Chemistry Class 11

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1t, .ul flit· foHo,v· .
mg 111strue t·urns carefully
1 Jh ·1 are 12 .· . . . . . . . •
lJUCSlH~ns m this question paper with mtcmal choice.
ScctJon A - Q· Nu. 1 to 3 arc very short answer quest10n · -• mar<:s
· carrymg 1 eac h
3. s~ct1on p>- Q . No. 4 to 11 are short answer question . a 3 mark.s eac11L
. carry.mb

4. ~,ection C,- o· No. 12 1s · 5 mar k5

· carrying
· case based question
5· Alf questions are compulsory
6 - Use of log tables and calculator is not allowed.
1 (a) Which two postulates of kinetic molecular theory are only approximations when
appI ied to real gases. sta te.
(h) Name two intennolecular forces that exist between HF molecules in liquid

1 (a) In t<.>rrns of Charle's law explain why-273° C is the lowest possibli:

(b) T-fow 1s the pressure of a gas related to its riensity at a particular tcff_pe1 J •u ·e?
2 (a) Predicl the sign of entropy (positive or negative) for cnanges of states
(i) I2 (g) ~ I2 (s) •
(ii) C-(graphite) ~ C (diamond) •
(b) Define intensive property
3 (a) Why alkai metals impart colour to flame?
(b) What makes lithium to show prope1ties uncommon to the rest of alkali metals?
4 (a) which of the following metal is having least melting point?
(i) Na (ii) K (iii) Rb (iv) Cs

Give reason also.

(b) What happens when sodium metal is dropped in water.
(Write down chemical reaction for it)
~ (a) Write down mere sin• o d r of mob1hll ofalk It mc•1I ions in aqueous so
( 1t\ c reason
Rb 'N l • I . '
(b) Why the rnctn II ic dw,1c1cr or a group incrc:1scs down the group.

5 (a) for thl! rt:action

2CI (g) ___. Cl2 (g)

What are c.igns of 6 11 and 6 S?

(b) What is a isothermal process?
(c) Define heat capacity

) For the reaction

2A(g)_._B(g) __. 2 D(g)
0 I\ -1
6. C ==--10.5kJ and Ll S==--44.lJK

Calculate f:.,G 0 for the reaction and predicts whether the reaction may occur

-1 -1
spontaneously. (R==8.314 JK mo! )
6 2.9 g of gas at 95° C occupied the same volume as 0.184g of dihydrogen at J7°cat

the same pressure. -What is the molar mass of the gas?

7 (i) Why Boron and Aluminium tend to fonn covalent compounds?
(ii) Aluminium Chloride exist as dimer. Give reason and draw structure.
8 (i) White fumes appear around the bottle Of anhydrous aluminium chloride.

Give reason
(ii) Why + I oxidation state is more stab Ie than +3 oxidation state for thallium?

(iii) Solid Co2 is called dry ice. Give reason.


(I) CO2 is a gas where as Si02 is a solid . Expl ain

(ii) Why PbX2 is more stable than PbX4

(iii) Write down the hybridisation in (a) [B(OH 4)(

i1te dqwn l llPAC'
, name of
~;l{ ~
C:H3 C
I I 3
ii) 'Al . ,
nte shcJrt note on "'W Urtz. Reaction
iii) Complete th c gi.vcn reaction
I •

Cl l3COONa 1• NaOI { Ca0,630K

1O (i) Cl13-CH-·CI-{z-1 I !Br Dark

Absence of peroxide
What are A and B
(ii~ Draw cis and trans isomers of hex-2- ene. Which isomer will have higher boiling
point and why?

11 (i) How will you convert Ethyne into Benzene?

(ii) What do you mean by polymerisation?
(iii) Write down Friedel Crafts alkylation reaction.
11 (i) Complete the given reactions
,. ' ,..., .r
1 ·+"
l..,1· 1.4U2 Mo 2 0 3


(c) Hm,v will you prepare Propanal and Pentan-3-one from an alkene in ozonolysis 1,rocess.

Write down reaction.


Read the passage given below and answer the question that follow.
Equilibrium i~ the state at which the concentrations of reactants and products do not
change with time. Equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction i~ the value of its
reaction quotient at chemical equilibrium. The equilibrium constant (k) expression
involves t~e concentrations or partial pressure of the reactants and products·. The units
<;>f K will depend upon the number of moles of reactants and products involved in the
reaction. When total number of moles of product is equal to tlie total no. of moles of

reactants, K has no units.

JO M and N0=2


(c) D t nmn K t1 n

2sO (g) 02(s) 2S0 ( )

.Kp=J.4 bar-I at I 000 (

-I -I
R=0.083 L bar mol K

(d) When value of K> I 0 3 , out of reactant and product which OOC; piedoeM 21

concenttation at that time.

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