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Conducted at FACT Ernakulam Dist.

Submitted in Pastel fulfillment & the requirements & for the award of the Degree of BBA of the University of Kannur

Submitted by Anju Satheesh. M Anjali Sebastian Jini. M. Andrews Rajeswari M.K. Ramseena. A Sunu K.S

Under the guidance of mrs.Rekha KANNUR UNIVERSITY 2010-2011

Serial No Topics Page No

Chapter-I Introduction Importance of Study Need for the study Objectives of the study Scop of the study Methodology of study Limitations of study Industry profile Chapter II  Company Profile Chapter III The FACT  Division of FACT  Objectives of FACT  Sales promotion programe in FACT  Milestones of FACT  Abbreviation of organization chart  FACT Product  Organisation chart ( FACT) Chapter IV  Marketing department  Characteristics  Objectives Chapter- VII  Findings and suggestions Chapter VIII  Conclusion Chapter IX  Bibilography Chapter X  Questionnaire        


We do hereby declare that this report on MARKETING AND HUMEN RESOURACE MANAGEMENT study at FERTILISERS AND CHEMICAL TRAVANCORE (LTD) is submitted to KANNUR University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration is a bonfire record of internship iraincny undergone by is in the form and prepared under the guidance of Mr. Thomas Paul Lecturer, Department of Marketing Management studies.


I take opportunity to convey my sincere thanks to all have helped me and given their valuable guidance in doing this report. It my privileges that I had the opportunity undertake my project work in the public sector FACT.

My Since thanks tpo Mr. Thomas Paul for providing me the opportunity to do my project work in computer centre .

Mr. K.C. Ambrose manager Irainng Fact , for his guidance and support which the renderd through out study and he was interments in shaping this report.


FACT indices forst large scale fertilizes unit was set up in 1943. In 1947 FACT Udyogamandal Started Production of Ammonium Sulphate with an installed capasity of 10.000 Mt Nitrogen FACT became a Kerala state public sector enterprice on 15th August and 21st November 1962 the

government of India becomes the major shareholders . The second stage of expansion of FACT was completed in 1962. The thired slage of expansion of FACT was completed in 1962. The thired stage of expansion of FACT was completed in 1962. The thired stage of expansion of FACT was completed in 1962. The tird stage of expansion of FACT was completed in 1965 with setting up at a new Ammonium sulphate plant. Depending on the extent which his requirement is net a customer may be classified as satistied and dissatisfied and delighted thus the dissatistation, satistation or delighted of a customer is depending on its expectation and pertormance of the product. The significant role played Indian fertilizers industry is taking the mpost important challenges in feeding the ever growing population, with limited requies for sustainable agriculture can never bee undetermined it is a FACT

proved beyond doubt that the application of Fertilizer is a must to newish the soil that feed the ever growing population not only in indie but also in the world. The first large scale factory the FACT Ltd. Was commenced Udyogamandal. Eloor Kerala at

in 1943 FACT has Since the grown and

branged at in a fantastic manner . So that it is not mearly one of the biggest fertilizers enterprises in the country but also a legent of the modern times and triumph at the public sector.

Goods and services do not move automatically from the makers to the users. There is a definite mechanism that burings about exchange of goods and services against money or moneys worth for the mutual benefit- namely, satisfaction to the consumers and surplus to the producers and manufactures. Marketing is the belt that connects the two major wheels of any economy namely, producers and consumers. Marketing is the creation of utilities as goods and services get value addition by the time they reach the consumers. That is why, in economic jargon Marketing refers to all the activities involved in the creation of place, time, possession and awareness utilities .

IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY Dealer attitude in one of the important things in marketing of a product. In case of fast moving consumer Goods, dealer should deside Nhat brand a particular customer should buy or not. All other activities of marketing of marketing should be only supportive function to increase Market share. By increase dealer attitude a company can surely improve its sale some that better what in actually doing now .Even through customers satisfaction and other factors should affect it. By measuring dealer attitude the company can go better remedies . The dealer needs and values should influence every aspect of the

organization strategy, employee safety and performance, product and organization strategy, employee safety and performance, product & services development, sales & Marketing programs operational procedures and information & measurement system. Understanding the dealer in critical to the success of any customer. Costomer focus initiatives , the first stop in understanding the dealers in to listen to them,. A company needs to hear what its dealers are saying about its people, product service and vision their information help to develop meaningful product and services .


No business can exist successful



This means that the

organization will larn to become customer centered where the

customer are actively valued as a central part of a business being merely customer focused customer centered companies quickly learn to appreciate the real benefits of information feed back involving there customers and end users becoming less content with mearly measuring .


The organisation study was carried pout at Fact Ltd. Udyogamandal to the achieve the following Specific Objectives. 1. To understand organization frame work and its functioning 2. To study the history of Fact 3. To understand evaluated functions and activities of various

departments. 4. To study the interdependence of different dpts. 5. To gain a partial explosure to the actual work situation. 6. To make an in depth study on various policies, procedures and programme. 7. To make a Swot analysis of the organization .


The aim of organization study was to find out the day- to day activities and administration of the company . A sincere attempt has been made for precise and comprehensive study of the matter. The study was conducted from the October 13th to Nov 9th 2010 .


OBSERVATION By observing the general surrounding the functional process

interactions of employees etc work site and plans were visited were the actual process of product on and thus activities of various Departments were seen and understood. DATA COLLECTION Primary Data: Primary data are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time and thus happen to be the original in character. Data collected by the investigator directly for the purpose of investigation is known as primary data . in this

study the primary datas were collected mainly through observation , interviews , and Questionnaires . SECONDARY DATA Secondary data are those which have already been collected by some one else . in this study secondary data were collected from companys website, annual and reports, manuals and journals.


 Time was major limiting factor  Critical analysis was not possible due to the non- availability of certain information .  Study was not possible due to non functioning of various plants in the division .  As the cochin division FACT is at Ambalamedu and EEW division at were collect from FACT website and manuals


Indian fertilizer Industry is expected to play a vital role in the economic development of India. Indian economy is likely to grow at a rate of 8% or more per annam. To achieve this economic growth agriculture must grow at 4% per annum. Modern incentive agriculture is heavily dependent on

chemical fertilizers for obtaining high yields and any growth in agriculture is not possible with out of fertilizer industry . Nitrogen phosphorus and potassium are the essentials demand for the better growth of plants. These element should be provided buy the sort. Agriculture has always been the mainstay of our people and we have been filing the land and reaping the harvest for hundreds where the land was becoming lesser and lesser. In the early half of the 20 centaury we found

that an import to meet our minimum food green requirement. The emergency aim was to grow more food design the wonder replenishes chemical fertilizers. The sufficient role played by the Indian fertilizers industry is laking the most important challenge in feeding the ever growing population, limited resources for sustainable agriculture can never be undermined . with

The first large scale factory tbe fertilizer and chemical (Hcl) was commenced on the basis of river Periyar at udoyogamandal. Kerala in 1944. FACT was since them grown and branched out in a fantastic manner so that it is not nearly one of the biggest fertilizer enterpruises in the country but also legend of modern items and a triumph of the public sector . India is the largest producer and consumer of chemical fertilizer in the world and accounts for about 12% worlds fertilizer consumption. The

country produces several straight Nitrogenous fertilizers such as DAP (Di Ammonium Phosphqate) and several NPK complexes. Urea and DAP are the main fertilizer produced in India. Fertilizer and chemical industry in India are undergoing major

transformation. This industry is gradually being decontrolled. Administered pricing also being replaced by market determined pricing. Besides recession and consequent declined in the prices of certain inputs and finished products in international market has made its domestic products costly and uncompetitive. Fertilizer, any material organic or inorganic natural on synthetic put in the soil to impore the quality of plant growth. Chemical fertilizer are devided in to three natural elements. They are

Nitrogen : potassium and Phosphoresces International Scenario When there are large areas of unused frontier land in the world it was often more economical for farmers to move on to new unfarmed land than to invest additional money in fertilizers for the ;and they were than farming, a practice convinced in the second half of the 20th century in some under developed areas of the world. The use of manure and composts is probably as old as agriculture itself and many other material such as ground bones,

wood ash from burning the fallen trees, dried blood and fish were employed long before the chemistry of soil and crops was understood. The

disappearance of frontiers combined with improvements in the technology of fertilizers manufacture and more effective Transportations lead to growing role of fertilizers for producing the needed and fiber .

National Scenario India is one of the worlds largest producers and consumers of fertilizers both phosphorescent and Nitrogenous. The pesticide Industry in the country is also amony the fast growing sector in the world. They are around

20 chemical fertilizer used in country at present. These fall consider four categaries namely nitrogen, phosphate. Potassium and complex fertilizers . 71% of total fertilizer consumption during 1994-95 was of the nitrogen variety where as phosphorous and potassium fertilizer accounted for 22% and 7% in the same year . Where urea, Calcium , and ammonium phosphate are the major nitrogenous fertilizer . The total fertilizer capacity in India was 12.02 million tones in natnent terms, where as the consumption was of the order of 13.05 million tones. Roughly a sum of rupee 10 million has been the total investment in the

industry. The share of public and consumarate Sector in capacity is 40%, 38% and 22% respectively. The problem of the industry is the second

demand for its products large working capital requirements . The long credit periods enjoyed by the bager for slashing the we pf chemical pesticides . The government of India has implemented and co0mmissioned major fertilizer project 1988-99 and invested Rs. 4122.00 crores . The central government has always been controlled with budgetary constraint while on the other side the government political obligations never permit any realistic decision. tack of inter ministerial conardenation has also joined the Industry by way of recently introduced custms the basic pnrnciples of RPS ( Relation

Pricing scheme ) Itself has been lost and currently or appears to be a way regarding the efficiency of industry. State scenario Kerala has high degree of land use and cropping intensity. The states agricultural productivity is decreasing year by year. The production and cultivation of rice is decreasing and the farmers are attached to commercial crope like rubber and account. Due to decreas in the cultivation of rice the consumption of nirate and potash has come down. The per hectare

consumption of fertilizer in deferent states in India the position of Kerala is one of the low Ranking states. FACT is having a market share of 53.4% in Kerala . This is competitively higher than other companies in Kerala. Due to the entry of competitors in the field of fertilizers FACT has lost its market share 62.2% to 53.47% Technological progress The two major products namely urea and DAP are expected to remain from of product. Their commercial developments may not prove for layerscale production and application . Even through the consumption of fertilizer in India has increased considerably daring the last two to three years, there to no corresponding

increase in the indigenous production capacity. As a result the country has to depend on input of fertilizer to meet the increasing demand. increase in price of The steep in the

new material and is limited availability

international market pose a serious threat of Indian fertilizer Industry. The Indian fertilizer Industries continue to grapple with the issces. Which rise out of changes is overall policy frame work, liberalization and globalization of the economy. For the development of fertilizer industry in India, india fertilizer industry to adjust with global ensuronment when

reduction , energy efficiency cost and economics of scale are crucial .


The second world war which cut of tractitional sources of imports of food grains aggravated our problem and the famine conditions that prevailed in some parts of the country made up sit up and think chemical fertilizers

was the answer . But we did not have the technical k now have rawnaterials and the resources for setting up fertilizer plant. It was then that a daring and foresighted administrator of Travancore ( Kerala) Dr. C.P. Ramaswamy Iyer, had evercome the obstacle and pawed the way for setting up a chemical fertilizer factory , FACT ( Fertilizer and chemical Travancore Limited ) in 1943 . In 1947 FACT Started production of Ammonium sulphate with an installed capacity o0f 10000MT Nitrogen per Annam at Udyogamandal near cohin . In the fear 1960 ( 15th August ) FAST became a public sector unit and towards the end of 1962 ( 21st November) the Govt. of India became the major share holders . The next stage of expansion of FACT was completed in 1965 with the setting up of a new Ammonium sulphate plant. FACT Engineering work (

FEW) was established in April 1966 unit to fabricate and install equipment for fertilizers plants. In equity shares of Rs. 10 to each fully paid up .

At first the FACT became a Kerala stater public sector enterprise on 15th August 1960 and towards the end of 1962( 21st November) the Govt. of India become the major share holder owned by 80% of the share capital

The FACT was the first large scale fertilizers factory in India since than it has played a major role in creating fertilizer consciousness among the farmer and giving the positive direction to the modernization of agriculture in India

FACT soon became the heart heat of the agriculture production in India. FACT targeted the farmer as the basis factor in the green revaluation. Educating the farmer on the advantages of chemical fertilizers of the

agriculture sectror established FACT as a trined of the farmers. The FACT Ltd has extended and diversified over the year and has became one of the major producers of fertilizers and allied chemicals in India.


In a particular Socio- economic context in which FACT became the first large scale producer of chemical fertilizers in India, the full responsibility for selling the fertilizer concept to the tradition bound farmers also rested on the company. The farmers, by and large, were reluctant to try out such a new product to tally unfamiliar to them. It become clear to FACT that their role did not end with producing and selling fertilizers; The farmers had to be not only persuaded to accept fertilizers as a necessary in put for better production but also to be instructed on the correct method of applying fertilizers, at the right time and in the right measure. This involved an elabarate and well planned fertilizer promotion programme and a well tutored dealer net work./ FACT undertook these responsibilities with a missionary zeal and enalarged its promotional objective from marketing of fertilizers to scientific farming

This also called for a multi-media publicity campaign while making fuel use of media like the press, cinema, the outdoor and other forms of printed word, FACT lid great stress on undertaking demonstration, farming on the farmer is own plots, where the farmevs in the neighbor hood could

come and watch for themselves the activities and the transformation taking places right before their eyes . FACT field staff also took such opportunities to meet as may farmers as possible and have discussions with them , when their doubts were eleured and their confidence gained, such group discussion soon developed in to regular dassess. The study classess became more or less regular feature and agricultural extension officiers and other experts on

farming were associated with these programmes and their help and advice gave the farmers grater confidence to use chemical fertilizers for boosting up their agriculture production. Manufacturing Division , Udyogamandal Division The UD of FACT can called as the mother unit of the entire fertilizer industry in India. In 1947 the year India got independence, the unit

commenced commercial production with an ammonium, sulphate plant having a capacity to produce 10,000tones of nitrogen . The present annual nutrient production capacity of Udyogamandal division is 76050 tones of PZOS. A parts from the manufacture of Ammmonium sulphate and FACT MFOS 20:20:0:15 various chemical like ammoniua , HZSO4 ( Sulphuric acid) oleum, and sulpur dioxide etc are also produced here.

Petrochemical Division (PD) The division of FACT manufactures caprolactam, the raw material for Nylon-6, which is extensively used for the production tyrecord, Textile filament yarn and engineering plastics. FACTs caprolactam exported to

various countries including the USA, not only earns precious foreign exchange but also appreciation, on account of its excellent quality. Cochin Division (CD) Cochin Division of FACT is located at Ambalamedu, adjacent to the Kochi refineries Ltd, and was commissioned in 1973, with an installed capacity for the manufacture of 330000 TPA Urea. Plants for Manufacture

of 485000 TPA complex fertilizers, mainly FACT AM Dos NP 20-20-013 and DAP 18:46, were added in 1976. Marketing Division In the particular socio-economic context in which FACT became the first large scale producer of chemical Fertilizers in India, the full responsibility for selling the fertilizer concept to the tradition bound farmers also rested on the company. THE FETRTILIZER FESTIVAL was a novel idea introduced by

FACT in fertilizer promotion. THE VILLAGE ADOPTION SECHME was

another new concept developed by FACT for the first time in the country . FACT AGRICULTURAL STUDY CENTRE agricultural extension work. FEDO ( FACT Engineering and Design organization) Established in 1965, FESO has been evolved into an engineering power house with capability that encompasses every fact of project engineering and mgmt . FEDO has , over on of Ammonia, sulphuric, phosphoric Acid, was a new experiment in

Hydrogen, Fertilizers like Urea, Ammonium sulphate, single super phosphatre, ammonium chl oride, complex fertilizers etc FEDO quality policy 1. Customer satisfaction through engineering excellence 2. Continued improvement of quality system. 3. Provide product/service that meets customer and applicable regulatory requirements. FEW ( FACT Engineering Works) FACT Engineering works (FEW) the fabrication and Engineering Division of FACT was established in the year 1966. FEW is one of the leading contracting offering services through the manufacturing wing with modern

fabrication and testing facilities and the project wing undertaking project construction works . Computer service centre FACT computerized its activities since 1965 to meet the growing need for management information, engineering and commercial applications. The

centre is equipped with service in all its divisions connected by FACT NET and intranet network. Today CSC is equipped with Divisional data base servers ( Sun enterprise 250) at each the 3 production divisions and around 700 PC nodes. The computing nodes are connected via WAN ( Wide Area Network) at inter division level through 64 Kbps/2Mbps BSNL Leased Lines/Fibre optic link and Ethanet LAN ( Local Area Network) at department level. A cooperative Internet provides email access to senior level officers, besides hosting web pages containing daily updates of key production and financial figures. The on-line integrated information system (OIIS) that links all the functional areas of the enterprise has been jointly developed and implemented by M/S Tata consultancy service and CSC. The integrated system, which runs on oracle- 81 data base platform optimizes business process of the enterprise and provides information for decision making.

Major software system in the organization are developed and maintained in house by the skilled work forcent CSC. This include

production MIS, pay roll system, financial accounting system, material maintenance system Human Resources system,. Process optimization system , Attendance recording system, computer aided design and estimation system and project management system among others. CSC has an important role to playing keeping the management abreast of the past faced technological changes in the field of information

technology and recommenting timely enhancements of the IT resources in the neterprise. CSC is gearing up to the project FACT in to the promising area of E- com-merce as soon as the technology catches on in a big way in the India business sector


FACT was founded in Udyogamandal on the bank of the river periyar in 1944 . It was then the large scale fertilizer factory in the entire country. FACT has since the group expanded and branched out in out fantastic manner so that today it is only merdy one of the biggest fertilizer enterprise in the country but also a legend of the modern times and a friumph of the public sector . FACT has been widest range of festilizers and is making available to the farmers spread over a wide area covering the enfire south, straight festilizers like ammonium sulphate & urea also complex fertilizer like factumfos 20-20 FACT DAP amnd a host NPK mixture to suit all cropes and all soils. FACT has also succdessfully branched out in to the fields of chemical & festiliers technology. Engineering and design organization (FEDO) and fact Engineering work (FEW) are well known names to day not only in India but also outside the country.

The role of fact did not end with producing and selling festilizers . The farmers had to be only persuaded to accept fertilizers as a necessary input for better production, but also to be instructed in the correct method of applyiong fgestilizers at the sight time & the right measures . This involvied an

elaborate and well planned festilizer promotion program and well tutored dealer network. FACT undertook these responsibilities with a missionary seal and enlarged its promotional objectives for mastating of festilizders to marketing of fertilizer to marketing of scientific farming .


Manufacturing Division

Engineering & Fabrication Division

Marketing Division

Udl Division

Cochin Division

Petrochemical Division

Factengineering FACT and design organiz Engineering ation (FEDO) workers (FEW)

Research Development centre

Computer Science

Mgnt. Development Centre

Product at Various Divisions 1. Udyogamandal Division y y y y y y y y Ammonia Sulphuric Acid Factomfos Phosphoric acid Ammonium Oleum Synthesis gas Cas bondioxcid

Cochin Division y y y y Urea Phosphoric Acid Factomfos Sulphuric Acid

Petrochemical Division y Caprolctum FEDO y Techno-Economic Feasibility studies y Engineering consultancy y EPS contracts y Energy Audit y Thrid party inspection

y Construction mgnt y Plant assessment and health study FEW y y y y y Design and fabrication ofg pressure vessels, heet Exchange coloumns, storage tanks, reactors pen stocks etc. Fabrication and eracting of pipe Fabrication and laying of cross country pipe lines Project executire mgnts.

FACTs Code pof Business conduct & Ethics 1. Ethical conduct 2. Conflict interest 3. Protecting company 4. Integrity 5. Excellence 6. Unity 7. Responsibility 8. Accountability 9. Trusteeship 10. Adherence of government policy

11. Innovation 12. Share holders 13. Corporate Opportunities 14. Health& Safety 15. Compliance with law 16. No rights created. General Information at a glance Name Incorporation : The festilizers and chemical Travencore Ltd. : 22nd September 1943 : 26th June 1947

Commencement of Business Head office Registered

: Udyogamandal, Eloor : Eloor, Udyogamnandal, 683 50 Kerala India

Nature of Business : Manufacturing and production Laison officers : Mumbai New Delhi

Marketing urea officers : Chennai , Trivandrum, Banglore and Hydrabad Products Division : : Straight festilizer mixture, Chemicals, petro chemicals Udyogamandal Cochin, Petrochemicals, Marketing FACT Engineering workers ( FEW) Fact Engineering & Design organization (FEDO) FACT research development centre


 To generate a reasonable return to its investments  To ensure growth through expansion and diversification based on scientific and cysis  To prepare the organization to take on the challenges.  To continually upgrade the quality of human resources of the company and promote organizational developments  To maintain optimum level of efficiency productivity and safety on all activities . Sales Promotion Programe in FACT  Audiovisual  Fertilizers Advertisement, Newspaper, radio and TV  Farmes contract programe  Villa adoption programe  Farmers meeting  Soil testing service  Field demonstration  Festilizers stall at exhibition

 Chop book lets- posters- stickers  Cultural programs  Farmess seminars  Cash rebates and inceptives Pollution control in FACT FACT has already al ready invested I Rs. 500/- million in specially setting up pollution control plants at UDl, Cochin and petro chemical divisions with a recurring expenditure of Rs. 120 Million annually. Consistent with our commencement to environmental health all necessary safe guards have been buit in to take care of the water and atmospheric pollution caused by effluent gases and liquids thrown out from the factory. Competitors to FACT SPIC MFL NFL MEL RCF IFFO SPIC Southern Petro Industrial Chemicals Madras Fertilizers Ltd. Nagarjuna Fertilizer Ltd. Maglore Chemical Fertilizers Ltd. Rastria chemical fertilizers ltd Indian farmers fertilizer co-operative Southern petrol industrial ltd

Products- urea and Di- ammonium phosphate and Intermedias an in to the globally competitive and phaspheric acid abroad MFL - Madras fertilizer Ltd Product- NPK 17:17:17 and variant Vijay urea, Bio Fertilizer, Agro chemical plans to switch over to LNG from naptha and import ammonia.  NFL  MFL  RCF Nagarijuna fertilizer chemicals product Urea Manglore fertilizer Ltd. Restria chemical fertilizer Ltd

Product Urea Di- ammonium phosphare and complex fertilizer plans to set up ammoniuam urea complex in north key project in iron  Zuari Industries Ltd Product- Urea and DAP plan for improving ammonia, JV for project mght seed research and development and has established products.  KRIBCO Product- Urea- Particularly in do oman and Indo Iron project for cheaper gas Others: PP1- Leader in DxP

 Chambal Fertilizer and chemicals product Urea  Deepao Fertilizer and petrochemicals Product urea, complex ammonium sulphate, DxP  Indo Gulf fertilizer and chemicals product urea , copper smelting . Legal Frame work of the company FACT is a public Ltd. Company registrar under the companies Act 1956. FACT is also bound to various laws take. y Factories act, 1948 y Exicise act 1944 y Sales fax act 1959 Labour laws like y Industrial dispute act 1947 y Employee staff welfare Act, 1953 y Workmen compensation act 1923 y The payment of wages of Gratuity act 1972 y Trade unions act , 1926 y Standing carders act, 1946 y Payment of gratuity act 1972 y Provident fund and miscellaneous provision act 1952

The companys main business is manufacturing and marketing of : 1. Fertilizers 2. Caprolactum 3. Engineering consultancy 4. Fabrication of requirements Expansion of fact In the late 50s the udyogamandalam Division launched its first expansion with an outlay of Rs. 3 crores. Hcyblights of the period were the installation of two plants to produce phosphoric Acid and Ammonium phosphate The second stage of expansion involuny Rs 2 crores saw the replacement of the Firewood Gasifiation Process and the Electrolytie process by the

Tazaco oil Gasification process for which a new plant was set up. FACT became a Kerala state public sector Enterprise on 15th August 1960. On 21st November 1962, the Government of India became the major share holder. The 2nd stage of expansion of FACT was completed in 1962. The 3rd stage of expansion of FACT was complted in 1965 with setting up of a new Ammonoum sulphate plant. FACT has been a pace- setter in

marketing enolving a continuous and comprehensive package of effective communication with farmers and promotional programmes to increase the

fertilizer consciousness among our farmer. In fact FACT was the forst fertilizer manufacturer in India to introduce the village adoption cedcept since 1968 to improve3 agricultural. Productivity and enhance the over all socioeconomic status of farmers. FACT has a well organized marking Network capable of distribution over a million tones of fertilizers with the licensiny of cochin division in 1966 FACT further expanded and by 1976 the production of sulphate acid. Phospharic acid and urea was started in 1979 production of NPK was commercialized.

FACT Today

FACTs 2 manufacturing divisions at Udyogamandal and Cochin together have so far produced and distributed fertilizer nutrients which would have helped the farmers to produce millions of tones of food grains . FACTs marketing divisions in Kerala has well organized dealer supply network which ensures that even the farmer in the remotest village is reached and fully benefited through its agronomy and rural development services.

Vision of the Company To emerge as a leading company in the business of providing quality

Agriculture and industrial inputs and providing engineering services for indust for Industrial and infrastructural facilities .

Mission of the company To function as a dependable and globally competitive producer and to develop selfreliance in the field of Engineering and Technology, especially in the field of fertilizers, chemicals pertochemical oil & gas industries.


22-09-1943 26-06-1947 1959-60 21-11-1962 24-07-1965 13-04-1966 07-06-1966 15-10-1966 01-10-1971 27-04-1973 01-10-1973 10-11-1976 10-12-1976 10-01-1977 01-04-1979 1981

Incorporation Production Started UD- Ist State expansion completed Govt. of India became major shareholder FACT Engineering & Design Organization FACT Engineering works CD- phase 1 License issued UD3rd stage expansion completed UD 4th stage expansion completed CDI, area plant commissioned UD 4th Stage 150 TPD Ammonium phosphate CD-11, Sulphuric acid plant commissioned CD-II, Sulphuric acid plant commissioned CD-11, NPK trail run started CD-11 NPK commercialized 450 TPD Sulphuric acid plant Modified to DCDA process


PD- Carprolactum technical collaboration agreement

14-09-1984 6-08-1985 9-11-1988 26-07-1989 13-12-1989 21-09-1990 20-12-1990 01-03-1991 01-03-1991

PD-Zero date of ASCC project PD- Caprolactum license issued So2 Acid plant commissioned Award for excellemnce in performance FEW shifted to palluruthy Oleum production commenced CD- 12MW captive power plant PD- caprolactum commercial production started VD- New Ammonium sulphate commercial production started


900 TPD Ammonia plant commercial production Started

25-09-1993 03-11-1998 09-11-1998

Foundation stone-900 TPA Ammonia plant

900TPD Ammonia plant guarantee Test run.



Director Technical Chief Vigilance officer Corporate planning Production coordination Cochin Division Udyogamandal Complex FEDO & FEW Junior General Udyogamandal Division Petro chemical Division Chief manager Chief Superomtend production Chief Mechanical Engineer Manager Plant Engineer


FACT Manufactures the following products a. Straight fertilizers 1. Ammonium Sulphate 2. Urea b. Complex Fertilizers 1. Factomfos 20:20;0;15 2. Diammonium phosphate (DAP) c. Fertilizer Mixtures 1. NPK Mixtures 2. Rose mix 3. Vegetable Mixture 4. Garden Mixture d. Chemicals 1. Anhydrous Ammonia 2. Sulphuric Acid 3. Caprolactum 4. Nitric Acid

Ammonium Sulphate It is a nitrogen fertilizer containing 20.6% nitrogen entirely in ammoniac form. Its physical properties include non hydroscopic, crystalline, free

flowing etc. It is dealt as a straight nitrogenous fertilizer and also as an ingredient in fertilizer mixtures. It is the most widely preferred nitrogenous fertilizer for top yielding on all crops Another unique advantage ios that it contains 24% sulphar , an important secondary nutrient . Factomfos 20:20;0:15 Factomfos 20:20:0:15 is also called ammonium phosphate. The physical properties of factomfos include granular from non- hydroscopic and free flowing nature it is used for foliar application and is ideal for application on all soil and crops. Di- Ammonium phosphate (DAP) DAP is nitrogen phosphorous fertilizer with 18% N and 46% P 205. The entire nitrogen is an anmonical form and phosphor fully water spluble. NPK Mixtures FACT prepares on a very large scale all the standard mixtures for

different crops as stipulated . FACT prepares special tailor made fertilizer mixtures of any required grade for the plantation crops like coffee, rubber etc

Rose Micture FACT rose Micxture is one tailor made for roses it is a blend of N,P and K together with secondary and trace elements in the correct quantity specially made for roses. Vegetable Mixture They are marketed in 1 kg packets and are exclusively prepared for use of vegetable Garden Mixture They are sold in 1 kg packets and are specially prepared for garden, both flower and foliage types. Anhydrous Ammonia Ammonia is one of the basic products in the manufacture of fertilizers. FACT produces Ammonia over 99.96% purity used mainly for the required form and

manufacture of ammonium sulphate and ammonium phosphate Besides it also finds use in rubber and explosive industry and refineries it also finds useful in pharmaceuitical industry Sulphuric Acid FACT has one of the largest plants in Asia producing sulphuric acid. Sulphuric acid manufactured in FACT plants has a purity of 98%


Sri. Sankaranarayanan V.G Chairman & managing Director (Acting) Director ( Marketing) Director ( Finance)

Sri. SankaranarayananV.G Sri. Sathish ChandraIAS Sri. Deepak Singhal IAS Ms. Pratibha Karan Sri. T.M./ Jeyachandran

Director (Technical) Official Part-time Director Official Part-time Director Non- official Part-time Director Non- official Part-time Director

Sri. Khan Masood Ahmad Non- official Part-time Director Dr. R.K. Mishra Dr. B.S. Ghuman Dr. Bodeiah Sri. S. Balan Non- official Part-time Director Non- official Part-time Director Non- official Part-time Director Non- official Part-time Director


Sri. Hariharan S CHIEF MANAGERS Smt. Ambika I S Sri. Sreekumar S Smt. Sreelekha Nair Sri. John Roland Daniel Sri. Thomas Paul Sri. Sreenath v Kammath Sri. Jayakumar A.V Smt. Tessy Thomas Sri. Wesley Vedha J Sri. Ashok Kumar P Sri.Sreekumar P Sri.p.Pradeep Sri. Sathish Kuman M


CM (CS) CM (Admn.)c CM(HR) CM(HR) CM(HR)c CM(IA) CM(Mat) CE(IE) CM(CS)-II CE(Corp plg) CM(LS) CM(Fin) CM(Technical audit sreelekha


Sri.Thomas Issac Sri. Rajan.S.


Sri. Sasikumar C.K Sri.D. Nandakumar


Sri. Muraleedharan A.P Sri. V. Kalaiselvan Sri. Abraham Roy Mathew Sri. Kurien Abraham Sri. Alil KumarN Sri.Jeyachandran R


Sri. Suresh Babu N Sri. Sukumaran K.V


Sri. K.P Prabhakaran Sri. Ramakrishnan M.V Sri. Jose Kurian


Sri.Suresh Kumar K S Sri. Jose Paul Sri. Sudhakara Shenoi V Sri. Gerorge Paul




Sri.Thomas Issac Sri. Rajan.S.


Sri. Mohanan I Sri. C.V.R Bhaskar


Sri. Anil V.K


Philip Joseph


Sri. Suresh N.N Sri. Anil Raghavan M Sri. Daniel Madhukar Sri. Rajee C George

CDM( Marketing ) CSMc AM( Tamilnadu)

Chief Manager ( Sales Promotion

&Agronomy Services)


CHIEF MANAGERS Smt. Mariamma K T Sri. Jacob Kurien E Sri. Ashok Kumar K Sri. Sathish R Sri. Geetha B K Sri. Anil Kumar S Sri. Sunil Antony CE(PROC)/FEDO CE(M&PCE)FEDO CE(PIP)/FEDO CM(INSPN)FEDO CM(CONS)FEDO CE(CIVIL) FEDO CE(Proj)FEBL

Sri.M K Radhakrishnan Nair CE(Ele.)/FRBL Sri. C.Kurian Sri T.K. Jose Smt. Mary Oomaen Smt. Susamma Gorge CM ( Constn) CM ( Commercial) FEDO CE( Electrical/FEDO CE(Instrumentation/FEDO


DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER Sri. Hariharan S CHIEF MANAGERS Smt. Ambika I S Sri. Sreekumar S Smt. Sreelekha Nair Sri. John Roland Daniel Sri. Thomas Paul Sri. Sreenath v Kammath Sri. Jayakumar A.V Smt. Tessy Thomas Sri. Wesley Vedha J Sri. Ashok Kumar P Sri.Sreekumar P Sri.p.Pradeep Sri. Sathish Kuman M CM (CS) CM (Admn.)c CM(HR) CM(HR) CM(HR)c CM(IA) CM(Mat) CE(IE) CM(CS)-II CE(Corp plg) CM(LS) CM(Fin) CM(Technical audit sreelekha DGM(Fin)



Sri. Sasikumar C.K Sri.D. Nandakumar CHIEF MANAGERS Sri. Muraleedharan A.P Sri. V. Kalaiselvan Sri. Abraham Roy Mathew Sri. Kurien Abraham Sri. Alil KumarN Sri.Jeyachandran R COCHIN DIVISION GENERAL MANAGER Sri. Suresh Babu N Sri. Sukumaran K.V CHIEF MANAGER Sri. K.P Prabhakaran Sri. Ramakrishnan M.V

DGM ( Maint)UC/c DGM (T)YC/c




Sri. Jose Kurian Sri.Suresh Kumar K S Sri. Jose Paul Sri. Sudhakara Shenoi V Sri. Gerorge Paul





Sri. Anil Raghavan M Sri. Daniel Madhukar Sri. Rajee C George

CSMc AM( Tamilnadu)

Chief Manager ( Sales Promotion &Agronomy Services)


DEPUTY GENERAL MAGNGER Sri George Joseph.K Sri.D.Pradeep Kumar Sri. Manuel Zacharias CHIEF MANAGERS Smt. Mariamma K T Sri. Jacob Kurien E Sri. Ashok Kumar K Sri. Sathish R Sri. Geetha B K Sri. Anil Kumar S Sri. Sunil Antony CE(PROC)/FEDO CE(M&PCE)FEDO CE(PIP)/FEDO CM(INSPN)FEDO CM(CONS)FEDO CE(CIVIL) FEDO CE(Proj)FEBL DGM(Proj)FEDO/c DGM(PR) FEDO/c DGM(Engg)/FEDO/c

Sri.M K Radhakrishnan Nair CE(Ele.)/FRBL

Sri. C.Kurian Sri T.K. Jose Smt. Mary Oomaen Smt. Susamma Gorge

CM ( Constn) CM ( Commercial) FEDO CE( Electrical/FEDO CE(Instrumentation/FEDO


Sri. Pradeep. J.P


Sri . Sreekumar M Sri. Sri. Rajeswarn K

CE(PROJ) FEW CE( Inspection)

Caprolctum Caprolactum is the raw material for nylon-6. The product quality of

FACT caprolactum is among the best available in the world

Sri. A.K. Gupta Chief Vigilance Officer factcvo@factitd. com

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Sri. Venkatakrishnan.S Sri.K.V. Balakrishnan HEAD OFFICE GENERAL MANAGERS Sri.Chandrasekharan P.K Sri. V. Subramony Iyer Sri. Mathew George Sri. Murali Nair V GM(Mat) GM (Trg&Dev)c GM (HR)c GM (Fin)c Executive Director (Finance ) Company Secretary

DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER Sri. Hariharan S CHIEF MANAGERS Smt. Ambika I S Sri. Sreekumar S Smt. Sreelekha Nair CM (CS) CM (Admn.)c DGM(Fin)


Marketing is the creative management function which promotes trade and employment by assessing consumer needs and enitiating research and

development to meet them. It coordinate the resourees of production and destitution of goods and serices and determines and directs the nature and scale of the total effects required to seek maximum production to the ultimate user -United kingdom Institute of Marketing Goods and services donot more automatically from the makers to the users. There is a defenit mechanism that brings about exchange of goods and services against money or moneys worth for the manual benefit- namely, satisfaction to the consumers and surplecs to the prosducers and

manufactures. Marketing is the belt that connects the two major wheels of any economy namely. Producer and consumers. Marketing is the creation of activities as goods and services get value addition by the time they reach the consumers.

Charecteristic of marketing 1. It is operational 2. It is customer orented 3. It is mutuality of benefits 4. It is value Driven 5. It is proactive to the environment 6. It is covers Both profit and non- profit making organization Objective of Marketing 1. To Apply effective and intelligent Modern Marketing policies The economic turbulence of the last decade and present meltdecern that has caught the whole arled in to economic slow down has really possed many challenges to the dynamic field of marketing

2. To Develop the Market Field Marketing is the most dynamic field were change rule the ` roost. Change is continueny preoccupation among the market. Naturally, some developments are gradual and progressive. 3. To develop and implement Gaudery policies for Better Results Invocative marketing gcuding policies and their effective

implementation are sure to yield better results. Many of the innovative companies got their best ideas from customers. 4. To suggest solution by studying the problem Relating to marketing Identfgency the problems and giving fitting solution to the problem to various aspects pof marketing is recully a challenge to the mental faculties of marketing managers namely, wit vision and judgment. 5. To find sources for further information concerning the marketing problems The world of business is morning on the basis of countless

decisions. The decisions are based on information. Marketing decisions are more complex and indicate having impinging impact on the very fortone of

a company. Marketing information is generated more outside the organization that shapes the incoming problems and solution Benefits of Marketing Benefits of marketing accure to both the society and indirudual forms engaged in marketing actnities

A. Benefits to the society as a whole: Marketing is a social and economic constitution and is a part of soIiety and there fore plays a significant role in forever of society The following benefits are enjoyed in a society. 1. It is an instreement to uplift the living standards millions 2. It provides gainful employment opportunities 3. It stabilizes the economic condition B. Benefits to the individual firms There are countless firms engaged is marketing activities which stand to benefit through the system of marketing 1. It enable the firms to earn more profits of teeming

2. It act as a basic for marketing vital decision 3. It act as a sources of new ideas The Promotion Mix Promotion mix is the communication mix which deals with the personal and impersonal persuasicve communication about the product or service pf thej manufacturer. Though companies communicate with their present and potentioal customers in wide variety of wauys the most distinguishable









communications relate to face to face meeting between the sales force of the company and the clientele. Factors influencing promotional mix Four factors should be taken into account in deciding promaotional mix, they are a. Amount of money available for promation b. Nature of the market c. Nature of the product d. Stage of product life cycle India is the third fertilizer in the world largest producer and consumer of chemical world fertilizer

and accounts for about 12%

consumption. Fertilizer is generally defined as only material, organic or inorganic, natural or synthetic, which supplies on or more of the chemical elements required for the plant growth . The fertilizer industry has a very humble beging in 1906, when the first manufacturing unit of single super phosphate setup in rainpet near Chennai with an annual capacituy of 6000 MT.

THE STUDY It is a fact that small or financially weal companies are likely to rely on personal selling dealer displays or joint manufacturer- retailer advertising . But in case of the firms and large PSES like FACT budget allocation for sakes promotion activities are found to be adequate and the question will found in appropriate way.

Farmer Education And Fertilizer Promotion Activities Activities Acttirements Target Agricultural Seminar 40 Demonstration 50 Fertilizer bio fotiler Special cxrop campaign Wale painting 770 458 4 2246 10 698 7 2600 12 7.70 2.80 3.00 1.00 21.00 4.48 0.80 2.24 0.40 8.54 6.98 1.40 2.60 0.48 13.05 20 2 3 3.00 0.30 0.45 2 5 8 21 08-8-09 Actual Quarter Yearly Budget 08-8-09 2.00 1.50 Actual Quarter Yearly 0.10 0.15 0.53 0.61 Expenditure lakhs

Dealer muting 14 Soil sample Sponserned programme 3000 25

From the above report it is quite clear that barring soil sample analysis and wall paintings budet utilization for various sales promotion techniques are amazingly low.

Nature of the Market. Geographic scope of the market- personal selling may be adequate in small ,local market , but as the market broadens geographically greater stress must be placed on advertising, Type of customer promotional strategy is influenced by whether the organization is aiming its promotion at industrial users, house hold consumer or middle man. Concentration of market:- total number of prospective buyer is one consideration fewer potential buyers there are more effective personal selling as compared with advertising Nature of products Consumer products ans industrial goods frequently require different strategies with regard to industrial goods installation are not prompoted in the same way as operating supplies. For a promotional campaign to be successful the efforts of the participating groups must be co-ordinate effectiveing. This means that the advertising programme will consist of series of recated, well timed , carefully placed adcvertisements that reinforce the personal setting and sales promotional efforts. The personal selling effort will be coordinated with the advertisement programme. The sales force will explain and demonstrate the product

bnenefits stressed in the advertisements. The sales people will also be fally informed about the advertising part of the campaign. The sales people will have to carry information . such as the media used etc to the middleman, so that they can be become effective participates Media available for fertilizer promotion In the initial years fertilizer promotion in India were severly handicapped in their promotional efferts due to constraints of media i.e. media that are available were limited in number reach, coverage and cost effectiveness. We can classify the media used for fertilizer promotion in to the following there heads. 1. Interpersonal media 2. Mass media 3. Specialized media developed specifically for fertilizer promotion. 1 Interpersonal media a. Study cases /G.D. with farmers b. Perpectual on going training of fadfrmers c. Agricultural seminars d. Krishi Vigyan Kendtras e. Squad programmes

As the name

imploes tjhis

method is

more personal and

conserecontract with farmers are developed through promotional methods. 2. Mass Media:A mass communication technique involves number of people shartest time possible. Methods involved in this categaroy are:A) Printed Media :1. Advertisement in the press and journals 2. Direct mail service 3. Literature on crops and products 4. Agricultural gournats /home magazines and bulletion B) Audios:Radio, loudspeaker, mike announcement gramophone, records cassesttes, public meeting C) Visuals:Exhibitions Hoarding, wall paintings and posters Weon- signs, tin plates, cinema slides, stow cases etc Point of sale display other than show cases. in the

D) Audio visuals:Mobile audio visual unitsifilns , feature films, documentaries , slide and sound presentation , puppet show, television , dreams, other entertainment tecated publicity. 3) Special Media 1. Demonstration in formers fields 2. Harvest meals, field of day celebrations. 3. Fertilizers festivals 4. Soil testing service 5. Village adoption program 6. Comprehensive agronary services 7. Dealer training Programmes under special media are specificalluy internded for fertilizer marking we will illustrate some of those programmes mentioned above . Village adoption programmes (VAP) It aims at transformation of the economic scene of the adopted village. FACT holds the distinction of being the first agency in the country to have embraced village adoption as an instrument of fertilizer promotion and rural

developments with the objective of developing the producvity of specific crop FACT started the programmeds such as, coconut village and tapioca village . Marketing Department 1. Sales department This department deals with the sales of the finished products . It is headed by the sales manager. This department ensures the availability of the finished products according to the needs of the customers in the market . Functions . y Monitoring of sales in the areas y Monitoring the flow of MIS from market research department and from field establishments. y Liaison with bulk buyers, central and state govt. officials and officials of fertilizer association of India, New Delhi and southern region. y Processing credit proposals for dealers and institutions. y Monitoring of price and terms of FACT products. y Sales force motivation through internal and external training programmes.

y Co-ordination of sales promotion and market development activities. y Preparation of sales report 2. Distribution department Physical distribution of products is a major function of the marketing division. Chief distribution manager is entrusted with planning, monitoring and implementing of the product distribution and co-ordination the movement from production units and imports FACT distributes its fertilizer to four states of south India viz. Kerala, TamilNadu, Andrapradesh and Karnadaka Functions y Distribution of the products as per the requirements from various regions. y Controlling the transportation cost through proper allocation to each regions. 3) Marketing Research Department In a competitive environment information is very vital for taking marketing decision. Collection, compilation,. Tabulation, analysis and interpretation of relevant data pertaining to fertilizer marketing are the major role of market research department .

Functions  Preparation of product wise, month wise, annual sales plan for each area.  Collection and scrutiny, analysis and compilation of region wise , area wise sales performance of own and purchased product for providing information to management on achievement against the target on a daily basis.  Submission of monthly performance report of the division to the chief marketing department .  Monthly /half yearly reports regarding sales and stock of fertilizers to the board of rectors and to the government of India.  Publication of annual report of division  Submission of various statements to fertilizer association of India for publication in their fertilizer statistics year book .  Monitoring and reporting competieors sales as per performance prescribed.  Ensuring product availability dispatch monitoring and inventory control

4) Sales promotion Department FACT over years has innovated various techniques of sales promotion many of them are recognized as effective tools of promotion by national and international agencies these techniques consist of mass communication techniques and personal contract method Material Purchase Department Material department in a FACT mainly classified in to three sections: Raw material department  FEDO &FEW Transportation and stores  Equipment and spares and service Raw Material Department These department deals with the raw materials like,  Sulphur  Rock Phosphate  Sulphuric Acid  Naphatha  Furnaance oil  Benzene  Ammoni Sulphur is imported from Middle East countries while rock phosphate is imported from morocco and Jordan, for last three years it as imported from

Morocco. Benzene is produced from reliance industry FEDO and FEW, Transportation and stores (FFTS)- department A. Functioning of FEDO:  Projects related procurement for FEDO In house procurement for FEDO

B. Functioning for transportation: For raw material movements  Finished products transportation C. Functioning for stores:y All divisional stores report to FFTS department functionally y Administrational report to respective divisions y Functionally report to materials section FEDO and FEW Transportation stores department also controls Integrated Materials Group (IMG), which used to standardize the imams of different divisions Equipment spares services (ESS) This department is function for purchasing of equipment, spares and services. It includes sections of mechanics, electrical and instrumental



Executive Director

General Manager



AM Kerala


















General Manager

DGM ( Market) Purchase

Dy. CM ( Purchase ) RM

Dy. CM ( Purchase ) RM

Dy. CM ( Purchase) RM




Dy. CM ( Purchase ) RM

Dy. CM ( Purchase ) RM

Dy. CM ( Purchase) RM

Production Department Production planning Production is the process by which raw materials and other inputs are converted into finished products. In FACT the production of various chemicals and fertilizers are mainly takes place in its three production divisions viz, Udyogamandal division, petrochemical Division and cochin Division. In Udyogamandal Division the main products are Ammonia , Sulphuric Acid, Ammunium Sulphate , factomfos 20:20:0:15 and Bio fertilizers. In pertrochemical division the main product is caprolatum which is used for the production of nylon-6 which can be used for making textile yearns cartiers, cables, popes ammonia, sulphuric Acid complex fertilizes and factumfos 20:20:0:15 In each Production division there is:y Production planning department y Maintenance department y Safety department y Quantity assurance department

The activities of production department are:y To convert raw material in to finished products y Preparation of production budget y Production target fixing y Preparation of daily, monthly and yearly production reports. y Sending reports to government and other interested parties. y Follow the safety precautions while inside the plant y Keeping the machineries and other equipment in operating condition.

Sales promotion Activities Sales promotion is one of the four aspects of promotion mix. The other three parts of the promotional mix are advertising, personal selling, publicity and public reaction Media and no media marketing communication are

employed for a predetermined, limited to increase consumer demand , stimulate market demand or improve product availability. Examples include .  Contents  Points purchase displays  Rebates  Free travel, such as free flights Sales promotion can be directed at the customer, sales staff, or distribution channel members ( such as retailers). Sales promotion targeted at the consumer are called consumer sales promotions. Such

promotions targeted that retailers and whole sales are called trade sales promotion Sales promotion Tools 1. Mass communication Technique This method involves category in large number of people in the shortest time possible .

These involves: Sign bored  Posters  Exhibition  Filing  Hoardings  Advertisements Intensive personal contact method As the name implies in this method more personal and closer contact with farmers are developed through promotional method.  FACT has various promotion programmes like  Fertilizer festival  Villeage adoption scheme  FACT agricultural study centre. 2. Personal contact methods As the name implies, in this method more personal and closer contact with farmers are developed though promotional methods. The methods adopted by FACT are, a) Demonstration b) Block demonstrations c) Soil testing

d) Seminar e) Study classes f) Co-operative training programmes g) Dealer training h) Squad programmes Types of sales promotion activities a) Advertising A ny paid presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsors. Eg: print ads, radio, television, bill board, direct mail, brochures and catalogs signs, in store displays, posters, motion pictures etc. b) Personal selling A process of helping and persuading one or more prospects to

purchase a good or service or to act any idea through the use of an oral presentation. Eg. Sales presentation, sales meetings , sales training and incentive programmes for intermediary sales people, samplesm, and tek marketing, can be face to face or via telephone. c) Promotions Incentives designed to stimulation the purchase or sale of a product, usually short term. Eg. Coupons, sweepstakes, contest, product samples,

rebates tie-ins, self riquidating premium , trade shows, trade- ins, and exhibitions. d) Public reaction Paid intimate stimulation of supply for a product, service or business unit by planting significant news about it or a favourable presentation of it in the media. Eg. News paper and magazine articles/ reports, T./V and radio presentation

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION PROCESS The paramount goal of marketing is to understand the consumer and to influence buying behavior one of the main perspectives of the consumer behaviour research analyses buying from the so- called information processing perspective ( Holbrook and Hirschman 1982). According to the model, customer decision making process comprises a need satisfying behaviour and a wide range of motivating and influencing factors. The process can be depicted in the following steps ( Engel, Blackwell et al. 1995)  Need recognition:- realization of the difference between desired situation and the current situation that serves as a tigger for the entire consumption process.  Search for information:- search for data relevant for the

purchasing decision, both from internal sources ( ones memory) and/or external sources.  Pre- purchase alternative evaluvation:- assessment of available choices that can fulfill the realized need by evaluating benefits they may deliver and reduction of the number of options to the one ( or several ) preferred.

 Purchase:- acquirement of the choosen option of product or service  Consumption: Utilization of the procured option.  Post-Purchase alternative re-evaluvation: assessment of whether or not and to what degree the consumption of the alternative produced satisfaction.  Divestment: disposal of the unconsumed product or its remnants.

Frame works and tools for evaluating customer satisfaction As the previous section showed, different disciplines approach consumer research from different standpoints, however they are all

interested in identifying how an innovation- a new product or a service is accepted by the consumers. Some disciplines use techniques for

evaluvating market response, other measure social influences on creating market acceptance, while get others study personal characteristics of

consumers and how these affect purchasing decision of each individual consumer . Each discipline also develops and uses specific methods as well. However, there are also general tools that are employed in many disciplines .

Finished products y Ammonium sulphate- Udyogamandal Division y Ammonium phosphate/complex fertilizer/ factamfos udyogamandal Division and cochin Division y Caprocatam- petrochemical Division y Bio- fertilizers- Research and Development Division Exported Products y y Future plans 1. Increasing the sales by reducing the cost 2. Reduce cost of production 3. Increasing the quality of exports by maintaining 4. Reducing the promotional cost 5. Establishment of GYPS um plant 6. Proposing to have a new modern township Caprolactam- pertochmeical Division Ammonium Sulphate- Udyogamandal Division

Marketing operations Area officers Travandurm Regional officers Kerala, Alappey, Palakkad, Kottayam, Kannur.

Bangalore Chennai Hyderabad

Karnadaka, Banglore, Hospeb, Belguum Tamil Nadu, Trichy, Coimbatore, Madurai Andrapredesh, Hyderabad, Kakkinad


Although holding inventories blocking of firms fund and the cost of storage every in a business enterprise has to maintain a certain level of inventories to facilitate uninterepted product and smooth running of

business .In the absence of inventories, a firm will have to make purchase as soon as it receive orders. A firm also needs to maintain inventories to reduced ordering costs and while quality discount etc. Generally there are main purpose or motive of holding inventories .

1. Transaction Motives Which facilitates continuous production and timely execution of order. 2. The precautionary Motives :Which necessitates the holding of inventories for meeting the unpredictable change in demand & supply of materials 3. Speculative Motives: Which induce to keep inventories for taking advantages of price fluctuation, savings in recording cost and quantity discount.


Marketing research department take are of collection analyzing and interpretation of data pertaining to Fetilizer market and preparation of

product wise, month wise and annual sales plan for each area . Agronomoy prepares the farmers to buy fertilizers. The sales and collects, scrutinizes, analyzes and complies region wise and area wise sales of performance and purchased products for proceeding information to management an achievement against the target. The distribution department funds out the various depots as per the information given by sales and sells the products and subsequently sales report is prepared . Purchase procedure The purchase procedure covers the following areas of procurement of goods and services for the company. 1. Capital item ( For Project and other purposes ) 2. Raw materials, Intermediates, stores and sphares etc. 3. Services. 4. Package item involving design, supply, erection and commissioning .

This procedure does not apply to civil works and contracts for construction/ erection/ maintenance/ engineering works for which a tendering produce is being issued separetely. For procurements on behalf of client for constancy contracts where clients themselves do the placement

of orders and payment to suppliers, the procedure laid in the contracts with the client shall be applicable . However, where, clients do not insist on any special procedure, this purchase procedure shall be applicable, to extend these do not come into conflict with contracts . Types of Purchase 1. Cash Purchase This can be resorted to only for non- routine petty purchase and for emergency purchase of small value. The financial limit for this type of procurement shall be Rs 6000 per indent . 2. Local Purchase Items, which are urgently required and available is the local

market, may be procured by local purchase . 3. Emergency Purchase In the case of emergencies which affect production or completion schedule of projects/ turn around jo0bs etc.

Vender pre- qualification Prequalified vendor list shall be maintained by materials department. The vendor list shall comprise all pre- qualified vendors under each

category stating clearly the respective capability in terns of volume of work specification, level of technology, etc with rating of the vendors. Addition/ deletion to vendors list shall be made on a continuous basis on the criteria already stated. All divisions shall follows the approved vendor list strictly Invitation to bid The purchase manger shall invite bid Normally 30 days from the date of enquiry shall be given for submission of bids in limited tenders. For open tenders 30 days from the date of appearance of advertisement shall be prescribed. Receipt and Opening of Bids Reading of bids- the following information may the Bidders representives a) Prices taxes and duties b) Payment terms c) Delivery period d) Performance guarantee be read act to

e) Brief description, where relevent Quality Control / Department At a FACT Quality has always been article of faith and strictest

international standards are adhered to tin producing the various products. The sophisticated microprocessor based digital distribution control system brings about efficiency in information mgnt process optimization. The

process control based on line analysis assures consistency in quality through out the manufacturing process and in the finished products.

A well equipped and modern laboratory provides reliable analytical support. Extensive trouble shooting facilities aid the rigorous quality

assurance programmes. Exceptionally qualified, experience and specially trained high caliber professionals provides expertse at all levels & Quality control department. Objectives of quality control Department 1. Ensure that product quality matches with standard quality 2. Achive high levels of safety. 3. Minimize delay in procurement of raw materials. 4. Maximize capacity utilization

5. Minimize wastage 6. Achive low breake down 7. Achive low reduction and field failars 8. Process optimization 9. High order booking 10. Achive timely delivery 11. Minimize customer complaint


1. Improper subsidy policy Govt. Subsidy

policy does not take in to

account the technology used for production & cost of raw material and comes to the organization after a long gap after actual sales. Which leads to acute shortage of working capital . 2. Lack of fund for research activities 3. Narrow product range 4. Unnecessary intervention distribution & sales. 5. Recurring lossess have put the organization on the back foot looking for survival in the present than long term plans & resulting research leading to low level of research activities and narrow product range. of state and central government in


Human resource is the total knowledge, abilities, skills, talents


aptitudes of an organizations workforce. The values, ethics, beliefs of the individuals working in an organisation also form a part of human resource. The resource fullness or various categories of people and other people available to be organization can be treated as human resources. In the present complex environment, no business or organization can exist and grow without appropriate human resources. So human resource has become the focus of attention of very progressive organisation.

Human resource management is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and reproduction of human resources to the end that individual, organizational and societal objectives are accomplished. HRM means Management of various aspects of human resources. An important element of human resource Management is the human approach while managing people. This approach helps a manager to vies his people as

an important resource. It is an approach in which manpower resources are developed not only to help the organization in achieving its goals but also to the self satisfaction of the concerned persons. approach focuses on human resource development On the one hand this

Nature of HRM
1. Integral Part of the Process of Management Human resources management is embedded in the organizational structure of an enterprise and is an intergrel part of the process of management its self . Human resource management cannot be separate from the basic management function . 2. Comprehensive function The main function of HRM is to manage people at work. It is a comprehensive function which covers all type of people at all levels in the organization 3. Pervasive function

HRM is comprehensive as well as pervasive function. It is inherent in all organization and at all levels . It is not confined to industry also. It is quickly useful and necessary in government and armed fares sprats


and an the like it applies all the functions area .


Production, marketing finance, research etc. 4. People oriented HRM is a people oriented function and is concerned with It deals with human

employees as individual as well as group. relationship with in an organization 5. Based on human relations

Human resources management is concerned with the motivation human resources in the organization. The human being cannot be treated as t other physical factors of production . 6. Continues process Human resource management is a continues process. It is not a one short function rather short function. It is never ending excise. 7. Science as well as Art Human resource management is science as It contains an organized body of knowledge consisting of principles and technique. It is also an art handling people is one of the most creatuve arts. It involves application of theoretical knowledge to the problems of human resources these it is science as well as art .

8. Recend Origin As compared to other area of management HRM is comparitevely a going discipline. It started in the latter part of the 19th century . 9. Inter disciplining In modern times, human resources management has become a highly specialized jobs. Moreover, it not an isolated subject it is inter-

disciplinary . it involves application to knowledge dream from several disciplines like sociology anthropology, psychology economic etc.. 10. Basic to all Functional areas HRM is basic to all functional areas of the management such as production management, Financial Management, marketing

management etc. Every manager working in any department has to perform the personnel functions.


Board of Directors Chair man managing Direct

Finance Director Executive Director operation

Executive Director Consultancy & Eng. workers

Exe. mkting

Executive Director


Executive Director ( Technical

Company (Secretary

GM Material

GM International Audit Market Public relation Hospitals

Chief Vigilance officer

Udl. Division Caprolactam

FEDO (Few)

Corporative finance

Cochin Division Computer service R&D, Technical Service



Employees Tanning needs

2 3 1 4 5

Personnel Dept

Reporting Officer 1

Reviewing officer

Highest reviewing Officer

Reporting officer
7 6

Accepting Authority

post apprisal Counseling


Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower of meet the requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attaching that manpower in the adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force. Recruitment is the process prompts people to offer for selection in the organization. This involves locating sources of manpower to meet job requirements. In this words, It is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and

encouraging them to apply for fobs in an organization . It is often termed positive in that it simulative people to apply for job to increase the hiring ratio ie., the number of applicants for a job . Process of Recruitment Recruitment process pasess through the following stages 1. Recruitment process begins when the personnel department receives requisitions for recruitment from any department of the company. The personnel requisition contain detailed about position to be filled the numbers of personals to be recruited, the duties to be performed,

qualification expected from the candidates terms and conditions of the employment and time by the persons should be available for appointment . 2. Locating and developing the source of required number and type of employees. 3. Developing the technique to attract the desired candidates. The

good will of an organization in the market may be one technique. The publicity about the company being a good employer may also help in stimulating candidates to apply. 4. Identify the prospective employee with required in characteristics. 5. Evaluating the effectiveness recruitment policy The ideal recruitment process as developing by herbiest or Human ect. Recruitment policy Recruitment policy specifies the objectives of recruitment and provides a frame work for the implementation of recruitment programme . A recruitment policy may involve commitment to broad principles such as filling vacancies with the best qualified individuals. It may embrace several issue such as extent of promotion from within, attitudes of enterprise

in recruiting its old employees

handicaps, minority groups, women

employee, part time employee, friends and relatives. Elements of good recruitment policy  A good recruitment policy must contain the following elements: Organizational objective:Both short form organizational

objectives must be taken in to consideration as a basic parameter for recruitment decision  Identification the recruitment needs :The recruiters should

prepare profiles for each category of workers and accordingly work out the man specifications.  Preferred source of recruitment :- Preferred sources of recruitment which would be tapped employees must be identified .  Criteria of selection and preference :- Selection and preference should be based on conscious thought and serious deliberation.  Monitory aspects:The cost of recruitments and financial

implementation of same have to be kept in mind also . A recruitment policy involves the employers commitment to such general principles  To final and employee the best qualified persons for each job.

 To retain the most promising of those hired .  To offer promising opportunities for life time working careers  To provide facilities and opportunities for personnel growth on the job. Pre- requisitions of a Good Recruitment Policy  It should be in conformity with the general personnel policies.  It should be the flexible enough to meet the should needs of an organization  It should provide employees with the job security and continuous employment  It should integrate organizational need and employed needs.  It should match the qualities of the employee with the requirements of the work for which they employed  It should high light the necessity of establishing job analysis.  It should provide suitable jobs to landscaped, women and minority groups. No organization can recruit successfully with out taking in to consideration the following:-


Organizational requirement for enafied employees


Potential applicants requirements suitable Jobs

ENNIRONMENTAL FACTORS Training Programmes CMD is the approving for sponsoring officiers for training proframme abroad. All officers sent abroad for training proframmes are required to execute a bond of satisfactory complete the prescribed training and the actual time taken for them to and from the journey will be treated as on duty, the period being counted also for leave and increments In FACT there are two methods of training for employees. The method of training is decided on the basis of requirements . 1. On the job training This is specific to the job and concentrates on imparting knowledge and skill to the concerned employees. Induction training include introduction of an employee to the organization and job by giving small the possible information about be organizational culture, climate, objectives, policies practices products etc.. In job instruction necessary instruction about the job are given by concerned superior. Instruction manual is also supplied for the same and it helps employees to deal the emergency conditions. Job rotation is another types of on- the-Job training in which an employee is made to move from one job to another at certain intervels . job

Rotation in FACT is intradepartmental inter- departmental and interdivisional. Intra- department Job rotation is done within the department so that all the employees are exposed to different functions in the

department./ Inter- departmental job rotation is done so that the employees are exposed to different functions carried out ion different departments. Workers employed in different plants are rotated the plants at periodical intervals. These rotations give skill and knowledge to the employees

indifferent jobs. 2. Off- The-Job training This method is employed to impart knowledge and skills to the employees in general areas which enable them to perform job better. The main objective of this programme is personality development such as

leadership quality, comm8unication skills, attitude change, fact reading etc These methods consists of lectures, conferences, group discussions, case studies role paying and transactional c analysis etc off the job training is conducted with the help of internal or external faculty on the basis of their availability and suitability .

Performance Appraisal There is says Dulewics(1989) a basic human tendency judgments about those to make

one is working with, as well as about oneself.

Appraisal, it seems, is both inevitable and universal. In the absence of a carefully structured system of appraisal, people will tend to judge the work performance of others, including subordinates, naturally, informally and arbitrarily. The human inclination to judge can create serious Without a

motivational, ethical and legal problems in the workplace.

structured appraisal system, there is little chance of ensuring that the judgments made will be lawful , fair, defensible and accurate Performance appraisal; systems began as simple methods of income justification. That is, appraisal was used to decide whether or not the salary or wage of an individual employee was justified. The process was firmly linked to material outcomes. If an employees performance were found to be less than ideal, a cut in pay would follow. On the other hand, if their performance was better than the supervisor expected a pay rise was in order. Little consideration, if any was given to the developmental possibilities of appraisal. If was get that a cut in pay , or a rise, should provide the only required impetus for an employee to either improve or continue to perform

well. Sometimes this basic system succeeded in getting the results that we4re intended ,. But more often than not it failed Objectives of performance Appraisal  To facilitate two way communication between the manager and his superior in developing in specific goal task and periodically reviewing them.  To establish objectively the current level of performance in the job and to seck way of improving it.  To pinpoint any gaps in knowledge and skills and plan remedial action Couching and training thus.  To provide a fair and objective method of assessing performance and potential which will being is satisfaction commitment and proper career advancement Performance Appraisal Process 1. Establishing standards:- The employees will have to be rated against the standards set for their performance 2. Communicating standards to Employees:- The standards set for performance should be communicated to be employees.


Measuring Actual Performance:- The next step in evaluation process is to measure actual performance of employees. The

performance may be measured through personal observation, statistical reports oral reports, written reports etc. 4. Comparing actual with standards:- The actual performance is compared to the standards set earlier for finding out the standing of employees. 5. Discussing reports with employees:- The assessment reports are periodically discussed with concerned employees. 6. Taking corrective Action:- Evaluation process will be useful only when corrective action is taken on the basis of reports. Performance Appraisal process Establishing standards Communicating standards to employees Measuring Actual performance Comparing Actual with standards Discussing Reports with Employees Taking corrective Action


Performance Appraisal

Traditional Methods - Confidential Report - Graphic scales - Straight ranking - Paired comparisons - Grading system - Forced Distribution - Check list method - Critical incident method

Modern Methods - Assessment centre

- Human resource Accounting -Behaviorally Anchored Rating scales - Management By Objectives

- Group Appraisal - Field review - Nominations - Work sample Tests - 360 Degree performance Appraisal


Workers welfare should be understood as including such services, amentities and facilities which may be established in or in the immediate vicinity of under taking to enable the persons employed in them to perform their work in healthy and peaceful surroundings and to avail of facilities which improve their health and bring high morale. FEATURES OF LABOUR WELFARE y Labours welfare is a comprehensive term including various services facilities and amenities provided to workers for improving their health efficiency economic betterment and social status . y Welfare measures are in addition to regard as wages and other

economic benefits available to workers under legal provisions and collective burgeoning . y Labour welfare is dynamic in nature varying from country to country region and organization to organization. y Labour welfare is a flexible and ever changing concept as new welfare measures are added from time to time to the existing measures.

y The basic purpose of labour welfare is improved the lost of working class bring about the development of whole personality & the worker to make him a good corker and a good citizen . SIGNIFICANTS OF LABOUR WELFARE 1. Benefits to the workers. y Welfare facilities provide better physical and make them happy y Welfare facilities like housing medical benefits education and

recreation facilities for the workers familities help to create contended workers. y Improvement in materials intellectual and cultural conditions of life protects worker from social evils like drinking gambling etc. 1. Benefits to the employees y Labour welfare facilities help to increase productivity or efficiency by improving their physical and mental health. y Welfare measures help to improve the good will and public image of the enterprise. y Welfare services serve to maintain some peaces with the employees unions employee welfare also help to improve industrial relations and indusial peace .

y Employees turnover is reduced due to the provision of welfare facilities. Employees take activities interest in their jobs and work with a feeling of envelopment and satisfaction . y Employees secure the benefits of high efficiency cordial industrial relations and low labour absenteeism and turnover. 2. Benefits to the society y Labour welfare is also in the interest of the larger society because the health, efficiency and happiness of each individual represents the general well being of all well housed, welfare and well looked after labour in not only an asset to the employer nut serves to raise the standards of industry and labour in the country Labour Welfare Scheme in FACT The labour welfare measures adopted by Fertilizers and chemical Travancore Limited can be described in three categories. They are statutory welfare scheme, and other welfare facilities. The various types of facilities provided by these categories are shown below

Statutory Welfare scheme Dispensary canteen

Non statutory welfare scheme Employees pension Schemes

Other Welfare facilities Sports & recreation

Lockers employees

FACT Lalithakala for Family relief fund Kendra FACT employees welfare Consumer co-operate refund society

Transport facilities Healthy & Safety Housing facilities childrens education allowance scheme personal accidents insurance schemes retirement benefit Scheme Scholarship scheme

School facilities Uniform and foot Near Aid for funeral Exp. Sleeping shed Free mix supply Calcium tabelet Supply Other welfare measures: Shopping centares Temples Cremation ground Dhohighat Waiting shed

Personal Welfare There are 2000 Managerial and 5350 non real employed on the rolls of FACT on 31-9-2002 at FACT. Employees are the most valuable asstes. Their welfare and well being in paraamount. FACT has always devised a range of appropriate welfare amenities specially for their benefit .

The facilities at FACT comprise of planned townships with well designed residence, support services like hospital dispensaries, schools,

sports stadiums auditorium, banks, post5r offices, telephone exchange, shopping centre, co-operative societies and entertainment facilities. A part from these, they enjoy personal benefits like health schemes, incentives and subsidiary scheme.

Community Development

FACT in always in the forefront of services to socially and economically weaker section of the society. The compare constantly undertakes

multitudinous welfare projects. Under FACTs village adoption programs, various necessary public amenities like water tarks, sanitation bus shelters, sage drinking water distribution system etc.. are constructed feed medical compus at regular intervals are conducted and books and television sets are donated to village libraries and reading rooms,. Financial assistance is also made to the weaker section of the society .


FACT is undertaking by central govt. So the employees got a good salary. 66% of employees are satisfied with their salary, 8% is highly

satisfied 18% of respondent is nether satisfied dissatisfied . But even 8% of employees are dissatisfied with their salary no one says it is highly dissatisfied Option Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Not respondent Total No: Respondent 4 33 9 4 0 0 50 Percentage 8 66 18 8 0 0 100

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Highly Satified Satisfied Neutral Highly dissatisfied Not respondent

Incentives/ Increments FACT gives more incentives and increments. So 2% of employees are highly satisfied , and 52% is satisfied 4% of employees says it is neutral 3% of employee feel it is dissatisfied and for highly dissatisfied is 0%

Option Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Not respondent Total

No: Respondent 1 26 8 15 0 0 50

Percentage 2 52 16 30 0 0 100

120 Highly Satified 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Highly dissatisfied Not respondent Satisfied Neutral

HEALTH AND SAFETY FACT has well established health and safety department to look after the needs of the respective division . It is the firm opinion of the company that no operation is so important and no job is so urgent that on e cannot find time to perform it safely. Further it aims to see that an employee remains as healthy as he entered the plant by providing a safe environment and safer working conditions, safer tools and procedures to the employees. Qualified and trained safety personal are employed in the factory to advice the management and the employees of the factory of the need for following the safe systems of work and the necessary work procedures to be adopted in carrying out a task without accidents. responsibilities will include the following Functions. 1. They will assist the management in the fulfillment of its obligation statutory or other wise concerning preventions of personal injuries and maintenance of a safe working environment 2. They will advice then concerned departments in planning and organizing measures necessary for the effective control of personal injuries 3. They will advice on safety aspects in all job studies and carry our detailed job safety studies of selected jobs Then duties and

4. They will check and evaluate the effectiveness of the action taken or proposed to be taken to prevent personal injuries. 5. They will advice on related to carrying our plant safety inspection. 6. They will render advice on matters related to reporting and investigation of industrial accidents and diseases. 7. They will investigate accidents. 8. They will investigate the cases of industrial diseases contracted and dangerous occurrences reportable Rules. 9. They s Will advice one the maintenance of such records as are necessary relating to accidents, dangerous occurrences and industrial diseases. 10. They will promote setting up of safety committees and act as advice and catalyst to such committees. under Rule 123 of Kerala Factory

Grievance Handling Managerial Grievance for the purpose of this scheme relates to work, work place, shift arrangement, grant of increment, promotion, salary fixation, transfer and any other similar issues relating to an individual managerial personnel. The officer concerned may bring up his grievance orally to the mediare

superior. In the event the grievance is not resolved or no reply is received within two weeks, the officer concerned may submit a written petition to the Division Head,. Normally all grievances arising out the decision taken at the division level shall be processed within the division. Grievance redressal committee shall be constituted at the Divisional level by the Division Head and at corporate level by CMD . The GRC will have a chairman two permanent members including the personal manager of the concerned division as convener. Additional two or three members may be nominated nu the chairman of the GRC from case to case for considering individual grievances. The decision of the Division

Head/CMD will be communicated by the concerned personal manager.

Non Managerial As per the grievance procedure applicable to the non managerial personnel complaints pertaining to matters of wage payment, overtime, leave, acting and promotion, transfer, work assignment , shift changes , complaint about fellow workers, grievances. The Trade unions are to dismissals and discharges constitute nominate a representative each from

among the workmen in the different departments and forward that list of

such representatives to the management.

These representatives are to

present workmens grievances according to procedure.

If the decision of the department Head is not satisfactory the aggrieved employee can request that the grievance may be forwarded to the Grievance committee consisting of representatives of the Management, unions and the Department .


Current ration may be defined as the relationships between current ratio indicates the ability to repay short- term commitments prompty. It is most widely used to make the analysis of short form financial position or liquidity of affirm. It is calculated y by liabilities. The ideal current ratio is 2:1 Current ratio = Current asset Current Liabilities

Table Showing Current Ration Year 2004-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 Currant Asset 40802.22 54257.91 72030.09 57746.41 82352.69 Currant Liability 29153.35 39026.40 41380.60 29011.08 39226.20 Currant Ratio 1.40 1.39 1.74 1.99 2.10

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4 Series5

Summary of the Latest Annual Report Annual report- 2008-09 Final statement are the final products of the accounting work done during the accounting period i.e, quarterly half yearly or annually financial statement normally include balance sheet and profit and loss a/c. profit and loss a/c is also called as income statement publically advisable financial statement not contain manufacturing account and trading account . The annual a/c also contain fund flow statement and cash flow statement. The financial statement are historical documents and recate to past period .

SWOT ANALYSIS Stregnth 1. High capacity utilization 2. High quality products 3. Sustain operating parameter of the plant at good level and productivity of plant at good level 4. Well qualified and technically skilled manpower. 5. Very large asset has 6. Good support with farmers/end segment 7. One of the producers casprolactum in India is of world class quality 8. ISO certification of most of the division 9. Stringy dealer Network in south India 10. Good engineering and consultancy design. Perhaps one among the best in Indian Fertilizer segment . 11. EEDO has own process know how for hydrogen, sulphuric Acid,

Ammonium Sulphate, DAP and Complex fertilizers.

12. EEDO has worked is

association with many international process

licenses and has acquired the capacity of customizing and designing project to the requirement of the Indian consumers . 13. Competent Engineers and deferent design perhaps one among the best is India. 14. EEDO is an approved enter r of surveyors and audit for portliness, installation non destructives listing energy credits ISO audit and so on

1. The government controls the prices of finished goods but the price of raw materials are uncontrolled so it is fared to cooperate is an economic situation 2. The average age of employee is very high . Due to freeze on

recruitment the number of younger professionals is decreasing 3. The company does not have any significant market research outside Kerala state compared to competitors 4. Lack of working capital resources 5. Luck of product line diversification

6. Market share of some product are shrenkety to crease in competition from other manufacture. 7. Some managerial personal were handling more than on position 8. Several unskilled job, which could be sub c9ontreactred are undertaken by the permit employees at high cost. opportunities 1. High capacity utilization of plant and operational efficiency 2. Internal technologies for competitive advantages 3. Streeny marketing Network in southern India 4. Strong presence in the complex fertilizer segment 5. Well- qualified and experience human resources 6. 2220 acres of land and information strectare facilities. 7. External market is orientation EEDO & EEW THERATS 1. Stiff global competition in corporation market and down ward trend in international prices of caprolactum. 2. Raw material prices are based on international market dynamics resulting in limitations in forecasting and control 3. Increasing completion in marketing of complex fritzes.


1. Most of the respondent are satisfied with the welfare measures provided by the fact. 2. 76% of respondents are satisfied with quality of food served in canteen.

3. Majority of the respondent that is 76% belonging to satisfied with the transportation facility provided by the company 4. Most of the employee are highly satisfied with drinking water inside the organization. 5. Only 54% of workers are relatively satisfied with the ventilation and lighting in there working are 6. Most of the workers satisfied to great extent wityh the medical facility provided to them by the company. 7. 56% of the respondents are mot satisfied with the grievance handing system existing in the company. 8. 60% of employees respond that the company does not provide company does not provide

9. Majority respondent. That company provide rest room and dress changing rooms to them also 84%^ of them were satisfied with this facility. 10. Most of the respondent thinks that they are so satisfied with their present work loud salary and work time. 11. Most of thinks that they are provided with sufficient. No: bath rooms, toilets etc..)



Sales promotional activities especially through specialized media like fertilizer festival demonstration plot etc as to be activated

2. Dealers should be provided with credit facility 3. Dealers margin which was introduced in 1987 can be modified on timely base keeping the market trend in view . 4. More farmers are needed to be educated on scientific method of farming, fertilizer application 5. Steps should be taken to ensure that both dealers and farmers are fully involved in various sales promotional techniques conducted by FACT 6. Transport rebate can be periodically revised on the basis of like in diesel charges and other parameters affection transportation of stocker. 7. Marketing department should take proper effort to use and maintain these techniques in future. 8. Majority of the farmers are recommending this product to others. 9. According to the study on customer satisfaction conducted by the researcher, the customers are satisfied with the marketing distribution, packing and pricing methods followed by the organization .


It has provided a good opportunity to meet so many responded and collect information connected to various aspects which in a rich experience to the researcher . Further it helped to learn & understand about the various marketing strategies formulated and executed by FACT.

The project work in intended to

workout whether various sales

promotional programs conducted by FACT have helped to create awareness among dealers and formers about product of FACT. Promotional activities like demonstration in farmers to cultivate the right crop. From the survey conducted by researches it has become clear that both dealers & farmers have got awareness & fairly good opinion about sales promotion technique of FACT.

So that conclude with , FACT needs to activate its sales promotion programs so as to achieve objective attainment of more sale. Nurturing scientific method of fertilizer application among farming community etc.


Journal 1. The story of FACT

Mannuals 1. FACT Account Mannual 2. FACT HR Mannual 3. FACT Marketing Mannual Report 1. FACT Annual Reports Website 1. www 2. www

Name : Age Sex : :

1. How long year have been a FACT dealer? Below 5 Years 5-15 year Above 15 year

2. FACT has given any sales target? Yes No

3. Are you a private dealer or co-operative dealer? Private Co-operative

4. Do you get any credit Facility?

Yes No

5. What is your opinion about the quality of the FACT product?

Very good good Average Poor

6. Are you satisfied with the movement of product?

Highly Satisfied Satisfied Not satisfied

7. Do you have any complaint regarding FACT product?

Yes No

8. If yes specify the area of complaint?

Price Quality Packaging Availability

9. What is the reason for selling other company is product

Demand Quality Lack of FACT product Other

10. Which brand has maximum sales

FACTOMFOS Ammonium Sulpate Mixtures

11. What is your opining about sales promotion Activity

Very Good Good Average Poor

12. Who is the main competitor of FACT -------------------------------------------------------13. Which is the mode of transportation do you get from FACT
Road transport Railway Water tranfspart

14. What is the level of demand by the customers?

Higher Lower

15. What is the base reason for customers preference of FACT product?
Price Quality Service Availability

16. Employees are satisfied with the existing working condition Strongly agree Disagree Agree No opinion

Strongly disagree

17. Present job suits the skills and abilities of the employees Strongly agree Disagree Agree No opinion

Strongly disagree

18. Employees are satisfied with the bones and other monetary benefits Strongly agree Disagree Agree No opinion

Strongly disagree

19. Performance appraisal in effective Strongly agree Disagree Agree No opinion

Strongly disagree

20. Opportunities for training are adequate Strongly agree Disagree Agree No opinion

Strongly disagree

21. A good communication system exists between the employees and management Strongly agree Disagree Agree No opinion

Strongly disagree

22. Employees are satisfied with the grievance handling measures in the organization Strongly agree Disagree Agree No opinion

Strongly disagree

23. Employees are satisfied with their participation in division making Strongly agree Disagree Agree No opinion

Strongly disagree

24. There is a good team work between employees is the organization ? Strongly agree Disagree Agree No opinion

Strongly disagree

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