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ISSUE 8 • VOLUME 1 • 2020


Business Politics NGOs

People who feed us People who make decisions for us People who take care of us
5 Keys for Success for Your Digital Business

By Naveen Joshi - Director at Allerin. Works on Data Analytics and Strategies, Process Automation, Connected Infrastructure (IoT)

It is not just an enabler to be applied to the • They demonstrate a wide variety of

Digital businesses think about technology present business and IT operations, but possibilities and help companies envi-
in different, fundamentally new ways. Go- also a source of innovation and opportunity sion and design new businesses that in-
for the future. tegrate people, businesses and things.
ing digital is an enabling tool for a busi-
ness’s critical needs, a source of innova- It is a more futuristic model and focuses The right leaders
mainly on creative disruption and new busi-
tion for increasing future revenue and ness models to gain competitive advantage. The rapidly-changing digital scenario is ex-
also prevents business disruptions. posing gaps in its leadership.
In the context of digital business, there is a
business moment, which is a brief everyday This is common with regard to front office
A lack of digital business competence is moment in time. disciplines (related to the customer experi-
predicted to cause 25% businesses to fall in ence) and head-office disciplines (related to
competitive rankings. So to ensure your A business moment sets in an array of enterprise strategy).
digital strategy turns out to be are fruitful, events and actions involving a network of
we have jotted down a few steps. people, businesses and things that span Three types of digital business leaders have
across multiple industries and multiple eco- emerged to fill these leadership gaps:
• The digital strategist
The right mindset They provide specific opportunities, and
the mark of a healthy digital business is the • The digital marketing leader
ability to spot them.
The expansion of IT operations is not the
only goal of a Digital business. • The digital business unit leader
The opportunities include the following:
A Digital business leader must think about These roles are not titles and usually a chief
technology in a fundamentally different • They compel enterprises to rethink digital officer (CDO) is used for each of
way than in the past. their role in a value stream. them.
They are likely to be in the scenario for the Formulate a Digital Strategy to respond to But, many enterprises acknowledge that
next 5 to 10 years, but in reality are just in- opportunities and threats their workforce is unprepared and inade-
terim positions. quate. They will need to explore the kind of
The following five areas must be covered disciplines needed to drive digital business
This is because digital will become a part of once the need for a digital business has initiatives.
everything soon, making a single, separate been realized:
role dedicated to digital initiatives unsuita- The recruitment practices will have to be
ble. • New digitally enabled business models changed as traditional ones would not suf-
afford new sources of revenue and dis- fice.
A digital business centre of excellence ruptive competitive advantage, but
only for a short period of time. Launching of boot camps and other learn-
Creating a digital business Center of Excel- ing programs about digital business across
lence (COE) provides input, advice and op- • In an increasingly digital world, prod- all areas of the business would be seen as
portunities for a conjoined formation of a ucts and services can be virtual, with no necessary.
digital strategy. physical presence.
The enterprises should mine informal net-
• Information, and its effective use, has works by applying digital business and digi-
The advice, innovations and capabilities
become a strategic asset and a compet- tal technologies to the distribution of work
needed for execution can also be conjured.
itive advantage to the digital busi- and look at piloting new channels for find-
The following points must be applied:
nesses best able to exploit it. ing, building and acquiring digital business
• Access digital opportunities • In the digital enterprise, mobile devices
and bring your own device (BYOD) are
• Examine strengths and weaknesses Digital business is changing the way organ-
becoming more commonplace, cloud
izations use and think about technology,
computing and cloud-based services of
• Modify the digital strategy moving technology supporting businesses
all kinds are proliferating, and data of all
to the top tier in innovation, revenue and
types is exploding.
• Identify new technologies and how market growth.
they might pose a potential threat. • A successful digital business strategy
depends highly on understanding cus- New and upcoming businesses, as well as
As a business leader, you should engage tomers' preferences for channels, the the old experienced players, should realize
people across the enterprise and from out- segmentation, and the possibilities as- this and consider digital business not an IT
side the enterprise and industry, such as sociated with each instance. program but a lingua franca.
current and potential users.
Effectuate new digital business capabilities Before you start on the digital journey, just
Recognized and unrecognized thinkers, equip yourself with the myths behind digi-
both associated with and orthogonal to the tal business.
It is expected that digital business exper-
focus of your enterprise's main vision tise will spread around businesses within
should also be covered. two or three years.

Our 2,700+ ambassadors from 127 countries with 17.5+

million followers in total have supported LinkedIn posts

of each other 24.4+ million times so far. (15 Oct 2021)

Our tailor-made, LinkedIn algorithm-aware platform boosts

results so that several posts we support are among the top 1%

of the most engaged posts on LinkedIn globally every day.

Any person with a properly filled LinkedIn profile and civilized online behavior is

eligible to join. Connect on LinkedIn with our Editor-in-Chief Christian Dillstrom to

join our free program, in which everything is voluntary.


With over 774 million members,

LinkedIn is the biggest business social

media; its members have most of the

money, business, and decision-making

power in the World. It is lucrative to

publish posts on LinkedIn if they are

viewed by millions of its members.



Please read the next article to learn step-by step instructions on

how to do the same yourself for any LinkedIn post for free.
Here Is How Anyone Can Have 23 Million Views for Any LinkedIn Post for Free!

Christian Dillstrom – Global Business Influencer, Royal Strategic Advisor, and Editor-in-Chief of The TOP Person Business Magazines

tant, because today popularity equals with your offering and name, the more some of
With over 774 million members, LinkedIn credibility; if your content is not popular, them can offer you great opportunities.
is the biggest business social media glob- how can your company or you be credible?
In reverse – the less business decision mak-
ally, and most of the money, business, and Of course, this is not true, but none of us ers know about you, the more opportuni-
decision-making power in the World be- can change how businesspeople think to- ties you will lose without even knowing
day. about them.
long to its members.
Moreover, highly popular LinkedIn Posts WHO AM I?
are a truly effective way to build your com-
Therefore, it is important for your busi- pany and personal brand. My name is Christian Dillstrom, and I am a
ness and yourself to publish posts on global business influencer, royal strategic
There is one crucial point when it comes to advisor, and Editor-in-Chief of The TOP
LinkedIn so that they are frequently being popular that so many people get Person business magazines.
viewed by businesspeople. Unfortunately, wrong:
In addition, I am helping a LinkedIn Co-
only a very few posts receive more than a You need to be known founder to build LinkedIn 2.0 and I run
professionally in your domain. Business Influencer Hub there and I am
couple of hundred views.
also an expert on their Startup Hub.
It is easy to copy popular content from
In this article, I shall explain in detail how other social media and post it on LinkedIn I have also been a corporate growth hacker
to achieve a high number of views, but since 2009 and have growth hacked over
I could, and anyone else can get over 23 would the funny dog, cat or similar video 60% of the top global brands.
convey the right image of your profession-
million views for any post for free.
alism? My articles about business, sales, market-
ing, growth hacking and business influenc-
Having popular LinkedIn Posts is impor- The more business decisionmakers know ing have had millions of monthly business
readers globally since February 2015 Just do a LinkedIn search for the 612 This approach promises readers simple and
when I started writing LinkedIn Pulse arti- LinkedIn Company pages that start with quick answers that everyone is looking for.
cles. ‘The TOP‘ and have a logo with a white star
and black background. Those are The TOP Your content does not have to be simple
These days, my content on LinkedIn gets Person local company pages. and quick, but unless you convey this ex-
more than 10 million views a month - so my pectation to LinkedIn members, most of
advice in this article is about things I have On those pages, you can see each of my them will not even give it a chance.
been doing every day since early 2015. posts that have brought 23 million views
for my article, ‘How to Further You and Your The next step is to have enough content for
Millions of monthly readers have made my Business with The TOP Person Magazine In- the reader to believe that your answer to
name and offering known to business lead- terview‘. his or her pressing problem is credible.
ers around the World - and for free.
YOUR CONTENT Different expectations between title of
My ever-growing personal brand has made content and its text are paradoxical, but it is
everything possible for me over the last six In reality, only a very few people are truly hard for businesspeople to believe that the
years, and interesting offers just keep on interested in you, your company, or its of- problem they have not been able to solve
coming in on a daily basis. fering. So, forget the sales brochure ap- can be solved with a few lines of text.

HOW TO GET 23 MILLION VIEWS FOR You just need to have a title that lures
ANY LINKEDIN POST FOR FREE? proach. them to start reading your content.

Easily, if you know what you are doing. Oth- Instead, everyone is looking for answers to I recommend creating a PDF document like
erwise - forget it because your chances are the questions that are holding them or their this article because it gives readers hope
comparable to those of a lottery. business back. for a thorough answer to their important
Almost everyone is trying it, but only very Everyone.
few manage to do it. Besides, LinkedIn and Then create up to a 3,050-characters long
the Internet are full of advice that will not Think about what question/s your target LinkedIn post and up to 1,250-characters
help you at all. VIP clients are asking so that your offering long message text about the same content.
is an answer to them.
You do not have to take my word for it, as Start with the capitalized title
everything I do is visible for any LinkedIn Format the title of your content so that it is to get attention in the feed.
member. a question, ‘How to…’ , ‘The Best Ways to…’or
a number of solutions to that question. In addition, create a lot of great visual cover
pages for your PDF document. Big images, LINKEDIN POSTING LOCATIONS I am an owner and admin of 612 LinkedIn
colors, different feels, and styles are very Company pages that have over 818,000
helpful. Now that you have formatted your content followers and 820 employees.
to be interesting to your target VIP clients
LinkedIn shows visual PDF cover pages and you have many different visual cover The LinkedIn company pages I use are local
very appealingly in feeds, and this attention pages for it, it is time to start looking for and cover all countries and major metro-
is the first crucial step to getting views for LinkedIn locations where you can post your politan areas around the World. Those
your post. content. LinkedIn pages are also under the globally
respected business brand,
Another reason you should have lots of A single posting of your content will not re-
great visual cover pages for your PDFs is sult in it being viewed 23 million times by In addition, I can use those LinkedIn Com-
that you cannot use the same cover page businesspeople unless you have tens of mil- pany pages to boost the views of posts via
too often. lions LinkedIn followers. The TOP Person Ambassador platform.

Why would LinkedIn users click on some- Also, you cannot keep on posting your con- The platform is social media algorithm
thing they have already seen in their feed tent too often on your LinkedIn profile or aware including the LinkedIn Post algorithm.
that they have not clicked on before? your connections and followers will stop

Fighting the click-fatigue is the key to have In case you are not or cannot become an
tens of millions of readers for your content. engaging with your content or they might admin of that many LinkedIn company
even leave. pages with hundreds of thousands of fol-
The new, different visuals will attract those lowers, please connect with me on LinkedIn
LinkedIn users who did not respond to the My solution is easy - after you have posted and let's see how I can help you.
visual you were already using. your content to your LinkedIn profile, keep
on posting it to LinkedIn Company pages LINKEDIN POST ALGORITHM
where you have admin rights.
In case you find it too time consuming to
create a lot of visual cover pages for your Unless you have millions or at least hun-
PDFs, please connect with me on LinkedIn Today, LinkedIn treats posts on LinkedIn dreds of thousands of LinkedIn followers,
and let's see how I can help you. Company pages the same as posts on you will need the help from the LinkedIn
LinkedIn profiles. Post Algorithm.
I have more than 600 visual cover pages for
PDFs, which are both localized and under So, using LinkedIn Company pages is the The LinkedIn Post Algorithm will check
the global brand, but so that any business solution to all the LinkedIn posting loca- how many views, comments, likes, and
or person can use them for their content tions you might ever need. shares your post has received within 60
while gaining extra credibility. minutes of publishing it.
So, you need to have enough of them for the views of the post, it will punish the post Finally, ask your network to support your
the LinkedIn Post Algorithm to judge that and the LinkedIn user doing it. LinkedIn post, otherwise nothing will hap-
your post is popular and therefore worth of pen as the LinkedIn post algorithm will nei-
spreading it to a large audience. My (knowledgeable) advice is to ther spread it generally nor share it to the
use a maximum of four hashtags. hashtag followers.
Otherwise, the LinkedIn Post Algorithm
will not boost views of your post and its re- Pick the most popular hashtags that match I am using The TOP Person Ambassador
sults will not be worth of trouble. your content and rotate them systemati- platform for this as I want to show the fel-
cally so that you will not use the same low ambassadors how I receive lots of
You can use the employees of your com- hashtags more than once a week. views for my posts.
pany, your friends, or any other network to
get views, comments, likes, and shares for Otherwise, their followers will Plus, The TOP Person Ambassadors are
your post within that crucial first 60 get fed up with your posts. truly engaging with their peers' posts –
minutes. over 24 million times so far.
Again, my solution is The TOP Person Am-
My solution is The TOP Person Ambassa- bassador platform, which has a list of 1,135 Publish your post 4-9 times a day in differ-
dor program where I can request the sup- of the most followed LinkedIn hashtags. ent locations on LinkedIn, using a different
port of over 2,700 fellow ambassadors. visual cover and rotated hashtags each
time, and spread the publications evenly
In case you have no experience of rotating throughout the day.
In addition, I can use 612 LinkedIn Com- hashtags, which is crucial to avoid fatigue of
pany pages with 818,000+ followers and your content among the hashtag followers
820 employees to get views, comments, and hence killing success of it, please con- Keep doing this until your
likes, and shares for my posts. nect with me on LinkedIn and let's see how post has 23 million views.
I can help you.
In case you do not have enough people to CONCLUSION
help you, please connect with me on TAKING ACTION
LinkedIn and let's see how I can help you. That’s all that is needed to have millions of
Now that you have everything you need to views from businesspeople to any LinkedIn
LINKEDIN POST HASHTAGS get 23 million views from businesspeople post and I do the same for my posts too.
for your post, it is just a matter of doing it.
This is a very powerful step as the most As we all know from the famous quote: “The
popular hashtags have up to 67 million fol- Combine your PDF document with one of only place success comes before work is in the
lowers and there are over 150 hashtags various visual cover pages you have cre- dictionary.” This is very true – going the ex-
with over 1 million followers. ated, upload it to LinkedIn Post, copy and tra mile truly brings results and is com-
paste your up to 3,050-character post text pletely free.
Unfortunately, hashtags are also very mis- with a maximum of four hashtags, and click
understood - we have probably all seen the post button. In case, you do not have time or resources
LinkedIn posts containing many hashtags to make this happen, please connect with
and some even filled with them. Then, like your post and paste your up to me on LinkedIn and let’s see how I and the
1,250-character long message text as the free The TOP Person Ambassador pro-
LinkedIn Post Algorithm considers that to first message of your post, click the post gram can help you.
be hashtag spam and instead of boosting button, and like it.


See the next article and share your views

on our question by filling out the form at

All decent views with fully completed form fields will be

published in our upcoming magazine and will participate in

our monthly prize draw worth 1,000 euros.

Our magazines are viewed by over 10.2 million monthly business readers and we

have 17.6+ million followers in total. Our articles are created by authors from The

Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Business Insider, BBC, and LinkedIn Influencers.
How to Credibly Present Your Sales Pitch to up to 100,000 Dream Clients
Each Month and Cultivate Them to Buy from You - for Free!

Christian Dillstrom – Global Business Influencer, Royal Strategic Advisor, and Editor-in-Chief of The TOP Person Business Magazine

at why it can be a lucrative social selling content will be low, even if the content
Social selling allows your business to platform. With over 774 million members, is appealing.
easily approach hundreds of thousands LinkedIn is the biggest business social
media globally, and most of the World's 3) Without high volumes, your business's
of its dream clients every month for free. money, businesses, and decision-making social selling won't generate the re-
power belong to its members. sults worth the resources spent on it,
even if the content is appealing and
It will also enable a long sales pitch of Therefore, it can be very profitable for credible.
your business to be properly consumed your business to do social selling on
LinkedIn and other social media. You will generate great results by follow-
by those same dream clients if it is ap- ing these free business influencer instruc-
Unfortunately, only very few companies tions.
pealing and credible enough. Naturally,
are doing effective social selling.
that will multiply your business's sales After all, businesses do things to
Of course, there are many ways to do make as much sales as possible.
social selling, and these ways might be
directed to your dream clients, but most of WHO AM I?
In this article, I shall explain in detail how them lack the required appeal, credibility,
and high volumes to be effective: My name is Christian Dillstrom, and I am a
your business can do very effective social global business influencer, royal strategic
selling for up to 100,00 dream clients 1) Without appeal, your business's dream advisor, and Editor-in-Chief of The TOP
clients will not bother to consume its Person business magazines.
per month – for free. content.
In addition, I am helping a LinkedIn Co-
2) Without credibility, the conversion founder to build LinkedIn 2.0 and I run
Let's take LinkedIn, for example, and look rate of your business' social selling Business Influencer Hub there and I am
also an expert on their Startup Hub.

I have also been a corporate growth hack-

er since 2009 and have growth hacked
over 60% of the top global brands.

My articles about business, sales, market-

ing, growth hacking and business influenc-
ing have had millions of monthly business
readers globally since February 2015
when I started writing LinkedIn Pulse

These days, my content on LinkedIn gets

more than 10 million views a month - so
my advice in this article is about things I
have been doing every day since early

Millions of monthly readers have made my

name and offering known to business
leaders around the World - for free.

My ever-growing personal brand has

made it all possible for me over the last six
years, and interesting offers just keep on
coming in almost every day.


Nothing in the history of the World can

compete with LinkedIn’s money-making

This is because LinkedIn has over 774

million members globally, and most of the
money, businesses, and decision-making
power in the World belong to its members.

Each LinkedIn member also has a very

valuable network of people in their field
and region that you can reach through
their endorsements.

LinkedIn is a fabulous environment to do

business, so it is no wonder that 92% of
B2B marketers surveyed are using
LinkedIn in their marketing mix.

All sales your business needs,

it can find through LinkedIn.

That is why I am talking about LinkedIn in

this article, although almost all these ac-
tions can be applied to other social media
as well.

The Biggest Business Problem

The biggest problem your business has, is

that the right decision makers do not know
its offering or name. Every business has
had this problem since the dawn of time.

We live in an imperfect world;

Therefore, we have imperfect information.
We don't know what the real best choice is 1) APPEAL OF YOUR BUSINESS’S it a chance.
when we make decisions because we don't CONTENT
have complete information to form a com- The next step is to have enough content
prehensive judgment. Without appeal, the dream clients for the reader to believe that your compa-
of your business will not bother ny’s answer to his or her pressing problem
The same applies to all decision to consume its content. is credible.
makers who we would like to
make decisions about us. In reality, only very few people are truly Different expectations between the title
interested in your business or its offering. and the text are paradoxical - it is hard for
Fortunately, this also applies to all other So, forget the sales brochure approach. businesspeople to believe that the prob-
businesses competing with yours for the lem they have not been able to solve can
same opportunities. Instead, everyone is looking for answers to be solved with a few lines of text.
the questions that are holding them or
Social Selling to Rescue their company back. The content of your business just
needs to have a title that lures
Here lies a wonderful opportunity for your Everyone. businesspeople to start reading it.
business - make the decision makers who
are important to your business aware of its Start by defining the dream clients whose Write your business’s content in a journal-
offering and name. needs match with the offering of your istic style because no one really wants to
business, otherwise your company will not

As a result, your business can gain a great get the results it expects. read sales brochures by choice.
competitive advantage over other busi-
nesses to whom they consider offering the Then think about what questions the deci- Any sales brochure can also be written in a
opportunity in question. sion makers of your business’s dream journalistic style as an article, and it can
clients are asking themselves, to which easily deliver the content on a deeper level
Unless the decision makers become aware your business’s offering is an answer. than a sales brochure ever could.
of your business's offering and name, they
have no other choice but to give the op- Format the title of your business’s content I recommend creating a PDF document
portunity to other businesses because so that it is a question: ‘How to…’ , ‘The Best like this article because it gives readers
they are unable to offer it to your compa- Ways to…’or offer a range of solutions to hope for a thorough answer to their im-
ny. that question like ‘The TOP 10 Solutions portant question.
Social selling is the best and Then create up to a 3,050-characters long
free way to make all this happen. This approach promises readers simple and LinkedIn post and up to 1,250-characters
quick answers that everyone is looking for. long message text about the same content.
Next, I shall tell you how to do effective
social selling to spread awareness about The content of your business does not Start with the title in all caps
your business's offering and name so you have to be simple and quick, but unless it to get the attention in the feed.
can win opportunities for it - for free. conveys this expectation to LinkedIn
members, most of them will not even give 2) YOUR COMPANY’S CREDIBILITY
Without credibility, the conversion rate
of social selling content of your business
will be low even if its content is appealing.

Millions of posts are published on LinkedIn

every day, but only few of them receive
more than a dozen engagements or hun-
dreds of views.

That is a big problem because today popu-

larity equals credibility:

• “How credible can this company be since

I do not even know the brand?”

• “How could this business be credible if its

content is not popular?”

• “Why would I click on the content that is

not credible?”

• “Why would I waste my time reading

unpopular content?”

Of course, popularity does not equal cred-

ibility, but none of us can change how
businesspeople think today.

Step #1 to Increase Credibility

Publish your business's content under a

regionally, nationally, or continentally
known and respected brand from the
same geographical area where its dream
clients are located.

Publishing under global business brands

will increase the credibility of your compa-
ny and its content even more.

Awareness of your business's brand is not

enough to make its content credible but
using the credibility of a better-known
brand will also increase the credibility of
your company and its content.

We are all exposed to an endless amount

of content on social media today, and most
of the reactions are to content from well-
known brands instead of to content of
unknow brands or unbranded content.

Perhaps you or the employees of your

company know of suitable brands that
could help your business with this credibil-
ity step.

Another option is to ask what possibilities

the public relations agency your business
uses can offer it and at what price.

I myself use the global The TOP Person

business and influencer magazine, which
receives over 10.2 million views from
business readers on LinkedIn every
The TOP Person magazine provides over The easiest solution is to ask the employ- Without high volumes, your company's
600 different localized and great visual ees of your company, your friends and social selling will not generate the results
cover pages for my PDF documents. network to support the posts of your worth the resources spent on it, even if
business. your company's content is appealing and
Big images, colors, different feels, credible.
and styles are very helpful. Employees are 14 times more likely to
engage with content from their employers Presenting your business's appealing and
LinkedIn shows visual PDF cover pages than other types of content on LinkedIn. credible content to up to 100,000 decision
very appealingly in feeds, and this atten- makers of your dream clients means high
tion is the first crucial step in getting views Your company's employees are volumes for most businesses.
for your company's content, not just cred- an important part of your company's
ibility. LinkedIn marketing strategy. In case high volumes are even more than
that for your company, please contact me
In case your business is not able to get My solution is The TOP Person Ambassa- for revised instructions as there is no
help from brands it knows or is not happy dor program, where I can request support upper limit to volumes, only new ap-
with the choices its public relations agency from 2,700+ fellow ambassadors with proaches to handle them.
offers to it, please connect with me on

LinkedIn and let's see how I can help your over 17.5 million followers in total. Finding names and email addresses of
business. decision makers of your company's dream
In addition, I can use 612 The TOP Person clients is easy and inexpensive these days,
Step #2 to Increase Credibility LinkedIn Company pages with 818,000+ as there are hundreds of different service
followers and 820 employees to get views, providers worldwide that can help your
comments, likes, and shares for my posts. business with this issue.
The number of engagements a LinkedIn
post has received is the naked truth about
its popularity. In case your business does not have Your company may already have them in
enough people to help it, or it is taking its marketing database, and you should not
your business too much time to organize forget about your company's existing
There are no excuses that would clients.
explain the missing likes and comments. them to do the required tasks, please
connect with me on LinkedIn and let's see
how I can help. Sending high volumes of email is also very
Today, popularity equals credibility in the easy and cheap today, as there are many
minds of businesspeople, and we cannot very affordable email service providers.
change what is going on in their minds. 3) HIGH VOLUMES
Alternatively, your business can send
emails from its employees' email clients in
smaller batches.

I recommend the following two-phase

actions to achieve sufficient stickiness in
high-volume social selling campaigns.

High volumes alone do not matter unless

the actions are sticky enough.

Phase #1 to Increase Stickiness

Start by sending an email to targeted

decision makers and asking them to give
feedback on your company's content and
add the feedback received to the end of
your company's content.

If the content of your business is targeting

the decision makers of correct dream
clients, they will be delighted to receive an
email about it.

Asking for feedback on your company's

content is harmless because it does not
sell anything, and people feel appreciated
when someone asks for their opinion.

The best benefit of asking for feedback on

your company's content is that most of the
decision makers of your business's dream
clients will read the content to decide
whether to bother writing feedback on it.

This is a good way to get decision makers

of dream clients of your business
to consume its content.

Naturally, collecting feedback manually

takes time, and doing it without known
brand will drop your conversion rate.

Your business can try to increase its con-

version rate by offering some kind of prize
draw among the participants.

Personally, I am doing this under a global

business and influencer magazine The
TOP Person, which, in addition to the
brand, also has an online tool that makes it
easy to collect feedback from millions of

Their tool also makes it easy for people to

re-edit their feedback and then publish
their feedback at the end of the article.

People also like to participate because

they receive free visibility in front of 10.2
million monthly readers of The TOP Per-
son business and influencer magazine.

In addition, they offer a monthly prize

draw worth €1,000 among the partici-

If this takes too much time for your com-

pany, please connect with me on LinkedIn and winning the prize. THE NEXT CAMPAIGN
and let's see how I can help your business.
Once the article with all the feedback Since your business already has a large
Phase #2 to Increase Stickiness received has been published in The TOP database of target dream clients, all you
Person magazine, The TOP Person will need to do is write a new article that co-
Publish your business's content with feed- send the participants a final email with vers the same topic from a different angle
back on your LinkedIn profile or on your links to download the magazine and the to run your company's next campaign.
business's LinkedIn Company Page. article excerpt with the feedbacks.
If you clean your company's database of
Then send the people who provided feed- As a result, the participants can share the bounced email addresses and those that
back an email with the URL of your com- magazine and the article excerpt with do not want to receive further emails, your
pany's published content and ask them to feedback on their social media if they wish. business can keep running these cam-
comment, like, and share it as a final step paigns forever.
to enter the prize draw. Many of them will do that.
Campaign after campaign, you will culti-
This is social selling at its best, as each SOCIAL SELLING RESULTS vate the decision makers of your busi-
participant who will engage with your ness's dream clients to see the benefits of
business's published content will endorse what your company has to the offer.
If you have properly defined your compa-
it and spread its content in their networks. ny's dream clients and its content can
properly answer the questions your dream Keep on emailing even those who have
Of course, many people in the participant’s clients' decision makers are constantly already bought from your business, as you
network will also engage with your com- asking themselves, they will want to talk to are not only targeting them, but also all
pany's published content and thus spread your company. other potential buyers in their networks.
it with their endorsement throughout
their networks. Remember, your company's biggest busi- CONCLUSION
ness problem is that the right decision
Social selling done right will spread your makers do not know its offering or name. This is an effective, high volume, repetitive
company's content and brand to millions and free social selling method that will
of people with an endorsement from peo- If you make them aware of this and your generate hot sales leads for your sales
ple they know, for free. company is credible and its offer is a solu- organization to close.
tion for them, your company will make
Again, I use The TOP Person because their sales - there is no doubt about that. In case your business does not have time
online tool will email everyone who has or resources to make this happen, please
left feedback. Your company's sales organization starts connect with me on LinkedIn and let’s see
closing sales with the decision makers who how I and the free The TOP Person Am-
It will also remind them that engaging with already know the company and its offer- bassador program can help you.
the published content is the final step to ing, and who find both credible and capa-
getting into The TOP Person magazine ble of solving their big problem.
"The biggest
problem you
and I have is
that the right
decision makers
do not know
our offering
or name."

We will help
you to solve that
problem for free.

The TOP Person

The TOP Person Charity and Magazine

The TOP Person is a global charity with a mission to help people and other charities and organizations to further
themselves for free. Our method of helping is to multiply the visibility of one's content in social media and to
increase one’s influence. The TOP Person was founded in January 2020 to further this mission.


Our main route to helping is to aid other charities. We are • We have developed a platform that utilizes the post
currently helping dozens of other charities and we are algorithms of several social media optimally.
talking with many more. • Ambassadors can earn up to 612 times more ability to
endorse any LinkedIn post than a regular LinkedIn user.
Together, these charities are associated with several • In addition, our platform is easy to use and offers
million people, so hopefully, we will keep on reaching our rewarding gamification, peer support, networking
annual goal of helping one million people. functions and popular, high-quality content to share.
AMBASSADOR ROUTE • Our content is written by authors from The Wall Street
Journal, Forbes, Business Insider business magazines,
Another route to help is our free Ambassador Program, BBC, LinkedIn Influencers & TopVoices, and TEDtalk.
which any person with a filled LinkedIn profile and decent • We are totally transparent, as all our actions take place
LinkedIn behavior can join. Ambassadors will receive many on social media, where everything is public.
benefits, and everything is voluntary in our program. • Our program is free, and The TOP Person is fully
funded, so we are not asking for donations.
RESULTS OF OUR AMBASSADOR PROGRAM • In addition, everything in our free program is voluntary
- each ambassador is free to choose what they do to
So far, we have had quite good results:
support their brand or cause.
• We have 2,700+ ambassadors with over 17.5 million
followers in total from 127 countries using 612 our
These are the reasons why we attract ambassadors and
local LinkedIn Company pages (October 15th 2021)
why they are so strongly committed to supporting each
• Our The TOP Person business and influencer magazine
is viewed by 10.2+ million business readers per month.
• The most popular post by our ambassador received The TOP Person Ambassador program is an easy and
over 23.4 million views. supported route to becoming a business influencer.
• Multiple posts of our ambassadors are every single day
among top 1% most engaged post in LinkedIn. Connect with our Editor-in-Chief Christian Dillstrom on
• The TOP Person Ambassadors have engaged over 24.4 LinkedIn to join the free The TOP Person Ambassador
million times since July 2020 to support their peers. program in which everything is voluntary.

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