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») Sigma E-Tech Solutions ‘Seren whee yon step qiting ° © DEE Ble, 14h ose Oftce No © 01762.527546, 091 7657227936, «91 9865801505. wor sigmaselition of fet. to, Pspl2022IAFO728Isupervsor ote. e222, ‘Supervisor Arvind Haridwar Dear Arvind ‘Sub: Provisional Offer letter(hereinafter “OfferLetter") fortheposition of Supervisor. Kindly refer to your job appication with Sigma E-Tech Solutions, we are happy to offer you the position of Supervisor in our Company on the following terms anc conditions: 4 ‘Your Total Fixed CTC is Rs. 3.00,000/-per annum (enei, annexure A.) Thisis the total cost to Company and all necessary taxes will be deducted at source along with all statutory deductions. If you are covered under theProvident Fund Scheme, then the employer contribution to the provident fund shall be met out of the above saidsalary. 2. Performance Linked Incentive (PLI) is completely based on performance and target achieved by ‘employee's and basis company's requirement, reimbursement can also be provided to you. Theso are awards which may bewithdrawn anytime upon company’s discretion. 3. You will be governed by the Company's Personnel Policy, Code of Conduct, Non-Disclosure ‘Agreement and allother Company polices as applicable to you from time to time. 4. You wil be expected to join duty between December 15 to 18, 2022 the Business hours begins from 9.30 AM. onwards. 5. You shat be initially deputed at Haridwar. The Company may at Its sole discretion, change ‘your Job role & joblocation invimating to you in advance based on business requirement. 6. Tho company obsorves a6 day work week and you should inform your non availabilty in advance. Any absence for consecutive 3 days without prior approval will be treated as un-authorized absence from the work andCompany has the right to terminate your engagement and take necessary egal action against you. © scanned with OKEN Scanner @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ») Sigma E-Tech Solutions : pr te 7. During your period of ngagemant with the Company, wo do not allow any direct or inroct association by you with any other company/person/entity whatsoovar, such as agont, consultant and other business association underDual employment policy and code of conduct. In case of any breach company has right to take disciplinary action including legal/palice action. 8. The Company doos not promote and hiro relatives in tho Company, members of a personal immediate family (defined as parents, childran, spouse and siblings and other relatives) howover such cases can ba considered ascaso to caso basis at times with certain condition and prior approval 9. Inaddtions to the torms contained herein, your relationship with Sigma E-Tech Solutions may be subject to such otheraddtional terms and conditionas may becommunicated to you time to time. 10. This offer is subject to successful clearance of your background check which Company may do pre or post yourjcining and in caso of any negative report the Company may take any necessary action which may also lead to termination, 11. Thisisa fixed term employment agreement between you and the Company. This ono yoar ‘employmentagreement may bo considered for an extension at the sole discretion of the Company. 12. A detailed brief on KRAs and scope of work will be given to you on joining. 13. You shall be on probation for a period of six (6) months. During this period, your performance shall be subject to reviow. In case your performance Is not considered satisfactory, the probation could be extended for suchduration as determined by the management. During or at the end of the probation period, management shait have the right to dispense with your services without any notice ‘or assigning any reason thereo! and without paying any compensation or separation benefits thereol. 14. Notwithstanding any of the clauses of this leter, the management reserves the right to terminate this engagement without giving any notice or assigning any reasons whatsoever during your probation period. You willbe at iberty to resign from the services during probation period alter giving 15 Days’ notica in writing or subject to written approval from HR department on payment of equivalent salary. Alter confirmation In writing / successful completion of your probation period, ‘management reserves the right to terminate this engagement after giving you 1 month notice or salary intiew thereo! without assigning any reason thereo!. Similarly, you will be at liberty to resign from the services alter giving 1 month notice In writing or subject to written approval from HR department on payment of equivalent salary to the organization in liew thereot for the un-explred period of notice, During yournatice pariod you shall not take any leave whether due to you or not ‘without prior sanction. Any request for relleving from work before completion of notice period, would be subject to availablity of alternate resource for taking proper handover of the work from you. Any urorotessonal behavior orlackndasica auhuze during note pated wt resin rmination of your services. 416. Notwithstanding th preceding cause, your engagement may be tominated Yor cause’ at any time without any notice. For the purpose of this agreement termination ‘or cause’ includes, but is not limited to, any of the following: {i theft (i falsification of time or other employment records (ii) dishonest act(s) ('v) negligence (v) incompetence (vi) insubordination (vi) failure of follow work rules and policies (viil) excessive absentecism or tardiness (ix) disloyalty (&) lack of cients, work or business. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner e Sigma E-Tech Solutions il 16. Adotalled engagement letter will be issued to you on your joining and your terms of the engagement with the Company shail be detailed out in such engagement ktter. 17. Please confimm your acceptance of this Offer Letter by emall within the next two working days, {ailing which thisotfer will automatically stand withdrawn. 18. Within three days of accepting our offer you ara required to send us the copy of your resignation letter duly accepted by your current organization tailing which company resorves its right to withdraw this olfer letter. This lattorhas been Issued to you on the understanding that there is nothing in your past record which should have prevented our Company to olfer you this employment contract. however, itis found that your past record is objectionable ori! you have wilfully suppressed any material, Information or Il any declaration given by you to the Company Is falsa, In such a caso, then this Offer Lettor may bo withdrawn by the Company without any notice or compensation in liow thereo! 19. Youare requested to carry the following documents in original at the time of joining for verification and a copyot the sama for submission. High School and Senlor Secondary Certificates and Mark sheets Graduation / Post Graduation certificate(s) along with mark shoots Experience cartiicate and salary sip from last employer. Biood Group. Rolieving carlilicate from last employer. 3 Passport Size Photographs. Form 16 from last employer. Photo identity Proof, PAN Number, Aadhaar Card 20. Your employment and salary processing Is subject to timely submission, validation and completion of Joiningforms / documents / proofs and background verification dearance. 21, We as a Company do not charge any fee/amount for hiring andalso do not ask eny agency engaged by us forthe same. 22. Without Prejudice, please note that the Company reserves its right to withdraw this offer made to you beloreracelpt of your acceptance of the same, without providing any reason to you. 23. {1s your responsiblity to communicate in writing to Company about any changes in your following mode ofcommunications, as and when required. a. Contact Number/Mobile Number, b. Residential Address. ©. Personal E-mail ID 24. The courts al New Dethl shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction aver any disputes arising under this OtferLetter. ‘Your employment agreement at Sigma E-Tech Solutions will be subject to ratification of the above. We look forward to welcoming you aboard Sigma E-Tech Solutions. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Sigma E-Tech Solutions 25. The target provided by he supervisor you need to complete target vathin month(drstrbution of ills door to door) 26 you collect any amount pubicly on the name of duty stict acton wal be taken against you 27. An electronic machine wil be provided to you which you have to return back after completion of proy Thanks, HR, ‘Sigma E-Tech Solutons @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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