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Christ–centered Worship
by Bryan Chapell

Reviewed by Renz Domenique Gulimlim

MDiv Pastoral Studies

I. Who is the Author?

Bryan Chapell, the author of this book has PhD in Southern Illinios University. He is the

president of Covenant Theological Seminary, a former pastor and a widely traveled speaker. He

is the author of numerous books including the bestselling Christ–centered Preaching.

II. What is the intent of the Author?

Bryan´s intention was to make us understand the essence of Liturgy, why we do such programs

and what is its roots or basis. He takes us down to the earliest tradition of different Liturgical

program and allow us to understand more of what we do and why we do our Liturgical services.

He tends to show us the significance of the Gospel in every part of the traditional liturgy. Chapell

walks through every detail of the service and provides an example of each worship services

including its basis throughout the Scriptures.

III. What did you learn from the Book?

The book gave me a flashback of how Church Liturgy was done during the early days of

Christianity. and somehow as I read through it, I´ve learned to appreciate it more, because back

then especially when I was younger, seeing the traditional way of the Evangelicals in doing

church programs seems boring to me. Feels "old school" in a way, especially if you will compare
to more contemporary programs nowadays. however, as I read the book, I realized how the

traditional liturgical ways are designed to portray Theological concepts, in other words, they

serve a specific purpose. and so, I now value their solemnity and decency, the book paved way

for me to appreciate the beauty and essence of liturgical programs.

IV. How does it challenge you about worship?

I have never looked at our church´s program and carefully assessed it, until now, I mean, for a

long time it never dawned on me that these traditional liturgies has profound meaning in them,

and so I´m actually thinking, do we really need to eliminate or replace some parts of these "old

ways"?. I´m not saying that their system are better or holier than what we are doing today. but

when you think about it, the traditional liturgies are so rich in essence and meaning that

somehow it makes me think, is it really necessary to set aside all of these things? If we will think

about the way we do our program, have we really spent enough time to evaluate it? have we

gone too far from what it used to be that we have been losing the essence of liturgy itself?. To be

honest, I was thinking about this lately, and I´m considering to take a look at our program and

re–assess what we´ve been doing, not to completely change everything, but for us to learn to dig

behind the purpose of why we do what we do.

V. In what ways does the book enlarge your thinking about worship?

It has changed my way of looking at the traditional ways of liturgies. There´s this utmost respect

that I have now for them compared before, in fact even in the ways that the Roman Catholic do

their worship services, I cannot take away the prestige and decency in how they conduct their

worship programs. Now I´m not trying to focus on "outward things" and set aside what matters
most which is the hearts of the worshipers, but isn´t it better if do our best on both ends?.

Because to be honest, I think there are things in our worship programs that we do in a

substandard manner, in at least in our congregation. so my point is, if we can do it in absoulute

best, why not?, as a common phrase goes, "di pwedeng, pwede na", especially when you realize

how much thinking, preparation and devotion has been invested in the traditional liturgy.

VI. Does the book help you plan and execute worship?

Absolutely, especially that the author was able to give practical advise and examples of the

different liturgical programs. I now have a reference, I somehow have an idea where to start,

what to check and in what ways can I improve the quality of our liturgical service. And above

all, the book encouraged me to go back to the message of the Gospel, since it is the message

where our salvation stands firm, it´s the message where the core of our hope lies upon. And so I

would also implore not just in our worship team but in the entire congregation to remind

ourselves everyday of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, because there´s a high chance that

overfamiliarity have already led us to lose the essence of it. and so I would go back to our first

love and remind ourselves of the reason why we´re all doing these programs.

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