Solar Cells by Hu and White 1-Pages-15-17,47-52,78,81-88,186-194

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subject of worldwide research and development efforts today.

To increase the
economic attractiveness of the solar cell option, one or more of the following
must be done:

• Increase cell efficiencies.

• Reduce cost of producing cells, modules, and associated equipment,
and the cost of installing them.
• Devise new cell or system designs for lower total cost per unit power


The most important physical phenomena employed in all solar cells are
illustrated schematically in Fig. 1.1. Sunlight enters the semiconductor and
produces an electron and a hole—a negatively charged particle and a posi
tively charged particle, both free to move. These particles diffuse through the
semiconductor and ultimately encounter an energy barrier that permits
charged particles of one sign to pass but reflects those of the other sign. Thus
the positive charges are collected at the upper contact in Fig. 1.1, and the
negative charges at the lower contact. The electric currents caused by this
charge collection flow through metal wires to the electric load shown at the
right side of Fig. 1.1.
The current from the cell may pass directly through the load, or it may
be changed first by the power-conditioning equipment to alternating current
at voltage and current levels different from those provided by the cell. Other
sub-systems that may also be used include energy-storage devices such as
batteries, and concentrating lenses or mirrors that focus the sunlight onto a


Energy Electrical
storage load

barrier region

Figure functionalelements of solar cellsystem.

smaller and hence less costly semiconductor cell. If concentration is em
ployed, a tracking subsystem may be required to keep the array pointed at the
sun throughout the day.


A glance at the recent literature (see "Annotated Bibliography," Appendix 1)

shows that many different solar cell designs and materials are being studied.
This situation is common in the early stages of a technical development, when
many different approaches are explored. Incidentally, terrestrial use of cells
to produce power is quite recent, even though the photovoltaic effect has been
known since 1839. Silicon solar cells were first described in print in 1954, and
solar cells have been used on most of the spacecraft launched since then. Cells
for use in space are not discussed in this book because the hostile conditions
those cells must withstand, together with the extreme reliability demanded,
make the space cells far too costly and specialized for terrestrial use.
Although the details involve concepts of solid-state physics, chemistry,
and materials science, some very simple observations underlie the different
types of solar cells:

• Because silicon has been used so extensively for integrated circuits, its
technology is well developed and it is a natural choice for use in solar cells
now, while other approaches are being developed.
• Making thin-film or polycrystalline cells instead of single-crystal cells,
which require extensive heating and careful crystal growth and slicing, may
be economical in terms of both monetary cost and energy expended in the
production process.
• Since focusing lenses and mirrors cost much less per unit area than do
most semiconductors, it can be cost-effective to use "concentrator" systems
in which sunlight is focused onto relatively small semiconductor cells.
• Since cells can be designed to work particularly well with light of one
wavelength, it may be economical to split the spectrum and direct different
portions onto cells optimized for those spectral components ("split spectrum"
or "multicolor" cells).
• Since both available sunlight and the demand for energy fluctuate,
cells providing inherent energy storage by electrolysis within the cell may be
attractive ("photoelectrochemical" cells).

The cell types shown in Fig. 1.2 are arranged according to material and
form of the semiconductor used and the degree of sunlight concentration
employed. Some characteristics of the starting material or cell design are also
The cells produced in greatest quantity have been made of single-crystal
Intensity concentration factor -

IX 1000X
10X lOOx
(Flat plate)

Si (wafer)
Multicolor: )
(dendritic web)
Split spectrum Si; GaAs; Ge

Figure 1.2 Types of solar cells, arranged according to degree of crystallinity of the
semiconductor and degree of sunlight concentration used, if any. Single-crystal sili
con and gallium arsenide, and thin-film CdS/Cu2S cells are discussed in Part I of this
book, while the other cell types and materials arc discussed in Part III.

silicon, and used without sunlight concentration (upper left corner, Fig. 1.2).
Silicon cells have been made of wafers sawed from large single-crystal
ingots, and from thin ribbons or thin webs of silicon that do not require
slicing. Of the many other single-crystal cell materials that have been studied,
the compound semiconductor gallium arsenide has been most used in experi
ments because of its high efficiency and its ability to operate at high tem
peratures. Concentrator cell systems have been made with both silicon and
gallium arsenide. Concentrator cell configurations differ from those for non-
concentrator use ("flat-plate" cells); concentrator cells must withstand higher
temperatures and must have lower resistive losses because of their relatively

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