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Paper / Subject Code: 42907 / Elective - I Micro Electro Mechanical Systems

Be |MTRx | Sem /cBsqsl SH-2018

03 Hrs [Total Marks 80]

(1) Question No.1 is compulsory
(2) Attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions
(3) Figures to right indicate full marks
(4) Assume suitable data if necessary.
(5) Notations carry usual meaning.

Q.1(A) What is MEMS? Explain various applicationsof MEMS 05

(B) Explain LIGA with neat labeled sketches 05
(C) Explain Biomedical sensor used for determination of glucose concentration with neat 05
(D) Explain Bulk Lithography process with neat labeled sketches. State advantages and 05
limitations of the process.

Q.2(A) Write short note on 10

(i) Carbon Nano Tubes
(ii) Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry
(B) Distinguish between positive photo resists and negative photo resists? 05

(C) Write short note on Comb drive ee En 05

Q.3(A) Explain steps jivelved in4 photolithography process. (Note: Draw neat labeled 10
diagrams to explain the process).
(B) Write short note on (1) ot nage sensors (ii) Air bag sensor
s 10

Q. 4 (A) Determine the electrostatic force exehted on a plates (in the direction of length, 10
width and normal) separated by distance 2 microns and having length and width as
1000 micrometer. The e=1.0: for air as dielectric material and ep= 8.85x10°"? C?/N-
m’, V=1V
(B) Explain (i) Chemival Vapour Deposition technique (ii) Nano-Electro-Mechanical 10

Q.5 (A) Explain Scanning Tunnelling Microscopes with neat diagram o 10

(B) Explain the working of Micromotor and list applications. 10

Q.6(A) Write short note on (i) bulk-micromachining (ii) Scaling laws in modeling of MEMS 10
-(B) Explain potential use of silicon dioxide in MEMS 05
(C) Discuss the domestic and industrial application of Nanotechnology. 05

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