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Dated, on the 30th Day of April, 2019

Present:   Sri J. UPENDER RAO, 
              VII Junior Civil Judge, 
              City Civil Court,Hyderabad
ORIGINAL SUIT No. 1774 of 2018
1. M.A. Hakim Sayeed S/o. Late M.A. Hameed,
    Aged: 46 Years, Occ: Business, R/o. Flat No. 401,
    Manzil Castle, House No.8­2­316/8/H/A, Road No.14,
    Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.

2. M.A. Qayyum S/o. Late M.A. Hameed,
    Aged: 36 Years, Occ:Business, R/o. Flat No. 502,
    Manzil Castle, House No.8­2­316/8/H/A, Road No.14,
    Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.
                                … Plaintiffs

Ishtiyak Mohammed S/o. Mohammed Bin Salam,
Aged: 45 Years, Occ: Business, R/o. 11­3­62, 
Mallepally, Hyderabad.
                                                                                           … Defendant 
This   suit   is   coming   on   25.04.2019   before   me   for   final   hearing   in   the
presence   of  Sri   Narasimha   Swamy,  learned   Counsel   for   the   plaintiff   and   the
Right   of   the   defendant   to   file   Written   Statement   is   forfeited,  and   the   matter
having   stood   over   for   consideration   till   this   day,   this   Court   delivered   the
: J U D G M E N T :

The   suit   is   filed   by   plaintiffs   seeking   to   grant   perpetual   injunction

restraining  the defendant, his men, agent, sub  ordinates or any body claiming

through him from interfering with the peaceful possession works, enjoyment of

the plaintiffs in and over the suit schedule property.

2. The brief averments of the plaint are that the plaintiffs are absolute owners

and   possessors   of   the   premises   bearing   No.8­2­603/U/4/1   admeasuring   400

Sq.Yds situated at Road No.10, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad having purchased under

registered Sale deed vide Doc. No. 4068/2014, dated 30.09.20`14 and from the

date   of   purchase  of   the  property,  the  plaintiffs  are  in  peaceful possession  and
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enjoyment of the same as absolute owners without any body interruption.   After

purchase   the   property,   the   plaintiffs   made   residential   building/flats   and   the

defendant came through an agent with intention to purchase the property and

there   was   an   offer   and   acceptance   between   the   plaintiffs   and   defendant   to

purchase flat No.301.  In view of the said acceptance, the unregistered agreement

of   sale   executed   in   between   the   plaintiffs   and   defendant   on   03.11.2014   with

specific   conditions   and   the   defendant   paid   sale   consideration   along   with

agreement of sale and there is a clear undertaking clause that balance of  sale

consideration of Rs. 23,50,000/­ shall be paid in monthly installments form the

date of agreement of sale i.e., November, 2014 to June, 2016 @ Rs. 3,00,000/­

per month and there is an clear understanding that after payment of total amount

the   property   will   be   delivered   and   registered   on   or   before   June,   2016.     After

completion of time also the defendant failed to comply the conditions and apart

from   that   the   defendant   demanded   that   the   plaintiff   shall   do   extra   work,

additional   interior   work   around   worth   of   Rs.   10,00,000/­   on   payment   of

defendant   said   amount   should   be   paid   within   June,   2016   only   but   even   after

completion   of   said   extra   work,   the   defendant   failed   to   pay   amount   to   the

plaintiffs.     As   per   the   agreement,   the   defendant   shall   pay   necessary   expenses

regarding   incidental   charges,   regularization   charges,   fire   equipment   charges

around Rs. 9,50,000/­ but repeated demand made by the plaintiff’s defendant not

paid,   therefore   there   is   a   clear   violation   on   part   of   defendant   in   payment   of

balance sale within stipulated time and started threatening the plaintiffs, creating

nuisance with dire consequences. On 11.05.2018 when the plaintiffs demanded

the defendant for payment of balance sale consideration and granted 30 days time

for payment of total amount with a condition that if the defendant failed to pay

the   balance   sale   consideration   of   installment   amount   the   agreement   stands

canceled and advance sale consideration will be forfeited, for which the defendant
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agreed and accepted the same but failed to comply his promise after completion of

time.  Therefore the plaintiff got issued notice through his counsel that in violation

of conditions as well as failed to pay balance sale consideration, agreement stands

canceled, therefore by virtue of legal notice on 21.08.2018 the agreement dated

03.11.2014 canceled. After issuance of cancellation notice, the defendant started

harassing   the  plaintiffs regarding  schedule property  with   the  assistance of  anti

social elements and trying to get possession illegally with Barkas Goondas but to

the resistance of the plaintiffs, the defendant left away the property by threatening

with dire consequences. Hence the present suit.

3. The right of the defendant to file written statement is forfeited.

4. Now the points for determination are that:

i. Whether the plaintiffs are entitled for perpetual injunction
 as prayed for?

ii. To what relief?

To substantiate the case of the plaintiffs, plaintiff No.2 himself examined as

PW1 and got marked Ex.A1 to A4.  Ex.A1 is the  Mee Seva Copy of the Sale Deed

vide  Doc. No. 4068/2014, dated 30.09.2014, Ex.A2  is the Office copy of legal

notice dated 21.08.2018, Ex.A3 is the Postal receipt dated 21.08.2018 and Ex.A4

is the Electricity Bill cum notice dated 09.12.2017 issued by TSSPDCL.

5. Heard and perused the record.

6. Point No.1:    The learned counsel for the plaintiffs submitted that suit is

filed for perpetual injunction against the defendant restraining the defendant, his

men and agents etc., interfering with the peaceful possession works, enjoyment of

the   plaintiffs   in   and   over   the   suit   schedule   property   as   the   plaintiffs   are   the

absolute owners of the suit schedule property by virtue of registered Sale Deed
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vide Doc. No.4068/2014, dated 30.09.2014 and from the date of purchase the

plaintiffs are in enjoyment of the suit schedule property as the absolute owners

without any body interruption and after purchase of the suit schedule property,

the  plaintiffs made construction of residential  building/flats and  the defendant

came through his agent and accepted to purchase the said flat No. 301 and an

unregistered agreement of sale executed in between the plaintiffs and defendant

on 03.11.2014 with specific conditions and paid part sale conditions  and there is

a clear undertaking/clause that balance of sale consideration of Rs. 23,50,000/­

shall be paid in monthly installments from the date of agreement of sale i.e., since

from November, 2014 to June, 2016 @ Rs.3,00,000/­ per month but failed to

comply the same and further the defendant demanded the plaintiffs that they shall

do extra work and additional interior work around worth of Rs. 10,00,000/­ on

payment of said amount and the same is to be paid within June, 2016 only but

even after completion of said extra work also the defendant failed to pay the same

and as per the agreement the defendant shall pay necessary expenses regarding

incidental   charges,   regularization   charges,   fire   equipment   charges   around   Rs.

9,50,000/­ but failed to pay the same even after repeated demands and defendant

neither   paid   the   balance   sale   consideration   as   agreed   by   him   nor   vacated   the

premises, hence there is clear violation of terms and conditions of the agreement,

as such the plaintiffs got issued a legal notice through their counsel on 21.08.2018

canceling the agreement dated 03.11.2014, after issuance of cancellation notice,

the defendant along with his henchmen and goondas tried to interfered with the

possession of the plaintiffs and illegally trying to take forcible possession of the

suit schedule property.  

7. On   perusing   the   documents   filed   by   plaintiff   i.e.,   Ex.A1   to   A4   and

considering   the   unchallenged   evidence   of   PW1,   this   Court   is   of   opinion   that

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plaintiffs have proved their prima facie case and balance of convenience in their

favour.   Having regard to the above submissions, this court holds that it is a fit

case   to   grant   injunction   in   favour   of   the   plaintiffs   against   the   defendant

restraining   the   defendant   from   interfering   with   the   peaceful   possession   of   the

plaintiffs over the suit schedule property.  Accordingly point is answered in favour

of the plaintiffs and against the defendant.

8. Point No.2:    In the result, the suit is decreed without costs restraining  the

defendant, his men, agent, sub ordinates or any body claiming through it from

interfering with the peaceful possession works, enjoyment of the plaintiffs in and

over the suit schedule property.

         Typed to My Dictation by Stenographer, Corrected and Pronounced by me in the open Court on the
30th Day of April, 2019.
                                                                         VII JUNIOR CIVIL JUDGE,
                  CITY CIVIL COURT :: HYDERABAD

FOR PLAINTIFFS:                                      FOR DEFENDANT:

PW1: M.A. Qayyum        ….None....

Ex.A1 is the  Mee Seva Copy of the Sale Deed vide Doc. No. 4068/2014,
           dated 30.09.2014

Ex.A2 is the Office copy of legal notice dated 21.08.2018

Ex.A3 is the Postal receipt dated 21.08.2018 

Ex.A4 is the Electricity Bill cum notice dated 09.12.2017 issued by 

         ...Nil...                                         Sd/­    
                                                                     VII JUNIOR CIVIL JUDGE
                  CITY CIVIL COURT :: HYDERABAD

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