Abstract of Proper Eng

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PT Badak NGL Efforts on Environmental Management Performance

Improvement (PROPER)

Yuli Gunawan
SE&EC Section
SHE-Q Department


Refer to Decree of Environmental Ministry No. 7/2008/”Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan

Hidup Nomor 7 Tahun 2008” which states that implementation of Grading Program/“Program
Peringkat (PROPER)” in environmental company performance is conducted to any companies
that has major impact to environment, export oriented and/or has products that in direct contact
with society also to public companies. The purpose of PROPER is to enforce the performance
improvement of companies in environmental management through distributed information of
company compliance performance in environmental management. The satisfactory achievement
level of company environmental management performance will increase its reputation and

PROPER assessment is based on a company performance in complying with related statutory

regulations which is mandatory and compliance with optional or yet obligatory regulations which
will show the beyond-compliance performance such as implementation of Environmental
Management System, conservation and utilization of natural resources and activities on
Corporate Social Responsibility.

On PROPER Audit in 2009, PT Badak NGL has awarded with Green Category which scored
293. Current process of PROPER Audit in 2010 has entered field verification phase which was
conducted on 13-14 April 2010. On the minutes of audit it is stated that several recommendations
need to be followed up such as efforts on reducing flared gas and reviews on CO 2 venting,
calculation of the quantity of CO2 reduction, attempts conducted in energy saving, improvement
on hazardous waste warehouse management and Community Development evaluation.

According to PROPER assessment result of PT Badak NGL in 2009, there is an open

opportunity to increase the score such as by:
1. Improving efforts in waste and natural resources utilization such as through conservation
program of water and energy, reduction of fugitive emission and greenhouse gases, reduction
and reuse of waste as well as non hazardous solid waste management.
2. Improving Community Development Program through well-organized and structured of the
program, motivating society to be more independent and achievement of acknowledgement
for CSR Program.

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