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1. Who wrote the Feminist book "The Second Sex"

(a) Simone de Beauvoir (b) Alice Paul (c) Lucy Stone (d) Susan
B. Anthony
2. The word ‘Nation’ is derived from which language?
(a) German (b) French (c) Latin (d) Greek

3. A hindrance in the development of nationalism is

(a) Strong historical legacy (b) Communalism (c) Emotional integration
(d) Common civilisation

4. Liberal feminism is against

a) Social Differences b) Biological differences c) Both d) None of
5. What is religious fundamentalism?
a. strict or literal adherence to basic religious principles and beliefs
b. acceptance and use of violent means to transform secular societies
c. commitment to the fundamental beliefs of charismatic leaders
d. None of these

6. The term ‘fascism’ is derived from the world ‘facio’ which means: _____________?

a. A bundle of sticks

b. A bundle of rods

c. A bundle of brooms

d. All of the above

7. Which one of the following is not an element of Fascism?

a. It is negation of democracy

b. It is negation of socialism

c. It is opposed to world peace

d. It is opposed to capitalism

8. Who Is The Father of Communism?

a. Adam Smith
b. Karl Marx

c. Joseph Stalin

d. Vladimir Lenin

9. According to State Socialists all changes in the existing order should be brought about:

a. With the use of force

b. Violence should be used when necessary
c. By terrorism
d. With the help of parliamentary institutions

10. Which one of the following is incorrect about liberalism?

a. It advocates individual liberty

b. It stands for equality among citizens

c. It is champion of democracy

d. None of these


1. A) Explain the concept of Patriarchy and Feminism

B) Discuss the first, second, and third waves of Feminism

2. A) Define religious fundamentalism and describe its history

B) Discuss the various historical or contemporary religious fundamentalist groups.

3. A) Define Liberalism

B) What are the social, political, and economic dimensions of liberalism?

4. A) Define Nationalism.

B) Discuss the pros and cons of Nationalist ideology


1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. D

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