Theo 3 - Reflection #2

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Gulimlim, Renz Domenique B.

Theology 3

Dr. George Capaque

Reflection #2

It is quite interesting to see the different models of churches being defined in the article I´ve read,

which as a Pastor I could relate with some of it. I think for the most part, I can see our congregation as a church

that serves and acts as a fellowship. In the past 2 years, where the entire country struggled in dealing with the

Pandemic, I saw how the Lord used our church and other congregations as well in our community to help give

out relief and other financial support to people. During that time, I felt that the church in our community was

really able to uphold itself to be a servant. Also after some time of being with our local church, I can say that we

resemble more of a fellowship model to which we allow our gatherings to be open especially to children which

is probably one of the aspects that our church is more focused on. Since our congregation isn´t that big, like

only around 60 people, we often have time to celebrate by having meals together, celebrating through joyful

songs and music. Our church also is more of involved in street evangelism, which we conduct weekly, so I can

say that as a congregation one our focus is also evangelism through street and house to house method. These are

the models to which our church is more inclined to.

However, there are some aspects to which I think we should be able to balance too. Like the part where

we should operate as a Teacher. On this note, according to the article this model is mainly about learning and

helping to understand more of what it means to be a Christian. During church services, the songs, prayers and

everything else in the service leads to the main point, which is the sermon. In it, sound teaching is ought to be

given and applied to life. I´m not saying that our church does not provide sound teaching, I just think we can do

more improvement when it comes to broadening the mind and understanding of our congregation with regards

to the scripture and its entirety. I also think that since our church has more young people than older one´s I

believe that teaching and equipping them would be vital for the next generation of believers. I personally
believe that what the article said regarding the different models is true, that the church should be functioning a

part of each models. There´s always a balance to be checked, so that the church wouldn´t go far beyond of a

certain extreme that it loses its ability to be inclusive and become sectarian.

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