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Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371

CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D

Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

Project Portfolio


Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184


Section 1: Establish effective workplace relationship processes....................................................4

Section 2: Manage effective workplace relationships....................................................................7
Section 3: Monitor and review management of workplace relationships....................................13
Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

Student name:


Date: 01/09/2022

Business this assessment is Boutique Build Australia

based on:

Team/work unit within the


BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 3

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

Section 1: Establish effective workplace relationship processes

1. Describe the organisation you are basing this assessment on.

a. Provide an overview of the organisation and product/services/programs.
Ans: Boutique Build Australia Pty Ltd is a shop building organization situated in
Sydney that has practical experience in the plan and work of excellent fashioner homes
for the Sydney metropolitan and encompassing regions. The organization has been
functional for a long time for four years.
b. What are the values and goals of the organisation?
Ans: The main aim of the organisation is to become the number one boutique home
builder in Australia.
c. Describe your job role.
Ans: The Human Resource Manager will lead and direct the standard elements of the
Human Resources (HR) division including recruiting and meeting staff, regulating pay,
advantages, and leave, and authorizing organization strategies and practices.
d. Explain how your job role takes responsibility for formulating, organising and
implementing plans, processes and strategies.
Ans: HR directors have a large number of responsibilities and continually moving
needs. As a HR supervisor, you may be liable for recruitment, onboarding, profession
advancement, execution surveys, remuneration and advantages and worker relations,
among different undertakings.
e. Explain how your job role applies the values and goals of your organisation.
Ans: HR the board helps overcome any barrier between representatives' exhibition and
the association's essential targets. Human asset activities contribute altogether to the
progress of an association. Consequently, human asset the executives has arisen as a
well-known course of study.

Note: Your job role should be a leadership or management position that plays a prominent
role in establishing and managing processes and procedures to support workplace
relationships. As part of your role, you should use complex and diverse methods and
procedures, a range of problem solving and decision-making strategies and exercise a
considerable amount of judgement.
If you are using the case study, assume the role of HR Manager.

2. Summarise the legislative requirements relevant to managing and leading workplace


BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 4

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

a. Summarise any legislation relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.

 Copyright Act 1968
 Privacy Act 1988
 Work Health and Safety Act 2011
 Disability Discrimination Act
b. Summarise any regulations relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.
 Every one of the representatives are supposed to play out their assignments
skilfully, unbiasedly and persistently for improved aftereffects of the
organization projects.
 All the staff individuals ought to be directed by the standards noted in code of
conduct for the organization.
 In the event that the Human asset the board or some other staff questions the
staff's utilization of the set of rules, a disciplinary course will be taken with
senior individuals of staff associated with the case.
 All Boutique Build Australia staff are expected to notice the laws of the nation
state, and Commonwealth while at work environment or outside the
organization. Inability to observe the regulations, the organization won't be
obligated for the staff's errors.
 All staff ought to really get to know the organization's strategies, systems, and
c. Summarise any codes relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.
Ans: Avoiding discrimination on grounds like age, race, sex, pregnancy, sexuality,
ethnic foundation, identity, inability, political conviction, strict conviction, or different
grounds covered by pertinent regulation.
d. Summarise any standards relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.
 During navigation, choices ought to be made with decency, unbiasedness and
with next to no predisposition and the best data gave should the perspective.
 Records like minutes, notes, voice accounts and different documentations ought
to be kept as a kind of perspective for choices made
 Each worker ought to zero in on accomplishing the most elevated conceivable
norm of execution.

3. Identify organisational requirements relevant to managing and leading workplace

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 5
Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

As a minimum, your organisation must have policies and procedures that address diversity,
ethical conduct, conflict management and workplace collaboration.

a. Summarise policies and procedures that address diversity.

 Select workers no matter what their social, etymological and public foundations.
 Reward and advance representatives based on their exhibition and not the
relationship with the administration.
 Continuously report any kind of segregation or provocation for activity and
avoidance for future episodes.
 There will be variety champions which make up a variety panel will
continuously be set up to guarantee that variety strategy is verbalized in
everyday exercises of the organization.
 All workers will go through racial awareness coaching that will help bringing
issues to light about issues encompassing variety and creating variety the
executives abilities.
b. Summarise the policies and procedures that address ethical conduct.
 Acknowledgment of every representative's one of a kind capacities, encounters
and qualities to their work
 Establish and encourage a strong climate wherein each worker can understand
their potential no matter what their disparities
 Perceive the significance of reflecting variety of the clients in the market no
matter what their disparities in nationality, orientation, language, age, sexual
direction, religion, financial status, physical and mental capacity, thinking styles,
insight, and training.
c. Summarise the policies and procedures that address conflict management.
 Representatives should guarantee their struggles are first tackled with
incorporation of their manager while at first stages
 Representatives, bosses and directors shouldn't raise yet rather give direction,
tutoring and training administrations in instances of struggles to forestall extra or
future issues
 In struggle settling, every one of the individuals included ought to keep up with
classification every one of the times
 All chiefs ought to have the option to recognize, forestall and resolve any issue
as soon as possible before they go to be complaints

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 6

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

 The administrators will treat all representatives and volunteers with

reasonableness, similarly and unafraid of terrorizing from their further seniors

 The administrators will treat all representatives and volunteers with

reasonableness, similarly and unafraid of terrorizing from their further seniors

d. Identify and describe the required processes for workplace collaboration from relevant
policies and procedures.
System creation is a helpful cooperation. Gathering the commitment of all divisions
included, and then, managing the modifying and study of different draft versions to
appear at a convincing 'upheld' structure requires a level of joint effort that is routinely
underserved by messages and voice messages alone. If predictable emails, and logically
tense voice message messages aren't winding up suitable, this moment is the best
opportunity to ponder your method for managing participation.
e. Summarise any other relevant workplace documentation and resources available for
workplace relationships (e.g communications policy and procedure, performance review
policy and procedure).
Correspondences strategy and method archives contain rules that are intended to give
organization staff direction for taking care of organization data either from outside or
inward sources. This implies significant data ought to be shared when vital either to
clients or partners.
Execution survey strategy and method archive contains rules that guarantees there is
reliable methodology that is followed while leading Annual execution audits. It conveys
the occupation related abilities and information, capabilities and ways of behaving
during work hours. The administration utilizes the organization norms to rate the
workers against their presentation.

f. Attach the policies and procedures to this section of your portfolio as proof.
Communication Policy

Channel Purpose

Project, work or activity All plans ought to be refreshed to show culmination of

plans each activity/cycle or assignment.

Feedback Normal casual criticism ought to be given either by

means of a discussion (face to face or phone) or

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 7

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

through survey remarks on records.

Staff Bulletin This contains Information from the chief to staff which
is significant and applicable to their inclinations,
including preparing, business opportunities and
significant declarations.
Commitments for the Staff Bulletin should be
supported ahead of time by the patron's pertinent
director prior to being shipped off the correspondences
official for audit and consideration.

Staff Survey They used to collect information and feedback from all
the staff members. Surveys should be send through
email link.

Boutique Build Australia The intranet gives significant data to staff in an

intranet effectively open area.
The intranet is to be utilized for passing on data which
is significant and applicable from the leader group to
staff. It is the obligation of the individual contributing
the substance to guarantee the substance is
authentically right. All commitments should be
endorsed ahead of time by the patron's applicable.

Enterprise social networks These might be utilized by gatherings of staff to team

(e.g. Facebook, Yammer) up and impart on projects on the web (for example to
share and remark on business related thoughts, news
and exercises). Individual utilization of these stages
may not be utilized during work hours. Utilization of
these organizations should agree with the social media

Meetings and conversations The main choice ought to continuously be a discussion

(face-to-pro, phone and so on.). On the off chance that
the discussion incorporates significance, results, cut off
times, exchange, results and so forth, they should be
trailed by a synopsis email or record.
Staff gatherings are generally one time per month.
Group gatherings might be one time per week. Project
gatherings are as indicated by the necessities of the
venture. A plan should be conveyed preceding all

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 8

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

gatherings utilizing the standard format. The plan needs

to go out no less than 2 days before the gathering. All
gatherings ought to have minutes and be given to
members in no less than 2 days of the gathering.

All Staff emails Emails are utilized for messages to and between staff.
Staff are expected to peruse all their business-related

Email distribution Email dispersion records may just be utilized by the

leader group and ought to stick to the Privacy strategy

Electronic Calendars The utilization of email and electronic schedules is

fundamental for compelling correspondence among
staff. These devices are a straightforward and
successful method for sharing data about projects,
gatherings, interior business/tasks, and so on. These
devices likewise give a record and might be viewed as
formal documentation.

Notice boards and Work environments can have a noticeboard where

suggestion boxes messages are posted up for everybody. The notification
board should be in an unmistakable spot. All
notification posted should be supported by the suitable
chief and will be presented for up on one month, except
if it is a continuous message.
Idea box: this is normally positioned in the workforce
gathering room. Staff might add an idea out of the blue,
which will be checked on by the HR Manager and kept
in a Feedback register. The register will likewise show
how the idea will be actioned.

4. Use the legislative and organisational requirements you’ve identified to develop processes
that support workplace relationships.

Note: Each document must be written in clear and concise English, be professionally
presented, grammatically correct and error free. Include appropriate vocabulary.


BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 9

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

a. Consultation processes for employees to contribute to issues that relate to their work
 Formal Training
Associations frequently offer conventional preparation projects to their chiefs.
Customary styles give pioneers with required information and abilities in a specific
region utilizing coursework, practice "overlearning" with practices, and criticism
(Kozlowski, 1998). This customary talk based homeroom preparing is valuable;
nonetheless, its limits incorporate the subject of a pioneer's capacity to move the
data from a preparation climate to a work setting.
 Development of Job Assignment
Following conventional preparation, associations can allot pioneers to formative
positions that focus on the recently obtained abilities. A task that is formative is one
in which pioneers learn, go through individual change, and gain administration
abilities coming about because of the jobs, obligations, and undertakings
engaged with that work.
 360 Degree Feedback
The 360-degree input approach is a vital part of pioneer improvement that permits
pioneers to amplify gaining open doors from their ongoing task. It efficiently gives
pioneers impression of their exhibition from a round trip of
perspectives, including subordinates, friends, bosses, and the pioneer's own self-
 Coaching
Initiative instructing centres around improving the pioneer's viability, alongside the
viability of the group and association. It includes a serious, one-on-one relationship
pointed toward granting significant illustrations through evaluation, challenge, and
backing. Albeit the objective of training is now and then to address a shortcoming, it
is utilized increasingly more to help as of now and then to address a shortcoming, it
is utilized increasingly more to help as of now and then address problems

Note: Describe the type, frequency and process required for at least four mechanisms
where staff can provide input into a range of workplace related matters.
Examples of mechanisms include:
 face-to-face discussions (formal and informal)
 social media groups
 dedicated email address for workplace feedback

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 10

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

 surveys
 suggestion box.
Make sure you:
 provide specific details (e.g. for a suggestion box, indicate the location of the box
and how suggestions will be recorded and actioned).
 support, engage and motivate staff through your processes.   

b. conflict management processes.

Stage 1: Discuss any contention with the boss
Every one of the workers who are associated with any contention ought to initially draw
in their boss and offer their interests. The manager will thus lead an open compromise
meeting. The boss ought to then establish a helpful climate wherein the work
connections won't be obliterated. After the gathering, the boss ought to answer recorded
as a hard copy to the complainant five days after the gathering
Stage 2: Written protest and choice
After the principal stage, in the event that the protest has not been settled in the main
gathering, the worker ought to carefully record the grumbling and offer it with the
senior of the boss either requesting help or giving ideas on how the issue may be settled.
The senior representative ought to bind a gathering to a time of 5 days to examine the
protest and a choice common to the worker verbally or written down in the span of 5
days after the day of the gathering.
Stage 3: Appeal of the choice
On the off chance that the worker is associated with the grumbling isn't fulfilled, the
person ought to pursue. The person ought to share a composed enticement for the HR
division which thus will require a gathering of the elaborate gatherings to think of a
substantial arrangement.
Stage 4: Further activity
In the event that an answer has not been shown up to during the HR meeting, there is
need to draw in an outside body that will direct in getting a solution.

Note: Describe the processes that should be followed by employees to manage conflict.
In your processes, consider:
 cultural and social sensitivities.

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 11

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

 differences in interpersonal, communication styles and leadership styles.

 communication mechanisms

c. processes for escalated issues (e.g. a hierarchy of responsibility to refer to relevant

I. An issue is recognized and revealed by a representative.
II. The issue is brought to the consideration of a boss or chief.
III. The boss or supervisor chooses whether to examine the issue further or make a
IV. In the event that the issue isn't settled at this level, it is heightened to a more
significant level of the executives.
V. The issue is at long last settled by the most significant level of the board

Note: Describe processes that include:

 responsibilities of managers in disputes 
 responsibilities of employees in disputes  
 the process by which a dispute will be escalated.  
 relevant legislative considerations. 

d. Attach the processes to this section of your portfolio.

Attach: Proof of policies and procedures relevant to

workplace relationships

Workplace relationship processes (consultation,

conflict management, escalation)

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 12

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

Section 2: Manage effective workplace relationships

If you are basing this assessment on your own business, make sure you have enough
information available to:
 delegate and support the work of two staff members (at least one staff member should
have a diverse background, such as culture, gender or disability).
 address two separate conflict situations (at least one conflict should involve ethical
If you are basing this assessment on the case study, refer to the Simulation pack for additional

1. Identify the workplace relationships you will manage and lead by completing the table

Note: You may use the same staff members for different workplace interactions, if

Identify… Staff members Additional information

…staff members to whom  Jia Chen  Jia is Chinese and Harvey

you will delegate work is Australian.
 Harvey Smith
tasks to (at least two):

…staff members who will  Harvey Smith  Harvey and Ella is

participate in consultations Australian.
 Ella Fisher
regarding work relationship
issues (at least two):

…staff members who will  Jia Chen  Jia is Chinese and Ella is
participate in conflict Australian.
 Ella Fisher
management relating to
workplace relationships (at
least two):

2. Delegate and confirm responsibility for fulfilling work tasks to at least two staff members
(identified in the previous question).

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 13

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

a. Complete the table to plan work delegation.

b. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two delegations
and confirmations to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of face-to-face
meeting with follow up email, completed workplan and screen shot of folder system
showing cloud-based location where it is stored etc.).

Note: You must delegate the work tasks and confirm the responsibilities to the two staff
members on separate occasions. You may delegate the work tasks and confirm the
responsibilities in any appropriate manner as long as it adheres to the organisation’s
policies, procedures and protocols. For example:
 meet face-to-face with the staff member to discuss allocated work and follow up with
an email.
 create a project schedule and share the link with relevant employees.
 complete a work plan for the staff member and sharing the plan via the organisation’s
cloud-based document sharing platform.
As you delegate tasks and confirm responsibilities, adapt your communication style to
build trust and ensure positive working relationships (e.g. use a friendly and professional
style etc.). You will be assessed on this.

Occasion 1 Occasion 2

To who will you delegate Jia Chen Harvey Smith

work to?

What Created and carry out a Change and customized all of

work/responsibilities will balance between work life the representative learning in
you delegate and confirm balance programs in the the company.
for each identified staff organization.

How will you delegate I will designate the work I will appoint the work
the work tasks and undertakings and affirm the errands and affirm the
confirm the obligations through email. obligations through email.
responsibilities (twice, on
separate occasions)?

How will you adapt your I will ensure that my I will ensure that my
communication style to communication style not communication style not

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 14

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

build trust and ensure forceful and friendly. forceful and agreeable.
positive working

3. Support the two staff members to achieve their work responsibilities (delegated in the
previous question).
a. Complete the table to plan your support.
b. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two separate
support efforts to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of informal
discussion, checklist of duties, photo of project schedule on notice board etc.).

Note: You must support the two staff members on separate occasions. You may provide
support as long as it adheres to the organisation’s policies, procedures and protocols. For
 coaching/mentoring/training.

 providing a checklist of tasks and responsibilities.

 place a team project schedule on the office notice board.
 having regular informal discussions on the employee’s progress or performance.
 using a larger font for visually impaired employees.
Make sure you follow the relevant diversity organisation’s policies and procedures as you
support diverse staff members. You will be assessed on this.

Occasion 1 Occasion 2

How will you support I will support the team I will support the colleague
each team member? member by giving a group by giving a group project by
project by having a normal having an ordinary casual
casual conversation on the conversation on the
advancement of performance. advancement of performance

How does your support I will ensure I won't be I will ensure I won't be
follow the policies and fractional and will be halfway and will be fair to
procedures related to reasonable for anyone. anyone.

What information should The data that ought to be The data that ought to be
be conveyed as you incorporated is about the incorporated is about the

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 15

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

support the team undertakings' insights representative learning.

member? concerning the balance
between fun and serious
activities program.

4. Seek employee input to identify work relationship issues.

Note: You must seek employee input on two separate occasions, following the
collaboration and consultation processes established in Section 1.
At least one workplace issue should involve the ethical conduct of a staff member.

a. Complete the table to plan your consultation/collaboration.

b. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two separate
collaboration/consultations to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of
informal discussion, photo of suggestion box and completed suggestion slips etc.).

Occasion 1 Occasion 2

How will you facilitate I will facilitate discussion I will facilitate the
consultation and and cooperation by meeting discussion and joint effort
collaboration on two the colleague through by meeting the colleague
separate occasions (e.g. emails. through emails.
host a team brainstorming
session, set up a suggestion
box, meet with individual
staff member for coffee
and chat)?

How does your facilitation My email will be My emails will be basic,

follow the collaboration straightforward, brief and brief and straightforward. I
and consultation processes straightforward. I won't send won't send whatever doesn't
established in Section 1? whatever doesn't related connected with the work.
with the work.

5. Complete the table to summarise the outcomes of your collaboration/consultation:

Occasion 1 Occasion 2

What workplace The workplace relationship The workplace relationship

relationship issues were issues that were problems that were
identified (at least two)? distinguished is a sexual recognized is low

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 16

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

Occasion 1 Occasion 2

separation that occur in the inspiration and job

working environment. satisfaction.

How does the issue involve The ethical conduct said that Staff are expected to be
ethical conduct? (at least we ought to stay away from know about and conform to,
one issue should include separation on all grounds. all applicable Boutique
ethical conduct)? Build Australia's policies,
procedures and codes of
practices of the association.

6. Address the identified workplace relationship issues.

a. Complete the table to plan your conflict/dispute resolution to provide feedback on the
consultation processes and address the relationship issues.
b. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of feedback on two
separate occasions to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of team
meeting, email etc.).
c. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your efforts to address
the issues to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of mediation, email to
remind staff of ethical conduct requirements etc.).
d. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of how you provided
guidance, counselling and support on two separate occasions.

Note: You must address the workplace relationship issues on two separate occasions,
following the conflict management and escalation processes established in Section 1. This
may, for example include:
 mediation
 email to remind staff of appropriate conduct
 poster showing ethical responsibilities
 escalation to higher management levels.

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 17

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

Occasion 1 Occasion 2

How will you provide I will provide feedback to I will provide feedback to
feedback to the relevant staff applicable staff individuals relevant staff individuals on
members on the outcomes of on the results of consultation the results of discussion by
the consultation (e.g. staff by email. email.
newsletter, email, as part of a
team meeting etc.)?

How will you address the I will address the workplace I will address the workplace
workplace relationship issue? relationship issue by giving issue by giving emloyees
(e.g. act as a mediator between training on enemy of with motivational speech
two individuals, provide separation and harassing in and offering them a prize
training on appropriate the workplace. system.
language at work etc.)?

How will you provide I will give direction, guiding I will provide counselling,
guidance, counselling and and support to help the staff guidance and support to help
support to assist the staff members by providing them the staff member by
members overcome their posters. providing them an online
relationship difficulties? video training which help
them solve the issues.
(Make sure you demonstrate
your ability to motivate and
engage others)

How does your conflict My conflict management is My conflict management is

management follow the supporting and following the supporting and ensuing the
conflict management and conflict management and conflict management and
escalation processes acceleration processes laid acceleration processes laid
established in Section 1? out in Section 1. out in Section 1.

Attach: Proof of work task delegation and responsibility

confirmation (x2)
Completed workplan.docx
Email ☐

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 18

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

Subject: Work task

Dear Jia and Harvey,
Good morning, there are a few undertakings from
the organization that should have been finished. I
will assign a portion of the errands to you to be
finished. I really want to believe that you can get
done with every one of the responsibilities on time.
I have joined to this email the finished workplan so
that you might see the details.
Thank you
Best regards,
HR Manager

Proof of staff support efforts (x2) ☐

Subject: Staff support
Dear Jia,
Good morning, I want to inform you that I will hold
a week after week casual meeting to examine the
undertaking progress. We will talk about the
subtleties on the undertakings, and in the event that
you have any inquiries, you can ask me. I will
actually want to assist you with your tasks. I really
hope you can attend the meeting.
Best regards,
HR Manager
Subject: Staff support
Dear Harvey,
Good morning, I want to inform you that I will hold

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 19

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

a week after week casual meeting to examine the

undertaking progress. We will talk about the
subtleties on the undertakings, and in the event that
you have any inquiries, you can ask me. I will
actually want to assist you with your errands. I
really hope you can attend the meeting.
Best Regard,
HR Manager

Proof of collaboration/consultations (x2) ☒

Email 1
Subject: consultation and collaboration
Dear Jia,
Good morning, I have been given an undertaking to
recognize a portion of the organization's workplace
relationship issues that has been happening in the
organization. I need to get some information about
your contribution on the issue. On the off chance
that you can distinguish a portion of the issue,
kindly send me an email prompt.
Best regards
HR Manager

Email 2
Subject: consultation and collaboration
Dear Harvey,
Good morning, Good morning, I have been given an
undertaking to recognize a portion of the

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 20

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

organization's workplace relationship issues that has

been happening in the organization. I need to get
some information about your contribution on the
issue. On the off chance that you can distinguish a
portion of the issue, kindly send me an email
Best regards
HR Manager

Proof of feedback regarding consultation outcomes
Email 1
Subject: Feedback
Dear Jia,
Good morning, after recognizing a portion of the
workplace relationship issues that you have given
me, I have been researching the issues. You have
done a generally excellent work on aiding me this
time. I genuinely want you to continue to working
Best regards
HR Manager

Email 2
Subject: Feedback
Dear Harvey,
Good morning, after recognizing a portion of the
workplace relationship issues that you have given
me, I have been researching the issues. You have
done a generally excellent work on aiding me this

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 21

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

time. I genuinely want you to continue to working

Best regards
HR Manager

Proof of conflict management efforts (x2) ☒

Email 1
Subject: Conflict resolution
Dear employees,
Good morning, I will hold an mandatory
organization traning on anti-discrimination and anti-
bullying in the working environment. Because of
certain issues that has come up, I figure out that
everybody will benefit from this additional training.
I hope that you can attend the training session and
resolve this conflict once for all.
Best regards,
HR Manager

Email 2
Subject: Conflict resolution
Dear employees,
Good morning, it has come to my attention that
some of you has been falling short on inspiration
and energy in the workplace. The company will
hold a seminar to assist with settling this issue and
the organization will execute a prize framework to
inspire all of the employees to work hard. I hope
you all can attend the seminar.
Best regards

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 22

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

HR Manager

Proof of guidance, counselling and support (x2)

Proof 1

Proof 2

Email ☒
Subject: Training resource
Dear employees,
Good morning, I am writing this email to provide
you with some site joins to an online video
instructing material that can assist you with tackling
a portion of your workplace relationship issues. I
attached the link to this email. I hope this is helpful.
Best Regards,
HR Manager

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 23

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

Section 3: Monitor and review management of workplace relationships

If you are basing this assessment on your own business, make sure you have enough
information available to monitor the outcomes of your efforts to address the workplace
If you are basing this assessment on the case study, refer to the Simulation pack for additional

Before you begin, read through Section 3. You may perform each step separately and submit
separate proof for each step, or you may combine the steps into one event (e.g. a single
meeting) and submit one single proof for all the steps in this section.

1. Monitor the outcomes of your efforts to resolve workplace relationship issues in Section 2.
a. Complete the table to plan and summarise the outcomes of your monitoring efforts.
b. Unless viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of how you monitored the
outcomes of the conflict management to this section of your portfolio.

Occasion 1 Occasion 2

How will you monitor the I will monitor the results for I will monitor the results for
outcomes for each the event with a subsequent the event with a subsequent
occasion (e.g. follow-up conversation through email. conversation through email.
discussion, survey,
observation etc.)?

Summarise the outcomes In the wake of addressing After addressing the issues
of monitoring efforts. the issues and observing the and checking the results, the
results, the sexual separation representatives has expanded
in the work environment has their inspiration and
been lessen by 75%. fulfillment about their job.
Presently fewer and fewer
workers are being victimized
their sex.

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 24

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

2. Communicate the outcomes of the conflict management for both identified workplace
relationship issues to the relevant staff members (e.g. email, informal discussion etc.).
a. Complete the table to plan your communication.
b. Unless viewed in person by your assessor or it forms part of a previous step, attach
proof of your communication of outcomes to this section of your portfolio.

Occasion 1 Occasion 2

How will you I will communicate the I will communicate the

communicate the results through emails. results through the emails.

3. Seek feedback from relevant staff members (at least two) on how you have managed the
workplace relationships.
a. Complete the table to plan and summarise feedback.
b. Unless viewed in person by your assessor or it forms part of a previous step, attach
proof of how you sought feedback to this section of your portfolio.

Occasion 1 Occasion 2

How will you seek I will get feedback through I will get feedback through
feedback? email. the email.

Evaluate the feedback:  I truly do well in  I do well in addressing

 What did you do communicating with my the issues that happened
group members. in the workplace.
How can you improve  I can further develop my  I can further develop my

administration style by administration style by
your leadership style?
attending online seminar self-learning in the
on leadership training. internet about

Identify at least one area  Promote a Healthy  Create roundabout

for improving future Work-Life Balance. correspondence
workplace relations economy inside your
 Employees will be
leadership in your organization with a

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 25

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

organisation. significantly more workforce app. Give

liable to resent the everybody access.
executives on the off
 Encourage open
chance that they feel
they're at work 24/7.
through a digital
working environment
and let each
representative take
an interest and

Attach: Proof of how you monitored the outcomes of the

conflict management (x2)
Email 1
Subject: Outcomes
Dear Jia,
Good morning, I am writing this email to inform
every one about the observing system that will
happen in the organization. I should screen the
results of the peace promotion. If you have any
feedback or information, please email it to me. I ☒
appreciate your understanding.
Best regard,
HR Manager

Email 2
Subject: Outcomes
Dear Harvey,
Good morning, I am writing this email to inform to
everyone about the observing system that will

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 26

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

happen in the organization. I should screen the

results of the peace promotion. If you have any
feedback or information, please email it to me. I
appreciate your understanding.
Best Regards,
HR Manager

Proof of communication of outcomes (x2) – if

Email 1
Subject: Outcomes
Dear Jia,
Good morning, I want to inform you about the
results of the conflict management. After solving
the issues and observing the results, the sexual
segregation in the working environment has been
decrease by 75%. Presently fewer and fewer
employees are being discriminated against their sex.
I hope you keep working hard.

Best Regards,
HR Manager

Email 2
Subject: Outcomes
Dear Harvey,
Good morning, I want to inform you about the
results of the conflict management. After solving
the issues and observing the results, the sexual
segregation in the working environment has been
decrease by 75%. Presently fewer and fewer
employees are being discriminated against their sex.

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 27

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

I hope you keep working hard.

Best Regards,
HR Manager

Proof of how you sought feedback (x2) – if relevant ☒

Email 1
Subject: Feedback
Dear Jia,
Good morning, I am writing this email to request
you to provide me some feedback on my
performances as an HR manager. So those feedback
help to improve myself in my job role. I hope you
can help me in this undertaking.
Best Regards,
HR Manager

Email 2
Subject: Feedback
Dear Harvey,
Good morning, I am writing this email to request
you to provide me some feedback on my
performances as an HR manager. So those feedback
help to improve myself in my job role. I hope you
can help me in this undertaking.
Best Regards,
HR Manager

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 28

Crown Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd ABN 86 116 018 412 National Provider No: 91371 CRICOS Provider Code: 02870D
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 5, 303 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8959 6340 F 02 9955 3888
Sydney CBD Campus: Level 11, 307 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 P 02 8034 6431
Canberra Campus: Suite 1, Level 4, 40 Cameron Avenue, Belconnen, ACT 2617 P 02 6253 5184

BSBLDR523 Project portfolio template v1.0 29

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