Product Manager SaaS

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Contact: Ms.

Nguyen Tran Hieu Dan (Darlene)

Phone/Zalo/Viber: (+84) 938 497 525


Holistics is on a mission to improve data teams' productivity by bringing software engineering

best practices to Data Analytics. We are looking for relentless and passionate builders to join
our team to drive Holistics towards that mission.

And as a Product Manager of Holistics, you will be able to learn and get involved in building
a simple yet powerful high-tech product that is directly shaping the data industry.


Product Culture

 Autonomous but aligned: We adapt the Spotify Squad Model. Our team is split into
4 Squads, each (5-7 members consists of PM, PD, and Engineers work autonomously
together. Each has its own mission, strategy, and goals that contribute to our product's
overall vision.
 We embrace transparency culture across the company. We make sure that everyone
know what's going on and have access to any information they need to make informed
decisions, whether it is a technical document, a revenue dashboard, or a strategy
 We have a strong writing (doc-first) culture. Documents create transparency and
clarity of thought, almost everything in Holistics is communicated through written
documents. Everybody has to learn the best practices in writing and note-taking such
as (Evergreen Notes, PKM, Zettelkasten, etc.)
 Customer-informed, not Customer-driven. We observe and listen carefully to our
customers, but we don't try to build everything they ask for. We strive to empathize,
learn their real needs, and figure out how they would fit into our vision.
 Data-informed, not Data-driven. Product management is an intersection of science
and art, data are used to inform our decisions, strengthen our intuition rather than to be
relied on.
 We maintain a problem-solving culture. Everyone is strongly encouraged to have
rigorous understanding of a problem, separating Problem Space vs Solution Space as
well as using Eigenquestions to find the most important dimensions of a problem.
Solutions are deliberated over with trade-offs explicitly listed in discussion
documentation. Watch this talk on problem-solving for engineers (Vietnamese) from
our cofounder.
 We do not compromise product quality for artificial deadline. We find the balance
between moving fast and thinking deeply about long-term product vision and
 Everyone is a builder, Experimentation Culture
 Continuous learning: We encourage people to learn and share, because each member
is an atom of the product/company’s success: We have a weekly TED talk program
where team members present about topics they are interested in; Engineering Team
organizes weekly technical talks as well as monthly technical workshops; Product Team
has regular AMA events with external product experts, and Happy Sharing events to
share what have we learn; We share what we learn in every meeting with have, and on
every channel we communicate

Product Principles

Product Principles inform how we build, design, and make decisions when developing

 Always start with problem: The key to success is identifying the right problem to
solve. Always start everything with deeply understanding of the problems to be solved,
be clearly aware of the problem and solution spaces.
 Customer-Centric: We build products to make our customers' lives better. Constantly
talk to our customers and observe how they use product to understand deeply their
challenges at work.
 Think Deep, Think Big, Start Small: Think in long-term, envision how the product
will evolve and fit into the big picture. Then start with a smallest coherent solution.
Always ask yourself how can you ship sooner and learn faster.
 Simple things should be simple, complex things should be possible: Data Analytics
is huge space, and data tools are usually complex. We challenge ourselves to build a
powerful analytics product that is also easy to use, allowing anyone to make data-
informed decisions.
 Prioritize Ruthlessly: We must deprioritize a lot of things in order to do what we
prioritize. Each feature increases maintenance cost, operational cost, and the product
complexity. It is better to focus on doing a few things well than many things half-assed.
 Empowered Product Team: We always start with the problem, instead of a list of
features, everyone is empowered to dig deeper into the problem space, define their own
approach and strategy to solve the problem. - Empowered - Marty Cagan. We
substantially invest in individuals to reach their potential, because we believe each
individual's success generates compounding growth for the entire product.


Learn by doing, be the owner of what you build (Discover, Build, Launch, Measure, Learn,
 🔍 Discover: Understand the market and users by leading user/market/competitive
research to scope out the right problems, and formulate product strategy for Holistics.
 🔨 Build: Translate product strategy to executable plans and objectives, collaborate
with Engineering & Design teams to come up with the desirable solutions.
 🚀 Launch: Launch the final features/products to the market, clearly communicate
product values to users and internal stakeholders.
 📐 Measure: Define success metrics, learn from numbers and customer feedback to
improve the products.
 🎓 Learn: Learn from what you built and shipped, continuously experiment and enhance
the quality of the products.
 ⭐ Lead: Own the products/features, become a decision-maker, and inspire your
teammates to achieve the missions together.

We have a variety of challenging product areas where you can learn and grow:

 Analytics-as-code: Holistics allows you to define your analytics logic in code (DSL)
and check it into Git version control. This makes the analytics process more
maintainable and streamlined.
 Product Growth: Increasing the value proposition of Holistics to the existing target
market by removing barriers to access and increasing product distribution.
 dbx (dbdiagram, dbdocs, and DBML): an open-source product line that aims to increase
developer productivity by providing the best database tools.

Stories about how we build and launch products at Holistics

 Making Our Tiny Feature Free, We Got 20,000 Users and 2,500 Leads within 2
Months - Part 1: Build
 Launch a Product to 200,000 Users with 0 Dollars Spent on Marketing Budget


We’re looking for a Product Manager who’s excited by this vision to join us on this ambitious
product. Freshers are welcome if you believe you are a good fit.

 You love problem-solving, you find it unpleasant when a problem goes unsolved, you
want to figure out the root cause to come up with a proper solution.
 You have entrepreneurial spirit. You want to learn how a business or startup operates
so that you can eventually start your own.
 You are a lifelong learner, who are curious how the everything works and strive to
grow yourself everyday.
 You treat yourselves like a product, always iterating and improving to deliver more
 You believe and want to prove that a Vietnam-based Product & Engineering Team
can build a world-class product.
 Genuine interest in the space: We’d love to work with people who are genuinely
interested in the product and the space we’re in.
 Great English writing and communication skills.
 Bonus - You are a builder: You have built and launched your own product, or you
have a plan to do so.
 You are welcome if you believe you are good at at least 3 of the skills listed in our
competency model, we will help you develop the rest: Fluency with Data, Customer
Interview and Qualitative Research, User Experience, Market and Competitive
Research, Product Design, Writing Feature Specs, Product Delivery, Product Vision,
Strategy and Roadmapping, Business Outcome Ownership, Managing up, Team
Leadership, Stakeholder Management


👨🏼💼 Training & career developments

 Weekly TED talks to expand skills and knowledge.

 Yearly budget to support personal and professional growth, well-beings and interest

🌏 Competitive salary and benefits

 24/7 Healthcare Insurance, Periodic Medical Checkup.

 Salary regular reviews, 13-month Bonus.
 Stock Options for high-contributing individuals.

💕 Awesome company policies

 A flexible work culture, Regular reviews, Remote policy.

 14 Annual leaves/year, 14 Sick leaves/year, Children care leave policy.
 Weekly happy hours. Company trip and company-organized events.

🏢 Workstations provided for maximum productivity

 MacBook (or Laptop) Grant

 Mechanical Keyboard + Razer Mouse
 Big-screen monitor(s)

🌐 Working time: From Monday – Friday, from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
🌐 Work location:457 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Ward 5, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

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