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AI-based Noorani Qaida for Kids

Project Domain / Category

Android Application

Abstract / Introduction
Speech recognition technology allows computers to take spoken audio, interpret it, and
generate text from it. Speech recognition and speech-to-text programs have a number of
applications for users with and without disabilities. New technological advancements have
fueled innovation in many well-known customer service industry applications.

We've all used voice recognition technologies in our daily lives, often without even realizing it:
automated phone menus and directories, voice-activated dialing on our cell phones, and
integrated voice commands on smartphones, to name a few. It can be used in the education
sector to get better learning outcomes.

We are proposing an AI-based noorani qaida for kids to learn the basics of recitation of the
Holy Quran. The system will be used to detect mistakes of the student and give them time to
correct them. Parents can monitor students' progress.

This app will take the user's speech as input and check whether he is reciting it correctly or
not. The system will keep track of the user's performance.

AI based speech recognition and NLP will be used to implement this application. The system
will be able to save the expert's speech, and when the student records his or her voice for
learning, the system will compare the two speeches and provide feedback.

Functional Requirements:

1. Users must be able to sign up for the system.

2. The user must be able to access the system.
3. The system shall apply all the validations to the data provided at the time of
4. The system must be able to provide the text of the Noorani Qaida.
5. The system must be able to record the user's audio using speech recognition
6. Using natural language processing techniques, the system must be able to recognize
the user's speech.
7. The system must feed data from the instructor. It shall be trained on a 3-step AI
technique, i.e., training, validation, and testing.
8. The system shall be able to follow and analyses the audio, break it into parts, digitize it
into a computer-readable format; and use an algorithm to match it to the most
suitable text representation.
9. The system must be capable of highlighting the text that the user is speaking.
10. The system should be able to highlight the error in various colors.
11. The system must be able to track the user's progress.
12. The system must be able to provide progress based on comparison.
13. The system must be able to provide feedback based on the student's voice audio.
Android Studio or any technology of your choice.

Note: Kindly read the proposal carefully and decide if you have completely understood the
project requirements before selecting the project. Please feel free to discuss any project-
related questions before selecting it.
The supervisor or university is not obligated to provide any paid project development

Name: Hina Rafique
Email ID:
Skype ID:
NLP based Duplicate Bug Report Detection using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms
Project Domain / Category
AI/Machine Learning/Prototype base

Abstract / Introduction
A bug report is a technical document that contains all the necessary information about the
bug and the conditions under which it can be reproduced. It is a guide for the developers and
the team engaged in fixing the bug. Bug reports are the primary means through which
developers triage and fix bugs. To achieve this effectively, bug reports need to clearly
describe those features that are important for the developers. However, previous studies
have found that reporters do not always provide such features.

Our objective in this project is to Classify such bug reports using machine learning models on
the given dataset. Natural language processing (NLP) is the ability of a computer program to
understand human language as it is spoken and written referred to as natural language.
Natural language processing uses artificial intelligence to take real-world input, process it,
and make sense of it in a way a computer can understand. NLP perform data preprocessing
(Tokenization, Stop word removal, Lemmatization, etc…) which involves clearing textual data
for machine to be able to analyze it. To classify the duplicate bug reports we use machine
learning algorithms such as Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine and Random Forest.

This project is easy and interesting but requires in depth study of machine learning, natural
language processing techniques. The following link may help you better understand:

Text Classification Tutorial:


Functional Requirements:
The following are the functional requirements of the project:
1. System must be set the environment online/offline (If Required)
2. System apply different data processing techniques (Tokenization, Stop word removal,
Lemmatization, etc…)
3. System must Build Corpus
4. System must be split the given dataset into testing and training.
5. System must trained the specified model.
6. User must be evaluate mentioned models in the form of Confusion Matrix, Accuracy,
Precision, Recall
7. User must be discussed the results of given algorithms ( Naïve Bayes, Support Vector
Machine, Random Forest)
8. User must retrained the model if accuracy is not good (less than 60%) by changing
different training parameters (If Required)
● Language: Python (Only python language)
● IDE: JupyterNotebook, Google Colab, Pycharm, Spyder, etc…

Name: Sadeem Ahmad Nafees
Email ID:
Skype ID: sadeem889
Educational Chatbot (Rasa NLU-Rasa Core)

Project Domain / Category

Web Application, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Abstract / Introduction
In online educational system, students need answers related to their queries about
programming courses urgently. So it is required to have a chatbot in each course that could
answer queries related to course material from its intelligence. For such type of chatbot,
there must be an automated system behind it, that works like a brain of teacher and give
correct answers. Python is a high level programming language, that is taught as introductory
courses of programming at undergraduate level of Computer Science and Information
Technology universities. Students of this projects are required to build this chatbot as a web
application that could answers students queries related to their course theoretically. Coding
examples are not required at this level.

Functional Requirements:
1. Chatbot Interface:
Students will build a GUI( Graphical User Interface) which shows interface like given in
screen shot here.

Answers to queries should be correct according to the fundamentals and its accuracy must
be mentioned.
Rasa framework is to use Rasa NLU (Natural language understanding), Rasa Core and other
features of Rasa for classification, training and testing model.
Visit this website for complete documentation and designing and logic's for Rasa models..

2. User Role
User will write his/her query in chatbot about C++ concepts theoretically and will get reply
from chatbot in this chatbot.

3. Chatbot Role
Chatbot will get the message from input box and builds Rasa NLU and Rasa Core models
and pretrain these models to pick correct reply for this input and then perform test to
know accuracy of models. Then answer the query of user by getting correct answer from
back-end Rasa models.
4. Building of Chatbot
a) Training
Take 70% of data for training.
Write complete code in python from scratch.
Write all the methods used for training like tokenizer, entity extractor,
classifier etc and train the model.Also include required libraries to use
those methods.
Check accuracy of the model.
b) Testing
Take 30% of remaining data for testing of models.
Check accuracy of the model.
c) Execution
Build front end of chatbot using any tool of GUI and attach it with back-end. User
will ask questions and chatbot will reply answers using this front end.
Supporting material:
1. Take data for training and testing only from mentioned chapters of given book
(download from given link)

Chapter No. Title.........................................……………………Page No

Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming........................................... 69
Chapter 1. Introduction to Programming........................................... 69
Chapter 2. Primitive Types and Variables ........................................ 111
Chapter 3. Operators and Expressions ............................................. 139
Chapter 4. Console Input and Output .............................................. 165
Chapter 5. Conditional Statements .................................................. 195
Chapter 6. Loops ............................................................................. 211
Chapter 7. Arrays ............................................................................ 235
Chapter 8. Numeral Systems ........................................................... 265
Chapter 9. Methods ......................................................................... 293
Chapter 11. Creating and Using Objects .......................................... 385
Chapter 12. Exception Handling ...................................................... 415
Chapter 13. Strings and Text Processing ......................................... 457
Chapter 14. Defining Classes ........................................................... 499
Chapter 16. Linear Data Structures ................................................. 641
Chapter 20. Object-Oriented Programming Principles ..................... 807
Chapter 21. High-Quality Programming Code .................................. 853

2. Build Chatbot Using Rasa in Python
Watch above given video to understand how Rasa chatbot is configured, work and
execute.Which algorithms are used for tokenization , featurization, entity extraction,
classification and further processing.
3. Helping Book to understand Python, Chatbot, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Rasa Frame work(Rasa NLU, Rasa Core)
Tensor flow library
Python language,
HMTL, CSS and any styling tools for GUI

Name: Neelam Alam
Email ID:
Skype ID: neelam-cs
Higher Education Students Performance Evaluation using Supervised Machine Learning
Project Domain / Category
AI/Machine Learning/Prototype base

Abstract / Introduction
Most of the countries place significant emphasis on education to accelerate their growth. The
student's performance before entering the exams or taking the course is also consistent with
the fact that well-educated people benefit their countries more. To improve individual
student performance and meet this goal, the quality of education must improve in the
current term. Students' personal information, educational preferences and family history are
some of the key indicators. Our objective in this project is to evaluate the higher education
student’s performance using supervised Machine Learning algorithms(Decision trees,
Artificial Neural Networks, and Support Vector Machine ) on the given dataset.

This project is easy and interesting but requires in depth study of data mining and machine
learning techniques.

Functional Requirements:
The following are the functional requirements of the project:
1. System must be set the environment online/offline (If Required)
2. System apply different data processing techniques (Data Normalization, Missing value
imputation, Data Transformation, etc…)
3. System must be split the given dataset into testing and training.
4. System must trained the specified model.
5. User must be evaluate mentioned models in the form of Confusion Matrix, Accuracy,
Precision, Recall
6. User must be discussed the results of given algorithms ( Decision trees, Artificial Neural
Networks, and Support Vector Machine).
7. User must retrained the model if accuracy is not good (less than 60%) by changing
different training parameters (If Required)
● Language: Python (Only python language)
● IDE: JupyterNotebook, Google Colab, Pycharm, Spyder, etc.
Name: Talha Mahboob Alam
Email ID:
Skype ID: talhamahboob95
Implementation of Deep Learning Approach for Detection and Prediction of Breast Cancer

Project Domain / Category

Artificial Intelligence: Deep learning


Early detection and prediction of medical problems can save the life of human beings. It is
complicated and expensive to detect on manual basis detection regularly by domain experts
and it will not give accurate predictions. Artificial intelligence techniques are the better
approach to automatic cancer disease detection and diagnosis with highly accurate results.
Breast cancer is an important factor affecting women's health. The program will be
implemented to detect and predict breast cancer diseases by using deep learning methods
such as the classification of normal, benign, and malignant tissues. In this system, it will be
considered requirements that utilize breast cancer images repository datasets for

Functional Requirements:

1. There are seven major tasks you will typically perform when developing a system.
Tasks (2-7) should be implemented while developing the system.

i. Task 1: Select the image datasets of breast cancer disease.

ii. Task 2: Image Data Analysis and Pte-processing

iii. Task 3: Feature Extraction

iv. Task 4: Detection

v. Task 5: Build system
vi. Task 6: Test System

vii. Task 7: Tune System

2. The program should have a knowledge-based system according to select image data.

3. The program should have the deep learning approach to execute model for detection.
4. The program should evaluate the performance and update knowledge based on the

Note: Skype sessions must be attended to communicate with the supervisor about deep
learning methods and dataset's discussion otherwise project will not be accepted.

Tools/language: Python programming language,

Advanced libraries: Keras, OpenCV, NumPy, Pillow, SciPy, and TensorFlow etc
DataSet: Datasets details will be provided by Skype sessions.

Prerequisite: For Deep Learning Concepts, students will have to cover a short course
relevant to the mentioned concepts besides SRS and design initial documentation. It will also
be provided course links during Skype sessions.

Name: Dr. Saima Munawar
Email ID:
Skype ID: saima.vu1
Media Forensics: Identifying Manipulated Unstructured Data using Deep Learning
Project Domain / Category
AI/Deep Learning/Machine Learning (web-based)

Abstract / Introduction
The manipulated or fake content is spreading enormously over media. It is challenging to
identify the real media due to the high quality of manipulated content. These manipulated or
fake contents can be in any form like; fake news, swapped faces, fake audio/video etc. It
needs time to identify the real from manipulated content as it creates false defamation of
any politician or celebrity. This field of detection is known as Video Forensics. Our project is
to identify such manipulated unstructured data like images, videos or text by applying
AI/deep learning techniques from a dataset that will be provided by the supervisor.

This is indeed a very interesting project but requires in depth study of deep learning, neural
networks. The following links may help you better understand:

Deep Learning Tutorial:
Deepfake Tutorial:
Media Forensics:

Functional Requirements:
The following are the functional requirements of the project:
1 The application/software must download the given Dataset that contains the database
of real and manipulated unstructured data like images or videos.
2 The system must consist of a neural network model that contains hidden layers for the
media forensics.
3 Whenever, any image or video is given as an input into the detection system, it
identifies as real or fake as output.
4 The system must be able to detect the swapped fake faces and/or swapped audio in
manipulated content.

● Python (programming language)
● Keras (API), Tensorflow (open source software library for machine learning)
● Jupyter Notebook (open source web application), Matplotlib (library), Numpy (library
for the python)

Name: Sonia Salman
Email ID:
Skype ID: sonia_salman
Movie Recommendation System

Project Domain / Category

Data Science/Machine Learning


There are thousands of movies available on the internet. Some time the user does not get to
search the exact movie according to his taste. So we need to develop a model which can
recommend the movies to the user based on his previous interests. First you need to know
the about user’s age, region and taste in order to recommend the movie having higher
chances of getting view from the user.

According to the model a user can receive recommendations for those items that he/she has
not rated before, but that have been already positively rated by users in his/her
neighborhood It is based on the core assumption that users who have expressed similar
interests in the past will share common interests in the future.

In this model we shall be using collaborative filtering. This model shall be analyzing large
amount of information depicting user behavior and preferences to be used to predict what
the user is going to do w.r.t the similarity with other users. Collaborative filtering is divided
into three steps

 Develop a user model

 Find the similarities
 Generate recommendation

Functional Requirements:

There are eight major tasks you will typically perform when developing a system. Tasks (b-i)
should be implemented iteratively while developing the system.

a) Define the problem and select the dataset(s) of movies

b) Movie Data Analysis and Pre-processing
c) Feature Extraction
d) User Model Development
e) Find similarities in users with with the help of Nearest Neighbours
f) Generate Recommendations
g) Build system
h) Test System
i) Tune System

The program should have the machine learning approach to execute model detection.
First we need to download the dateset of movies in order to build and train our model. Data
can be downloaded from:
Use 100k rating files for this model

Jupyter Notebook

Name: Muhammad Kaleemullah
Email ID:
Skype ID: kaleembhatti561
Mushroom Fungi Classification Using Machine Learning

Project Domain / Category

Data Science/Machine Learning/Information Retrieval

Abstract / Introduction
Mushrooms are the eatable fungi that can be found extensively in a variety of natural
environments and visual identification of mushroom species is well established. Some
mushrooms are known because of their nutritional and therapeutical properties. Some
species are known all over the world because of their toxicity that causes fatal accidents
every year mainly due to misidentification, Therefore, classification of mushrooms is
becoming a major issue.
In this project, student will classify the mushrooms, which features spell certain death, and
which makes them edible and find accuracy by applying appropriate machine learning
techniques (such as Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, and Random Forest etc.) to given
datasets. Student will also compare which technique is best for classification and why. The
outcomes of this analysis will benefit the both the researchers and food industries in
selecting the right ones.

Functional Requirements:
Administrator will perform all these tasks.
1. Data-Collection
 For this project, student can collect data from Kaggle platform for the classification
of mushrooms. Data set must contain at least 2000 records. The data set is shared
in the link below for the idea.
2. Pre-processing
 As most of the data in the real world are incomplete containing noisy and missing
values. Therefore, student have to apply pre-processing on your data. In pre-
processing, student will normalize the data set, remove duplicate values, handle
outliers and missing values.
3. Train & Test Data
 Split data into 70% training and 30% testing data sets.
4. Machine learning Techniques
 Student must use at least tree classifiers/models (e.g. Logistic Regression, Decision
Tree, Random Forest Tree and Naïve Bayes etc) of machine learning
5. Confusion Matrix
 Create a confusion matrix table to describe the performance of a classification
6. Accuracy Evaluation
 Find the accuracy of all techniques and compare their accuracy.
 This project will also tell us which machine learning technique is better to classify

 Anaconda (Python distribution platform)
 Spyder / Jupiter Notebook(Open source web application)
 Python (programming language)
 Machine Learning (Technique)

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing Concepts,
"Students will cover a short course relevant to the mentioned concepts besides SRS and
Design initial documentation or see the links below."

Helping Material
Machine Learning Techniques:


Name: Hina Ishaq
Email ID:
Skype ID: hinaishaq1011
Offensive Language Detection using Machine Learning

Project Domain / Category

Data Science/Machine Learning/Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
Offensive language is the offense of using language in a manner that is likely to cause offense
to a reasonable person in, near, or within hearing or sight of a public place. It consists of
behavior, intended to hurt a person's feelings, or to cause anger or resentment, or hatred.

As we live in an age of technology where most of us have easy access to the Internet. Due to
the increasing use of the Internet, the use of social media, especially for communication, has
increased dramatically in recent years. But this advancement also opens the door to trolls
who poison social media and forums with their abusive behavior toward other. Therefore,
detection of abusive language online is becoming a major issue.

In this project, student will detect offensive language and find accuracy by applying
appropriate machine learning techniques (such as SVM, Tree and Random, etc.) to offensive
language comment datasets. Students will also compare which technique is best for
Offensive Language Detection and why.

Functional Requirements:
Admin will perform all these (Functional Requirements) tasks.
1. Data-Collection
 For this project, student will collect data from any social media platform (such as
YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram) to detect offensive language. Data set
must contain at least 2000 comments. The data set is shared in the link below for
the idea.
2. Pre-Processing
 As most of the data in the real world are incomplete containing noisy and missing
values. Therefore student have to apply pre-processing on data. In pre-processing,
student will normalize the data set, handle stop words, missing values, and noise &
outliers, and remove duplicate values.
3. Feature Extraction
 After the pre-processing step, student will apply the feature extraction method.
Student can use Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), Uni-Gram
(1-Gram), Bi-Grams (2-Grams), Tri-Grams (3-Grams), or N-Grams feature extraction
4. Train & Test Data
 Split data into 66% training and 34% testing data sets.
5. Machine learning Techniques
 Student must use at least tree classifiers/models (e.g. Naïve Bayes, Naïve Bayes
Multinomial, Poly Kernel, RBF Kernel, Decision Tree, Random Tree and Random
Forest Tree) of tree different machine learning techniques/algorithms.

6. Confusion Matrix
 Create a confusion matrix table to describe the performance of a classification
7. Accuracy Evaluation
 Find the accuracy of all techniques and compare their accuracy.
 This project will also tell us which machine learning technique is better to detect
offensive language.
 Anaconda (Python distribution platform)
 Jupiter Notebook (Open source web application)
 Python (programming language)
 Machine Learning (Technique)

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing Concepts,
"Students will cover a short course relevant to the mentioned concepts besides SRS and
Design initial documentation or see the links below."

Helping Material
Machine Learning Techniques:
Feature Extraction Method:


Name: Tayyab Waqar
Email ID:
Skype ID: maliktayyab786_1
Analysis of Global Food Crisis

Project Domain / Category

Information Mining and Retrieval.


Project Introduction:
The world faces a global hunger crisis of unprecedented proportions. In just few years, the
number of people facing, or at risk of, acute food insecurity increased from 135 million in 53
countries pre-pandemic, to 345 million in 82 countries today. For the analysis of global food
crisis, you have to process the kaggle dataset containing information about food prices, meat
prices, dairy prices, cereal prices, oil prices, and sugar prices. This data is of utmost
importance to researchers as it will help inform their work on finding solutions to this
potential crisis.

You have to implement the latest AI algorithms for achieving the highest accuracy and
precision for this issue. The famous AI algorithms are Naive Bayes, Apriori, Association Rule
Mining, Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines, Logistic Regression, C4.5, CART, CNN,
RSNET and many more. You must know the valid reasons for choosing specific algorithms
over others according to the data needs.

Domain Introduction:
The project is related to the information mining and retrieval. An algorithm in this area is a
set of heuristics and calculations that creates a model from data. To create a model, the
algorithm first analyzes the data you provide, looking for specific types of patterns or trends.
The algorithm uses the results of this analysis over many iterations to find the optimal
parameters for creating the mining model. These parameters are then applied across the
entire data set to extract actionable patterns and detailed statistics.

Choosing Right Algorithms:

Choosing the best algorithm to use for a specific analytical task can be a challenge. While you
can use different algorithms to perform the same task, each algorithm produces a different
result, and some algorithms can produce more than one type of result. For example, you can
use the Decision Trees algorithm not only for prediction, but also as a way to reduce the
number of columns in a dataset, because the decision tree can identify columns that do not
affect the final mining model. There is no reason that you should be limited to one algorithm
in your solutions. Experienced analysts will sometimes use one algorithm to determine the
most effective inputs (that is, variables), and then apply a different algorithm to predict a
specific outcome based on that data. Data Mining lets you build multiple models on a single
mining structure, so within a single data mining solution you could use a clustering algorithm,
a decision trees model, and a Naïve Bayes model to get different views on your data. You
might also use multiple algorithms within a single solution to perform separate tasks: for
example, you could use regression to obtain financial forecasts, and use a neural network
algorithm to perform an analysis of factors that influence forecasts.
Functional Requirements:
Your system must fulfill the following requirements:
1. Find the general trend in food prices over time.
2. Analyse the significant relationship between different food prices.
3. Analyse the impact of increased oil prices on the prices of other food items.
4. Estimate the economic impact of a potential global food crisis over time.
5. Develop policies to mitigate the impact of a potential global food crisis.


The following tools can be used for developing the above project:
 Anaconda
 Numpy
 Jupiter Lab.

Dataset Download Link:

You can download the dataset from:


Name: Anum Liaquat
Email ID:
Skype ID: anumliaqat1989
Real time system for predicting Monkey Pox Disease Using Machine and Deep learning

Project Domain / Category

Artificial Intelligence + Desktop/Web Based Application

Abstract / Introduction
Monkey pox is an infectious disease caused by the monkey pox virus that can occur in certain
animals, including humans. Symptoms begin with fever, headache, muscle pains, swollen
lymph nodes, and feeling tired. An ongoing outbreak of monkey pox was confirmed on 6 May
2022, beginning with a British resident who, after traveling to Nigeria (where the disease is
endemic), presented symptoms consistent with monkey pox on 29 April 2022. The resident
returned to the United Kingdom on 4 May, creating the country's index case of the
outbreak.In this project, Students are required to create a real-time system to classify
monkey pox disease using the Monkey-Pox PATIENTS Dataset. The dataset link has been
shared below from which students can download it by visiting it.
The system will consist of Two Modules. Each module will have its own set of requirements.
In order to complete this project students are required to complete all the requirements of
each module.

Note: To select this project, the students must know the pre-requisite required for the
project selection. If any student wants to select this project without any prior basic
knowledge of Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning, he/she must complete the resources
and the tutorials mentioned in the pre-requisite section in parallel to SRS and Design
Document Submission.

Functional Requirements:

Module 1:

 The system will first Import the dataset.

 System will display the summary statistics, trends, patterns and insights on the data
visually by performing the EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis).
 After performing the EDA system will preprocess the data.
 System will Split the data into train and test.
 System will use a Supervised/Unsupervised based Machine and deep learning
algorithm to train the data.
o System needs to use any 4 machine learning algorithm as per his/her choice for
o System needs to use any 2 deep learning algorithms as per his/her choice for

 After the training process ends, system will evaluate the trained model on the test
 System will generate a confusion matrix to assess the errors in the train model.
 System will save the model for future use.
Module 2:

 System will provide the user an Interface window. Students can create the interface
window any GUI Python Library or a Web page using any python web framework like
Django or Flask etc.
 System will integrate the trained model from module 1 into the module 2.
 The interface should provide the user an option to interact with the system, by first
entering his/her symptoms, and predicting whether the user has monkey pox disease.

 Students need to have understanding of the CS607 (Artificial Intelligence) course.
 Students also need to have basic understanding of the Machine learning techniques.
 Students can learn Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques from the
following links:
Python Tutorials:

EDA Tutorials:
Machine Learning Tutorials:
Deep learning Tutorials:




Language: Python (Only python language)
Framework: Anaconda, Tkinter, PyQt5, Django,Flask, etc.
IDE: JupyterNotebook, Colab, Pycharm, Spyder, Visual Studio Code, etc.

Name: Saad Ahmed
Email ID:
Skype ID: saad.ahmed993
Smart Fodder and Water Dispensing Application for Animals using NN

Project Domain / Category

Artificial Intelligence /Mobile App

Abstract / Introduction
This application is based on neural networks artificial intelligence technique by using Arduino
kit. It can feed food even without the presence of owner. Advantages of this system are: It
overcomes overfeeding problem and also avoids the wastage of food. It gives a refill alert to
the owner. Helps to save fodder and water from wastage and provides the fresh stuff to the
animals which provide assistance to enhance healthy livestock production. The project will
consist of an Arduino nano kit,a motion sensor, servo motor as hardware devices and use
android and python programing languages for software development.

Functional Requirements:
The following are the functional requirements of the project:
Owner Module:
 Receive a notifition from sensor about the pot is empty.
 After fill at certain level, the sensor alerts the owner to stop filling.
 Get reports about food consume on daily/weekly basis.
System module:
System consists of hardware and software modules
1. Hardware:
 The System must have hardware that should include a PIR motion sensor module
(more details can be found here:
 The Motion sensor device must sense the motion of animal object within the valid
range of sensing area.
 A system must have functionality that fodder pot must be moved towards animal
using Servo Motor aquatically
A system must reflecting the feature that after eating when animal moves back, the sensor
detect its motion and command to servo motor to take back the fodder pot automatically.
2. Software:
 Develop a signal analysis algorithms using artificial neural networks for filling the
water and fodder pot. After receiving a message sent through a sensors on synching
by the animal. .
 A system must have functionality where sensor should send a message to android
device using wi-fi connectivity each time when fodder pot moves towards animal and
moves back from animal.
 A System must generate a notification alert on android mobile phone automatically,
upon receiving a message from sensors.
 Android programing needed android Studio and develop an APK file which will be
installed in owner’s android device
 System requires Python code using Pycharm software to program the Arduino kit.

 Arduino Kit (e.g., Arduino Nano R3) or any other Single Board Processor (you may
purchase from here:
 PIR sensor module can be purchased from any source (Like:
 Servo Motor can be purchased from here:
 PyCharm (IDE for Python coding)
 Android Studio (IDE for Android coding)

Helping Material:
For coding in Android Studio and Pycharm you may visit the following links for learning

The links are given below to understand the Arduino nano kit functionality.

Note: Virtual University will not provide any type of hardware and any kind of assistance for
purchasing libraries, toolkits or paid software. Students have to arrange on their own if
required for the project.

Name: Imtiaz Bibi
Email ID:
Skype ID: imtiaz.mavra

Project Domain / Category

Desktop Application

Abstract / Introduction

The project on “GarmentsZone” is aimed to manage the details of Products, Sale, Stock,
Purchase and Date Wise Sale. It will be a windows-based application which has been
developed to make all the operations fast and easy. It is one of latest productivity
enhancement tools used widely by most Garments stores wherever there is a need of making
complete atomization of manual system to computerized system.

It also manages all information about the Vendors, Sales Man and its Reporting. The project
is totally built at administrator and user end of things. Only the administrator is guaranteed
to have full control on the application. It provides search facility such as searching for Stock,
Products and Vendors/Company. It tracks all records of Garments clothes and Vendor

It stores all information about staff to a secure database. It also generates reports. We can
add, delete and update, the records easily. It can generate Vendor report. It manages all
information of Customer Record. We can easily generate Invoice and take print for Customer.
The main objective of developing this system is to help Sale operator to manage their stock in
a systematic and efficient way.

Functional Requirements:

Following are the functional requirements, you have to fulfil for this project.

1. The proposed application should have two modules. Admin module and User module.
2. Further application should have following Interfaces. (i) User Registration (ii)
Dashboard (iii) Stock Details (iv) Purchase Items (v) Sale Items Records (vi) Invoice
(vii) Vendor Details (viii) Daily, Monthly and Annually Sale Report (ix) Stock Items
(x) Max sold out product List (xi) List of Items which are low in quantity or out of stock.
3. Admin have access to control all components of application but user can access
limited components of application. Admin can create a new user and can assign login
credentials to any user.
4. When the user or admin open the application using login credentials their username
will be displayed on the dashboard.
5. User can add the products into the stock.
6. User can maintain the records of purchase items.
7. User can generate and print the invoice of sale items.
8. Whenever the user or admin add any entry or generate invoice, entry will save in
database with name of respective user.
9. User have access to search the product and any sale details.
10. User can’t modify or delete the sale records from database, only admin can do this.
11. When user sale out any product it must be deducted from the stock details.

Visual Studio(13 or any other above version of VS) with .NET Framework, SQL server, Crystal
Reports or Visual Studio RDLC Reports.

Programming Language
C# with Window Forms.

Name: Muhammad Hashir Khan
Email ID:
Skype ID: hashir.khan9996

Project Domain / Category

Desktop Application

PC Techs Management System elaborates the basic concept for adding and generating
Computer/Laptop components detail. These Computer/Laptop components will be
distributed in different categories i.e. Cashing, Cooling Solutions, Power supply,
RAM/Memory, Cashing Fans,Gaming Accessories, Graphic Cards, Motherboard and Processor
so we can search it easily under the appropriate label and inform the customer about their
price and quantity if needed. In this system, staff can sign up as a system admin, He/she can
have full access to the system for maintaining daily records. It will be a windows-based
application which has been developed to make all the operations fast and easy.The design of
PC Techs Management System is easy to use for every type of user because a lot of Computer
& Laptop components shops have salespersons which are not very much qualified. Whereas,
in our application there is a facility of report generation which gives detail information about
Computer/Laptop components sell and purchase and make staff possible to get hard copy of
related reports.

There are two type of PC Tech Management System Users i.e. Administrator and User.

Functional Requirements:
1. Registration
The administrator can create a new user.
New user can login and logout.
2. Computer/Laptop Components
Admin add, delete or modify the details of the computer/laptop components.
3. Search
User can search for the required computer/laptop components based on
component name, Brand, Price and Availability etc.
4. Sell computer/laptop Components.
The sold computer/laptop components need to be deducted from the available
5. Purchase computer/laptop components.
The purchased computer/laptop components need to be added to the available
6. Report generation
Depending upon the computer/laptop components needs following reports can
be generated:
Weekly reports
Monthly reports
Yearly reports
These reports will be of total available stock, how many computer/laptop components are
sold out or purchase on daily basis, monthly and yearly basis and by giving range of days.The
system should be able to generate a report of Profit on daily, monthly and yearly basis and by
giving range of days.

Before starting the Project you need to visit the following link and understand the overall
working of the store for better understanding. And if you have any doubt or confusion in the
Project Proposal you can contact me at my Skype id kom.kk.


Languages: C#,,SQL, PHP, CSS, HTML, JavaScript.
Tools: Visual Studio, Dreamweaver or any other supported tool for above languages.
Database: Mysql, SQL Server, WampServer, Xampp.

Name: Komal Khawer
Email ID:
Skype ID: kom.kk
Utility-Store Management System

Project Domain / Category

Desktop Application

Utility-Store management system is specially designed for the purpose of adding Utility-Store
item’s detail. The system elaborates the basic concept for storing and generating Utility-Store
item’s detail. These items will be distributed in different categories for example there is
different type of Cooking Oil in the Utility-Store, i.e. Seasons Oil and Olive Oil so we can
search it easily under the appropriate label and inform the customer about their price,
weight and quantity if needed. In this system, staff can sign up as a system admin, He/she
can have full access to the system for maintaining daily records.

It will be a windows-based application which has been developed to make all the operations
fast and easy.

The design of Utility-Store Management system is easy to use for every type of users because
a lot of shops have salespersons which are not very qualified. Whereas, in our application
there is a facility of report generation which gives detail information about Utility-Store
item’s sell and purchase and make staff possible to get hard copy of related reports.
At the end of day, month and year, we can calculate the price of items purchased, sell and

Functional Requirements:

1. Registration
 The administrator can create a new user.
 New user can login and logout.
2. Utility-Store Item’s
 Admin add, delete or modify the details of the Item’s.
3. Search
 User can search for the required Utility-Store Item’s based on name, id etc.
4. Sell Utility-Store Item’s
 The sold Item’s need to be deducted from the available stock
5. Purchase Utility-Store Item’s
 The purchased Item’s need to be added to the available stock

6. Report generation
 Depending upon the Utility-Store needs following reports can be generated
 There can be daily reports
 Weekly reports
 Yearly reports
These reports will be of total available stock, how many Utility-Store Items are sold out /
purchase on daily, monthly and yearly basis.
The system should be able to generate a report of profit on daily, monthly and yearly basis.

Templates (Flask template or any other template) are not allowed to use in this application
you need to use python libraries.
For this project you need to visit any utility store and get full functional and non-functional
requirements from these stores and if you have any ambiguity contact me at my Skype id
mentioned at the end.

Python is mandatory.

Name: Asadullah
Email ID:
Skype ID: asad.ullah121
Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease Using Machine Learning

Project Domain:
Image processing


Alzheimer's disease is chronic condition that leads to degeneration of brain cells leading at
memory loss. Patients with cognitive mental problems such as confusion and forgetfulness,
also other symptoms including behavioral and psychological problems are further suggested
having CT, MRI, PET, EEG, and other neuroimaging techniques.

The aim of this paper is making use of machine learning algorithms to process this data
obtained by neuroimaging technologies for detection of Alzheimer's in its primitive stage.

Functional Requirements:

The workflow of the project is shown in the diagram below:

1. Image data acquisition and perform preprocessing of the data.
2. Use Brouta Algorithm (available with python package) for feature selection.
3. Apply any suitable machine learning (supervised learning) algorithm for classification.
4. The classification results were calculated by means of three metric measurements,
which are used for quantitative valuation and evaluation, including accuracy,
sensitivity (recall) and specificity. Additionally, numerous optimal approaches such as
receiver operating curve (ROC) and Area under the Curve (AUC) are calculated as well.
5. Use at least two algorithms like support vector machine and Linear Regression and do
comparison to select the best one the basis of performance measures.
Helping Material:
You can consult the following links for better understanding of the project:
For dataset:
Research articles related to the projects:

You can use any of the following tools
Matlab, Weka, Python

Name: Noureen Hameed
Email id:
Skype id: noureen.uaf
Fake Currency Detection using CNN

Project Domain/Category
Image Processing

Abstract / Introduction
Image processing is the method of performing operations on an image in order to improve it
or obtain useful information from it. Image processing has various applications in fields such
as medical, defense, industry, remote sensing, pattern recognition, and video processing,
among many others.
Due to the advancements in computers and laser printers, the number of fake currency notes
are increasing day by day. It is very important to efficiently identify fake notes from actual
notes using an automatic procedure. To overcome this problem, we will create an automatic
system using CNN to identify fake currency notes.
Functional Requirements:

1. For this project, you have to use only two types of currency notes, i.e., 500Rs and
2. Create a dataset of real currency notes, i.e., 500 and 1000.
3. Create a dataset of fake currency notes, i.e., 500 and 1000.
4. Create 200 images of each category as a dataset.
5. Take images in extra light so that their water marks or other security features are
6. Divide the dataset into a ratio of 80:20 for training and testing, respectively.
7. Use a pre-trained convolutional neural network known as Alex Net.
8. After training, the system should be able to differentiate between fake and real
currency notes.
9. A proper interface using MATLAB should be created for all these activities.
10. Use different built-in functions of MATLAB where applicable.

Note: Virtual University of Pakistan will not provide any kind of hardware for this project,
student must arrange required hardware by himself/herself.

Tools & Technologies:

Preferred tool and technology: MATLAB (Any latest version of MATLAB)

Name: Noor Rahman
Email ID:
Skype ID: mahsud-cs619
RFID, GPS & GSM based Marathon Race Timer Display & Tracker

Project Domain / Category

Digital Logic Design

Abstract / Introduction
We want to build a standalone race timer for one of the famous hill and trail runners group
(Margalla Trail Runners).

The shown image is an example of RACE TIMER/CLOCK DEVICE, which is basically a LED
based Clock Timer Display Unit. The unit will display the timer/count generally used to count
the start and end timming of a race. We will include a mobile application, through which we
can communicate with this display unit to Start, End the time for a race.

Secondly, you are required to design a tag having RFID and GPS Tags (Bonus Point Module)
capability to read the racer START and STOP time using RFID tagging and Live Location
Tracking using GPS module (Bonus Part).

Mobile Application must be able to communicate with TIMER DISPLAY UNIT to set the
START and END time. Mobile application can have the RFID data for all RFID tags to get the
racers timing details and as well as the GPS location tracking and plotting mechanism to plot
the live location of all the racers through a Google Map.

For clarification, Timer Display Module, RFID & GPS Tag & Mobile application
templates/samples are already attached.
Functional Requirements:
Our Complete System will have:
 Timer/Clock Display Module:
1. It will Display the timing details of the race, means it will start from 00:00:00
and will be stoped as per the signal from the Mobile Applciation.
2. It will have a RFID reader module interfaced in it to read the RFID tags of the
racers and will upload that data to the Mobile application.
3. It will have a manual start, stop and reset button to work as a standalone as
4. The unit will have a battery interfaced with charging mechanism to work as a
portable unit.
 RFID & GPS Tags:
1. This module is a small multi purpose unit having a RFID tag that will be read but
the Time/Clock Display Unit to count the racers completion time.
2. It will have a bonus GPS & GSM based capability to transmit the GPS location to
the Mobile application for the live racer tracking.
3. Tags will have a small batteries having USB charging mechanism, one which
generally used in Wireless Handfress and Ear Pods.
 Mobile Application:
1. The android based application must be able to communicate with Timer/Clock
Display Unit, so that it can SET/START, END & RESET timings on the Display Unit.
2. Application will be able to communicate the Timer/Clock Display Unit to get the
details of RFID tags (Tags Start & End timing details) to get the racers positions
in the complete race.
3. Application can communicate with RFID & GPS Tags to get the real time GPS
locations of the racers and will plot the locations on Google Map for the real
time tracking.

It is an open project.
You can use any Mobile Application Development platform.
You can use any controller/any Single-Board Microcontroller kit.

Name: Waqar Ahmad
Email ID:
Skype ID: engr.waqar.ahmad
ACSEC – Activities Schedule and Planning Application

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction
In the busy routine of life, we deal with a huge amount of work loads, not only in home but
also at office, outside and everywhere. Therefore, it’s not possible to remember each activity.
Therefore, we need an application that will solve our problem not only to deal with these
daily base activities but also help to plan those activities to work better in an efficient way. To
overcome this issue, we will develop ACSEC Application to make our life more productive.

Functional Requirements:
Functional Requirements of the application is given below:
1. Splash Screen:
Your application must have a splash screen which is lunched automatically each time
before the start of the Application.

2. Application Tour:
When your application will launch at the first time after installation. You must perform
a quick tour of the ACSEC to guide the user about it.

3. Calendar Fragment:
This section will show your activities based on different dates as completed or not

4. Activities Fragment:
This section will have interface to add activities in the form of list. Each activity has
following features:
 Streak: Which show activity streak.
 Activity Name Area: Where activity name can be input or changed.
 Activity Type:
 Regular
 Once

 Save: Button to save data complete activity data.

5. Home Fragment:
This section will show your current day activities. You can mark your tasks as complete
or skipped by swiping right and left in this section.

6. Setting Fragment:
This section will show your different application settings including:
 Sign in: To store user data in case of application got uninstalled.
 Themes: Will change application theme.
 Light Mode
 Dark Mode
 Share: This feature will share application URL to other applications.
7. Graph Fragment:
Will show the ACSEC complete activities graph based on number of completion and
non-completion of activities.

Note: Here “activities” names are user tasks performed on different days. Also, only
mentioned languages, frameworks and technologies are allowed as mentioned in the tools

Languages: Kotlin / Dart
Design: JetPack Compose / Material
Database: Firebase Database
Development Environment: Android Studio

Name: Muhammad Bilal
Email ID:
Skype ID: bilalsaleem101
Android Agriculture-Seed Experiment using Image Processing

Project Domain / Category

Mobile App, Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
Seed testing is the foundation of all other seed technologies. Seed testing is used for control
of quality parameters during seed handling, and test results are submitted to customers as
documentation on seed quality. It is meant by which the quality of seed can be measured,
and property of seed is ensured. Seed testing is determining the standards of a seed by giving
the identification namely physical purity, moisture, germination, vigor and thereby enabling
the farming community to get quality seeds. This is an interesting android project. This
application will help the farmers to detect if the seeds they are using defected or not
defected. This application will detect the type of seeds and give every information about it to
the users. This application itself will test the seed using Image processing.

Functional Requirements:
1. Input Image
Take an input seed image from seed lot by using digital camera
2. Image Enhancement
Image enhancement is the process of adjusting digital images so that the results are
more suitable for display or further image analysis. For example, you can remove noise,
sharpen, or brighten an image, making it easier to identify key features.
3. RGB to Gray Conversion
Convert image as gray image.
4. Gray to Binary conversion Sharp filtering
The gray image must be sharpened for a good vision.
5. Boundary Removal
6. Classification of Seed
The farmer is supposed to login, and their data will be stored. They simply need to take a
picture of the seed through the app, and it will show the result. The recent search history
would be stored in the database using SQLite

 Android Studio is required. (preferably)
 Any tool for Web-server development (.Net/PHP etc.)
Make sure that you already have or can arrange a PC/Laptop with desired system
requirements for Android development before enrolling for this project.

Name: Asma Batool
Email ID:
Skype ID: asmabatool13
Android App for E-Services of a Housing Society

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction
The housing societies are increasing in numbers in all the major cities and people are moving
in the housing societies to have a better living standard. However, they might have to face
many issues related to the common services like Cable, Internet, house maintenance and
repairing in their housing societies. Due to shortage of time, they might face issues in finding
the suitable solution. So, a housing society needs to offer an online service through the
mobile application that can be used by the residents to available common services provided
by the society. They needs to engage the electricians, plumbers and different other service
providers to provides facilities to the residents. Both the users (residents) and service
providers need to get register themselves with the application for using it.

Functional Requirements:
1. The system consists of an admin side App and a user side App (including workers
and residents). Admin side is handled by the administrator (admin) appointed by
the society administration.
2. All the data needs to be stored on some online database platform like Firebase or
any other alternative tool so that all the actors can get their data online in the
physically distributed environment.
3. Admin will register different service providers (workers) within the application or
can approve the requests of the workers.
4. Only the society residents can register with the application using the registration
interface by providing the relevant data. The admin will confirm the registration
after verifying the provided data.
5. Admin will add the various categories for the offered services. The user will select
the relevant category to available the services.
6. Application will provide an option for the user to set a particular time slot for the
service to be taken according to his availability.
7. User give their feedback related the availed service. The application should also
provide a rating system for rating the service provided by the worker so that
society administration can use this feedback for betterment of their services.
8. The user may be offered a payment plan to avail any service provided by the
society. It can choose the monthly payment plan or service based payment plan.

Languages: Java, XML, Development Environment: Android Studio, Database: Firebase,

Name: Muhammad Tahir Jan
Email ID:
Skype ID:
Android Portfolio Creator

Project Domain / Category

Android Application

Abstract / Introduction
People and companies create their portfolios using different tools and platforms. These
portfolios are of different style and structure. Companies who want to hire an employee can
have difficulty in finding a potential employee because of different portfolio formats. This
android application will help in maintaining a uniformity in portfolios.

This web application will have two types of accounts:

1. Company account
2. Personal account

From personal account user after signing up can add, update and delete his/her portfolio.
He/she can view other’s portfolios (Company/Personal). Such account is called as user login

For company account only company’s HR manager can make account after verification of
his/her designation. Such type of account is admin account. From this account a company can
make its portfolio.

Functional Requirements:

Secure Login/Logout

It is an android application that have following views:

 View without login
 User login view
 Admin login view

Dashboard (display the portfolio)

 Name
 Image
 Designation
 Company name
 Experience Table
 Education
 Certification

Manage Admin Portfolio

 Admin can add, delete and update.

 Verification as admin.
 Admin can view other’s portfolios
 Admin add services/products.
 Admin can create departments.
 Admin can add Office address.
 Admin can add/delete employees to those departments
 Must link with its employees personal accounts and show them in a proper section
 Admin account can add illiterate employees account only.

Manage User Portfolio

 User can add, delete and update.

 User can search other portfolios to see.

Link Portfolios:

 Only Admin can link personal accounts

 To show them as there employee

Create Responsive Web Page:

 The application should automatically adjust to different screen sizes and view ports that
look good on all type of devices.

 Javascript, Kortlin Xml or any other front end programming language
 Firebase Real-Time Database or SQLite/Room
 Android Studio (or any other mobile app development IDE)
 Microsoft Project
 Microsoft Visio
 Microsoft PowerPoint &Microsoft Word

Any other suitable tool and language can be used for application development and database.

Name: Abdur Rafay
Email ID:
Skype ID: live:abdurafay94
Clinical Pharmacy Services Online Inventory App.

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

Clinical Pharmacy Services provides consulting and pharmacy management services to help
clients achieve the highest quality patient outcomes and ensure the effectiveness of their
pharmacy benefit programs. The application Clinical Pharmacy Services online Inventory
must be well designed engaged with the inventory control of different sales as shopping cart,
purchase and production.

The business can select workers permanent / daily wages for different jobs and can view
their Inventory Control/production detail with complete Account book and report. This
platform can be run as pure business purposes, so proper report required for inventory sales,
purchase, production and accounts.

Functional Requirements:

1. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search staff permanent / daily wages by
first name, Last name, CNIC, contact number, qualification, experience and salary /
daily wage.
2. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view shopping cart sales by date
and Type.
3. Admin/system can add first name, Last name, Distributors CNIC, Distributors address,
Distributors contact no and Distributors inventory.
4. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view reports of cash sales by date
and Type.
5. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view reports of credit card sales by
date and Type.
6. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view reports of Product inventory.
7. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view reports of purchase inventory.
8. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view reports of payments and
transaction by dealers.
9. Admin/system can add, modify, delete, and search/view reports of payments and
transactions by vendor.
10. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search enterprise complete accounts with
11. Admin/system can add, modify, delete and search/view reports of employee’s job and
payments record.
12. Customers can create their log in and profile by first name, Last name, domain,
address, contact no and date of registration
13. Admin/system can add first name, Last name, vendor CNIC, vendor address, vendor
contact no and vendors inventory.
Non-Functional Requirements:
The mobile application must be Android-based, and its data is to be managed using SQLite.
Also, the application should be easily accessible to users, secured, scalable, and well-
performing. Those criteria are what would make the application stand up from a simple
application to a product that can be delivered and used by real-life clients. However, the
focus is more on implementing the application using the new tools before considering these
enterprise application features.

Android Studio / Eclipse / NetBeans
Programming language (Frontend: XML, Backend: Java)
Database (SQLite or any modern database language)

Name: Imran Akhtar
Skype ID:
Context-Aware Digital Watch Mobile Application

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Apps

There is a context aware “Digital Watch” mobile application which provides users about
current time keeping in view the environment using sensor/s. Let’s consider Design sketches
that illustrate time visualizations in different contexts. (a) For users running to catch a bus,
making it easy to see the minutes in large fonts. (b) For boring lectures and meetings,
showing a countdown to the end, with some information to engage the user. (c) Visualization
giving only a very coarse idea of the time, similar to information you get from the sun, to use
for example when hanging out with friends – when time does not matter. Actually
application provides a list of nearby restaurants list to user application provide an interface
to user by saying” although you are in a meeting now, if you get free soon, do you like to see

a b c

Functional Requirements:
(a) There should be different display profiles for different types of environments.
(b) For example for users running to catch a bus, making it easy to see the minutes in
large fonts there should be Bus Catching Profile, and user must select it while catching
a bus.
(c) For boring lectures and meetings, showing a countdown to the end, with some
information to engage the user.
(d) (c) Visualization giving only a very coarse idea of the time, similar to information you
get from the sun, to use for example when hanging out with friends – when time does
not matter

 Android Studio\Eclipse
 SQLite
Name: Dr. M. Salman Bashir
Email ID:
Skype ID: muhammad.salman.bashir
End to End Encrypted Chat
Project Domain / Category
Mobile Apps

Abstract / Introduction
There are lot of end to end encrypted chat apps available in the android market. But no
matter how much secured these apps are the encryption key is still transferred between
users through the server.

We will be developing an application which will exchange the encryption key through QR
code between two users to start a secure chat but unsecured chat can be continued without
scanning the QR code. Unsecured chat will not be totally unsecured in fact the latest
encryption algorithm will still be followed to secure the chat. The app will allow the users to
transfer video, images, voice messages, location and other files as documents.

Functional Requirements:
User2 will scan QR code on User 1 mobile to start end to end encrypted chat
 Video, images, voice messages, location and other files as documents can be shared.
 Compression algorithms must be implemented to compress images and videos.
 QR code will be scanned for every chat then end to end encrypted chat will start
otherwise normal encrypted chat will be continued.

Project Modules:
Project is divided in three different parts and students will be given choice to join any of the
team as per their interests. Every team will have limited slots and first come first serve policy
will be followed.

Designing This team will be responsible for complete application design including
application mockups, icons, elements buttons, assets and background
images. The team will follow market standards for designing and work
iteratively to meet the standard.
The team will also generate assets for play store requirements.
Development Development team will be responsible for development from scratch and
bug fixing after the application is developed and deployed. Developers will
also do alpha beta testing after deployment (testers can be external other
than developers) and update the application accordingly.
Devlopment Team will also be devided into 2 teams one responsible for
mobile application development and second for back end rest api and
database development.
ASO/Marketing ASO team will write content , do search engine optimation (App store
optimization ),do market research and give recommendations to
Developers and designers to change/ add or remove features.

Students will work in teams and progress will be checked at team level and individual level.
 Android IDE
 Java,Kotlin,XML
 PHP Laravel / C# Dot NET MVC
 Adobe PhotoShop,Illustrator
 Adobe XD

Name: Bilal Bin Umar
Email ID:
Skype ID: u.bilal
Essential Usage items Repairing & Maintenance Services App

Project Domain / Category

Android Application

Now a day’s people have difficulty to find professionals for home repairing and maintenance
work and professional people may demand for high charges. Proposed system will provide
easy solution in finding such professional at good rates. Many of the daily essential usage
items maintenance services provider can register with our App by giving detail of area, rates
etc. so that we have a database of those maintenance and repairing work professionals. For
example Mr. Ali need a plumber, first he will download our application then he will register
with our application . After registration, he will give description of the services that he
requires under the plumber work portion. After that different plumbers submit their
proposal including rates, material and number of hours. Then it’s up to Mr. Ali which plumber
he selects.

Functional Requirements:
1. Admin will be responsible to manage app and authenticate different user’s i.e.
Professional workers and people need services.
2. Appliction should have the facility to provide difference categories of maintenance
/repairing work professions.
3. Once user download the application , first user should registered with the app,
whether he/she is maintenance /repairing work professionals by entering required
information (Name, CNIC, address, city, country, Mobile number, Picture etc.)
4. Application should provide the facility to registered user( service finder) submit the
description of work with pictures and that work description should be entered by
selecting specific category.
5. After that, service provider of that particular maintenance/ repairing service providers
will give their complete proposal including rate, material and number of hours or days
to complete that work. After that it’s up to service finder to select one of them.
6. Proposal submits from different service provider should be hidden from other
maintenance/repairing service professionals only the service finder can see all the
7. Once the service finder selects the maintenance professionals and his work is
complete, after that he should have the facility to close status of their work
8. The Application should give the facility to rate the professional worker so that in
future it will be easy to check the quality of professional worker.

Use any android app development tools

Name: Saeed Nasir
Email ID:
Skype ID: saeed-nasir
Garbage Management App

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Apps

Abstract / Introduction
The final Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) said, "Cleanliness is half of faith (i.e.,
Iman)". – Sahih Muslim (Page: 140, Hadith: 223)

The process of collecting, treating, and disposing of house hold stuff that is discarded
because it has served its purpose or is no longer useful is termed as Garbage Management
System. It is one among the basic essential services in our daily life. But, unfortunately, it is
among the most poorly rendered services as we see garbage bins being overfull and all
garbage spills out. This leads to the number of diseases and insects & mosquitoes breed on it.
Hence, a system has to be built that can eradicate this problem and provide a better solution
for the disposal of garbage conveniently for citizens.

Garbage Management App is an android-based application which has three modules; Admin,
Driver and Public. Admin can create and update garbage containers (i.e., bins), assign tasks to
drivers, handle complaints received from public and view garbage reports etc. While driver
can check daily work routines, send updates to admin regarding garbage pickup and drop etc.
However, public can lodge complaints, view status and give feedback etc.

Functional Requirements:

I. Modules: The app must consist of three modules; Admin, Driver and Public
1. Admin:
• Login
• Verify driver registration.
• Set containers (bins) location.
• Define garbage disposal points.
• Handle the requests/complaints received from public.
• Assign daily tasks to drivers & view status.
• View current location of drivers on Google Maps.
• View public feedback and ratings.
• Generate reports (complaint wise, driver wise and container wise).

2. Driver:
• Register & login.
• Add/update profile (name, age, gender and cell number etc.).
• Add/update vehicle details (vehicle number, model, type etc.).
• Check daily tasks received from admin.
• View directions of pick-up and disposal points on Google Maps.
• Change status to acknowledged, picked or dropped.
3. Public:
• Register and login.
• Add/update profile (name, age, gender and cell number etc.).
• Request to place a container at specific area.
• Lodge new complaints.
• View status of lodged complaints.
• Give feedback and ratings.

II. Authentication: App should provide registration page for driver and public, and login
page for admin, driver and public; store credentials at Firebase Authentication.
III. Databases: Firebase Real-Time or Cloud Fire-Store Database should be used as an online
server for storing all data; use JSON format in this regard. However, for app internal
storage, SQLite or Room database should be implemented.
IV. Google Maps: Containers' location, disposal points' location, and drivers' movement
should be trackable through Google Maps.
V. Search Feature: By using it, admin, driver and public can search drivers, containers and
complaints details respectively.
VI. Notifications: App should send proper notifications to driver about new tasks and to
public about solution of their complaints etc. Use Firebase Cloud Messaging or Firebase
In-App Messaging or both in this regard.

1. IDE: Android Studio
2. Programming Language: Java/Kotlin
3. Databases: Firebase Real-Time/Cloud Fire-Store & SQLite/Room

Name: Muhammad Imran Afzal
Email ID:
Skype ID: imranafzal126
Healthy Diet

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction
This project intends to give users online access to a wholesome diet plan. We are aware that
the food we eat is a crucial component of what makes up our body. Food is essential for
maintaining our health and productivity. As a result, this raises the question of what to eat
and drink while ill. Here, users can inquire what to take and when to take it, such as if they
have diarrhea, what to eat, and what to eat when they are feeling nauseous.

Functional Requirements:
There will be three modules for this project i.e. Admin, Nutritionist and User.
Admin Module:
-> Admin will be able to login or logout to the application.
-> Admin will be able to approve the requests of the nutritionists and users to get them
register with the application.
-> Admin will approve the requests of users to get them register with the application without
any condition.
-> Admin will approve the requests of the nutritionists to get them register with the
application along with their proper proof of certification.
Nutritionist Module:
-> Nutritionist will register himself/herself with the application by providing his/her
nutritionist certificate.
-> After approval from admin, he or she can be login to the system and logout as well.
-> They can make their profiles by providing the following information: Nutritionist Picture,
Nutritionist Name, Age, Qualification, Specialty, Comprehensive detail (4 to 5 lines) regarding
his/her area, or etc.
-> Once registered they will be able to respond to the users in whatever possible way
regarding their issues.
User Module:
-> User will register to the application.
-> He or she can login or logout to the application.
-> User will be able to view the profiles of all nutritionists.
-> User will be able to post his/her issues and can take suggestions from the relevant
Android Studio
Java Language
Database (SQLite or Firebase)

Name: Muhammad Hassaan
Email ID:
Skype ID: live:muhammad.hassaan005
Matrimonial Service Provider

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

This application is basically online matrimonial service provider for all registered members
freely. Once you register your matrimonial profile on an online match-making application
installed on your mobile, they will notify you with all the requests made by fellow users.
Although the application will also find the members requirements and intimate them on
periodically basses.

Functional Requirements:
1. It should be a mobile base application.
2. The person looking for marriage can register and search for a profile that matches
their requirement.
3. This application allows individual to give their information such as Name, Gender,
Religion, Caste, Marital status, Current salary, Occupation, Mobile No, etc.
4. This application also allows to upload photo of the individual registering and also
allows to hide the picture till the matched confirmed.
5. This application allows individual to search by gender, age, religion, caste, marital
status etc.
6. The application should not give the option for more than one matrimonial registration.
7. The application should give the option to all members to create their matching list for
their considerations.
8. When an individual selects a profile which matches his or her requirement, it can send
an email/SMS/WhatsApp indicating his or her interest along with the sender’s details.
Thus this application allows individual to let others view its profile and also allows it to
view others profile depending on the priority set.
9. The application should give the option to deal with non-serious members who
reported as unethical behavior according to concerned rules.

Development environment:
Android Studio


Name: Abdul Qahhar Mohsin
Email ID:
Skype ID:
MobiCam - Turning Smartphone into Remote Camera

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Apps, Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
Everyone needs some kind of remote-monitoring facility to look after their valuable
belongings and loved ones (Home, Office, Kids, elderly parents, etc.) or precious assets (Car,
bike, etc.). Many products remote IP-Cameras are available in the market offering various
features e.g. remote access and control (pan-tilt-zoom), motion detection, two-way talk,
alarms and notifications, local (SD card) and central (Cloud) storage etc. Usually, these
camera require Internet access through Wi-Fi network for remote access and control. Some
advanced cameras are SIM-enabled and can directly connect to Internet via cellular network
but these not very common due to national telecommunication regulatory policies.
Furthermore, high cost and limited customization are the major concerns. Alternatively, the
idea is extended and software based solutions (mobile apps) are introduced for smartphones
with Camera-sensors. Such apps not only helps in provisioning remote access but can also be
used for security surveillance. IP Webcam is a good example for reference and remote access
can be enabled through port-forwarding.

The key objective of this project is to develop a monitoring system that shall transform a
mobile with Camera sensor into a smart monitoring device. The two main components
includes mobile app and the central/cloud server. Mobile app needs to be installed on the
target device and will help in sending the video stream to the designated server for live view
or storage. User can use any browser to view the recorded video stored on the server after
enabling recording/monitoring mode. The system shall also support motion recognition, two-
way talk, alarms and notification e.g. the app must generate alerts (email, SMS, call etc.)
when some activity/motion is detected in the view.

This project demands some passion for programming and development. During the process,
you will acquire diverse skills ranging from idea conception to product development that will
surely contribute in your professional growth and job hunting. You will also have an exposure
to application of machine learning algorithms – the most in-demand skills of current market
and research community.

Functional Requirements:
1. User registration on the Server.
2. Enable users to register their mobile devices.
3. Enable users to see live/recorded video stream of their registered mobile devices.
4. Enable users to configure motion recognition for security surveillance along with
preferred notification method.
5. Android app that shall send video stream data to the Sever.
6. Android app shall be able to run the background.
7. Generate conditional alerts/notifications (email, SMS, call etc.) e.g. when some activity
is detected in the Camera view or camera get disconnected.
Note: students shall also consider and develop mechanism to ensure smooth working of
the desired system e.g. adjust Camera frame-rate, handle activity recognition and
network connectivity errors, etc.

 Android Studio (preferably)
 Any tool for Web-server development (.Net/PHP etc.)

Make sure that you already have or can arrange a PC/Laptop with desired system
requirements for Android development before enrolling for this project.

Name: Dr. Israr Ullah
Email ID:
Skype ID: israrullahkk
Online Grocery Shop Android App

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application.

Abstract / Introduction
A grocery shop is a store that primarily retails a general range of food products, which may
be fresh or packaged. Online grocery shopping is a way of selling food items and other
household necessities with the help of an android application. This project is an attempt to
provide the advantages of online shopping to customers of a real shop. It helps in buying
products anywhere through the internet by using an android application. Using this
application, the customer will get the service of online shopping and home delivery without
the involvement of physical mobility. This system can be implemented in any shop in the
locality or in multinational branded shops having retail outlet chains.

An online grocery shop is an android application where users can purchase and order
groceries online. The system is developed with a user-friendly and attractive GUI. Users have
to first login into the system to view the groceries and add them to their cart. They can then
order and it will be delivered to their doorstep. When customers are satisfied with the order,
service, and quality, then they pay cash on the spot upon delivery. The android app is for
client usage. It consists of client-side scripting for placing orders by connecting to the server-
side web services.

Functional Requirements:
The users (Customer and administrator) should be able to register/log in to the application.
The two main modules in our application are;
1. Customer Module:
 The customer can view the different categories of products
 The customer can view the grocery shop items.
 Add grocery items to the shopping cart and order them with a separate page
that can be named “My Cart”.
 Users can search for a particular product in the list by name.
 The users can view and edit their profiles.
 In the history tab, the user should be able to view all the pending orders.
 The customer has to fill a form providing his/her name, number, address, city
delivery time slot and payment method (cash on delivery).
 Grocery items will be delivered to the customer at home with respect to the
selected time slot.
 A product Return option for the customer should be available.
 Add a feature that will allow the customer to return the products in case of any
damage or other related problems.
 Upcoming deliveries must be scheduled in order to earn better impressions.
2. Administrator Module:
 Admin has the access to monitor everything in the online grocery shop.
 An Admin can add now new category of items or remove an existing category
 Admin can add, update and delete the grocery items.
 Admin can verify all the orders of the online grocery shop.
 An admin can add/update/delete any customer/item from the app.
 IDE: Android Studio (or any other mobile app development IDE)
 Programming Language: Java/Kotlin
 Database: Online DBMS (Firebase, MySQL, or any other)
 Unified Modelling Language (UML): Microsoft Visio etc.

Name: Irshad Nasir
Email ID:
Skype ID: (live:.cid.325c9aa99b0279e4)
Radio/Music app in React Native
Project Domain / Category
Mobile Apps

Abstract / Introduction
Radio Music in React Native is an implementation of integrated audio and radio streams. This
app idea enables you to develop your own mobile app to play music and stream radio
broadcasts. You can also build a list of music songs, based on albums, artists and different
genres. You can add a lot more music functionality to radio apps, such as repeat mode,
shuffle mode, queues, equalizer, etc. To get started, make a list of all the required data and
audio files, and place them into your backend database. Then, you can feed that data and the
audio files to the frontend and integrate them with the audio package to play the songs/radio

Functional Requirements:
1. Music app functionalities like play, pause, stop, repeat mode, shuffle mode.
2. Allowing users to add their favorite/custom radio stream URLs.
3. Music Streaming
4. Radio Streaming
5. Sharing music/radio songs to Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, etc.
6. React Native Navigation (Sidebar Menu or Tabs).
7. Light & Dark Modes
1. IDE: Visual Studio, Vysor/Flipper
2. Programming Language: JavaScript, TypeScript
3. Database: Serverless platforms like AWS or Firebase
4. Unified Modelling Language (UML): Microsoft Visio, IBM Rational Rose

Name: Usama Ahmed
Email ID:
Skype ID: vu_usama
Restaurant Management App

Project Domain / Category

Android Application
Running a restaurant is hectic enough as it is, so make the day-to-day processes easier by
having a system that will help ease the workload for you. Restaurant Management System is
specially designed for the purpose of keeping record of all transaction carried out in
the restaurant on daily bases. In current marketplace, there is a great value for food,
restaurants and its management. There is a day by day increase in the number of restaurants
and food places that are emerging today. The Restaurant Management System helps the
restaurant management to keep adequate record of all transactions carried out and does
that will still be carried out by the restaurant and maintain the database of the restaurant. It
will be a mobile-based application that has been developed to make all the operations fast
and easy. The other and main benefit of this app is admin/owner can access his restaurants
record from anywhere, any time through his mobile. There is no need to carry any additional
device. The design of the Restaurant Management system is easy to use for every type of
user because a lot of restaurants have salespersons which are not well qualified. The main
objective of developing this system is to help every restaurant, whether small, medium-sized,
or large, will benefit greatly by switching from manual restaurant management processes to
automated or software-based ones.
Functional Requirements:
 Registration
 Only administrator can create a new user (Workers at Restaurant).
 New user can login and logout and have no rights to create another user.

 User & Role Management:

o Predefined roles – Admin, manager & Cashier
o Admin and manager can create unlimited users.
 Contacts (Customer & Suppliers):
o Cashier can mark contact as customer only.
o Admin/Manager can mark contact as customer or supplier or both.
o Admin/Manager can view details of transactions with a contact.
o Admin/Manager can view total of Credit/Debit balance amount.

 Products:
o Admin/Manager can manage products.
o Admin/Manager can classify products according to Brands, Category, Sub-
o Admin/Manager can add products having different units
o Admin/Manager can add SKU number or auto-generate SKU number with
 Purchases:
o Admin/Manager can easily add purchases.
o Admin/Manager can manage Paid/Due purchases
 Sell:
o Simplified interface for selling products.
o Anyone can add new customer from POS screen.
o Anyone can mark an invoice for draft or Quotation from POS Screen.
o Anyone can add sale from POS Screen.
 Manage Expenses:
o Anyone can easily add business expenses
o Anyone can categorize expenses

 Reports:
o Admin and Manager can generate Purchase & Sale report
o Only admin can generate Tax Report
o Admin and Manager can generate contact Reports
o Anyone can generate stock Reports
o Anyone can generate expense Report

Tools: Android Studio with required database tool (e.g. SQLite or Firebase etc.)

Name: Hafiz Muhammad Shoaib
Email ID:
Skype ID: Shoaib_300
Smart Profile Management (SPM)

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Apps

Smart Profile Management (SPM) is a powerful profile management and mobile
customization app for Android that vows to be the ultimate solution for your device’s profiles.
It’s just not allow customization it also automates it. SPM provides location-based profile
automation .Once you setup things then you don’t have to worry about it. It is the application
which is made for those people who need different profiles for different locations. For
example office, college, school, mosque etc. So basically user will have option to create
customized profiles based on location. The application sends message to defined number on
activation and deactivation of profile. This helps the user to inform his family member about
his current location. The customized profile has option to create a blacklist. The contacts in
black list are blocked when profile is activated. This enables the user to block unnecessary
calls. User will have option to start and stop the application services anytime when he wants.
Similarly application will help user to remember different tasks according to time or location.
Another feature of this application is that user can set sleeping hours, which ensures that
user is not disturbed during sleep hours as phone is put in silent mode during these time

Functional Requirements:
Profile Activation:
The application shall get the location update every two minutes and change the user profile
on the basis of location coordinates.

Call Block
The Application shall block the incoming calls on the basis black list of selected profile. If a
black list is selected the number in the list are blocked and all other numbers are allowed.

New Profile
The Application shall allow the user to create new profile for any desired location. On clicking
new profile button a dialog is appeared where user can customize the profile .User can assign
a name to profile and can choose other settings. User can also add black list according to his
requirement and can choose WIFI status.
Manage Profiles
View Profile
The Application shall allow the user to view ,edit, delete the list of profiles created.
Add Reminder
SPM also provides the feature of reminder. This option helps the user to remind him
performing specific task according to location and time. User can add time based or location
based reminders. The application gives user an option to select time based or location based
reminder; after that user can enter a message and tab save.

Manage Reminders
The Application shall allow the user to view, edit and delete the reminder/s added by the
Message Notification
User should be able to add message and number to a profile .This message is sent on the
given number on the activation and deactivation of the profile.

Current Location
The Application shall get the current location of the user using GPS services and show user’s
current location on map using Internet. A marker is added on the map at current location for
better visibility.

Maintain call Log

The application shall allow the user to view the call log and clear the call log if it is outdated.

Profile Activation Notification

The application should generate notification when a profile is activated telling user the name
of the profile. User can turn on/off these notifications in the settings menu.

Sleeping Hours
The Application shall allow user to manage sleeping hours. User can set start and end time.
During these hours the mobile is put in silent mode so that the user is not disturbed while

Hardware Requirements
Device: Android Smartphone with internet connection
Memory required: 15MB of free space
Software Requirements
Operating system: Android
Version: 4.1 and above
Development Platform: Android Studio
Programming Language: Java and XML
Database: SQLite, Shared preferences

Name: Nadia Tabassum
Email ID:
Skype ID:
Smart & Secure Voting System (SSVS)

Project Domain / Category

Mobile App

Abstract / Introduction
Smart & Secure Voting System aims to digitize the ongoing traditional methods of voting
systems and will overcome the issues that arise during the process. With this system, voters
can use their android based mobiles and scan the QR code to vote for their respective
candidates. Once all the votes are recorded, the data of each voter is stored in the blocks,
collectively forming a chain aka block chain format, to make the data secure and
unchangeable. An Android application would be responsible to scan the QR code, and Web
based application to show the results. When a voter scans the QR code, the data is
transferred to web based application with help of Firebase cloud. Web based application
stores the voting data of each voter in different block. All the blocks are connected like the
block chain structure. Once the data is stored in chain of blocks, the web based application
deletes data from the Firebase. To make the data confidential the it is encrypted before it is
stored in chain of blocks.

To learn block chain structure, you can watch following mentioned video.
Block Chain:

Functional Requirements:

1. There should be two different applications i.e. one for voter and the other for admin.
a. Android application should be developed for voter application.
b. Web Based application should be developed for admin.
c. Data is between these two should be synchronized using Firebase cloud.

2. Both applications should have User authentication.

3. Voter application:
a. Scans the QR code to vote for respective candidate.
b. Shows the list of candidates.
c. Shows the profile of voter.
d. Have an option to logout from application.
e. Should be able to create voter account
f. Should be able to reset the account password.
g. Should be able to modify the profile of voter.

4. Web based application:

a. Generates the unique QR for each candidate.
b. Shows the profiles of candidates and voters.
c. Shows the final result (Votes of all candidates).
5. Final data should be stored in the chain of blocks.
a. Each user’s voting data should be stored in different blocks.
b. All the blocks should be connected like a block chain structure to make the data
c. All the data should be encrypted, to make the data confidential.
d. This chain of blocks can be saved in JSON or any other respective format and
stored in the machine where web-based application is hosted.
Students can use any development environment with the prior approval of their supervisor.
For computational resources the Virtual University of Pakistan will not bear any expenditures,
therefore, students have to manage at their own.

 Before selecting the project, get complete knowledge of the project.
 Both applications should have an interactive and attractive user interfaces.
 In case of queries, discuss with the supervisor before selecting in order to
avoid ambiguities.

Name: Azhar Ali Khaskheli
Email ID:
Skype ID: azharkhaskheli /
Ticket Booking and Collection using QR Code

Project Domain / Category

Mobile App

Abstract / Introduction
Public transport is the cheapest and has, therefore, always been popular with the masses.
The advancement in the transport system has been increasing in day-to-day life. Transport
plays a vital role in an individual's life, in making it efficient we are introducing an android
application. The android application has a bus ticket system using a QR scanner. The android
mobile has a great part in human life, it helps people to stay connected with the web. In this
project, we are proposing a QR scanner for the bus ticketing system. The QR code (Quick
Response code) becomes popular outside the automotive industry due to its fast readability
and greater storage capacity compared to standard UPC barcodes. The proposed system
provides an android application for passengers and ticket collectors to buy and collect their
tickets online using a QR code. Passengers can get the ticket by entering their location details
and making payment. With this application, we can minimize the usage of paper (Tickets) and
there will not be any problem in getting change.

Functional Requirements:

Main modules:
1. Sign-Up and log in
2. Weekly updating of bus route schedules in the database
3. QR code Scanner
4. Online payment integration
5. QR Code generation

 Sign-Up and log in:

1. First of all, the user (Admin, Ticket collector, Passenger) will encounter the login
screen which requires the user to log in to the application.
2. The login system for each user (Admin, Ticket collector, Passenger) shows its
dashboard correctly with appropriate functionality.
3. For new users, there will be an option to create an account on the login screen,
which will lead the user towards the further process.
4. Using email or phone numbers, it should be easy for customers to register and
log in.
5. Forgot password and remember me options should be available.

 Admin dashboard:
1. Admin should be able to login into the application.
2. Admin should be able to add weekly bus schedule including route information.
3. Admin should be able to edit and update any changes in bus schedule.

 Ticket collector dashboard:

1. Ticket collectors should be able to login into the application,
2. Ticket collectors should be able to select his/her route for which he/she has to
collect tickets.
3. The route schedule must display the number of tickets purchased for that
particular route along with route information.
4. Ticket collectors should be able to scan the QR code of passengers' tickets using
a QR code scanner inside the application.
5. The application should display the total number of tickets collected based on the
number of QR codes scanned.
6. Ticket collectors should be able to save the total count of tickets scanned for
that route along with route information.

 Passenger dashboard:
1. Passengers should be able to login into the application.
2. Passengers should be able to book the ticket for their desired route according to
the available schedule.
3. Passengers should be able to cancel the booking.
4. Passengers should be able to purchase the booked ticket via online payment
from the application.
5. The application should generate a QR code based on booking and payment
6. The QR code must not generate in case if passengers fail to make online
1. IDE: Android Studio
2. Programming Language: Java / Kotlin
3. Database: MySQL, Firebase
4. Unified Modelling Language (UML): Star UML

Name: Javeria Liaquat
Email ID:
Skype: live:b444d6f17fd36bb5
TravelTime iOS App

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

People in the World are working more hours and taking less time off, bringing on various
mental and physical health challenges. When work is overwhelming and your work-life
balance feels out of whack, it’s time to ask yourself, “Should I go on vacation?” Taking a
vacation offers many health benefits, like improving physical and mental health. People who
take vacations have lower stress, less risk of heart disease, a better outlook on life, and more
motivation to achieve goals. Now the problem is to select the best place to visit during
vacations, as it involves someone's annual leaves and annual savings (both are precious
enough to take special care of them). "TravelTime iOS App" will help to select the right place
for its users. The main idea of the “TravelTime iOS app” is to help you for planning your
ultimate trip. This app lets you enter your favored scenery, time of vacation, preferred
activity, holiday budget and other variables to show you the top places where you should
spend your holidays.

Main Roles of the system:

There will be five options in its side menu;

· Profile
· Best Places
· My Favorite Place
· Trip Recommender
· Logout

Core Functionality:
Core functionality and basic flow of the app will be as follows:
1. First of all, the user will encounter the home screen which consists of a list of the
Top 10 Beautiful places around Pakistan.
2. The user will select a place of their choice, which in turn leads the user to the
Place’s complete details. (Place Name, Approximate Budget, 2-3 images etc)
3. The app will also allow a user to save his/her experience about a trip in Its Notes
4. There will be another option which asks users few questions, and on the basis of
their questions, App will recommend place to user.
5. The user will have to register before writing trip experience in Notes if he/she is not
registered already.

The other Screens will work as:

● Profile.
Profile Screen will show the user his/her details (His/her First name, Last name,
Age, Gender, Favorite Hobby, Personality type)
● Best Places.
This screen will show the list of best places, user can search a place from the list
● My Favorite Trip Notes.
This Screen will show all the Notes which user writes about his trips.
● Trip Recommender.
This screen will show some questions to user and a submit button, when user
submit those questions, then on the basis of those answers we will suggest user some
places he/she might like.

There will be a need for a backend web API that will handle all backend tasks such as
managing all Places, Best Places and user data etc.

Tools & Language:

• IDE: XCode on mac-book
• Programming Language: Swift5 and latest versions
• Backend Server-side scripting technology: PHP
• API Testing Application: Postman
• Code Editors: XCode, Sublime, PHP storm Visual Studio, etc.

Note: If you need any further assistance regarding tools, feel free to contact me.

Name: Hafiz Muhammad Haroon
Email ID:
Skype ID: haroon.sheikh322
University Asset Maintenance App

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Apps

Abstract / Introduction
Like any organization a university has a lot of items or assets that are used in its day to day
working. These items include things such as furniture in class rooms and offices, computers,
printers, network equipment, lab equipment, electrical appliances, generators etc.
Occasionally these items can become faulty and need repair or replacement. To make this
process of repair or replacement of faulty items efficient the students have to develop an
android App called University Asset Maintenance App. By using this App any staff member of
the university can register a complaint about an item that needs repair or replacement. The
complaint is sent to the administrator who will assign the task to a relevant staff member so
the item can be repaired or replaced. After resolving the complaint, the relevant staff
member and the complainant will close the complaint. The administrator can view
information about complaints in different ways.

Functional Requirements:
The app should have two types of users;
Admin: The administrative authority that manages repair and replacement of items.
Staff: All teaching and non-teaching staff of the university

The App should at least implement the following functionality;

1. The App should allow staff members to register with their information such as name, email,
phone, department, designation etc.
2. A Staff member can start a complaint about an item. The complainant will add description
about the issue. The App should also have an option to upload a picture. At this stage the
complaint’s status will be Unassigned.
3. The admin will see the complaint on his interface and assign the complaint to a relevant
staff member. After this the status of complaint would be Assigned
4. The staff member handling the complaint will receive the complaint and will start working
on it.
5. After the work on the complaint is completed, its status will be become Needs verification
and the complainant will receive the message to verify that the item has been repaired or
replaced. If satisfied the complainant will verify and the complaint’s status will become
Closed. The admin will get a notification regarding closing of complaint.
6. The Admin should be able to see information about complaints according to following
a) Complaint having a specific ID
b) Complaints started by a specific staff member
c) Complaints handled by specific staff member
d) Complaints having a specific status
e) All complaints Sorted by date
f) Complaints started between 2 specified dates

IDE: Android Studio
Programming Language: Java, PHP
Database: MySQL
Unified Modelling Language (UML): Microsoft Visio, IBM Rational Rose

Name: Safi Ullah Nasir
Email ID:
Skype ID: live:cid.34c66d21a10921b or
Vaccination Management System for Children (Android Application)

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction
Because their immune systems have not yet developed the essential defenses to battle
serious infections and diseases, young children are more susceptible to infectious diseases.
For underdeveloped nations like ours, ensuring that children have access to appropriate
healthcare and immunization against diseases that can be prevented by vaccines, is a very
difficult task. This emphasizes the necessity of putting in place a better, wiser structure in
order to improve the circumstances. With the use of this program, parents can plan
immunization visits for their children while also receiving information and storing records.

With only a few clicks, parents can schedule vaccination visits for their children using our
proposed Vaccination Management System. The administration will oversee the child's
vaccination report and appointment permission. Hospitals will provide updates on the child's
immunization application status. With this system, a lot of man-hours will be saved and it is
efficient too.

Functional Requirements:
The system comprises three (3) major modules with their functional requirements
as follows;

1. Admin Module:
 Login: The admin can log in to the system using a username and password.
 View Hospitals
o Accept/Reject: They can view all the hospital details. Also, they can accept or
reject the hospital’s application.
 View Child Data: The admin can view all the child data
 Appointment Details: All the appointment details can be viewed by the admin.
 Export/Save Data: All the appointment data can be saved or exported by the admin.

2. Hospital Module:
 Register: The hospital will need to register first and request approval from the admin.
 Login: They can log in to the system only after it has been approved by the admin.
 View Appointments
o Filter by Date: The hospital can view appointments by date after applying a
filter to sort.
o Update Status: They can update the status of appointments.

3. Parent Module:
 Register: Parents will need to register first to log in with their basic details.
 Login: They can log in using their username and password.
 My profile: Also, they can make necessary changes to their profile details.
 Change Password: They can easily change their old password to the new one.
 Manage Child data: Parents can manage and view their child’s data, and also, they can
add, update and delete these data.
 Book Appointment: They can further book an appointment for their child’s
 View Appointments
o Details & Status: Parents can view appointment details and their status.
 My Reminder: They can also view the appointment reminder.

Tools, Languages and APIs used:

 Android Development Studio
 FireBase Cloud Database
 Java/Kotlin, XML, Flutter

Name: Waqas Ahmad
Email ID:
Skype ID: waqas_vu
What You Cook Today

Project Domain/Category
Mobile Application

A mobile application that will facilitate the people to select a recipe to cook in daily hectic
routine. It is very hard to go out and choose what to cook everyday particularly for
professionals. This mobile application will help people to select meal of the day that they
want to cook with all ingredients (spices, oil, vegetables, meat, etc.)

Functional Requirements:

 Enter category wise products pictures with price
 Update product price through the following methods
o Update prices of the product
o Update product’s images
o Receive emails of the order or any type of notification
o Order delivery status (Delivered, pending)
o Publish recipe of the day for 1 to 10 people

 User can login in the application with the given user id and password
 User can choose any recipe of the day, give number of persons, verify it and confirm
 User receive order and pay cash on delivery.
 User can prepare custom recipe
 If order is for more than 10 person then user will write a complete order. For this
purpose, application must have a button named “Special Order”.

Tools and Technology

Students are required to develop a mobile app and student can use any mobile app
development technology.

Note: The students are required to develop above requirements according to the client’s
desired functionality. If anything is unclear then student must ask to supervisor.

Name: Faizan Tahir
Email ID:
Skype ID:
Analysis of Udemy Courses
Project Domain / Category
Information Retrieval

Udemy, Inc. is a global destination for teaching and learning online. It was founded in May
2010 by Eren Bali, Gagan Biyani, and Oktay Caglar. As of July 2022, the platform has more
than 54 million students, 204,000 courses, and 71,000 instructors teaching courses in over 75
languages. There have been over 741 million course enrollments. The project aims to develop
methods or tools to determine the course popularity based on the historical data. The
project is related to the information mining and retrieval. You have to implement the latest
AI algorithms for achieving the highest accuracy and precision for the below mentioned

About Dataset:
This dataset contains information about ‘Udemy’ courses in the category of Web
Development. The parameters are course title, URL, price, number of subscribers, number of
reviews, number of lectures, course level, rating, content duration, published timestamp, and
subject. With this dataset, researchers can track the performance of courses and uncover
opportunities to generate revenue. This data set is perfect for those who want to learn more
about web development or improve their skills in the field. The link for dataset is given in the
tools section.

Functional Requirements:
The students have to submit the python scripts as well as the graphical/tabular results to
fulfill the following requirements.

1. Analyze which Udemy courses in the Web Development category are the most popular,
and which factors contribute to its popularity.
2. Determine on basis of published timestamp and content duration that how course quality
affects students' willingness to pay.
3. Predicting the price of a Udemy course based on its number of subscribers, reviews,
lectures, level, rating, and content duration.
4. You have to provide the model based on the above requirements.

The following tools can be used for developing the above project:
 Anaconda
 Jupiter Lab.
 Python
 Any other tool required
 Dataset :

Name: Zaid Ismail
Email ID:
Skype ID: m.zaid_1994_1
Collaboration Filtering and Content based Urdu Health
Recommender System (CFC-UHRS)

Project Domain / Category

Information Retrieval/Software Application

With the advent of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, the
quest for searching information over the Internet has been increased. Amongst wide-spread
applications of online searching, the healthcare is amongst the top searched areas. For
English and some other western languages, a plethora of techniques have been designed and
developed to provide relevant information about electronic disease information (EDI) to the
users and recommend them answers related to different diseases, their symptoms, Disease
Type, Doctor Advices, and relevant doctor/consultant accordingly.

Moreover, the delivery of accurate and complete information to the patients in an

understandable format and language increases his/her knowledge and changes the way of
thinking, which is usually referred as patient empowerment.

Urdu Health Recommender System (UHRS) will provide relevant information about diseases
to the users in Urdu language and recommend them answers related to different diseases
like symptoms, Disease Type, Doctor Advices, and relevant doctor/consultant accordingly.

In the context of UHRS, the Collaborative Filtering (CF) technique can be interpreted as
follows: “If patients share similar disease profiles/health conditions, then they would have
similar treatments/healthcare services”.
In UHRS, the Content-based Filtering (CB) approach suggests healthcare services that fit the
patient’s health condition/disease situation and are similar to those assigned to him/her in
the past.

In this Project, we aim to develop and design CF and CB based URDU Health Recommender
System (CFC-UHRS) System mainly targeting disease information which will be comprised of
five attributes that are: disease, disease type, symptoms, precautions, doctor advices, and
relevant consultant/doctor.
As such, providing valuable information to users for health-related issues, based on CF and
CB, in the form of suggestions, approved by their caregivers, can significantly improve the
opportunities that users have to inform themselves online about health problems and
possible treatments. In this context, the proposed project contributes URDU health
recommender system that will provide the user with information related to disease like
disease name, disease type, symptoms, and precautions as well as information of an
appropriate consultant for the disease.

Functional Requirements
The application should be able to:
1. Provide a user-friendly interface (UI) that allows users to search disease related
information like disease name, disease type, symptoms, precautions, doctor advices, and
relevant consultant/doctor from medical related corpus by entering disease name (optional)
and disease symptoms.
2. Display disease name, disease type, and symptoms and recommend doctor advices,
precautions, and relevant consultant/doctor using Collaboration Filtering (CF) and Content
Based (CB) recommendation techniques.
3. Provide registration and login interface for admin and doctor.
1. Admin will be allowed to add, delete, and verify doctor and disease.
2. Doctor will be allowed to add and update patient and disease record.

Tools / Application Platform: Python

Database: MySQL

Name: Said Nabi
Email ID:
Skype ID: saidnabi115
Traffic Intensity-Based QoS Control in Software-Defined Network

Project Domain / Category

Computer Networks / Research / Simulation

This project requires setting up NS3 and configuring the OpenFlow QoS controller as part of
software-defined networking(SDN). Next, students must write the code to model a traffic
intensity-based load balancing controller. It counts the number of TCP connections allocated
to each server and measures the traffic intensity of each TCP session using the Erlang
Formula every ten seconds. Finally, Students will be required to simulate a scenario that
contains eight servers and 32 clients and perform the measurements in terms of TCP
connection Latency, End to End Delay, Jitter, and Packet loss.

Functional Requirements:

1. Environment preparation
1. Install and configure a suitable version of the Ubuntu Operating system.
2. Install and Configure a suitable version of NS3 that satisfies the requirements of
3. Install and intergerate the OFSWITCH13.
2. Simulation Scenario
1. Write suitable Simulation code to create the scenario given in Figure 1.
2. Configure each server to accept TCP connections on port 5000. Each user should
start TCP sessions of random duration between 5 to 15 seconds. User nodes should
send TCP packets at random rates between 100kpbs to 200kpbs.

Figure 1 - Simulation Scenario

3. Traffic Intensity Load Balancer
1. Write a suitable load balancing algorithm to measure the traffic intensity at each
server and allocate the incoming TCP sessions to a server having the lowest traffic
intensity. The traffic intensity should be calculated as follows.
������������ℎ� ���� ∈ 15������� ∗ ��������������� ∗ �������������������ℎ
������������������������������ ∗ ����������������� ∗ ��� ∗ 15 �������

If all servers operate at the same traffic Intensity, allocate the incoming session to the server
with the lowest ID.

4. Performance Measurement
1. Measure the performance of each TCP session in terms of Average packet loss,
Connection Latency, delay, throughput, and jitter.

 C/C++
 Linux Environment
 Eclipse/Code Blocks
 NS3 –

Name: Arif Husen
Email ID:
Skype ID:
Web Page Ranking System
Project Domain / Category
Information Retrieval(Python)/Software Application

Abstract / Introduction
The aim of this project is to develop an information retrieval system that calculate the term
frequencies, document frequencies and return the user, the top most ranked web pages in
response to a query. The main advantage of this system is to help to reduce the efforts
required to search a most relevant documents according to the query parameters. It will
provide the most relevant documents according to his/her query from the bulk of documents
that are available on the world wide web and saves the time and search effort of a user and
leads to the most relevant documents within few minutes.

Functional Requirements:
Provide a bulleted list of functional requirements
1. Pre-processing of provided data set
 In preprocessing, cleaning of data set is the key process.
 Detect the stop-words and punctuation marks and remove both of these.
 Convert the whole data in same case(i.e. lower case)
2. Read the file “Sample_dataset.txt” and find total occurrences of word
a. Write a function that returns count of number of lines in txt file.
b. Write a function that returns count of number of words in txt file.
3. Write a function that returns a data frame with two columns having stop words in one
and their count in the other.
4. Now generate a .txt file named “Rollnumber.txt”(write your own Student ID) having all
content of the given file but excluding stop words.
5. Write a function that prints the count of lowercase words in the file.
6. Perform lemmatization on the given file and generate a txt file named
“Rollnumber_lemmatized.txt” having all content of the given file.
7. Perform stemming on the given file and generate a txt file named
having all content of the given file.
8. Read all .txt extension files(dataset.txt) and perform the following tasks:
 Write a function named wordList(doc) in such a way that it takes a txt file as
input argument and returns a list of words in your document. For example, for
below paragraph
Association for Computational Linguistics 6 th Applied Natural
Language Processing Conference Proceedingsnof the Conference
April 29--May 4, 2000 Seattle, Washington, USA ANLP 2000-
PREFACE 131 papers were submitted
It will return list of words like this
['Association', 'for', 'Computational', 'Linguistics', '6', 'th',
'Applied', 'Natural', 'Language', 'Processing', 'Conference',
'Proceedingsof', 'the', 'Conference', 'April', '29-- May', '4,', '2000',
'Seattle,', 'Washington,', 'USA', 'ANLP', '2000-PREFACE', '131',
'papers', 'were', 'submitted', ]
9. Write a function named removePuncs(wordList) that takes list of words then iterate
through this list. During iteration it do some processing on each word. Function should
replace punctuation marks
as well as \n. and check either this word in stop-word on not? if it is in stop-word then
we didn't append this into resulting List. You must also handle case insensitivity of
words. Output for above list should be like this.
['association', 'computational', 'linguistics', '6', 'th','applied',
'proceedingsof', 'conference', 'april', '29may', '4', '2000',
'seattle', 'washington', 'usa', 'anlp', '2000preface', '131',
'papers', 'submitted']

10. Write a function named termFrequencyInDoc(wordList) which should take a list of

words asinput argument, and output a dictionary of words such that each word that
appears in the document is key in the dictionary and it's value is term frequency.

11. Write a function named wordDocFrequency(dicList) that takes list of dictionary as

input argument, each dictionary in this list is the word that appears in the given document
as keys and the no. of times the word appears as value. This function should construct a
dictionary which has all the words that appear in the corpus as keys and no. of docs that
contain this word as value.

12. Construct a function named inverseDocFrequency(dicList,base) that takes dictionary

returned from wordDocFrequency functions above and outputs inverse document
frequency of each word.

13. This function named tfidf(docList) takes list of documents it calls the function
wordList to split the document in list of words and remove stopwords and punctuation
marks from them, then calls termFrequencyInDoc() uses its output to create dictionary of
vocabulary using the function wordDocFrequency(), it then should call inverseDocFre()
function. It then outputs a list of dictionary, where each document corresponds to the
dictionary, its words should be keys values should be tf-idf score.

14. Write a code for VSM(Vector Space Model that returns the top ranked pages/links
available on internet) and run the following queries, you must show the top 5 documents
ranked according to the score. Function name should be like this

Topic modelling
Software Requirements:
 Operating System: Window 7 and above
Anaconda OR

jupyter notebook
Download sources:

Language of the Project:


Note: You can write the Names of Functions of your own choice.

Here the following abbreviations mean

tf is the abbreviation of term frequency

Idf is the abbreviation of inverse document frequency
Doc is the abbreviation of document
The dataset will be provided to the enrolled students via email.

Name: Shafaq Nisar
Email ID:
Skype ID: shafaqnisar1
Automated Exams Seating Plan

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Examinations are one of the most important and crucial parts of the entire academic process.
And, taking fair and hassle-free examinations is a big task. In our conventional mode of
studies, creating an examination seating plan manually while most importantly assuring no-
cheating atmosphere for students and keeping in account each examination hall/room, their
seating capacities, availability of faculty members, and available time slots is a quite tiresome
job, and there are possible chances of mistakes and clashes. We have decided to come up
with a solution that will automate the whole process and majorly facilitate the exams
department to avoid all the hassle. The main task will be to design an algorithm that will take
all these attributes (students count, rooms, seats in each room, faculty count etc) as input
and create a fair seating plan as an output.

Target audience:
Examinations department (main entity)
Faculty Members

As an output, the system should also generate the following files.

1. Seat Plan (editable Excel file for examination department)
2. Date-sheet (a printable pdf file)
3. Exam Entrance/Roll number slip for each student (a printable pdf file)
4. Exams duty plan (timetable) for each faculty member (a pdf file)
5. Attendance Sheet for each exam (editable Excel file for examination department and

Examination Department
The examination department should be able to perform the following main tasks

1. Login the system

2. Add a new examination room or hall with all details ( like room code, floor, seating
capacity etc.)
3. View list of existing rooms or halls
4. Update details of existing rooms/halls
5. Add faculty members
6. View faculty timetables/slots
7. Update faculty details
8. Add new students
9. Update student details
10. Generate seating plan
11. View seating plan
12. Update seating plan
13. Download/print seating plan
14. View/download/print date sheets
15. View/download/print attendance sheets

Faculty Members
Faculty members must have their own institutional credentials to log into the system. They
should be able to see their timetable and choose a time slot as per their preference and
availability. The slot should be locked from the faculty end before preparing the seating plan.
They should be able to view, download and print their exam duty plan. They should also able
to view, download and print the attendance sheets for the respective exam day.

The student should be able to login to the system with their respective institutional login
credentials to view, download and print their date sheet and entrance/roll number slips for
the examination.

Administration entities should have excess to almost all activities. As an additional feature - a
graph showing exams day to day reports can also be displayed at the administration’s end.

This is just an overview, the system may have many more features.

Microsoft Visual Studio, SQL Server
Language: C#
Platform: ASP.NET MVC

Name: Pakizah
Email ID:
Skype ID: live:.cid.83b9b9d4116c7c3b
Online Babysitters
Project Domain / Category
Web application

Abstract / Introduction:
A study on employed parents published by the International Journal of Human Resources
indicates the challenges faced by job parents in managing their day-to-day life along with
their parenting responsibilities. The main challenges faced by working parents as per the
journal include Stereotyping, Exhaustion, change in work schedules, and career growth
opportunities. Most parents are struggling to deal with all their responsibilities at once.
Online Babysitting Applications can be very helpful for employed parents. Online babysitting
platforms allow them to search for sitters by location, experience, specific skills, and rates.
This application will allow working parents to find part-time or full-time babysitting and
childcare options as per their requirements. Moreover, It helps parents to enroll their child in
daycare without standing in a queue.“ Online Babysitting Application contains data of the
user who want to enroll in baby daycare activities on daily basis. The main purpose of the
Online Babysitting Application is to systematically record, store and update recorded data.
Functional Requirements:
1. The admin can update his/her profile, Change their password and log out.
2. The admin must design the form to enroll the child, Form will consists of all required
information such as Name, Address, Contact Number, Emergency Contact Number.
3. The admin must design the form to register babysitters as well. Form will consists of
all required information such as Name, Address, Contact Number, and Emergency
Contact Number, working as part time or full time sitter.
4. The admin can briefly view the total babysitter, total subscribers, total services, total
new enrollment, total accepted enrollment, total reject enrollment, and total-hold
enrollment on Dashboard.
5. The admin can manage offered services(Add/Update/Delete).
6. The admin can manage the babysitter(Add/Update/Delete).
7. The admin can manage the about us and contact us pages.
8. The admin can view the enrollment details in a particular period and search
1. User can visit the website and check the detail of babysitters and services.
2. User can view detail of services which is provided by daycare.
3. In this section, user can enroll their child.
4. In this section, user can view detail of babysitters who work in a daycare.
5. User can see the details of the website.
6. User can see the contact detail and contact the website administrator.
C Sharp, PHP, MySQL, Xammp, Notepad++, or as per your choice.
Note: More functionalities and be also be added into the project by students both at Admin
or User side.
Name: Dr. Nida Anwar
Email ID:
Skype ID:
Automated scheduling of Class Room

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
All educational institutes are offering a number of different disciplines these days and each
discipline has a number of subjects. There are limited faculty members in all educational
institutes therefore each faculty member has to teach more than one class/subject. Also,
there are limited rooms for classes and lab activities for different batches. We have to
generate a class schedule for effective resource utilization. This schedule should ensure that
there is neither an overlapping of faculty member nor class room.

Class room scheduling is a very hectic job which takes a lot of time and effort. Any updation
or correction may make this task cumbersome if done manually. There is a need to automate
this task with the help of an online system which generates a schedule. This automated
system for class room management will be a web-based application which can generate a
schedule according to classes, subjects and faculty members.

Functional Requirements:

Faculty Member:

1. The faculty member shall register/signup in the system.

2. The faculty members have different role like Dean, Section head, Head of department,
Class in-charge etc.
3. The faculty member shall be able to login to system.
4. The section head will generate schedule of different classes. (System will ensure that
every lecture should have a distinct time slot and room. Any time slot cannot have an
overlapping of class, subject or faculty member.)
5. The faculty member shall be able to view/download schedule from the system in .pdf
6. The faculty member shall be able to view/download schedule class wise.
7. The faculty member shall be able to view/download schedule subject wise.
8. The faculty member shall be able to view/download schedule class room wise.


1. The student shall register/signup in the system.

2. The student shall be able to login to system
3. The student shall be able to view/download schedule from the system in .pdf format.
4. The student shall be able to view/download schedule class wise.
5. The student shall be able to view/download schedule subject wise.
6. The student shall be able to view/download schedule class room wise.

1. Login availability.
2. Admin shall be able to accept/ reject user’s registration requests.
3. Admin shall be able to update all users’ detail.
4. Admin shall be able to view all registered users’ detail.
5. Admin’s dashboard has overall functional rights.
6. Admin should be able to approve/reject the schedule generated by faculty member.


PhpStorm, NetBeans, Sublime Text, Php, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, bootstrap, MySQL,

Name: Umair Ali
Email ID:
Skype ID: live:umairalihamid_1
Ecommerce website with Jamstack (Next.js/Strapi/Postgres)

Project Domain / Category


Abstract / Introduction
The proposed website is an ecommerce online shop like website. The propose
of this website is to sell your products online. The visitors can browse products, view
products details. Register users will be able to purchase the products by adding into their
shopping carts.
There will be three types of users
1. Admin
2. Customers (Registered Members)
3. Visitors (Guest Users)

Functional Requirements:
Provide a bulleted list of functional requirements

6. Login/Logout
7. Authentication & Authorization
8. Add/Edit/Delete Product Categories
9. Add/Edit/Delete Products
10. Add products with products pictures, description, attributes and respective categories
11. Order Management
12. Shipping Management
13. Products pics should be on the cloudnary (


1. User Registration
2. Login to site
3. Registered user can see his profile
4. Registered user can manage his account
5. Registered user can see his orders
6. Registered user can buy the products with checkout
7. Logout
8. Add products with products pictures, description, features and respective categories
9. The visitors can browse products, view products details
10. An Email using SendGrid will be generated when a user purchases a project, it will be
sent to the user as well as site admin
11. Similarly, an SMS will be generated using any API to confirm the mobile number of the
user who has purchased the product
Indicate development environments / IDEs / Any other tools required in this project
1. React.js
2. -Next.js
3. -Strapi
4. -Postgres
5. -Stripe or PayPal as a payment gateway
6. Any SMS API like twilio
7. -SendGrid (Email Marketing Tool)
8. -Cloudinary
9. -VS Code

Name: Amjad Iqbal Khan
Email ID:
Skype ID: amjadiqbalkhanniazi
Event Management System

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Suppose we have a project named “Event Management System”. In this project, we have a
website that manages public events e.g gatherings, concerts, educational events, etc.
Registered users (event organizers) can post upcoming events and other registered users can
show their interest in a particular event. Users can also contact a particular event organizer
and have chat with him/her. Event organizers should have a proper profile so that anyone
can see their profile and contact them. This project also contains an admin panel that
contains all the information regarding the events, event organizers, and users. Admin will
also contain the special rights to modify any information.
Functional Requirements:

1. Event Organizer login and signup.

2. User login and signup.
3. Admin login.
4. Event organizers should be able to post (submit for approval) an event.
5. Event Organizers should be able to modify their profile.
6. User should be able to show their interest for a particular event.
7. User should be able to search the events.
8. Admin should be able to manage the event organizers and users (update, delete).
9. Admin should approve the event before posting.
10. Admin should be able to manage the events (Block, update, delete).
11. All statistics related to the events should be displayed on the admin panel.
12. Email notification should be sent to the registered users of a particular area when
new event is posted.
13. User should be able to have a chat with event organizer.

Tools and Technologies:

PhpStorm/Visual Studio code, Xampp, Laravel/Codeignitore (Framework), PHP, JavaScript

Name: Hafiz Bilal Saqib
Email ID:
Skype ID: bilal.saqib52
Event Planner
Project Domain / Category
Web Programming

Event Planner is a web application that will allow its users to search and view the
events/tours held in past, present and future. User will also be able to see the ratings
mentioned by other users (who attended the event). User can also subscribe for Emails to get
updates for upcoming events. The user would be able to search using the following filters:
 Location (by province or city)
 Per person charges
 Date
 Number of days
The user can also request for custom events using a Contact Us form. The admin can only add
new events,

Functional Requirements:
Interface Requirements:
Admin Module:
 Add an Admin/ Login: The main administrator can add any other person as admin.
 Admin can add event categories, the events can be a Tour, Educational Conference,
Workshop, Formal or Informal etc.
 Admin can add/remove/edit the events.
 Admin can generate coupons or offers against events.
 Admin can manually add or delete any customers.
 Admin can handle the queries sent by the Contact Us Form.
 Logout
User Module:
 Sign Up/Login: The user can view/search the Events without registration.
 Sign Up or login is compulsory for booking an event.
 User can view his previously attended events. User can also give feedback/review
about it’s attended event.
 User can redeem any coupons at the time of confirmation of event.
 User can add events to Favourite, mark the event as Interested or Going or Attended.
 User can contact with the Admin through a Contact Us Form.
 User can subscribe for the updates through Emails. Also the user can edit its Email
address for subscription.
 Logout

Tools and Languages:

Front End: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Java script, Back End: Any tool
Server: Xampp/Wampp, Data Base: MySQL

Name: Maham Murtaza
Email ID:
Skype ID: maham.khan024
Intelligent Route Designer

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
A travel agency plans different tours for customers to visit different places of intercity or
intra city. They are using Google map application to find a path from a starting point to
multiple destinations. Google map gives a static path according to the order of places
entered in the application. They need an intelligent route designer (IRD) application that can
use Google map API but instead of static path the application should find multiple optimized
paths on the basis of entered starting point and multiple destinations.

Functional Requirements:
Following are the functional requirements of intelligent route designer (IRD) application.
 The application should have option to enter one starting point and many destinations.
 The application will use the entered information in the form of starting point to
destinations and find five best paths.
o Show five best paths on the basis of travel time.
o Show five best paths on the basis of total distance.
 Starting point and destinations can be enter in the form of an address.
 Starting point and destinations can be entered int the form of latitude & longitude.
 There should be option to generate a link of calculated path and share with others.
 Your application will show five paths on the basis of distance and travel time.
o Click on any generated path must show a path with path as showing below in
two screenshots.

Working Scenario:
Suppose the man wants to start from point A and he has to travel to points B, C, D, E and
return to point A. Your application will find five possible combinations of optimized paths
from A to A using B, C, D and E in different order. The path can be like
 A => C => E => D => B => A
 A => E => D => B => C => A
 Etc.
Note: Students will find and provide detailed requirements in the SRS document.

Suppose the travel agency want to plan a tour for their clients for the locations showing in
screenshot in the table on the left side. Google map give them an optimized path on the basis
of the order of places entered. Your application will not change start and end place and try
multiple combinations in between places to find multiple optimized paths.
Shareable Link:

Here is another path which is more optimized from previous.

Shareable Link:

Python, PHP, ASP.Net

Name: Muhammad Ahmad Lodhi
Email ID:
Skype ID: ahmad_lodhi
Online Bus Station Ticketing System

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming
Abstract / Introduction

The application provides an automated platform that generates the bus station passengers'
tickets and records the transaction. This bus station ticketing system has two types of system
users which are the Admin and the Cashier. The Admin user can access all the features and
functionalities of the system while the Cashier has only limited access and can list the
transaction records that he/she personally processed. Talking about generating the
passenger's ticket, the system can generate multiple tickets in one process and the prices
depend on the selected route and passenger type. The application generates a printable and
date-wise transaction record.

Functional Requirements:


 Admin can login/logout.

 He will check the maintenance of the routes prices, transactions and generate tickets.
 He will Generate Date-wise Transaction Report.
 He will manage the user list and manage account credentials.


 The cashier can login/logout.

 He will record transactions.
 He will generate tickets.
 He will generate printable date-wise sales reports processed by him.


PHP Language and MySQL Database for developing Online Bus Station Ticketing System.


Name: Sumbal Javaid

Email ID:
Skype ID: sumbaljavaid1
Online Buy & Sell Store Application

Project Domain / Category

Web Application


This idea of this project is an online store management system / website which enables its
users effectively buy and sell new and old items on a single platform. The major shopping
categories are Men, Women, Kids, Home, Electronics, Pets, Handbags, Shoes, Jewelry &
Accessories, Makeup and Dresses. The mechanism to sell anything used should be simple.
The person who wants to sell any used item, he / she should upload the snaps of the item
under the given category, and will provide any desired details like how old the item / pet is
and what is its price. Same like the selling mechanism, if a person wants to purchase any item,
he / will explore the provided shopping categories, or will search that specific item by using
the website’s provided search facility.

Users must register themselves first if they wish to buy or sell anything. There should be two

Admin Interface will be used by the owner. Through this interface, administrator can create
various types of decisions by examining the business statistics. On User Interface, each user
either it’s a buyer or seller, can view the list of all products available for online shopping
which have been organized in multiple categories i.e., Men, Women, Kids and Home,
Electronics, Pets, Handbags, Shoes, Jewelry & Accessories, Makeup and Dresses. He / she can
register him / herself by following the Signup process and enjoy the facilities of both selling
and buying.

This web application will be developed using ASP.NET / PHP as the front end and SQL Server /
MYSQL as a back-end. The database will store all necessary information about the items and
their related information.

Functional Requirements:
1. The systems must have two different views:
 Admin View
 User View

2. In Admin View, the admin has full rights and can create user accounts by registering
any user. The administrator can add and delete any shopping category. He / she can
also add, update, and delete any details related to the products.
3. There should be a search interface on Admin View which helps the top management
to search any item (old and new) and its details.
4. Through User View, the user can view the list of all items, New and Old, which have
been organized in each shopping category. He / she can register him / herself for the
any type of buying and selling.
5. The system shall provide convenient interface for the shopping cart.
6. The system should also store and display pictures of each item / product.
7. The system shall be capable to provide an interface to the administrator to see the
stock statistics.
8. The system shall provide Password Recovery facility using Email.
9. The system should provide the interface to store the information of each product,
customer, and shopping cart.

Tools: ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server, PHP, MYSQL

Name: Muhammad Qamar Usman
Email ID:
Skype ID: qamarvu
Online booking of Medical Appointments and Services

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming.

Abstract / Introduction
The proposed system will help users to avail medical services in better way. Still patients are
facing number of issues for getting appointment and have to wait in long ques. As well as,
after Covid-19, it is recommended to avoid gatherings and crowds. In Pakistan, Hospitals and
clinics are still considered as crowded areas. So, this system will help to reduce the effort of
getting appointment and save time of patients as well as reduce crowd in the hospitals, clinic
and labs. User/patients don’t need to visit specific hospital or clinic to get appointment. The
system has wide range of facilities offering to the users like online appointment of consultant
or specialist. It reduces the hassle of patients and they can easily check availability of doctors
and other medical facilities by using this system. On other hand doctors can also schedule
their work load according to appointments.
User has to register in the system. After login user can select his/own city and system will
offer list of hospitals, clinics and medical specialist. User can book online appointment by
selecting hospital and doctor according to their requirement and feasibility. User can also
make appointment in radiology department like for scanning, X-rays etc. They can also book
paramedical services by using system like any type of blood test etc. Re-checking and
cancelling the appointments shall also be done by system. System has services for the
1. Consultant and Specialist
2. Pathology Department/Paramedical services
3. Radiology Department services

Functional requirements
1. Admin shall able to maintain data of cities, hospitals, labs, medical specialist.
2. Admin shall maintain information of users
3. Admin shall add new facility offering by hospital
4. Admin shall add new city, clinic, hospital, lab and doctor information.
5. Admin shall add all information of a doctor/medical specialist, timings, fee and all
other necessary information
6. Admin shall able to add complete information of a hospital, clinic or lab like timings,
location and other facilities.
7. Admin shall change the information of hospital, clinic, doctors and other information.

1. User shall able to register themselves.
2. User shall able to login their account.
3. User shall able to select city.
4. After selecting city, User shall able to select nearby or preferred hospital/Clinic/Lab.
5. After selecting hospital, he or she has to select required facility.
6. User able to book online appointment from available doctor/medical specialist on
respective date and time.
7. User shall able to check free slot before booking appointment of doctor or test.
8. User able to book online appointment of paramedical service, test etc.
9. User able to book online appointment in radiology department for any type of scan or
x-ray etc.
10. User able to see all information about doctor, timings, fees, and other required
11. User shall able to check results of their test results in their respective account.
12. User shall able to recheck date and time of their appointments.
13. User shall able to cancel appointment to free slot.

Java, PHP or any relevant tool used for developing web application

Name: Anam Naveed
Email ID:
Skype ID: live:anam13dec
Online University Grading System

Project Domain / Category

Web programming

Abstract / Introduction

Grading is used to evaluate and provide feedback on student work. In this way, instructors
communicate to students how they are performing in the course and where they need more
help to achieve the course’s goals. For instructors, grades help to assess what information,
concepts, and skills students have successfully understood and which ones they have not.
This kind of information helps you know what you may need to reiterate in class and what
may require reworking in the course design. Grades also provide a standardized way of
communicating student performance to third parties, including the departments in which
students are enrolled, and students themselves.

Functional Requirements:
The system will be used by four modules, which are Super admin, Admin, Teacher and
Student. Each module is interconnected or integrated to each other.

1. Admin can login using valid credentials and perform various task such as Adding a
Teacher, Student and also can view them.
2. Admin will manage student’s admission and fee history.
3. Admin will also add Time Table and Event details.
4. Teacher can login and perform various task such as add assignment, mark attendance,
upload result and view event.
5. Admin will add grading scheme about Assignments, Quizzes, midterm and final term.
6. Student can access the system by providing valid credentials access modules such as
viewing their own profile, view time-table, assignments, result, attendance and event.
7. Super admin is the root node who adds the university campus into the system with
their details. Also, super admin can view/delete any university campus from the
8. Super admin take information regarding fee detail and result.

ASP.NET/C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Crystal report, SQL Server

Name: qaiser shabbir
Email ID:
Skype ID: qaiser_shabir
Parents-Teacher Communication and Management System

Project Domain / Category

Web application

Abstract / Introduction
Interaction between parents and teachers are very critical and important for the overall
growth and development of students. Students spend maximum time with their teachers and
they have a better perspective of student’s behavior and progress in their academics and
non-academic activities. Moreover they are also aware about the areas where students are
not performing well or showing less interest. At school, teachers can have a better
perspective of their child’s activities. At home, parents have a better understanding of their
student’s behaviors. If the interactions are managed via a software system, it leads to
numerous possibilities. A real time application which would help parents and teachers to
communicate and would be able to discuss the progress of students more often as compared
to the monthly or yearly parent teacher meetings. Teachers and parents can exchange real-
time information, monitor the school-going child without intruding on their privacy, provide
instant feedback on the best course of action, and so on. Parent-teacher communication
tools can also have forums where other students and teachers can join, and start discussions,
contribute ideas.

Functional Requirements:
1. Parents will be able to create a signup form
2. Parents will be able create profile
3. Parents will be able to request a meeting.
4. Parents will be able check progress tracking details of their child.
5. Parents will be able to check attendance details of their child.
6. Parents will be able to check details regarding transportation timing of students.
7. Teacher will be able to create a profile consisting of their complete academics
qualification and the courses they are handling
8. Teacher will be able to schedule a meeting.
9. Teacher will be able to create progress tracking details for the parents. This report will
be able to show how the child is faring at certain tasks in the school, how they are
applying homework, how attentive they are in school.
10. Teacher will be able to create attendance report of each student. This report will show
student regularity, class assignment fulfillment, and several other metrics.
11. Teacher will be able to provide details regarding transportation system of students
and bus trips details.

PHP, MySQL, Xammp, Notepad++.

Name: Jibran Khan
Email ID:
Skype ID: jibrankhanvu
Sentiment Analysis to Rate a Product
Project Domain / Category
Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Sentiment analysis (also known as opinion mining or emotion AI) is the use of natural
language processing, text analysis, computational linguistics, and biometrics to systematically
identify, extract, quantify, and study affective states and subjective information. Sentiment
analysis is widely used in business to detect sentiments of consumers about products.

In online shopping, when a consumer buys a product, he/she is given option of feedback.
Feedback can be in the forms of comments. Now a new consumer cannot read all comments
to decide whether to buy or not. You are required to develop an application which can rate
the products based on the sentiment analysis of comments.

It is an e-commerce web application where only the registered consumers can view products
(Product can be of any type) and its feature and add comments about it. User can see the
comments of other consumers as well. The application will analyze all the comments against
a product and rank it.

Functional Requirements
A database of sentiments based keywords will be used along with the positivity or negativity
weight in database and then based on these sentiment keywords mined, user comment is
ranked. Comment will be analyzed by comparing the comment with the keywords stored in
database. The product will be ranked as good, bad and worst.

Comment will be analyzed by comparing the comment with the keywords stored in database.
Admin can add products in the system and also add keywords in database. By using this
application user can find the best suitable product of his/her need.

 Admin login’s to the system using his Admin ID and password.

 Admin add products image and features.
 Admin add keywords in database so that system will match the comment with the
keywords in database and will rate the product.
 Each product has its rating (as proposed above) specifically mentioned along with
other features.
 User can sign up by providing basic information and login’s to the system using his/her
login ID and password.
 User can view product and its features to know about the product.
 User can comment on the product.
 User can view comment of other user’s.
 System will match the comment with the keywords in database and will rate the

You have to develop a database according to the above mentioned requirements.

Note: These are the basic requirements. Students must include all necessary functionality.

Microsoft Visual Studio (C#.Net) and SQL Server

Name: Amna Bibi
Email ID:
Skype ID: aamna.bibi26
The Shoe Shop

Project Domain
Web Application

Online shopping is getting popular because it facilitates the customer to buy desired product
online. The main reason of online shopping emergence is that it saves time by providing the
facility to place order online whatever is required and receive it on the door step easily. In
order to avail online shopping facility, requires a platform which is called a website. By using
these websites we can easily buy products by visiting the website and can order the products
online and make online payments of these products. Online shopping system helps in buying
products like shoes from the listed products. Different categories of shoes can be listed on
the website for shopping.

Functional Requirements:
1. Admin can add delete or modify the website according to the available products.
2. Admin can also keep the record of sale products, in order to watch their total income
or loss.
3. Admin can generate sales report (daily, monthly and yearly).
4. Shoes should be categorized as men, women and kids. In men there should be two
categories of shoes (formal and casual). In women there should be two categories
(Casual and party). In kids there should be two categories (girls and boys).
5. Each category of shoes must have different sizes like 37, 38, 39, 40 and so on.
6. Main page must have all three categories and description of all shoes. There should be
a different page for each category. Each categories must have at least 10 products
displayed on the page.
7. Customer can only view the available and upcoming items.
8. Customer can place order and make payment online or cash on delivery.
9. Customer must register before any order placement.
10. Database should be relational.
11. This application could both be easily accessed on desktop and on mobile.

Languages: C#,, sql, php, CSS, HTML, bootstrap, JavaScript.
Tools: Visual Studio, Dreamweaver or any other supported tool for above languages.
Database: mysql, sql server, WampServer, Xampp.

Name: Syed Aun Ali Bukhari
Email ID:
Skype ID: syed.aun89
Web Portal for Vehicle Servicing at Home

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming.

Abstract / Introduction

This is web-based project which is going to be for an automotive workshop that is intending
to deliver doorstep service. The workshop must be able to display their services and cost on
the website. Users must be able to register and login to cart the required services. Users
must then be able to confirm the service time slot and complete the checkout process.

Functional Requirements:
Following are the functional requirements for the project:
1. User registration module, which can gather user basic, contact and address
information for the project;
2. User management section on admin side(add/update/delete);
3. Workshop management feature (add/update delete workshop information);
4. Category management for services;
5. Service management (add/update/delete or change category of service for
6. Browse and search for services on user end for required service;
7. Place order for particular service by selecting the time slot and payment method
(cash on delivery, bank transfer, easy paisa, jazz cash).

You are free to use any tool provided that all the functional requirements are met properly.

Name: Mehboob Ali
Email ID:
Skype ID:
Cattle Market Management System
Project Domain / Category
Web programming

Abstract / Introduction
Livestock holds back-bone level importance for Pakistan as a large sum of economy is based
on the production of meat, milk and other dairy products. Locals sell and purchase animals
and look after them to earn their livelihood. Therefore, the cattle market has a lot of
importance as these markets are held once in a week where people sale their animals or
purchase other’s animals. This business rises to its peak on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-
ul-Azha. Keeping in mind the importance of this business, it is needed to manage the record,
and tax collection of animals coming-in and going-out of market. Therefore, Cattle Market
Management System is proposed with the idea to automate and manage this business in
order to speed up the processes and improve tax collection.

There will be three types of users of this application.

 Administrator
 Staff
 User

Functional Requirements:
Here is a list of functional requirements:
1. Administrator can manage the users of website.
2. Registered Staff can add the data of an animal on arrival.
3. Registered Staff can update or delete the data of an animal.
4. Registered Staff can collect tax of an animal and generate slip.
5. Registered Staff can calculate the total tax calculated for a day.
6. A user can check the record to whom he sold the animal and vice versa (using CNIC).
7. A user can give suggestions for the improvement of system.
8. System will generate reports on monthly and annually basis (regarding total tax
• These are basic requirements of the application. Students may add further
functionalities to make the application more useful.
• Virtual University of Pakistan (VU) will not provide any kind of hardware for this
project; student has to arrange the required hardware by himself/herself.
• VU will not pay for any license of the software, the libraries /toolkits/APIs used in this
Microsoft Visual Studio, SQL Server,;
Note: You are advised not to switch the tools. If you do so, you will handle the technical side

Name: Ghulam Abbas
Email ID:
Skype ID: live:49cf19b1f61ba126
E-Attendance using Blockchain

Project Domain / Category

Web application / Blockchain.

Abstract / Introduction
In this project we will develop a Blockchain based web application to record the students’
attendance. The goal is to build an application that allows users to mark E-attendance by
using Blockchain technology. The student attendance records will be stored on the
Blockchain, which will be immutable and permanent. Users will interact with the application
via a simple web interface and mark their attendance in user module. The proposed system
provides a platform to store and verify the student’s attendance record using Blockchain
technology with the help of the unique student ID and institute can verify whether the
student is authorized to mark the attendance or not. There are two modules of the system
 College / institute (admin)
 Student (user)
Functional Requirements:
Following are the main functional requirements
1. Implementing blockchain for secure data storage.
2. Storing student attendance data along with their roll numbers in the blockchain.
3. Retrieval of data from the blockchain.
4. Web interface for insertion and retrieval of data.
5. Ability to check if a block has been tampered with.
College /Institute (Admin):
The institute work as an administrator, the main functions included in admin module are:
1. create a student account to mark the attendance.
2. Enrolling the students by assigning the unique roll number
3. Perform a check that student is registered to the particular class or not.
4. maintain the attendance record onto the Blockchain.

Student Module (User)

Students are the users of the application, the main functions included in user module are:
1. create a login user interface for students to mark the attendance.
2. Students can mark and view their attendance record by logging into their account.
3. The student is also capable of sending a request to the college authorities if any
discrepancy is found in attendance.
4. A student can also justify an absence for three days only.

Step by step method to create Blockchain

1. Implementing Blockchain and Store transactions into blocks
The transactions are packed into blocks. A block can contain one or many transactions.
The blocks containing the transactions are generated frequently and added to the
blockchain. Because there can be multiple blocks, each block should have a unique ID.

2. Add digital fingerprints to the blocks

You need to add a hash function. A hash function is a function that takes data of any size
and produces data of a fixed size from it (called a hash), which is generally used to identify
the input. There are various popular hash functions; we will use the SHA-256 hashing
3. Chain the blocks
We need a mechanism to make sure that any change in the previous blocks invalidates
the entire chain. This will be implemented by including the hash of the previous block in
the current block in a new field called previous_hash.
4. Implement a Proof of Work algorithm
A new field will be added to the block called nonce. A nonce is a number that will keep
changing until we get a hash that satisfies our constraint. The number of zeroes specified
in the constraint decides the "difficulty" of our Proof of Work algorithm (more the
number of zeroes, harder it is to figure out the nonce).
5. Add blocks to the chain: To add a block to the chain, we'll first have to verify that,
a. The data is untampered i.e., the Proof of Work provided is correct
b. The order of transactions is preserved i.e., the previous_hash field of the block
to be added points to the hash of the latest block in our chain.
6. Mining
Storing student attendance data along with their roll numbers in the block, the
transactions will initially be stored as a pool of unconfirmed transactions. The process of
putting the unconfirmed transactions in a block and computing Proof of Work is known as
"mining blocks." Once the nonce satisfying our constraints is figured out, we can say that
a block has been mined, and it can be put into the chain.
7. Create interfaces
Create interfaces for Blockchain node to interact with the application we're going to build.
We'll be using a popular Python microframework called Flask to create a REST-API to
interact with and invoke various operations on a blockchain node.

8. Establish consensus and decentralization

We need multiple nodes to maintain the blockchain. So, to transition from a single node to
a peer-to-peer network, we need a mechanism to let a new node become aware of other
peers in the network. A simple consensus algorithm could be to agree upon the longest
valid chain.


 Python 3.6+
 Flask 0.12.2+
 Postman using PyCharm

Name: Fouzia Jumani
Email ID:
Skype ID: fouziajumani
Online Portal for Elementary Education Management Information System (EEMIS)

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Management Information System (MIS) is a computer-based system consisting of hardware,
software, networked devices, and information that serves as the backbone of any
organization. An MIS gathers data from multiple online systems or resources, analyzes the
information, and reports data to aid in decision-making.

Online portal for Elementary Education Management Information System (EEMIS) is a web
portal that is used to convert the manual information system of elementary education
department into online web system. This system is capable to collect online data from
various schools located in various districts of the province. The schools or educational
institutions will connect to the portal through VPN or App, using authentication mechanism
of username and password. The collected information includes the teachers and student’s
data that will be provided by the school administrations located at far flung area of the
province. This system will facilitate each level of management in Elementary Education
Department. Using this portal, the top, middle and low level management of Education
Department gains the information about teachers, staff and students to improve their
performance and carry out optimal decision making.

Functional Requirements:

User (School Administration): After successful login to the system, the school
administration can:

 search the District and concerned school

 add the serving teachers and staff data
 create classes and sections after searching the school
 enter the data of enrolled students in each section of class for each shift
 enter the migrated student’s data
 enter the data of students left the school
 promote the students to next class
 search and view the school-wise staff and student’s data
 search and view the shift-wise staff and student’s data
 search and view the class-wise and section-wise student’s data
 search and view the individual staff and student’s data
 search and view the covid-19 and polio vaccinated staff/students data
 search and view the migrated student’s data
 search and view the student’s data who left the school
 edit/delete the teachers and staff data
 edit/delete the class, section and student’s data
Administrator Login: An authorized admin can login to the system to:

 add the name of Districts and schools

 edit/delete the name of District and schools
 assign/update username and password to end-users (school’s administration)
 view/edit the District-wise students, teachers and staff data
 view/edit the school-wise students, teachers, and staff data
 generate various reports on teachers and staff data
 produce various reports on student’s data

Indicate development environments / IDEs / Any other tools required in this project
 JavaScript


Email ID:
Skype ID:
Electronics Gala
Project Domain / Category
Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
The Electronic Gala is proposed with aim to facilitate customers to order electronics products
online. Products will be organized category wise e.g., small appliances, home appliances, TVs,
Laptops, Phones, Batteries and power etc. Products will also be displayed brand wise e.g.
haier, Samsung, panasonic, annex, and dawlance etc. Inside each category, customer will be
able to filter products based on different features such as price, and colour etc. At the
bottom of page, frequently bought items will be listed. Similarly, website will suggest
products that are mostly sold with a particular product. The application will have the feature
of virtual assistant, i.e. as soon as customer will visit website, virtual assistant will message
customer e.g. “may I help you?”. After placing order, the customers will be able to receive
order at their doorstep. Customers will be able to pay via Credit/Debit card , Cash on Delivery
options. The Admin will manage products information, stock information, orders information,
and customer’s information etc.
Functional Requirements:
Following are abstract level requirements of the project. Students are required to provide
detailed requirements in SRS documents. Students can also add more requirements as per
1. There should be registration and login modules for both Admin and customers.
2. There should also be “Home”, “About Us”, “Terms and Conditions” and “Contact Us”
3. Arrange products category and brand wise.
4. Products inside each category, should be filtered based on price and colour etc.
5. Add image of each product along with proper description and price.
6. The system should provide customers an interface to order products. Before order
placement, customer should be able to update Cart to add some new products or
remove some existing products. The interface should also get payment information
from customer. On checkout, order and payments details should be shown to
7. Customers should have complete record of all their orders.
8. The system should be able to manage all orders, customers and payments etc.
9. Implement functionality of virtual assistant.
10. The system should be able to store information of all customers, products, stock,
orders, reviews/feedback, suggestions and complaints etc.
11. There should be Admin module to manage all above activities.
HTML, CSS, PHP, Microsoft Visual Studio (C#.Net), SQL Server

Name: Umra Naeem
Email ID:
Skype ID: umra.naeem
E-Wallet Based Books Bazar- Online
Project Domain / Category
Web Programming

Abstract/ Introduction
Books hold an immense importance in human life and reading the books help in acquiring
knowledge and developing imagination. In view of this, the proposed project aims to develop
a website titled as “E-Wallet Based Books Bazar-Online” that will provide books of different
categories to its users in soft form. There will be books of two main categories: Free and Paid.
Free books will be available for all the users of the website just for online reading. However,
to download the free books or to place the order for books of the paid category or to put the
books for sale on the website, the users will have to get themselves registered on the
website by passing through a proper registration process. The final approval of the seller
registration request will be done by the Administrator of the website. A user will be able to
purchase / make order against available books using e-wallet system of this website. The
website will provide interactive/responsive interfaces and rich search facility for finding the
different types of books through different filters. The website aims to facilitate its users for
selling and purchasing of books without physically visiting the book market for this purpose.
Functional Requirements:
Following are the key functional requirements of the proposed system:
1. User Registration/Sign Up, Sign In

There will be following four types of users of the website:

 Visitor (Unregistered User)
 Registered user as Client
 Registered user as Seller
 Registered user as Administrator

Proper interfaces for user registration and Sign In will be available for all users.
Roles of the users will be as follow:
 Visitor will be able to visit the website to search books of his / her interest on the
website without login. Such user will be able to only read the books of free category
 A registered user as a client will be able to perform all tasks of a visitor and
additionally will be able to download any free book and to place order for paid book(s)
on the website.
 A user registered as Seller will be able to put the details of the books on the website
for sale and will be able to see the related reports.
 A user registered as the Administrator (Admin) will have all the rights/privileges of all
the information management i.e. Books, all types of registered Users, Stock, Wallet
and different types of reports. In addition, the Admin will add /approve/reject the
seller registration requests.
2. Email Notification and Verification
An unregistered user will register him/her on the website. On submitting the registration
information, an email notification will be sent with a confirmation link to the user’s given
email ID for the verification of the email ID.

3. Admin Panel
The admin panel will allow the Admin to perform category management, Wallet
Management as well as user management (accepting /rejecting the seller registration

Admin will also be able to perform all tasks of a registered user Client, Seller and
unregistered user (Visitor).

4. Dashboard for Registered Users

Registered User- Client

There will be proper Dashboard comprising of interactive interfaces for the registered users.
The dashboard will include some common links and interfaces such as user profile, E-Wallet,
favorite books, view order status, list of books read or downloaded by the user etc. and any
other required links and interfaces.

Registered User- Seller

In addition to the above functionalities, interfaces of the list of orders and mange orders,
uploading the books detail for sale, List of sold out books etc. will be provided to the
registered user as a Seller.
There will be proper Dashboard comprising of interactive interfaces through which the seller
will be able to add/ delete and update all information about books such as Book Title, ISBN,
Publisher, short description, price, stock available etc.

5. Display of Information on the website

The website will display the information of available books category wise such as Free, Paid
and sub categories like Religious, Academic, Science, Health, The Books of Travels, Biographic,
Novels, Poetry, Fairy Tales, Wars and Fiction etc. (A student may add further sub categories).
Book Title, Author, Publisher, Publishing Year, ISBN (if applicable), Book Category, Price (In
case of Paid category), In Stock etc., and user’s reviews/ratings will be displayed in proper
6. Display of Preface
The website will allow any type of user to read the preface of any book of Paid Category.
There will be proper link and display interface for this purpose.
7. Placing Order on the Website
The website will allow the registered user(s) to make order against their selected books.
There will be proper interfaces on the website in this regard. The user will first have to select
the item to put into the shopping cart, and then will have to pay from the E- Wallet System of
this website.
8. Confirmation Email on transaction (Order Placing):
A confirmation email on successful transaction will be sent to the user’s provided email.

9. Search Facility
The website will provide rich search feature through which all types of users should be able
to search information on the website using different filters and keyword such as:
o Book Type /Category
o Book Title / Name
o Author
o Publisher
o Price
o New Arrivals
o Publishing Year
o Best Sellers

10. E-Wallet System

There will be proper E-Wallet System on the website which will allocate a specific amount to
the registered users on assumption that an offline submission of money has been paid to the
Admin via any means at the time of registration. A registered user will be able to place the
order for paid books by using this wallet. On each successful transaction (order placing), an
automatic deduction will be made in the amount in the account of the user. The Admin will
manage the E-Wallet account against each registered user.

11. Feedback/ Suggestions

The registered users will be able to submit their feedback and suggestions about the
website’s services to Admin or about the books to the seller.

12. Reviews and Ratings

The registered users will be able to submit their reviews using a star rating system against the
book(s) read, downloaded or purchased by them.

1. PHP and MySQL (You can choose any framework such as Laravel)
2. Bootstrap or any other CSS Framework
3. Any JavaScript library/ framework such as jQuery, Vue Js, react Js or angular Js

Name: Muhammad Saeed Amjad
Email ID:
Skype ID: saeed.lro
Explore Mera Pakistan
Project Domain / Category
Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
Pakistan is home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world, has countless locations of
attractive beauty, the world’s highest mountains, many religious and historic places, unique
arts and crafts, and a rich culture and heritage. According to the Tourism Department of
Pakistan, Pakistan has risen from 89th place in the index's previous edition of 2019 to 83rd
place in the 2021 edition, which includes 117 countries. The purpose of this web application
is to provide a plate-form where a visitor can search their destination points along with all
the important details regarding the destination point e.g. tour company details, total KMs,
pickup point, drop point, charges & accommodation, etc.

Functional Requirements:
Non-Registered Visitor Panel
 Visitors can search the destination point by name.
 Visitors can search the tour company by their name.
Registered Visitor Panel
 Registered visitors can compare the charges of the same destination point by the two
tour companies.
 Registered visitors can share their feedback about the tour company.
 Registered visitors can logout from the site.
Tour Company
 Tour company must be registered first.
 Tour company must provide its office details.
 Tour company must provide all necessary details about the tour like total charges,
total KMs, pickup point, drop point, stay, accommodation and food, etc.
 Tour company must provide Weekly or Monthly tour plans to different destinations in
a separate tab.
 Admin will log in from the login panel.
 Admin will approve the tour company.
 Admin can delete the visitor account.
 Admin can Logout from the site.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap (Front-end)
MYSQL (phpMyAdmin) Database
PHP (Server-side programming)
XAMPP — Web Application Server

Name: Musaddiq Hussain
Email ID:
Skype ID: kashaan.ali13
Final Year Project Management System (FYPMS)

Project Domain / Category

Web Based Application

Abstract / Introduction
In Computer Science Program, offered by different universities of Pakistan, students are
required to develop a software project and write a final report for their final project.
Preliminary observation has shown that an increasing number of students failed to complete
the project development within the allocated time. There are many reasons for the failed
project but the most important is lack of communication between Supervisor and FYP
students. The communication between supervisor and FYP students in our universities is
informal and manual. Current practices use the WhatsApp, Facebook, or other social media
platforms to communicate with supervisor which includes arranging meeting or sending
deliverables for proof reading and review. There are some related systems in the market for
Project Management. These collaborations tools are solely for professional work. People
working in groups can collaborate and coordinate through these tools. We cannot supervise a
final year project by using these tools. We can do so but by a customize version which is not
freely available. In Computer era we are automating almost every system for ease. Manual
system takes lot of time and effort. To improve the project monitoring and supervision, we
are going to automate this work by designing and developing a web-based supervision
management system. This application will be used by the Supervisor and FYP students to
increase the efficiency and quality of the collaboration. This application will make supervision
process formal and professional.

Modules of the project:

Following are the modules of the system.
1. Admin module
2. Project Selection
3. Communication Module
4. Task Assignment
5. Document Management Module
6. Review Module

Functional Requirements:

User Specification:
This automated system has following users.
1. Admin
2. Supervisor
3. Student
Functional requirements as per the admin
1. Admin can login to the system
2. Admin can delete the supervisor and student account that have not been used for more
than a year.
3. Admin can manage the user’s account.
Functional requirements as per the Supervisor
1. Supervisor can register in the system.
2. Supervisor can upload the projects.
3. Supervisor can upload the documents i.e., task related document or any helping material.
4. Supervisor can assign the task to individual student or as a group.
5. Supervisor can schedule meeting i.e., physical meeting or meeting on skype with the
individual student or with the group.
6. Supervisor can upload the result.
7. Supervisor can review the task.
8. Supervisor can review the document.
9. Supervisor can send messages to the student.
10. Supervisor can do audio/video conferencing. (The proposed system will provide this
facility by embedding the API of skype).
11. Supervisor can view progress of individual student or a group.
12. Supervisor can upload time table.
13. Supervisor can view upcoming meeting.

Functional requirements as per the student

1. Student can register into the system.
2. Student can view projects.
3. Student can send request to supervisor for project.
4. Student can send messages to the supervisor.
5. Student can view assigned tasks.
6. Student can download the task.
7. Student can upload the task solution or deliverable which has been assigned by the
8. Student can view messages.
9. Student can view result.
10. Student can do audio/video conference. (The proposed system will provide this facility by
embedding the API of skype).
11. Student can upload his/her time table.
12. Student can view their own time table as well as his/her supervisor timetable.
13. Student can view document.
14. Student can send meeting request with supervisor.
15. Student can upload task progress.

Tools and Language:

Visual Studio / Dream viewer / any other
MySQL / MongoDB / any other
C#.Net Framework/ HTML / CSS / Bootstrap
Note: Supervisor or University is not liable to provide any paid resource required for project

Name: Fizzah
Email ID:
Skype ID: / live:.cid.c2ffdbe3a7f6b5e2
Kids School Finder System by using Chatbot

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Digitalization has played the vital role in the current era of E-commerce. With the
advancement of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Algorithms, chatbots are playing
their roles for assisting users in their particular domain. Chatbot software is used to conduct
an online chat conversation via text or through text-to-speech conversation as a live human
agent. Chatbot offers engagement of people through providing services in B2C (Business to
Customer) E-Commerce applications for the purchasing of different online services. Chatbot
adopts the Natural Language Processing combined with some essence of Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning in E-Commerce environments.

The aim of this project is to design a Kids School Finder System by using Chatbot. The users
(parents) of this system will be able to search the appropriate school for their kids near to
their home location. Chatbot will assist the parents in selecting the nearest campus as per
the parents’ budget and will recommend the suitable campus as per their kid gender and age.
Recommendation of campuses will be as per the parents’ requirements. Proposed
application aims to provide an effective business environment to the parents.

Functional Requirements:

Kids School Finder System using Chabot is demonstration of B2C E-Commerce domain. It
selects different categories of School campuses as per kids age and parents’ budget. After
selecting the appropriate campus of your choice, chatbot will provide client support by
showing list of kid’s campuses, fees and nearest campus location.
The proposed system will have the following main users:

Admin, Area Manager, School Manager, Parents.

1. Registration module: It will facilitate the registration process for all kinds of users.
Admin will approve and perform activation of the different user’s accounts and
registration requests.
2. Login Module: After successful registrations, all types of the users will be able to login
to the system using their registered email and password.
3. Geographical area allocation module: Admin will assign the different areas to Area
Managers across Pakistan. Different School Manager will work under an Area Manager
in a particular geographic region, having assess to particular school in different areas
of Pakistan. Parents will directly communicate with the school manager.
4. Pop up window should be displayed at the bottom right of the system by prompting
the parents for any kind of guidance related to selecting the campuses.
5. Client will go for Kids Campus selection module where the chatbot will assist the
parents through Google maps to select the nearest campuses to their locations.
6. Location Awareness: Chatbot should have ability of location awareness, that can
automatically select your current location.
7. Parents will be able to view information at Google Maps to assess the fast and easy
access to the kids’ campuses. If the website exists for the particular campus, it will be
provided through chatbot.
8. Conversation Flow Module in chatbot be responsible to ask the queries from parents,
related to preferred kids’ campus and will suggest the most suitable type of kid’s
campus (nearest to their location) as per parents’ demand. To make conversation flow
smooth and efficient, it is important to apply the best practices for developing chatbot.
For this purpose, supervised/unsupervised Machine learning and deep learning
algorithms be used, while taking into account of business objectives and parents’
9. After the conversation flow is completed, search result module will provide
personalize suggestions, recommendations that can be helpful for the parents to find
specific school campus as per their budget and location. After selecting the
appropriate kids’ campus from the given list as per the parents demands. A
conversational flow interface will allow the system to ask probing questions and
understand the parents’ intent clearly.
10. Search result module will display different categories of Kids campus like
Private/Public Sector, Fee related information and Geographic locations information’s.
11. Discount module will be activated in case parents may be looking for discount. In case
client fall into one of the given categories like (Army officers, Teachers).
12. Chatbot will assess the Parents behavior from historical data and suggest the different
campuses according to his budget and demand.
13. Supervised/Unsupervised Machine learning module for Chatbot should already be
“taught / trained” common questions so that parent will be able to select the nearest
campus to their locations for specific School campus and respond immediately to
parents’ queries.
14. Once the parents have selected the required School campus, the payment module will
be initiated; chatbot should properly guide the parents of different payment options.
The system will facilitate the three payment options as per the user choice i.e., credit
card, debit card and through cash payments.
15. The proposed system should have parent-teacher interaction module. It should guide
the parents about the progress of their kids for different academic activities.
16. For successful human-like interaction, visual module is also used in chatbot for perfect
tone and dialect. To achieve coherence, a character is used to effectively
communicate in audio synced with the text to help out the parents for specific school
17. There should be Frequently Asked Questions module to generate a chatbot’s list of
pre-programmed queries and responses.

Tools: JSP, SQL server 2012, Python, PHP, MySQL, Python, Dialogflow, IBM Watson, Microsoft
Bot Framework,,, Chatfuel.

Name: Muhammad Umar Farooq
Email ID:
Skype ID: live:umarvc
Mazdoor Online-MVC based Web Application

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
With the rapidly changing information technology era a gap has been formed between our
skilled labour work force and their individual and corporate employer. We have to design
and develop a web application which will bridge skilled labour force with individual and
corporate sector. There will be 3 Roles of our application 1st Admin, 2nd Labour and 3rd will be
the employer.

Functional Requirements:

● Admin should be able to add work categories .i.e. driver,carpenter, painter, mechanic,
car electrician, general electrician, contractors etc.
● Admin should be able to Approve or Reject labour profile.
● Admin should be able to remove/block any irrelevant post created by the employer.

● Labour Should be able to create his account and maintain his profile.
● Labour Should be able to post his portfolio under his specialization.
● Labour should be able to bid on employer work request.
● Labour should be able to rate employer.

● Employer should be able to make his account as an employer
● Employer should be able to choose his category (Individual or corporate)
● Employer should be able to post job or task in detail.
● Employer should be able to choose job rate (Flat or Bidding)
● Employer should be able to rate Labour

Project Modules: (Team Division)

Project is divided in 2 different individual module and one collaborative module. Students will
be given choice to join any of the individual module as per their interest and skills. Task
assigned in collaborative module will be for both back-end and front-end teams. There are
limited slots per team.First come first serve policy will be followed. Application will be
developed according to market standards and outcome of this project will be a final launch
able product.
Back-end Team Development team will be responsible for development of project from scratch
and debugging back-end after the application is developed. This team will be
responsible for completion of all back-end development.
Front-end This team will work on the front-end of the web application, Including application
Team mock-ups, animations, gifs and complete UI of the web application.
Collaborative Integration of back-end and front-end is a collaborative task both teams will work
Module on integration together.
Extensive Testing of application will done by both teams and debugging will be
performed by the concerned team only.

Student Evaluation:
Students progress will be evaluated both individually and at team level as well.

● MVC based frame work for back end i.e., Laravel/ CodeIgniter
● Front end frameworks I.e bootstrap, React, Angular
● Any Code Editor. I.e sublime Text.

Name: Muhammad Zamar Khan
Email ID:
Skype ID:
Membership, Events & Voting Management system for ISOC(MEV)

Project Domain / Category:

Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction:

Internet Society (ISOC) Pakistan Islamabad (PK IBD) Chapter brings together members of the
community at large to advance and promote the vision and guiding principles of ISOC
through a local presence. ISOC spearhead community development and capacity-building
take initiatives through education, projects, awareness sessions, and stakeholder

The Chapter shall have the following Officers President, Vice President, General Secretary-
Treasurer and the Board of Directors BOD consist of no fewer than three (3) and no more
than fifteen (15) volunteer members and those are elected by voting.

Currently the Chapter is performing its operation manually through its local member and
volunteers. Membership management has a vital role and performing this task manually is
quite a hectic task.

You have to design an MEV web to help you streamline the connection with members, as
well as gather and disseminate information about events, record member attendance and
have a proper voting system for chapter leadership and chapter BOD.

Functional Requirements:

Admin Role
 Member registration
o User registration bulk registration using web portal
 Create event and mange events online and in-person
 Manage Member Events Attendance
 Admin manage active and no active member
 Voting manage system
o Selecting member as Election commission
o Voting position and voter list management
o Result Announcement and management
Member/User Role
 Member registration
o Self-register using mobile app or web app
 Member can Login form email id or Registration number
o View and manage profile record
 Get event update
IDE: Visual Studio,
Front End: Boot Strap,
Back End: Php Laravel,
Database: MySQL,
Version Controlling: Git hub

Name: Abdullah Qamar
Email ID:
Skype ID: abdulaha462
N-Vite: Digital Invitations & Cards

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
The Digital Invitation is proposed with aim to facilitate customers to send invitations and
cards online for different occasions such as Birthdays, Party Event, Wedding Events etc.
Customers can order the invitation cards from selecting the designs given on the website, or
they can give their own design. Customers can get prints of the cards or they can provide the
list of the contact to whom they want to send invitation as digital card.

The customers will be able to receive order at their doorstep. For these services customer
have to pay 50% amount as advance payment via Credit/Debit card, and rest will be paid via
either Cash on Delivery or Credit/Debit card option at order completion. The admin will
manage cards designs, information, stock information, orders information, and customer’s
information etc.

Functional Requirements:
Following are abstract level requirements of the project. Students are required to provide
detailed requirements in SRS documents. Students can also add more requirements as per

1. There should be registration and login modules for both Admin and customers.
2. There should also be “Home”, “About Us”, “Terms and Conditions” and “Contact Us”
3. Invitation cards should be for different occasions and each category may contains
subcategories, such as Wedding invitation may contain Engagement invitation, Save
the Date Invitation, Anniversary Invitation, Wedding Reception Invitation, etc.
4. You have to add sub categories for all other categories as well as given above.
5. Add image of each card along with proper description and price.
6. The Application should allow customers to place customized order as per their
requirement too.
7. In case customer want to send digital card to their guest they must provide list of
those with proper email address to send digital invitations.
8. Customer will select the template/design given on the website, edit it to add their
photos, text, invitation text, and after that save it as image or share it with their
contacts to invite them.
9. At the time to sending digital invitation the interface must provide online payment
10. The system should provide customers an interface to place their orders in case of
printed copies of invitation.
11. Before order placement, customer should be able to update Cart, and have to provide
number of copies of card. On checkout, order and payments details should be shown
to customer.
12. Customers should have complete record of all their orders.
13. The system should be able to manage all orders, and payments etc.
14. The system should be able to store information of all customers, cards/invitations,
stock, orders, reviews/feedback, suggestions and complaints etc.
15. There should be Admin module to manage all above activities.

PHP, Microsoft Visual Studio (C#.Net), SQL Server

Name: Rizwana Noor
Email ID:
Skype ID: rizwana.noor77
Online Maid Finder
Project Domain / Category
Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
Now a days, the individual is expected to keep up with many responsibilities at work and at
home. Often keeping one’s home clean and all things in order, which is an important aspect
of a healthy life, can become just another challenge. Some people have very busy routines
and have no one available in the family to look after the small household chores such as
house cleaning, washing dishes, sweeping floors, washing clothes, cooking meals, toilets
cleaning, vacuuming dust surfaces and carpets, dusting of tables, wood surfaces, and shelves
etc. Some people also keep pet animals and birds at home such as goats, dogs, and hens. All
pets and other animals can cause our home to stink. Having a clean home will get rid of those
smells that come from our home animals. Nothing is worse than having visitors come into
our home and having to deal with the smell of our pet’s poo and wastes. A regular recurring
home cleaning is very important for health hygiene and it will also keep those unwanted
smells from coming back and will also save us from getting sick. Keeping in view the above
scenario, this project is focused to fulfil the needs of these people. The system will be helpful
for both, the clients who can afford and want to hire maid for their home and also for the
maids to easily find work in their nearby area. This system will reduce time and effort of both
clients and maids. In this application, clients can register, login and view all the available
nearby maids. Client can filter and select a maid according to his/her experience, expertise
and previous rating etc. Similarly, maid can also get clients by registering and logging into the
website portal and setting up their profile. Admin can login, manage maids, approve new
maids and can remove maids from the system on unsatisfactory remarks and extreme low
rating by the clients. Admin can also check for the registered clients.

Functional Requirements:
There will be three modules of this web application: Admin, Maid and Client. Each Client and
Maid should be registered on the website before getting any service.
1. Admin Module
 Admin can login to the system.
 Admin approves the registered maids.
 Admin can manage the maids (add/ view/ update / delete).
 Admin can update the maid details and manage login password.
 Admin can manage the client (add/ view/ update / delete).
 Admin can check the rating given by clients about each maid.
 Admin can check average rating for each maid.
 Admin can check the remarks given by client about each maid.
 Admin can block a maid in case of continuous poor rating and complaints.
 Admin can view the client complaints and take appropriate actions.
 Admin can generate a report on a monthly basis for the total number of bookings
and their successful handling.

2. Maid Module
 Maids can register and login to the system.
 Maids can make their profile including their:
 Name.
 Work Experience.
 Expertise (checklist of household works such as floor cleaning, cloth
washing, meal cooking, child care, toilet cleaning, kitchen handling
and various other skills etc.)
 Profile picture and location etc.
 Maid can view/ update their profile and can update password.
 Maid can check the rating given by the client.
 Maid can check any remarks (if given) by the client.
3. Clients Module
 Clients can register and login to the system.
 Clients can view/ update their profile and can update password.
 Search Maid: Clients can search for all relevant maids by search filters such as
location, work experience, expertise and rating etc.
 View Maid profile: Clients can view all the details (work experience, expertise,
rating, other client’s remarks, location etc.) of any available Maid in a proper
layout on the website.
 Google Maps: Client should be able to locate the maid residence via Google Maps
by viewing the distance from his/her current location.
 Book a Maid: Clients can book an available Maid according to his/her needs and
choice for the required number of days/weeks.
 Maid Rating: Clients can give rating to the concerned Maid after the completion
of his/her required work according to his/her satisfaction.
 Remarks about Maid: After the completion of the required work, Clients can give
any remarks and comments about the concerned Maid.
 Complaint about Maid: Clients can register complaint about the concerned Maid
to the admin, in case of any serious issues such as maid’s misbehavior, theft etc.
 Pay bill: Upon successful completion of the required work, clients can either pay
the amount to the concerned maid in cash or can transfer the amount to the
maid’s account number available on his/her profile.

[Note: Student can add/enhance requirements as per need and keeping the time span
and scope in view.]
ASP.NET, C#, React JS, Node JS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap, MS SQL

Name: Syed Hassan Ali Shah
Email ID:
Skype ID:
Online Vehicle Service Reservation System

Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction

With the growth of technology, Internet usage and the use of computing devices is increasing
every day in Pakistan. Across the country, there are several different kinds of service
providers. These service providers must embrace technology and digitization in the modern
world. Pakistan has a large population, so there are a lot of vehicles on the road. Many
people travel by using their vehicles.

The purpose of this project is to give vehicle service centers an online platform where
customers may get in touch with them and schedule appointments for their
vehicle service/maintenance. For those who don't want to wait hours for their vehicle to be
serviced at a service station, this online website will be convenient.

User will utilize this website to contact the vehicle service center and will receive the vehicle
maintenance service at his door. The customer will send a service request to the vehicle
service center, and the service center send a mechanic at the customer doorstep.

Functional Requirements:


 User Management (Customer login, sign up, forgot password)

 Customer can send service request to vehicle service station.
 Customer can add the details of his Vehicle. Vehicles can be more than one.
 Customer can choose the type of service for which he/she is looking for.
 Customer must be able to cancel the booking.
 Customer must be notified through email upon confirmation/cancellation of his
booking from service station.
 Customer must be able to provide review/rating to the service he/she received.
 Customer must be able to see the details of the mechanic which will be sent by the
service station at his/her doorstep.
 Customer should be able to view all types of services offered from service station
along with their prices.

Service Station Admin:

 User Management (Admin login, sign up, forgot password)
 Admin can add details of service station
 Admin will add/update the types of services with all details
 Admin should be able to manage the bookings.
 Admin should be able to manage his/her service station staff.
 Bookings should be managed on first come first serve basis.
 Server-side programming language: PHP
 Framework of PHP : Laravel, CodeIgniter or any other framework of PHP
 Scripting and styling languages: HTML and CSS
 Customer-side scripting: JavaScript and JQuery
 Database: MYSQL IDE: PHP Storm or NetBeans or any one of your choice
 Local host Server: WAMP or XAMPP

Name: Hafiz Muhammad Azeem Sarwar
Email ID:
Skype ID: h.m.azeem2
Veterinary Health Center and e-pharmacy

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
The purpose of this project is to build a website which provides information about animal’s
health . It will be like an e-pharmacy where anyone can get consultation about animal health
from registered doctors and can buy medicine online accordingly.
Interface of this website should have different categories of animals (mammals, fish, birds etc)
and names of the medicine with brand. Your home page of the website should have tabs like
registration, login, animal category, health center, medicines and contact us. Anyone able to
search and view medicine and doctors details by applying different filters but only registered
users should be able to book a doctor’s appointment and place an order to buy medicine. At
checkout time, more information will be required to complete the order details. Usually, at
checkout time the users will be asked to fill the the form having basic details, select a
billing/shaping address, and payment option (cash on delivery or online).

As this website will also provide the facility for online consultation. For this purpose
veterinary doctors may get registration. A Doctor can recommend medicine. Users can also
make an appointment for a physical visit.

Functional Requirements:

User panel:
1. Any User can search view medicine by applying filters (name, price, brand name etc).
2. He/she should get registration to book an appointment with a doctor or place an online
3. He/she should be able to select and add medicine in cart to place order.
4. He/she should be able to select payment methods.
5. The user should fill a form by providing his /her name, contact number, postal address,
city and payment method (cash on delivery or online) at checkout time.
6. He/she should be able to book an online appointment with a doctor.
7. He/she should be able to send messages and view Doctor’s answers about animal’s
health via online chat (you may use API or SDK like CONTUS Mirrorfly, Twilio, Pubnub etc).
8. Only users who will take appointments with doctors can post messages.
9. He/she should also be able to view other’s messages and Doctor’s answers.
10. He/she should be able to add reviews and feedback about medicine, doctor and website.

Doctor penal:
1. He/She should get registration.
2. He/She can confirm/ reject appointments according to their availability .
3. He/She should be able to view the user's messages and can answer these messages.
4. He/She should be able to view physical visit’s requests and can respond to requests
according to their availability.
Admin panel:
1. Admin have access to manage everything on the website.
2. He/ She can add, view and update medicine information.
3. He/ She can create, view and update animal’s categories.
4. He/ She can add payment methods.
5. He/ She can add and view Doctors.
6. He/ She can view user’s reviews and feedback.
7. He/ She can generate profit and loss reports.
8. He/ She can generate medicine sales reports.

 Operating System: Window7and above
 HTML, CSS, Bootstrap (Front-end)
 Adobe Dreamweaver
 MYSQL(Backend)
 PHP (Server-side programming)
 XAMPP — Web Application Server

Name: Ammara Rasheed
Email ID:
Skype ID: ammaratouqeer409
Web Scarping

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
In today’s world, different manufacturers of same product have very competitive prices.
Sometimes even the same product of same manufacturer may have different prices in
different stores. It would be very convenient, if an application makes a search on the web for
an entered product and gives a price comparison (with or without shipping) along with
information about store (like its name, location etc.), its availability, available quantity and its
condition (used or new).

Following are some abstract level functional requirements. Student will provide detailed
requirements in software requirement specification document.

Functional Requirements:
Our required application should provide following functional requirements.

1. Application should be an online system which can be accessed from anywhere in the
2. Download a webpage consisting of multiple products from any website like
 etc.
3. If you are not able to download a such page, you can contact your supervisor to
provide you a sample page.
4. Save this web page on your computer.
5. Now your application should have an interface for search.
 It should be able to classify each product based on the search.
6. Your application will scan this webpage (its source code) to look for the asked product.
7. It should display all such items falls under that category.
8. The downloaded webpage should have at least 200 items (some of them could be of
same type but not all).

An example webpage taken from


Name: Ayyaz Altaf Mirza
Email ID:
Skype ID: Ayyaz Mirza
Web-based Assignment Evaluator

Project Domain / Category

Web Programming

Abstract / Introduction
This is a web-based academic project for a college-level assessment and evaluation for its
students. This web portal will facilitate students to upload their routine academic
assignments, and tasks with in pre-defined schedule and get results and marked files. The
teachers will online mark such files and add marks, comments in the uploaded files by

The prime objective (or functionality) of this web project is facilitate teachers to evaluate
(or mark) the files online, instead of downloading them at the computer. So, basically it will
be an online grading and evaluation system in it’s true spirit. The system will provide services
to several different colleges to get register and add their teachers and students as users.

Functional Requirements:

1. The system shall be able to register Admin as user to perform the user as well as
information management for the entire system.
2. The system shall be able to register users as college, teachers/evaluators and student
along with their corporate and/or personal profile maintenance including name,
contact information, address, degree title, courses, roll numbers, location, profile pic,
email addresses etc.
3. The system shall be able to allow teachers/evaluators to upload the assignment
question file in Microsoft word and inform the enrolled students of this course via
4. The system shall be able to upload Microsoft Word files as assignment solution as well
as develop their assignment solution at run-time with Microsoft Word support (or
plugin/tools etc.), with in due date and time.
5. The system shall be able to allow teachers/evaluators to mark (or evaluate) the
submitted assignment solution files online, without downloading them individually.
6. The system shall be able to allow teachers/evaluators to add comments, marks,
highlight mistakes and/or deficiencies against the submitted assignment solution files.
7. The system shall be able to download all the assignment solution files that are marked
by the teacher/evaluator.
8. The system shall be able to allow the teachers/evaluators to declare the results
individually or collectively for all assignment solution files and inform the students via
email about result declaration with date and time.
9. The system shall be able to generate/export reports in PDF format and/or in Microsoft
Excel according to the college/institute, course, teacher/evaluator, date & time,
student roll number etc.
10. The system shall support audio / video content submissions (for students) and
evaluations (for teachers) among all users, where necessary.
Server-side Programming language: PHP
Framework: Laravel or CodeIgniter or Symfony any other framework of PHP of your choice
Scripting and Styling Languages: HTML, CSS
Client-Side Scripting: JavaScript, JQuery etc.
Database: MySQL with preferred IDE as PHP Storm or NetBeans or any one of your choice
Local Host Server: XAMPP or WAMP
Unified Modelling Language (UML): Microsoft Visio, IBM Rational Rose

Name: Haseeb Akmal
Email ID:
Skype ID: HaseebAkmal
Car Washing Management System

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
In this project, we will create a website in which we will try to provide car washers details
along with their services to the user. So that, whenever someone wants their car to get
washed, they will easy go to some car washing points near them and also they can call them
to their home directly.

Functional Requirements:
We will have two panels in this website: Admin & User
9. Login:
Admin and customer will login to the system (after registration) using id and password.
10. Add Car washing point details:
Admin will add all the car washing points details into the system ie. Name, contact
number, location etc.
11. Add services:
Admin will add all the services that are provided by particular car washing points along
with their charges. For example, Interior Dusting, Mat Shampooing , Dashboard Polishing,
Car Mud Removal, Trunk Cleaning ,Body Shampoo Wash, Engine Dusting etc.
12. Search information:
User will search about particular car washing points and can choose the one nearest to
their location or according to the services provided.
13. Payment Method:
User can pay online through our website and also by hand after they are get done with
their services.
14. Review:
User can also leave reviews on the website.
15. Marketing:
If user likes their services, they can also share their link directly from the website to their
social media apps.

Visual Studio, Sql Server, Tomcat or any webserver

Name: Manahil Hassan
Email ID:
Skype ID: manahil.hassan2
Coding Dream Blog

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
A blog is an online informational website displaying information about anything with the
latest information/posts appearing at the top. Bloggers are individuals who love sharing their
knowledge with others.

They post on various topics from arts, home designs, Computer Hardware, Programming,
carpentry, and finance articles etc. So, the main purpose of a blog is to connect you to the
relevant audience.

The more frequent and better your blog posts are, the higher the chances for your website to
get searched and visited by your target audience.

The proposed project of Coding Dream Blog will be used by the Blogger (Admin) to post
article related to coding. Users can view the post and put comments or ask questions.

Functional Requirements:

Blogger (Admin):

1. Admin can Login/Logout

2. Change password/retrieve lost password
3. Edit Registration details
4. Admin will be able to Create/Delete and Update Posts
5. Admin will be able to sort in any order by date or topic etc.
6. Admin will be able to manage comments on posts(View/Edit/Delete/block)
7. Search posts on the basis of different criteria
8. Mange any advertisement on the blog
9. Admin can reply user questions.
10. Admin can verify/validate the Register user’s reply on any post.
11. Admin can view the best answers on the basis of stars given.

Register User/Visitor:

1. User can use Sign Up page to register

2. Change Password/Retrieve lost password
3. View/Edit Registration Info (Personal Details)
4. Read posts
5. Registered users will be able to create Posts as well, which will be shown after
Admin Verification.
6. Put comments on any post.
7. Reply to questions on any posts.
8. Can get best options to buy from the Admin.
9. User can be able to give feedback / stars to replies.
HTML, CSS, Boot Strap Java Script, Python, PHP, MySQL
Editors (Visual Studio Code, Dream viewer, Notepad++) etc.

Note: (Word Press Not allowed)

Databases: Any DBMS

Name: Adnan Asif
Email ID:
Skype ID: ch.adnanasif
Leave and attendance record system

Project Category/Domain
Web Application

A university's main priority is to deliver services to its students, whether those services are
physical or intangible. Staff are necessary for the management and operation of a university.
The staff's attendance is one of the elements that influences a university performance and
success. Therefore each university wants to have an efficient and secure leave and
attendance record system of its staff. An attendance system allows to add the attendance of
the employee who is present on that day. The user has to login and mark attendance. At
arrival time the employee logs on to the system and click on “time in” button. Once he/she
click “time in” button, the current time of the system and employee ID of the user must
stores in the database automatically and then the “time out” button appear automatically.
At leaving, the employee will now click the "time out" button, and the relevant details will be
automatically stored in the database. The administrator may determine the employees'
working hours. Once an employee logs into the system, they can examine their personal
information, attendance, in-time or out-time, and total working hours. The employee and the
administrator can view this data at any moment by retrieving it from the database. By
enrolling the new employee and filling out their registration information, the system
administrator can add new employees to the system. Every employee's records may be
viewed by the admin. This system enables the employee's record to be kept up to date.

Employee side functional requirements

1. Login/logout
2. Update personal profile
3. Time in/time out
4. Apply for leave
5. View Leave status
6. View total record of attendance/leave of the month/year
Admin side functional requirements
1. Log in/log out
2. Register new employee
3. Update/delete employee
4. Add total number of leave per year
5. Accept/reject leave request
6. Once the leave(s) is are accepted it should deducted from the leave record of an
7. View attendance/leave record of an employee


Name: Mukaram Shah
Email ID:
Skype ID: To_shah
Managing Amazon Seller Central Account

Project Domain / Category:

Web Application

Abstract/ Introduction:

Amazon Seller Central Account is a website in which a user can manage inventory, update
product prices, can contact buyers of the product(s), Seller partners can be contacted and
new product can be added. Customer in any place in the world can buy products from the
seller account. Seller account is just like a shop or company and it can be opened in any
market place of the world. As per your project requirement you are supposed to open your
shop or company (Seller Account) in some famous and busy markets like US or Dubai.

Seller Central Account:

Will open a shop in US or UAE market place. 3 items can be added in the shop for sale which
include Smart Phone, Bedsheets, Vegetables. Customer can add any product or item to the
cart for buying.

Seller can also buy items or products in bulk from other partners or companies like ALIBABA
for his or her store.

Any customer can buy any of the mentioned or available product from the seller account.
The sold product or item will be shipped to the customers on demand at their door step. A
costumer can select a product or products for purchase and will be added to the shopping
cart as a customer “Order”. At this time more information will be asked form the customer
like billing address, a shipping address, and payment option such as debit/credit card
information or cash on delivery.

Unregistered Customer:
Can only search and view the products over the website and can purchase any available
product at discounted rates. The mall will ship the product at the customer’s address.

Functional Requirements:

 Admin can take login

 Admin registers a customer
 Registered customer can take login
 Searching (by name, by price, by item color etc)
 Admin can add/ delete/ update/ search any number of products in the stock
 Admin can monitor transaction history
 Admin can cancel or approve customer’s order
 Customers will get 5-10 % discount on total bill
 Registered Customers can add products on website
 Customer can check his/her order status (approved/Pending/Cancel/delivered)
 Customer can check his/her order history
 Customer can submit his/her review about purchased item(s) and can give feedback
about website services
 After successful completion of transaction, user will receive confirmation message and
a copy of the shopping receipt on his/her mobile number or in email
 Hosting the website on any free server over the internet (Bonus point)

Tools: (Optional)

Students can select any option for tool selection from the following categories.

Category 1: Python, MYSQL, SQLite3

Category 2: PHP, MySQL, SQL Server, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery

Note 1: (Optional) for category 1, one of the IDE Jupyetr, VScode, Spyder, Django, Pycharm
can be used for writing and running python code.
Note 2: (Optional) for category 2, Dreamweaver framework can be used for writing and
running php, html, CSS code.

Note: Students can also select any other tool as per his or her own choice other than the
above categories like C#.Net, VB.Net, JAVA etc.

Name: Muhammad Luqman
Email ID:
Skype ID:
Online Diagnostic Center finder with Sample Collection and Reporting system

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction

Health is important to live life to the fullest. When a person leads a healthy lifestyle, the body
remains healthy and the mind is active and fresh. Living a healthy life would extend longevity
and also regenerate the body and mind. There are often situations where we need to have
diagnostic for our health issues this is where a diagnostic center helps. A diagnostic center
performs various tests to determine the cause of the condition. There are different types of
labs within this category, including radiology & MRI centers, imaging centers, pathology labs,

This system is proposed to help patients search a diagnostic center online. There will be
many diagnostic centers from which a patient can choose one for his/her diagnosis.
Using this system a diagnostic center manager will upload all the necessary information
about the test categories, test names, cost, reporting time, location, treatment facilities etc
and the patient can find the diagnostic center with different types of filters such as different
types of test categories (MRI, imaging, radiology, pathology etc.), test name, cost and
location, reporting time etc.

A registered user can book an appointment (time slot) for the diagnostic test and in case
where sample can be collected from home a time slot will be selected for sample collection
from patient’s location. The diagnostic center manager will approve\disapprove the patient’s

The Bill of the diagnostic test will be generated at the time patient books an appointment
and the manager approves the request and its status will be unpaid, as soon the sample is
given to sample collector or diagnostic test is performed by physical appearance of patient
where required the patient will pay the bill and status will be changed to paid. All the billing
detail will be available to patient in his/her dashboard as well as this information will be
available to diagnostic center manager for future concerns.

After completion of the diagnostic test, the report will be generated and will be available in
PDF format in patient’s dashboard under “reports” section. The report will be accessible by
diagnostic center manager as well for future use.

Functional Requirements:
There are mainly four users under this system.
1. Administrator
2. Diagnostic Center Manager
3. Registered Patient
4. Unregistered Patient
1. Functionalities of Administrator
a) Approve / disapprove Diagnostic Center Manager’ registration request
b) Add, Edit, Delete and View Patient
c) Add, Edit, Delete and View Diagnostic Test categories (MRI, imaging, radiology,
pathology etc.)
d) Add, Edit, Delete and View all test details such as Test name (Blood CBC, Blood
HBA1C, MRI liver, MRI kidney, X-ray chest etc.) cost and reporting time involved with
each test.
e) Add, Edit, Cancel and View diagnostic test requests
f) Add, Edit, Delete and View Patient’s reports
g) Add, Edit, Delete and View Patient’s billing invoices
h) Check diagnostic test request status
i) View diagnostic center’s rating
j) View and reply Patient’s messages.

2. Functionalities of Diagnostic Center Manager

a) Register
b) Login
c) Add, edit, delete and view personal profile
d) Add, edit, delete and view test categories provided by diagnostic center
e) Add, edit, delete the details of all the tests associated with the diagnostic center(Test
Name, cost, reporting time etc.).
f) Manage diagnostic test requests
g) Cancel diagnostic test requests
h) Update diagnostic test request status
i) Upload/Update billing invoices
j) Upload/Update test reports
k) View and reply patient’ feedback
l) View and reply patient’ messages
m) View ratings by a patient for a given diagnostic service

3. Functionalities of Registered Patient

a) Register
b) Login
c) Add, Edit, Delete and View contact details
d) Search and view diagnostic center according to specific filters (Test type, Test name,
Expected test Cost, Diagnostic center’ location and rating etc.)
e) Request for a diagnostic test
f) Check diagnostic test request status
g) Send messages to diagnostic center and view replies
h) Send messages to administrator and view replies
i) Give feedback to diagnostic center after status is completed and view replies
j) Rate a specific diagnostic test after status is completed
4. Functionalities of Unregistered Patient

Search and view diagnostic center according to specific filters (Test type, Test name,
Expected test Cost, Diagnostic center’ location and rating etc.)


 PHP and MySQL (You can choose any PHP framework such as Laravel)
 Bootstrap or any other CSS Framework
 Any JavaScript library/ framework such as jQuery, Vue Js, react Js or angular Js for front

Name: Khaqan Khawer
Email ID:
Skype ID: imkhaqan
Online Live Stock Farm Manager
This system will allow live stock farm management operations. It will support multi branch
(called farms or stations) to record, manage and analyze cattle data. The system will support
following form of cattle only:
- Cow
- Buffalo
The system will allow user to enter day to day data of all animals, to a central place. The
users will be able to edit data as per rules defined. The main data entry/editing will be for
animal birth, disease, treatment, milk production etc.

Functional requirements
It would support four categories of users namely:
 Super User
 Live Stock Manage [Country Level]
 Farm Manager [Farm or Station level]
 DEOs (Data Entry Operators) [Farm or Station level]
1. System provides authenticated and authorized access.
2. Different users have different time period for any edition in existing records (it will be
based upon the record entry date and time).
3. System allows data entry of protein and fat along with milk production.
4. System manages the fodder record.
5. System maintains the record of all the animals by their ID.
6. System can automatically fill all missed record on behalf of trend of milk production
(increased/decreased etc.) for limited no of days.
7. The user can edit the record of his assigned station only.
8. System allows Super User and Live Stock Manager to generate various reports.
9. Any report data can be exported to MS Excel.
10. The DEO and Farm Manager user is able to manage:
a. Disease Record
b. Breeding and Reproduction Record
c. Disposal Record
d. Bull Service Record
e. Calf Status Record
f. Fertility Position Record
g. Milk Production Record

Tools: You can use any tool which meets the functional requirements.

Name: Syed Shah Muhammad Shah
Email ID:
Skype ID: mscsvu
Online Multi developer Code Repository
Project Domain / Category
Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Software development is a large and emerging field of IT. With introduction of each latest
technology the need of the software development for these technologies is also increased.
It is very important for a software developer to manage the code repositories online to
manage the programming tasks efficiently.

This web application is an online storage service for software developers which also
provides version control and many other features such as access control, bug tracking,
software feature requests, continuous integration of the requested features.

The software developer will register and create a new project and then upload the code
relevant files in the relevant project directory. While creating the project the developer can
set the access control to public or private. Moreover the developer can also edit the
already created projects and the application will automatically handle the version of each
file and project where applied. A registered developer can also generate a bug report and
new feature request for other developer’s public code and these requests will be handled
by the owner of the code. More detail of developer’s functionality is given in next section.

A guest/unregistered user can search the public repository using different filters such as
software category, project name and technology etc. and he/she can download the
repository in compressed format if allowed by the developer.

The admin will perform all the tasks of developer along with approving/rejecting any
pending registration requests of developers. More detail of admin functionality is given in
next section.

Functional Requirements:
This system will have three different users:
1. Administrator
2. Developer
3. Unregistered User/ Guest

 Functionalities of Administrator
c. Add/Approve/reject developer registration requests.
d. Add / update /delete software categories (Desktop, Mobile, Web etc.).
e. Add / update /delete technology (PHP, .Net, Python, Android, IOS etc.).
f. Perform all functionalities of developer.
g. Perform all functionalities of unregistered user.
h. Reply feedback\messages received from developers.
i. Generate any new notification for developers and guests.
 Functionalities of developer
1. Registration/login to the system .
2. Add/update contact details.
3. Upload and update profile, the profile must include Developer’s name, Selected
Software categories, Selected technologies etc.
4. Publish/update/delete Project directory.
5. Publish/update/delete file(s) in a Project directory, versioning will automatically be
controlled by the system for each file.
6. Set access control (Public, Private, Shared with selected developers only) for each
project directory or file.
7. Generate Bug report for public code owned by other developer(s) after code
execution and testing.
8. Generate feature request for public code owned by other developer(s) after code
execution and testing.
9. Give feedback for public code owned by other developer(s) after code execution
and testing.
10. View and reply registered developers’ feedback for own code.
11. View own code ratings by different developers
12. View download count for each project or file.

• Functionalities of an Unregistered customer

1. Search the public repository using different features such as software category,
project name and technology etc.
2. Download the public repository in compressed format if allowed by the developer.
3. View download count for each public project or file.
4. View ratings for each project.

• PHP and MySQL (You can choose any PHP framework such as Laravel)
• Bootstrap or any other CSS Framework
• Any JavaScript library/ framework such as jQuery, Vue Js, react Js or angular Js for front

Name: Rehan Ahmed
Email ID:
Skype ID:
Online Petcare System

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Online pet care system is a web based application, in which a user gets pet care services like
“Consulting a vet. Doctor”, “Pet Health Checkup”, “Vaccination”, “Surgery”.

Once a user sign up the account, he/she can select the animal name, service name, their
specialized doctor and get the service on the desired day. User also checks the ultimate
products available for the pets on the doctor(s) recommendation.

All details like animal categories, services, doctors details, pet care products,doctor
appointments are controlled by the “admin”.

Functional Requirements:

Admin Side:
1. Admin can login and logout on a separate panel.
2. Admin approves or refuse any user sign up.
3. Admin can enter,update,delete,enable,disable the animals.
4. Admin can enter,update,delete,enable,disable the services. (like Consulting a Doc,
Vaccination etc.)
5. Admin can enter,update,delete,enable,disable the doctors. details (like name,
specialization, experience, phone no. etc.)
6. Admin can enter,update,delete,enable,disable the products. (like name, price etc.)
7. Admin can enter,update,delete,change the appointments requested from user.
8. Admin can reply user queries (like ticket support system).
9. Admin can upload, delete animal handbooks.

User Side:

 User can signup and sign in.

 User can check/view the services (given by the petcare system).
 User can check/view the specialized doctors (mentioned by the petcare system).
 User can book an appointment for his/her pet with good doctor.
 User can ask any query related to the service required.
 User can check all the products related to the pets (mentioned by the petcare system)
Student can develop this project in the following frameworks:
i) ASP.NET Web forms

IDE: Visual Studio 2013+ (For Dot Net), Visual Studio Code (For PHP)
Database: MSSQL, MySQL
Front end: HTML, CSS, JS, JQUERY
Back end: ASP.Net C#, PHP

Name: Awais Ahmad
Email ID:
Skype ID: owaixahmad007
Online Plants Store

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction

Household plants not only enhance the overall appearance of a space but studies show
they boost moods, increase creativity, reduce stress, and eliminate air pollutants—making for
a healthier, happier you. Being able to see the greenery of plants around you has a calming
effect, lowering blood pressure and consequently making you feel more relaxed and
ultimately, happier.

People interested in buying plants for their home find it difficult to locate a nursery near
them. Buying plants in the busy life of city has become very difficult. People work 9 to 5 in
offices and usually don’t find enough time to go to plant nurseries and buy plants.
Furthermore, in city, plant nurseries are either very less in number or located at remote
locations requiring a lot of travel to visit them.
There is a need for online plants store so that people can order plants from the comfort of
their homes and get delivered at their doorstep. You are required to develop this web store.

This web application will provide two types of interfaces:

 User Interface
 Admin Interface

Functional Requirements:
User Interface:
1. User must be able to view and search the contents of web store (without Login).
2. There should be a registration & login pages for user.
3. User should be able to change his/her password after registration.
4. Buying/Add to cart option should only be available to registered user. If a user clicks
on Buy or Add to Cart button then the web store should prompt the user to Login.
5. The search bar should be provided to search plants by Name or by Category (i.e.
Summer Plants, Winter Plants, Indoor Plants and Outdoor Plants).
6. Search results should display the following information:
a) Picture of plant
b) Name
c) Category (i.e Summer, Winter, Indoor, Outdoor)
d) Price
7. There should be a navbar on the home page of web store listing different items such
as Summer Plants, Winter Plants, Fertilizers, Pots, Gardening Tools etc. User should be
able to view the individual items.
8. Upon clicking the Buy button, a form should be displayed to the user asking for his/her
personal information (Name, Phone Number, Delivery Address etc.).
9. Payment mode would be Cash on Delivery.
10. User should be able to view the status of order (e.g., Packed, Shipped, delivered etc.)
Admin Interface:
1. Admin should be able to view the information of registered users.
2. Admin account would be available by default. Admin username would be “Admin”.
3. Admin should be able to add his/her password.
4. Admin would add information about different items being sold by web store (i.e.
Plants, Fertilizers, Gardening tools, Pots etc.).
5. Admin should be able to view the orders placed by user and mark them as Fulfilled,
Canceled or Pending.
6. Admin would have full control of the web store (i.e. Adding/Deleting/Modifying
information about items being sold and users.).

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap

Name: Muhammad Ilyas
Email ID:
Skype ID: live:.cid.813fc730d8c19cf8
Online Primary School Finding Application

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
In this project, we will build a web based application named as “Online Primary School
Finding Application”, in which the user/parent will provide his/her area/location and the
admin will provide all the details of the schools as per the user specified area/location and
get admitted his/her children’s to the selected school.

Admin Panel Features:

1. Admin can login/logout.

2. Admin can add schools information based on the location. For example, the admin can
add all the school’s information available in the Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, and
Peshawar city.
3. Admin can add, update and delete the schools information.
4. At the time of school adding, the admin can add school name, school picture, school
contact information, school address, school fee, school uniform etc.
5. After that Admin can add all the faculty information (such as faculty name,
qualification, experience, picture, and any contact information) and courses
information (such as subject name, teacher/faculty name, book name, author name,
publisher, etc.).
6. Admin should provide “Apply online” option, so that the user may apply online to any
one of his/her selected school.
7. Admin can view and verify the user uploaded documents.
8. Admin can change the admission process status.
9. Once the admin process the admission, then a fee voucher can be generated for that
10. Admin can view and verify the uploaded fee voucher.
11. Admin can view the feedback of the user.

User/Parent Panel Features:

1. User can register.
2. User can login/logout.
3. User can update his/her profile.
4. User can search according to his/her location/area.
5. User can view all the schools of the mentioned location/area.
6. User can view all the details of the schools such as: school name, its picture, fee,
contact information, and address etc.
7. User can select any school and then click on the “apply online” option.
8. User then fills the provided form. The form may contain the information such as:
student name, student picture, father’s name, mother’s name, address, contact
number etc.
9. User can upload his/her children’s documents such as: Form B or CNIC, Father CNIC,
Mother CNIC, domicile etc.
10. User can view the status of the admission.
11. User can download the fee voucher.
12. User can upload the paid fee voucher.
13. User can send feedback to the admin.

XAMPP Server, MySQL, PHP language

Name: Akmal Khan
Email ID:
Skype ID: akmal_vu
Online Trading House
Project Domain / Category
Web Application
Abstract / Introduction
A trading house is a business that specializes in facilitating transactions between a home
country and foreign countries. A trading house is an exporter, importer and also a trader that
purchases and sells products for other businesses. [1] ABC Trading House located in Pakistan,
provides trading services to the various clients for importing and exporting goods on behalf
of clients. At the moment they are using a manual file system. You are required to develop
online platform for the ABC trading house. Your system will provide facility to buyers and
suppliers to register themselves on this platform. Supplier can list their available
commodities along with pictures etc visible to staff of trading house only. Buyers can post the
demands online. This request will be received by the concerned person at the trading house.
Trading house will buy the product from the seller and offer to the buyer. Once a buyer
requests a commodity from a supplier, amount equal to commodity cost will be subtracted
from the buyer account and will be held with the trading house. Once the buyer has received
goods amount will be released to seller. Administrator can suspend and activate the user
account accordingly.
Functional Requirements:
There will be the following functional requirements:
1. A user will be able to register him/herself on the website as a supplier or buyer.
2. A Supplier will be able to list the available commodities with details like grade, size etc
along with pictures and ready quantities, or time required to supply each commodity if
3. Admin can select the product of the seller which will be displayed on the home page
as product available on this trading house.
4. A buyer will post request to buy the certain commodity/product along with details of
the product.
5. Admin will view the request made by the buyer and contact the seller and place order
with seller and mark the status as order placed and dispatch the goods.
6. Upon receiving the goods, buyer will mark request as goods received. And give the
feedback about the goods.
7. Once goods have been received by the buyer the admin will release the funds to the
8. Admin will be able to see the reports of the requests status like pending , dispatched,
completed etc.
9. Admin will be able to view the reports of profit made within a certain time period.
Profit = goods sold price - goods purchased price-taxes if any
Visual Studio, .NET Framework, C#/Java, SQL Server or PHP, MySql

Name: Humaira Naeem
Email ID:
Skype ID: humera_naeem
Traffic Light Management and Monitoring System

Project Domain / Category

Web Application or Android Application

Abstract / Introduction:
This project is an effort to manage and control traffic signals in order to balance traffic load
effectively. This innovative software project allows for managing 4, 5 way and 8 way road
junctions.The system includes four signals corresponding to each road. In this project student
needs to propose a density based traffic signal scheduling algorithm. The system must be
designed to manage signal timing based on the traffic density on the respective route. The
system represents the traffic strength of a road graphically with the help of traffic judgments.
By measuring traffic aligned on a particular road the signal times are adjusted to let this
particular lane clear and then the next populated one. The entire system works according to
the proposed algorithm that allows for smooth and efficient traffic flow across all multiple
ways. It can be 4,5 or 8 ways, however, initially student can start from 4 way road junctions.
Another important function of this system is an emergency override which allows traffic
authorities to remotely let go a particular signal in case an ambulance or important vehicle
arrives on that way. The main advantage of this system is to enhance traffic signal
performance and reduce traffic jams.

Functional Requirements:
 Graphical User Interface for traffic flow
 Timing of traffic lights for each route
 Manuals for emergency override for particular sides
 Dynamic Traffic density input module (how you are going to calculate density of traffic on
particular road?)
 Functionality for dynamic signal scheduling
 Implementation of proposed traffic scheduling algorithm

 as a front-end
 SQL as the back-end. OR (if mobile based)
 IDE: Android Studio
 Programming Language: Java / Kotlin
 Unified Modelling Language (UML): Star UML

Name: Dr. Maimoona Salam
Email ID:
Skype ID: maimoona.salam salam
Wash house

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
Wash house is a laundry management system. It is a web based application used for
providing safe, clean and timely laundry services to users at right time, right price and right

This application is designed for the users’ ease. After successfully login into application, Users
can view the laundry charges per unit (Top wear, bottom wear and woolen clothes etc.).
After that users can request for the service by filling the form.

Form will contain Pickup/drop date, number of clothes in each cloth category, service (pick
up /drop), pickup address, contact number etc. Users can make request to pick the clothes
from their home address or they can drop the cloths by himself.

This application has an administration side from where admin can view all the laundry
requests and can generate report that count the requests on weekly, monthly, and yearly

This web based application has 2 modules:

 Admin
 User

Functional Requirements:

1. User can register into system
2. User can login into system.
3. user can sent the laundry request by filling the laundry detail form.
4. user can view the status of his laundry request and price of the laundry.
5. user can check his/her laundry request status which is done by admin(means his/her
request is at what step).
6. user can also update his/ her profile, change the password and recover the password.

1. Admin can login into system.
2. Admin can view user detail and update user detail.
3. Admin can see laundry request of all user(means how many are a new request, accept
the request, in-process request and finish request) in brief.
4. Admin can see the detail of the laundry request and also change the stage of the laundry
5. Admin can change the laundry price according to a market price.
6. Admin can see the laundry request according to dates and admin can also count request
on the basis of month and year.
7. Admin gets the notification if any user request for laundry.

 HTML,CSS, JavaScript (Front-end)
 MYSQL (Backend)
 PHP (Server aspect programming)
 XAMP (Web Application Server)

Name: Fareeha Ejaz
Email ID:
Skype ID: e_fareeha
Web based Online Voting System
Project Domain / Category
Web Application

Abstract / Introduction
The main theme of the online voting system is to facilitate the users with a mechanism using
which voting operations can be automated. The system makes it easier to count the votes,
voter accessibility may be increased via an online voting system, which also aims to improve
ballot/vote counting and reduce the number of staff members, required to manually count
ballots. Online voting gives voters a convenient and secure way to cast their ballots while also
saving election administrators resources. The system will consist of two main active users
which are the administrator and the user/voter. A voter can easily use their right to vote
online in the Web-based Online Voting System. To vote, he or she must first be registered.
The system administrator registers users primarily for security purposes. The voter will fill a
registration form first, then admin will register the voter. After registration, the voter is given
a private Voter ID that may be used to log into the system and access services like voting.
Admin should also have the privilege to maintain candidate’s profiles. The system should
provide a special feature of displaying the number of votes cast, candidates and positions.

Functional Requirements:
Admin Panel
1. Admin can login into system.
2. Admin can manage candidates.
3. Admin can manage positions.
4. Admin can check poll results.
5. Admin can update password.
6. Admin can update profiles
7. Admin can logout

Voter or User Panel

1. Voter can create accounts.
2. Voter can login into system.
3. Voter can update profile.
4. Voter can choose positions for voting.
5. Voter can give vote.
6. Voter can logout.

 HTML, CSS, Bootstrap (Front-end)
 MYSQL(Backend)
 PHP (Server-side programming)
 XAMPP — Web Application Server

Name: Kainat Malik
Email ID:
Skype ID: live:.cid.3b1f7ceb7839e941

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