Brown & Beige Illustration International Literacy Day Poster

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V Wp Xo Yo, 1 EnviRomeNT 7) a) 3 USS ey Uae oo vf ae AS cy te car 11 TECHNOLOGY 12 ee 13 TRANSPORTATION 15 Cae rey 17 TRY 19 ae) dy | aa yy) SPORT & EXERCISE Pn eee 97 / SOUEELIOGHY yy: ta ana a CONTENTS Environment * To be on the brink of extinction: dang dung trudc nguy co tuyét ching To discharge toxic chemical waste: xa chat thai hdéa hoc déc hai To deplete natural resources: |am suy gidm ngudn tai nguyén thién nhién To take action on global warming: hanh déng Ung pho vdi hién tugng néng én toan cau To cut down on emissions: giam |ugng khi thai. To fight climate change: ngan chan bién adi khi hau To reduce the dependence/: on fossil fuels: giam su phy thudc vao nhién liéu héa thach To alleviate environm m nhe cac van dé vé mdi trudng. To achieve sustainable development: dat dugc sy phat trién bén ving To be environmentally friendly: than thién vai mdi truéng Environmental degradation: suy thodi mdi trudng Alternative energy sources: cdc ngudn nang lugng thay thé Renewable energy: nang lugng co thé tai tao Habitat destruction: si’ pha hy mdi trudng séng Endangered species: nhiing loai déng vat dang gap nguy hiém To have a devastating effect on st: cd tac d6ng tan pha |én.. Ecological crisis: khting hoang sinh thai The greenhouse effect: hiéu ting nha kinh * The green movement: cudc van déng xanh 1 EDUCATION To sit an exam: tham gia 1 ki thi To fall behind with your studies: hoc dudi To drop out of college: bd hoc, bd ngang ma kh6ng hoan thanh chugng trinh hoc To pay off a student loan: thanh todn vay von sinh vién To deliver a lecture: giang bai To take a year out: nghi mét nam dé trai nghiém To have a good grasp of something: thau hiéu/nam bat cdi gi, hiéu mét van dé gi do toan dién va sau sac To have an important/vital/essential role to play in sth: dong mot vai tro quan trong To engage face-to-face with sb: trao d6i true tiép voi ai do To broaden one's horizon/perspective/experience/knowledge: md réng von kién thre To improve their level of academic performance: cai thién két qua hoc tAp/tién b6 trong hoc tap To develop/encourage an independent study habit: tao/khuyén khich thoi quen tu nghién cutu hoc hdi To pursue higher education: theo dudi bac hoc cao hon continuous assessment: tiép tuc lam tiéu luan (thay cho thi cts thdng thuéng) To instil in students the value of learning: tham nhuan gia tri cla viec hoc To pass a test/graduate with flying colours: thi diém cao/tét nghi€p voi két qua cao To be admitted to a top-tier school: dugc nhan vao trudng hang dau To increase the provision of vocational courses for school-leavers: cung cap cdc chuong trinh/khéa dao tao nghé cho hoc sinh da tét nghiép trung hoc To take advantage of distance learning educational programs: tan dung Idi ich tur cdc chuong trinh gido duc tir xa To give feedback to students: dua ra nhan xét cho hoc sinh/sinh vién 2 BUSINESS AND MONEY « make a profit: tao gi nhuan survive in a competitive world/ survive in a fast-changing world: song sot trong mot thé gidi day canh tranh/ sng sét trong mdt thé gidi thay déi nhanh chéng achieve success in the modern business world: dat dugc thanh céng trong thé gidi kinh doanh hién dai entrepreneurs: doanh nhan deal with difficult clients: lam viéc véi nhting khach hang khé tinh to be provided with a wealth of know! : dug cung cap nhiéu kién thi . make significant contributions to ...7¢ (ing dong gdp to In cho ... . start a business: bat dau 1 doamh nghié 0 . have a clear strategy: cd 1 chiéi ran, cover its running costs: bao qu: i Pavan Hanh cua nd costs involved in runningia bi 1 doanh nghiép Ly boost productivity: tang nai maximise customer satisfaction: tdi da hda su hai long cla khach hang have social responsibilities: c6 trach nhiém xa hdi provide financial support for ung cap hé tr tai chinh cho ... charitable donations, environmental protection programmes or staff volunteering projects: cac khoan dong gdp ti thién, cc chuong trinh bao vé mdi trudng hodc céc dy’ 4n tinh nguyén vién cia nhan vién create more employment opportunities for people: tao thém co hdi viéc lam cho moi nguéi . improve a company’s reputation: nang cao danh tiéng cua cong ty encounter various challenges and obstacles: gap phai nhiéu thi thach va tré ngai khac nhau 3 serious financial and economic crisis: khling hoang tai chinh va kinh té nghiém trong take on risky contracts: nhan cdc hop dong rui ro experience regular cash flow problems: gap van dé vé dong tién thu6ng xuyén ineffective business strategies// ineffective market research// 25. poor customer service: chién lugc kinh doanh khéng hiéu qua // nghién cutu thi trudng khéng hiéu qua // dich vu khach hang kém compete against multinational giants: canh tranh voi nhting tap doan khéng 16 da quéc gia face potential collapse: d6i mat vdi su sup dé tiém an go bankrupt/ declare bankruptcy/ go out of business: pha san / tuyén b6 pha san / ra khdi kinh doanh strengthen the banking system: tang cudng/cling c6 hé thong ngan hang government assistance for small and medium-sized enterprises: hé tro ctia chinh phui cho cdc doanh nghiép viva va nhd offer in-depth advice on something: dua ra Idi khuyén chuyén sau vé diéu gi dé parental guidance: su hudng dan clia cha me have a profound influence on: cé anh hudng sau sac |én spend a large amount of time taking care of...: danh nhiéu thoi gian cham séc... . children = offspring = kids: con cai the primary breadwinner: tru ct chinh (trong gia dinh) to be responsible fo! chiu trach nhiém vé viéc gi childcare and housework: viéc nha va viéc chém séc tré educate children about the importance of...: gido duc tré vé tam quan trong cua... encourage children to...: khuyén khich tré lam gi lead a sedentary lifestyle: séng mét Idi sng thu déng take part in interactive activities: tham gia céc hoat dong mang tinh tuong tac experience feelings of loneliness and isolation: trai qua cam gidc cO don va c6 lap devote a huge amount of time to work: danh phan Idn thdi gian cho cong viéc hardly make time for their family: hau nhu khéng danh thoi gian cho gia dinh ho . take more family trips: t6 chic nhiéu chuyén di cling gia dinh hon take on the role of: dong vai tro la. take care of... = look after...: cham séc. negatively affect children’s long-term mental health: anh hudng tiéu cuc tdi stic knde tam ly lau dai cla tré 2. & . put children at a higher risk of...: dat tré vao rui ro’ . strengthen/weaken family relationships = ae bonds: cling c6/la suy yéu tinh cam gia dinh * . experience significant changes in mood, feelings and behaviour: tra qua nhting su thay déi dang ké trong tam trang, cam gidc va cach Ung xtr © Having children later in life = delay parenthood: cé con muén * become positive role model: tré thanh hinh mau tét * a lack of parental support: viéc thiéu su hé tro tl cha me Families are le music, rome high voter, some low roles, bil always a beailful rong, COMMUNICATION AND PERSONALITY * To hide one’s light under a bushel: gidu tai * To throw a tantrum: tlic gin vd co * To stamp one’s mark on something : dé lai dau an c4 nhan * Aclash of personalities: su bat dong vé tinh cach * To have a superiority complex: phtic cam tu t6n © To hear something through the grapevine: nghe don * To act one's age: cu xiv dugg mu@ * Codes of conduct: quy tac ting.xts * To assimilate knowledge: tiép nhan kién thuc © To marshal facts: dua ra lap |udn * To be a team player: ngudi gidi lam vic nhoém * The downfall of communication: suy giam giao tiép * Abreakdown in communication : ngung tré/that bai/gian doan trong giao tiép * To live in harmony with one another: s6ng hda hgp vdi ngudi khac * To keep abreast of something: cap nhat tin ture * To accelerate the flow of information: tang t6c dé théng tin * Behind the times: |6i thé’ * Set in his or her ways: bao thu: * Asocial butterfly: ngudi giao thiép rong * Astickler for something: ngudi cau né, khat khe vdi cai gi do . 7 To be user-friendly: than thién voi ngudi dung Social networking sites: mang xa hdi To break off a relationship/to break off negotiations: cat ditt mdi quan hé/dam phan To reach a stalemate/to reach deadlock: dinh tré, bé tac To have social skills: c6 ky nang xa hdi tot To have a laid-back attitude: thu gidn, khéng cam thay lo lang To be a workaholic/a shopaholic: ngudi nghién cong viéc/ mua sam To see the big picture: nin hg todn toan dién To be generous/helpful toa faults nt tinh gidp do ray, To make small talk/to A eAsene Fa efacries: ndi chuyén xa giao CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Major crime (nhirng loai hinh pham tdi Ion) Child Abuse: Lam dung tré em Drug Trafficking: Nhap va buén ban ma tuy Human trafficking: Budn ngudi Murder: tdi giét ngudi White collar crime: t6i pham cong nghé cao Terrorism: khung b6 Bribery: Tham nhiing, héi!6 Money Laundry: Rtra tién Labour Exploitation: Boc |dt strc lao déng Tax evasion: tron thué Common crime (nhirngoai hinh pham téi phé bién) Bully: bat nat Cyberbully: bat nat qua internet Pickpocketing: Tdi moc tui Drunk Driving: Lai xe khi dang say xin Speeding: chay xe qua t6c d6 cho phép Vandalism: Pha hoai cuia cong Traffic offense: Vi pham luat giao thong Run a red light: vuot dén dé Shoplifting: An trom vat tai cla hang Theft: an trom Harassment: Quay réi (sexual harassment) Discrimination: phan biét d6i xtr Embezzle: bién thu cng quy Blackmail: gui thu tong tién Punishment . Death Penalty/ Punishment of death: Xt tu’ . Ban from: Bi cam khdi . Isolation: Biét giam . Suspended sentence: an treo . A+khoang thai gian + sentence: 8} vao tu trong... Revoke a license: Tuc bang lai Suspend a license: tam thu bang lai Community service: phat lao déng cong ich Fine: phat tién Corporal punishment: bi ban giam hiéu phat Give line: bat chép phat viéc xét xr * Judge: Tham phan * Justice: phan quyét cong li Court: Phién toa xét xtr Defendant: Bi cdo Defense: luat su bao chia Evidence: bang chung Motive for crime: d6ng co gay an Innocent: v6 tdi Conviction/verdict: budc tdi Maximum/minimum sentence: ban an téi da/ téi thiéu Juvenile: pham t6i tuéi vi thanh nién deviant behavior: hanh vi sai trai, @ch lac Rehabilitation: Trai cai tao Reoffend: tai pham Law abiding: tuan thu phat luat Prejudice: thanh kién q © TECHNOLOGY : Nguoi dam mé cong nghé * Technophil Technophobe: nguai khdng thich cong nghé méi Wireless hotspot: diém phat wifi Computer buff: chuyén gia vé may tinh Technological advance: su tién bd vé mat cong nghé Online shopping: mua sam truc tuyén Cutting-edge: hién dai, tién tién Social networking site: mang xa héi g Have access to something: tiép can cai gi dé Computer age: thoi dai may tinh Computer buff: ngu®i gidi st dung may tinh Computer fatigue: tinh trang mét mdi gay nén bdi str dung may tinh trong mét thoi gian dai Cutting-edge: tién tién va dan dau To be stuck behind a computer: sit dung may tinh trong mét théi gian dai To crash: dot nhién ngung hoat dong To browse websites: tim kiém trén nhiing trang web To navigate a website: tim kiém thong tin can thiét trén trang web Technological devices and applications: nhting ting dung va thiét bi cong nghé Heavy exposure to something: tiép xiic qué nhiéu véi cai gl Maintain face-to-face relationships: duy tri cacmét quar-hé trctiép Require staff to be technically skilled: yéu cau nhan vién phai cé trinh 46 ky thuat Undergo enormous changes: trai qua thay déi dang ké Speed up the pace of something: tng t6c dO clia cai gi Satisfy children’s preferences for entertainment: théa man nhu cau gidi tri cla tréem Breakdown in the system may cause severe problems: héng héc hé théng c6 thé gay ra nhiing vn d@ nghiém trong ti . . . . . . . . . MEDIA AND ADVERTISING advertising agency: Céng ty quang cdo ft advertising budget: Ngan sach danh cho quang cdo brand awareness: Su nhan thifc vé thuong hiéu (khach hang biét r6 vé thuong hiéu tdi dau) brand loyalty: Su trung thanh véi thuong hiéu call to action: Kéu goi hanh déng celebrity endorsement: C6 dugc ngudi néi tiéng dé quang cdo cho san pham classified ads: Cac mau quang cdo nh (trén bao, tap chi...) to cold call: Tiép thi commercial break: Cac mau quang cao ngan xen giffa cac chuong trinh trén TV commercial channel: Kénh truyén hinh kiém tién bang viéc dang quang cao to go viral: Lan truyén trén Internet hoac cac phuong tién truyén thong junk mail: To roi quang cdo to launch a product : Gidi thiéu san pham moi mass media: Cac phuong tién truyén thong dn nhu TV, bao, tap chi niche product: Mét san phaém hu’éng tdi nhém déi tugng khach hang dac biét to place an advert: Dang quang cdo prime time: Gid cao diém (trong phat thanh, truyén hinh) product placAment: Quang cdo mét san pham bang cach dua san pham d6 vao m6t bé\phim heac chuong trinh truyén hinh sales,page: Trang-dung-cho quang cao san pham hodc dich vu to show adverts: Chiéu quang cdo trén TV social media: Mang xa hdi spam, email-Email |a tin quang cao, email khéng mong muén targetaudience: Khach hang muc tiéu word ofmouth: Sy gidi thiéu tir ngudi dung nay tdi ngudi ding khac vé san pham 42 TRANSPORTATION On the road * Congestion: sy tac nghén-> Traffic congestion = traffic jam: sy un tac giao thong, ket xe. High traffic volume: luu lugng giao thong Traffic signs/ traffic lights: bién bao giao théng/ dén giao thong Rush hours: gid cao diém. Off-peak hours; ngoai khung.gid\cao diém Pedestrian crossing = crosswalk: vach ké cho ngudi di duéng Pavements: via hé Public transportation: phudng tién giao thong cong cong Private vehicles: phuang tién giao thong ca nhan Reliable schedule: ich trinh (phurong tién giao thong céng céng) chuan. Transport infrastructure: co sd ha tang giao thong Commute = travel-> Commuters: people who use public and private transportation. Ease traffic flow (v): lam giam lutu lugng giao théng * Traffic wardens: ngudi diéu tiét giao thong Environment-related problems AN * Emit/release: thai * Exhaust emissions: khi gas tfc * Air pollution: 6 nhiém méi truéng * Perspiration problems: van dé vé hé hap 3 Solutions ? © Electric cars: xe dién a * Upgrade: nang cap Environmentally friendly: than thién voi mdi trudng. Road safety measures: cdc bién phap an toan giao théng dung bd Road maintenance: duy tri dung xa Implement stricter rules (v): ban hanh quy dinh nghiém khac hon Fines: phat phi To conduct regular vehicle inspections: kiém duyét phuong tién thuéng xuyén To install speed camera: cai dat camera téc d6 Traffic calming: di€u hda giao thong To raise petrol prices: tang gia xang To be punctual: dung gid A tachograph: déng ho téc d6 Lead-free petrol: xang khéng chi Traffic-free zone: khu vuc khéng co giao thong, phuong tién qua lai Crimes * Road accidents: tai nan giao théng * Driving offences: nhtrng tdi pham lién quan dén diéu khién phuong tién giao thong * Joy riding: dua xe * Drink-driving: uéng dé udng co cén khi tham gia giao thong * Hit-and-run: tong xe va bd chay * Traffic laws/ traffic safety rules: luat giao th6ng/ quy tac an toan giao thong 14 WORK 1.To be called for an interview: dugc mdi phong van 2.Run your own business/be self-employed: ty lam chu: mét doanh nghiép 3. A nine-to-five job: mét cng viéc 8h 4. To be stuck behind a desk: cam gidc khéng hai long vdi céng viéc van phong 5. One of the perks of the job: phic Igi cé dugc ttr cong viéc 6. Job satisfaction: hai long voi cng viéc 7. Manual work: céng viéc tay chan 8. Temporary work: cong viéc tam thoi 9. Voluntary work: viéc tinh nguyén / lam khéng luong. 10. To be well paid: dugc tra hau hinh 11. Working conditions: diéu kién lam viéc 12. To meet a deadline: kip han cuGi cla mét cng viéc 13. To take early retirement: nghi huu sém 14. A heavy workload: khéi lugng céng viéc nang nhoc 15, Shift work: lam viéc theo ca (ca sang, chiéu, tdi) 16. Tempting offer: dé nghi hap dan (cong viéc) 17. Land a new job: cé mét céng viéc mai (thudng 1a cong viéc tét) 18. Annual leave: nghi phép hang nam 19. Job swap: nhay viéc 20. Sick leave: nghi 6m 5 21. Lay off staff: sa thai nhan vién 22. Volume of work: khdi lugng cong viéc 23. Earn a good living: kiém sé tién kha 24. Fast-track scheme: hé théng/ chuong trinh dao tao nhanh cho nhan vién va dutgc thang chirc sém. 25. Move up the ladder: dugc thang chtrc 26. Get the sack: bi sa thai 27, Maternity leave: nghi thai san. 16 Hospitality (n): sy hiéu khach Heritage site: khu di san Unexpected expenses: chi phi phat sinh . Cost-effective (a): (mang tinh) chi tiéu hiéu qua Tranquility: sy yén tinh . Hustle and bustle: cudc séng tap nap Worth-living (a): dang s6ng Rat race: cuéc séng x6 bd Culture shock: s6c van hoa . Stunning/ scenic/ breathtaking/ picturesque/ superb (a): (canh) dep tuyét voi, ngdp thd, nhu tranh vé, tuyét hdo Go sightseeing: di ngam canh Out of season >< peak time: mila cao diém . Flock to (v): IG lugt kéo nhau dén to travel abroad = to travel to a foreign country = to travel to other countries: du lich nuéc ngoai space tourism = space travel = travelling to other planets = travelling to the universe: du lich vao khéng gian popular tourist destinations = famous tourist attractions: diém dén du lich ndi tiéng international tourism = international travel: lu lich quéc té international tourists = foreign tourists: khach du tourists from oversea: lich quéc té to travel alone = to travel on your own: di du lich mét minh remote areas = isolated places = distant regions: nhiing khu vu xa xdi, héo lanh historical sites = historic landmarks = historic buildings: cdc dia danh lich str stunning scenery = spectacular natural landscapes: canh thién nhién tuyét dep . bring a range of benefits for X = X benefit(s) a great deal from ...: mang lai Igi ich cho X/ X hudng Igi nhiéu tiv... to open our minds = to broaden our horizons: mé réng tam nhin to meet new people = to make friends with other travellers: [am quen véi nhiéu ngudi to gain a deeper insight into other cultures .. understanding of other cultures: cé cai nhin sau sac hon vé cdc nén van héa khac the growth in the tourist industry = the development of tourism: sy phat trién cla nganh du lich to be very important to any country’s economic growth = to play an essential role in any nation’s economic development = to help boost economic growth: quan trong cho sy phat trién kinh té cla bat ky quéc gia nao low-cost airline = cheap air travel = budget airline: hang hang kh6ng gid ré/ di du lich gid ré tourist facilities = restaurants, theme parks, water park: du lich/ khach san, cong vien Gia tri, cong vier AUC to have a negative effect on the environment = to have an adverse impact on the environment = to cause environmental damage = to lead to air pollution/ water contamination/...: c6.anh hung tiéu cc lén mdi trudng/ gay su tan pha méi truéng/ dan t6i.6 nhiém khong khi, nuéc to threaten wildlife = to pose a threat to wildlife: de doa dong vat hoang da 8 = to have a deeper 0 sé vat chat 2 health”: * balanced diet: ché d6 4n uéng can bang, diéu d6 * to be fit: dang voc can déi * to lack sleep: thiéu ngu to be juctive: lam viéc nang sudt VS”... pham hau co * vegetarian food: d6 an chay * processed food: thyc pham déng hop © junk food: dé dn vat * fast food: d6 an nhanh * initiative: sang kién, kién nghi * to implement policies: 4p dung chinh sach * engage in sports: tham gia hoat déng thé thao * to encourage: khuyén khich * to be conscious: cé y thic vé van dé gi do * discipline: ky luat * to avoid vices: tranh thdi quen xau * intense workout: tap luyén cuéng dé ca * to limit sugar intake: han ché lugng dung * to stay active: duy tri hoat d6ng thuGng xuyen * to hit the gym: dén phong tap c . . . . . . . . . to lose weight: giam can to hold yourself accountable: chap nhan viéc ban than can phai chiu trach cho tht’ gi do to take the full responsibility: chiu toan bé trach nhiém prescription: don thuéc chills: 6n lanh disease prevention: phong chéng bénh tat early diagnosis: chan doan sém treatment: diéu tri lifestyle related diseases: cac loai bénh tat lién quan dén/hinh thanh do |6i song epidemic: dich bénh disorder: réi loan cE iq Ey infect: lay nhiém addiction: nghién et OV ES nutrients: chat dinh dudng x! depression: tram cam mental illness: bénh tam ly to reduce one's stress levels: gidm bot mtrc dé cang thang to build up resistance to disease: tang cudng strc dé khang, chéng lai bénh tat to go ona diet: tién hanh ché d6 an kiéng make a full recovery: binh phuc hoan toan side effects: tac dung phu adverse reaction: phan ung ngugc consult the doctor: hdi y kién bac st binge drinking: néc rugu 20 to alleviate (the) pain/symptoms: giam dau, gidm triéu ching ARR iy Social services (n): co quan dich vu xa hdi Domestic violence (n): bao luc gia dinh Social conscience (n): y thtrc xa hdi Social networking sites (n): trang mang xa hdi Social and community centres (n): trung tam van héa cong déng A multicultural society (n): x4 hdi da van hoa Minority groups (n): dan téc thiéu sé Segregate somebody (from somebody) (v): c6 lap ai do To discriminate (on the grounds of something) (v): phan, biét Constitute/be a form of racial/race discrimination (v): ¢6 tinh phan biét chung téc Colour bar (n): rao can mau da Asylum seeker (n): ngu@i xin ti nan To grant refugee status (v): dugc trao quyén ti nan to deport somebody (v): truc xuat ai do ¢ To be prejudiced (against/in favour of somebody/something) (v): co dinh kién (ch6ng lai/ Ung hé mét ngudi/mét viéc nao dé) 21 * To integrate into society (v): hoa nhap vao xa hdi * To be socially acceptable (v): dugc xa hdi chap nhan * To develop social skills (v): phat trién ky nang xa hdi * To be poverty-stricken (v): cé hoan canh kinh té dac biét khé khan * Economic migrants (n): di dan kinh té * The consumer society (n): xa hdi tiéu thu * An egalitarian society (n): x4 hdi binh dang * Social mobility (n): su dich chuyén x4 héi * The migration of labour (n): su dich chuyén lao déng * Sweated labour (n): lao déng chan tay * Socio-economic changes (n): cac thay déi vé kinh té xa hdi * The grass roots (n): ngudi tang thap ¢ Industrial action (n): dinh céng * Asit-in (n): cuéc biéu tinh ngéi * An outcry (at/over/against something) (n): su phan déi kich liét SPORT & EXERCISE * extreme sports = dangerous sports: thé thao mao hiém to be highly dangerous and life-threatening: nguy hiém va de doa dén tinh mang to involve a high level of risk: lién quan dén mtic d6 rui ro cao bungee jumping/ freediving/ ice climbing/ skydiving/ mountain biking/...: nhay bungee / nhay ty’ do / leo nui bang/ nhay dui / di xe dap leo nui/... team sports >< individual sports: thé thao dng ddi >< thé thao cé nhan to lead a sedentary lifestyle: cé mét Idi séng it van dong to take regular exercis: p thé duc thuéng xuyén to spend more time engaging in physical activities: danh nhiéu thdi gian hon dé tham gia vao cac hoat déng thé chat to keep fit and stay healthy: git’ dang vacé strc khde tét to reduce stress and depression: giam cang thang va tram cam to burn calories and build muscle > maintain a healthy weight: dét calo va xay dung co bap > duy tri mét can nang tot to have the opportunity to develop independence: cé co héi phat trién sy at ¥ 23 to make every possible effort to achieve their goals: cé gang hét sttc dé dat duoc muc tiéu cia ho to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their team: hy sinh ban than vi Igi ich cua ca di to learn valuable life lessons: hoc nhting bai hoc cudc s6ng quy bau to learn how to work effectively in a team environment: tim hiéu cach lam viéc hiéu qua trong méi truéng déi nhom to have the chance to challenge themselves: cé co hdi dé tht thach ban than to push themselves to their limits: day ban than dén gidi han to step out of their comfort zone: budc ra khdi vung thoai mai cua ho to pose a serious threat to ...: dat ra m6t mdi de doa nghiém trong cho ... to suffer from serious injuries or even death: bj thuong nang hodc tham chi tty vong to require special training and specialized gear/ equipment: yéu cau dao tao dac biét va dung cu/ thiét bi chuyén dung to undergo appropriate trai : tra qua qua trinh dao tao phu hop 24 SPACE EXPLORATION * is unlikely to go beyond low-Earth orbit: kho co kha nang vugt ra ngoai quy dao Trai dat tam thap OR Cae eee mule ileleir lect liey+ [4B 1e (oy ea tomelel laf hanh gia dén Tram va tru quéc té © space-shuttle programme (n): chuong trinh tau con thoi. Poe iat) Cole l a well (1+ aT eCol arom Uae mayedaT lam Ua lena lays OTe U RCE Casa Tee en Ct) al cle ATV Cela ela) siéu thanh Virgin Galactic cua Sir Richard Branson passengers will experience weightlessness: hanh khach dugc trai TaN UNM Se aV MRE ao aya ee aya Le Leah offer commercial sub-orbital flights (v): cung cdp cac chuyén bay dudi quy dao exploit spaceship technology (v): khai thac cong nghé tau vi tru new generation of vehicles (n): thé hé phuong tién mdi rockets consume a huge amount of power: tén Itra tiéu thu mét luong Celene arelarale) launch a hypersonic vehicle (v): phong mét phuong tién siéu thanhi PETC uta iil tM lao earl amen a -[OR VU RC Repo Mualclala) (ovo eT at=4 manned space travel (v): cac chuyén bay vd try cé ngudi lai ys governments fund research (v): tai tro cla chinh phu promote innovation (v): thc day nhiing sang kién mdi unravel the mysteries of the universe (v): kham pha sau hon vé nhéing bi an cua va tru pour money into research (v): chi that nhiéu tién vao viéc nghién cru lead to underinvestment (v): dan dén tinh trang dau tu duéi murc the returns in terms of innovation (n): nhiing phat hién mdi funneling taxpayers’ money into more down-to-earth projects (v): chia tién cla ngudi dong thué vao cdc dy an thy té hon contribute to the public good (v): dong gdp vao lai ich céng cong crucial to societies’ well-being: diéu quan trong déi véi hanh phuic xa hdi. derive benefits (v): thu dugc Idi nhuan satellite imagery (n): hinh anh vé tinh commercialising space (v): thuong mai héa khéng gian scientific pursuits (n): cac nghién ctu khoa hoc uncover remarkable information (v): tiét 16 nhiing thong tin dang chuy geological evolution of Mars (n): tién héa dia chat cua sao Hoa the market seems vulnerable: thi trudng nay kho bén viing space tourism is a luxury service: du lich vG tru 1a mét dich vu xa xi 26 GOVERNMENT Government (n): Chinh phu Policy (n): chinh sach Politician (n): chinh tri gia Bipartisan (adj): co su lién quan cua ca 2 dang chinh tri Civil liberty (n): quyén ty do cla céng dan Coalition (n): sy lién minh Constitution (n): hién phap Democracy (n): ché d6 dan chu Human rights (n): quyén con ngudi Incumbent (n): ngudi dung nhiém Prime minister (n): thu tudng Republic (n): nén céng hoa Government body (also a government agency): Co quan chinh pha Propose legislation: Dé xudat, lam luat mdi Political corruption: Tham nhGng chinh tri Government money = public money = national budgets = state budgets = government funding: ngan sach nha nudéc Financial resources: cac ngu6n luc tai chinh Government incentives: trg cap cla chinh phu Tax revenue: thu nhap thué Foreign aid budget: ngan sach vién tr¢ nudc ngoai ¢ Government priority: su uu tién cla chinh phu * Government bailout: ctru tr¢ tai chinh ¢ Welfare benefit/payment: tién tr¢ cap phuc Idi * Raise/cut taxes: tang/giam thué * Help from the state = government help: su git dé ttr chinh ph 27 oe > a ES) Ve a were FOOD & DIET wot | * to go ona diet: an kiéng * to contain lots of vitamins & minerals: chia nhiéu vitamin va khoang chat * processed or refined foods: thurc pham ché bién sadn hoac da duoc tinh ché * to be high in refined sugars: chtra nhiéu duéng tinh luyén * to be harmful to the brain: cé hai cho ndo * mood disorders: sur rdi loan tam trang free radicals: cac géc tu do * to regulate sleep andjappetite: diéu chinh gidc ngu va sy them an * to play an essential role in:..: dong mGt vai tro thiét yéu trong ... * unprocessed grains: ngii céc chua qua ché bién * to contain modest amounts of...: dé chtfa mét lung vira phai.... * natural probiotics: men vi sinh tunhién « to pay attention to...: chu y dén ... * to properly function: hoat déng hiéu qua * to have no nutritional value: khéng co gia tri dinh dudng * to contain essential vitamins: chtra cdc vitamin thiét yéu * to be loaded with...: chia ... * to pose a health risk: gay nguy hiém cho strc khde * canned foods: d6 hép * to contain toxic chemicals: cht’a cac hda chat déc hai * to be nutritious: b6 dudng frozen food: thyrc phdam déng lanh * safe preservatives: cac chat bdo quan an toan * to have a balanced diet: cd mét ché dé dn can bang * to maintain a healthy weight: duy tri mét can nang hgp ly pcverconsumption fast food: tié éu thie an nhanh os RENTER. 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