Self Assessment Exercises

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Self-assessment exercises


1. Most other cultures are backward compared to my culture.

2. My culture should be the role model for other cultures.

3. People from other cultures act strange when they come into my culture.

4. Lifestyles in other cultures are just as valid as those in my culture.

5. Other cultures should try to be more like my culture.

6. I am not interested in the values and customs of other cultures.

7. People in my culture could learn a lot from people of other cultures

8. Most people from other cultures just don’t know what is good for them.

9. I respect the values and customs of other cultures.

10. Other cultures are smart to look up to our culture.

11. Most people would be happier if they lived like people in my culture.

12. I have many friends from other cultures.

13. People in my culture have just about the best lifestyles of anywhere.

14. Lifestyles in other cultures are not as valid as those in my culture.

15. I am very interested in the values and customs of other cultures.

16. I apply my values when judging people who are different.

17. I see people who are similar to me as virtuous.

18. I don’t cooperate with people who are different.

19. Most people in my culture just don’t know what is good for them.

20. I don’t trust people who are different.

21. I dislike interacting with people from different cultures.

22. I have little respect for the values and customs of other cultures.
Instructions: Mark (5) if you strongly agree, (4) agree, (3) are neutral, (2) disagree, (1) strongly
disagree with the statement.

Step 1: Add your responses to/scores for items 4,7, 9

Step 2: Add your responses to 1,2,5,8,10,11,13,14,18,20,21,22

Step 3: Substract result from step 1 from 18 (that is 18- step 1)

Step 4: Step 2+step 3 = This is your ethnocentrism score.


1. I am concerned with respectful treatment for both of us.

2. My primary concern is saving my own face.

3. Relationship harmony is important to me,

4. I am concerned with mantaining poise of the other person.

5. Maintaining humbleness to preserve the relationship is important

6. Helping maintain the other person’s pride is important

7. I am concerned with protecting my self-image.

8. My concern is to act humble in order to make the other fell good.

9. My concern is to help the other maintain his/her dignity.

10. I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of the other person.

Instructions: Indicate the degree to which you (5) strongly agree, (4) agree, (3)neutral, (2) disgree, (1)
strongly disgree.

Sum scores for items 2,7, 10. This is your self-face score.

Sum scores for items 4,6,8, 9. This is your other-face score.

Sum scores for items 1,3, 5. This is your mutualface score.


1. I response emotionally when I have conflict with others.

2. I try to understand others with whom I am having a conflict.

3. If someone rejects my ideas during a conflict, I also reject theirs.

4. I act reliably/consistently when trying to manage conflicts with others.

5. I try to get others to agree with me when I have a conflict.

6. I balance emotion with reason when trying to manage conflicts with others.

7. I am not open to being persuaded when I have conflict with others.

8. I consult others before deciding on matters that affect them.

9. I am not as constructive as I could be when I have conflict with others.

10. I try to do what is best for the relationship, even if the person with whom I am having a conflict
does not reciprocate.

Instructions: If an item is slways false, give 1 score, Always true: 5. Reverse responses for odd-
numbered items. Add up all scores. Higher cores, greater potential to sucessfully manage conflict with


1. I oftern find it difficult to differentiate between similar cultures (e.g. Europeans)

2. I feel a sense of belonging to a group of people based on relationship (i.e. Family, friends)
instead of cultural identity (i.e. people from my culture)

3. It find it easier to categorize people based on their cultural identity than their personality.

4. I often notice similarities in personality between people who belong to completely different

5. If I were to put people in groups, I would group them by their cultures rather than by their

6. I feel that people from other cultures have many valuable things to teach me.

7. I feel more comfortable with people from my own culture than with people from other cultures

8. I feel closer to people with whom I have a good relationship, regardless of whether they belong
to my culture or not.

9. I usually feel closer to people who are from my own culture because I can relate to them better.

10. I feel more comfortable with people who are open to people from other cultures than with
people who are not.

11. Most my close friends are from other cultures.

12. I usually change the way I communicate depending on whom I am communicating with.
13. When I interact with someone from a different culture, I usually try to adopt some of his/her

14. Most of my friends are from my own culture.

15. I usually look for opportunities to interact with people from other cultures.

Instructions: Give 5 scores if you strongly strongly agree, 1 strongly disgree.

Reverse responses to items 1,2,7,8,9 and 14. Sum all scores for 15 items. Scores should be 15-75.
Above 55: more IC, below 33: less IC,

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