Templates For Responding To A Customer Complaint v1.1

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Reminder to an Incident Responding to a customer complaint

Dear [Customer name],
We sincerely Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Be assured, our technical team is already working on your request and will get back with their feedback
as soon as practically possible.
2. Ask more details to customer
Dear [Customer],
With regards to your Service Request/Incident, we need the below information to investigate and
 [Detail you input]
3. Follow up with a customer on questions
Dear [Customer name],
Further to our previous response, kindly provide the requested details for further
resolution/Investigation. we’d be happy to assist you in any case.
4. Providing the answer to a customer issue/query
Dear [Customer name],
Please find below, detailed response to your issue/query
[Detail your answer, providing helpful insight into why an issue happened or background on company
If you have any more questions or come across any other issue, let us know, we will be happy to help.
5. 1st Follow up with a customer email
Dear [Customer name],
We had provided an update to your Issue/Query earlier, Kindly let us know if you need any additional
help. If not, then can we proceed to close this ticket.
6. 2nd Follow up with a customer email
Dear [Customer name],
We wanted to check in with you regarding the issue you had the other day. Kindly let us know if you
need any additional help. If not, then can we proceed to close this ticket
7. Thanking a customer for positive feedback
Dear [Customer name],
Thank you for positive feedback, it further motivates our team to continuously improve service and it’s
always rewarding to hear kind words.
8. Ticket closing email
Dear [Customer name],
Thank you so much for your response, we will now be proceeding to close this ticket. if you face any
further issue please write back to us
9. Response to customer suggestions and improvements
Dear [Customer name],
We thank you for your request and your interest in improving the Shared Govt TAMM CRM. Your
request has been added to development proposals in future releases. And we will inform you when the
feature is added soon.
10. No response from customer after multiple reminders
Dear [Customer name],
Since we did not hear back from you, we assume you don’t need any further assistance, hence we are
going ahead and closing this ticket. In case you need any further assistance, please feel free to write
back to us
11. Response for CRM system slowness
Dear [Customer name],
Request you to please verify the below points from your end and let us know if you face any other issue,
 Verify the connection at home by visiting speedtest.net to check your internet speed
 If you are in the office, please coordinate with the internal IT department to check outgoing
connection to TAMM CRM and if they face any issues please inform them to communicate with
 If you have any VPN software installed, suggest disabling it while working on TAMM CRM
 If you face any issues, please record the time of the issue and share it with us and we can verify
from our end once again.
12. Response for USD slowness
Dear [Customer name],
We tried replicating the issue at our end, but it is not reproducible, can you please answer our following
 What is the version of the USD which the affected agents are using?
 Is it the same USD version installed on other agents who do not face this issue?
 Does it happen to the agents even after they have cleared cache and app data of the USD?
 If agent is working from home, then ask agent to verify the connection at home by visiting
speedtest.net to check internet speed.
 If agent is in the office, please coordinate with the internal IT department to check outgoing
connection and if they face any issues please inform them to communicate with ADNET.
 If you have any VPN software installed, suggest disabling it while working on TAMM CRM
 If agent face any issues, please record the time of the issue and share it with us and we can verify
from our end once again.

13.Response for ongoing fix
Dear [Customer name],
We are working on the fix. Once it is completed and tested then we will move this fix to production.
14.Browser Issue
Dear [Customer name],
Thank you for writing us and sorry for the inconvenience that you have faced.
This seems to be a browser issue which user face sometimes. In order to resolve this, we request you to
please try to follow below steps:
 Clear your browser history and cache
 Logout and login again in TAMM-CRM
After following above steps still, you will face the same issue, please revert to us, we will help you out.
15.Out of Office (SGS ID Only)
Dear Sender,
Thanks for your mail. I am out of office and will have no or limited access to my email.
I will reply to your email on my return to the office on [Date]
In case of any issue, please write back to ServiceDesk@sgssupport.abudhabi.ae

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