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Name : Dwi Wahyuni

: Feny HZ
: Vina Tri utami
: Voni Amelia

Conversation midwife with patient on examination pregnancy

(The phone is ringing.)
Receptionist: Hello, midwife Feny clinic . How can I help you?

Tomi : Hi. I would like to make an appointment with midwife Feny. Can I see him today or should I
come another day? 

Receptionist: I am sorry midwife Feny is so busy today, but I can arrange an appointment for
another day.

Tomi : Thank you. 

Receptionist : Could you please provide your full name and you number, please? So I can remind
you for the appointment.

Tomi : Oh, yes. Sorry, I didn’t mention it earlier. It’s Tomi . 

Receptionist: Okay.

Tomi: That’s right.

Receptionist: Alright, Mr. Tomi . What date do you and your wife wish to meet the midwife?\

Tomi: As soon as possible. Tomorrow during lunch or after 5 p.m, will do?

Receptionist: Sure. I will arrange the appointment at 12 p.m. 

Tomi: Okay. Thank you. 

Receptionist: With pleasure. 

--At The clicic Midwife Feny,Amd.Keb--

Patient : Good morning
Midwife Feny : Morning.. oh Madam, come in, please have your sit Sir and
Mam. Can I might know your name and address, Sir?
Patient : Thank you, my name is Dwi and my husband is Tomi . I live
at Tanahmas, Palembang, South Sumatra
Midwife Feny : Can I help you ?
Patient : I want to check my pregnancy.
Midwife Feny : OK, do you have already children before?
Patient : Not yet, this is my first pregnancy
Midwife Feny : Alright, do you remember when the first day of your last
menstruation period is?
Patient : Yes, if I am not mistaken, it was on july,nineteen two
thousand and nineteen
Midwife Feny : Emm, if I count from the first day of last menstruation,
Mam, you have already pregnancy 12 week . do you have
problem in this pregnancy ?
Patient : Well, I feel like always want to throw up get dizzy. I barely
eat any food lately, and what I eat is always thrown up and I
feel like I do not want to eat. It is worst especially in the
Midwife Feny : That’s what we call morning sickness. It’s a common thing
that happens during the first trimester of pregnancy. So how is
it now? Do you still have morning sickness?
Patient : Yes Midwife Feny , I still have that morning sickness.
Husband patient : is it normal midwife feny ?
Midwife Feny : Yes It is. It will be over after your wife have her second
Husband patient : Alhamdulillah, that all is normal condition
Midwife Feny : Alright, let me check your vital signs Mr.tomi I will check
your blood pressure, temperature and respiration rate, and
your pulse
Patient : Ok 
Midwife Feny : First of all, roll your sleeve up please? I will measure your
blood pressure.
Patient         : Alright, like this?

Midwife  Feny         : Yes, that’s right….Well your blood pressure is one hundred

and twenty over eighty , you have normal blood pressure.
Further please put this thermometer in your arm pit, wait for
some minutes.

Patient : Alright.
Midwife feny        : It’s thirty six-centygrade Now let me have your wrist please.
Your pulse is eighty/minute Now please stand on this scale…
Ok, It’s fifhty five kg. ok now have seat down please.

Patient         : Thank you.

Husband patient : Oh yeah, What to avoid of my wife during pregnancy?

Midwife Feny : During pregnancy the mother should not work hard, smoke
or exposure to cigarette smoke, drinking alcohol and drinking
herbs, taking drugs without a doctor's .
Husband patient : Well, thank you midwife Feny for your information, that’s
very helpful for us.
Midwife Feny : You are welcome. i hope Mrs Tomi is always good during
your pregnancy
Patient : Amin, see you
Midwife Feny : See you soon

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