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Practical 12

Ishita Aneja
Use ML - inequality to show that |∫C 1 / (z ^2 + 1) ⅆ z| ⩽ 1 / 2√ 5 where C is the straight line segment
from 2 to 2 + ι. While solving, represent the distance from the point z to the points ι and -ι respec-
tively i.e. |z + ι| and |z - ι| on the Complex-plane C.
In[ ]:= f[z_] := 1 / (z ^ 2 + 1);
g[t_] := 2 + I * t;
val =  f[g[t]] * g '[t] ⅆ t;

3π Log[2] Log[8]
Out[]= - ArcTan[2] + ⅈ - +
8 2 4

In[ ]:= N[Abs[ComplexExpand[val]]]

N1 / 2 5

Out[]= 0.187249

Out[]= 1.11803

N[Abs[ComplexExpand[val]]] ≤ N1 / 2 5
Thus we get the result.
2 Practical12_7495.nb

In[ ]:= Show[Graphics[{Purple, Arrow[{{2, 0}, {2, 1}}], Red,

Arrow[{{2, 1}, {0, 1}}], Green,
Arrow[{{2, 0}, {0, - 1}}], Blue,
Arrow[{{2, 1 / 2}, {0, 1}}], Magenta, Arrow[{{2, 1 / 2}, {0, - 1}}]}], Axes -> True]


0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0



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