Bal Nikate Biology

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\ ~~UAL TERM 11 (202 l - 22)
CLASS- "\.l
Time: 2 hrs
Max. l\farks: 35
General instructions:
I. All qu<.>stions arc compuls~H-~'
2. The question paper has three sections and 13 questions. All questions arc
3. Section-A has 6 questions of 2 marks eacl~; Scc_tion-B has 6 questions of 3 marks
each and Scction-C has a case-based question of 5 marks.
-t. There is no overall choice. llo\\eYc1·. internal choices have been provided in some
quc,s lions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
5. \Vherever necessary, neat and properly labeled diagrams should be drawn.


_Ql -Name the fluid filled double membranous layer surrounds the lungs and mentions its
·7 important functions.
ame the blood component which is vicious and straw coloured fluid and give its
constituents . Q.Y C~"')""-" \ . .-
\\'hat arc uccupati,onal rcspirato1y disorders'? Gj, c two e.1<-a111p_le~ of such disorders.
\\'hich hormone deficiency causes diabetes mellitus? Give two symptoms of it and how
it can be treated?
_ fiifferentiate between estrogen and progesterone (write 2 points)
Q4 ) Energy is released during th_e oxidation of compounds in respiration. How is this energy
--:: stored and release as and when it is needed?
Q5-.) A perso'n visited ~gricultural fields and observed that the growth yield of sugarcane is
very low and discussed the application of some PGRS for increasing crop yield.
a) \\bat are PGRs?
b) How can the yield of sugarcane be increased?
V,/hat is meant by bolting in piants? Why GA3 is used in brewing indush-y?
.Q6 Gi\ e four significances of mitosis
' .

How does hypoglycemia q1uscd in humans? State one example and one function of each
7 mincraloco7-ticoid and glucocorticoid . .
QR Dcscl'ibe the f'olluwing \\'1.mlR in the context of" Prophasc I of Meiosis I cell division,
u) Synnpsis h) Bivalenl c) Chiasmata
Q9 Ans\\ ~r the following.:
a) NdlllL' the major site where RBC.s are formed.
h) \\ hich p;irt l,r liL·t1rt i~ 1\·spon~ihle for initiatin g and maintaining its rhythmic activity?
c) \\ ' lwt i~ spccllk i11 1111.• heart of' crrn.:odik <.; ,1111011g reptilians? (:r'
01{ ~~'-\..>-
Di~llllgui:-h bc1wccn ~
cl1' IR\ and IR\
b) ln~pirntnry capacity c1lld expiratory capacity.
,,;3) \'ital capacity and Total lung capacity. .
~Describe the process or glycols is and where it occurs.
Qj..i/1.tkntion two functions of each Auxin, Gibbcrcllins and Ethylene.
: ~ a) Sarcu1Lm1ma, sarcoplasm and sarcoplasmic reticulum refer to a particular type of
cell in our body. Which is this cell and to what pa11s of that cell do these names
refer to? Give the function of sarcoplasmic reticulum.
b) Draw and label the different components of actin filament.

Q 13 P otorcspiration is a v. asteful pathway that completes wi_th the_Calvin cycle and results in
the ljghrdcJYCT1deilt evolution of CO2. rt is an cx9cptional biochemical pathway as it begin
'-with \\ hat might cons,idc;cd an-e1Toneous rcaction~tThe role of RuBisCOof cx-ccutiug its
~ . ,z: ~ •
intrinsic function in photosynthesis is altered clu1ing photorespiration:\However. this
z_____----------------~----- .
process was a great evolutiona1y success that resulted in a drastic change of the
atmospheric composition.
a) Name organelles involved in the process of photo respiration?
During photorespiration, RuBisCO function as?
~ In C4 plants, photorespiration do not occure due to the presence of?
A' How many carbon fixed by RuBisCO are lost during photorespi.ration?
Kranz anatomy is found in which types of plants?
During photosynthesis, light energy is conve11ccl into chemical energy in a multi protein
complex called photosystem. The thylakoid membrane contains two types of
. -.
· of mult1plc
vi:;,... PS-I ca nd PS - JI an d eac-h o t· t I1cm consist antenm1 proteins
conta1n111g chlorophyll 111 0 I,· I ·
I ol 11cr pigments. These pigments absorb light
eui es am
crn:ruy so tint ti , I
~ • c ic Piotosystcm can CcllTY out light-dependent or independent
a) What are the products of 1ight dependent reactions?
b) When PS-\ function.
c) Name different photosynthetic pigmcnts.
d) Besides water and CO 2 , which is morc csscntia\ a I°<\\\ matcr\a\ llw f\)Q,i fonm\\ll.:m
e) Which light is more effective in photosynth~s\s·~


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