a percentage chance items.
to cause special damage to an opponent Side deeply cut: —8 DEX/RS, —10 kg for carrying items.
when that character performs a “to hit” Head concussion: —10 INT/LOG, —5 DEX/RS, 75% chance to be unconscious for
roll. This chance is figured out by the 1dl0 hours.
formula: 3% + (skill level x 2), where the Dead: Dead beyond a doubt, no chance of revival.
skill level refers to the appropriate weap-
ons skill. For example: Fl’remp, a female
Vrusk, fires a laser pistol at a Human. She
has a level 4 Beam Weapons skill, so her modifications to this roll, as shown on destroyed. There is a 10% chance that a
chance to cause special damage is 11%. Table 1. The referee may modify this weapon will be destroyed instead of equip-
She rolls a 06 on her “to hit” roll (less than number with modifications not found on ment. The victim’s player can pick which
her chance), so she has scored special Table 1 as seen fit. Note that a target in an piece of his equipment has been
damage. A character can add 1% to his activated defensive screen cannot take destroyed. If the character has more than
special—damage chance for each round special damage. There are two damage- one unit of a certain type of equipment,
spent aiming at a target. A maximum of type tables: one for living beings and one then two units of the equipment are
10% may be added this way. If a charac- for robots. Computer damage is explained destroyed (two clips, two rations, etc.).
ter’s chance to hit an opponent is less than elsewhere. Special damage need not only occur due
the chance to cause special damage, then To read the damage tables, go from left to an attack using weapons. Vehicle acci-
special damage cannot be scored. to right. The first column on the left is the dents, falling, and fires are just a few of
After a character has caused special number a player has rolled. The next the other possibilities, although this article
damage, the player must find out the type column shows how much extra damage is is only concerned with weapon-related
of damage done (this special damage is in taken to the target’s Stamina score. The damage.
addition to normal Stamina—reducing dam— third shows what kind of special damage The referee should keep track of dam-
age). To determine damage, the player is taken, and the final column shows how age for NPCs, creatures, robots, and com-
rolls Id10. Add or subtract any applicable many pieces of equipment have been puters, while players should keep track of

their own damage themselves (unless the A Vrusk with a damaged arm requires a Repairing a robot
referee doesn’t trust them). If the referee 1d10 roll to find out which arm was hit: Repairing a robot is easier than healing a
feels that damage to a character might 1-5 is the left arm, 6-10 is the right. living creature. A character with Robotics
greatly lessen the other players’ chances A Dralasite is not able to absorb a para- skill is required.
for completing their mission, then he may lyzed leg until it is healed. Because of this, Damage to a robot takes 2d10 minutes to
alter the damage taken by that character. the Dralasite suffers the special penalties repair. A broken part takes 5d10 +5 min-
caused by the paralyzed leg. utes to fix, while a cracked item takes
Computer damage An electrostunner does not break a limb. 4d10 +5 minutes. Add 10 minutes to the
Computer damage is easy to determine If a broken limb is indicated because of an repair time for each joint which is dam-
because a computer has no major moving electrostunner or other electrical damage, aged or broken, and 20 minutes if the
parts. Take the modified 1d10 roll gener- then the limb has excessive nerve damage brain casing has been hit. If the brain
ated above and divide it by 5, rounding instead. The same penalties occur, and the casing and the body have been cracked,
down; this represents the number of nerve damage may be healed the same as add 1 hour to the repair time.
programs which have been destroyed. The would a broken limb.
lowest-level programs are destroyed first,
highest level last. If the computer has a
Computer Security program which has not Table 4
been destroyed, then any alarms it con- Damage Results Table: Robots
trols are set off.
A computer may be repaired, but the Modified Stamina Special Units of lost
programs may not be brought back unless 1d10 roll damage damage equipment
a computer specialist knows them (as per 1 or lower 0 None 0
the Computer skill). A computer which has 2 5 Body damage 0
more programs destroyed than it possess- 3 5 Leg damage 0
es will explode, causing 6d10 damage 4 5 Arm damage 1
points to anyone within 5 meters of it 5-6 8 Arm joint damage 1
(Reaction Speed check defense). A com- 7 9 Arm joints damage 1
puter destroyed in this way cannot be 8 10 Brain casing damage 1
repaired. 9-10 10 Leg broken 1
11 15 Body cracked 1
Healing special damage 12-13 8 Arm broken 1
Adventurers may find it necessary to 14 8 Arm joint broken 1
heal damage caused to themselves. To heal 15-16 15 Brain casing cracked 1
a wound, all Stamina points of damage 17 15 Movement center damaged 2
caused by the attacking weapon must be 18 12 Arm joints broken 2
healed, and 1d10 +1 hours of game time 19 15 Body and brain casing cracked 2
must pass until penalties caused by the 20-22 30 Brain casing broken 2
wound are nullified. 23+ 1,000 Explosion (cannot be repaired) 15
A cut may be healed as a wound, but it
takes 4d10 hours until the penalties Special damage effects
caused by the cut are nullified. Body damage: —5 to hit with weapons because of internal damage.
A deep cut may be healed this way, but Leg damage: —5 meters/turn on movement (unless robot has alternate movement
it takes 1dl0 +1 days until those penalties system, such as rocket movement).
are nullified. Arm damage: Attacker can choose attacked arm or tentacle, —9 to hit with any
A broken limb may be mended if all the weapon held in that arm.
Stamina points are healed and the limb is Arm joint damage: —14 to hit with a weapon in that arm, —2 damage for melee
set in a cast or splint. If it is not set within attacks.
two hours, the limb does not heal until the Arm joints damage: No weapons may be fired from that arm, no melee attacks.
character enters a hospital (costing 50 Brain casing damage: 50% chance of robot being stunned for d100 minutes (even if
Credits per day for 3d10 days). A limb set A-S implant is installed), —5 to hit with all weapons, 20% chance of a malfunction.
in a cast or splint takes 3d10 +1 days until All robots have brains, but a noncybernetic robot’s brain is a computer.
the penalties are nullified. Leg broken: —10 meters/turn on movement, —5 meters/turn to movement using
A concussion may be mended if all Stam- alternate movement system because it also has been hit.
ina is healed and the PC rests at least 10 Body cracked: —10 to hit with all weapons, —5 meters/turn on movement, 20%
hours per day for 1d10 days. Hospital fees chance of a malfunction.
for this time amount to 200 Credits. Arm broken: No weapon can be fired from the arm, —5% to chances to repair it.
The back wound is special. It may be Arm joint broken: Same as arm broken, but a —25% to chances to repair it.
mended if ail Stamina is healed, major Brain casing cracked: Stunned for dl00 +20 minutes, 50% chance of being deacti-
surgery is used to repair paralyzation vated, —10 to hit with all weapons, 35% chance of a malfunction, —30% to
damage, and the PC rests for 2d10 hours. chances to repair it.
Otherwise, it heals in 3d10 days. A hospi- Movement center damaged: Robot cannot move, —30% to chances to repair it.
tal charges 200 Credits for these services. Arm joints broken: No weapons can be fired from the arm, —20% to chances to
A Dralasite cannot have a broken limb, repair it.
but it looses the ability to grow one until Body and brain casing cracked: The same effects as body cracked and brain casing
the spot heals where it was hit. This heal- cracked combined. All damage and penalties are cumulative..
ing takes 3d10 days. The Dralasite still Brain casing broken: Automatically deactivated, —20 to hit with all weapons, —20
suffers the same penalties as if it had meters/turn on movement, 55% chance of malfunction, —50% to chances to
broken limbs. repair.
If a character has multiple damage, such Explosion: Everyone within 10 meters takes 7d10 damage (RS check defense).
as a chest wound and a broken leg, it still
takes 1d10 +1 days for the leg to heal.
Healing times are not cumulative.
68 AUGUST 1987
by Thomas Kane

There was once a war in which the good

guys escaped by the skin of their teeth.
The most powerful foe they faced had
developed a wide array of secret weapons,
including subsonic cruise missiles, nerve
gas, submarine-launched missiles,
intermediate-range ballistic missiles,
rocket-powered fighters, jet fighters and
fighter/bombers, miniature attack subma-
rines, antiaircraft rockets, and some of the
most advanced and heavily armed ships,
planes, and tanks in existence. Its armed
forces were well-trained, well-armed, and
devoted to their cause. This nation main-
tained death camps in which millions of
people were executed by increasingly
sophisticated means of extermination, and
it had an avowed policy of conquering the
world and building an empire to last for a
thousand years.
This foe was on the verge of developing
atomic weapons, intercontinental ballistic
missiles, orbital satellites, manned space-
plane bombers, intercontinental-range jet
bombers, and more, when it started its
final drive for victory. That nation and its
allies finally fell under the weight of near-
ly the entire world’s armies after a six-year
war. But it had been close — closer than
anyone could have imagined.
Since World War II, technology has
unquestionably become the best ally that
any nation could have in wartime — and
the greatest treasure any agent could steaL
or protect. What super-secret projects are
world governments developing now? The
details, problems, and intrigues of such
projects can inspire many adventures in
espionage games. In addition to improving
a scenario’s realism, use of basic informa-
tion about actual secret research plans in
espionage games adds depth to the cam-
paign, showing what problems trouble the
governments that develop them and how
scientists plan to solve those problems.

Secret aircraft
The U.S. Air Force does not have large
numbers of aircraft. It hopes that the ones
it has are fast, agile, and powerful enough
to take the place of large squadrons. Keep-
ing aircraft safe in battle is extremely
important, and engineers constantly strug-
gle to make airplanes more difficult to
detect and more deadly in combat. Several
projects are on the boards to do those
very things.
Stealth: In the desert north of Los
Angeles, a secret factory has been built in

70 A UGUST 1987
a tan, windowless building with a great bombers probably could not destroy all of rent airplanes depend on electronic war-
door the size of an airplane. The factory a superpower’s missiles, since submarine- fare to do this, dropping decoys to fool
looks like a prison — but the barbed wire based ICBMs would still ensure deter- radar and using powerful signals to flood
atop the fence arcs outward, not inward. rence. But neither side would risk a war enemy sets with microwaves or project
This is where prototypes of “Stealth” air- caused by Stealth. false images. The exact nature of Stealth
craft are made. The U.S. Air Force will not The theory behind Stealth is fairly sim- radar defense depends entirely on the
admit that Stealth exists, but it is certain ple. A radar set emits a microwave signal aircraft’s shape. Additionally, in a Stealth
that the United States is designing an air- and detects signals which are reflected airplane, alcohol is mixed with the fuel to
plane invisible to all radar and detection. back. If the microwave signal is absorbed, stop ice crystals from forming in the
Actually, two Stealth airplanes are under no image is presented. The radar operator exhaust; this prevents a contrail, so people
development. One plane is the Northrop assumes that nothing was there and that on the ground cannot see where the plane
Advanced-Technology Bomber (ATB); the the microwave signal kept on going. There has passed. The aircraft’s engines are
other is Lockheed’s Stealth airplane, the are materials that absorb microwaves; muffled, making it close to noiseless.
F-19 fighter. The bomber is meant to ferrites, like those used in magnetic tape, Finally, infrared energy must be elimi-
destroy mobile ballistic missiles on the are excellent for this purpose. Even steel nated. The aircraft’s engines have inlets to
ground in wartime. The F-19 could be balls embedded in rubber absorb radar. mix cold air with the hot exhaust. When
used for espionage in times of peace, Stealth engineers look for radar-absorbing the air leaves the airplane, it will be cool —
conducting surveillance near radar sta- materials that are strong enough to serve untraceable by antiaircraft missiles.
tions. In battle, the Stealth fighter would in aircraft construction. If the radar Straight lines and angles reflect micro
be best suited for eliminating antiaircraft absorbent material were simply carried on waves; curves and bumpy areas do not —
batteries prior to a major air raid. Stealth a plane, the extra weight would slow the and thus are much used on Stealth design.
cruise missiles are also under develop- craft to a remarkable (and fatal) degree. Because jet engines show up with ease in
ment. Various epoxies may absorb radar, yet may radar sets, a Stealth aircraft would certainly
The ATB would be especially interesting be strong enough to be used in aircraft have some sort of baffle over its engines.
to agents. Anything that can destroy ICBM construction. If iron filings or needles are The edges of wings also are highly visible in
bases is a threat to “the other side’s” secu- mixed into the epoxy, the substance is radar, so “ram wedges” (sawtooth-like
rity. If ATBs could find missiles and even more absorbent. The exact materials devices which cause microwaves to bounce
destroy them without being detected, they used in testing Stealth technology are back and forth until they are absorbed) may
could quickly render the Soviet Union highly secret. be used on such surfaces.
defenseless. Only by launching their mis- A Stealth airplane must not emit micro- Most secrets of Stealth design involve
siles in a preemptive strike could the Sovi- waves itself. It uses a special radar system reconciling radar-absorbent shapes with
ets protect themselves if they suspected which creates false images using the aerodynamics. Rumor has it that the
ATBs were in use. Even a fleet of Stealth microwaves that enemy radar emits. Cur- Stealth aircraft is a flying wing, shaped
like a large, flat triangle. The original
“Flying Wing,“ a USAF plane called the
YB-49, was notoriously uncontrollable and
crashed so often that the program was
abandoned. It is suspected that at least one
Stealth prototype has crashed. Because of
secrecy, the family of the pilot may never
have learned how the pilot died. In espio-
nage scenarios, Stealth accidents may also
prove to be sabotage.
The Advanced Tactical Fighter: No proto-
type of the Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF)
has been built. Indeed, no exact goals for
the ATF’s performance have been settled
on. Seven companies are still working on
designs for this airplane. In espionage
campaigns, this may lead to corporate
spying. The company with the lowest bid
for the best airplane will get the contract,
so all involved corporations will be anx-
ious to know what their competitors are
bidding. Economic maneuvers are also
possible; companies can attempt to take
control of other companies, gaining the
contract in the bargain. Note that none of
this has actually occurred on the ATF
project; it merely could in the game.
The ATF is intended to be an extremely
agile airplane. Computers control every
part of the ATF guiding the airplane auto-
matically so that the pilot may concentrate
on other things. The ATF will gather so
much information from radar, infrared
sensors, and sensors within the airplane
that the pilot could not possibly keep track
of it all. A computer must digest the infor-
mation and tell the pilot only the impor-
tant parts. The pilot will be able to guide
an ATF by voice command. By merely
72 A UGUST 1987
looking at a target, the pilot can aim mis- scale, espionage depends on satellites, too. like that used by the United States. It will
siles. An ATF will be able to display a Secret agents must also communicate have certain features which the U.S. shut-
“gods-eye” view of the environment to the between continents, guide themselves in tle lacks, such as jet engines for maneuver-
pilot, showing the local battlefield with the the wilderness, and use pictures of enemy able landings. The cargo bay will have a
aircraft’s location. Computers in the ATF territory. The military space programs of larger capacity than the American shuttle
will advise the pilot on the best flight the U.S.A., U.S.S.R., and other countries as the rear engines on the American shut-
course for a given situation. are sensitive; even scientific space tle do not appear in the Soviet design. The
Interestingly enough, the ATF is unstable launches are monitored. [See DRAGON® Soviet shuttle, despite at least one appar-
in flight. This makes it extremely maneu- issues #120-123 for Merle Rasmussen’s ent accident in which the heavy aircraft
verable, ready to turn in any direction. It four-part series on space espionage in the transporting it slid off a runway on land-
also means that a computer must constant- TOP SECRET game world.] ing, could be ready for launch within a
ly readjust the wing surfaces; otherwise, The Soviet heavy-lift launcher: This couple of years, using the heavy-lift
the pilot could not possibly direct it. The rocket is meant to carry extremely heavy booster mentioned above.
ATF’s engine will contain “thrust vectors,” cargoes into space. It would be needed for The Soviet spaceplane: Certain satellite
fins which redirect its propulsion and the U.S.S.R.‘s ambitious space program, photos and other photo sources have
make it even more maneuverable. Indeed, such as the manned Mars mission that the revealed what appears to be a Soviet
the ATF will be capable of turns so sharp Soviets hint may occur within the next 10 rocket-launched spaceplane. Once
that the pilot could be crushed by centrif- years. The heavy-lift launcher could also launched, the manned spaceplane would
ugal forces, carry powerful military cargoes. One go into orbit and fly to the ground on its
Transatmospheric vehicles: Flying at 15 source believes that it could carry objects return. Many believe that this is a model
times the speed of sound, these airplanes weighing over 100 tons into orbit. Most of a space shuttle; others fear that calling
could take off on a normal runway and fly depictions of this vehicle show it to be a this a “shuttle” is “mirror-imaging,” assum-
to Earth orbit. Transatmospheric vehicles huge, fat rocket with four strap-on ing that the Soviets will always imitate the
(TAVs, or spaceplanes) are being developed boosters. [The first flight of this super- United States. Still others feel that the
by several nations. Britain is far ahead of booster came on May 15, 1987, and it was spaceplane may be more sinister — a new
any other country in this program with a success. Future flights of this vehicle, warhead for a nuclear missile. Both super-
the British Aerospace HOTOL, a robotic, called the Energia booster by the Soviets, powers are developing multiple attacking
air-breathing craft longer than the Ameri- may be used for placing solar-power satel- reentry vehicles (MARVs). Many of these
can Space Shuttle (with a top-secret pro- lite stations in orbit, launching massive bombs could be carried in one missile,
pulsion system). These craft could circle space station modules or Space Shuttles, which could fly across a whole country
the globe in less than an hour. Passenger or for assorted military purposes.] bombing one target after another. Modern
flights in these airplanes are anticipated. The Soviet Space Shuttle: The Soviet missiles-can carry many warheads, but
TAV warplanes would combine the advan- Union is designing a reusable space shuttle they are merely used to make a “foot-
tages of ICBMs and traditional bombers;
they could rapidly cross continents but
return to base after take-off. These vehi-
cles would make space launches much
easier and more frequent, making them
useful for reconnaissance flights. Like
satellites, they could fly anywhere on the
globe safely, being quite maneuverable.
TAVs are not new (Nazi Germany had
plans for a “skip-glide” bomber that would
reach Earth orbit after being launched on
a rail track), but there are still problems
with the design. The engine which attains
such high speed must be perfectly shaped
—even at remarkably high temperatures.
The whole airplane must be incredibly
strong. In flight, it must withstand temper-
atures of 4000°F and give the passengers a
comfortable environment. The aerody-
namics of hypersonic flight are unknown.
Designers hope to experiment with elec-
tronic models on “supercomputers.” Some
spaceplane designs involve rocket sleds
which carry the plane into the air, then
drop away. Other designs would be
released from normal airplanes.

Space programs
A strong space program is extremely
helpful to any modern military force.
Satellites allow communication between
continents to hold armies together. Orbit-
ing cameras take detailed photographs
deep in enemy countries to verify treaties,
watch for hostile actions, plan strategies,
and learn of secrets. Radio signals from
satellites direct ships at sea and guide
missiles to their targets. On a smaller

print,” dropping many bombs within sev- warning satellites which watch missile mixture of chemicals, then using a laser
eral hundred miles of each other. We do fields were destroyed, a crisis would beam to etch out circuits. These wafers
not know what the Soviet “spaceplane” result. Most military satellites have backup are less fragile than the current kind, but
actually is. satellites; if one satellite is destroyed, the they are also extremely expensive and
ASAT weapons: Wars in space would not other can replace it. Also, some satellites slowly made. Photonics — computers
be like science-fiction duels. Electronic can be given highly elliptical orbits, mak- which use light instead of electricity — are
jamming and attempts to take over enemy ing them hard to hit. Soviet spy satellites now being developed. Light beams can be
satellites would dominate such a scenario. are often designed for one mission only, distinguished by color and polarization.
Thus, nations are interested in details on orbited for a short time, then discarded. Many beams can cross the same area
enemy satellites and their radio frequen- When a new one is needed, a new one is without interfering with each other.
cies. Many attempts would be made to launched. American spy satellites are Therefore, a photon computer will be able
destroy satellites with unmanned antisatel- usually reused over many missions. This to perform remarkable calculations.
lite (ASAT) space launches. Both the United means that there are fewer of them, and Another important part of a supercom-
States and Russia have tested ASAT weap- they are more vulnerable to attack. puter is the way in which it processes
ons. The Soviets have an ASAT weapon information. A current computer goes
currently ready for use at their Tyuratam through data piece by piece. A supercom-
space complex. It is a rocket-launched Supercomputers puter would use parallel processing, in
satellite which orbits into a position close Many upcoming military projects which it breaks data down into small units
to an enemy satellite, then explodes, require far better computers than are now and processes them all at once.
releasing many steel pellets. These pellets available. The ATF needs a myriad of
collide with the enemy satellite at incredi- electronic devices, and the process of
ble velocities (many kilometers per sec- developing transatmospheric vehicles Undersea activities
ond), destroying it. The American ASAT demands computer modeling. All space A submarine’s advantage over other
system is a two-stage missile launched projects require powerful guidance, main- warcraft is that it is hard to find. The very
from an F-16 fighter. In one test, it tenance, and tracking computers. Com- nature of undersea warfare depends on
destroyed a target satellite with ease. The puters are also useful in espionage; they hiding and locating submarines. Now that
ASAT test was bitterly opposed, since a can store and process huge amounts of submarines carry nuclear missiles, these
functioning scientific satellite (owned by data, and secrets can be encoded in silicon problems are especially acute. The United
the Air Force) was the target. chips. Computers are being used to investi- States can track Soviet submarines using a
The existence of ASATs makes space gate public records: picking out patterns, vast array of microphones in the north-
accidents dangerous. If an orbiting vehicle noticing where individuals are during west part of the United States. This array
suddenly breaks up for some reason, there certain events, or finding other “coinci- can “hear” submarines on the other side of
is always the suspicion that it was deliber- dences.” Often, by comparing several sets the planet. Presently, the Soviets cannot
ately destroyed. For example, if the early- of unclassified data, one can learn track ours — and there is no darker secret
extremely important secrets. than the locations of American subma-
Information on computer design is rines. This very problem was at the core
harder to protect than the secrets of mili- of several recent spy trials held in the
tary projects. Most computer research is U.S.A.
done by private companies without gov- Maps of the ocean floor are vital for
ernment secrecy. Furthermore, the submarine maneuvers. With the right
products are then sold to the public. Spies information, a submarine captain can hide
can buy these secret devices as easily as amid shoals and reefs, escaping detection.
anyone. There are laws against exporting From there, the sub can launch its mis-
certain computers to hostile powers, like siles. Scientific ocean research is always
the Soviet Union, but computers can still watched. Recently, the Woods Hole Insti-
be legally shipped to neutral countries, tute developed maps of America’s Atlantic
repackaged, and sent on to a restricted seaboard and planned to publish them.
nation. However, the Navy demanded and got the
The primary requirement for building a maps. They would have been invaluable to
supercomputer is reducing its size. In the Soviets.
theory, one could make a current com-
puter as smart as one wishes by adding
more “chips.” But as computers get larger, Conclusions
they become slower. The electricity simply Actual top-secret projects may differ
has farther to go. Also, huge computers from the descriptions given here. This
are too expensive and too bulky to use in information was taken from several
airplanes. Many designs are being tested sources, including issues of Popular Sci-
to speed up computers. Some designers ence magazine, the U.S. Defense Depart-
are trying to place circuits that require ment’s “Soviet Military Power” resource,
many chips onto a single block of silicon. and the Boston Globe’s “War and Peace in
However, these compressed devices The Nuclear Age.” The information was
become quite hot and must be refriger- slightly altered to make it more suitable
ated. The circuits on these “monster chips” for game use. None of these secret pro-
tend to break during use. A chip this large jects have yet been completed [except for
is too vulnerable to various stresses. the Soviet superbooster). This is why no
One way to circumvent this is to have technical details have been given on them.
the computer itself detect flawed areas One could run a scenario where the PCs
and avoid them. Another approach is to recover stolen plans for an ATE but the
make the chips a different way. At Liver- agents could not actually fly one. Nonethe-
more Laboratories, computer components less, secrets like these are what agents
are made by laser pantography. This bargain for, lie for, kill for, and perhaps
involves putting the silicon wafer into a even die for.
74 A U G U S T 1987
by Jeff Grubb

Roger (duh Boss) has been asking for the

latest cast and crew of Bruce Banner’s
comic: the Hulk. Since I last wrote about
them (in the Advanced Set, about a year
ago), Bruce and the Hulk have been pulled
apart, sent on a rampage, put back togeth-
er, and returned to their joint roots as a
gray-skinned monster that is nothing like
the friendly just-wants-to-be-left-alone-to-
smell-the-flowers kind of jade-green guy
he was.
What can I say? He’s just Incredible.

The HULK ®
Robert Bruce Banner, physicist

F IN (30) Health: 175

A EX (20)
S AM (50) Karma: 70
E MN (75)
R GD (10) Resources: FE (2)
I RM (30)
P RM (30) Popularity: -20


Body Armor: The gray Hulk’s thick skin

provides him with Amazing protection
against physical attacks and Incredible
protection against energy attacks.

Resistances: The new Hulk is no longer

invulnerable to cold, heat, fire, and dis-
ease, but has Unearthly resistance to these
attack forms.

Leaping: The new Hulk can leap up to 40

areas in a single turn.

Transformation: The new Hulk is current-

ly co-existing with the form of its alter-ego,
Bruce Banner. This transformation is trig-
gered by the setting of the sun, which
allows the Hulk persona to come out. The
Hulk can resist the transformation by a
Psyche FEAT roll made each round, just as
Banner can, but no Karma may be added
to these rolls. Banner’s stats are:
Health: 22 Karma: 46

Homing Instinct: For some unknown rea-

son, the Hulk is able to locate the place at
which he was “created” — Desert Base,
New Mexico — with Class 3000 ability.

TALENTS: The new Hulk himself has no

talents, but may pull ideas from his Ban-
ner personality by making an Intuition
FEAT against Banner’s Typical Psyche.
Banner is an expert in physics and radia-
tion, and receives a +1 CS in matters
dealing with those subjects. Banner also

76 A UGUST 1987
receives a +2 CS in matters dealing with
gamma radiation.
CONTACTS: At present, the Hulk has no
beings close enough to consider Contacts. Samuel J. La Roquette
Banner was leader of the Hulkbusters, has
ties to the Avengers and Fantastic Four, F A S E R I P
and is on good terms with his cousin Jen- RM GD EX EX GD GD TY
nifer (She-Hulk) Walters and Rick Jones.
Banner is married to Betty Ross, daughter Health: 80 Karma: 26
of Thunderbolt Ross.
Contacts: Hulkbusters, SHIELD.
BACKGROUND: Physicist Robert Bruce
Banner oversaw the development of the Talents: Outdoor survival, exploring.
Gamma Bomb (or “G-Bomb”) at the U.S.
Defense Department nuclear research Carolyn Parmenter
facility at Desert Base, New Mexico, under
the command of Air Force General Thad- F A S E R I P
deus E. “Thunderbolt” Ross. The G-Bomb, GD EX TY GD EX EX EX
so named for its great output of gamma
rays, was slated for an above-ground test. Health: 46 Karma: 60
On the day of the test, a lone teenager in
a jeep drove out onto the site on a dare. Contacts: Hulkbusters, SHIELD, Project Atlantis.
Banner ordered the countdown halted and
left the protected observation bunker to Talents: SCUBA diving, marine science.
bring the youth back. Banner’s assistant
was a Communist spy who neglected to Craig Saunders, Jr.
relay the order to halt the countdown,
hoping Banner would die in the resulting F A S E R I P
explosion. GD EX GD GD GD EX EX
Banner reached the teenager, Rick Jones,
and shoved him into a protective trench Health: 50 Karma: 50
moments before the bomb was detonated.
Banner himself was caught in the blast, Contacts: Hulkbusters, SHIELD.
but instead of dying was bombarded with
gamma rays — and transformed into a Talents: Demolitions, explosives.
large, brutish, gray-skinned monster called
“The Hulk” by military personnel on the Dr. Armand Martel
The Hulk has evolved through many F A S E R I P
stages. The creature initially was gray, PR GD TY GD RM GD GD
only transformed at night, and had some
modicum of human intelligence. About the Health: 30 Karma: 50
time that the Hulk’s skin became a bright
jade green, the Hulk became a founding Contacts: Hulkbusters, SHIELD.
member of the Avengers. Because of his
increasingly savage behavior, he left that Talents: Natural and alien biology.
team after only a few missions.
With the transformation to a greenish Hideko Takata
hide, the Hulk gained in strength, such
that his normal strength was at the Mon- F A S E R I P
strous (70-ton) level. In addition, the surge EX GD TY GD EX GD RM
of adrenaline allowed the Hulk to boost his
strength levels to unrecorded heights Health: 46 Karma: 60
when angered or endangered. During this
period, the Hulk wandered alone but Contacts: Hulkbusters, SHIELD.
occasionally served with Doctor Strange
and the Defenders. Talents: Geophysicist, Martial Arts A. She has been reported to have used the latter
For a brief time, Banner regained con- talent to trip a charging Hulk.
trol of his Hulk form and was granted a
presidential pardon. Soon, however, his
bestial personality, manipulated by the
extradimensional creature called Night- during which time the Banner personality Leonard Samson, who had been invested
mare, caused the violent Hulk to return, reasserted itself. The Hulk was brought with gamma-spawned strength himself.
apparently slaying the Banner personality back into this dimension by Roger Bochs Samson succeeded in separating the two
forever. Following a battle in Manhattan in and Madison Jeffries of Alpha Flight, who distinct individuals. When SHIELD made
which the Hulk took on a number of New were seeking a new home for the then- clear it was determined to kill the Hulk,
York’s super-powered characters, Doctor untethered spirit of Walter Langkowski Samson freed the mindless beast, only to
Strange banished the Hulk to another (Sasquatch). Escaping from Canada, Hulk discover the “pure” Hulk was a murderous
dimension. returned to his “home” in the New Mexico creature of pure rage, without human pity
The “Bannerless” Hulk had a number of desert. or thought. Samson resolved to bring this
adventures in this “crossroads of realities,“ There, Hulk was captured by Doctor Hulk back and cure it fully.

The physical separation of Hulk and of his personality. Unlike previous incarna-
Banner proved to be unhealthy for either, tions, thoughts may be remembered or
so their reintegration was necessary to consciously blocked between the two
save Banner’s life. The Hulk was defeated personas. Both Banner and the Hulk have
by the combined forces of the East- and recently been made aware that, despite
West-Coast Avengers, and his and Banner’s their own experiences, the government
bodies were re-merged by the Vision. To continues to produce, test, and stockpile
solidify the process, the rejoined Hulk/ G-Bombs.
Banner was to be bathed in a tank of
radioactive chemicals. The Hulk was driv- The Hulkbuster’s story: The original
en into the tank, but was joined by an Hulkbusters were part of a force drawn
unwilling Rick Jones, who was pushed from the U.S. Army and Air Force, under
from behind by Thunderbolt Ross. the command of Thunderbolt Ross, and
The result was the temporary creation were charged with the task of subduing
of a “Teen Hulk” (who was really Rick the Hulk. This group fought the Hulk on a
Jones) that greatly resembled the previous number of occasions, but was finally dis-
jade-jawed giant, and a reversion of the banded when the then-intelligent Hulk
Hulk/Banner persona to its more primitive, received a presidential pardon.
weaker, gray-skinned form. This Hulk When Banner and the Hulk were sepa-
currently is only active at night and does rated and the Hulk persona escaped,
not appear during the day, even when Bruce Banner formed the second team of
Banner’s adrenaline levels are raised. Hulkbusters to track down and destroy his
The separated Banner, in the meantime, In addition, while the previous Hulks former alter-ego. Saunders, Parmenter, La
was organizing his own force to hunt were senseless, stupid, and inadvertently Roquette, Martel, and Takata were all
down his former alter-ego. Unlike Samson, violent or resentful, this new gray Hulk brought in to form this specialized team.
Bruce planned to kill the monster. Banner has an evil, scheming personality matched Each was an expert in his or her field, but
revived the old Gamma Base, once the with a keen, intelligent craftiness. It has their willingness to take risks in dangerous
headquarters of Thunderbolt Ross’s Hulk- locked itself into Banner-proof rooms and situations had left them all “Jonahs” —
hunting activities, and revived the drunk itself into a stupor to prevent Ban- unable to get funding or support for their
Hulkbusters as well (see below). During ner from regaining control of his body. projects. Banner proposed to turn these
this separation from the Hulk, Banner SHIELD, Doc Samson, and Rick Jones are five into a fighting team capable of
married Betty Ross, daughter of Thunder- all searching for this new evil Hulk, while destroying the Hulk. The new Hulkbus-
bolt Ross. Banner tries to control this darker side ters, based in the rebuilt Gamma Base, had

78 AUGUST 1987
at their disposal a number of weapon is a two-legged construct which carries the disruptor weapon of the Walker in the
systems, including a Hulklike test robot. jet-powered Flyer until the two are sepa- same fight. The resulting crash of the
The group came into conflict with Dot rated for scouting or battle. The vehicles Flyer caused Carolyn Parmenter’s death.
Samson at one of these tests, and the have the following statistics:
resulting battle between the Hulkbusters Hulkbuster Body Armor: This black
and Samson left one of the Hulkbusters, Walker Vehicle metal battlesuit is an apparent variation on
Carolyn Parmenter, dead. the Mandroid armor design, upgunned to
Maddened by grief, Sam La Roquette Type: Off-road handle the Hulk.
swore vengeance on Samson, and he Cost: MN (with Flyer)
remains filled with hate and the determi- Control: RM ABILITY MODIFIERS:
nation to kill both the Hulk and Doc Sam- Speed: EX
son. Martel wishes to capture; not destroy, Body: IN Raises Agility by 1 rank
the Hulk, and use the monster for study. Protection: IN (Maximum of EXCELLENT)
Saunders seeks to keep La Roquette under Armament: Valence Disruptor (5-area Raises Strength by 2 ranks
control, and Takata remains the cool cen- range); can be set for Amazing, Mon- (Maximum of of REMARKABLE)
ter of the team, trying to pull all the pieces strous, and Unearthly energy damage. Raises Endurance by 1 rank
together. (Maximum of REMARKABLE)
With the reintegration of the Hulk and Flyer Vehicle
Banner, the Hulkbusters were hired by The armor’s osmium-steel hide provides
SHIELD to capture or kill the Hulk. The Type: Air Amazing protection from physical and
team failed in combat with the “Teen Cost: MN (with Walker) energy attacks. Most other systems and
Hulk,” and most of its members were badly Control: TY sensors have been bypassed to provide an
injured. Whether they will remain at Speed: IN Unearthly-strength neuro-stunner, with a
Gamma Base to continue their Hulkbusting Body: RM range of two areas, which inflicts full
mission is not yet known. Protection: RM energy damage on its target.
Armament: Hypersonic Screamers —
Hulkbuster equipment: When the 2-area range; inflicts Unearthly sonic Neuro-Neutralizer: This yoke-shaped
Hulkbusters go after their prey, only the damage device emits a low-frequency wave which
best will do — but even that’s not always neutralizes brain activity with Amazing
good enough. The Walker Vehicle, though heavily ability. The being so neutralized must first
Walker-Flyer vehicle: This vehicle con- armored, proved ungainly in combat with be subdued and placed into the yoke,
sists of two linked battle machines, each Doc Samson; the Flyer Vehicle, more light- which is not the easiest thing to do with a
with a two-man crew. The Walker Vehicle ly armored, proved to be vulnerable to the thousand pounds of enraged Hulk.

Your response to this column continues onscreen, and when your character moves the norm. SSI continues its winning tradi-
to be most gratifying. We appreciate your over their screen icons, thee acquisitions tion with the release of Realms of Dark-
valuable comments, as well as your game are added to the booty. You are promoted ness, the brainchild of two talented
hints. As space permits, we shall include to Wizard, Sorcerer, and Necromancer as programmers, Gary Smith and Duon
those hints and the names of the gamers you acquire points. Nghiem. This fantasy role-playing game
who offer the most timely game advice. We were fully prepared not to like this encompasses a broad range of environ-
game. However, we now find Black Magic ments, and features the ability to input not
Black Magic's spell quite addicting, as the action is fast and only text from your lead character directly
For our first review, a surprise some amount of strategy is involved in into the game, but normal adventure game
adventure/arcade game has appeared from successfully completing the quest. Such activities, as well.
Datasoft — Black Magic. Designed by Peter creatures as demons and ghosts are quite The graphics are not of the high quality
Ward, the game’s first screens recall those injurious to your total health points, while one might wish to see, especially when
arcade games of the early ’80s: entertain- trolls offer aid in exchange for food. played on an Apple II series computer.
ments like Miner 2049 and others of its ilk. Watch our for the rocs, though; these Unlike Might And Magic from issue #122,
Multiple-level screens require the player to birds carry you to regions you won't care in which the onscreen city and dungeon
be quite handy with a joystick in order to to visit. walls are solid in appearance, Realms of
avoid battalions of unfriendly beings and Not all of your adversaries are living, Darkness presents simple line views of
retrieve a variety of goodies. however. spiked beds, guillotines, lava walls and other structures. When con-
With formats for both the Apple II com- pits, and stalactites are constant impedi- fronted by a specific sort of opponent,
puter family and the Commodore 64/128, ments to your adventure and must be you’ll find the onscreen representation of
Black Magic finds your onscreen character dealt with cautiously. For instance, there it to be less than you might expect. The
involved in a struggle with an evil warlock are many water pools that block your drawings are reminiscent of earlier adven-
named Zahgrim. Zahgrim has turned progress; by casting a Chill spell, you can ture games, such as those created and
Anakar the Wise to stone, leaving the turn water to ice and cross these obstacles produced by Sierra On-Line (Coarsegold,
kingdom of MariGold open to the evil without worry. To cast a spell, you simply Calif.), with the Wizard and the Princess
invasion of the warlock. The character depress both of your joystick’s fire but- and their On-Line Adventure series.
must find six magical eyes and put them tons. A message appears onscreen (“SELECT The graphics in Realms of Darkness
back into the stone statue that once was SPELL TO CAST”), and you move your joystick were created using a paint program called
Anakar. When this feat is done, the secret until the spell you wish to cast appears in The Graphics Magician by Polarware
of Zahgrim’s location is learned, allowing the window at the bottom of the screen. (Geneva, Ill.). We have seen far better
you to defeat him once and for all. When the correct spell is named, you graphics in other games which were pro-
With over 100 different screens and press the lower fire button. duced by this graphics program. What this
eight different magical spells, you also Certainly, this is one of the better games could mean is that this pair of program-
have an onscreen display that constantly in the current crop of arcade/adventure mers have more strength in creating the
informs you of your character’s status. games, as the tasks required to complete actual story and game design than the
The character’s experience, class, number the quest are quite varied. You must also onscreen representations. However, we
of arrows, number of spells, health, food rescue prisoners as you wander the lands found that we grew accustomed to the
level, and the number of magical eyes and caverns of the game's environment. graphics as we became more involved in
discovered are all recorded in a window at The final contest takes place in the castle play — so much so that after the first few
the bottom of the screen. As an Appren- of Zahgrim, otherwise known as the Red minutes, the lack of solid modeling
tice, you initially have only a Blink or One. Check this game out at your dealer! onscreen didn’t affect game play or enjoy-
Vanish spell. But should you collect the ment whatsoever.
onscreen icon of a spell as you maneuver In the Realms of Darkness The strong points of this game include a
your character, the total number of spells For several years, Strategic Simulations, wealth of puzzles that must be deci-
available to your character increases by Inc., based in Mountain View, California, phered. In addition to moving around,
one. The same applies to your food level has managed to find and produce adven- fighting, and finding treasures, your char-
and number of arrows — find them ture games whose caliber is far above acters must solve increasingly difficult

82 AUGUST 1987
scenarios. We’ve been at Realms of Dark- a secondary party, the first party is put fighting class of characters are the Knight
ness for over a week and have only into a state of “suspended time” — nothing and the Champion. The Knight possesses
scratched the surface of the game. Also, happens to them during your interaction all of the weapon skills that a Fighter does
most of the game is menu-driven, meaning with the second party. Then, when you but can also acquire Priestly spells, while
you don’t have to learn a variety of com- wish, you can Regroup your parties; when the Champion is more inclined to acquire
mands in order to play the game. If you they meet one another in the deadly halls Sorcery spells. Both are helpful elements
prefer, you can play the game using a of a dungeon, they are automatically in any adventuring party.
joystick. If you happen to stumble across merged. Another important matter to bear Speaking of Sorcery and Priestly spells,
an object on the game, that object’s name in mind is the fact that once your party is these are normally wielded by either a
is displayed onscreen. You then enter G for separated into individual groups, each Sorcerer or a Priest. The Priest’s abilities
GET, and a listing of your characters is group will require its own light source. with spells encompasses the healing arts,
presented. You simply “mark“ the charac- Exactly what kind of characters are although this character also has several
ter who is to pick up the object, and the available for play? For those inclined to offensive spells and can be quite proficient
game automatically adds that item to that the martial arts, you can create a Friar. with an edged weapon. The Sorcerer is
character’s backpack. This character has a foot fetish; if you quite weak when it comes to combat, but
Complementing the game are several “arm” this character with hands and feet, can be a powerhouse with magic. We
utility programs that enable you to restore the damage he or she can inflict upon an found even multiple opponents were
saved games, manage your characters in enemy is great. The Friar can also develop immediately destroyed when the Sorcerer
various ways, reinitialize and repair disks. healing skills (a very desirable trait in this gains enough experience to cast major
An overview of the game system, as well game), as well as the ability to stun adver- spells. The Sorcerer must be protected,
as in-depth documentation and partial saries. Once an enemy is stunned, the though, due to this character’s physical
maps, eases the novice into game play Friar can then decide how best to dispatch weakness and lack of hand-to-hand
quickly. the foe once and for all. As the Friar combat ability.
Players must complete seven quests. reaches the upper levels of experience, he The Thief, another important member
Scenario One has your party of eight or she can develop an “ironwill” ability of the party, proves to be handy when it
characters searching for two lost pieces of that allows him to avoid the damage of an comes to opening chests or disarming
a magical sword; Scenario Five has a four- inflicted blow. The player should also bear traps. When it comes time for combat, the
level dungeon; Scenario Seven has a final in mind that it’s pretty tough for a Friar to Thief can sometimes strike a first blow
battle that culminates in a special anima- manage a flying kick if the character is against an enemy, as he has learned to
tion sequence. Additionally, because of the weighted down by plate armor and a move silently and thus surprise foes — a
game’s range, you can split your party into shield. deadly ability for any character.
any number of smaller parties (from one One of our favorite characters is the Characters are generated by the com-
to eight characters may make up a single Barbarian, an awesome fighter who even- puter, but you never have to accept the
party). However, keep in mind that the tually gains berserker ability (berserking computer‘s roll. We found that the best
more parties you have, the harder they causes great damage against foes who are way to proceed is to determine what sort
are to control — and the more difficult it is the focus of this fury). The Barbarian also of characters would be most useful in a
to defeat opponents who get tougher as gains thieving abilities, which come in party of eight. The manual suggests four
the game progresses. We found that two handy when he finds unopened chests or Fighter types, one Thief, one Sorcerer, and
parties worked best until the characters traps that require dexterity to successfully two Priests. Since the Barbarian can dou-
became stronger through their adventur- disarm. ble as a competent Thief, the following
ing gains. At no time did we find four What fantasy adventure game would be group did well in our group, in this order:
parties to be advantageous. complete without a good, standard Fight- Up front — one Barbarian, one Knight
Once you’ve Broken up your parties, er? As a combat-trained member of your (with Priestly spells), one Champion (with
you can determine how great a time delay party, your Fighter is usually in the fore- Sorcery spells), and one Friar; second rank
should be allowed by the program in front of the action, and a Fighter can arm — two Priests and two Sorcerers. As you
switching from one party to another for himself with any armor or shield that can can readily see, this also gives a fairly even
your input. When the program switches to be purchased or found. Two others in the makeup for two parties, should you wish
Other single-letter commands that are
Minimum Scores for Character Classes (Realms of Darkness) keyed directly into the game as you move
along include D for Down, U for Up, O for
Wisdom Intelligence Agility Strength Vitality opening an unlocked door, and L for
Fighter — — — 14 — unlocking a door (but only if a party mem-
Sorcerer — 14 — — — ber has the correct key). Once you get
Priest 14 — — — — through a locked door, write down all
Thief — — — 14 — those clues that are brought to your atten-
Champion — 13 10 14 — tion. As each scenario requires a puzzle to
Knight 14 — 10 14 10 be solved, these clues are needed to fit this
Barbarian — — 14 14 14 jigsaw puzzle together.
Friar 13 — 15 12 10 There’s plenty of magic available here,
including seven levels of Sorcerer and
Priest spells. A typical Level 1 Sorcerer
to split the group in an area search. found outside the city gates to handle such spell book could contain Absentminded-
The table in this article summarizes the matters as removing poison from a charac- ness, Ignite, Fireball, Light, and Identify
eight classes’ minimum scores. Once you ter or bringing someone back to life from Item; a Level 6 spell book might contain
know what sort of character you want, it’s ashes or dust. The latter niceties, however, Valhalla Spirit, Blizzard, Disarm and Iden-
a simple matter to determine if the statis- can be rather expensive. tify, Reflection, and Teleport. Three of
tics rolled by the computer are sufficient Your characters must equip themselves these spells are for combat only, while one
for the character you are trying to create. with weapons, food, and other appropri- only works in the presence of a treasure
From the game’s Main Menu, you select ate items. Then, it’s off to the outside chest. Level 1 spells for a Priest could
world to find the dungeons and whatever include Restore Sight, Pray, Heal, Peace,
the “Character Utilities” option, which
else is of importance to succeed in this Crossfire, and Light; a Level 6 spell book
takes you to a sub-menu where you select
“Create A Character.” Each attribute has a highly entertaining adventure. Don’t might contain Acid Rain, Restore Ashes,
range of from 1 to 20 points; you simply expect to sit down and finish play in a Restore Lost Levels, and Cell Rejuvenation.
couple of days. Each scenario becomes These spells are definitely needed as you
press your RETURN key to begin.
more and more complex, and you could move further into the different environ-
The computer screen displays the five
scores. By using the up and down arrow find several weeks under your belt before ments in Realms of Darkness.
keys, you then assign each of the five a satisfactory conclusion is reached for Before closing this review, we have a
scores to one of the attributes. For exam- even one of the scenarios. couple of other handy hints. Never give
ple, the computer generates a 5, 18, 11, Due to this investment of time, the rare items to any of your first four charac-
14, and 15. You want to create a Barbari- game’s authors were wise enough to ters. Never drop keys behind doors that
an. Checking your chart, you note that the include a “save-game-in-progress” feature. those keys unlock. Always have more than
Believe me: you’ll count your blessings one light source (spells can be used, but
highest required scores are for Agility,
Strength, and Vitality (minimum of 14 each time you reinstall that saved game, save those for emergencies). Watch out for
each). You have enough points on this after your party goes down in ignominious false passwords. Last, don’t be afraid to
computer roll to create your Barbarian, so defeat at the hands of some heinous hen- run when you have to. Realms of Dark-
you move the rolled 18 to the Strength chpersons. Additionally, you can always ness is enjoyable (despite the mediocre
attribute, the 15 to the Agility attribute, inspect your characters during play. This graphics), and you’ll immerse yourself in
and the 14 to the Vitality attribute. You ensures that you won’t press forward on a its secrets for many, many hours.
have an 11 and 5 remaining, and must particular scenario when one or two
assign those to the Intelligence and Wis- important members of your party lack the
dom attributes. No one ever said that a necessary hit points to continue with a The clue corner
Barbarian had to be smart! dungeon investigation. We recommend Starting with this column, we will pro-
This process continues until all eight that, as hit and spell points are depleted, vide answers (when possible) to problems
characters have been created to your you leave the dungeon and head for the that readers seem to be having with spe-
specifications. If you don’t like a series of nearest locale for rest and recovery before cific areas of certain fantasy role-playing
rolls, press the ESCAPE key and re-roll the continuing. computer games. In order for a clue to be
character, This is one of the toughest Mapping — your favorite activity, right? warranted, we must receive several
adventure games we’ve played, as far as — is very important in Realms of requests that delineate the same problem.
obtaining above-average scores in all Darkness, as there are many secret pass- The area of difficulty cannot be one that is
attributes is concerned. We seemed to ageways, traps, and teleportation areas. easily taken care of; there must be some
have been rolling forever just to obtain Even a map sometimes doesn’t help in difficulty involved. Also, if you happen to
two very powerful characters, three deciphering these locales: some of them have hints that you consider to be of val-
decent characters, and three mediocre are one-way, and others are illusory. ue, please send them to us. We’ll describe
characters. Another aspect incorporated into this the hints that are the most timely, with the
When spell-casters have higher ability offering is the “Adventure Mode” of play. name of the gamer who submitted the
scores, they can cast more spells at low This allows your lead character to talk clue. With so many people reading
levels. However, at the start of the game, with beings and handle objects found DRAGON Magazine, this is a perfect
the spell-casters receive the same small along your way. You press RETURN, and a opportunity to help other gamers.
number of spell points (two) with which to window appears at the top of the screen. Readers with specific problems (or other
cast spells. You type in what you wish accomplished, comments regarding the column) should
Once your party has been assembled, such as “Talk to the statue,” “Climb the send a letter directly to us at: 179 Pebble
you can wander around the city of Grail as rubble,” “Start the lawnmower,” or “Kill the Place, San Ramon CA 94583. No phone
you look for the Hall of Heroes, Guard beast.” The computer then completes the calls, please.
House (where you receive your first activity and gives you a message in return, Kevin Wyatt, of Pasadena, Maryland, has
quest), Tavern, Inn, Blacksmith Shop, and telling you what has occurred as the result addressed an adventure quandary con-
the Provisioner. Each of these locations is of your action. To return to normal play, fronting him in The Bard’s Tale. He writes:
important, as you purchase your weapons press the ESCAPE key and use either the “Help! I have been playing The Bard’s
at the Blacksmith Shop, food at the Provi- keyboard or joystick to move your party Tale for what seems like eons, and I can’t
sioners, and so forth. A Temple can be in the direction you wish. reach Mangar. My party keeps getting
84 A UGUST 1987
trapped in the first level of Kylearan’s and Magic (we reviewed this offering in Atari ST, Commodore 128, and Commo-
Tower. I answer the Golden Riddle and get DRAGON #122). The first scenario, Secret dore Amiga personal computers.
teleported to a place I can’t get out of. I’ve of the Inner Sanctum, has you assemble Strategic Simulations has ported three of
tried every spell in the book (I think) and six adventurers and enter the Land of their popular games to Atari ST format.
kicked until all my characters had broken Varn, which has more than 13,000 differ- These include two of our favorites, Wiz-
toes. How do I get out?” ent locations to investigate. This is one ard’s Ring and Ring of Zilfin. The third
We think that all you need to do, once “must have” game; with Activision distrib- conversion is Colonial Conquest. SSI has
you’ve been teleported to that dark area, is uting the software, you should be able to also converted Phantasie, Kampfgruppe
to look for a second magic-mouth area, find it at you local retailer soon. This game and Roadwar 2000 to the Commodore
which will ask you to name the “endless is already available for Apple II computer Amiga as well. (Watch for our review of
byway.” If you’ll recall, there is one seem- enthusiasts, and versions for both IBM Strategic Simulations’s Phantasie III in our
ingly endless street in Skara Brae. Name micros and compatibles, and Commodore next column!)
that street, and at that point, whether you 64/128 computers, will be released later From Firebird Licensees Inc. comes The
notice it or not, you’ll be teleported once this year. Sentry, for Commodore 64/128 machines.
again. When you’re walking around in the Activision has also released Hacker II for You’re stranded in a world where energy
maze this time, you’ll note a door that the Apple IIGS computer, an adventure is the only constant in an ever-changing
wasn’t there before; enter that door and game set in current times, wherein you environment, as well as being a life-
you’ll find a triangle of silver that is similar must foil a plot to destroy the United sustaining commodity. There are 10,600
in appearance to the one in Harkyn’s Cas- States. There are no rules for play and unique landscapes where you, as a lone
tle. Avoid the chamber that can be reached very little in the way of documentation. robot, battle against the Sentry and her
only through a snakelike corridor that This game is the sequel to the company’s Landgazers in an attempt to usurp her as
twists and turns its way south. smash hit Hacker, and is a real brain- ruler. Also from Firebird is an entertaining
Hopefully, this will keep you afloat in twister. game called Golden Path, for the Atari ST
Kylearan’s Tower. Currently, The Bard’s Electronic Arts continues to increase its computer. This two-disk set contains a tale
Tale seems to have a great number of affiliated label line of products. The com- of the mysterious East, drawn directly
players, so we’ll probably be receiving pany has now signed up the Datasoft line from Chinese mythology. The graphics in
many more requests for assistance. If of home computer software produced by this set are stunning. You find a ring that
you’re involved in The Bard’s Tale, just IntelliCreations. Some of the Datasoft turns you into your own father; you must
wait until you get your hands on The products include: Saracen, Black Magic, try to become your youthful self again by
Bard’s Tale II! The Goonies, Conan, and The Never- earning wisdom. More on this adventure
Ending Story. Again, distribution agree- game in our next column.
Software scoops ments such as these enable the consumer Well, that’s it for this issue. We look
Activision is taking over the distribution to find games previously not available in forward to receiving your mail and hope
of that fantastic adventure game, Might their geographic area. we can be of some service to you with
For those Atari computer-users who your software gaming questions. Please
have written to us complaining about the keep in mind that we’re not always able to
lack of B-bit software, Electronic Arts has personally respond to each and every
good news — they’ve released Autoduel letter, but we’ll do our best in that regard.
for Atari 800 systems. Produced by Origin For now, game on!
Systems and Lord British (of Ultima fame),
this adventure game is set in the year
2030, when highways are controlled by Valuable addresses
marauding outlaws and the most popular
sport of the day is motorized arena com- Activision, Inc.
bat. The company has also released the P.O. Box 7286
computerized version of Steve Jackson’s Mountain View CA 94039
famous OGRE® boardgame for IBM micros (415) 960-0410
and compatibles. This is one of our prefer-
red strategy games; it involves an incredi- Datasoft (IntelliCreations)
ble Cybertank pitted against conventional 19808 Nordhoff Place
infantry and armor units. Commodore 64/ Chatsworth CA 91311
128 aficianados can now enjoy the first (818) 886-5922
offering in the Ultima series from Origin,
Ultima I, which has been released by Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts. This is an expanded ver- 1820 Gateway Drive
sion of the original 1981 release for Apple San Mateo CA 94404
computers, and has much faster game play (415) 571-7171
and far better graphics. There’s even some
arcade-game action in the adventure. Firebird Licensees, Inc.
Lastly, the company has also signed with P.O. Box 49
Sierra On-Line to distribute The King’s Ramsey NJ 07446
Quest Trilogy, a series of three adventures
that are in 3-D (and animated, to boot). Infocom, Inc.
If you’re a text-adventure gamer, 125 CambridgePark Drive
Douglas Adams has written his next hit, Cambridge MA 02140
entitled Bureaucracy. Released by Infocom (617) 492-6000
and distributed by Activision, this is an
outrageous journey through red tape that Strategic Simulations, Inc.
puts you directly in the middle of a 1046 North Rengstorff Avenue
bureaucratic muddle so convoluted that Mountain View CA 94043
you can’t help but laugh. This offering is (415) 964-1353
available for the IBM, Apple II, Macintosh,
86 AUGUST 1987
88 AUGUST 1987
ON ALL FRONTS 3rd National Tournament
takes place at the Holiday Inn on Rt. 65B in

Conway, Ark. Four rounds of round-robin
tournaments are played over these two days in
each of the following: Squad Leader, Cross of
Iron, GI: Anvil of Victory, and Advanced Squad

CALENDAR Leader. Prizes are awarded for these events.

Other events include a scenario design seminar,
games sales, and various other activities. Regis-
tration is $6 before July 15 and $8 thereaftcr.
For registration forms and more information
write to ON ALL FRONTS, P.O. Box 265, Mar-
VULCON XIV, August 6-9 shall AR 72650; or call: Terry at (501) 448-3066.
Convention Calendar Policies This 14th annual science-fiction and fantasy
festival will be held at the International Hotel, CONSPIRACY '87 ❁
This column is offered as a service to 300 Canal Street, New Orleans, La. Guests of August 27-September 1
our readers around the world. Anyone honor include Tom Savini and Richard Herd. The 45th world Science Fiction Convention
may place a free listing for a game Events include a costume contest and dance, a takes place this year at the Brighton Centre and
convention here, but the following dealers’ room, open gaming, and a host of other Metropole Hotel in Brighton, England. Thus far,
guidelines must be observed. activities. For more information, contact: the guest program includes Alfred Bester, Doris
In order to ensure that all convention VULCON, P.O. Box 8087, New Orleans LA 70182; Lessing, Brian Aldiss, Boris and Arkady Stru-
listings contain accurate and timely or call: (504) 454-0963. gatsky, Larry Niven, Robert Silverberg, Gene
information, all material should be Wolfe, Ursula K. Le Guin, John Brunner, Fred
either typed double-spaced or printed HOUSTON FANTASY FAIR, August 7-9 Pohl, and many others. Events include a major
legibly on 8½” x 11” paper. The con- Sponsored by Bulldog Productions, this comic- art exhibit and auction, a stunning laser show
tents of each listing should be short, book, science-fiction, and film supershow takes (provided by Laser Creations of London), a
succinct, and under 150 words in place at the Houston Marriot Astrodome, 2100 costume contest, spaceflight exhibits, computer
length. S. Braeswood, Houston, Tex. Guests include Don games, wargames, and much more. Membership
The information given in the listing Simpson, Burne Hogarth, Scott Beiser, and many rates as of August 1 £38 for all six days and £10
must include the following information, others. Other features include a huge dealers' for a single day. (Exchange rates for pounds and
in the following order: room, a professional art show, an art contest, an dollars are available from most banks.) For
1. Convention title and dates held; art auction, video rooms, a masquerade, numer- more information on this event, please write to:
2. Site and location; ous workshops, previews of upcoming motion 45th World Science Fiction Convention, P.O. Box
3. Guests of honor (if applicable); pictures, and a variety of gaming events and 43, Cambridge, CB1 3JJ, United Kingdom.
4. Special events offered; open gaming competition. Tickets for this three-
5. Registration fees or attendance day event are $20 through July 15 and $25
GATEWAY 7, September 4-7
requirements; thereafter. For more information, contact: The seventh running of this Labor Day con-
6. Address(es) and telephone num- Bulldog Productions, P.O. Box 820488, Dallas TX vention will be held at the LAX Hyatt Hotel.
ber(s) where additional information and 75382; or call: (214) 349-3367. Featured events include role-playing games,
confirmation can be obtained.
wargames, family games, and computer games
Convention flyers, brochures, news- ORLANDO SKIRMISHES ‘87, August 7-9
tournaments. Other events include seminars,
letters, and other mass-mailed LISTING CHANGE: SKIRMISHES presents demonstrations, auctions, flea markets, and an
announcements run the risk of not this role-playing/wargaming convention at the exhibitors’ area. Preregistration is $16 until
being considered for use in this column; Omni International in Orlando, Fla. Events August 21, and $20 at the door. For information,
we prefer to see a cover letter with the include AD&D®, TRAVELLER®, Star Fleet Bat- contact: GATEWAY '87, c/o DTI, P.O. Box 8399,
announcement as well. No call-in list- tles, and CAR WARS® games, with Napoleonics
Long Beach CA 90808; or call: (213) 420-3675.
ings are accepted. Domestic and for- and various boardgaming competitions. Prere-
eign conventions are welcome. gistration is $12 until July 1, and $18 thereafter.
WARNING: We are not responsible NANCON-88 IX, September 4-7
Hotel reservations may be made by calling (305)
for incorrect information sent to us by This annual, four-day gaming convention will
843-6664. For further information regarding
convention staff members. Please be held at the Ramada North West Crossing in
convention events and registration, contact:
check your convention listing carefully! Houston, Texas. Tournament events include
SKIRMISHES, 1803 Third Court SE #A, Win-
Our wide circulation ensures that up to terhaven FL, 33880; or call: (813) 294-9166. AD&D®, PARANOIA™ Squad Leader, Star Fleet
a quarter of a million readers see each Battles, Nuclear War games, and a variety of
issue. Accurate information is your others. A large dealers' room and open-gaming
TREPCON I, August 15-16
responsibility! room are also provided. For more details, send a
This D&D ® game tournament will be held at
Convention listings should be mailed SASE to: NAN’S GAME HQ, 2011 Southwest
the Museum of Science, Space Transit Planetar-
by the copy deadline date to Convention Freeway, Houston TX 77098 (Attn: NANCON).
ium in Miami, Fla. Registration fees are $15 until
Calendar, DRAGON® Magazine, P.O. August 10, and $20 at the door. For more infor-
Box 110, Lake Geneva WI 53147. Copy mation, write or call: George Miller 20542 SW PACIFICON '87, September 4-7
deadline dates are the last Monday of 92 Place, Miami FL 33189, (305) 235-0683, or The 11th annual PACIFICON gaming conven-
each month, two months prior to the on- David Owens, 15630 SW 289 Terrace, Leisure tion will be held at the Dunfey Hotel in San
sale date of an issue. For example, the City FL 33033, (305) 248-7304. Mateo, Calif. Special room rates are available
copy deadline for the December 1987 from the hotel for convention participants.
issue is the last Monday of October GEN CON® 20 GAME FAIR & TRADE SHOW Featured events include role-playing and
1987. Plan ahead; early listings pay off! August 20-23 boardgaming tournaments, a flea market, semi-
If a convention listing must be This year’s original gaming convention will be nars, movies, miniatures-painting contests,
changed because the convention has held at the MECCA Arena in Milwaukee, Wis. auctions, miniatures gaming, open gaming, SCA
been canceled, the dates have For preregistration materials or for judging demonstrations, and a dealers' room. For fur-
changed, or incorrect information has forms, write to: GEN CON Game Fair, P.O. Box ther information, write to: PACIFICON, P.O. Box
been printed, please contact us imme- 756, Lake Geneva WI 53147. Please indicate on 2625, Fremont CA 94536.
diately! For any questions or changes the envelope which information you are
related to this column, please call either requesting (i.e., “Pre-reg info” or “Judging info”). WINGAMES VIII, September 4-7 ❉
Robin Jenkins or Roger E. Moore at For information on assisting the RPGA™ Net- This gaming convention will be held at the
(414) 248-3625. work Tournament Headquarters, write: RPGA University Center on the University of Manitoba
Network HQ, P.O. Box 509, Lake Geneva WI campus in Winnipeg, Man. This convention
53147. usually draws around 300 gamers. All inquiries
indicates an Alaskan convention. should be directed to: WINGAMES VIII, P.O. Box
❉ indicates a Canadian convention. SL RALLY '87, August 22-23 80, University Center, University of Manitoba,
❁ indicates a European convention. This rally is for all Squad Leader gamers. The Winnipeg, Man., CANADA R3T 2N2.

GOLD CON ‘87, September 5-6 others until September 12. Thereafter, registra- the seventh annual production of this gaming
This gaming convention will be held at the tion is $8 for both days or $5 for one day.For extravaganza at the Howard Johnson Plaza
OMNI Auditorium in Coconut Creek, Fla. For more information, send a SASE to: UAA Gaming Hotel in Tampa, Fla. Events include historical
more details on scheduled events and registra- Society, University of Alaska, Anchorage, 3211 miniatures, role-playing, and boardgaming
tion rates, write to: GOLD CON ‘87, OMNI Providence Drive, Anchorage AK 99508; or call: competitions. Live-action tournaments, a deal-
Auditorium, B.C.C. North, 1000 Coconut Creek Greg Gibbs at (907) 786-7770. ers’ room, numerous seminars, and a host of
Parkway, Coconut Creek FL 33066; or call: (305) other events are also sponsored. Preregistration
973-2249. VALLEY CON 12, September 26-27 for this three-day event is $12 until Sept. 1;
This science-fiction and fantasy convention thereafter, all registrations are $18. Hotel reser-
CHEY CON II, September 12 will be held at the Ramada Inn, at the intersec- vations may be made by calling (813) 873-7900.
Also known as the “Rathha Con,” this science- tion of I-94 and Hwy. 75, in Moorhead, Minn. For more information and registration packets,
fiction convention will take place at the VFW The guest of honor is Frederik Pohl. Featured contact: SKIRMISHES, 1803 Third Court SE #A,
Post 1881, 2816 E. 7th in Cheyenne, Wyo., and activities include videos, an art show and auc- Winterhaven FL 33880; or call: (813) 294-9166.
will run from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Mark Armstrong, tion, numerous panels, and a wide variety of
Editor of FANTAGRAPHICS, will be the guest of gaming events (courtesy of the Gamers’ Guild AUTUMN CAMPAIGNS ‘87, October 3-4
honor. Featured events include a costume party, and Valley Con). Registration fees are $5.50 for Historical miniatures, board games, fantasy,
Japanese animation, dealers’ tables, and a adults, $4.50 for teenagers 14-17, and $3.00 for science-fiction, and role-playing games are
screening of the “Star Trek Bloopers” film. adolescents 4-13, and free for children under 4 featured at this gaming convention. The
Preregistration costs (if paid before August 15) years of age. For additional information, send a AUTUMN CAMPAIGNS ‘87 will be held at the
are $4 for adults and $2 for teenagers (ages 7- SASE to: VALLEY CON 12, P.O. Box 7202, Fargo Hilton Inn (same as last year) in Lexington, Ky.
17). At-the-door prices are $5 for adults and $3 ND 58108; or call: (701) 235-1322. Registration is $10 for both days or $6 per day.
for teenagers. Children under age 7 are admit- There are no individual gaming fees. For more
ted free when accompanied by a paying adult. CONTRADICTION SEVEN, October 2-4 information, write to: Convention Info, The
For more details, write to: CHEY CON II, 803 This science-fiction and fantasy convention Rusty Scabbard Hobby Shop, 188 Woodland
Taft Avenue, Cheyenne WY 82001. will be held at the Ramada Inn, 401 Buffalo Avenue, Lexington KY 40502.
Avenue, Niagara Falls, N.Y. Anne McCaffrey is
MIRACLECON '87, September 12 the pro guest of honor, with Mike Glicksohn as FALL CON IV, October 3
This one-day gaming convention will be held fan guest. Other guests include Joan Vinge, This one-day gaming convention will be held
from 9 A.M. to midnight at the Day’s Inn in Nancy Kress, Jim Frenkel, and T.S. Huff. Events at the McNaughton Park Pavilion in Elkhart,
Springfield, Ohio. Sponsored events include an offered include a costume contest ($25 for best Ind., across from Elkhart General Hospital.
AD&D® tournament, a dealers’ room, a costume), an art auction, videos, parties, a Registration for this event is $5 at the door. In
miniatures-painting contest, a game auction, and people and thing auction, panels, wargaming, addition to an official RPGA™ Network AD&D®
a variety of other gaming programs. Registra- filksinging, and other fannish activities. Regis- game event, FALL CON IV sponsors numerous
tion is $5 for the day, with no additional fees for tration is $13 until July 11, $16 until Sept. 12, other games and miniatures events. For more
separate events. For more details, contact: and $20 thereafter. For more details, contact: information, contact: The Brigade Gaming
MIRACLECON ‘87, c/o Timothy A. Riley, 308 CONTRADICTION, P.O. Box 2043, Newmarket Group, P.O. Box 252, Elkhart IN 46515.
West Church Street, Urbana OH 43078; or call: Station, Niagara Falls NY 14301. Please send a
(513) 653-7848. SASE if you require confirmation. MILWAUKEE’S NINTH HISTORICAL
MOD-CON 87, September 18-20 ❁ DRAGON CON ‘87, October 2-4 This ninth annual, non-profit wargaming
Italy’s largest gaming event will be held at the The Southeast Fantasy and Gaming Conven- convention will take place at the Bucyrus-Erie
Older Palasport, Viale Molza 21, in Modena, tion will be held at the Lanier Plaza and Conven- Hall, 1120 Monroe Avenue, South Milwaukee,
Italy. Events include AD&D® game tournaments, tion Center in Atlanta, Ga. Fantasy role-playing, Wis. The convention opens at 10 A.M. on both
a Diplomacy tournament, a BATTLESYSTEM™ strategic, and computer gaming are featured in Saturday and Sunday, and runs until 8 P.M. on
demonstration, and other boardgaming and over 75 tournaments. Panels, video rooms, a Saturday and until 5 P.M on Sunday. Featured
wargaming tournaments. Convention fees are dealers’ room, a masquerade party, a game events include a variety of military miniatures
£ 15, or £ 100 with hotel accommodations. For auction, and much more are offered. Guests wargames and game vendors. Admission is $5
more information, contact: Guido nemazzi, c/o include E. Gary Gygax, Michael Moorcock, per day or $7 for both days; a $1 fee will also be
Orsa Maggiore Gaming Shop, Piazza Matteotti Richard “Lord British” Garriott, Robert Asprin, assessed for each game played. Send a SASE to:
20, Modena, Italy; or call: (011) 39-59-211200. Lynn Abbey, Brian Herbert, and Steve Jackson. Joe Gepfert, 3440 S. Monterey Drive, New
Preregistration is $25 for fans and $30 for Berlin WI 53151 or Mark Van Groll, 4502 N.
SPYCON 5, September 18-20 gamers through August 15. (Gamer registrations 56th Street, Milwaukee WI 53218.
This special convention should be of interest include four tournament entries.) For more
to all fans of spy/undercover police TV shows. information, send a SASE to: DRAGON CON ‘87, VALLEYCON ‘87, October 3
Held at the Mount Prospect Holiday Inn at 200 Box 148, Clarkston GA 30021. Registrants can Sponsored by Big Mike’s Video, this one-day
East Rand Road in Mount Prospect, Ill., SPYCON use their Visa or Mastercard to charge advance gaming convention will be held at the Tulare
5 features a dealers’ room, art show, film room, memberships by calling (800) 554-1162 (toll- Veteran’s Memorial Building in Tulare, Calif.
and a host of other events. Featured programs free), or (404)441-3045 in Georgia. Convention events include exhibits, guest speak-
include episodes from The Man From ers, rare movies, trivia contests, a costume
U.N.C.L.E., The Avengers, Rat Patrol, The Pro- SAN ANTONIO FANTASY FAIR contest, gaming demonstrations, AD&D® games,
fessionals, Get Smart, and a wide variety of October 2-4 a dealers’ room, and open gaming. Registration
others. Registration fees are $18 through Sept. Sponsored by Bulldog Productions, this comic- to this event is not required, since admission is
18, and $20 at the door. For more information, book, science-fiction, and film supershow takes FREE. For more information, write to: VALLEY-
send a SASE to: SPYCON 5,2710 Rohlwing Road, place at the Sheraton San Antonio, 1400 Austin CON ‘87, 1766 East Tulare Avenue, Tulare CA
Rolling Meadows IL 60008. Highway, Austin, Tex. Guests include Wendy and 93274.
Richard Pini, Kerry Gammill, Tom Stazer, Mike
UNICON I, September 26-27 Mignola, and many others. Other features CON * STELLATION 6, October 9-11
The Anchorage Community College Gamers include a huge dealers’ room, a professional art This science-fiction and gaming convention
Association and the University of Alaska, show, an art contest, an art auction, video will be held at the Holiday Inn Research Park in
Anchorage Gaming Society are proud to intro- rooms, a masquerade, numerous workshops, Huntsville, Ala. Julius Schwartz is the guest of
duce UNICON I, which will be held on the previews of upcoming motion pictures, and a honor. Registration is $11 through August 31
University of Alaska, Anchorage/Anchorage variety of gaming events and open gaming and $15 thereafter. For more details, contact:
Community College Campus. Tournaments competition. Tickets for this three-day event are CON*STELLATION 6, P.O. Box 4857, Huntsville
include AD&D®, GAMMA WORLD®, Talisman, $15 through September 1 and $20 thereafter. AL 35815.
RISK®, Blood Bowl, and Advanced Squad Leader For more information, contact: Bulldog Produc-
events, as well as a miniatures-painting contest, tions, PO. Box 820488, Dallas TX 75382; or call: CONTACT-5, October 16-18
open gaming, and other activities. The conven- (214) 349-3367. Sponsored by the River City Science Fiction
tion is open from 9 A.M. to midnight on Saturday Association, this convention will be held at the
and from 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. on Sunday. Preregistra- SUNCOAST SKIRMISHES ‘87, October 2-4 Ramada Inn Spa in Evansville, Ind. The theme of
tion is $4 for UAA/ACC students and $5 for all LISTING CHANGE: SKIRMISHES presents the convention is “The War of the Worlds.”

92 AUGUST 1987
Patrick Price, editor of AMAZING ® Stories, is CHICAGO MODEL & HOBBY SHOW
the guest of honor. Other guests include Rickey November 5-8
Sheppard, Arlan Andrews, Timothy Zahn, Sponsored by the Radio Control Hobby Trade ORIGINS AWARDS 1987
Roger “R2” Reynolds, Mark Schulzinger, Gary Association (RCHTA), this third annual trade and
M. Williams, Dr. Bill Breuer, Guy McLimore, hobby show will be held at the O’Hare Expo We received word on the winners of the
Greg Poehlein, and David Tepool. Special events Center in Rosemont, Ill. A car track, boat pond, H.G. Wells and Charles Roberts
include an art show and auction, a masquerade, retail store, and static model area are featured Awards from the ORIGINS game
panel discussions, RPGA™ Network games, a 24- again this year, with product displays by model convention, held in Baltimore, Md., July
hour convention suite, a video room, and a railroad manufacturers. Over 2,000 retailers 2-5. The winners are:
huckster’s room. Registration fees are $12 until and distributors will attend this event, as will
September 15, and $16 thereafter. Room rates at thousands of experienced modelers. For more H.G. Wells Awards
the Ramada Inn are $45 for a single, $50 for a information, contact: CHICAGO MODEL &
Best historical figure series: American
double, and $56 for a suite. For more details, HOBBY SHOW, 2400 East Devon Ave., Suite 205,
Civil War Line (Stone Mountain
write to: CONTACT-5, P.O. Box 3894, Evansville Des Plaines IL, 60018; or call: Susan P. Lind at
IN 47737. (312) 299-3131 or toll-free at (800) 323-5155.
Best fantasy/science-fiction figure
series: Fantasy Lords Line
FALL-CON '87, October 16-18 SCI CON 9, November 6-8
(Grenadier Models).
This gaming convention which is sponsored Sponsored by the Hampton Roads Science
Best vehicular/accessory series:
Fiction Association, this science-fiction conven-
by the Cincinnati Area Gamers, will be held at BATTLETECH® Mech (Ral Partha
the Cincinnati Technical College in Cincinnati, tion will be held at the Sheraton Beach Inn in
Ohio. All types of role-playing games, board- Virginia Beach, Va. Larry Niven is the guest of
Best miniatures rules: Command
games, card games, and miniatures games are honor, with P. Craig Russell as artist guest of
Decision game (Game Designers’
played at this event. Other features include a honor and Bernadette Bosky as fan guest of
costume contest, a painting contest, a games honor. Featured events include panels, readings,
Best role-playing game:
auction, a dealers' room, and a Titan tourna- videos, a costume contest, an art show, and
GHOSTBUSTERS™ game (West End
ment. For more details, contact: FALL-CON '87, much more. Registration costs are $15 until
P.O. Box 462, Cincinnati OH 45201-0462; or call: October 1, and $18 at the door. Huckster’s tables
Best role-playing adventure: Going
(513) 542-3449. (limit of 2, and including one membership per
Home, for the TWILIGHT: 2000™
table) are $50 each. Room rates at the Sheraton
game (Game Designers’ Workshop).
Beach Inn are $45 for a single and $51 for a
ICON XII, October 16-18 Best role-playing supplement
double. For more information, contact: SCI CON
This science-fiction convention will be held at (co-winners): BATTLETECH
9, P.O. Box 9434, Hampton VA 23670.
the Rodeway Inn, Hwy 965 and I-80, in Coral- Technical Readout, for the
ville, Iowa (call (800) 228-2000 for reservations). BATTLETECH game (FASA
EARTHCON VII, November 13-15
Scheduled events include science-fiction read- Corporation); Cthulhu by Gaslight, for
This science-fiction convention, which is
ings and panels, an art show, a large dealers’ the CALL OF CTHULHU® game
room, and open gaming. Memberships are $12 sponsored by NEOFSA, Inc., will be held at the
(Chaosium Inc.).
Holiday Inn Westlake, 1100 Crockets Road, in
until September 15 and $17 thereafter; special Best professional role-playing
Cleveland, Ohio. Guests of honor include R.M.
one-day registration is available at the door for magazine: DRAGON® Magazine
Meluch, Jay Sullivan, Kenneth Shulze, Alan
$10. For details, contact: ICON XII, Dept. M, P.O. (TSR, Inc.) — Thank you!
Box 525, Iowa City, IA 52244-0525. Tuskes, Sheldon Jaffrey, and Jim Young. Spon-
Best professional miniatures
sored events include videos, dealers, a masquer-
magazine: The Courier (The Courier
ade, panels, filksinging, an art show and
NECRONOMICON '87, October 16-18 Publishing Co.).
auction, a media display room, and much more.
The Stone Hill Science Fiction Association will Best play-by-mail game: It’s a Crime
Preregistration fees are $18 until August 31;
hold its sixth annual science-fiction convention (Adventures by Mail).
thereaftcr all registration fees are $22. For
at the Holiday Inn-Sabal Park in Tampa, Fla. This Best fantasy/science-fiction
more information, write to: Earthcon, P.O. Box
year's guests of honor are Orson Scott Card, computer game: Bard’s Tale II
5641, Cleveland OH 44101.
Frederik Pohl, and Elizabeth Anne Hull. In (Electronic Arts).
addition to panel discussions with these authors, Best screen graphics in a computer
PENTACON III, November 14
there will be a vampire pageant, a costume game: Gunship (Microprose).
This one-day gaming convention will be held
contest, trivia games, a general auction, and a
at the Whistler Ballroom and Grand Wayne
host of other events. Registration rates are $10 Charles Roberts Awards
Gallery in the Grand Wayne Center located at
until Scptember 15. For more information
120 W. Jefferson in Fort Wayne, Ind. An RPGA™ Best pre-20th century game:
contact: NECRONOMICON, c/o Stone Hill SF
Network AD&D ® tournament is featured, along Chickamauga (West End Games).
Association, P.O. Box 2076, Riverview FL 33569;
with other AD&D ® tournaments, miniatures Best 20th-century game: Fortress
or call: (813) 677-6347.
battles, and role-playing games. Events include a America (Milton Bradley).
flea market, a miniatures-painting contest, and Best fantasy/science-fiction game:
RUDICON 3, October 16-18 the awarding of door prizes. A dealers' and Kings & Things (West End Games).
This wargaming and role-playing convention manufacturers’ room is also available. This This game originally appeared in
takes place at the Rochester Institute of Technol- convention runs from 9 AM to midnight. For DRAGON issue #77 as King of the
ogy in Rochester, N.Y. Events include tourna- details, write to: NIGA/PENTACON, P.O. Box Tabletop.
ments, a dealers' room, movies, and much more. 11133, Fort Wayne IN 46856; or call: Michael Best professional boardgame
For pre-registration or dealers’ information, Durant at (219) 422-9964. magazine: The Wargamer (World
contact: Steve Ritzau, RUDICON/Rochester Wide Wargames).
Wargamer's Association and Guild (RWAG), c/o DALLAS FANTASY FAIR, November 27-29 Best military/strategy computer
Student Directorate, One Lomb Memorial Drive, Sponsored by Bulldog Productions, this comic- game: Gettysburg, the Turning Point
Rochester NY 14623. book, science-fiction, and film supershow takes (Strategic Simulations Inc.).
place at the Marriot Park Central, 7750 I-635 at Best amateur adventure gaming
NOVAG III, October 24-25 Hwy 45, in Dallas, Tex. Guests include Carole magazine: The Midwest Wargamer’s
The Northern Virginia Adventure Gamers Nelson Douglas, Steve Erwin, Kerry Gammill, and Association Newsletter (Hal
(NOVAG) will host their third annual Adventure many others. Other features include a huge Thinglum).
Gaming Convention. This event will be held at dealers’ room, a professional art show, an art Best graphic presentation: Korean
the Leesburg Westpark Hotel in Leesburg, Va. contest, an art auction, video rooms, a masquer- War (Victory Games).
All types of adventure games, from historical ade, numerous workshops, previews of upcom- Hall of Fame (The Academy of
board and miniatures games to science-fiction ing motion pictures, and a variety of gaming Adventure Gaming Arts and
and fantasy role-playing games, are featured. events and open gaming competition. Tickets for Science): Lou Zocchi.
Games vendors and game presentations will also this event are $20 through November 1 and $25
be available. For more information, contact: thereafter. For information, contact: Bulldog
The staff of DRAGON Magazine
NOVAG, 101 E. Holly Avenue, Suite 16, Sterling Productions, P.O. Box 820488, Dallas TX 75382: or
congratulates all of the winners.
VA 22170; or call: (703) 450-6738. call: (214) 349-3367.

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