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1.1 Reasons for choosing topic

Firstly, the middle to well−off class in Vietnam increases in proportion to the busy
work, no time to take care of the family.
Society is evolving, most individuals are increasingly preoccupied with outside
employment and do not have enough time to care for their family. Especially during
holidays and occasions like Tet, weddings, and housewarmings... As a result, the
need for maids is growing by the day. According to statistics, Hanoi requires around
10,000 domestic workers, however the supply barely satisfies 30% of the demand.
This is also why it is so difficult for many families to find a maid, making the
position of maid more and more appealing.
Second, domestic maids bring stable income for workers.
According to a survey by Falmi, the average salary of a regular housemaid (who
covers accommodation) in Ho Chi Minh City is 2 million VND/month, hourly
housekeepers from 25,000 to 30,000 VND/hour. Particularly in the area of domestic
help for foreign families, the average salary is from 4 to 5 million VND/month and
50,000 to 60,000 VND/hour. With this salary, employees can afford to live their
lives depending on each person's ability.
The job of part−time domestic helper is not picky about working subjects;
housewives, nursing moms, civil servants, and students can all apply. Part−time
work will generate a relative income based on the free time of each topic and will
help to alleviate employees' unemployment.
Third, solving the problem of employment for people is increasingly improving,
especially rural women.
According to Report: Making decent work a reality for domestic workers of ILO in
2021, domestic work remains a female−dominated sector, employing 57.7 million
women, who account for 76.2 percent of domestic workers. In most countries where
data were available, there is a relatively clear segregation between men and women
in the most typical occupations in domestic work.
With few exceptions, women domestic workers are domestic cleaners and helpers
and direct caregivers, whereas men domestic workers tend to be drivers, cooks,
gardeners, building maintenance men and security guards. Also, occupations among
men domestic workers are more diverse and in some cases are associated with odd
jobs rather than well−defined occupations.
Fourth, the ILO calls for the promotion of formalization of domestic work, which is
recognized and protected by law.
According to ILO, Vietnam is one of the few countries in the region that brings
domestic workers within the scope of labor laws. The Labor Code 2019 and the
accompanying Decree No. 145/2000/ND−CP stipulate that family workers must
have a written contract that meets certain standards, including limits on working
hours. and rest time.
Among Southeast Asian countries, only in Vietnam are domestic workers entitled to
a minimum wage of at least equal to the minimum wage for other workers.
Fifth, technology 4.0 develops, application crept into the profession of housemaid.
Following the integrated services of 4.0 technology such as Uber, Grap, a series of
applications to help with housework have appeared with many utilities. Many busy
families are now able to hire a maid by the hour, by the day without cost or too much
time to go to the job center.
Hourly domestic help from smartphone applications appeared a few years ago in
developed countries such as the US, Canada... and has recently been introduced to
Vietnam. A series of new applications for families to hire hourly maids such as:
Btaskee, okiaf, jupviec, canets, Wiido ... open up solutions for busy families who do
not have time to take care of the house.
Technology 4.0 has saved a lot of time for both employers and employees to reach
agreements and achieve efficiency.
1.2 Definition of domestics workers
Under the ILO Convention 189, a domestic worker is “any person engaged in
domestic work within an employment relationship”. A domestic worker may work
on full−time or part−time basis; may be employed by a single household or by
multiple employers; may be residing in the household of the employer (live−in
worker) or may be living in his or her own residence (live−out). A domestic worker
may be working in a country of which she/he is not a national.
1.3 Reality of the domestic worker service of households in Vietnam
1.3.1 Overview
According to a new ILO report, 19% of domestic workers in Vietnam work through
service providers and the number of domestic workers migrating abroad has
continuously increased over the past decade.
Since the outbreak of the COVID−19 pandemic, domestic workers have become
much more vulnerable to losing their jobs than other types of workers. Compared to
the fourth quarter of 2019, the rate of domestic workers decreased by 17% in the
second quarter of 2020, while the unemployment rate of other hired workers in the
same period was only 6.1%. .
Together with some domestic workers losing their jobs, others have reduced working
hours. Both of these situations lead to a significant reduction in total wages received.
Between the same two quarters, domestic workers in Viet Nam also saw a 24.7
percent reduction in the total number of hours worked, more than twice the reduction
faced by other employees. Due to job loss and reduced working hours, the wages
that laborers earn Domestic help in Vietnam have decreased by 26.2%.
In Vietnam, the domestic labor force is usually female, mainly from rural areas with
low education and low income. According to statistics in 2015, there were about
300,000 laborers doing domestic work, concentrated in two big cities, Ho Chi Minh
City and Hanoi.
However, it has not yet met the market's demand for domestic helpers. According to
research as well as from a historical perspective, domestic work is a long−standing
and important profession for many families, both for tenants and servants.
1.3.2 Benefits
Hiring a domestic helper allows women more time to work. In developed countries,
in addition to working time, women often spend their free time on fun activities,
entertainment, studying, improving self−worth or chatting with children, enjoying
with friends. These activities help them eliminate stress, pressure, feel happier and
more uplifting at work. In fact, in Vietnam today, on average, a woman usually takes
about 3−5 hours a day to do housework. Having to work all day at the office and do
housework makes many women tired, uncomfortable, irritable, and unable to find
joy in their married life. Therefore, the service of hiring maids was born to help them
have more time to relax, enjoy life and invest more time in themselves. That is the
reason that the demand for hiring maids is increasing day by day.
In addition, completing bigger tasks is more comfortable for each family member.
According to the latest research, scientists have shown that women often hold high
positions at large corporations up to 50% more than men. The concept "Men build
houses, women build homes" is no longer really suitable for modern life today.
Women have now proven that they are not inferior to men, even in hard and
demanding jobs such as drivers, pilots, captains, etc. With the help of a maid, you
can focus 100% of your energy and complete what you pursue.
Furthermore, this can be cost savings. Hiring a domestic helper is not as expensive
as people think. Instead of having to focus on repetitive, boring and no−income daily
household chores, you can do other jobs to pay for this extra expense. Many studies
have shown that families with domestic help are much happier than families that do
housework. Money is important, but the time you spend having fun with your family,
seeing friends and spending time with yourself is much more precious.
1.3.3 Challenges
However, women domestic workers face a number of risks that are common in
domestic work service. Women in particular are marked by a series of changes in
physical, psychological, social and economic issues. The complexity of the women
domestic workers and the accompanying changes in physical and social
characteristics is usually emphasized, but it is not very well understood by the
community at large. A poor understanding of the rights of women domestic worker’s
issues is the main cause for the absence of focus on services, information and
research on unique features of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
At present, domestic workers often face very low wages, excessively long hours,
have no guaranteed weekly day of rest and at times are vulnerable to physical, mental
and sexual abuse or restrictions on freedom of movement. They have less access to
full−time work than other workers since they work in private homes, they are outside
of public view and isolated from other workers, leaving them particularly vulnerable
to exploitation. Exploitation of domestic workers can partly be attributed to gaps in
national labour and employment legislation, and often reflects discrimination along
the lines of sex, race and caste. Very few domestic workers have labor contracts.
They usually have no maternity leave, health care or pension provision.
On the other hand, workers in this profession are often not valued and
underestimated. This also creates an invisible complexity for home helpers today,
making the supply in the market not enough to meet the demand. Although the
profession of domestic help has been recognized and protected by law, most people
still have stereotypes against this profession and therefore cannot avoid potential
darkness when working.
1.3.4 Solution
Firstly, domestic helpers training will be in great demand in the future due to a large
work force and strong demand from metropolitan families. In truth, there are a lot of
domestic workers in Vietnam, but the quality is poor. Domestic workers are
primarily female, originate from rural regions, have only a secondary education, and,
most significantly, have absolutely no training in the professions they do. Maids who
lack vocational training not only lack typical professional abilities, but also lack a
thorough understanding of the worth of the sort of labor they perform. As a result,
even though they are legally protected, domestic employees are constantly in a
vulnerable position, unable to safeguard their interests in labor relations. Other job
supply centers should create methods for training maids if domestic workers are
designated an official profession in the country. Not only would this assist domestic
employees, but it will also make state control in this sector easier.
Secondly, instead of full−time domestic workers which lead to a variety of
downsides, Vietnam’s companies can be flexible to opt for a more possible form of
this profession − part−time domestic workers service through websites. Three main
beneficial aspects of this type include:
For households: Demand for domestic services is growing worldwide due to the
increases in women working outside the home, the aging of populations and the
increasing need for long term care.
Therefore, the need for hourly domestic help to share the burden of housework and
care work, helping women have more time to rest, regenerate labor or spend time
doing other jobs to increase income or improve professional qualifications.
If there is no maid, family members, particularly women, must alter their schedules
to combine household chores, income−generating work, studies, and enjoyment.
This is also a common cause of family conflict, particularly among couples with
young children. Therefore, domestic workers also play a role in preserving and
protecting family happiness.
For the sake of the employees: This is a chance for them to have a more secure,
consistent, and greater income than they would normally have if they worked locally,
such as farming or self−employment. Furthermore, income from domestic
employment is a source of savings and accumulation for employees when they
confront life hazards or run out of working capacity.
For socio−economic development: Domestic work creates opportunities for a
portion of laborers who come from rural regions, primarily women, who otherwise
would not have the opportunity to locate acceptable positions and earn a regular
income, thus lifting them out of poverty and underemployment. This is also "one of
the types of income redistribution in society among employees." Employers can
elevate their status by hiring domestic assistants since they will have more time to
pursue their goals of job, profession, school, and business.
Specifically, the working time, the number of jobs, and the salary are all agreed upon
before the employee comes to work, so there is no need to worry about the problem
of occupying working time. With just a few taps on the phone, specifying the
address, the work to be done, the working time, the person in need of a maid will be
adequately supported with the agreed salary.
2.1 Analysis market of part−time domestic worker service
2.1.1 What are part−time domestics workers?
Part−time domestic workers are generally locals or migrants in the city where they
are employed. They mostly live in slums and work in the houses of multiple
employers to earn their livelihood. They are called part−timers not because they do
only part time work but because they do not stay with the employer and are not
expected to be on call 24 hours a day. They either work all day for one employer or
repeatedly perform specific tasks like washing clothes, dishes, or cooking for a
number of employers. Part−timers are less dependent on their employers than full
time workers. They live with their families and run their homes, as well as those of
their employers. However, they are less dependent on their employers for their basic
needs and are characterized with a greater degree of independence than the live−in
domestic workers.
2.1.2 Potential competitors
The hourly domestic helpers application is not a new one on the market, and is
expected to grow in the future. Customers trust websites and apps chains operating
under this approach, the most prominent of which are five names according to the
search of Thegioididong:
● bTaskee
● JupViec
● Phụ Việc Nhanh
● Okiaf
Websites have arisen and functioned often during the last 5 years, leaving a favorable
impact on the range of services, remarkable features of the application, and the
quality of the maid staff.
It should be mentioned that the number of apps and websites are not substantial,
there is still the drawback of the service's scope of operation not being able to grow
across the country.
There are a few noteworthy strengths and weaknesses that can be identified for
bTaskee. To begin with, bTaskee operates in an international, dynamic, open, and
professional atmosphere. The workforce is youthful, energetic, and innovative in
their job, as well as capable of formulating plans for the company's expansion. This
company has pioneered and succeeded in developing contemporary, user−friendly
programs that require only a basic smartphone and support web, android, and iOS.
Furthermore, bTaskee's service charges are lower than those of competitors. After
more than 6 years of operation, bTaskee now possesses stable and abundant financial
However, the firm still has some weaknesses that prevent it from meeting the
demands of its clients. bTaskee is unable to adequately deploy resources during busy
hours, making it difficult for clients to get assistance. Furthermore, this program
lacks the capacity to assist clients in working with the previous maid, resulting in
time−consuming instructions for the new maid from the start.
Learning from bTaskee’s experience, Klean&Klear with the extended range in
almost developed cities is expected to meet the demand of national customers.
Moreover, the employees will be evaluated, and their strengths and weaknesses from
the company's perspective will be described and shown on the website so that
consumers can easily pick the ideal maid for them. Resource allocation is also
deliberated by the managers during the operating period. In addition, the function of
“favorite Kleaner&Klearer priority” would be developed when Klean&Klear
appears on apps. Because of the public's interest in this profession, Klean&Klear
plans to develop a domestic worker training program with detailed formal
instructions in order to address the unique demands of clients while also building
brand trust in the quality of service, which can create outstanding competitive
advantages in comparison with other companies.
2.1.3 Business partners
Collaborators, partners in cleaning and hygiene such as assistants in helping,
cooking, shopping... and partners in room cleaning, air conditioning cleaning,
laundry, disinfection, business partners can contact directly through the website to
register for the job that is right for you, flexibly apply at any time.
Some partners support culinary and recruitment such as: gotit, The Organik House,
Vicook, Fitness & Yoga California…
Klean&Klear would cooperate with partners who receive reviews of brand
experiences such as Dien may Xanh, The Gioi di dong, Tiktok KOLs…
Depending on the duration and extent of hiring, registered consumers will be able to
use coupons and discounts from Klean&Klear's business partners.
Furthermore, the employees will be appraised, described their own benefits and
drawbacks from the organization, and exhibited on the web so that consumers can
easily discover the correct maid for them.
Banks (Vietcombank, BIDV, Sacombank...) and e−wallets (MoMo, Zalo Pay,
Viettel Pay...) that accept payment are crucial; online payment will be an appealing
point in the 4.0 technology age which make customers find it appealing and
2.2 Business goals
*Create a connection between the maid and the customer
When in need of domestic help, many families emphasize the selection of family or
close friends, or the introduction of trustworthy ties − institutions and businesses that
provide domestic workers. And, obviously, when it comes to centers and brokerage
firms, the level of risk increases, and it is quite "unlucky" to select whether or not to
hire a decent maid.
Therefore, it is difficult to select a good maid and construct a thorough contract
between the two parties, resulting in the person being recruited to work without any
legal assurance and the lessor not having much of a chance to receive the best pick.
Customers are primarily middle−class households in need of hourly maids. As a
result of the maid registering a profile and selecting the best work for her,
Klean&Klear will create an account for customers who want hourly maids.
Employees can therefore receive hundreds of tasks every month using this program
in a flexible, affordable, and easier structure.
*Create jobs and stable income for more than 15,000 workers across the country,
especially women
As previously stated, women now account for more than half of all domestic
employees. According to a recent ILO estimate, over three−quarters of domestic
workers globally (more than 55 million people) are at high risk of losing their
employment and income owing to domestic abuse. Measures of embargo and a lack
of efficient social security mechanisms The bulk of these employees (about 37
million individuals) are women. Indeed, the Covid−19 epidemic has aggravated
pre−existing issues. Only 10% of domestic employees have access to social security,
which means they are not guaranteed complete paid sick leave, medical care,
occupational injury compensation, or unemployment insurance. The income of
many domestic workers is only 25% of the average salary, leaving them with no
savings for financial emergencies.
As a result, the most pressing issue now is to join hands to help domestic workers
find secure jobs that are appropriate for their abilities and circumstances, so that
unemployment is no longer a burden on society and the economy.
*Become the leading brand in the minds of customers about hourly housework
Klean&Klear's ambition is to become the dominant brand of home care services in
Vietnam over the next ten years, as well as to rank among the top five most
successful businesses in the country.
Klean&Klear will steadily enhance recognition, extend the network of collaborators,
and update the most recent information so that the company's model may function
properly while offering high−quality service to clients. best.
Furthermore, Klean&Klear will prioritize client happiness and will strive to provide
the finest, quickest, and most renowned service on the market. Regularly appearing
in the media to offer community services.
2.3 Customer segmentation
*Households with all family members occupied with busy work
The target segment is those aged 25 and over, with a good average income or more,
especially the group of married, employed, busy women who don't like living with
strangers. Along with equality, women and men in modern life are increasingly
required to take on more social labor, resulting in a loss of time for the family.
Housework, childcare, elderly and sick people are often tough and stressful for
family members in many households, particularly in large cities, impacting labor
productivity in society. Understand those obstacles and learn about the customer's
interests and wishes; the hourly housekeeping service from Klean&Klear's website
will perfectly satisfy customers’ demand.
Furthermore, Klean&Klear will extend the service to persons with high incomes or
foreigners residing in Vietnam who do not have time or do not want to do their own
*Klean&Klear another potential customers are companies and firms with high
demand of domestic help. The demand for hourly housework/office cleaning
services is expanding day by day, particularly in other major cities, which the firm
has yet to satisfy.
2.4 Service sectors
Based on the needs of household cleaning in Vietnam today, the group has divided
the main types of Klean&Klear services:
In the early stages of business operations, Klean&Klear will focus on creating brand
trust with customers with the quality of its staff and modern equipment through two
main services:
* Service 1: Hourly domestic help
− Registration form: register and pay online or straight after completing the
− Job Description: Complete basic household chores such as cleaning,
sweeping, mopping within a preset amount of time with basic cleaning supplies
performed by up to one maid.
− Price:
+ 2 hours − 50m2: 150.000 VND
+ 3 hours − 80m2: 250.000 VND
+ 4 hours − 100m2: 350.000 VND
* Service 2: Total sanitation
− Registration form: register and pay online or straight after completing the
− Job description: cleaning to the smallest detail, such as washing the ceiling,
glass, vent pipe, and interior... using a specific procedure and specialized equipment
and tools to assist the task assigned by the team.
− Price:
+ Maximum 60m2: 2 maids/ 3 hours − 550.000 VND
+ Maximum 80m2: 2 maids/ 4 hours − 750.000 VND
+ Maximum 100m2: 3 maids/ 3 hours − 850.000 VND
+ Maximum 150m2: 3 maids/ 4 hours− 1.100.000 VND
Klean&Klear will concentrate on the following cleaning, hygiene, and care areas
after a period of steady and profitable operation:
● Help in Lunar New Year
● Go to market
● Caring for the elderly, the sick
● Babysitting
● Caring for plants and pets
● Cleaning air conditioner, kitchen
● Family cooking
● Laundry
● Disinfection
● Sofas washing
● Curtains washing
● Mattress washing
● Carpet washing


3.1 Company overview
−Trading name: Klean & Klear CO.,Ltd
− Website:
− Charter capital: 4,000,000,000 VND
− Industry sector: 76 − Labor sub−leasing service business
− Business model: B2C
3.2 Financial plan
3.2.1 Source of capital
Klean & Klear Co., Ltd consists of 4 founding members with capital sources
− Pham Hong Diep: one 1−storey house for website management representative
office, is worth 1,000,000,000 VND
− Pham Gia My: 1,200,000,000 VND
− Nguyen Thi Phuong Anh: 900,000,000 VND
− Tran Thi Thu Trang: 900,000,000 VND
Thus, the total capital of Klean&Klear Co., Ltd. is VND 4,000,000,000
3.2.2 Model revenue
Klean & Klear applies a sales revenue model. This model has the special point after:
− E−commerce businesses follow the sales revenue model, where the business's
revenue will come from selling goods, services and information to customers.
− They are companies that buy, sell or transact online through the Internet integrated
with payment gateways, ensuring to facilitate the purchase and sale of
The company's profits mainly come from receiving money from providing home
maids to individuals or households through the Klean & Klear website, specifically
as follows:
− For each successful transaction, website will collect 100% service fee from
− The site will receive the customer's money through the built−in format payment
on the Web.
Expenses incurred in 1 year will be:
− Cost of technology solutions (paying for combo packages for the first 4 years):
1,510,000 VND (31,565 VND/month)
− Employee expenses for 1 year (assuming maximum salary): 2,000,000,000 VND
VND (250,000,000 VND/month)
− Initial representative office expenses (furniture, office equipment, ..): 30,000,000
− Expenses to pay for office expenses in 1 year (electricity, water, Internet service,
…): 12,000,000 VND (1,000,000 VND / month)
− Business registration fee: 5,000,000 VND
− Marketing expenses: 500,000,000 VND
− Other costs incurred: 10,000,000 VND
➔ Total initial costs: 2,558,510,000 VND
3.3 Human resources planning
3.3.1 Organizational structure Type of organizational structure
Klean&Klear CO,.Ltd adopts a straight line structure type. This is the type of
organizational structure model
In an enterprise in which the manager directly makes decisions and supervises the
subordinates and vice versa, the subordinates are only managed and accountable to
a single leader.
The characteristic of this structural model is that one leader performs all
management functions ,all problems are solved in a straight line. This type of
administrative organization structure facilitates the application of the leadership,
centralization, and unity regime, making orders to be executed very quickly. On the
other hand, each level has only one direct superior, so the orders issued are unified.
However, the online structure restricts the use of highly qualified experts because in
each aspect of management requires the head to have a comprehensive
understanding to direct all the different specialized departments. Number of workers
Executive Management Board:
− General Manager: 01 person
− CEO: 01 person
Professional Department: 4 units
❖ Sales and Marketing Department: ❖ Technical department:
• Sales and marketing director: 01 • Technical director: 01 person
• Troubleshooting room:
• Business Department:
− System maintenance staff: 01 person
− Sales staff: 01 person
− Information security and safety staff:
− Project staff: 01 person 01 person
− Customer Service Relation Officer ❖ Planning − finance − accounting
(call center and customer care staff) department:
customer): 02 people • Director of planning − finance −
• Marketing Department: accounting organization: 01 person

− Marketing staff: 01 person • Planning and organization

− Marketing Coordinator: 01 person
− Planning staff: 01 person
❖ HR Department:
• Finance Department:
• Human resources director: 01 person
− Financial staff: 01 person
• Human resources department:
• Accounting department:
− Recruitment staff: 01 person
− Accountant: 01 person
− Training and development staff: 01
➔ Thus, the total number of members of the company is 19 people Duties of departments
❖ For sales and marketing • Building solutions to improve
department: business efficiency

• Market expansion • Coordinate smoothly with other

• Deploy work effectively
• Measuring business results –
• Make a viable business – marketing • Propose and advise leaders on
plan information in the field of human
• Monitoring and analyzing work
progress • Advise the Board of Directors on the
company's administrative work.
• Handling customer complaints and
inquiries. • Support departments on human
resource and administrative work
❖ For HR department:
• Provide, train and develop staff.
• Perform all HR related tasks as
assigned by the Board ❖ For technical room:
manager • Troubleshoot website problems
• Planning and implementation of • Maintain security – security for the
work safety, order and security website
• Learn and implement technology
❖ For the finance − accounting department:
• Make production plans by monthly, quarterly, yearly and manage, monitor the
implementation of the planned projects, ensuring that the targets are suitable for the
• Evaluate and analyze the market situation of the company's products and business
services company, forecast about upcoming plans.
• Advise the Board of Directors on issues related to planning and selecting customers
and product markets.
• Follow up the company's import and export plan.
• Coordinate with departments to well implement the set plans and objectives.
• Allocate work to subordinates, check and urge departments, ensure employees
complete mission.
• Prepare reports on activities, recommendations for improvement, modification.
Report to Director of production progress, production implementation plan of the
• Participate in budget preparation and management, and monitor and control
• Perform other tasks assigned by superiors.
• Plan, schedule to use assets and equipment of the whole company.

3.3.2 Recruitment criteria Executive Management Board:
❖ General Manager: ❖ Managing Director:
− Age from 27 to 45 years old − Minimum 5 years of experience in a
similar position
− Graduated from University with
majors in management and − Experience working in e−commerce
administration companies
− At least 3 years of working tourism or related industries
experience, including 1 year as a
− Knowledge of labor and civil law
manager. Priority application
− Strong leadership and strategic
Experienced staff in management
thinking skills
positions in the e−commerce sector
and house service sector − Ability to organize and manage work
− Good communication skill − Have a clear working view and
− Honesty and dedication to work
− Good communication, negotiation
− Initial salary: 25,000,000 VND
and problem−solving skills
− Initial salary: 23,000,000 VND Professional Department

Consists of 4 units:
❖ Sales and Marketing Department:
• Sales and marketing director:
− University graduate or postgraduate majoring in Business Administration,
Marketing, Economics, other related majors,...
− Deep understanding of the field of business, retail, especially e−commerce and
service sector
− Have in−depth knowledge of methods, business models, building systems
− Experience: 5 years in the field of business, retail; 2 years in the field
equivalent management.
− Have management skills according to goals
− Customer orientation skills
− Initial salary: 10,000,000 VND

• Business Department:
▪ Sales staff:
− Qualification/Diploma: University, ▪ Project staff:
college or higher with majors in
− University degree
− Knowledge of building business
− Having business experience in
− Mastering the legal documents
related to the field of e−commerce,
− Good communication and
e−commerce project management.
negotiation skills
− Knowledge of planning and system
− Good planning and logical thinking
− Basic financial knowledge.
− Ability to work under high pressure
− 3−5 years of management
− Initial salary: 10,000,000 VND
experience in the position of
Commander / Head of Management
project manager
− Having professional experience,
preferably having worked in the role of
project manager Website about − Manage and control the plan,
e−commerce schedule, productivity
− Initial salary: 10,000,000 VND
▪ Customer service relations officer (call center and customer care staff)
➢ Call center staff: ➢ Customer care staff:
− Graduated from college or higher, − University degree in Business,
regardless of profession Economics, Communication −
Marketing or related fields
− Having experience is an advantage
− At least 1 year experience in
− Knowing foreign languages and
customer service position
being able to communicate in a basic
foreign language is an advantage − Proficient in Microsoft Office
− Ability to use computers and phones, − Fluency in foreign languages is an
then will be instructed how basic advantage
machine maintenance
− Good communication skills
− Female priority, clear voice, easy to
− Being agile, sociable, easy to
hear, no lisp or dialect
sympathize with others.
− Initial salary: 8,000,000 VND
− Initial salary: 8,000,000 VND

• Marketing:
▪ Marketing staff:
− Basic knowledge of marketing
− Good presentation and negotiation ▪ Marketing Coordinator:
skills, ability to build work spirit
− Mastering the provisions of law,
effective group work
regimes and policies and basic
− Ability to work independently and knowledge
under high pressure
on the field of coordination.
− Dynamic, creative, responsive and
good at handling situations
− Understand clearly the management independent or cooperative work in a
objectives, the system of principles group, capable of implementing
and security work
− Initial salary: 10,000,000 VND
management mechanism of the
operations within the scope of ensure progress, quality and
coordination. efficiency.
− Understand the process of − Understanding the practice,
developing specific plans, plans and economy − society about management
decisions and knowledge about the in the field of
understand the development trends of
− Having research methods, the industry at home and abroad.
summarizing and proposing,
− Initial salary: 10,000,000 VND
improving, capable of doing

❖ HR Department:
• Human resources manager:
− Professional competence in human resource management. College graduate
majoring in Law, Business Administration, Human Resource Management, or other
relevant disciplines is preferred
relate to.
− Management and leadership capacity
− At least 5 years of experience in a similar position at companies ranging in size
500 employees or more
− Understanding the company and the industry in which the company is operating
− Understanding of corporate culture
− Initial salary: 14,000,000 VND
• Human resources department:
▪ Recruiter: ▪ Training and development staff:
− Graduates in HR or other related
− Used to work as an Internal Trainer,
fields, related industry
Training Officer, Employee HR or
− Proficient in candidate searching similar positions.
channels, having good networking
− At least 1 year experience.
skills is an advantage.
− Graduated from University in fields
− Actively contact and approach
related to Training, Teaching, or
candidates via email, SMS, social
related industries.
− Understand traditional and modern
− Proficiently use tools to support
training methods.
storage, management and arrangement
candidate profile, assessment, and − Understanding the needs of both
candidate capacity tracking. learners and teachers.
− Be assertive. − Logical thinker, good critical
− Has good coverage.
− Experience in Talent Acquisition is
− Initial salary: 8,000,000 VND
an advantage.
− Smart, agile and eager to learn.
− Initial salary: 10,000,000 VND

❖ Technical department:
• Technical director:
− Graduated from a regular university in IT − more than 8 years of working
experience in IT industry
− Preference will be given to those with experience in e−commerce businesses
− Ability to synthesize, analyze, and evaluate management and administration work.
− Strength of experience in working and handling customer complaints.
− Hardworking, persistent, enthusiastic, agile, good health, able to withstand work
pressure high job.
− Good computer skills, proficient in the use of Microsoft Office.
− High presentation and coaching skills.
− Initial salary: 20,000,000 VND
• Troubleshooting room
▪ System maintenance staff:
− Have a high school diploma or higher, a certificate of vocational training.
− Have good health.
− Experience working as a maintenance technician will be an advantage.
− Knowledge of machinery, equipment, construction systems, etc.
− Initial salary: 6,000,000 VND
• Information security and safety staff:
− Education: Bachelor of Computer Science or higher in a related field.
− 3 to 5 years of experience in IT system security.
− Technical knowledge: UNIX, AIX, Linux, Cisco Network IDS, Cisco Hostbased
IDS, eTrust Access Control, ESM, and IDS. DES encryption, SSL, VPN,
IPSec, TCP/IP, DNS and web security architecture, mySQL, SpamAssassin,
Nmap, Nikto, Nessus, Paros.
− Expert knowledge of information security principles and practices.
− Experience working with intrusion detection systems.
− Install, configure, monitor and respond to security systems.
− Understanding of advanced security protocols and ISO system security standards
− Experience with software architecture and security.
− Evaluate and develop approach to solutions.
−Proactively assess the possibilities of risks and vulnerabilities in the network.
− Experience with security practices of Intranet and Extranet networks.
− Support daily administration of firewall system functions.
− Initial salary: 15,000,000 VND
❖ Department of Finance − Accounting:
• Director of planning − finance − accounting organization:
− At least 5 years in the field of Accounting and Finance in companies in the same
area or of the same size.
− Preferably with experience in retail, chain, e−commerce, homecare−service.
− Mastering accounting regulations, standards and tax regulations and policies.
− Master the principles & precedents applied to solving problems in accounting, tax.
− Understand the principles of organization and management and have a solid
knowledge of economics, finance, banking.
− Analyze the financial position of the Enterprise to identify the strengths and
weaknesses of the business.
− Planning the financial strategy of the enterprise.
− Evaluating business programs in terms of financial aspect.
− Prepare budget contingency plans in appropriate forms to meet unexpected
funding needs.
− Initial salary: 15,000,000 VND
• Planning and organization department:
• Planning staff:
− Graduate in mechanical engineering or related disciplines, at least 1 year of
− Have good planning, planning and implementation skills
− Proficiency in Office
− Initial salary: 10,000,000 VND
• Finance Department:
▪ Finance staff:
− Qualification: University graduate or higher; Specialties: Finance, Accounting,
Auditing, Mathematics,... Priority is given to those who have just graduated from
school or have less than 1 experience year, orientation towards Corporate Finance
major (will be trained and direction)
− Knowledge: Basic knowledge of the financial field, having financial analysis skills
−Knowledge of legal regulations on accounting−finance, interest in data.
− Skills: Fluently use Word, Excel, Accounting software, Internet−searching.
− Good communication skills.
− Skills in analyzing, controlling information, synthesizing and making reports
− Other requirements: Careful, meticulous, honest.
− Initial salary: 10,000,000 VND
+ Accounting department:
• Clerk:
− Qualification: Male/Female graduated from College/University (major in
− Preference will be given to candidates with 1 year or more experience in
e−commerce field.
− Fluent in Word, know how to use basic functions of excel
− Enthusiastic and able to withstand high pressure at work, able to work overtime
when available
−Report or urgent work at the request of management
− Skills in price negotiation, teamwork, eager to learn.
− Initial salary: 10,000,000 VND
3.4 Marketing Plan
3.4.1. Target customers:
❖ Individuals/Households in urban areas have stable jobs and do not have time to
do housework
• Age: From 25 to 50 years old
• Have 1−3 children
• Income: 20,000,000 − 30,000,000VND/month
• Residence: medium and large cities: TP. Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi, Da Nang, Bien
• Internet usage habits:
− Using social networks facebook, zalo, youtube, ...
− Regularly read news through online newspapers Dan Tri, Tuoi Tre, ...
• Desire:
− There are flexible, reputable and quality domestic helpers
− Rest in a clean environment during busy working days
− Clean lifestyle, care about hygiene and safety
3.4.2. Time: Yearly
3.4.3. Objectives:
• Expand brand awareness
• Increase the number of customers booking services on the website by 20−50%
• Strengthening the image of green living, the website's own value
3.4.4. Budget: 500 million/campaign
3.4.5. Marketing strategy
Message: In urban life, each person always has to shoulder loads of work day and
night. After all the hustle and bustle in life, people still want to have a neat and clean
house to relax every day and want to spend more time with their loved ones.
“Sometimes in the midst of thousands of jobs piled on top of each other
Remember to spend time with your family in a clean and safety home.”
❖ Communication channels:
• KOLs:
Create a tik tok challenge "Cleaning house to say no with nCOVI" for everyone to
work together towards a clean house of their own.
• Affiliate:
− Ask groups related to “Finding a maid/cleaner”. Offering a promo code when
registering as a maid for 3 households or more and enter the referral code from that
3.5 Sales plan
3.5.1 Payment method
Customers will make online payments on Klean&Klear website. After selecting
services on the website, customers fill in their information
− Fill−in for all participants:
• First and last name
• Mobile phone number
• Email
• Address
− The customer will have 3 days (72 hours) to complete the payment. Details will
be sent via the email that the customer has registered in the information section.
− Upon successful payment, the customer will receive a confirmation message. If
after 72 hours from the time of choosing to buy, the customer does not complete the
payment, the transaction will be cancelled.
3.5.2 Online payment methods
❖ Payment via domestic ATM card (Internet Banking)
Cards of the following banks will be integrated on the website:
Vietcombank Agribank MB ABBank
BIDV Eximbank VPBank SHB
DongABank ACB SeABank HDBank
VietinBank Sacombank TPBank Ocean Bank
Techcombank VIB OCB
❖ Payment via Visa, Mastercard
❖ Payment via e−wallet: ZaloPay, Momo
❖ Credit card payment
3.5.3 Payment Terms Service price
− The price for providing house maids is calculated in VND (Vietnamese − VND).
In case the customer pays in USD, it will be converted into VND at the rate of the
Investment bank and Vietnam Development − Ho Chi Minh City Branch at the time
of payment. Payment information
− Account Name: Klean&Klear
− Bank: Foreign Trade of Vietnam – Ho Chi Minh City Branch
− Address: 36 Mai Chi Tho, An Phu Ward, District 2, HCMC
− Account: 9704 4100 3456 7890
Payment is considered completely when Klean&Klear has received sufficient funds
or agreement between the two parties. Any late payment resulting in the cancellation
of the service service is not the responsibility of Klean&Klear.
Customers wishing to issue invoices, please provide invoice information
immediately at the time of registration. Klean&Klear is responsible for invoicing
customers within 7 days after service ends. Cancellation of service and cancellation fee
❖ In case of cancellation due to Klean&Klear:
If Klean&Klear fails to perform the service, Klean&Klear must immediately notify
the customer knows and pays the customer the entire amount paid by the customer
within 3 days of the notice of cancellation by bank transfer.
❖ In case of cancellation due to customer:
After paying, if you want to transfer/cancel the service, please call Klean&Klear's
hotline to transfer/cancel the service and bear the fees according to Klean&Klear's
regulations. Do not handle the case of contacting service transfer/cancellation via
the contact form on the website.
Cancel or switch to other services right after registration comes from 7−10 days
(except holidays/New Year) before service start date: Service transfer/cancellation
fee: 50% of service value registered service.
❖ In case of force majeure:
If it is canceled or changed by either party for an unavoidable reason, resistance (fire,
weather, accident, natural disaster, war, epidemic, postponement, relocation,
cancellation of service or other force majeure events as prescribed by law...), the two
parties will not bear any no obligation to indemnify for losses occurred and without
any liability. However, each party is responsible for trying its best to help the
aggrieved party to minimize losses caused by force majeure.
3.5.4 Customer care
Contact through: Klean&Klear office, hotline number and contact form at website.
Any questions or need advice about the service will be answered. During and after
the end of the contract, the customer's suggestions and opinions are always collected
to improve the service.
Loyal Customer Program:
− With each purchase of a service contract, customers will accumulate points in their
account. The number of points will depend on each service package and payment
method of the customer. The calculated points can be used to exchange vouchers of
the program to use for the next contract: discount, promotion gifts...
− When reaching a certain level of points, customers will be able to register for
services at a discounted price and receive incentives from Klean&Klear partners.
3.6 Technology solutions
− Website design costs: designed by founding members.
− Website building ideas (colors, logos, general layout), interface development,
functionality transaction capabilities (adding products, making payments,
recognizing revenue, ...)
− Network infrastructure costs:
After researching and comparing companies providing network infrastructure
services, our group decided to use because of the company's reputation,
quality of service packages provided and reasonable price. When registering for the
"Business Web Hosting" package with a promotional cost of 64,149 VND/month
(base price is VND 296,500/month), businesses will be provided with an unlimited
number of subdomains, email and bandwidth for the website.
Besides, this service package also provides free domain name, cloudflare and
certificate SSL security for the website, helping to save maximum registration costs
as well as without going through too many intermediaries. Data is backed up daily,
minimizing information loss.


4.1. Website Overview
4.1.1. Website content:
− Klean & Klear Introduction
− Type of services
− Implementing procedures
− Service price list
− Policy
− Terms of use
− Tips of cleaning
− Feedback
− Payment
− Contact
4.1.2. Requirement
− Design, tone color, image match the meaning, goal and motto of the service
− Friendly interface, full display of necessary functions
− Website is accessible and easy to use for users
4.2. Website Layout
4.2.1. Main Color:
− Blue is chosen as the main color tone of the company website. Because the color
blue symbolizes loyalty, security, confidence and trustworthiness. These are all
service criteria that we always want to bring to customers. As the color of the sky
and the sea, blue is also used to imply a connection with nature. And Klean&Klear
company also aims at the quality of the service as a "fresh experience, in harmony
with nature".
4.2.2. Website basic structures:
− Header
− Logo
− Navigation menu
− Banner
− Slider
− Content area
− Footer
4.2.3. Function details Homepage Introduction of Klear&Klean Contact Privacy Policy Service: Hourly cleaning Service: General cleaning Service Order Feedback Cleaning tips: Bathroom Cleaning tips: Bedroom
5.1. Evaluation of project results
5.1.1. Pros
− Developing projects based on feasible ideas (the demand for Cleaning Service in
big cities of Vietnam)
− Identified the factors to operate the business
− The staff is well−trained and qualified to meet the needs of customers
5.1.2. Cons
− There are many competitors in the market
− Capital deficiency
– Need more policies/costs to manage staff effectively
5.2. Development direction
− Call for capital from investors
− Take advantage of the advantages/strengths (prestige, responsibility, dedication,
..) to create advantages over competitors
− Expanding the network of enterprises

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